What happened to english theater during the elizabethan period?


Answer 1


The Elizabethan theater is halted until 1658 when Oliver Cromwell dies and the power of the Puritans starts to decline. In 1660 King Charles II is restored to the throne of England. The Restoration, and the demise in the power of the Puritans, sees the opening of the theatres once again.

Related Questions

which of the following means “im not doing well”?
A. notas
B. voy mal
C. voy bien
D. asignaturas


B is the correct answer, Voy mal means “doing bad”

Summarize the central idea of "Marks the Spot!" Salima Ikram


The central idea of ​​the article "Marks the Spot" is to explain the customs and culture of ancient Egyptian life, such as the construction of the pyramids.

How to find the main idea of ​​the text?

It is essential to note the key words and the first sentence of the text, which usually explains the context of the topic.

Therefore, the main idea of ​​a text corresponds to the summary of the information contained in the first paragraph, constituting a link for the construction of the following paragraphs.

Find out more about main idea here:


Which word should have an apostrophe? smudges on the cds surface made it skip while playing



Smudges on the CD's surface made it skip while playing.

How to describe the movement of water when touched



The verb burble captures both the movement of the water and the sound it makes as it moves. You could also say that a brook or stream or river babbles or ripples or even trickles. The word burble was first used in the 1300's, and it probably comes from an imitation of the sound a rippling, bubbling brook makes,

Actividad 2. A continuación, se te presentan una serie de indicaciones para la creación de un cuento
en el que apliques tus conocimientos sobre el infierno que propone Dante. Esta actividad pretende que escribas una versión diferente de algunos hechos ocurridos en la obra La divina comedia. Planificación: recuerda que un cuento es una narración breve en la que se narra una historia de ficción con un reducido número de personajes, una intriga poco desarrollada y un desenlace rápido. Para comenzar la etapa de planificación, responde las siguientes preguntas. • ¿Para quiénes escribiré mi cuento? Describe. • ¿Cuál será la intención comunicativa o el propósito de mi cuento?, ¿qué quiero lograr?
Lee la siguiente información de la obra para que retomes elementos que te serán de utilidad al escribir tu cuento. La primera parte de La divina comedia es el infierno. Dante y Virgilio pasan primero donde se encuentran los cobardes, a los que el escritor tilda de inútiles. Al llegar al río Aqueronte, los poetas se encuentran al barquero infernal, Caronte, que lleva las almas hasta la puerta del infierno. Sobre la puerta se lee la siguiente inscripción: "¡Oh, vosotros los que entráis, abandonad toda esperanza!". El infierno está estructurado por nueve círculos, donde los condenados se encuentran distribuidos según sus culpas. 2 | Lenguaje y Literatura Guía de autoaprendizaje 1. Er año de bachillerato
• Primer círculo (no bautizados): en él se encuentran las almas que, aunque virtuosas, no conocieron a Cristo o no fueron bautizada


Una buena idea para el nuevo cuento es que lo enfoques en un público más infantil con una intención comunicativa informativa.

¿Cómo escribir un cuento nuevo a partir de "La Divina Comedia"?

Para escribir el cuento solicitado, puedes seguir los siguientes pasos:

Leer a plenitud La Divina Comedia.Seleccionar como público objetivo los niños.Seleccionar la intención comunicativa de informar.Escribir el cuento, evadiendo los temas fuertes, con el fin de que los niños puedan entender qué ocurría en cada círculo según Dante.

Si lo haces de esta forma, lo niños podrán leer una obra que en realidad está dirigida a un público adulto, y entender un poco sobre la famosa obra de Dante Alighieri.

Si quieres aprender un poco más sobre Dante Alighieri, puedes visitar el siguiente enlace: https://brainly.com/question/850526

Apakah maksud bagi putaran bumi dan peredaran bumi?​



Rotasi bumi adalah peredaran bumi pada poros atau sumbunya. Bumi akan bergerak dari arah barat ke timur atau terlihat bertentangan dengan arah jarum jam. Meskipun bumi mengalami peredaran, namun makhluk hidup di dalamnya tidak ikut berputar. Hal ini disebabkan adanya gravitasi bumi.


hope its help

Which terminal punctuation mark would you use to end this sentence?
Hooray| The village is saved!
O Hooray! The village is saved!
O Hooray. The village is saved!
O Hooray? The village is saved!



the first one


because it explains the excitement so it's probably that


There all the same questions this question is not correct

What is a word to describe an invention that changes everything in science


Answer:Serendipity is a common occurrence throughout the history of product invention and scientific discovery.

What causes Joey to come to a realization that helps her improve her routine? Write your answer in the space below, using textual evidence to support your response.


Time management may be the fact that helped Joey improve his routine, as it generates greater organization and planning of daily activities.

What is time management?

It is the process of effectively dividing your time to perform various activities within your routine. Through this planning, it is possible to optimize time and reduce stress when dealing with difficult tasks at work for example.

Therefore, time management increases an individual's focus on performing tasks in a more consistent and motivated manner, increasing their productivity and personal development.

Find out more about time management here:


How do you feel about asking questions


I feel like a revolutionary founding father writing 75 essays in one day to better the economy
My reasoning?
Because I am

The nurse was able to give Corrie _____.

A. soap and toothpaste
B. comb and brush
C. four Gospels and soap
D. a Bible and towels



The choice;

C. four Gospels and soap





What playful threat does Capulet make to get the ladies to dance?


Answer: Lord Capulet jokingly threatens to tell everyone that any young lady who refuses to dance with him has corns on her feet.

Explanation: Corns are hard layers of skin that develop when your skin tries to protect itself against friction and pressure.

Complete the sentence with the correct pronoun.

Mary told her friend, Janice, "________________________ can come to our house."

"Thanks for the invitation," said Janice.

A.) You
B.) I
C.) We
D.) she



A, You


Mary is explaining to her friend that she can come to her house, therefore you is the best answer

Answer: You

Explanation: "i can come to our house doesn't make sense"

We can come to our house dose not either. She does not work either.

What were the essential factors that ultimately made the DPN movement for deaf people successful?



1. Clear Vision

2. Ability to Prioritize

3. Effective Time Management Skills

4. Strong Work Ethic

5. Healthy Work-Life Balance

6. An Understanding that Excellence is a Lifelong Process

7. Perpetual Curiosity

शहर के बढ़ते यातायात की समस्या पर दो मित्रों के बीच हुए संवाद को लिखिए।​



"वाह, ट्रैफिक इतना आम हो रहा है! मेरा मतलब है, मैं बिना जाम के शहर में मुश्किल से ड्राइव कर सकता हूँ! ” एक दोस्त कहता है। "मैं सही जानता हूं," दूसरे ने कहा, "मुझे काम के लिए लगभग हमेशा देर हो जाती है और यह बेवकूफी भरा जाम पूरे शहर में हो रहा है!" "ठीक है, हार्ट! मैंने कल अपनी नौकरी छोड़ दी क्योंकि मैं नौकरी से निकालना नहीं चाहता था! आपको भी करना चाहिए!" दूसरे लड़के ने उसकी ठुड्डी पर हाथ फेरा। "यातायात काफी खराब है ... कहो, उत्सव, अब तुम कहाँ काम कर रहे हो ...?"

Which of the following sections of dialogue is a sentence fragment?

0 They're gone!
0 This coat is so heavy!
0 What's crushing my legs?
0 Your hair!



The answer is number four: "Your hair!"


“Your hair” is the answer.

What is the meaning of swahili word chano



noun. en platter (flat and round with a low rim used for serving food)

______________ is the process of creating a message to be communicated.



Encoding and Decoding is the process of creating a message to be communicated.


Communication refers to the process of sending and receiving messages, which can also be referred to as encoding and decoding messages.

I think it will probably will be encoding or deciding because receiving means like get something for example I received a email but you said a message being communicated so it would make sense for it to be encoding or decoding I hope I helped bye

signs that something is written in 3rd person pov English ( my first language is not English ) 글쓰기의 형태가 3인칭 관점을 가지고 있다는 징후는 무엇입니까?



In English, we use "his/hers/him/her/them/they" pronouns when something is in third person pov. It will seem like someone else is telling the story, and that way you will understand it better as 3rd person.


거친 번역일 수 있지만 저는 한국어를 사랑하고 돕고 싶습니다! 다음은 내가 영어로 입력한 답변입니다.

"영어에서 우리는 무언가가 3인칭 시점에 있을 때 "his/hers/him/her/them/they" 대명사를 사용합니다. 마치 다른 사람이 이야기를 하는 것처럼 느껴지므로 3인칭으로 더 잘 이해할 수 있습니다. ."

도움이 되길 바랍니다!!


I hope this helps!

-No one

When something is written in 3rd person in English imagine the words you would use if you were recalling events about people outside of yourself
“ **He** walked to the store”
“ **She** tripped and scraped her knee”
“ **They** left their book bag at school”

All of these examples would be used when describing outside events separate from yourself
I don’t know if this is helpful because I’m a native English speakers

show the similarities and dissimilarities between ordinary letter and register letter​



Speed Post is an India post service that offers secured and time bound delivery of letters, parcel and gifts. Registered Post is also an India post service similar to an ordinary post, but offers additional facilities like signature of the recipient, extra cover, a proof of delivery etc. Normally 2-3 days.

“It sounds like what your teacher did really upset you. I understand how you feel.” This statement reflects which principle of effective or active listening?
Validating emotions
Remaining ‘other’ focused
all of the above

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



This statement reflects multiple principles of active listening such as paraphrasing, validating, and remaining other-focused.

What is active listening?

This describes a more efficient type of listening, in which the listener focuses on the activity of listening and this facilitates communication.

What are the principles of active listening?

Some principles include:

Paraphrasing: It involves confirming the information listened to by restating it.Validating emotions: It means recognizing the emotions of the speaker about the situation described.Remaining other-focused: It implies focusing on the speaker rather than in own beliefs, emotions, etc.

What principles are met in the statement?

The statement is an example of all principles being met because this person is recognizing the emotions of the speaker, restating his/her words, and focusing on the speaker's experience.

Learn more about listening in: https://brainly.com/question/3834906

Answer:  The correct answer is a. Validating emotions

Explanation:  Confirmed correct.

What does the person do in the video to clue you that this is not a question?

The eyes are wide open.

The eyebrows are relaxed most of the sentence.

The head is leaning slightly back.

The eyebrows are furrowed.


What video is it about?

The research topic must be simple and specific enough for us to accomplish it with consideration of our limitations and within the given period of time. To attain this ,first we have to


In order to attain this, researchers must first focus on their area of specialization (track) and then recall any issue that interest them the most.

What is a research topic?

A research topic can be defined as an issue or subject that a researcher is keenly and deeply interested when conducting a study or research.

Basically, all research topics should be simple and specific enough for a researcher to accomplish it within a specific period of time and based on consideration of their limitations.

In order to create a simple and specific research topic, a researcher must first focus on his or her area of specialization (track) and then recall any issue that interest him or her the most.

Read more on research topic here: https://brainly.com/question/24590700

Придумати кінцівку до твору « Ляльковий дім


Нора повертається спиною до свого чоловіка та дітей і вилітає в сніг, щоб пробитися власним шляхом у світі, тому що вона не вірила, що є диво, достатньо велике, щоб змусити її залишитися.

What is the main advantage of irrigation?



Irrigation helps to maintain the condensation of the loam. It provides mineral as well as other nutrition by the assimilation from the mold. 

please help me with this;)



yes leave as is


plug it in to see if it make sense to you

It would be “leave it as is.”

Since it would not make sense with the other options listed.

help me please help me​


my recreational activities

walkingswimmingreadingplaying gamesdancing

types of recreational activities


that's all

How to properly use the word 'colloquialism' in a sentence?



My head was filled with slang and colloquial phrases.

The bike was a colloquialism.

"The food is almost ready," My mom said colloquially.

"BLUEGRASS" is a genre of music......
Character Traits
Identify the character traits for each character and text evidence to prove your
Textual evidence
*Yes, Anna is turning into a zombie. That is not her character trait.*
worthing is incon Describe what you



she has an ant full house of pots that help her answer like boom

This is for American sign language

If asked the question, "How do I get to the train station from here," you should

A. begin with a pronoun such as "they," and then provide directions
B. first figure out where you are in relation to the things around you
C. give directions first, and then end with "train station"
D. raise your eyebrows when you sign "train station"


C. Give your direction first and then end with train station


c is correct


i took the test

Other Questions
pleaseeee help me solve for X. Juana invests $1,500 in an account accumulating 3% interest according to the equation v = 1500(1.03), where vrepresents the value of the account after y years. Marquez and Calvin invest the same amount of money at the samrate. Marquez invests three years before Juana, and Calvin invests two years after Juana. By what factor wouldCalvin's investment need to be increased to equal Marquez's investment at any time after Calvin's investment ismade?A.86.3%B. 97.1%C. 115.0%D. 115.9% Sonia earned $2,100 at her uncle's orchard. if she worked for 70 weeks and earned the same amount of money each week, how much did she earn per week? Determine the difference between archaea and bacteria. (1 point)All bacteria are unicellular organisms, while some archaea are multicellular.Archaea live in extreme environments, while bacteria can be found in most places on Earth.Bacteria and archaea have different shapes.Archaea is the domain of life that includes the plant and animal kingdoms, while the bacteria domain includes fungi and protists. 2. On the first day of a month, Leann's savings account had $176. During themonth, Leann deposited $198 and spent $160 of her money. What wasLeann's account balance at the end of the month?-138 dollars534 dollars214 dollars-182 dollars need help :(((((((((((((((((((((( Which of these causes mechanical weathering?Group of answer choicesroot action / root wedgingoxygenacidschemicals Beth Hazelton purchased a compact vehicle with an $18,240.00. MSRP including the delivery and title fee. She selected a leather interior which costs 5 times the upgraded stereo system. If the total cost of the vehicle, including a 7% sales tax, was $21,365.20 find the cost of the (a) stereo system and (b) leather interior. Use the example in the book to help you with solving this problem. express the product of 0.54 and 0.35 in standard form Please Help! will give Brainlest! What intriguing and exciting topic can I use as my speech at school? 100 POINTS PLEASE HELPCreate and initialize a 5 x 5 array as shown below. 0 2 0 0 00 2 0 0 00 2 2 0 00 2 0 2 00 2 0 0 2First, write a printArray() function that prints out the array. Use a single parameter in the definition of the function, and pass the array you created above as the parameter. Call the function so it prints the original array.Then write a flipHorizontal() function that flips the contents of the array horizontally and prints the result. This means that the values in each row should be reversed (look at the second array in the sample run of the program for clarity). Again, this function should pass the original array as the parameter. Within your flipHorizontal() function, call the printArray() function to print the new array that has been horizontally flipped.Reset the array back to the original 5 x 5 array we started with.Then write a flipVertical() function that flips the contents of the array vertically and prints the result. This means that the values in each column should be reversed (look at the third array in the sample run of the program for clarity). Again, this function should pass the original array as the parameter. Within your flipVertical() function, call the printArray() function to print the new array that has been vertically flipped.The sample run below shows how your code should print the original array, followed by the horizontally-flipped array, followed by the vertically-flipped array. Notice that the output below includes blank lines between each of the three arrays - yours should do the same.Code should be able to do this0 2 0 0 00 2 0 0 00 2 2 0 00 2 0 2 00 2 0 0 20 0 0 2 00 0 0 2 00 0 2 2 00 2 0 2 02 0 0 2 00 2 0 0 20 2 0 2 00 2 2 0 00 2 0 0 00 2 0 0 0 Answer for brainliest25 X 1 =;) How many moles of carbon are present in 1.50mole of aspirin , C_{9}*H_{8} * O_{4} The lecturer was tired _ He had a ten minute rest The flexible budget performance report directs management's attention to areas where: (Check all that apply.) After door-to-door canvassing, census workers determine the number of unoccupied homes. The table shown to theright lists the number of homes, in millions, that were unoccupied in four census years.Answer questions a through c. A bicycle tire has a volume of 1. 0 L at 22C. If the temperature of the tire is increased to 52C, what is the resulting volume of the tire? Type in your answer using the correct number of significant figures. Use the formula for Charles' Law: V1 T1 = V2 T2 L. How can an athlete participating in a 40m sprint modify and improve their performance based on the kinematic variable of speed and acceleration? 50 POINTS CORRECT ANSWER ONLY!!Aurora is planning to participate in an event at her school's field day that requires her to complete tasks at various stations in the fastest time possible. To prepare for the event, she is practicing and keeping track of her time to complete each station.The x-coordinate is the station number, and the y-coordinate is the time in minutes since the start of the race that she completed the task.(1, 2), (2, 4), (3, 8), (4, 16)!! Use an explicit formula to find the time she will complete the 10th station. Show your work. !!