Use the variables k and total to write a while loop that computes the sum of the squares of the first 50 counting numbers, and associates that value with total. Thus your code should associate 11 22 33 ... 4949 50*50 with total. Use no variables other than k and total.


Answer 1


total = 0

k = 1

while k <= 50:

total += k**2

k += 1



Note: There some errors in the question. The correct complete question is therefore provided before answering the question as follows:

Use the variables k and total to write a while loop that computes the sum of the squares of the first 50 counting numbers, and associates that value with total. Thus your code should associate 1*1 + 2*2 + 3*3 +... + 49*49 + 50*50 with total. Use no variables other than k and total.

The answer is now explained as follows:

# Initialize k which is the number of term

k = 1

# Initialize total which is the sum of squares

total = 0

# Loop as long as k is less than or equal to 50.

while (k <= 50):

# Add the square of k to total in order to increase it

total = total + k * k

# Increase the value of k by one.

k += 1

# Finally, output total

print (total)

Related Questions

Identify the possible error in each line. • For each line assume that the lines above it are part of the same code and have been fixed by the time you get to the line you are currently examining. . Yes there are some lines with No Errors - NONE is not a red herring. a) int intA = 10; NONE b) int& iptrA = *intA; SYNTAX int *arrA = (int) malloc("iptrA); SEMANTIC for(int i = 0; i < intA; d) i++) NONE e) arrA[ I ]=i; NONE f) for(int i = 1; i < intA; i++) [Select] { cout >>"index ::" g) >> >> "="; Select] 4 cout << *(arrA + i) h) << endl; [Select] } while((floatA % i) intA) != 0) Select] { j) if(arrA[ (int)floatA] % 2 == 0); [Select] cout << "EVEN!" << endl; floatA = floatA + 1; }


Twenty letters long okay

Write a program that reads integers from the user and stores them in a list. Your
program should continue reading values until the user enters 0. Then it should display
all of the values entered by the user (except for the 0) in order from smallest to largest,
with one value appearing on each line. Use either the sort method or the sorted
function to sort the list.



The program in Python is as follows:

numList = []

num = int(input())

while num != 0:


   num = int(input())



for num in numList:



This initializes the list

numList = []

This gets input from the user

num = int(input())

This loop is repeated until the user enters 0

while num != 0:

This appends the user input to the list


This gets another input from the user

   num = int(input())

This sorts the list in ascending order    


This iteration prints the list elements, each on a line

for num in numList:


Determine the following information about each value in a list of positive integers.
a. Is the value a multiple of 7, 11, or 13?
b. Is the sum of the digits odd or even?
c. Is the value a prime number?

You should write a function named test7_11_13 with an integer input parameter and three type int output parameters (aka pointers) that send back the answers to these three questions. If the integer is evenly divisible by 7, 11 or 13, its respective output parameter should be set to 1, otherwise zero. Some sample input data might be:

104 3773 13 121 77 30751


Answer and Explanation:

Using Javascript:



Console.log("yes it is a multiple of 7,11 or 13");



Console.log("It is not a multiple of any of the numbers");



var makeString= num.toString();

var splitString= makeString.split("");

var makeNumber=;

var New_number= makeNumber.reduce(function(a, b) {

return a+b};,0)



Console.log("it's an even number");



Console.log("it's an odd number")



console.log("it's not a prime number");



console.log("it's a prime number");



From the above we have used javascript if..else statements to test the conditions for each question and output the answer to the console using console.log(). In the last part for prime number, you could also choose to use else if statements(if,else if, else if) to test the value of the num parameter and output if it's a prime number.

Define a class Person that represents a person. People have a name, an age, and a phone number. Since people always have a name and an age, your class should have a constructor that has those as parameters.



public class Person {

   String name;

   int age;

   String phoneNumber;

   public Person(String name, int age, String phoneNumber){

 = name;

          this.age = age;

          this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;




The code above is written in Java.

The following should be noted;

(i) To define a class, we begin with the keywords:

public class

This is then followed by the name of the class. In this case, the name is Person. Therefore, we have.

public class Person

(ii) The content of the class definition is contained within the block specified by the curly bracket.

(iii) The class contains instance variables name, age and phoneNumber which are properties specified by the Person class.

The name and phoneNumber are of type String. The age is of type int. We therefore have;

String name;

int age;

String phoneNumber;

(iv) A constructor which initializes the instance variables is also added. The constructor takes in three parameters which are used to respectively initialize the instance variables name, age and phoneNumber.

We therefore have;

public Person(String name, int age, String phoneNumber){

 = name;

          this.age = age;

          this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;


(v) Notice also that a constructor has the same name as the name of the class. In this case, the constructor's name is Person.


The class and constructor in C++ is as follows:

class Person {


   string name;     int age;     int phone;

   Person (string x, int y) {  

     name = x;       age = y;  




This defines the class

class Person {

The specifies the access specifier


This declares the attributes; name, age and phone number

   string name;      int age;      int phone;

This defines the constructor for the name and age

   Person (string x, int y) {  

This gets the name and age into the constructor

     name = x;       age = y;  



Explain why it is important for you to build proficiency with Microsoft Word.



Listing proficiency in Microsoft helps push your resume through applicant tracking systems and into human hands for review. Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office programs can also increase your earning potential.

Microsoft's skills on your resume can help it get past applicant tracking systems and into human hands for review. Additionally, having more in-depth knowledge of Microsoft Office applications can boost your earning potential.

What is Microsoft skills?

Your proficiency and expertise with the Microsoft Office family of software products are collectively referred to as Microsoft Office skills.

Although MS Office has many various programs, employers may frequently assess your proficiency with some of the most widely used ones, such as MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, and MS Word.

The most popular business productivity software globally is Microsoft Office.

Therefore, Microsoft's skills on your resume can help it get past applicant tracking systems and into human hands for review.

Learn more about Microsoft, here:


Ten examples of an interpreter



Some popular examples of today's interpreters are:

Interpreter of PythonInterpreter for RubyPerl performerInterpreter for PHPMATLAB UCSD Pascal


An interpreter executes the commands directly in an object code or a machine code, written in a program or a scripting language.

The Interpreter can be referred to as system software that can read and execute the programme instead of interpreting programmes. This interpretation includes high-level source code, pre-compiled programmes and scripts.

It is important to note that the interpreter translates programme by programme line, meaning that one statement is translated on one go. This feature makes it easy for programmers to check any line on debugging but slows the whole programme running time.

which feature of organisations to manage needs to know about to build and use information system successfully


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The feature of organizations to manage needs to know about to build and use information system successful is the following.

Managers of successful organizations should know that companies have hierarchies and different structures in which these companies are organized.

Every company use systems and procedures that could be specialized to the degree the company requires. For that system to function, they have to be perfectly interconnected to all the areas of the company. The goal: to maximize efficiency and accomplish the goals.

Systems and procedures should take into consideration the culture and diversity of the workplace. There are interest groups in every organization that have special characteristics and requirements that have to be taken into consideration to create a much better system.

Good managers must be aware of these elements, and the different roles, goals, management styles, tasks, incentives, and departmental structure of the company so the system can better serve the purpose of the entire organization.

How do u create a blank line between two lines in a document


Answer: Press enter at the end of the line.


If you press enter at the end of the line or sentence, it will start a new space underneath your line or sentence.

Which of the following substances increases in quantity during repititive muscle contraction during oxygen deficti ?
Lactic acid



Lactic acid


Lactic acid builds up during strenuous exercise with limited amounts of oxygen.

6.23 LAB: Convert to binary - functions Instructor note: This is a lab from a previous chapter that now requires the use of a function. If you weren't able to solve it before, think of this as a new opportunity. Write a program that takes in a positive integer as input, and outputs a string of 1's and 0's representing the integer in binary. For an integer x, the algorithm is: As long as x is greater than 0 Output x % 2 (remainder is either 0 or 1) x = x // 2 Note: The above algorithm outputs the 0's and 1's in reverse order. You will need to write a second function to reverse the string. Ex: If the input is: 6 the output is: 110 Your program must define and call the following two functions. The function integer_to_reverse_binary() should return a string of 1's and 0's representing the integer in binary (in reverse). The function reverse_string() should return a string representing the input string in reverse. def integer_to_reverse_binary(integer_value) def reverse_string(input_string)



The program in Python is as follows:

import math

def integer_to_reverse_binary(integer_value):

   remainder = ""

   while integer_value>=1:

       remainder+=str(integer_value % 2)



def reverse_string(input_string):


   for i in range(len(input_string)-1,-1,-1):

       binaryOutput = binaryOutput + input_string[i]


integer_value = int(input("Enter a Number : "))



This imports the math module

import math

This defines the integer_to_reverse_binary function

def integer_to_reverse_binary(integer_value):

This initializes the remainder to an empty string

   remainder = ""

This loop is repeated while the integer input is greater than or equal to 1

   while integer_value>=1:

This calculates the remainder after the integer value is divided by 2

       remainder+=str(integer_value % 2)

This gets the floor division of the integer input by 2


This passes the remainder to the reverse_string function


The reverse_string function begins here

def reverse_string(input_string):

This initializes the binaryOutput to an empty string


This iterates through the input string i.e. the string of the remainders

   for i in range(len(input_string)-1,-1,-1):

This reverses the input string

       binaryOutput = binaryOutput + input_string[i]

This prints the binary output


The main begins here

This gets input for integer_value

integer_value = int(input("Enter a Number : "))

This passes the integer value to the integer_to_reverse_binary function


A company manufactures televisions. The average weight of the televisions is 5 pounds with a standard deviation of 0.1 pound. Assuming that the weights are normally distributed, what is the weight that represents the 75th percentile?​





Given that :

Mean, μ = 5 pounds

Standard deviation, σ = 0.1

Given that weight are normally distributed ;

From the Z table, the Zscore or value for 75th percentile weight is :

P(Z < z) = 0.75

z = 0.674

Using the relation :

Zscore = (x - μ) / σ

x = weight

0.674 = (x - 5) / 0.1

0.674 * 0.1 = x - 5

0.0674 = x - 5

0.0674 + 5 = x - 5 + 5

5.0674 = x

The weight which corresponds to the 75th percentile is 5.0674

For minimization problems, the optimal objective function value to the LP relaxation provides what for the optimal objective function value of the ILP problem?



A lower bound on the optimal integer value.


The question is poorly typed.  The original question requires the optimal solution of the objective function of a minimization problem

I will answer this question base on the above illustration.

When an objective function is to be minimized, it means that the objective function will take the feasible solution with the least value.

The least value are often referred to as the lower bound.

Have you ever been presented to someone else's home page of a given website?​


Answer: No, is this the question?

Explanation: Have a stupendous day! <3

Phân tích những xu hướng mới của Digital Marketing nổi bật 2020-2023




c srfv fergvrgfcg

Suppose users share a 3 Mbps link. Also suppose each user requires 150 kbps when transmitting, but each user transmits only 10 percent of the time. (See the discussion of packet switching versus circuit switching in Section 1.3.)
a. When circuit switching is used, how many users can be supported?
b. For the remainder of this problem, suppose packet switching is used. Find the probability that a given user is transmitting.
c. Suppose there are 120 users. Find the probability that at any given time, exactly n users are transmitting simultaneously. (Hint: Use the binomial distribution.)
d. Find the probability that there are 21 or more users transmitting simultaneously.



a) 20 users

b) 0.1  or 1/10

c) P ( X = n )   =   [tex]^{120}C_{n} ( 0.10 )^n (0.9)^{120-n}[/tex]

d) 0.008


Given data:

Link shared by users = 3 Mbps

each user requires ; 150 kbps

percentage transmitted by each user = 10%

a) Determine the number of users can be supported

number of users = 3 Mbps / 150 kbps = 3000 / 150 = 20 users

b) P( user is transmitting )

given that percentage transmitted by each user = 10%

since packet switching is used ; P ( user is transmitting ) = 10% = 0.1

c) P ( n users are transmitting simultaneously )

let the number of users ( i.e. N ) = 120

number transmitting = n

P ( user is transmitting ) = 0.10

using Binomial distribution

P ( X = n ) = [tex]^{N}[/tex]Cₙ ( P )ⁿ ( 1 - P )^[tex]^{N-n}[/tex]

                = [tex]^{120}C_{n} ( 0.10 )^n (0.9)^{120-n}[/tex]

d) P( X ≥ 21 transmitting simultaneously )

P ( X = n ) = [tex]^{120}C_{n} ( 0.10 )^n (0.9)^{120-n}[/tex]

Therefore ; P( X ≥ 21 ) = 1 - P( X ≤ 20 )

                                   = 1 - BINOMDIST(20,120,0.1,1)  ( excel function )

∴ P( X ≥ 21 ) = 1 - 0.992059 ≈ 0.008

who would win in a fight iron man or bat man​



Viết chương trình kiểm tra số nguyên dương N có phải là số nguyên tố không?


Could you say that in English please? I can try helping

How are dates and times stored by Excel?​



Regardless of how you have formatted a cell to display a date or time, Excel always internally stores dates And times the same way. Excel stores dates and times as a number representing the number of days since 1900-Jan-0, plus a fractional portion of a 24 hour day: ddddd. tttttt


mark me as BRAINLIEST

follow me

carry on learning

100 %sure

Dates are stored as numbers in Excel and count the number of days since January 0, 1900. Times are handled internally as numbers between 0 and 1. To clearly see this, change the number format of cell A1, B1 and C1 to General. Note: apparently, 42544 days after January 0, 1900 is the same as June 23, 2016

Decision support systems (or DSSs) model information using OLAP, which provides assistance in evaluating and choosing among different courses of action. Which of the following does not represent an example of a DSS in business?

a. An insurance company using a system to gauge risk of providing insurance to drivers who have imperfect driving records
b. A medical doctor entering symptoms into a system to aid in diagnosing and treating patients
c. A manufacturing digital dashboard showing visualizations of inventory and production
d. A dentist entering symptoms into a system to help diagnose and treat patients





Decision Support Systems (DSSs) model information using OLAP, helps in providing assistance to evaluate and choose among different course of action.

For option A, an insurance company using DSS to evaluate risk of providing insurance to drivers who doesn't have perfect records and option B and D medical doctor entering symptoms into a system to aid in diagnosing and treating patients and dentist entering symptoms into a system to help diagnose and treat patients respectively

Explain the
4 ways

ways of arranging icons.



There are 4 ways of arranging icons:

By date or by size.


Click right-click a blank desktop area and then click Arrange icons to arrange icons for name, type, date, or size. Click on the command to show how the icons should be organized (by Name, by Type, and so on).

Click Auto Arrange to set the icons automatically. Click Auto Arrange to remove the checkmark if you want to set the icons alone.


Right-click the Desktop and from the resulting shortcut menu select View; make sure that Auto Arrange Icons are not selected.

         Destroy it before proceeding to the next step if selected.

Click on the desktop with the righ-click.Choose Sort-by from the resulting shortcut menu and then click on the desktop shortcut criteria.Any icon can be clicked and dragged to a different place on your desktop, for instance, to separate your favorite game from other desktop icons to help you easily find it.

Trình bày phép biến đổi tịnh tiến và quay quanh trục tọa độ? Hãy xác định ma trận chuyển đổi của các phép biến đổi sau :
H = trans(3,7,2). Rot(x,30).Rot(z,45)



Explanation: she she

Create a file named Place all your code in this file. Create a publicstatic ArrayList of integers named intList.
Define a public static method addNumber(int i) that adds ito your list.
Exercise 2
Create a publicstatic HashMap of integers,integers namedintMap.
Define a public static method addPair(int i,int j) that adds i,jto your HashMap (make ithe key and j the value).



The file named as has been attached to this response. It contains the source code for the exercises. The source code contains comments explaining important parts of the code.

A few things to note;

i. To add an item to an arraylist, the add() method is used. For example to add an integer 7 to the arraylist named intList, simply write;


ii. To add an item to a hashmap, the put() method is used. The put method receives two parameters which are the key and value respectively. The key is a form of identifier used to store or retrieve a particular value in a hashmap. To store an integer 8 with a key of 5 in a hashmap named intMap, for example, simply write;


is a collection of information stored under a single name ​


[tex]\boxed{ File }[/tex] is a collection of information stored under a single name.

[tex]\bold{ \green{ \star{ \orange{Mystique35}}}}⋆[/tex]


Explanation:A collection of information that is stored on a computer under a single name, for example a text document, a picture, or a program. The association between a file and the program that created the file. Displays the contents of the current folder or library.

what represents the amount of data that travels along a network​






Bandwidth is measured as the amount of data that can be transferred from one point to another within a network


For an array of size N what is the range of valid indices (or subscripts)?



The valid range is 0 to N - 1



Valid range of an array of size N

The index of an array starts from 0, and it ends at 1 less than the size.

Take for instance:

An array of size 4 will have 0 to 3 as its indices

An array of size 10 will have 0 to 9 as its indices


An array of size N will have 0 to N - 1 as its indices

In this chapter, you learned that although a double and a decimal both hold floating-point numbers, a double can hold a larger value. Write a C# program named DoubleDecimalTest that declares and displays two variables—a double and a decimal. Experiment by assigning the same constant value to each variable so that the assignment to the double is legal but the assignment to the decimal is not.



The DoubleDecimalTest class is as follows:

using System;

class DoubleDecimalTest {

 static void Main() {

     double doubleNum = 173737388856632566321737373676D;  

    decimal decimalNum = 173737388856632566321737373676M;


   Console.WriteLine(decimalNum);  } }



Program to test double and decimal variables in C#

This declares and initializes double variable doubleNum

     double doubleNum = 173737388856632566321737373676D;

This declares and initializes double variable decimalNum (using the same value as doubleNum)

     decimal decimalNum = 173737388856632566321737373676M;

This prints doubleNum


This prints decimalNum


Unless the decimal variable is commented out or the value is reduced to a reasonable range, the program will not compile without error.

4. Used to grip, pull and cut electrical wires. A. Pliers C. Long-nose B. Electric plug D. Electric drill and Drill bit

5. A special tape made of vinyl used to wrap electrical wires A. Cutter C. Electrical tape B. Drill bit D. Screwdrivers

6. What pair of sharp blades are commonly used to cut wires and to remove a portion of the wire insulatione A. Combination plier C. Electrical tape B. Cutter D. Screwdrivers​



4. A. Pliers

5. C. Electrical Tape

6.  B. Cutter


A good CRM should Integrate marketing, sales, and customer support activities measuring and evaluating the process of knowledge acquisition and sharing.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to include a question. Here, we just have a statement.

What is your question? What do you want to know?

If this is a true or false question, the answer is "true."

It is true that a good CRM should integrate marketing, sales, and customer support activities measuring and evaluating the process of knowledge acquisition and sharing.

The reason is that effective investment in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) should be able to operate efficientñy with these management aspects in order to increase the productivity and efficiency of the company.

A good CRM has to facilitate the operations of a company, improving time management and people's activities that can produce better results accomplishing the companies goals and fulfilling the key performing indicators (KPI)

Use the following to calculate the acid-test ratio. (Round your answer to two decimal places.) Cash: $100,000 Short-term investments: 17,000 Net current receivables: 250,000 Inventory: 330,000 Total current liabilities: 760,000 O 0.92 5.88 O 0.79 0.48


Answer: 0.48


The acid test ratio will be calculated as:

Cash = $100,000

Add: Short term investments = $17,000

Add: Net Current Receivables = $250,000

Total Assets = $367,000

/ Total Current Liabilities = $760,000

Acid Test Ratio will now be:

= Total Assets / Total Liabilities

= $367000/$760000.

= 0.48

Therefore, the acid test ratio is 0.48.

1. Briefly explain the various types of models used in software Engineering with benefits and limitations for each



The Software Model represents the process abstractly. The different activities involved in developing software products are present in each phase of the software model. The order for each stage to be executed is also specified.


Waterfall model:-


Implementing the waterfall model is very easy and convenient.

It is very useful for implementing small systems.


If some of the changes are made at certain phases, it may create confusion.

First, the requirement analysis is performed, and sometimes not all requirements can be expressly indicated in the beginning.

Spiral model:-


The working model of the system can be quickly designed through the construction of the prototype.

The project can be refined by the developer and the user during the development phase.


If customer communication is not good or proper, the result is total project failure or project failure which could lead to project comission.

Other Questions
yo _ (comer) los pltanos can someone please help me in this question In 2014, a town's population was 795 people. By 2020, the population had grown to 1262 people. a. Create an exponential equation for the town's population "n" years from 2014. Round your multiplier to the nearest hundredth (2 decimal places). Enlightenment thinkers most contributed to the development of whichpolitical idea? Solve for the percentage of Feed B to be used in the ration? HELP OK I NEES A ESSAY ON SUGAR CANE SPIDERS ITS DUE FRIDAY AND I HAVE A MAJOR PHOBIA OF THEM HELP Which line most accurately represents the line of best fit for the scatter plot?answer choicesLine ALine BLine CLine D Which social class was most under attack during the French Revolution? The aristocracy? The priesthood? Urban workers? Rural farmworkers? PLEASE I NEED HELP!!!! World War II ended withA.) the D-Day invasionB. the bombing of NagasakiC. the Battle of the BulgeD. the bombing of Dresden How do the events that happened in chapters 4-6 impact PonyBoy? How has his perspective changed? sells subscriptions for for months. The company collects cash in advance and then subscribers have access to unlimited movies each month. Apply the revenue recognition principle to determine a. when should record revenue for this situation. b. the amount of revenue should record for months. Triangle ABC is an equilateral triangle with vertices at A(-2,2), B(1,5), and C(-3,6) (Round your answers to the nearest hundredth, 2 decimal places) . a) (2 pts) Determine the length of a side of the triangle. b) (2 pts) Calculate the perimeter of the triangle. c) (2 pts) Now increase the triangle by a scale factor of 4. How long is each side now? d) (2 pts) What is the perimeter of the new triangle? e) (2 pts) What is the area of the original triangle? What number is missing here?2, 3, 5, 8, 13. ? Can somebody help plz help me with this? Write an equation that represent the value of an 8700 investment that has 9.1% interest rate compounded yearly y=a(b)^x Which of these strategies would eliminate a variable in the system of equations? -7x + 2y = 53x - 5y = -5A. Add the equationsB. Multiply the top equation by 3, multiply the bottom equation by 7, then add the equations.C. Multiply the top equation by 5, multiply the bottom equation by 2, then add the equations. 60 blue marbles and 40 red marbles are in a jar. How many red marbles must be removed from the jar so that the probability of choosing a blue marble from the jar is 43?A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 E. 25 One of the biggest challenges that we all face, at least inmy opinion it's a challenge, is making difficult decisions,life-altering decisions. These decisions are not onlydifficult to make, but they can also bring consequencesthat are not easy to live with. However, if decisions are wellthought out and carefully considered they will be easier tomake and easier to live with.What feedback would be most helpful feedback to give the writer of thisparagraph?O A. Make the claim more personal.B. Address a counterclaim.O C. Revise the claim to make it clearer.D. Improve the spelling and grammar. Age of car = 8 years. Original cost = $18,000. The cost of maintenance and repairs is $