What did you include in your response? check all that apply. an acknowledgement of the other participant’s opinion my opinion on the topic examples to support my opinion evidence from a text related to the discussion


Answer 1

There is no precise way to define the goal of communication therefore all the given statements are correct.

What is communication?

Communication is a circular process by which people exchange ideas, emotions, opinions and views in order to connect with each other and to share information.  

The goal of the communication can be defined as the purpose for which the communication was initiated. The goal of the second sentence is to inform and question the members in order to ensure their involvement.

For more information about the communication, refer to the link;


Answer 2




Related Questions

1. I / enjoy / play / sperts/ because / it / good / health



I enjoy to play sports because it is healthy

The text 1. 1. 74-75 in Romeo and Juliet mainly shows


The text seen in 1.1.74-75 in Romeo and Juliet mainly shows the fight that broke out when the citizens came to fight the Capulets.

What is Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo and Juliet is a play that was written by William Shakespeare. The play reveals the story of Romeo and Juliet who fell in love with each other. Their death led to the reconciliation of the feud that existed in the two families.

Act 1 Scene 1 74-75, we see that there was an uproar from some citizens who seem to be from Montague who wanted to fight the Capulets and Capulet requested for his sword from Lady Capulet.

Learn more about Romeo and Juliet on https://brainly.com/question/14459740

Which speech organizational pattern arranges the first main point to identify a problem, the second main point to explain the cause of the problem, and the third main point to propose a solution


The organizational pattern par used in this case is known as the problem-solution order.

What is an organizational pattern?It is the way to organize the speech.It is the way to establish a structure for the discourse.It is a way to emphasize important points in the speech.

When the speech begins by identifying a problem and explaining how it happens, the speaker must offer suggestions for solving the problem. This organizes the text into a logical structure and shows the reader that knowledge of the problem is essential to solving it.

This is an example of a problem-solution order as an organizational pattern.

More information about the textual structure is in the link:


What causes Romeo and Benvolio’s disagreement? Benvolio thinks that Rosaline is fair, and Romeo thinks that she is not fair. Romeo thinks that no one is more beautiful than Rosaline, but Benvolio disagrees. Romeo wants to go to the party, but Benvolio thinks that they should stay home. Romeo is a Montague, but Benvolio is a Capulet.



Romeo thinks that no one is more beautiful than Rosaline, but Benvolio disagrees.

I hope this helps you





Romeo thinks that no one is more beautiful than Rosaline, but Benvolio disagrees.

please help
select the components of a claim (select all that apply)

Question options:

It is probably the single most important part of an argument.

A claim must be argumentative (Opposing Sides).

A claim SHOULD BE supported by evidence, quotations, argumentation, expert opinion, statistics, and telling details.

A claim is the main argument of an essay. The claim is the position on a subject matter.




select the components of a claim (select all that apply)

Question options:

It is probably the single most important part of an argument.

A claim must be argumentative (Opposing Sides).

A claim SHOULD BE supported by evidence, quotations, argumentation, expert opinion, statistics, and telling details.

A claim is the main argument of an essay. The claim is the position on a subject matter.


A claim SHOULD BE supported by evidence, quotations, argumentation, expert opinion, statistics, and telling details.


Kathy wrote me a letter about the sick dog and she also said her mother wants to come for a visit and stay with her but she doesn’t have the room so she is getting a hotel



Kathy wrote me a letter about the sick dog, and she also said her mother wants to come for a visit and stay with her, but she doesn't have the room. So, she is getting a hotel. (Not sure if right.)

write fatalistic in a sentence. THIS IS DUE TODAY PLEASE HELP



Many people with serious chronic illnesses have a fatalistic belief it will become terminal.


Read the passage from Animal Farm.

As Clover looked down the hillside her eyes filled with tears. If she could have spoken her thoughts, it would have been to say that this was not what they had aimed at when they had set themselves years ago to work for the overthrow of the human race. These scenes of terror and slaughter were not what they had looked forward to on that night when old Major first stirred them to rebellion. If she herself had had any picture of the future, it had been of a society of animals set free from hunger and the whip, all equal, each working according to his capacity, the strong protecting the weak, as she had protected the lost brood of ducklings with her foreleg on the night of Major's speech. Instead—she did not know why—they had come to a time when no one dared speak his mind, when fierce, growling dogs roamed everywhere, and when you had to watch your comrades torn to pieces after confessing to shocking crimes. There was no thought of rebellion or disobedience in her mind. She knew that, even as things were, they were far better off than they had been in the days of Jones, and that before all else it was needful to prevent the return of the human beings. Whatever happened she would remain faithful, work hard, carry out the orders that were given to her, and accept the leadership of Napoleon. But still, it was not for this that she and all the other animals had hoped and toiled. It was not for this that they had built the windmill and faced the bullets of Jones's gun. Such were her thoughts, though she lacked the words to express them.

How does Clover’s response support the author’s purpose? Select three options.

Orwell shows that, like the people of the Soviet Union, Clover experiences deep sadness about the violence.
Orwell shows that Clover had hopes similar to those of Soviet peasants—that life would eventually improve.
Orwell shows that Clover discovers she is mistaken in believing that the powerful would protect the weak.
Orwell shows that Clover correctly believes that the rebellion and the takeover of the farm solved the animals' difficulties.
Orwell shows that Clover believes that all of the changes on the farm have been positive changes for the animals.


The answers would be:

A: Orwell shows that, like the people of the Soviet Union, Clover experiences deep sadness about the violence.

B: Orwell shows that Clover had hopes similar to those of Soviet peasants—that life would eventually improve.

C: Orwell shows that Clover discovers she is mistaken in believing that the powerful would protect the weak.

These days it seems like almost everyone wants to be greener. A new generation of shoppers wants

to do its regular shopping but be less wasteful. If possible, these people also want to shop in a way

that might help the environment or at least not harm it.

2 Companies are getting in on the green revolution, too. They can usually charge more for green

products—sometimes double the price or more. It benefits them if they can say what they’re selling

is “green.” But should you always believe it? Just because a company says something is

environmentally 15 friendly, is it really true?

3 Experts say possibly not. They say that customers need to be careful when they try to shop in an

environmentally friendly way. Some companies say they offer green products, but they really don’t.

It’s important to consider that what a company says about its products may not always be true.

4 So, what can you do? Here are some suggestions to make sure the products you buy are really


5 • Read carefully.

Read labels and information about the product carefully. What is a product made up of? Are any of

the ingredients dangerous for you or the environment? Don’t forget to check where the materials

come from. If the wood in your new table comes from forests where there are a lot of trees and the

trees grow quickly, that’s one thing. If the trees come from forests that are in danger, that isn’t

good. Additionally, consider how far the product traveled to get to you. How much fuel did it take

for delivery to you or a store?

6 • Watch unclear language.

Companies sometimes use words that are unclear. For example, many products say they are

“natural” or “eco-friendly.” But what does that mean? There are actually some materials that are

natural but unhealthy for us. Also, be careful about pictures. Some companies put pretty pictures of

nature on their products to make customers believe that the product is green, but that might not be


7 • Look for proof.

You can be surer that green labels are real if a company has another organization check it. This is

called outside certification. Outside certification lets you know that someone other than the

company is checking to make sure that what the company says is true. If you want to be a green

shopper, you need to do your homework. Yes, it requires more work and that takes extra time. But,

if you care about the environment, it’s worth it. You can feel more satisfied that you are trying to do

something to help the environment.

Re-read paragraph 2 and give two ways companies benefit from appearing'green'.



Companies are able to charge more for their products so they are getting more money overall while also being advertised as an "environmentally friendly" company

I have a question about my sister BTW I'm 18 shes 19 lately my sister has been sitting on my lap for a while now when my parents aren't around, when i sit on the couch and i watch TV for like 2 hours and then my sisters says what u watching I say the Terminator 2 and we have a huge couch so much space and she just comes with her bag of chips and for some reason on her underwear and for no reason out of ALL THE SPACE SHE decides to sit on my lap the other also like 3 weeks ago i was sick i stayed home for school my parents aren't around cause there working my sister comes home from school i'm sleeping in my bed and she just walks right in and she lays down in my bed with me i was about to tell her to pis off but i didn't have any strength to do so so i woke up like 5 hours later she was still in my bed and i go sleep somewhere else the next day my parents have the day off since it's Sunday i tell them the situation about my sister's behavior and they don't believe me because she always has A in class shes very educational with everybody and stuff, i try to convince them into buying cameras but they say that is way to much money, so the very early the next day like 5 am she comes wakes me up by literally punching my face she told me why i accused her of her behavior, well we ended up fighting she b e a t up me because she knows everything she knew karate and she ended the fight by kicking my bals that was the end of me then for no reason while i was screaming because she hit me so hard she decided to kiss my lips to calm me down i guess so now i want to record her behavior with a phone but i don't have a phone, my sister is the boss when my parents aren't around i fight her she always end up beating me and my parents don't believe me what should i do



I would report it to the   p   o   l   i   c  e     as      ha    ra   ss   me  nt    or I would tell someone else that's important in your life.


What do people mean when they call themselves 'cynical'?


Answer:deeply distrustful.

Explanation:cynical implies having a sneering disbelief in sincerity or integrity. cynical about politicians' motives misanthropic suggests a rooted distrust and dislike of human beings and their society.

7. Identify the type of sentence: Does she know what the assessment is? (1 point)
O declarative
O imperative
O interrogative
O exclamatory



C.   interrogative


Questions are interrogatives.

20 points and brainliest!!!

main idea

how do you go about finding the main idea of a story?


situational irony

verbal irony

dramatic irony

conditional mood

interrogative mood

indicative mood

imperative mood

subjunctive mood


You can find the main idea by reading little details and paying attention to what it talks about for example if it's a fiction story you can find the main idea by seeing how the characters speak or how they are controlled., in a nonfiction story you can tell the main idea by looking at the joust on the side HOPE THIS HELPS!

Please answer, thanks!​


A. Inspiration and admiration for the creator of said projects and a determination to do something sinilar

Who is the key individual explored in this text? (1)

Where did Jane Goodall travel to and what was the name of the ship she travelled on? (1)

According to paragraph 2, who is Louis Leakey and what details do we learn about him? (2)

in paragraphs 2 and 3, how does Jane react to Louis? Use evidence from the text to support your response. (2)

Using paragraph 4 working with Leaky fascinated Jane…
-what was Leakey trying to find out about apes and humans? (1)

-why was Jane Goodall the ideal candidate for the role? (1)

What does this section of dialogue tell you about Jane Goodall and Louis Leakey? (2)
One day, when Leakey was speaking about the need to study the great apes, Jane blurted out, “Louis, I wish you wouldn’t keep talking about it, because that’s just what I want to do.”

“I’ve been waiting for you to tell me that,” he replied.

7. Re-read paragraph 7 With Jane on board…

Find an image of “Gombe Stream Game Reserve in Tanganyika (now Gombe National Park in Tanzania).” (2)

8. What obstacle was in the way of Jane and how did she and her family overcome that obstacle? (1)

9. Re-read paragraph 8

“It is so beautiful, with the crystal clear blue lake, the tiny white pebbles on the beach, the sparkling ice cold mountain stream, the palm nut trees, the comical baboons … It is the Africa of my childhood’s dreams, and I have the chance of finding out things which no one has ever known before.”

Find some images to bring this quote to life (5)

10. Using paragraph 8 to help you, explain Jane’s role in this new and beautiful land. (2)



Do you think Jane Goodall was a brave person? In this story, you will see the challenges Jane Goodall faces. Jane Goodall loved exploring Behaviour of free-living chimpanzees.

The key individual explored in the text was the chimpanzees. Jane Goodall traveled to Tanzania, Jane boarded a ship called the Kenya Castle. Louis Leakey, the famous seeker of hominine bones, who was then working in Africa. He promptly hired her as his secretary. Leakey had been looking for someone to study chimpanzees in the wild and, after he got to know Goodall, felt that she would be perfect. Impressed by her attention to detail, patience and extensive knowledge of wildlife. According to the text it says, " Goodall, felt that she would be perfect. Leakey believed that a woman would be more patient than a man in the field and would be less likely to kindle the aggressions of male chimps. She returned to London to study primates in the London Zoo while he raised funds to support her field studies and arranged her equipment." Louis Leakey was convinced that humans had evolved from the apes, which he realized were fast losing their territory in Africa. They had never been studied in the wild, only in captivity. He felt her passion for and knowledge of animals and nature, high energy, and fortitude. This dialogue tell us that they would become good partners and learn more about the chimps and lots of different animals. Some obstacles in the way of Jane were lack of a college education and getting difficult for her to observe and spot the chimpanzees. Her and her family overcame these obstacles by sought steady employment by attending secretarial school.  Jane’s role in this new and beautiful land was, she founded the Jane Goodall Institute to support the research in Gombe and scale up the protection of chimpanzees in their habitats.In Conclusion, In this story, you will see the challenges Jane Goodall faces with her family and life. Jane Goodall way an awesome lady who loved her culture. This shows you should learn more but you should never be too greed.

Reading: Assignment.
Source: Web site for the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
Question: What example of brave escape is provided by this source?


The inference shows that a brave escape that is provided by this source is simply how the slaves escaped slavery.

What is an inference?

An inference simply means the conclusion that can be deduced based on the information given in the literary work.

In this case, the inference shows that a brave escape that is provided by this source is simply how the slaves escaped slavery. The museum was built to illustrate their brave act.

Learn more about inference on:


Brainliest if correct


I am pretty sure it is B.

D could also be correct, but I’m not too sure.

rewrite this sentence in literal language that outfit has all the bells and whistles


That outfit has all the bells and whistles.

sorry i dont know what else to really do

Research the city of Gomorrah and explain why Trevor alludes to it when talking about Alexandra.


Trevor alludes the city of Gomorrah when talking about Alexandra as he draws comparison.

City of Gomorrah as described in the Bible

Gomorrah, as described is a notoriously sinful cities in the biblical book of Genesis, destroyed by “sulfur and fire” because of their wickedness.

Alexandra is a cramped, poor, black township in Johannesburg. As a result of being surrounded by wealthier white areas, it cannot expand, unlike Soweto. It follows from the text that after high school, Trevor spends a year hanging out with Sizwe in Alexandra, selling pirated CDs.

Read more on drawing Inferences;


Which detail from Black Boy best helps to develop the central idea that Richard learns face his fears to help feed his family?
Question 4 options:

"Sometimes, …she would …talk to us for hours, telling us that we now had no father, that our lives would be different from those of other children, that we must learn as soon as possible to take care of ourselves…"

"One evening my mother told me that thereafter I would have to do the shopping for food. She took me to the corner store to show me the way. I was proud; I felt like a grownup."

"They overtook me and flung me onto the pavement. I yelled, pleaded, kicked, but they wrenched the money out of my hand."

"I hit again and again, dropping the money and the grocery list. The boys scattered, yelling, nursing their heads, staring at me in utter disbelief. They had never seen such frenzy."



"I hit again and again, dropping the money and the grocery list. The boys scattered, yelling, nursing their heads, staring at me in utter disbelief. They had never seen such frenzy."


just took test

The detail from Black Boy best helps to develop the central idea that Richard learns to face his fears to help feed his family is "I hit again and again, dropping the money and the grocery list. The boys scattered, yelling, nursing their heads, and staring at me in utter disbelief. They had never seen such frenzy." Thus the correct option is D.

What is the Central idea?

The central idea of any literature piece defines the main idea and highlights what will go to take place in the story. It helps the audience to understand the plot by connecting with the events.

The context is derived from the story  "Black Boy" written by Richard Wright which highlights the theme of racial discrimination which is encountered by the author around himself.

The major question with racism, in Richard's opinion, is not just that it remains, but also that it has such deep roots in American culture that it is questionable whether they can be uprooted without ruining the country as a whole.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about Central idea, here:



Brainliest if correct


C. Shop around until you find the best terms, including the interest rate and monthly payment

Hope this helps ;)

Which of the following uses logical order for the arrangement of ideas?
A narrative essay
O A descriptive essay
An argumentative essay
O A memoir



Should be A memoir


Memoirs follow an account of someones life typically in chronological order

Whos better ksi or logan


Who’s better, ksi or logan?


What are some details from the essay "Names/Nombres" that support the central idea and Alvarez's feelings on the central idea? List at least three examples of text from the essay.


A central idea can be identified by looking at the key message or principle which is being buttressed or supported by other parts of the text or literature.

What is a Central Idea?

The central idea of a text, poem, article, song or book or any kind of literature for that matter refers to the key message in the literature or what it is mainly about.

The central idea is not the same thing as the topic of the text. In most cases, the Central idea can be stated in one sentence or phrase.

Please note that there is insufficient information about the essay hence the general answer.

Learn more about Central Idea here:


Why is it important to align the wrists with the forearms while typing?



When you're typing, your forearms tend to sag as the arms tire, putting the wrists into even greater wrist extension-another good reason to take frequent stretch or rest breaks! 3. Keep sure your elbows at a slightly open angle-90˚ or greater.


Make a title for this short paragraph and write a statement that is your opinion about the paragraph.



The Unexpected Journey Led by Erick Schmidt; It is my opinion that the journey or adventure explained was a surprising occurrence, seeing as how their initial intentions were to colonize the island of Santo Tomas.



The National Fire Protection Agency instituted a color-coding system for fire hydrants phrase or a clause?


It's a clause, your welcome; a clause is a sentence/group of words that offers a viable subject and verb, phrases on the other hand DO NOT.

Read the excerpt from Part 2 of The Odyssey.

Neither reply nor pity came from him,
but in one stride he clutched at my companions
and caught two in his hands like squirming puppies
to beat their brains out, spattering the floor.

What does the simile add to the passage? Choose two answers.

a description of the Cyclops’ home
a comparison between Odysseus and his men
an image of helplessness
a visual image of the Cyclops’ pets
a comparison between the men and innocent animals



An image of helplessness

A comparision between the men and innocent animals








The simile in the passage adds an image of helplessness and a comparison between the men and innocent animals, which is the last option, as the simile in the passage compares the men to squirming puppies, which adds an image of helplessness and vulnerability to the passage.

what is The Odyssey?

The simile in the passage compares the men to squirming puppies, which adds an image of helplessness and vulnerability to the passage. It suggests that the men were helpless and unable to escape the grasp of the cyclops, just as puppies would be unable to escape from someone who had caught them. The simile also creates a comparison between men and innocent animals, as puppies are often seen as innocent and vulnerable. This further emphasizes the brutality of the Cyclops' actions, as he treats the men as if they were mere animals to be killed.

Hence, the simile in the passage adds an image of helplessness and a comparison between the men and innocent animals, which is the last option, as the simile in the passage compares the men to squirming puppies, which adds an image of helplessness and vulnerability to the passage.

Learn more about the The Odyssey here



I have the first 2 questions but i need the rest! please help!
3. what approach did the speaker and her team decide to take to help holly? give at least
three specific examples.
4. what did the team observe about holly and her troupe over time?
5. why is offering choice a revolutionary concept at a zoo? identify an element from what
you read in the unit as to how zoos are changing that also serve the purpose of offering
animals more choice.
6. applying this learning to yourself. identify a time when you might have resented feeling
enclosed, but the offer of choices improved your outlook.
7. the speaker mentions some examples of activity bins that they used as enrichment
materials for holly. identify two materials that you would be curious about giving holly in
a bin to see how she would interact with that material. keep holly's safety in mind as you
make your suggestions; avoid things that would endanger her or the troupe!
8. the unit mentions that an important factor in zookeeping is to give animals their space,
as they are wild animals after all. how do you think zookeepers balance their need for
research and helping specific animals, like holly with respecting holly's need for "wild


From the list of questions, one can infer that a group of friends went on an excursion to a national zoo and saw the animals and the way they were treated.

What is a Zoo?

This is a place where (wild) animals are kept and taken care of for purposes of study, display, or preservation.

Additionally, there is also the debate about the revolutionary concept in the zoo of offering choice and how animals in the zoo have more choice about the way they are treated in the zoo.

Please note that your question is incomplete so I gave you a general overview to help you get a better understanding of the concept.

Read more about zoology here:

How does king support this claim? by citing the 1954 supreme court decision by describing the fairness of moral laws by describing a law about parade permits by defining illegal segregation statutes


Martin Luther King Jr. was an American Baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesman and leader in the civil rights movement.

What was the effect of the US Supreme Court's 1954 Brown decision?

The Supreme Court's opinion in the Brown v.

Board of Education case of 1954 legally ended decades of racial segregation in America's public schools.

Chief Justice Earl Warren delivered the unanimous ruling in the landmark civil rights case.

For more information about Martin Luther King, refer to the link:-



a is right


just got it right

Other Questions
According to the authors of A Gift of Fire, it is obvious that computer technology ___________ mass unemployment. Which choices are equivalent to the expression below? Check all that apply.x + 2x + 9xO A. 12xO B. 12y3O C. 12D. (1 + 2+ 9)xSUBMIT The area of a rectangle is 175 cm. And the width of the rectangle is 5 cm. What's the perimeter of the rectangle? how can technology improve education? When driving in wet conditions and you hear a slushing sound, the steering feels disconnected or loose you are experiencing what?. Priyanka wrote a paper in a course EH 102 and earned an A. Two years later, she was assigned to write a paper in her Sociology class on the same topic. She found her paper from EH 102 and changed only a few sentences. She did not provide a citation for the EH 102 because it was her own work. Which type of academic misconduct did Priyanka commit? How does the seeking of new experiences shape us as individuals? Into the wild which functions graph is the widest parabola A. y=1/8x^ B.y=3x^ C. y=1/3x^ D. y=8x^ A ratio of boys to girls in the classroom is 4 to 5 if there are 20 girls how many boys would there be ____ involves connecting the standards, instruction, and assessment components of physical education curricula and units of instruction. Define the lower fixed point of thermometer Look at the Punnett Square. What is the phenotype ratio for the offspring of these parents?Answer choices:3 purple fur: 1 white fur1 purple fur: 3 white fur2 purple fur: 2 white fur Triangle ABC is isoceles and has a perimeter of 20cm.Sides AB and AC are each twice as long as BC. Calculate the length of the side BC A rectangular-shaped badminton court has an area of 880 square feet. The width of the court is 20 feet. What is the length of the badminton court? Can Someone Assist Me Please? It would be much appreciated Describe contemporary film and techniques. dont waste my points if you dont know leave off . in the artical still i rise what is the ansers to queston how does the repetition in stanza 6 contribute to the development of the poams meaning I need help with this assignment Two wave pulses move toward each other along a rope. two small triangular crests moving toward each other. which diagram shows the resulting wave when they cross at point x? a straight line. a triangular crest. a rectangular crest. a triangular trough. What is the correct answer for this?