What are the 4 steps in the MBO process?


Answer 1

The four steps in the Management by Objectives (MBO) process are:

1. Establish Objectives: Set the overall goals and objectives of the organization.

2. Develop Action Plans: Identify the specific tasks and activities that need to be accomplished to achieve the objectives.

3. Monitor Performance: Measure performance and compare it to the objectives to assess progress and take corrective action as needed.

4. Appraise Performance: Evaluate performance and reward employees for successful completion of objectives.

To learn more about this visit - What are the 4 steps in the MBO process? : https://brainly.com/question/31144247


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why was the children's march so significant?


Answer: It sdepicts their rights


So like its signifiacnt cuz its a march


Its good because it shows how children have voices and can represent it through a march to show their freedom s.  And it shows how children are ppl too and that they matter... Its like they also deserve the same support as adults and etc . So thats why its significant to show theyre important and stuffs too .

Ok bye Now thanks hope this helped ya

Or not


Demon Lover question from English book

Beyond the physical effects of war on the home front, what emotional effects of the war does Bowen's story suggest? In your response, use at least two of these Essential Question words: alter, vulnerable, unre-solved. [Connecting to the Essential Question: What is the relationship between literature and place?]


Bowen's story "The Demon Lover" suggests that the emotional effects of the war on the home front were significant. The story shows how the war altered the psychological state of the protagonist, Mrs. Drover. She is vulnerable to the haunting memories of the past, which are unresolved and continue to affect her in the present.

The war altered Mrs. Drover's sense of security and stability. She returns to her home after being evacuated during the war to find it deserted and dilapidated. This alteration in her physical environment symbolizes the emotional turmoil that she is experiencing. Her vulnerability is evident as she starts to hear strange sounds and feels as though she is being watched. The memories of the war, which remain unresolved, continue to haunt her and affect her sense of reality.

In this way, Bowen's story suggests that the emotional effects of the war were long-lasting and had a profound impact on the psychological well-being of those who experienced it. Mrs. Drover's emotional state is closely linked to her physical surroundings, which reflects the relationship between literature and place. The story shows how a place can be imbued with emotional significance, and how literature can convey this connection between place and emotion.

What was the "Mendez, et al. v Westminster School District of Orange County " about? What was the conclusion that they came to and why does it matter?
PLS HELP GET 100 points



Mendez v. Westminster School District of Orange County was a landmark case in the United States that challenged the segregation of Mexican-American students in California public schools. The case was filed in 1945 by Gonzalo Mendez, a Mexican-American farmer, and father of three children who were denied enrollment in a "Whites only" school in Orange County, California. The case was later joined with four other similar cases, and collectively they became known as the Mendez v. Westminster School District case.

The plaintiffs argued that their segregation was a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. They claimed that the segregation of Mexican-American students was unconstitutional and discriminatory.

In 1946, a federal district court in California ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, stating that the segregation of Mexican-American students was unconstitutional. The court ordered the school district to end its policy of segregation, and the case was later upheld by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

The decision in the Mendez case was significant as it was the first time that segregation in education was ruled unconstitutional, predating the landmark Brown v. Board of Education case by several years. It paved the way for the desegregation of schools across the United States and was a major victory for the civil rights movement.



The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that it was unconstitutional and unlawful to forcibly segregate Mexican-American students by focusing on Mexican ancestry, skin color, and the Spanish language.

discuss management failure apathy lack of motivation and special interest groups


Management failure, apathy, lack of motivation, and special interest groups can all have negative impacts on an organization or society.

Management failure refers to the inability of leaders to effectively plan, organize, and control the activities of their organization. This can result in poor performance, missed opportunities, and even financial losses. Management failure can be caused by a lack of experience, poor decision-making skills, or a failure to adapt to changing circumstances.

Apathy and lack of motivation can lead to a lack of engagement among employees or members of an organization. This can result in reduced productivity, lower quality work, and a lack of innovation or creativity. Apathy and lack of motivation can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor leadership, low job satisfaction, or a lack of clear goals or objectives.

Special interest groups can have a negative impact on society by promoting their own agendas at the expense of the broader public interest. These groups may have disproportionate influence on policy decisions or may use their resources to sway public opinion. This can lead to policies that benefit a small group of individuals or organizations at the expense of the broader public.

To address these issues, organizations and society as a whole must prioritize effective leadership, engage employees and members, and ensure that policies are designed to promote the common good rather than the interests of a few. This can involve implementing programs to improve management skills, promoting a culture of engagement and motivation, and ensuring that decision-making processes are transparent and inclusive. It may also involve limiting the influence of special interest groups through regulations or other measures.

The four keys to effective writing are that you write:


All the statements are true that theses must be the four ways of writing.

What is Writing?
Writing is the act of expressing ideas, thoughts, and feelings through the use of written language. It involves the use of words, sentences, and paragraphs to communicate a message to a reader. Writing can take many forms, such as stories, essays, poems, letters, reports, and articles, and it can be used for various purposes, such as to entertain, inform, persuade, or educate.

Writing requires a writer to use their creativity, critical thinking, and language skills to effectively communicate their message. It involves the use of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other writing conventions to ensure that the message is conveyed clearly and accurately.

The four keys to effective writing are that you write:

Clearly: Effective writing should convey the message in a clear and concise manner. The writing should be easy to read and understand, and the main point should be clearly stated.

Concisely: Effective writing should also be concise. The writing should be brief and to the point, without unnecessary words or information. This helps to keep the reader engaged and focused on the main message.

Correctly: Effective writing should be grammatically correct, and the spelling and punctuation should be accurate. This ensures that the reader can understand the message without being distracted by errors in the writing.

Coherently: Effective writing should be coherent, meaning that the ideas should flow logically from one to the next. This helps the reader to understand the message and follow the author's train of thought.

To know more about grammar visit:

children learn from their parents' examples parents' behavior is an important part of their children's experience.
is this a comma splice or a fused sentence.



Children learn from their parents' examples parents' behavior is an important part of their children's experience.

is this a comma splice or a fused sentence.


This is a fused sentence.

the old man tries to instruct santiago in concepts he calls a personal legend and the soul of the world. what does he mean by these concepts, and what sort of worldview is he trying to teach?


The old man's tale of the miner and the emerald in Paulo Coelho's "The Alchemist" has a connection to Santiago's predicament because, like Santiago, he was about to give up on his dreams.

Additionally, it shows that you cannot give up when you invest your entire life into achieving your goals.The sentences above were taken from "The Alchemist," a short fiction.Paulo Coelho is the author of the tale.Similar to this, the old man means when he says, "Treasure is unearthed by the force of rushing water, and it is buried by the same currents," that treasure is discovered when you are young and full of dreams, but it is subsequently buried by the realities of life. In actuality, the rage and irritation that we can feel in the story are very interesting to know about.

To know more about Paulo Coelho please check the following link



Identifying Clauses to Add Detail
Identify the dependent clause in each sentence.
I have many hobbies, but reading is my favorite hobby because it lets me imagine other worlds. I have many hobbies reading is my favorite ✔ because it lets me imagine other worlds
Even though some people dislike reading, I think that they can change their opinion, but they need to meet the right book. ✔ Even though some people dislike readingI think that they can change their opinion they need to meet the right book
The very first book that I read was a mystery, and I have been intrigued by this genre ever since. X The very first book ✔ that I readI have been intrigued by this genre


1) The dependent clause in the sentence is "because it lets me imagine other worlds" which describes why reading is the student's favorite hobby.

2) The dependent clause in the sentence is "they need to meet the right book" which explains how people can change their opinion of reading.

3) The dependent clause in the sentence is "I have been intrigued by this genre ever since" which describes the student's interest in the mystery genre since the very first book they read.

Step by step Explanation:

A set of words known as a dependent clause has a subject and a verb but does not fully communicate a thought. A sentence cannot be a dependent clause. A dependent marker word is frequently used to identify a dependent clause. A set of words known as a dependent clause has a subject and a verb but does not fully communicate a thought. A sentence cannot be a dependent clause. A dependent marker word is frequently used to identify a dependent clause.

Learn more about Dependent clause, sentence and identifying clauses at : https://brainly.com/question/14908789


The boys said, "We were watching the game. change into indirect speech ​



They boys said that they were watching the game.


Direct speech : It involve the qouting of the exact words spoken by the person. Direct speech is always written in inverted commas or quotation marks.

Example : She said "I'm good".

Indirect speech, on the other hand doesn't begin with inverted commas and it is not reported word to word.

Example : She said that she was good.

Direct Indirect

I He /she

We They

You He, she, they

My His, her

Our Their

Your His, her, Their

Me Him, her

Us Them

Mine His, hers

hello can someone please write a movie review for any new recent movies (at least four paragraphs) in details , thank you


Movie Name: Black Adam DC  
Rating: 10/10

It’s kind of a cheat, casting someone as massive as Dwayne Johnson to play a DC superhero — or antihero, in the case of “Black Adam,” an action-packed, adolescent-skewing stand-alone that presents the swole Samoan star as a nearly invincible global threat. Black Adam is basically an A-bomb in human form, whose emergence from a 5,000-year lockdown calls for emergency intervention by the Justice Society of America, or JSA, which dispatches four glorified benchwarmers to contain the situation: Hawkman (Aldis Hodge, gruff), Atom Smasher (Noah Centineo, doofy), Cyclone (Quintessa Swindell, colorful) and Doctor Fate (Pierce Brosnan

Can someone please write a 5 paragraph story where you concentrate on all of your five senses



How To Use The Five Senses In Writing

Sight. Probably the easiest sense to write about. ...

Sound. I love the sound of rain. ...

Smell. This is an easier sense to write than you think. ...

Taste. The same applies to taste. ...

Touch. How do characters react when they touch something, or when someone touches them?

Can you think of any modern-day or recent conflict that contains direct parallels to the satirical history of Lilliput
and Blefuscu? Compare this passage from Gulliver's Travels to any real-life issue between two factions, groups,
or communities, and discuss why Swift's timeless characterization of "Big-endians" and "Little-endians" is still
applicable today. You may use outside research and evidence from the text to support your response.



One modern-day conflict that contains direct parallels to the satirical history of Lilliput and Blefuscu is the ongoing tension between India and Pakistan over the disputed region of Kashmir.

In Gulliver's Travels, the conflict between Lilliput and Blefuscu centers on a disagreement over which end of a boiled egg should be cracked open. The Lilliputians believed that it should be the smaller end, while the Blefuscudians believed it should be the larger end. This disagreement led to a long and bloody war, with both sides suffering losses and eventually reaching a stalemate.

Similarly, the conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir has its roots in a disagreement over territory. Both countries claim ownership of the region and have fought several wars over it. The conflict has led to a significant loss of life and resources on both sides, with no resolution in sight.

Swift's characterization of "Big-endians" and "Little-endians" is still applicable today because it speaks to the human tendency to fight over trivial differences. In the case of Lilliput and Blefuscu, the disagreement over which end of an egg to crack open seems absurd, yet it led to a destructive conflict. Similarly, the conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir may seem irrational to outsiders, but it is fueled by deep-seated political, religious, and cultural differences.

Moreover, Swift's satire underscores the dangers of tribalism and groupthink. The Lilliputians and Blefuscudians are so invested in their own viewpoints that they cannot see the other side's perspective. They are willing to go to war and sacrifice countless lives for the sake of a meaningless tradition. This same mentality can be seen in many real-life conflicts, where individuals and groups become entrenched in their beliefs and refuse to consider alternative viewpoints.

In conclusion, the conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir contains direct parallels to the satirical history of Lilliput and Blefuscu in Gulliver's Travels. Swift's timeless characterization of "Big-endians" and "Little-endians" remains applicable today because it speaks to the dangers of tribalism, groupthink, and the human tendency to fight over trivial differences.


Yes, there are several modern-day or recent conflicts that contain direct parallels to the satirical history of Lilliput and Blefuscu in "Gulliver's Travels." One such example is the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine.

In "Gulliver's Travels," the conflict between Lilliput and Blefuscu centers around a disagreement over which end of a boiled egg should be cracked first - the big end or the little end. The two factions are divided by this seemingly insignificant difference and engage in a long and bitter war as a result.

Similarly, in the conflict between Israel and Palestine, there are deep-seated disagreements over issues such as land ownership, border control, and religious differences. The two sides are divided by these differences and have been engaged in a long-standing conflict that has resulted in violence, political tension, and human suffering.

Swift's characterization of "Big-endians" and "Little-endians" in "Gulliver's Travels" is still applicable today because it highlights the absurdity of conflicts that arise over seemingly insignificant differences. These differences, no matter how small, can be blown out of proportion and become the basis for long-standing disagreements and violence.

Moreover, Swift's satire highlights the human tendency to divide ourselves into groups based on superficial characteristics, such as race, religion, or nationality. This tendency often leads to discrimination and prejudice, which can fuel conflict and prevent peaceful resolution.

In conclusion, the conflict between Lilliput and Blefuscu in "Gulliver's Travels" serves as a timeless allegory for the human tendency to engage in long-standing conflicts over seemingly insignificant differences. The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine is just one example of how Swift's satire is still applicable today, reminding us of the importance of tolerance, understanding, and empathy in resolving conflicts.

Answer questions about characteristics of the F distribution. From the following choices, choose the correct answer. The formula for the numerator degrees of freedom is (Select] ✓ and the denominator degrees of freedom is (Select]


The formula for the numerator degrees of freedom is "v1" and the denominator degrees of freedom is "v2" from the given choices. The F distribution is applied in statistics for the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression.

The F distribution is a continuous probability distribution that has a numerator and denominator degrees of freedom. The F distribution is used in statistics to evaluate the difference between the variances of two populations or to determine the degree of resemblance between the population standard deviations.

The degrees of freedom are represented by DF in the F distribution formula. The formula for F distribution is:-

F distribution = [(v1/ df1)/(v2/ df2)]

where v1 is the numerator degrees of freedom, df1 is the numerator degrees of freedom, v2 is the denominator degrees of freedom, and df2 is the denominator degrees of freedom.

Learn more about freedom: https://brainly.com/question/24163471


which of the following best describes an assumption made by the passage author in the first paragraph?A. Attending a sermon is considered a social event.B. Popular culture accurately depicts religious practices.C. Individuals' worship practices primarily depend on their religion.D. Preachers alter their sermons depending on where individuals are sitting.




which statements best describe this sentence? select three options. it is a complex sentence. it contains a restrictive clause. it is a compound-complex sentence. it contains a nonrestrictive clause.


This sentence is a complex sentence. It contains a restrictive clause. It does not contain a non-restrictive clause.

The given statement is "It's essential that he is here to present the award." Which statements best describe this sentence?

This sentence is a complex sentence because it includes one independent clause and one dependent clause that cannot stand on their own. A dependent clause begins with a subordinate conjunction and cannot stand on its own as a complete sentence.

The sentence's independent clause is "It's essential," and the subordinate clause is "that he is here to present the award." It contains a restrictive clause because it clarifies a noun or noun phrase's meaning.

It is not a compound-complex sentence since it contains only one independent clause and one dependent clause. It does not contain a non-restrictive clause since non-restrictive clauses are clauses that contain unnecessary details or pieces of information that could be removed without altering the sentence's meaning, and this sentence does not contain any unnecessary details or information.

Therefore, the following three options best describe this sentence: It is a complex sentence. It contains a restrictive clause. It does not contain a non-restrictive clause.

Learn more about complex sentence here:



The given statement is "It's essential that he is here to present the award." This sentence is complex sentence. It contains a restrictive clause. It does not contain a non-restrictive clause.

This sentence is complex sentence because it includes one independent clause and one dependent clause that cannot stand on their own. A dependent clause begins with a subordinate conjunction and cannot stand on its own as a complete sentence.

The sentence's independent clause is "It's essential," and the subordinate clause is "that he is here to present the award." It contains a restrictive clause because it clarifies a noun or noun phrase's meaning.

It is not a compound-complex sentence since it contains only one independent clause and one dependent clause.

Therefore, the following three options best describe this sentence: It is a complex sentence. It contains a restrictive clause. It does not contain a non-restrictive clause.

Learn more about complex sentences here:



Rewrite this scene from Daisy's or Gatsby's point of view. Your rewritten scene must include the
character's inner thoughts, description of other characters/the setting, and dialogue between
ne? Explain.
PLEASE NOTE: You may use the dialogue from the original text, but nothing else. Don't let dialogue
dominate your entire rewritten scene. Also, you may rewrite the dialogue, as long as it stays true to
the scene and characters. (Example: Many versions of books change the dialogue but not in a
way that changes the representation of the character or scene, ideally.)
When you are finished, answer the following:
1. How did the change in narration affect the story?
2. Which narrator-Nick, Daisy, or Gatsby-do you think is more effective in th


Rewriting the scene of The Great Gatsby from Daisy's perspective reads as follows:

Entering Gatsby's mansion was like briefly escaping reality and slipping into a hazy, dazzling dream to me. However, I was close to catching a glimpse of the city through the transparent shield of the Valley of Ashes.

Explain the point of view in Great Gatsby.

Nick's limited first-person perspective is used to write The Great Gatsby. This indicates that Nick speaks in the first person singular and recounts experiences firsthand. Until they tell him, he is unaware of the thoughts of the other characters. While Nick is the book's narrator, he is largely irrelevant to the events, with the exception of helping Daisy and Gatsby meet. The majority of the time, he observes what is happening, only vanishing into the background to describe critical encounters involving Gatsby, Tom, and Daisy. His voice completely vanishes in a few lengthy passages, and he describes the sensations and thoughts of other people as if he were inside their heads.

I started to wonder, and still do whether Gatsby truly loved me or if we were just having a passing fling. The novelty of living outside the sphere of reality eventually wore off, despite the fact that at first, I had delighted in and even enjoyed the reflection of the splendor reflected upon me by Gatsby's imagination.  He silently begged Daisy to end everything. I continued to drive. Gatsby was using me to travel back in time for a few hours each day, and I couldn't get rid of the growing fear that he was using me to do the same. That perhaps he accompanies me at all times out of self-interest rather than affection.

To learn more about The Great Gatsby, visit:



The complete question is:

Rewrite this scene from Daisy’s or Gatsby’s point of view. Your rewritten scene must include the character’s inner thoughts, description of other characters/the setting, and dialogue between characters.

PLEASE NOTE: You may use the dialogue from the original text, but nothing else. Don’t let dialogue dominate your entire rewritten scene. Also, you may rewrite the dialogue, as long as it stays true to the scene and characters. (Example: Many movie versions of books change the dialogue but not in a way that changes the representation of the character or scene, ideally.)When you are finished, answer the following questions:1.How did the change in narration affect the story?2.Which narrator—Nick or Daisy/Gatsby—do you think is more effective in this scene? Explain.

Which students would enjoy building the cars the most?
Click for the passage, "The Sunny Road Trip."
A. Those who like to take car trips
B. Those who want to use more energy
C. Those who like to solve design problems
D. Those who want to drive big cars


Based on the information provided in the passage, option C, "Those who like to solve design problems," would enjoy building the cars the most.

What is the reasoning for this answer?

The passage talks about a competition where students design and build their own solar-powered cars, which requires problem-solving and engineering skills to create an efficient and effective design. Options A, "Those who like to take car trips," and D, "Those who want to drive big cars," may enjoy participating in the competition as drivers, but not necessarily as builders. Option B, "Those who want to use more energy," is not relevant to the context of the passage, as the competition involves designing and building cars that use solar energy.

To find out more about "The Sunny Road Trip", visit:



Why does Twain call the apprentice an undeserving reptile


Mark Twain calls the apprentice an "undeserving reptile" in his essay "Advice to Youth" because he believes that the apprentice is lazy and does not deserve the job he has. Twain goes on to criticize the apprentice for not taking pride in his work and for being content with doing the minimum amount of work necessary to get by. He believes that the apprentice is not putting in the effort required to excel in his trade, and that he is taking advantage of his employer's trust in him. In calling the apprentice an "undeserving reptile," Twain is essentially saying that the apprentice is lazy and unworthy of the position he holds.

In his article "Advice to Youth," Mark Twain refers to the apprentice as a "undeserving reptile" because he thinks that the worker is unmotivated and unworthy of his position.

What is apprentice?

A younger group of practitioners of the a trade or profession can be trained through an apprenticeship programme, which combines classroom instruction with on-the-job training. Apprenticeships can also help professionals get a license to work in a regulated field.

A person undertaking apprenticeship training is known as an apprentice. Apprenticeship training describes a programme of instruction in any business or sector. Basic training (theoretical teachings) and practical on-the-job training are both components of an apprenticeship programme.

Thus, in his article "Advice to Youth," Mark Twain refers to the apprentice as a "undeserving reptile" because he thinks that the worker is unmotivated and unworthy of his position.

Learn more about Apprentice, here:



1. You seem to be having trouble there. _________ I help you?
• Would •Will •Shall


Answer :

You seem to be having trouble there Shall I help you?

Explanation :

Modal verbs :-

CAN: Ability, doubt, astonishment, permission, Polite request

MAY: Permission, if not prohibition, supposition with doubt

MUST: Obligation, firm necessity, logical conclusion, probability

SHALL: intention, supposition WILL Wish, desire, will, confidence, in the future

OUGHT: Moral duty, insistent advice, strict recommendation

TO NEED: (un)necessity

BE TO: Obligation arising out of arrangement or agreement

HAVE TO: Unwillingness, forced circumtances

WOULD: Wish (with "to like"), polite request, a habit of the past

SHOULD: Necessity, advice, blame, recommendation, reproach, regret

USED TO: Repeated action in the past

what is the difference between concurrent and consecutive


If the phrases of imprisonment are to be suffered one after the alternative, the sentences of imprisonment are stated to run consecutively. If, on the alternative hand, the phrases of imprisonment are to be suffered together, the sentences are stated to run concurrently.

A consecutive sentencing plan is wherein a courtroom docket imposes or extra phrases of custody time and also you serve one time period right now following another. By contrast, a concurrent sentencing plan is wherein you serve all of the sentences on the identical time, with the prisoner being launched after the longest time period ends. Prison phrases for 2 or extra offenses to be served one after the alternative. Example: Two five-yr sentences and one three-yr sentence, if served consecutively, bring about a most of thirteen years at the back of bars.

To learn more about phrases check the link below-



Complete question-

what is the difference between concurrent and consecutive sentences.

Investigating Life in Planet Newn
How does the setting reflect the theme of the drama?
The shuttle is far from Earth and it floats.
Only Rob and Tara feel at home in the setting.
Only NASA pilots can call a space shuttle home.
The shuttle is not a typical home for people.


The setting reflect the theme of the drama by option D. The shuttle is not a typical home for people.

What is the setting  about?

The setting of the drama, which is a space shuttle far from Earth, reflects the theme of the drama in several ways. One of the most significant ways is that the shuttle is not a typical home for people. This means that the characters in the drama, particularly Rob and Tara, are in a strange and unfamiliar environment that poses numerous challenges and difficulties.

The setting of the space shuttle also reflects the theme of the drama in the sense that it highlights the isolation and loneliness that the characters experience. Being far from Earth and other people means that they have to rely on each other for emotional support and companionship.

Additionally, the setting underscores the idea of exploration and discovery. The characters are on a mission to investigate and study a new planet, which involves exploring and discovering new things.

Learn more about theme from



When quoting an author's exact words within a paragraph what is the proper textual formatting?



you should add quotes , italicize it and put the authors name somewhere

1. What made the mother scared on the train to Chicago? What does the author think about her mother’s fears? Cite specific lines from the text in your answer


She was afraid of the men carrying guns.

Summary of "Museum Indians"

Both "Bonne Anne" and "Museum Indians" are about immigrants or people who leave their home country in search of a better life in a new country. Although the memoirs appear to be different, they share many similarities in ethnicity, situations, and how they were introduced to their culture.They are both different and similar in terms of ethnicity. The main character in "Museum Indians" is Native American of Sioux descent. While the main character in "Bonne Anne" is Haitian with a Haitian culture. Despite their differences in culture and ethnicity, they are both people from different cultures who have been separated from their native land. They are both separated and displaced in a new society, and they both yearn for their native culture.There are differences and similarities in their situations. The main character in "Museum Indians" was born and raised in Chicago. Her mother introduced her to the city. They were also forced to leave their home in order to provide for their family. In "Bonne Anne," however, the character was born in Haiti but now lives in New York. He grew up in Haiti and is well-integrated into the new society. He has friends, teachers, and a favourite sports team, the New York Mets.

To know more about Haitian, click on the link :



Sushmita wanted to arrange the following DVDs in ALPHABETICAL ORDER. Choose the CORRECT option which arranges these DVDs in ALPHABETICAL ORDER


The correct order of arranging these DVDs in alphabetical order is

4 - 2 - 1 - 5 - 3. Thus option D is correct.

Alphabetical order is a method for placing character sequences in order based on their location in the traditional ordering of an alphabet. It is one of the collection techniques. A lexicographical order in mathematics is the extension of the alphabetical order to other data kinds, such as sequences of integers or other ordered mathematical objects.

The alphabetical order is usually referred to as a lexicographical order when applied to lines or segments In addition to alphabetical characters, it may incorporate digits, numbers, or more complicated types of components.

When a collection of words or strings is arranged alphabetically, all strings that begin with the same letter are grouped together; within that grouping, all words that begin with the same two-letter series are grouped together; and so on. As a result, the algorithm prefers to maximize the number of similar initial characters between neighbouring words.


Sushmita wanted to arrange the following DVDs in ALPHABETICAL ORDER.

Choose the CORRECT option which arranges these DVDs in ALPHABETICAL ORDER.

A. 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1

B. 2 - 4 - 1 - 3 - 5

C. 1 - 2 - 5 - 3 - 4

D. 4 - 2 - 1 - 5 - 3

To learn more about ALPHABETICAL ORDER



what is the theme of this passage? responses a. people most often prefer play to work. b. people form many different relationships during their lives. c. people change a great deal as they go through the stages of life.d. people gain self-knowledge as they age.


I believe the theme of the passage is c) People change a great deal as they go through the stages of life.

By the way, I believe the so called "passage" is the passage: "All the World's a Stage." -William Shakespeare.

I apologize if this is incorrect. I hope you have a lovely day! :)

devise a 6-step synthesis of a carboxylic acid from ethyne using the reagents provided. ethyne is a carbon carbon triple bond, bonded to two hydrogens. three reagents convert this to the main intermediate, an alkene with three bonds to hydrogen and one bond to a propyl group. three more reagents convert this to the product, which is a carboxylic acid bonded to a four carbon chain.


To devise a 6-step synthesis of a carboxylic acid from ethyne, the following steps are used.

1) Treat ethyne with a strong acid, such as sulfuric acid, to form an alkyl halide (alkylation).

2)Add a strong base, such as sodium hydroxide, to the alkyl halide to form an alkene with three bonds to hydrogen and one bond to a propyl group (nucleophilic substitution).

3)Treat the alkene with a dehydrating agent such as sulfuric acid to form an alkene with three bonds to a propyl group and one double bond (elimination reaction).

4)Treat the alkene with an aqueous acid, such as hydrochloric acid, to form an aldehyde with three bonds to a propyl group and one single bond (hydration).

5)Treat the aldehyde with an oxidation agent, such as potassium permanganate, to form a carboxylic acid with four carbon atoms (oxidation).

6)Treat the carboxylic acid with an acid, such as hydrochloric acid, to form a carboxylic acid bonded to a four carbon chain (esterification).

Therefore, a 6-step synthesis of a carboxylic acid from ethyne can be achieved by alkylation, nucleophilic substitution, elimination reaction, hydration, oxidation, and esterification.

Learn more about "6-step synthesis" at: https://brainly.com/question/26723105


Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb form.

It (discover) ______ that positive results (be)______ partly due to general well-being. It already (accept)______ that when people (feel)_____ happy and (have)_____ a positive approach to (increase)_____ this feeling of joy and (exceed)______ The recovery process.



It was discovered that positive results were partly due to general well-being. It had already been accepted that when people feel happy and have a positive approach, this increases the feeling of joy and exceeds the recovery process.

underline the common nouns and proper nouns in each sentence



5. Edison - proper noun inventions - common

6. inventor- common America - proper

7. laboratory- common New Jersey- proper

8. his - common Europe- proper

9. Tommas Edison- proper movies- common

hope I helped:)

In 1900, about 3. 05 million people lived in Texas. Altogether, about 76. 1 million people lived in the United States. About how many people in the United States did not live in Texas. PLEASE HELP I ONLY HAVE 5 MINUTES


Texas' inhabitants meet and exceed between 1,591,749 in 1880 to 2,235,527 in 1890 and 3,048,710 in 1900.

Why did individuals relocate to Texas in the nineteenth century?

Immigration and Residency

Many of individuals were drawn to Texas in the nineteenth century by the prospect of free or low-cost land. Men like Stephen F. Austin were among the first Anglo settlers. Because Texas were a sovereign nation of Mexico, those colonists remained susceptible to Mexican law and traditions.

Why is Texas so populous?

Texas reached a new population milestone this year, surpassing 30 million people because of immigrants from many other regions across the nation. According to new Census Bureau estimates statement Released, the population of the town as of July 1 was 30,029,572 after decades of a steady increase.

To know more about century click here



7. Think of ONE word which can be used appropriately in all three sentences
. 1. The birds ... their nests in early September and begin to the lookout for predators. their eggs two weeks later, always being on
2. The press speculated whether the new telecommunications company was going to ... cables to improve the existing system.
3. One of my responsibilities at home is to ... the table in the evening.


The word that can be used appropriately in all three sentences is “lay”. Here are the completed sentences:

The birds lay their nests in early September and begin to look out for predators. They lay their eggs two weeks later, always being on the lookout.

The press speculated whether the new telecommunications company was going to lay cables to improve the existing system.

One of my responsibilities at home is to lay the table in the evening.




hope this helps

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