What events from the black cat seem to prove the wives superstition


Answer 1

Answer:the figure of the gigantic cat with a rope around its neck on the wall


i looked it up

Related Questions

What is the term for presenting someone else's words or ideas as your own?
A. Paraphrasing
B. Plagiarism
C. Synthesis
D. Analysis


The answer is b.) plagiarism
The answer would be Plagiarism

Which sentence from the text provides a reason why the Hindenburg was
The Hindenburg was becoming obsolete even as it was a marvel of the modern
age. It could carry passengers in luxury across the Atlantic faster than the most
luxurious ocean liner (2-3 days versus 4-5). It could transport tons of supplies.
It could provide a nearly silent magical floating ride through the skies. Yet in
October 1936 Pan Am's "flying boat airliner" Clipper had flown passengers from
San Francisco to Asia in six days, and the airline was taking steps for trans-
Atlantic flights that would take 27 hours.


Answer: Yet in October 1936 Pan Am's "flying boat airliner" Clipper had flown passengers from San Francisco to Asia in six days, and the airline was taking steps for trans-Atlantic flights that would take 27 hours.


The Hindenburg was shown to be obsolete by the sentence above because of the time it took to complete a trans-Atlantix flight.

The new "flying boat airliner" was going to cross the Atlantic in 27 hours and the Hindenburg could only do it in 2 - 3 days which meant that it was up to 2 days slower.

People would prefer the faster vessel and move towards it with time which would eventually end the usage of the Hindenburg.

Please please please help!!!
1. True or False: If you have an exclamation mark or question mark you don't need a comma
2.True or False: The comma should go on the outside of the quotation marks before a dialogue tag
3. the dialogue tag is the start of a new sentence? (ex. "The cat is black," Said John)
4. Is this sentence correct?
"He called you," Jill said, "but you forgot to answer."
5. (In the pic)
Please help it’s urgent please I am begging you



1. True.

2. False.

3. The dialog tag is not the start of a new sentence if it is in the middle of a sentence.

4. The sentence is incorrect because the word "said" should have the lowercase "s" as it is part of the middle of the sentence.

5. none of above.


Dialog tags are clauses that identify a speaker of a speech in a text. Examples of speech tags are: She said, he yelled, she asked, he asked, among others.

It is common for these dialog tags to appear in the middle of sentences, being part of the sentence that starts the dialog and not as a new sentence, although this can happen in certain cases. Therefore, the dialog tag is usually enclosed in commas. The comma that precedes the dialog tag must be placed before the closing of the quotation marks, while the comma placed after the dialog tag must be placed before the opening of the quotation marks. An example of this can be seen in the sentence: "The cat is black," said John, "that's why it's so cute."

If the clause before the dialog tag ends with an exclamation or question mark, the comma must not be used.

Which sentence contains a department clause 


I think the dependent clause is C
the answer is option c

Birds fly, and they migrate towards the south when it's wintertime. What are the subjects for this sentence?



Birds migrate to move from areas of low or decreasing resources to areas of high or increasing resources. The two primary resources being sought are food and nesting locations.


Hope this helps!

Good Luck!

If you can, please mark me bralinest.


how to many hearts please realdevil teach me​



one heartjrujdejidjrjridjrididjrjdir

Write a Two paragraph editorial describing what it takes to be successful after high school



"After finish high school, you may want to start looking for colleges you may want to attend in the near future. If you have mastery at a subject then that can help further in your college letter, You may work your way into your masters degree"


add a bit more details: talk about how college would be helpful and how highschool credits will come in handy.

A two-paragraph editorial describing

what it takes to be successful after high school is written below

The end of high school is a landmark in the life and academic journey of an individual. This occasion is celebrated by friends and family. However, this period signifies the start of another phase of life that can be arduous. To survive, the basic skills taught in high school are required. Hardwork, perseverance, integrity, time-management, teamwork, respect, among a host of others will prove invaluable.

After high school, some may chose to attend college while others learn and develop their skills in arts and science. Whichever path you chose, putting your best in it will win you the best success. Managing your time well by prioritizing what is most important and building solid relationships will also benefit. Prominent people have applied these skills in their businesses and proven successful. You too will.

Learn more about editorials here:


How is Book 1 of Harry Potter an example of a frame story?​



It is an example of an frame story because it has stories of characters ther than the main character.


we flew to ___Dublin Airport in ___ Ireland. correct determiners​



we flew to the Dublin Airport in the Ireland

type of determiners demonstrative

| Abc
Based on the speakers' words and emotions in the poems "Escape" and "To Live," the theme that there are many
parts to a person's identity is expressed
O in neither poem.
O in both poems.
O only in "Escape."
only in "To Live."



only in " to Live".


all don't have o in them

True or false? A counterclaim must
disagree completely with your claim.

O False





A counter claim is a claim made to rebut a previous claim

No it is false. Here is how it is used. Let’s say the plaintiff, or one bringing a lawsuit could say that the defendant owes then rent. The defendant then could put in a counterclaim saying they kept the full deposit on an apartment they rented together. Then the judge would decide who owes who money if any.

In a court of law, a party's claim is a counterclaim if one party asserts claims in response to the claims of another. In other words, if a plaintiff initiates a lawsuit and a defendant responds to the lawsuit with claims of his or her own against the plaintiff, the defendant’s claims are “counterclaims.”

Change the following sentence into active voice.
Social media tears down communication and distance barriers



Is this question correct huh??

How can I get over any kind of resentment towards people who emotionally did a wrong?



Feel no obligation to 'get over' it.

If you ultimately decide that the offense was not irremissible, be certain to first afford yourself time to reconcile with your emotions. Distance yourself from the people who have done you harm. Consult those closest to you for comfort and counsel. Seek solace in activities that bring you joy and repose.

If/when you no longer feel embittered, request to see the individual(s) who have wronged you and converse with them. Hopefully, this can settle any lingering dispute and dissipate any protracted enmity.

Forgiveness can take time; simply be patient with yourself, and remember you need not feel remorseful for your emotions.


I sincerely hope this advice is of service to you in some small way :)

her voice was like water bubbling from a silver jar. what is that mean?​



It's a simile comparing her voice to bubbling water from a silver jar.

Read the passage from "The Book of Martha.”

She stood up and looked down at him. "Is it what I should do? Will it work? Please tell me."

"I truly don't know. I don't want to know. I want to watch it all unfold. I've used dreams before, you know, but not like this."

His pleasure was so obvious that she almost took the whole idea back. He seemed able to be amused by terrible things. "Let me think about this," she said. "Can I be by myself for a while?"

God nodded. "Speak aloud to me when you want to talk. I'll come to you.”

Which quote from the passage best illustrates the theme of trusting oneself?

A "’Is it what I should do?’”
B “’I don't want to know. I want to watch it all unfold.’”
C "’Let me think about this,’ she said. ’Can I be by myself for a while?’"
D "’Speak aloud to me when you want to talk. I'll come to you.’”


Answer: C "’Let me think about this,’ she said. ’Can I be by myself for a while?’"


The quote from the passage that best illustrates the theme of trusting oneself is "’Let me think about this,’ she said. ’Can I be by myself for a while?’"

The above statement shows that Martha wanted to have a deep rethink about the situation at hand and then know the decision to take.

Therefore, the correct option is C.


C. "’Let me think about this,’ she said. ’Can I be by myself for a while?’"


Edge 2022

Scansion is used to determine meter and rhyme scheme.





sana makatulong po

The answer is True. Scansion is the act of "scanning" to determine it’s meter

Read this letter written by US General Ulysses S. Grant. Which sentences most clearly indicate that the writing style is informal and that this is a personal letter?
All I can say is that I am well. I have the enemy closely hemmed in all round. My position is naturally strong and fortified against an attack from outside. I have been so strongly reinforced that Johnston will have to come with a mighty host to drive me away.—I do not look upon the fall of Vicksburg as in the least doubtful. If, however, I could have carried the place on the 22nd of last month, I could by this time have made a campaign that would have made the State of Mississippi almost safe for a solitary horseman to ride over. As it is, the enemy have a large army in it, and the season has so far advanced that water will be difficult to find for an army marching, besides the dust and heat that must be encountered. The fall of Vicksburg now will only result in the opening of the Mississippi River and demoralization of the enemy. I intended more from it. I did my best, however, and looking back can see no blunder committed.



A. "All I can say is that I am well"


The informal style of writing is when we are familiar with the receiver and there is no need for any formality between the receiver and the sender. And with an informal style, the language used can be personal and free, with no restrictions on the use of casual words.

In the given letter written by US General Ulysses S. Grant, he used informal wordings in the line "All I can say is that I am well." This is a casual approach language that suggests that the receiver is someone the General is familiar and close with.

Thus, the correct answer is option A.

Answer:  "All I can say is that I am well"

Explanation: plato !

Edmentum is just stress.'

That website gave me hard stress today. Bad teaching. All they want us to care about is grades and marks, no wonder why everybody cheats


Yup. Stress is a killer (literally). Some websites are sketchy but I don’t know how you got stressed. But this website is really nice to get answers.

Based on the excerpt, Suzuki most likely believes that
adults should behave
co behave
o more maturely than children.
o better than they did when they were in kindergarten.
the same way they expect young children to.
as examples for their children.
u tell us



As examples for their children.

help me please! iss for now










Hope it helps.








3. You are working part time providing computer support for a veterinarian’s office. When you arrive to work one morning, the receptionist informs you that the computer monitor is not displaying anything. List at least three steps you will perform to troubleshoot the problem, and list three possible causes.



to troubleshoot or fix

I'll reboot the computer

I'll switch off the switch and then switch it on again

I'll call one of my colleagues for advice

possible causes

some liquid was spilt on it

some v I r u s came in the computer

somebody h a c k e d it

am not allowed to write those who are treated by a vet, but maybe they did something to it?

The three most prevalent forms of issues with a central computer monitor all seem to be:

Monitor going blank.The display is rotated.Words are unreadable.

Monitor going blank:

Keep in mind that the system software doesn't even have the electricity supply disrupted. Check for connecting all lines.

The display is rotated:

Navigate for something like the control center as well as a start. Press on the Graphics Applet somewhere inside that control center but also disable the box to rotate. Click upon that application button and now all right.

Words are unreadable:

Simply click upon that desktop right and then choose the properties option.Go over to the settings, but also verify the display resolution. Click Apply immediately, after which click all right.

Learn more:


4. Neither the lions nor the elephant are fierce. rewrite the correct sentence



Neither the lion or the elephant are fierce.

short impression about your own church​


Personally, I go to the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah Witness. My Kingdom Hall is always clean and tidy. It is always maintenc-ed, there is no physical flaw in it. The parking is always abundant. What matters the most is the worship of Jehovah God. Also, my Kingdom Hall has a beautiful garden and a trees that are simply divine. There are brothers and sisters from different countries at the Kingdom Hall, a variety of people coming together in union.  

1. What do adjectives do?



Adjectives are words that modify (describe) nouns. Adjectives give the reader more specific information about an object's color, size, shape, material, and more.

hope I helped plz give brain-ly-est



An adjective modifies a noun; that is, it provides more detail about a noun. This can be anything from color to size to temperature to personality. Adjectives usually occur just before the nouns they modify .

Adjectives add information about number, color, type, and other qualities about the nouns and pronouns in your sentences. Adjectives help your reader get a fuller picture of the things you are writing about.

Below each of the following incomplete sentences are two expressions.
Complete each sentence by choosing the expression that is parallel in form with an expression
that is already a part of the sentence.

After the bite of the tsetse fly, parasites multiply in the blood of animals and _____.
human’s blood
of humans


of humans, so pick b

will give brainliest to the right awnser, What inference can you make by comparing the two sentences below? -first sentence of paragraph two: Check to see that your number is on the registry. -first sentence of paragraph three: You also can add your number to the registry using the same Web site or phone number (call from the number you want to register).

A) Telemarketing calls are annoying.

B) The registry can be key to ending telemarketing calls.

C) The registry must be accessed from a home computer.

D) There is a chance that telemarketers will go out of business.


im not entirely sure whats going on, but im pretty sure the answer is B.

if you register telemarketing numbers those numbers can be shut down and thats a huge help.

its definitely not A, that type of answer is never correct, and its an opinion anyway.

Pick out the determiner and adjective from the the sentence below:
1.Which book did you buy?
2.These shoes are worn out?



Adjective: Worn out

Determiner: These shoes, Which book


A determiner is a word that is placed in front of a noun in order to show quantity, such as "one cat," many cats", or to show possession or clarify what the noun is referring to such as, "my sheep", "that sheep", etc.

An adjective is a word that is used to qualify or quantify a noun in a sentence. It is used to show or describe a noun.

Therefore, the Adjective in the sentence is "Worn out" and the Determiners are "These shoes", "Which book"

What is Syntactic function of adjectives?

25 points



Syntactic classes. Syntactically, adjectives can be classified with respect to three features: function, complementation and alternation. 1. Function: adjectives can appear in attributive position, as noun modifiers inside NP (32), or in predicative position as a complement of a verb like be, seem, consider, etc.


Syntactic classes. Syntactically, adjectives can be classified with respect to three features: function, complementation and alternation. 1. Function: adjectives can appear in attributive position, as noun modifiers inside NP (32), or in predicative position as a complement of a verb like be, seem, consider, etc.

3. _________ Edgar Allen Poe is a famous author in which period?
a. Harlem Renaissance
b. Postmodern
c. Realism
d. Romanticism


The answer is
D. Romanticism

Write an long essay about environmental pollution



We should treat our Earth’s surroundings as our mother. It nourishes us, too. How can we survive if the climate becomes polluted? For our health and development, the Earth provides us with so many natural resources. Nevertheless, we become more egoistic and tend to pollute our world over time. If our environment becomes more polluted, we do not know that ultimately too, it will affect our health and the future. We will not be able to survive comfortably on Earth.

You can read more Essay Writing about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more

Our environment is made of living things and things not alive. The life of these species includes livestock and other microorganisms; the environment’s unlived components are food, water, dirt, sunshine, etc. Any time a relatively long toxin is introduced to our environment, it contributes to environmental contamination. Air, water, soil, noise, light and nuclear pollution are some of the main types of pollution.

The air pollution is caused by emissions from factories, building chimneys, cars and oils. Wasted industrial solvents, plastics, and other waste, sewage, etc., are polluting the water. The significant causes of soil pollution are the use of pesticides and deforestation. The needless car honking, the use of loudspeakers add to noise pollution.

Though the light and nuclear pollutions are hard to realize, these are equally harmful. Exceedingly flashing lights consume a significant amount of energy while in several ways endangering the ecological environment. These constituents are interconnected. When nature’s process continues, the toxicity of one product is also passed on to the other components. There are different aspects in which chemical waste tends to circulate. With an explanation below we should appreciate

When it rains, the impurities in air in the water-bodies and soil slowly disappear. When cultivated in the fields, these harmful toxicants are absorbed by their roots through contaminated soil and water. Both animals and humans ingest the same food. In this way, when the carnivores consume the herbivores, it reaches the top of the food chain.

The effects of Pollution on the environment can be seen in the form of severe health conditions. Many people have respiratory disorders, weak immunity, cancers of the kidneys and lungs, tumours and chronic diseases. The marine biodiversity is increasingly depleting, including both flora and fauna. Soil quality and crop quality are worsening.

As a result of the environmental pollution that the world needs to cope with, global warming, which had become a significant problem, in Antarctica the melting icebergs culminated in rising sea levels. The hazards caused by rising carbon pollution can contribute to natural disturbance, including regular earthquakes, cyclones, etc. The Hiroshima-Nagasaki and Chernobyl incidents in Russia have caused humanity to irreparable harm.

In response to these disasters, the different countries in the world are taking every possible action. More awareness-raising programs are organized to educate people about the dangers of pollution and the need to protect our planet. Greener lifestyles have become popular; the following are to mention just some: energy-efficient lights, new climate sustainable cars, the use of wind and solar power.

Our environment is affected by our daily actions. The earth is plagued with land, air and water pollution. Some of the problems we face on earth are: deforestation, nuclear waste, acid rain, global warming, overpopulation and some animals are endangered. Air pollution has many different sources.

A change in the environment due to pollution also affects the ecological balance. Environmental pollution is caused both in rural and urban areas. Pollution can cause sickness and discomfort. It also affects the productivity of natural resources, such as land, water, forests and livestock. We can prevent environmental pollution if we understand its causes.

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