what did adam smith meant by “natural laws”

What Did Adam Smith Meant By Natural Laws


Answer 1

Answer: adam smith meant laws that we were born with and that exist in nature regardless whether people accept them or not. They will always exist and are standards of all other laws.


Answer 2
Competition makes people better

Related Questions

Today, the government measures income by calculating the number of people living in poverty. In what year were poverty rates the highest?



The first one is: 2010

The second one is: 2000


In the 1950s, the poverty rates were the highest.

What are the poverty rates?

When the income of a number of people falls below the poverty line, and is taken as half of the median household income, This presentation is in the form of a ratio of poverty rates.

To calculate the poverty line, first find the total cost of all the essential resources that are consumed by the average adult during a whole year.

An image is attached at the end for better understanding.

Thus, the 1950s were the years when poverty rates were the highest.

Learn more about poverty rates from here:



Raja Melaka mengurniakan kawasan pegangan ini kepada
pembesar tempatan ialah _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.​



what is your langauge i can,t understan


but please like me

Select the correct answer. Which sentence best describes the effect of the Declaration of Rights?



It ensured that no monarch could rule without Parliament.


where is questions???



...What's the Magna Carta?​



Magna Carta, English Great Charter, charter of English liberties granted by King John on June 15, 1215, under threat of civil war and reissued, with alterations, in 1216, 1217, and 1225. By declaring the sovereign to be subject to the rule of law and documenting the liberties held by “free men,” the Magna Carta provided the foundation for individual rights in Anglo-American jurisprudence.

Stenton, Doris Mary. "Magna Carta". Encyclopedia Britannica, 11 Feb. 2021, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Magna-Carta. Accessed 27 June 2021.

Magna Carta, which means 'The Great Charter', is one of the most important documents in history as it established the principle that everyone is subject to the law, even the king, and guarantees the rights of individuals, the right to justice and the right to a fair trial.Feb 2, 2015

When was the colosseum made ?



80 AD




The Great Barrier Reef is located off the coast of which continent?



Queensland, Australia


Queensland and Australia! Have a good day or night!

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall
not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by
the people.
-Amendment IX, Bill of Rights, 1789



hope it will help you


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


A well–regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.


No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.


The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.


No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.

Over which issue did Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas disagree during their debates?


Hope this helps


i don’t know what the choices are cause it says A but I think it has to do something with slavery

what were 3 things that the mayans, olemcs, and aztecs had in common



1.They were all Mesoamerican civilizations

2. They all had a calendar system

3. They all had some form of a writing system


How did the fire-eaters differ from the Unionists?
They supported Henry Foote for governor.
They wanted to secede over the issue of slavery.
They wanted to uphold the Compromise of 1850.
They opposed the Supreme Court’s Dred Scott decision.



They wanted to secede over the issue of slavery.


Unlike the Unionists who believe that the United States of America should remain together as one larger entity, the fire-eaters, however, believe in the secession of the United States. Fire eaters also favor slavery

Hence, in this case, the correct answer is, the fire-eaters differ from the Unionists in the sense that "They wanted to secede over the issue of slavery."

HELPP ME PLZ How did World War II get started and how did it shape the world to come from 45 - 1990 ?



nazi party took power in germany the leader hitler decided to take over europe and also elemenate jews backed up by fashist italy and japan  so other countrys decided to fight back. the russians , americans ,and british are the one who  put an end to it. the nazies were very deceplined ,dedicated  though, smart.and tecnologiacly advanced and the japaness were very gritty thats why it took too long to defeat them.


Entre las funciones que debía mantener la Casa de Contratación en España, se encontraba(n): I. La regulación del comercio y la navegación entre España y América II. La fiscalización de las leyes promulgadas desde los cabildos locales, juzgando y castigando a quienes infringían las leyes. III. La asignación de cargos públicos desde la península, escogiendo a gobernadores y corregidores entre españoles y criollos que habitaban el territorio durante el periodo colonial.


La respuesta correcta es I.- La regulación del comercio y la navegación entre España y América.

Entre las funciones que debía mantener la Casa de Contratación en España, se encontraba la regulación del comercio y la navegación entre España y América.

Por el año de 1503, la corona española ordenó la instalación de la llamada Casa de Contratación para establecer una regulación y control permanente entre el comercio con el continente Americano. Además de esta importante función principal, otra de las actividades de la Casa de Concentración era la instrucción de los navegantes para que pilotearan correctamente las embarcaciones y cumplieran su propósito. Por supuesto que también recibían capacitación en cartografía. Posteriormente, estos navegantes tenían que informar detalladamente todo lo que veían en esas nuevas tierras, para que los reyes de España estuvieran bien enterados de lo que había en sus nuevos territorios.

La sede de esta Casa de Contratación originalmente fue en la ciudad de Sevilla, pero posteriormente se trasladó a Cádiz.

What made up the "Southern way of life"?


white southerner consisted of a rich and extravagant lifestyle for southerners with many slaves while southerners with little slaves or none had a more simple lifestyle as subsistence farmers

Help me plsssssssssss​



hindi ko maintindihan yung Hanay B

Which statements are INCORRECT about the two most important urban centers of the Indus Valley Civilization: Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa? a. These cities were built on the Coast of the Indus River. b. These cities were known for their advanced warfare techniques. c. These cities also grew up at the most important trade routes of that time and were surrounded by rich agricultural lands. Thus, farming, making handicrafts and trading were the occupations of people. d. These cities were the most under developed cities of those times.

b & d

a & c

a & b

None of these


Answer: d. These cities were the most under developed cities of those times.

What was unique about the musical Oklahoma?

It was the first play about Oklahoma.
It was a western theme.
It was a musical play.
It was a comedy.


C it was a musical play

Source GeoSystems Global Corporation (adapted)
Whích group of people ruled much of Asia during the period shown on this map?
1. Mongol 2. Indian
3. Japanese 4. European


1. Mongol is the answer, I’ve answered this question before. Hope it helps

Why did the settlers in the Americas begin developing their own form of

A. They wanted to be free of government tyranny.

B. They wanted to make more money.

C. They were very far away from their ruling government.

D. They wanted to experiment on the best forms of government. .


the answer to the question was is c

bigyan patunay na may pagkakatulad at pagkakaiba ang kabanata1 "ang Pagtitipon" sa iyong napanood na telenobela gamit ang graphic organizer ​



bigyan patunay na may pagkakatulad at pagkakaiba ang kabanata1 "ang Pagtitipon" sa iyong napanood na telenobela gamit ang graphic organizer

What was an affect of the us increase in production during World War II. It gave the allies the advantage to win the war



It allowed for the allied powers to be supplied and fully equipped during the entirety of the war as well as out producing the Germans and Japanese.


All of the following statements about the Declaration of Independence are TRUE except:
It was called "an expression of the American mind."
It was a document in which the colonists declared their freedom from Britain.
It divided power between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the government.
It stated that people have the right to overthrow their government when their basic rights are being violated



D. It stated that people have the right to overthrow their government when their basic rights are being violated.


What was one of Toussaint Louverture's most important contributions to the Haitian Revolution?
A. He ensured that the Haitian economy continued to function throughout the revolution.
B. He ended the mass execution of white Haitians by former slaves and affranchis.
C. He negotiated an alliance with Spain to force French forces to abandon Saint-Domingue.
D. He organized and led the rebel groups that secured Haiti's independence from France.​


Answer: B.  He ended the mass execution of white Haitians by former slaves and affranchis.


Toussaint Louverture led thousands of slaves to freedom through the slave revolt in the French colony of Saint-Domingue (Haiti). By regaining control of the entire island, the military ruler changed the colony from a free society to a country run by former slaves. Among all the rulers who attempted to make the island into a federal state, he was the only one to succeed.

House of
models of
O Magna Carta
Mayflower Compact
English Bill of Rights
All of the Above
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00:00 00:00



Mayflower Compact


The Mayflower Compact was a set of laws for self-government created in America for the first time. The Mayflower Compact, signed in 1620 by the passengers and pilgrims who boarded the ship from England for America to start a new life. The Compact continued to perform until 1691. The Mayflower Compact performed an essential role for the colonies to bring democracy and American independence.  

Which British action following the French and Indian War involved the housing
of troops in colonists' homes?
A. Quartering laws
B. New taxes
C. Trade limits
D. Settlement limits


Quartering was when the British government allowed troops to enter any home. The home owners kind of had to “house” the troops, if they refused then they would be punished

A. Quartering laws


Quartering laws was the British action following the French and Indian War that involved the housing of troops in colonists' homes.

After the French and Indian War, Great Britain kept some of their troops stationed in the colonies in order to protect them from Native Americans that could try to attack them. This was when the Quartering Act of 1765 was created, which made it so the colonists had to house the British troops that were protecting them.

The colonists despised the Quartering Act of 1765 and thought it was unfair because they were being taxed for the army already, without any representation in the British Parliament. They also did not trust Great Britain or their troops, so they did not want them in their homes.

Which of the following is not a form of political participation?

A. writing to your representative

B. reading the newspaper

C. joining a party

D. canvassing for a candidate


B. Righting to your representative is showing taking action which is obviously a form of participation. Joining a party is seeking out a party you agree with more and acting. Canvassing is direct contact with individuals so it is participation. Reading a newspaper is only helping yourself, and shows no action being taken.
B.reading the newspaper

fake anwsers will be reported
What role did the country of Portugal play during the Age of Exploration? Why was it important during that time period?



Portugal had a substantial role during the age of exploration, due to the sucess of Cristovão Colombo, the explorer that could managed to create one of the most lucrative trade routes by that time, linking Europe to Asia, and also discovered one of the richest deposit of gold in the age of exploration, the Brazilian islands of Fernando de Noronha, that is known for its beauty and natural resources such as gold, silver and Pau Brasil, a tree used to make red pigment for cloths that only the noble class had access by that time

12 13 14 15 TIVE REMAINING 16 19 54:54 The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 addressed the issue of statehood in the Northwest Territory by O forcing existing states to give up claims to land in the territory. outlining the process for forming new states in the territory. determining that the territory would be considered one large state. O dividing the territory into a grid and awarding it to different states. Next Submit Save and Exit Mark this and return​




Also known as the Ordinance of 1787, the Northwest Ordinance established a government for the Northwest Territory, outlined the process for admitting a new state to the Union, and guaranteed that newly created states would be equal to the original thirteen states.



La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

No podemos hacer el mapa conceptual por ti, ya que esa es tu tarea. Pero lo que sí podemos hacer con gusto es compartir la información necesaria para que la puedas incluir dentro de tu mapa conceptual.

La historia es la ciencia social que nos ayuda a estudiar el pasado para comprender los acontecimientos que nos antecedieron como sociedad, con objeto de entender los eventos y fenómenos actuales.

Las fuentes históricas son aquellos recursos informativos que nos ayudan para obtener la información necesaria para investigar los acontecimientos.

se dividen en fuentes primarias y fuentes secundarias.

Las fuentes primarias son las que se obtienen directamente de una persona que atestiguo el acontecimiento histórico o vivió en esos tiempos. Estamos hablando de una diario escrito por el personaje, una entrevista en un periódico de la época, una fotografía, un testimonio de un participante del acontecimiento.

En el caso de las fuentes secundarias, tenemos el caso de un libro escrito por un autor que consultó fuentes primarias para escribir su historia, o las enciclopedias.

El Historiador es aquella persona que estudia e investiga los acontecimientos históricos. Es propiamente el que realiza las consultas en las fuentes primarias y secundarias, para luego escribir sus conclusiones.

El tiempo y el espacio son los factores que nos permiten ubicar ese momento histórico en el pasado. El tiempo se refiere a la fecha, día, mes o año, Mientras que el espacio es la ubicación y el entorno físico o geográfico donde se ubica el evento o acontecimiento histórico.

How did Putin change Russia when he took over from Yelsin?



Vladimir Putin has signed a law that will allow him to run for the presidency twice more in his lifetime, potentially keeping him in office until 2036.


Ý nghĩa của cuộc cách mạng tư sản pháp ở thế kỉ 20 là gì



The phrase "bourgeois revolution" has been used in Karl marx to describe a socialist revolution that strives to abolish the aristocracy or its remnants, reestablish bourgeois rule, and build a bourgeois province.

The term "bourgeoisie" denoted a socioeconomic status dedicated to economic individualism and sensuality, as well as supporting the capitalist ruling class types radical commercial interests.

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