What does whirred loudly mean?


Answer 1


noisy. full of or characterized by loud and nonmusical sounds.



Related Questions

Read the sonnet.

Sonnet XII

by William Shakespeare

When I do count the clock that tells the time,

And see the brave day sunk in hideous night;

When I behold the violet past prime,

And sable curls all silvered o'er with white;

When lofty trees I see barren of leaves

Which erst from heat did canopy the herd,

And summer's green all girded up in sheaves

Borne on the bier with white and bristly beard,

Then of thy beauty do I question make,

That thou among the wastes of time must go,

Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake

And die as fast as they see others grow;

And nothing 'gainst Time's scythe can make defence

Save breed, to brave him when he takes thee hence.

Part A

What can be inferred about Shakespeare's "Sonnet XII"?

The narrator is weary about the change in seasons.

The narrator believes that no one can avoid death.

The narrator believes that life is beautiful.

The narrator is old and thinks he will die soon.

Part B

Which line from the sonnet best supports the answer in Part A?

"And nothing 'gainst Time's scythe can make defence"

"And see the brave day sunk in hideous night;"

"Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake"

"And summer's green all girded up in sheaves"


Answer: A)  The narrator believes that no one can avoid death.

B)  "And nothing 'gainst Time's scythe can make defence"

Explanation: I just took the test


He is corect just took test 100%


thank you

What stock should I buy


GME , AMC , doge coin


doge coin


Hi, help me plssssss !​



1. c) Tuesday

2. b) donkey

3. a) tanuki

4. b) tiny

5. b) independence

6. a) five

Cee don't be on the road too tough
But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs)
Coulda ran off the plug
But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love)
Lil' bro got the poker tucked
Where we grow up, it's so corrupt
Fans see me on the block, go nuts
I'm not in my bag, I'm loading, loading

Back then, it was hand-to-hand
Nowadays, I don't have no involvement
In the trap, I'll stay on my own
I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin
WhyJay no commented it
It's complicated 'cause the case still open
The boys in blue tryna find them clues
In the station, problem-solving



Carry On Learning.....................

is it a song u made huh





No entiendo ingles

Sedaris says that the No. 1 incident “turned my pity into something hard and ugly”. In your own words, explain what he means. Give an example from today’s world of this happening in our society



(Slightly confused but I tried)

It means the great deal of pity that he has been receiving has turned into a bad situation.

This is happening in our society because we feel such pity about what is happening in the world that it stresses us out.


Plz rate my answer & if you have any questions feel free to ask:)

What Sedaris means by this statement is that the feelings he had for the Tomkey family had changed because they were not willing to help themselves.

In the world, we find that people in vulnerable situations do things that worsen their conditions so those who want to help them refrain from doing so.

What is Pity?

Pity is the feeling of concern that we have for people.

Sometimes we desire to help people, but when they do not make efforts to help themselves, we can become tired and even refrain from helping them

Learn more about the Tomkey family here:


Complete the following
He was an important
dignitary and was, thus, given
A. deferential
B. obtuse
C. meticulous
D. insidious



A. deferential


He was an important dignitary and was, thus, given deferential treatment.

option a. best completes the sentence. to be deferential is to be respectful. so this would mean, the "important dignitary" was treated with respect.

is anyone else doing the seamless book ?


I've never heard of that. What is it? I'm very curious now.

What is Evarist's viewpoint regarding Nina in The Fan?

Nina is appealing

Nina is annoying.

Nina is very secretive.

Nina is argumentative


Explanation: Nina is annoying because in in the text she says no to a bit of the things Everest's says for her to do and that gets Everest's angry a lot of the time


Nina is annoying

Explanation: She is

is Odysseus a good leader for his men? Use text evidence from Books 11 & 12 to answer this question.



Odysseus is a good leader because he is willing to keep his eyes on the goal no matter what. He does not allow himself to be seduced or distracted from his course perpetually, whether he is on Calypso's island or tempted by the song of the sirens. He takes his responsibilities seriously.

What else can I say I need help with writing the rest my book is ghost boys and the things she wants is
Multiple examples from the text that illustrates the issue in the relationship
And what each character can do to address the conflict?????
So please give me a answer please instead of giving me a link that can cause a virus don’t answer unless your really gonna help because I really need help!!!!!!



Grammar check: tuff is meant to be spelt as tough. Put a full stop after bullied.

Jerome knows the school better, so Jerome can put posters around the school saying no bullying and stuff. Carlos can ask a teacher for help. Jerome can also support Carlos and help him get to know the school better. They could ask for help from other students around the school who know better about bullying. They both can make more friends and perhaps not provoke the bullies by fighting back against them. Due to still being constantly bullied, they really should also tell their parents and seek advice.

Do you think we should to school year or wait until next school year? What factors influence your decision ? Be sure explain details .



I believe that we should all wait until the virus dies down.  Yes there is school to be had and students to be taught however if we keep "crowdfunding" the virus then it will never go away.  We need to hold off for as long as possible.


My opinion and yes the question was given properly

I love people praising me. (into passive voice)
Someone hit on her head. (into yes/no questions​


I don’t know what I’m supposed to put but I feel like yes??

What do writers need to remember when writing a speech that they do not consider when writing an essay?


To understand who the audience is and aim the speech towards them

can someone talk about the whole book hatchet by gray Paulson please it's for a grade and I need this to pass


Here's the summary of Hatchet by Gray Paulson

Hatchet tells the story of 13-year-old Brian Robeson and his successful attempt to survive alone in the wilderness. When the novel begins, Brian's parents have recently divorced, an event that Brian finds painful. Brian boards a small plane to fly to meet his father in Canada, where his father is working. This is the first summer he will spend with his father alone since the divorce. Only Brian and the pilot are on the plane. Brian does not know the man's name, and they don't speak until they have taken off and been in the air a while. The pilot then explains the basics of flying a plane and lets Brian practice.

Suddenly the pilot has a heart attack, and he either dies or loses consciousness. Brian can't tell which. Brian panics and then realizes he has to try to fly the plane. After some struggle he begins to guide it. He doesn't know most of the instruments, but he identifies the radio and calls for help. He can only contact someone briefly, just long enough to tell them that there is no one who can fly the plane, before the connection breaks up. He calls for help over and over again for several hours. Eventually he concludes that he'll have to land the plane. Not long after, the plane's engines stop.

Brian does the best he can to guide the plane. He sees a lake below and aims the gliding plane toward it, thinking it might do less damage. He slams into some trees, wrecking the plane, which lands in the lake. Brian tears himself out of the seatbelt, scrambles out of the plane, and swims for the surface. He reaches the shore and passes out. While unconscious, he dreams of something that happened before his parents' divorce, when he saw his mother kissing a man other than his father, which he calls the "Secret." Later, he wakes up on the shore of the lake. He's alone in the wilderness. Mosquitos swarm all over him. As he grows hungry, he realizes he will have to take care of himself. He inventories his possessions and then remembers his English teacher Perpich's advice to stay motivated and have faith in one's own abilities. He builds a shelter against a rock and then looks for food, finding some berry bushes. He eats a lot of them and saves more for later.

Brian wakes up terribly sick from the berries. He goes looking for better food and finds some raspberries, eating them more methodically so he won't get sick again. As he eats he sees a bear, but the animal does not attack him. That night something crawls into a shelter with him, but he can't tell what it is because it's dark. He tries to drive it away by throwing his hatchet at it, but he misses and the hatchet hits the rock wall, shooting off sparks. The creature stabs his leg and leaves. It was a porcupine, and Brian finds its quills in his leg, which is now in pain. He spends a lot of time pulling them out.

Brian learns to build fire using sparks he makes with his hatchet. That night, after he gets his fire going, he hears something sliding across the sand outside. The next morning, he figures out that it was a turtle crawling onto shore to lay eggs. Brian eats some turtle eggs raw and saves the rest. As he cleans up his camp, he recognizes how much he's changed. He is more aware of the wilderness, and his actions are more purposeful. He realizes there are fish in the lake, but can't catch them at first. He makes a spear and tries to stab them, but that doesn't work, so he sets out to make a bow and arrow. While he is working on it, a plane flies overhead. He runs back to camp to build up his fire as a signal, but the plane flies away without seeing him. Brian falls into a deep state of despair and feels as if he wants to die. He tries to cut his arms with his hatchet, but gives up, then spends a sleepless night. The next morning he wakes up and knows his disappointment about the plane has "cut him down and made him new." He also vows that he will live and "not let death in again."

Weeks pass and Brian embraces the "new" person he has become. His knowledge and skill grow. He is at ease in the wilderness. He still makes mistakes, but he keeps his fire going, and has built a bow and arrow that works. He catches fish regularly, and cooks them over the fire. One night a skunk enters his shelter, and when it sprays him it blinds for a while. The longer he's in the wilderness, the more he knows what is important: food and shelter. He makes his shelter more secure and finds a shelf he can use to store food. He designs and builds a small pond and stocks it with fish. His hunting improves as he learns how to see birds in the bushes, eventually catching and cooking one. He also learns to kill rabbits, which gives him another food source.

what are the difference between limited partners and limited liabilities partners



A limited partnership is a type of partnership that consists of at least one general partner and at least one limited partner. A limited liability partnership does not have a general partner, since every partner in an LLP is given the ability to take part in the management of the company.


Write a letter to your mom who lives in abroad asking her three important thing you need and explain why


Dear Mom,

How have you been in the Bahamas ?I have been missing you for years.Wishing you would stop by at my house in San Francisco.If are stopping by ;Can you get me somethings please?I’ll pay you back don’t worry about it.So,first I need a bed frame .Did I tell you I bought a new house? I moved in a beautiful neighborhood they were so kind with their homemade welcome to the neighborhood gifts.So,yeah I have a mattress already that’s why I need a bed frame.Second,I need some nails so, I can put together a couple of wood furnitures I already have.Third,I need a fridge cause all my dairy products are about to go bad before you get here.So,please can you stop by?

Love,your dearest son Halokai Maui.

What is the central idea of "Infinite Flow"?



Floating Infinity?


Answer: Hamamotos work offers opertunities to people of all abilities


i need help with number one



Just find the words that are figurative language for example similes uses words to compare like or as and for metaphor u don't use words to compare like or as

Sydney often thinks about what taking her test will be like and how she will feel when she aces her test. What type of pretest strategy is this?
A. Centering your mind
B. Visualizing Success
C. Getting comfortable
D. Meditation for stress relief





She is visualizing what will happen when she succeeds.

B is the correct strategy visualization

Which of these best describes the purpose of the advertisement (section 3) included in the passage




Answer Explanations

Section 1: Reading Test


Choice D is the best answer. The passage begins with the main character, Lymie, sitting in a restaurant

and reading a history book. The first paragraph describes the book in front of him (“Blank pages front

and back were filled in with maps, drawings, dates, comic cartoons, and organs of the body,” lines 11-

13). The second paragraph reveals what Lymie is reading about (the Peace of Paris and the Congress of

Vienna) and suggests his intense concentration on the book (“sometimes he swallowed whole the food

that he had no idea he was eating,” lines 23-24). In the third paragraph, the focus of the passage shifts

to a description and discussion of others in the restaurant, namely “A party of four, two men and two

women . . . ” (lines 42-43).

Choice A is incorrect because the passage does not provide observations made by other characters, only

offering Lymie’s and the narrator’s observations. Choice B is incorrect because the beginning of the

passage focuses on Lymie as he reads by himself and the end of the passage focuses on the arrival of

Lymie’s father, with whom Lymie’s relationship seems somewhat strained. Choice C is incorrect because

the setting is described in the beginning of the first paragraph but is never the main focus of the



Choice C is the best answer. The main purpose of the first paragraph is to establish the passage’s setting

by describing a place and an object. The place is the Alcazar Restaurant, which is described as being

“long and narrow” and decorated with “art moderne,” murals, and plants (lines 2-6), and the object is

the history book Lymie is reading.

Choice A is incorrect because rather than establishing what Lymie does every night, the first paragraph

describes what Lymie is doing on one night. Choice B is incorrect because nothing in the first paragraph

indicates when the passage takes place, as the details provided (such as the restaurant and the book)

are not specific to one era. Choice D is incorrect because nothing in the first paragraph clearly

foreshadows a later event.


Describe one of the people you read about. What was their name? What problem did this person address? What solution did they propose? What do you think of their solution to the problem


Answer:I met a girl named London. She always wanted to control people. She went to a counselor for help. It was great!



My all time favorite book saved me from being arrested it is called '' IGNORENCE IS NO DEFENSE A Teenager's Guide to Georgia law''.

The authors name is ''J. Tom Morgan'' and all of his law books including the one listed saved me from breaking the law and changed my point of view of the world. You should also read his law books it mite do the same for to.


write an email about your new computer : When did you get it? How much did it cost? What's the best thing about it? ​


My computer got it this year cost 300 dollars new mac book pro got it from my dads friend the best thing about it is the bar at the top which allows me to control volume use automatic word typing and auto correct.

Subject: New Computer!

Hi [Name],

I hope this email finds you in good health. To let you know about my new computer, I'm writing to you today. It was just delivered to me last week, and I couldn't be happier.

I paid [Price] at [Store Name] for the PC. A [Computer Model] with [Computer Specifications] is what it is. So far, I've been really satisfied with the PC. It is quick, strong, and has a fantastic screen.

The computer's ability to multitask is its best feature. Without experiencing any lag, I can run many programs at once. Being able to work on several projects at once is fantastic for me.

The visual capabilities of the PC also truly impress me. The games I've been playing on it seem fantastic. The graphics are extremely realistic and fluid.

I'm pretty pleased with my new PC overall. Everything I was looking for is here, plus more. I really advise it if you're looking to buy a new pc.

Thanks for reading,

[Your Name]

To know more about health:



Anyone got any fiction/fantasy/sci-fi books with a lot of action, good characters, and a sprinkle of romance for young adults?



The book Scythe by Neal Sherman is a pretty good read


There’s two books too atm so...

She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that’s best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes; Thus mellowed to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies. One shade the more, one ray the less, Had half impaired the nameless grace Which waves in every raven tress, Or softly lightens o’er her face; Where thoughts serenely sweet express, How pure, how dear their dwelling-place. And on that cheek, and o’er that brow, So soft, so calm, yet eloquent, The smiles that win, the tints that glow, But tell of days in goodness spent, A mind at peace with all below, A heart whose love is innocent! Source: Byron, George Gordon. “She Walks in Beauty.” Poetry.org. The Academy of American Poets, n.d. Web. 19 July 2011. Which excerpt best reflects Byron’s appreciation of beauty? “One shade the more, one ray the less” “the nameless grace/Which waves in every raven tress” “Which heaven to gaudy day denies” “A mind at peace with all below”



only five points? I'm mostly sure your answer is...

“the nameless grace/Which waves in every raven tress”


im mostly sure, it was hard to figure out *^*

Answer: its b


Which sentence contains a collective noun?

A.) During World War I, people used drums, signals, and lanterns to send messages.

B.) Flags or lights were often used to send messages between ships at sea during World War I.

C.) Messages can be sent and received in a variety of ways during wartime.

D.) During World War I, messages were tied to pigeon legs.



Maybe im missing something but i dont think any of them have a collective noun.


A collective noun is something that refers to a group of something. Some examples would be a PACK of wolves, or a PRIDE of lions, or a CROWD of people.


I pick A


It's a because it says people used drums, signals, and lanterns to send messages , AND THIS IS COLLECTIVE.

What figurative language is this? "My life is my foe's debt." from Romeo and Juliet.



A metaphor


Force exerted by a person or an object is called an ______________________ force.

Question 4 options:







Applied Force


You're applying the force onto the object


applied force


According to Newtons second law an object must be acted upon by a greater or equal force to move any distance.

Use the drop-down menus to answer the questions.
Which type of conflict is Mitchell having in this
Is this a major or minor conflict in the overall novel?



character vs nature.



Right on edge✅


Use the drop-down menus to answer the questions.

Which type of conflict is Mitchell having in this passage?

✔ character vs. nature

Is this a major or minor conflict in the overall novel?

✔ minor


i did it


Read the excerpt from Jungle Book: Mowgli's Brothers.

"Now," he said, "I will go to men. But first I must say farewell to my mother"; and he went to the cave where she lived with Father Wolf, and he cried on her coat, while the four cubs howled miserably.

Mowgli returns to the wolves before stepping into man’s world. This detail best supports which theme?

Hard work can overcome obstacles.

Good always conquers evil.

Families are important.

Nothing lasts forever.



Definitely Families are important.


According to the excerpt, "Now," he said, "I will go to men. But first I must say farewell to my mother"; and he went to the cave where she lived with Father Wolf, and he cried on her coat, while the four cubs howled miserably.¨

Famillies are important

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