Using semantic features, how would you explain the oddness of these sentences? i ate a bowl of happiness for lunch with a plate of juice on the side.


Answer 1

The oddness of the sentence is not syntactic or grammatical, but semantic:

Happiness is something abstract so you would not say you ate a bowl of happiness, which is why the sentence is grammatically correct but it is semantically odd.

It is also odd to say a plate of juice because you would normally use a glass of juice not a plate.

What are semantics?

Semantics is the study of meaning. If you study semantics, you analyze the meaning of words and the relation between words.

In this case, you have to explain why the sentence given is semantically odd, which relates to the use of the words in a specific context where you would not normally use them.

Check more information about semantics here


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Please help!



I don't know Chinese I'm sry plz


please I don't understand this language


can u translate it in English

pls ans this qa I will mark u as brainlist ans​


It says: Based on the following series

Draw an article

Unexpectedly -

On the beach

Bicycle -

Snatching / following / on the other hand /

Hope this helped :)

no texto"uns braços" o que Inácio vestia ?​



I cant speak it in spanish...


Eu realmente gostaria de poder traduzir isso


I wish I could translate that.

Скласти діалог "Чим більше знаєш тим більше можеш"​



More knowledge helps a person to get success.


"The more you know the more you can" means that if a person or individual has a more knowledge, he is able to achieve more in life due to that knowledge while on the other hand, if a person has low knowledge so it can achieve less success in his life. Knowing about things helps the person to get something valuable from it so the more you know about something so you can take benefits from it as well as to save yourself from its harmful effect.

Drag each word to its example for barren and plume. Select each answer once or not at all.







Barren - lifeless

Plume - curl


My son just studied this and got it right.


barren - lifeless

plume - curl

Follow the directions on the attached picture and write the stories in simplified Chinese characters



ight I'll do that mk....

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hold on what


Choose a synonym for corrode: (Rot, worship, grow, increase)
Please pick one.



Rot is the answer


corrode means destroy, damage, or weaken so rot is the best option.




Corrode = destroy or weaken (something) gradually.

rot = rotten or decayed matter

a) Em "Grandes olhos sonsos e agudos", a quem essa característica é atribuída no conto A



Refere-se a cartomante.


Esse é um conto escrito por Machado de Asis, onde ele se refere a cartomante como uma mulher de quarenta anos e que que tinha uma aparencia peculiar. Ela era muito magra, apresentava trasos italianos e tinha olhos hipnotizantes agudos, porém com aparencia de sonsos e inofensivos.

I am really stressed for my Spanish class any tip's(I really need help in correcting my grammar and all that in Spanish.



The words and letters


I'm 13, My parents are Hispanic and I was born in the U.S. but my Spanish is really bad. My parents tell me that the word you are spelling is usually always the way you hear it! Anyways what I try is I use English letters and pronunciation and that helps! For example Aguacate (avocado) it is a-wa-ca-te. I really did my best to help their! Make it so it sounds like your adding things you know from english! Also take MANY notes hehe. K bye


im doing Spanish and its hard for me but not in the same grade ik im not in the grade u are.


Esta es la historia de un chico trabajador que, como todo el mundo lleva una vida muy rutinaria. En la cual rutina era muy aburrida; ya que estaba en otro mundo. Un día mirando por la ventana. El edificio del frente donde cruzó las miradas con una joven chica, la cual se comunicaban mediante carteles. Tanta fue la amistad de estos chicos que sin querer se llegaron a gustar, pero ninguno de los dos se proponía salir.


Los recursos de cohesión que se pueden utilizar para reescribir la historia dada son: por lo tanto, después, ellos.

Qué son los Recursos de Cohesión?

Estos son las palabras u oraciones que son utilizadas para encadenar diferentes oraciones dentro de un texto con un significado en común, entre estos se puede nombrar:

Campo semánticoReferenciaParáfrasisElipsisSinonimiaConjunción

En la respuesta se recomiendan algunas palabras que corresponden a conjunciones, así como el pronombre personal "ellos" que acude a la sinonimia para reescribir el texto dado.

Si quieres aprender un poco más sobre Español, puedes visitar el siguiente enlace:


Your sister will be celebrating her 18 birthday. You are tasked to prepare a bound salad.
What are your considerations in preparing it?​


Surprise your sister and make it happy !

No trecho: Em “Medicados como somos (a pressão, a gordura, a fadiga, a insônia, o sono, a depressão e a euforia, a solidão e o medo tratados a remédio), cedo recorremos a expedientes, porque nossa libido, quimicamente cerceada, falha, e a alegria, de tanta tensão, nos escapa.”, podemos compreender que o posicionamento da autora com relação à medicação é o de que essa prática é: *

a) preventiva, pois temos que prevenir as doenças como pressão alta, obesidade, depressão, insônia, e outras.

b) ineficiente, pois não há remédios que curem as doenças citadas: depressão, obesidade, insônia, euforia e solidão.

c) restritiva, pois apenas algumas doenças podem ser curadas com remédios, tais como: depressão, obesidade, pressão alta e insônia.

d) necessária, pois a libido falha pela restrição química e a alegria escapa pela tensão propiciada pelo cotidiano.



uh mmm EglshiN


3. Corrija las siguientes frases:
1. Las margaritas es unas flores blanca.
2. No me gusta los dulces, prefiero la comida salada.
3. La gente hablan demasiado.
4. En mis ratos libres juego tenis.
5. Prefiero llego siempre pronto a los sitios.
6. Mañana por la mañana vamos ir a la playa.
7. Hoy es mucho calor, prefiero el frio.​



1. Las margaritas son flores blancas

2. no me gusta lo salado,prefiero la comida dulce.

3. la gente habla demasiado.

which is the best topic sentence for this composition ?


I’m not going too much but I’m not sure what I can say but I’m going too hard I just

D Circle the correct words.
1 I'll clean as soon as / until the painters have left.
2 When I finish / will finish university, I'll travel the world.
3 By the time / After Jenny arrives, the birthday party will be over.
4 I'll text you the moment the postman will deliver / delivers the parcel.
5 I won't come home until / the moment I've found my best friend a present!
6 Harry's parents will buy a new car after they will save / have saved up enough money.



1. as soon as

2. I finish

3. By the time

4. deliver

5. until

6. they will have

1. Panuto: Isulat ang TAMA kung ang pahayag ay makatotohanan, at PALITAN naman ng wastong
salita/sagot ang siyang naging mali sa bawat pahayag. (2 puntos sa bawat bilang)
1. Ang karaniwang paksa ng alamat ay ang ating katutubong kultura,mga kaugalian at kapaligiran.
2. Tagalog ang Wikang Pambansa ng Pilpinas, na siyang pagkakakilanlan natin sa ibang bansa.
3.Sa mga Antas ng Wika ang Kolokyal ay mga salitang karaniwang ginagamit sa mga kalye o
inatawag ding "salitang kanto"
4.Ang akdang may pamagat na "Ang Pakikipagsapalaran ng panganay na si Labaw Donggon"
ay isang akdang maikling kwento.
5. Ang Paghihinuha ay tinatawag sa Ingles na inferencing.​








¿Qué es un adjetivo?
2 ¿Qué clases existen? Expliquen cada una



Un adjetivo es aquel palabra que describe a un sustantivo. Puede ser para personas, animales, objetos, etc.Tipos de adjetivos Posesivos. Indican pertenencia Demostrativos. Indican proximidad o lejanía. Numerales. Indican relaciones numéricas en términos de cantidad (adjetivos cardinales) u orden Indefinidos. Marcan generalizaciones. Partitivos.  Indican proporción o fracción de un todo señalado mediante un sustantivo. Artículos. Marcan la condición de conocido o específico.

Explanation: Greetings;)

seguindo te falei que cria programa de combate ao bullying foi sancionada em agora me ajude a responder se já foi em 2014 em 2015 em 2016​



Anti Bullying Act of 2013.


Anti Bullying Act of 2013 was introduced in the country in order to prevent bullying in inside the school with students. This act was implemented in the country due to increase in the cases of bullying. This act is helpful in controlling the cases of bullying in the schools and the students will be saved so introduction of anti bullying act was a good decision of the government for schools.

Denotatibong kahulugan Ng Linlang​


Ce clasă ești sa văd daca te pot ajuta

essay on Coronavirus in telugu​



ప్రపంచ ఆరోగ్య సంస్థ (డబ్ల్యూహెచ్‌ఓ) కొత్త కొరోనావైరస్ వ్యాప్తిని ప్రకటించింది, ఇది చైనాలోని వుహాన్‌లో ఒక మహమ్మారిగా ఉద్భవించింది.

సెప్టెంబర్ 20 నాటికి, 30.8 మిలియన్లకు పైగా కేసుల మధ్య ప్రపంచ మరణాల సంఖ్య 957,000 ను అధిగమించింది. యునైటెడ్ స్టేట్స్లోని జాన్స్ హాప్కిన్స్ విశ్వవిద్యాలయం సేకరించిన సమాచారం ప్రకారం ప్రపంచవ్యాప్తంగా 21 మిలియన్ల మంది ప్రజలు ఈ వ్యాధి నుండి కోలుకున్నారు.

కరోనావైరస్ కుటుంబం సాధారణ జలుబు నుండి తీవ్రమైన అక్యూట్ రెస్పిరేటరీ సిండ్రోమ్ మరియు మిడిల్ ఈస్ట్ రెస్పిరేటరీ సిండ్రోమ్ వంటి తీవ్రమైన వ్యాధులకు కారణమవుతుందని తెలిపింది.

అవి జంతువులలో తిరుగుతాయి మరియు కొన్ని జంతువులు మరియు మానవుల మధ్య వ్యాపిస్తాయి. ఇంకా మానవులకు సోకని జంతువులలో అనేక కరోనావైరస్లు తిరుగుతున్నాయి.

మానవులను ప్రభావితం చేసే ఏడవది అయిన కొత్త కరోనావైరస్కు కోవిద్-౧౯ పేరు పెట్టారు.

7. नीचे दिए गए डायरी के अंश का अपनी मातृभाषा में अनुवाद कीजिए :
आज दिनांक 10 अगस्त, 2011 रात को नींद नहीं आ रही थी। खुशी का ठिकाना न था। कब सुबह
हो जाए इसका इंतजार था। स्कूल से सैर जाने के आनंद में कल्पना करते-करते मुझे नींद आ गई। बड़े सबेरे
4:00 बजे अलार्म बजा और मम्मी की आवाज़ आई, "राकेश उठो, चार बज गए। " मैं आनंद तथा उत्साह
से उठा। मन में डर भी था कि मास्टरजी डाँटे नहीं। स्नानादि संपन्न करके स्कूल पहुँचा। सब साथी आ पहुँचे
थे। मास्टरजी ने सबको बस में बैठाया और हम सैर के लिए निकल पड़े।​

Answer fast as possible as U can



what i dont now that languege

Today, on 10th of August 2011, I couldn't sleep at the night. I was waiting for the morning. Thinking about the fun on the school trip, I fell asleep. The alarm rang at 4.00 in the morning and Mummy's voice was heard, "Rakesh, wake up, it's four." I woke up excited and happy. I was afraid if teacher will scold me. After getting ready I reached school. All my friends were already there. The teacher told us to sit in the bus and we were off for trip.

This is the translation

• Between shortening and joining prayers in the table below:
Joining prayers
Shortening prayers

Please only Muslims answer this right ​


You can only shorten prayers if you are going on a long trip and don’t want to miss your prayer. And joining prayers you do that also if you’re traveling or if you missed the prayer you must join it with the next prayer

La palabra también se llama​



Vocablo, una voz, una expresión.

espero te haya servido y si No es así asegúrate de expresarte mejor

3. Saang karaniwan ginagamit ang uling?​



Sa pagluluto


maari din itong ilagay sa plantsa

Get points :)
Just one question
What does (لعب(


لعب means play
For example
“This boy played with the ball”
هذا الولد لعب بالكرة.
(لعب) Means play or played
For example if you’re trying to put it in a sentence use ( لعب الطفل في الحديقة) which means (The child played in the park) also (لعبت) is what we say for females and (لعب) is for males, hope this helped :)

Подберите к прилагательным подходящие по смыслу существительные


Answer: Это правильный ответ.


известный   писатель

фантастический   рассказ

лисий  хвост

горная  речка

хвойное  дерево

длинные уши

сладкий мёд

воробьиное  гнездо

хитрая  лиса

деревянный  дом

трусливый  заяц

железный гвоздь

швейная  машинка



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