Use the following equations to find the lattice energy of MgCl₂? (hint: first write the equation for
the lattice energy of MgCl2(s))
Mg(g) → Mg2+(g) + 2 e
CI(g) + eCl (g)
Mg(g) + 2Cl(g) → MgCl₂(s)
+2188 kJ/mol
-337 kJ/mol
AH = -642 kJ/mol


Answer 1



The lattice energy (LE) of MgCl₂ can be calculated using the Born-Haber cycle, which relates the lattice energy to other thermodynamic quantities such as enthalpy of sublimation, ionization energy, electron affinity, and heat of formation.

The equation for the lattice energy of MgCl₂ is:

LE(MgCl₂) = H(sublimation of Mg) + IE(Mg) + EA(Cl) + 1/2 H₂(Cl₂) - DH(f)(MgCl₂)

where H(sublimation of Mg) is the enthalpy of sublimation of Mg, IE(Mg) is the ionization energy of Mg, EA(Cl) is the electron affinity of Cl, H₂(Cl₂) is the heat of formation of Cl₂, and DH(f)(MgCl₂) is the heat of formation of MgCl₂.

We are given the following equations:

Mg(g) → Mg2+(g) + 2 e ΔH₁ = +2188 kJ/mol

Cl(g) + e → Cl-(g) ΔH₂ = -337 kJ/mol

Mg(s) + Cl₂(g) → MgCl₂(s) ΔH₃ = -642 kJ/mol

Using these equations, we can calculate the values of H(sublimation of Mg), IE(Mg), EA(Cl), H₂(Cl₂), and DH(f)(MgCl₂) as follows:

H(sublimation of Mg) = ΔH₂(Mg(g)) + 1/2 ΔH₃(Cl₂(g)) - ΔH₁(Mg2+(g)) = -2220 kJ/mol

IE(Mg) = ΔH₁(Mg(g)) = +2188 kJ/mol

EA(Cl) = ΔH₂(Cl(g)) = -337 kJ/mol

H₂(Cl₂) = 0 (since Cl₂ is in the gas phase)

DH(f)(MgCl₂) = ΔH₃(Mg(s), Cl₂(g), MgCl₂(s)) = -642 kJ/mol

Substituting these values into the equation for the lattice energy, we get:

LE(MgCl₂) = -2220 + 2188 - 337 + 1/2(0) - (-642) = -3509 kJ/mol

Therefore, the lattice energy of MgCl₂ is approximately -3509 kJ/mol.

Related Questions

A mixture of 50 mol % benzene and 50 mol % toluene is distilled under exactly the same conditions as in Part a. Using Figure 4.3, determine the distillation temperature and the percentage composition of the first few drops of distillate.


The distillation temperature would be > 80 degrees. The composition of the few drops of the distillate would be: 40℅ benzene and 60℅

How to find the distillation temperature?

Distillation is a technique used to separate the components of a combination made up of two liquids that mix well. The liquid mixture is boiled, evaporated, condensed, and isolated using this technique.

The boiling point of a liquid is the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid, a pure compound, or a combination equals 1 atm.

We are aware that pure benzene has a boiling point of 80 oC.

Pure toluene has a boiling point of 106 oC.

As benzene has a lower boiling point than toluene, it distills first. Thus, the distillation temperature is greater than 80 oC.

The mixture contains 40 percent benzene and 60 percent toluene by percentage.

Read more on distillation temperature here:


Determine the volume (in liters) of a 0.511-mol sample of helium at 555 mmHg and 513 K.


Answer: 9084355.951 L  if need in correct sig figs answer is

9.08 X 10^6 L


Ideal gas law  PV=nRT  = V=nrt/P

R= 62.44


T= 513

P= 555

V= 0.511 X 62.44 X 513 / 555

Balance the equation by typing the numbers that should be in each blank space.
_____Mg + _____HCl → _____MgCl2 + _____H2


2Mg + 2HCl -> 2MgCl+ 1H2

We know that Paz is trying to produce ammonia (NH3) from thin air. From looking at the experimental set-up, what are the reactants? a) NO2 and H20 b) N2 and H2 c) NO2 and H2 d) N2 and H20


To produce ammonia (NH₃) from thin air, the reactants required are N₂ and H₂. So the correct option is b).

Give a brief account on production of ammonia.

Ammonia is one of the most abundantly produced inorganic chemicals. In 2016, there are a number of large ammonia plants around the world that produced a total of 144 million tons of nitrogen (equivalent to 175 million tons of ammonia). That number will rise to 235 million tonnes of ammonia in 2021. China produced 31.9% of its global production, followed by Russia at 8.7%, India at 7.5% and the United States at 7.1%. More than 80% of the ammonia produced is used as fertilizer for agricultural crops.

Today, most ammonia is produced on a large scale using the Haber process, with capacities of up to 3,300 tons per day. Gases N₂ and H₂ are reacted at a pressure of 200 bar. A typical modern ammonia production plant first converts natural gas, LPG, or petroleum gas into gaseous hydrogen. The process of producing hydrogen from hydrocarbons is known as steam reforming. Hydrogen then combines with nitrogen to produce ammonia by the Haber-Bosch process.

One way to produce green ammonia is to use hydrogen from the electrolysis of water and nitrogen separated from air. These are fed into the Haber Process (aka Haber-Bosch), all of which produce sustainable power.

To know more about Haber process, visit:


solution contains DNA polymerase and the Mg?+ salts of dATP; dGTP dCTP; and TTP: When added l0 aliquots of the solution which ol the following DNA molecules would lead t0 DNA synthesis? a double-stranded closed circle conlaining IO nucleotide pairs single-stranded closed circle containing IOO nuclectide units 4 double-stranded linear molecule o IOOD nucleotide pairs wilh Iree 3 ~OH group at each end 4 single-stranded closed circle ol IOOD nucleotides base-paired (0 & linear strand ol 500 nucleotides with freee' 3'OH lerminus Identily lhe reasons why the DNA molecule you selected would lead lo DNA synthesis: ATP supplies the energy required It is double-stranded DNA Ithas an available templale strand: l has primer with & free 3' OH group: Inconed


DNA synthesis requires a source of energy, which is provided by ATP. This source of energy is required to drive the formation of the phosphodiester bonds between nucleotides.

Solution contains DNA polymerase and the Mg salts of dATP; dGTP: dCTP; and TTP. When added l0 aliquots of the solution, DNA synthesis occurs in the following DNA molecule. The double-stranded linear molecule of IOOD nucleotide pairs with I free 3 ~OH group at each end would lead to DNA synthesis.

The reasons why the DNA molecule you selected would lead to DNA synthesis are given below:

DNA polymerase enzymes add nucleotides only to a 3-OH end of a pre-existing nucleic acid strand, extending the 3' end of the newly forming strand in a 5' to 3' direction. DNA synthesis proceeds only in a 5' to 3' direction. Double-stranded DNA is required for the formation of new double-stranded DNA. When DNA polymerase is bound to a single-stranded template, it will extend a complementary strand in a 5' to 3' direction. Both strands of the double-stranded DNA molecule serve as templates for DNA synthesis because they have the available template strand. Primer with a free 3' OH group is required to begin the synthesis of a new DNA strand.

DNA polymerase adds nucleotides to the 3' OH group of the primer. DNA synthesis requires a source of energy, which is provided by ATP. This source of energy is required to drive the formation of the phosphodiester bonds between nucleotides.

For more such questions on phosphodiester bonds , Visit:


Which statement below correctly describes their relative atomic radii and first ionization energy when comparing Se and Br? The atomic radius for Se is larger than Br, and the first ionization energy for Se is greater than Br. The atomic radius for Br is larger than Se, and the first ionization energy for Bris greater than Se. The atomic radius for Se is larger than Br, and the first ionization energy for Br is greater than Se. The atomic radius for Br is larger than Se, and the first ionization energy for Se is greater than Br.


At has a higher initial ionisation energy than Br, while Br has a bigger atomic radius. Se has a bigger atomic radius than Br, and Br has a higher initial ionisation energy than Se.

How do atomic radii and ionisation energy relate to one another (i.e., what happens to ionisation energy as atomic radii grow)?

The most loosely bound electron is further from the nucleus and thus easier to remove in bigger atoms. Hence, the ionisation energy should decrease as size (atomic radius) increases.

Why does ionisation energy rise across a period while decreasing down a group?

This is because the outer electrons aren't bound as strongly because they are farther from the nucleus.

To know more about ionisation energy visit:-


Which of the following is an example of a Mechanical Wave.
Sound Waves
O X-Rays
O Light Waves
O Ultraviolet Light


Sound waves is correct


sound waves


hope this helps

How many grams of copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate (CuSO 4 ​ ⋅5H 2 ​ O) are needed to prepare 100.00 milliliters of a 0.12M copper(II) sulfate solution?


Answer:2.5 g CuSO4⋅5H2O.


You're dealing with copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate,







, an ionic compound that contains water of crystallization in its structure.

More specifically, you have five moles of water of crystallization for every one mole of anhydrous copper(II) sulfate. This means that you're going to have to account for the mass of this water of crystallization in your calculations.

Now, you need your target solution to have a molarity of

0.10 M

and a volume of

100. mL

. Since molarity is defined as moles of solute per liter of solution, you can say that the target solution must contain

1. Use the bond enthalpies to calculate the enthalpy change for this reaction. Is the reaction exothermic or endothermic?

C2H6O + 3 O2 = 2 CO2 + 3 H2O


The enthalpy change of the reaction is 7,227 kJ/mol and the reaction is endothermic.

What is the enthalpy change of the reaction?

To calculate the enthalpy change of the reaction using bond enthalpies, we need to find the total energy required to break the bonds in the reactants and the energy released when new bonds are formed in the products.

The enthalpy change of the reaction can be calculated as follows:


1 mole of C2H6O requires breaking 2 C-H bonds and 1 C-O bond.

3 moles of O2 requires breaking 3 O=O bonds.


2 moles of CO2 releases forming 4 C=O bonds.

3 moles of H2O releases forming 6 O-H bonds.

The bond enthalpies for the relevant bonds are:

C-H = 413 kJ/molC-O = 358 kJ/molO=O = 495 kJ/molC=O = 745 kJ/molO-H = 467 kJ/mol

The enthalpy change for the reaction is:

(2 × 745 kJ/mol) + (3 × 6 × 467 kJ/mol) - (2 × 413 kJ/mol) - (1 × 358 kJ/mol) - (3 × 495 kJ/mol) = 7,227 kJ/mol

Learn more about bond enthalpy here:


Describe heterogeneous catalysts Question Heterogeneous catalysis most frequently involves a catalyst in the solid phase liquid phase gas phase any of the above


Heterogeneous catalysis involves a catalyst in the solid phase, meaning that the catalyst is a solid material while the reactants are either in the liquid or gas phase. A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process. It is also known as a "spark plug" because it is the agent that initiates the reaction.

The most frequently used type of catalysts in heterogeneous catalysis is those in the solid phase. Heterogeneous catalysis is a process that involves a catalyst that is in a different phase from the reactants or products. Therefore, the answer to the question above is a catalyst in the solid phase.A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being consumed in the process.

In other words, it increases the rate of a chemical reaction by reducing the activation energy needed to start the reaction. The catalytic process involves three stages: adsorption, reaction, and desorption.Heterogeneous catalystsHeterogeneous catalysts are those catalysts that are in a different phase from the reactants or products in a chemical reaction. Heterogeneous catalysis most frequently involves a catalyst in the solid phase, although it can also involve a catalyst in the liquid or gas phase.

Heterogeneous catalysis typically involves a solid catalyst that is in contact with a liquid or gas reactant. A good example of heterogeneous catalysts is when a metal oxide catalyst is used to break down nitrogen oxides in car exhaust gases.

For more such questions on catalysis


AsH3, HBr, KH, H2Se arrange in increasing order of acid strength



Transcribed Image Text: Rank the following substances in order of increasing acid strength. (1 as least and 4 as most in acid strength) ✓ H₂Se ✓ HBr HI ✓ AsH3 Expert Solution



5. Calculate the goniometer setting, in terms of 2θ, required to observe the Lβ1 (n=1) lines for Br at λ = 8.126Å when the diffracting crystal is:a) Ethylenediamine d-tartrate (d=4.404Å)b) Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (d=7.549Å)


When the diffracting crystal is ammonium dihydrogen phosphate, the goniometer setting needed to observe the L1 (n=1) lines for Br at = 8.126 is 2 = 2 x 32.6° = 65.2°.

What is the purpose of a goniometer?

A goniometer is a tool that can be used to rotate an object to a specific position or measure an angle. The former description more accurately describes orthopedics. Goniometry is the art and science of determining the joint ranges in each plane of the joint.

Using Bragg's Law, we can determine the goniometer setting for seeing the L1 (n=1) lines for Br at = 8.126:

nλ = 2d sinθ

For the Lβ1 (n=1) lines for Br at λ = 8.126Å, we have:

n = 1

λ = 8.126Å

a) d = 4.404 for ethylenediamine d-tartrate.

When we apply the values to Bragg's Law, we obtain:

1 x 8.126Å = 2 x 4.404Å x sinθ

sinθ = (1 x 8.126Å) / (2 x 4.404Å) = 0.923

θ = sin(0.923) = 68.9°

b) d = 7.549 for ammonium dihydrogen phosphate. Å

When we apply the values to Bragg's Law, we obtain:

1 x 8.126Å = 2 x 7.549Å x sinθ

sinθ = (1 x 8.126Å) / (2 x 7.549Å) = 0.539

θ = sin(0.539) = 32.6°

To know more about dihydrogen phosphate visit:-


16. A meteorologist wants to create
a visual aid representing the
percentages of different gases in
Earth's atmosphere. Which type of
chart or graph would best convey this
A. A line graph
B. A scatterplot
C. A table
O D. A pie chart


A pie chart would best convey this data

(d) Calculate the number of moles of O atoms in 3.5×1024 molecules of Al2(SO4)3

please help!!!



The chemical formula of aluminum sulfate is Al2(SO4)3.

The formula shows that there are 3 atoms of oxygen (O) in each molecule of Al2(SO4)3.

Number of molecules of Al2(SO4)3 = 3.5×1024

Number of O atoms in 1 molecule of Al2(SO4)3 = 3

Number of O atoms in 3.5×1024 molecules of Al2(SO4)3 = (3.5×1024) x 3

= 1.05×1025

Therefore, there are 1.05×1025 moles of O atoms in 3.5×1024 molecules of Al2(SO4)3.

Predict the principal organic product of the following reaction. Specify stereochemistry where appropriate.


The major organic product of an SN2 substitution reaction is an alkene, which may be either in retention or inversion of configuration relative to the original substrate.

The reaction you are asking about is an SN2 substitution reaction, in which a nucleophile (Nu) displaces a leaving group (LG) from a molecule with an alkyl halide substrate. The major organic product of this reaction will be an alkene, which has the same carbon chain as the alkyl halide substrate. Depending on the relative configuration of the substrate, the alkene product may be the same as the original substrate (retention) or have its configuration inverted (inversion). If stereochemistry is relevant to the question, then it should be specified in the answer.

To learn more about SN2 substitution :


How many moles are 2.96 x 1020 atoms of iron?


Answer: There are 3019.2 atoms of iron.



Iron is a ductile, malleable, silver-white metallic element, scarcely known in a pure condition, but much used in its crude or impure carbon-containing forms for making tools, implements, machinery, etc. Symbol: Fe; atomic weight: 55.847; atomic number: 26; specific gravity 7.86 at 20°C.

1 mol contains [tex]=6.02\times10^{23}[/tex] particles, whether it be atoms, ions, molecules or whatever (Avogadro's number).

So you just divide:

[tex]\frac{2.96\times10^{20}}{6.02\times10^{23}}[/tex] = = 4.9169435215947 × 10^-4

. In geologic strontium isotopic analysis by ICP-MS, there is isobaric interference (equal mass isotopes of different elements present in the sample solution) between 87Rb+ and 87Sr+. A collision cell with CH3F converts Sr+ to SrF+ but does not convert Rb+ to RbF+. How does this reaction eliminate interference?


In geologic strontium isotopic analysis by ICP-MS, the use of a collision cell with CH3F helps reduce isobaric interference between 87Rb+ and 87Sr+.

Isotopes can ICP-MS detect?

The ability to quantify each element's distinct isotopes makes ICP-MS useful for laboratories looking to compare the ratio of two isotopes of an element or one particular isotope.

Which elements are immune to ICP-MS detection?

Only a few elements cannot be measured by ICP-MS: F and Ne (which cannot be ionized in an argon plasma), Ar, N, and O (which are present at high levels in the plasma and air), and H and He (which are below the mass range of the mass spectrometer).

To know more about strontium isotopic visit:-


A 0.49 molar solution of a monoprotic acid (HA) in water reaches equilibrium at a concentration of 0.36 M. What is Ka for this acid? Please enter your answer rounded to two significant figures. step by step



We can use the equation for the dissociation of a weak acid:

HA + H2O ⇌ H3O+ + A-

The equilibrium constant expression (Ka) is:

Ka = [H3O+][A-]/[HA]

We are given the initial concentration of the acid (0.49 M) and the concentration of the acid at equilibrium (0.36 M). We can use the concentration change to determine the concentration of H3O+ and A- at equilibrium.

Let x be the concentration of H3O+ and A- at equilibrium. Then, at equilibrium, the concentration of HA is (0.49 - x).

We know that the equilibrium concentration of HA is 0.36 M, so we can set up the following equation:

0.36 = 0.49 - x

Solving for x, we get:

x = 0.49 - 0.36 = 0.13 M

Now we can plug in the equilibrium concentrations into the Ka expression:

Ka = [H3O+][A-]/[HA] = (0.13)(0.13)/(0.36) = 0.0481

Rounding to two significant figures, Ka for this acid is 0.048.

The equilibrium constant of an acid's dissociation reaction is known as the acid dissociation constant, or Ka. The strength of an acid in a solution is numerically represented by this equilibrium constant. Here the value of Ka is 0.0481.

What is acid dissociation constant?

The difference between strong and weak acids is determined by the acid dissociation constant (Ka). As Ka rises, the acid dissociates more. Therefore, strong acids must dissociate more in water. On the other hand, a weak acid has a lower propensity to ionise and release a hydrogen ion, resulting in a less acidic solution.

Here the dissociation constant Ka = [H₃O⁺][A⁻]/[HA]

Let x be the concentration of H₃O⁺ and A⁻ at equilibrium. Then, at equilibrium, the concentration of HA is (0.49 - x). We know that the equilibrium concentration of HA is 0.36 M, so we can set up the following equation:

0.36 = 0.49 - x

Solving for x, we get:

x = 0.49 - 0.36 = 0.13 M

Now we can plug in the equilibrium concentrations into the Ka expression:

Ka = [H₃O⁺][A⁻]/[HA] = (0.13)(0.13)/(0.36) = 0.0481

To know more about dissociation constant, visit;


Seventy five percent of a compound is carbon. If you have 250 grams of this particular compound, how much carbon is contained?



The compound has 187.5 g. of Carbon


If the 100% of the compound is 250 gr, then you can calculate the 75% of it by multiplying:

Amount of Carbon = (75%) 250 g.

75%= 0.75

250  (0.75)

= 187.5 g.

Write the equation representing the 3rd ionization energy for Cu.


The equation that is going to show the loss of the third electron from the copper at is;

Cu(s) ----> Cu^3+ + 3e

What is ionization energy?

Ionization energy is the amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom or a positively charged ion in its gaseous state. It is also known as ionization potential or ionization enthalpy.

The ionization energy of an atom varies based on its position in the periodic table, and it generally increases from left to right across a period and decreases down a group.

Learn more about ionization energy:


Carbenes can add to alkenes to give a cyclopropane deriverative. Draw the alkene (unknown X) that reacts with the carbene to give the following product. Be sure to clearly indicate the stereochemistry of the alkene by drawing all bonds at the sp2 carbons.


The product of the addition of the carbene to the unknown alkene X is a cyclopropane derivative, with the same stereochemistry as the alkene X.

Carbenes are molecules containing a carbon atom with two non-bonding electrons and a triple bond, and can add to alkenes to give a cyclopropane derivative. The alkene (unknown X) that reacts with the carbene to give the following product is shown in the following diagram. Note that the two sp2 carbons on either side of the double bond are stereochemically distinct, with one carbon pointed "up" and the other pointed "down".

When the carbene adds to the double bond, a three-membered ring forms. This three-membered ring adopts a chair conformation, and the alkene stereochemistry is maintained in the product.

For more such questions on stereochemistry


the adolescent brain tends to have more mature pleasure-seeking systems and less advanced systems for controlling behavior.


This claim is untrue. A developmental mismatch between the maturation of various brain systems, particularly the prefrontal cortex, and the limbic system, is a hallmark of the teenage brain.

The limbic system, which is engaged in emotion regulation and reward processing, develops earlier than the prefrontal cortex, which is in charge of impulse control, decision-making, and other executive processes.

Teenagers may therefore be more likely to participate in a dangerous activity and seek out unique experiences, but they may also have trouble controlling their impulses and making reasoned decisions.

The development of the brain is a complicated and ongoing process, and individual variations in neural maturation and life events can also have an impact on teenage behavior and decision-making.

However, there is no typical pattern of adolescent behavior or brain function due to individual variances and ongoing brain development.

learn more about controlling behavior here


What kind of scientist would study the effects of acid rain on marble statues? A. A physicist B. A biologist C. A chemist D. An economist​


Scientists would research the impacts of marble monuments and acid rain. A chemist. Hoping this is useful.

The correct answer is :C.

What are the substances that change the earth's surface?

Surface sediments are transported and large stones are broken up through wind, water, and ice. Years are often needed for weathering, erosion, and deposition to cause noticeable changes. Nonetheless, certain things change the Planet's surface far more quickly than others. Extreme events, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions are a few of them.

What adjustments to the Planet's surface may rain makes?

Weathering and erosion caused by water movement change the properties of the terrain. Regional wind patterns and climate are defined by several interactions, including the role of the ocean. The unique physical and chemical properties of water have a profound effect on the planet's dynamics.

To know more about chemist visit :





the oxidation number of sulfur in the S2O8 2- ion is +7.

Step by step explanation:

The oxidation number of sulfur (S) in the S2O8 2- ion can be determined by applying the following rules:

Oxygen (O) has an oxidation number of -2 in most compounds, except in peroxides where it has an oxidation number of -1.
The sum of the oxidation numbers of all the atoms in a molecule or ion is equal to its charge.
In the S2O8 2- ion, there are two sulfur atoms and eight oxygen atoms. Let x be the oxidation number of sulfur.

From the first rule, each oxygen atom contributes -2 to the overall charge of the ion. Therefore, the total contribution from the eight oxygen atoms is -16.

From the second rule, the sum of the oxidation numbers of all the atoms must equal the charge of the ion. Since the ion has a charge of -2, we can write:

2x + (-16) = -2

Simplifying and solving for x, we get:

2x = 14

x = +7

Therefore, the oxidation number of sulfur in the S2O8 2- ion is +7.

1. Choose the atom with the larger electronegativity.

Select one:

a. Rubidium
b. Caesium

2. Choose the atom with the larger electronegativity.

Select one:

a. Boron
b. Indium



1) b. Caesium

2) b. Indium

please answer for brainliest

Using the formula M1V1 = M2V2 , you have a 0.5 M MgSO4 stock solution available. Calculate the volume of the stock solution needed to make 2.0 L of 0.20M MgSO4.

Question 2 options:

4.0 L

0.9 L

0.8 L

0.5 L



0.8 L


The volume of the stock solution needed to make 2.0 L of 0.20M MgSO4 is 0.8 L.

What mass of lead (IV) sulfite contains 7.25 x 10²³ sulfur atoms?


The mass of lead (IV) sulfite containing 7.25 x 10^23 sulfur atoms is 3.36 x 10^26 g.

What is Mass?

Mass is a fundamental physical property of matter that describes the amount of substance in an object or system. It is commonly measured in units of kilograms (kg) or grams (g). Mass is often confused with weight, but they are not the same thing. Weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity, while mass is the amount of matter in the object.

To solve this problem, we need to first find the molar mass of lead (IV) sulfite (Pb(SO3)2), which contains one lead atom, two sulfur atoms, and six oxygen atoms per formula unit.

The molar mass of lead (IV) sulfite can be calculated as follows:

Pb(SO3)2: 1 x molar mass of Pb + 2 x molar mass of S + 6 x molar mass of O

= 1 x 207.2 g/mol + 2 x 32.1 g/mol + 6 x 16.0 g/mol

= 927.0 g/mol

Next, we can use the Avogadro's number to convert the given number of sulfur atoms to the corresponding number of moles of lead (IV) sulfite:

7.25 x 10^23 sulfur atoms x 1 mole Pb(SO3)2/2 moles S = 3.63 x 10^23 moles Pb(SO3)2

Finally, we can use the molar mass of lead (IV) sulfite to convert the number of moles to mass:

3.63 x 10^23 moles Pb(SO3)2 x 927.0 g/mol = 3.36 x 10^26 g

Therefore, the mass of lead (IV) sulfite containing 7.25 x 10^23 sulfur atoms is 3.36 x 10^26 g.

Learn more about Mass from given link


A chemist must dilute 93.1 mL of 7.79 of uM aqueous mercury (I) chloride solution until the concentration falls to 3.00 uM. She’ll do this by adding distilled water to the solution until it reaches a certain final volume. Calculate the final volume in liters.


Taking into account the definition of dilution, if chemist must dilute 93.1 mL of 7.79 of uM aqueous mercury (I) chloride solution until the concentration falls to 3.00 uM, the final volume is 0.24175 L.

Definition of dilution

Dilution is a procedure by which the concentration of a solution is lowered, usually with the addition of a diluent.

In a dilution the amount of solute does not change, but as more solvent is added, the concentration of the solute decreases, as the volume of the solution increases.

A dilution is mathematically expressed as:

Ci×Vi = Cf×Vf


Ci: initial concentrationVi: initial volumeCf: final concentrationVf: final volume

Final volume

In this case, you know:

Ci= 7.79 uMVi= 93.1 mLCf= 3 uMVf= ?

Replacing in the definition of dilution:

7.79 uM× 93.1 mL= 3 uM× Vf


(7.79 uM× 93.1 mL)÷ 3 uM= Vf

241.75 mL= 0.24175 L = Vf (being 1000 mL= 1 L)

In summary, the final volume is 0.24175 L.

Learn more about dilution:


Which of the following molecules has no dipole moment?
a. C
b. N
c. H
d. none of the above


This lone pair makes the molecule polar. H2O also has a dipole moment due to the bent structure and the electronegativity difference between hydrogen and oxygen. Therefore, the correct answer is option d. None of the above.

The molecule that does not have a dipole moment is CO2. A dipole moment is a measurement of the separation of two opposite electrical charges in a molecule. The molecule is polar when there is a dipole moment. CO2 is a linear molecule that consists of two polar C-O bonds that are arranged in a straight line. However, the two dipole moments are opposite and equal, which means that they cancel each other out. Thus, the molecule is not polar, and there is no dipole moment for CO2. On the other hand, both NH3 and H2O have a dipole moment. NH3 has a trigonal pyramidal structure that has a lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom.

To learn more about  Lone pair :


describe the temperature and pressure conditions at which the gas behaves like an ideal gas


Under specific temperature and pressure conditions, a gas acts as an ideal gas. Particularly, the optimal conditions for the petrol' behaviour are low pressure and high temperature.

An ideal gas is a hypothetical gas made up of numerous tiny particles moving randomly all the time. Intermolecular forces, molecular size, and volume are all presumptions that apply to ideal gases. Additionally, it is presummated that they collide in completely elastic collisions in which there is no kinetic energy loss. The ideal gas law, PV=nRT, which has P as the pressure, V as the volume, n as the number of moles, R as the gas constant, and T as the temperature, can be used to describe the behaviour of an ideal gas. This law offers a helpful model for how many actual gases behave when exposed to situations like high temperatures and low pressures.

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Tutorial Exercise Find all the points at which the direction of fastest change of the function f(x, y) = x2 + y2 _ 8x 16y is i +j_ Step The direction in which the maximum rate of change of f(x, y) occurs at a point (a, b) is given by the vector Vfla, b) For flx,y) = x2 + y2 _ 8x - 16y, we have Vf(x, y) 2x 8)i + (2y - 16)jl (2x 8. 2y 16) Step 2 We need to find all points (x, Y) for which (2x 8)i + (2y 16)j is parallel to +j. So we must solve (2x 8)i + (2y 16)j k[i + j]- This means that k = 2x 8 and k = 2y 16. Equating these gives uS Submit Perpetrators of domestic abusers?Are most perpetrators of domestic abuse narcissist or personality disordered? The function h(t) = 16t(t 2) + 24 models the height h, in feet, of a ball t seconds after it is thrown straight up into the air. What is the initial velocity and the initial height of the ball? how long does it take to become a medical examiner Ignacio shares 2.1 liters of water equally into 7 containers. How many milliliters are in each container?(A) 0.3 milliliters(B) 300 milliliters(C) 2,100 milliliters(D) 14,700 milliliters compare how legislative powers can be independent or constrained by other governmental institutions in two different ap comparative government and politics course countries. in your response, you should do the following. develop a nutrition education plan for a person with type 1 diabetes and a person with type 2 diabetes. 1. Use algebraic methods to find where Yaseen's demand and supply functions intersect. Whatdoes this point(s) represent in context of this problem? Show all your work.2. Confirm your answer from question 7 by using Desmos to create a single graph that showsboth f(x) and g(x) with their domain restrictions. Provide a screenshot of your graph with theintersection point(s) marked. factorise completely.3x-12xy d)1456 divided by 25 60d. Opposite C:e. Adjacent C:B901. Consider the triangle ABC. Which side is being described by the following labels?a. Hypotenuse:b. Opposite A:c. Adjacent A:30 Do you think there was just cause for the US to declare war on Great Britain?Explain. Can someone help me with just task 1 Why forecast exchange rates Consider Franco Co, the parent of a US-based multinational corporation (MNC) that uses forecasted exchange rates to assist with various business functions. Suppose that Franco Co is considering issuing bonds to raise funds. The company is considering denominating those bonds in Japanese Yen. Franco Co uses the forecasted value of the yen to make this decision. decisions, with the goal of improving the This is an example of using exchange rate forecasting to assist with capital budgeting value of the MNC via influencing the dollar value of foreign cash flows California Co must pay 5 million Mexican pesos by tomorrow, in exchange for supplies that it has agreed to purchase from a supplier in Mexico. The peso depreciated today against the dollar by 5 percent. Using time series data of past currency fluctuations, California observes whenever the peso depreciates against the dollar by more than 1 percent, then the peso tends to depreciate again by about 60 percent of the initial change. Given the results of the forecasting by California Co, the firm will most likely decide to Find the range of possible measures of X if the set of expressions represents measures of the sides of a triangle x, 4, 6 Find the surface area of the solid sanatnn, topluma yararl bir kii olmak iin, eserinde Mutlaka toplum sorunlarna yer vermelidir. cmlesindeki anlatm bozukluu nedir? Evaluate the expression for h = 6 and j = 5.hj - h =Submit A blunt force injury to the forehead would result in a contrecoup injury to which region ofthe brain?A. FrontalB Temporalc. Parietald. OccipitalSpinal cord injuries most likely occur in which region?A Cervical and thoracicB Lumbar and sacralC Thoracic and lumbard. Cervical and thoracic-lumbar Which of the following code will create an index named stu_sub on the columns roll_no and subject of the stu_subjects table?A. create index stu_sub from stu_subjects(roll_no, subject);B. create index stu_subjects on stu_sub(roll_no, subject);C. create index stu_sub on stu_subjects(roll_no, subject);D. create index stu_sub on stu_subject(roll_no, subject);