what causes these circular motion of air to occur​


Answer 1


there's no picture or options

but warm air rises cool falls

Related Questions

Which are resources that Africa has? select all that apply
literate population
political stability



yeah, I think it's diamonds and oil.


First of all the majority population is illiterate and there is internal political instability in most of the countries. But it has abundance of natural wealth in the form if diamonds accounting to more than 49 percent of the world's diamond supply. And most of the countries produce oil

How did allied nations limit individual rights of certain people during world war 2? Why did this happen



Under total war, governments believed that unity and loyalty were essential, especially when they made decisions that could be unpopular. The press was censored, citizens with suspected loyalties (Japanese descent in the US, Germans in Europe) were subjected to confinement in internment camps.


hope it helps

what was one major effect of British rule in India during the 19th century?


Indian society underwent many changes after the British came to India. In the 19th century, certain social practices like female infanticide, child marriage, sati, polygamy and a rigid caste system became more prevalent. These practices were against human dignity and values.

Select and read a primary and secondary text about the September 11, 2001, attacks. You may use video and print for your source, then create a presentation that meets the following requirements.

Present the key ideas in the primary account
What ideas seemed critical?
Did the presentation of material make an impact on you? (Think: word choice, expressions, details provided.)
Discuss the author’s analysis and conclusions
Present the key ideas in the secondary account
What ideas seemed critical?
Did the presentation of material make an impact on you? (Think: word choice, expressions, details provided.)
Discuss the author’s analysis and conclusions.
What was unique about what the primary source taught you?
What was unique about what the secondary source taught you?
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each source
Were details missing from one or both sources?
Did both sources provide the same or a more complete picture of the event?
(you choose your own primary and secondary sources)



I have no idea




September 11 attacks, also called 9/11 attacks, series of airline hijackings and self harm attacks committed in 2001 by 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda against targets in the United States, the deadliest terrorist attacks on American soil in U.S. history. The attacks against New York City and Washington, D.C., caused extensive death and destruction and triggered an enormous U.S. effort to combat terrorism. Some 2,750 people were killed in New York, 184 at the Pentagon, and 40 in Pennsylvania (where one of the hijacked planes crashed after the passengers attempted to retake the plane); all 19 terrorists died (see Researcher’s Note: September 11 attacks). Police and fire departments in New York were especially hard-hit: hundreds had rushed to the scene of the attacks, and more than 400 police officers and firefighters were killed.


Who was the leader of the Protestant Reformation, and in what city was he tried for heresy


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

Who was the leader of the Protestant Reformation, and in what city was he tried for heresy?


The leader of the Protestant Reformation was Martin Luther, and he was tried for heresy in the city of Worms, Germany, in an event where was known as the "Diet of Worms."

Martin Luther (1483-1546) was a German Theologian that was the most important figure in the Protestant Reformation of the Church. His ideas changed Christianity and led to the separation of the Catholic Church. Luther questioned the main principles of Catholicism. He wrote the document called "95 Thesis" or "Disputation on the Power of Indulgencies," where he critiques the selling of plenary indulgences to forgive sins.

đặc điểm xã hội của chủ nghĩa tư bản


Chủ nghĩa tư bản đã bắt đầu tồn tại trên quy mô nhỏ trong nhiều thế kỷ xuất hiện dưới dạng các hoạt động buôn bán, cho thuê và cho vay và đôi khi là ngành công nghiệp quy mô nhỏ với một số lao động làm công ăn lương. Đã có một lịch sử rất dài trong trao đổi hàng hóa đơn giản và sản xuất hàng hóa đơn giản, đó là nền tảng ban đầu cho sự phát triển của tư bản từ trao đổi thương mại

‘Solidarity died as quickly as it started, having achieved nothing.’ How far do you agree with this statement?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although you did not attach any context to the above-mentioned quotation or further references, we are going to assume that you are referring to Solidarity, the social moment in Poland that turned into a worker union that opposed the Communist government.

I have to say that a don't agree with the statement ‘Solidarity died as quickly as it started, having achieved nothing."

I consider that the Solidarity movement in Poland accomplished many things. Indeed, the strike of August 14, 1980, changed the political scenario in Eastern Europe.

The leader of the movement was Lech Walesa. Years later he won the presidential election of Poland. His victory and Vacláv Havel’s victory to become President of Czechoslovakia signified the transformation of Eastern Europe from dominance by the Soviet Union to new democracies.

So what started as a union movement in Communist time in Poland, ended up being a political party that got to power when Lech Walesa became the President of Poland in December 1990.

Question 23 of 33
Intergovernmental organizations like the United Nations have been unable to
effectively address many instances of human rights abuse around the world
because they:
A. are concerned with economic issues rather than human rights.
B. are only legally permitted to address terrorist violence.
C. cannot legally act unless the abuses meet very specific criteria.
D. do not have military forces powerful enough to interfere.


I believe it’s A but not sure

Though Japan's imperial system is thousands of years old, Japanese emperors had very little power during the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. In 1867, a series of events known as the Meiji restoration returned control of Japan to its emperor. Powerful Japanese emperors led a modernization program in Japan that allowed it to become wealthy and powerful during the 20th century. The Japanese Empire used its military power to conquer Korea, Vietnam, parts of China, and other territories in Southeast Asia during this period. During World War II, Japan fought as one of the Axis powers but was forced to surrender after the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japanese cities. Though the United States considered ending the imperial system entirely, it eventually allowed the emperor to remain in place. However, his power was greatly reduced, and present-day Japanese emperors serve ceremonial roles instead of being political leaders. What is one example of continuity described in the passage?​


Answer: The Meiji restoration resulted in the Japanese emperor gaining substantial power


Based on the information given in the passage, an example of continuity which is described in the passage is that "The Meiji restoration resulted in the Japanese emperor gaining substantial power".

The image shows a world map.

A map of the world that shows population density by the number of people per square kilometer.

Which measurement of population does this map illustrate?

population in relation to resources
population changes
population density
population in relation to ethnicity


Answer: population density


The description of the map shows that it describes population density which is the number of people who live per square kilometer. Population density is usually higher for urban areas than it is for rural areas because there are many more people in urban areas than in rural.

Countries with a large population and a small area will also have high population density such as Nigeria whilst areas with a relatively low population but a large area will have a lower population density for instance, Russia.

Answer: population density

tháng 8 năm 1951 đại hội liên hoan thanh niên và sinh viên thế giới lần thứ 3 được tổ chức từ ngày 5 đến ngày 20 tháng 8 tại địa điểm nào


needed points sryyy bro



but here’s a song tho

Nono square

Don't, don't

Don't, don't

Don't touch me there

My no-no square

No-no, don't touch me there

This is my no-no square

No-no, don't touch me there

No-no, my no-no square

No-no, don't touch me there

This is my no-no square

No-no, don't touch me there

No-no, my no-no square

Sqaure, sqaure, sqaure, sqaure

Sqaure, sqaure, sqaure, sqaure

Sqaure, sqaure, sqaure, sqaure

Sqaure, sqaure, sqaure, sqaure...

Don't touch me there

My no-no square

Sqaure, sqaure, sqaure, sqaure, square

No-no, don't touch me there

This is my no-no square

No-no, don't touch me there


No-no, don't touch me there

This is my no-no square

No-no, don't touch me there

No-no, my (no-no square)



Don't touch me there

when consumer confidence is low which of the following is true​



Is there anything you left out for the question because it looks like.


please repost this question properly.

what would you determine to be the main concerns of immigration officials regarding potential immigrants?




Similar: came 2 U.S.; greater opportunity; lived near people from their homeland. Different: different parts of the world; dreamed of cities + factory jobs rather than farms; some came to make money then return home. 17. Where did immigrants from China and Japan tend to settle?

1) Which conclusion regarding early African trade is supported by the information

provided by this map?

1 The kingdom of Zimbabwe grew rich from trade with Egypt.

2 The west African kingdoms had trading contacts with the cities of the Mediterranean

3 The Congo and Zambezi Rivers played an important role in Africa's early trade.

4 The kingdoms of western Africa traded with the city states of Eastern Africa



2 The west African kingdoms had trading contacts with the cities of the Mediterranean


Hi. You have not presented the map that this question refers to, this prevents your question from being answered. However, among the answer options you presented, the only one that presents true information is the one selected above.

The existence of the Sahara desert made trade between African peoples and other peoples very difficult, because there was no efficient transport to transport goods quickly. However, when the Arabs conquered the Maghrib, they introduced the camel as a means of transport. This was very innovative and expedited transportation in the desert, which allowed West Africa to establish commercial contact with Mediterranean cities, which allowed West Africa to be part of the International Mediterranean Trade.

did farmers alliances and the populist movement include women ?​



Yes, the alliance movement, and the subsequent political party that emerged from it, also featured prominent roles for women.


BASED ON courtly love songs and heroic legends, which attribute was most important for a knight?
Because it says BASED ON, I believe the answer is either Courtesy or Courage but im not sure



Personally, I think it's both, but Courage is one important thing for Knights

How was killing bison another way to decrease the population of Indians?


Answer: The rapid decline of bison dramatically decreased the heights of native Americans because they depended on them Before the bison disappeared, the native people living in the plains were among the tallest in the world.


Which of the following describes federalism?

A strong loyalty to a state or region, sometimes at the expense of a nation

The idea that the us constitution periodically can be updated or changed

The idea that a state could refuse to follow a federal law it disagreed with

A system that divides power between national and state governments





our government has different branches


A strong loyalty to a statebor religion, sometimes at the expense of a nation.

Why is the Paris Commune the first proletarian government in the world?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The Paris Commune was the first proletarian government in the world because it was the first type of government that truly represented the proletarian people, the poor people of France. It was established to improve the living conditions of the French workers.

The Paris Commune established a leftist type of government, based on revolutionary principles. This Paris Commune ruled the city of Paris for two months. It started on March 28 to May 28, 1871.

This moment in French history was part of the Franco-Prussian War, better known as the War of 1870, between the North German Confederation and the Second French Empire.

Which is the most credible source for a biographical essay on the deeds of Joan of Arc?

a book about Joan of Arc published in 1980
a .net website about Joan of Arc that does not list an author
a wiki site on Joan of Arc's political role, updated in 2019
a 2019 encyclopedia article on Joan of Arc's military role
Mark this and return



Most Likely the Encyclopedia


The reason I don't say the book is because the essay calls specifically for the deeds of Joan of Arc. Joan of Arc is mostly known for her military deeds, and for this reason I say that encyclopedia as a opposed to just a book about them. Encyclopedias are rife with information, books don't have to provide much.


Explanation:hope this helps!

Select the correct answer. Which of the following statements describes the command economy of the Soviet Union? A. The government allowed private businesses to produce goods and services de B. The government decided what goods and services would be produced and sup Oc. The government allowed workers to own the means of production.
D. The government ensured high wages for workers.

Plato answers ​


The answer is B. In a Command economy the government controls all means of production and sale.

What was the impact of Pseudoscientific ideas of Race on Jewish Nation by the Nazi Germany during the period 1933 to 1946?​



I think these ideas about race were pided into two main theories, scientific racism and social Darwinism.

case was the national ideology coextensive with that of Nazi Germany; yet in each country local issues found fertile ground for the pursuit of national identity and.

I hope this help! I don't know if it right or wrong but I hop ethis help you!:)

True or False: President Johnson was impeached for violating the Tenure of Office Act, which he viewed as unconstitutional.


Answer: True


President Johnson had repeatedly clashed with Congress on the way forward with regards to the treatment of the newly freed African Americans and one such result was the passage of the Tenure of Office Act.

Under this Act, the President could not terminate the employment of a cabinet member unless approved by Congress. Johnson had been clashing with his Secretary of War,  Edwin M. Stanton, who was liked by the Republicans who controlled Congress.

When the Johnson suspended Stanton without telling Congress they had him impeached for violating the Tenure of Office Act.

How is the president able to limit, or check, the power of the legislative



The president is able to check the power of the legislative branch through the use of the presidential veto.

result of the Cuban missile crisis?



Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev orders withdrawal of missiles from Cuba, ending the Cuban Missile Crisis. In 1960, Khrushchev had launched plans to install medium and intermediate range ballistic missiles in Cuba that would put the eastern United States within range of nuclear attack.

Trust me mark me as brainliest trust me to put brainliest

What is the legacy of china's revolutions



"That period, which ended with Mao’s death in 1976, is a controversial part of China’s history, one that current top officials would rather look past than celebrate. Monday marks the 50th anniversary of that start of the Cultural Revolution and there is no official celebration or recognition from state media."

in Gulliver's travels what is swift is messing for humanity​



Jonathan Swift's satire in Gulliver's travels is trying to explain what man must strive to overcome in life.

Explanation: Not by argument but but being kind and living healthy lives.

As the Civil War began, President Lincoln accepted the belief that individual states should settle the question of slavery. it was time to end slavery throughout the United States. the Union could be preserved as a mix of free and slave states. preserving the Union was not worth the loss of life it would cause.



President Lincoln accepted the belief that individual states should settle the question of slavery


While the war initially began to ensure that he was able to preserve the union and not about Slavery as the war progressed and with the Emancipation Proclamation he declared that the war would end slavery as well as preserve the Union. We see this again when he gives the Gettysburg Address

When American colonists protested the idea of taxation without representation, what Enlightenment idea were they



that people should be free to worship as they wish


Los personajes nos provocaban miedo. El miedo no provenía de la forma monstruosa de los personajes, sino de la ambientación monstruosa que se generaba cuando uno de los personajes se presentaba en escena. b- Reescribí el texto utilizando los procedimientos de cohesión que aprendiste



sorry o but is not all of us that understand u people

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The system of equationsIX = y-1 ly+4=X+6 has A no solution B one solutionC infinitely many solutions Ricardo earned $52,000 last year. He just received a 3% salary increase. What is his new yearly salary? Read this paragraph from The Dark Game.Realizing that they could do more if they banded together, groups of the Richmond Unionists began to organize. As Van Lew built stronger relationships with wounded soldiers, the Unionists made plans to hide Union soldiers who escaped from Libby Prison. In fact, the Van Lew mansion became a primary safe house, a place where escaped prisoners would be hidden and cared for. Elizabeth, her mother, and their servants did all they could to prepare the escaped soldiers for the treacherous journey behind enemy lines as they attempted to rejoin their fellow soldiers. The Unionists well understood that every escapee was a potential source of valuable military intelligence, and they made certain that each soldier was debriefed before starting back to the Union lines.This paragraph is mainly about howA) Van Lew prepared the Union soldiers to return to their army.B) Van Lews home was a safe house for escaped Union soldiers.C) Van Lew obtained information from escaped Union soldiers.D) Van Lews mother and servants were part of her secret operation. 5. A car travels 40 kilometers at an average speed of 80 km/h and then travels 40kilometers at an average speed of 40 km/h. The average speed of the car for this 80 kmtrip is:A) 40 km/hB) 45 km/h48 km/hD) 53 km/hE) 80 km/h Perform the transformations Write an equation of the line that has a slope of -3 and y-intercept 7 in slope-intercept form. Blood is made up of formed in non-formed elements and non-formed elements are what make up plasma select which options is not a formed element.Protein, erythrocytes, nutrients, water Help me thanks bsbsbs The movement of liquid particles through a characteristic path or circlar motion Rule 1: Multiply by 2, then add one third starting from 1. Rule 2: Add one half, then multiply by 4 starting from 0. What is the fourth ordered pair using the two sequences? (5, 10) (four and two thirds, 42) (21, 170) (two and one third, 2) If the initial ratio of 14C to 12C in the bones was one part per trillion (the current ratio of 14C to 12C in the atmosphere), approximately what ratio would we expect in bones that come from wolves trapped 28,500 years ago why the fear of failour can be classified as emotional stressor O, R and S are points in the same horizontal plane. /OR/ = 20m and /OS/= 32m.The bearing of R and S from O are 030 and 135 respectively. How Far East of R is S A population has adopted an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) in regards to cooperation or defection. If a new mutant strategy appears that causes an opposite behavior from the norm, which of the following will result?A. The mutant strategy will not be able to increase in numbers in the population under the influence of natural selection. B. Antagonistic pleiotropy will allow an equilibrium in which both strategies are maintained in the population. C. The members of the population using the original strategy will act with aggression toward those exhibiting the mutant strategy.D. The evolutionarily stable strategy will be displaced because of natural selection in favor of the mutant strategy. E. Natural selection will maintain the mutant strategy because the variation in strategy may be useful in future environments. A 3-kg projectile is launched at an angle of 45o above the horizontal. The projectile explodes at the peak of its flight into two pieces. A 2-kg piece falls directly down and lands exactly 50 m from the launch point. Determine the horizontal distance from the launch point where the 1-kg piece lands. One hundred forty-eight ten thousandth is Which event happens first when you get a splinter?A. The white blood cells produce antibodies.B. The damaged tissue releases chemical messengers.O C. The white blood cells eat pathogens near the wound.D. The damaged tissue swells and becomes painful. what are noncommunical disease Jorge is factoring a quadratic expression. First he factors out the greatest common factor & then uses grouping. A recipe calls for 1/4 cup of butter. One ounce (oz) of butter is equivalent to 2 tablespoons (T), and there are 8 oz of butter in 1 cup. Which of the following statements correctly interpret the information provided?a. The information provided gives the conversion factor 8oz/2T. b. The information provided gives the conversion factor 8oz/1 cup. c. The recipe requires 64 T of butter. d. The recipe requires 4T of butter.