What happens in an aphotic zone of a body of water?

) A. Water flows in and out quickly.


B. There is no photosynthesis.

C. The water is stagnant.


D. Plants grow quickly.


Answer 1

In an aphotic zone of a body of water, there is no photosynthesis. The correct answer is option B.

The aphotic zone, which is also known as the abyssal zone, is a section of the ocean or other bodies of water that is entirely devoid of light. It is the area below the photic zone, where sunlight is abundant enough for photosynthesis to occur.However, in an aphotic zone, the sun's light does not reach the ocean floor. This implies that no photosynthesis occurs in this area since plants and other photosynthetic organisms require light to survive. So,there is no photosynthesis in an aphotic zone of a body of water.

For more such questions on photosynthesis, click on:



Answer 2

Answer:Its D


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which of the following correctly describe(s) chemoreceptors (both taste receptor cells and olfactory receptor cells) and photoreceptors? a. only respond to specific type of stimulus b. communicate information about the type of stimulus to interneurons in the brain c. detection of a stimulus requires a chemical to bind with a receptor protein in the cell's membrane d. detection of stimulus decreases neurotransmitter release all of the above


The following correctly describe chemoreceptors (both taste receptor cells and olfactory receptor cells) and photoreceptors e. all of the above

A chemoreceptor is a sensory receptor that receives sensory input from chemical stimuli. It is responsible for detecting the presence of certain chemicals in the environment, such as food molecules or odor molecules. In contrast, photoreceptors are sensory receptors that respond to light stimulus. These are responsible for detecting light and transmitting that information to the brain.

Both chemoreceptors and photoreceptors communicate information about the type of stimulus to interneurons in the brain. Photoreceptors convert light energy into a neural signal that is sent to the brain. Chemoreceptors, on the other hand, convert chemical signals into electrical signals, which are then transmitted to the brain. Therefore, the correct option is: all of the above.

Learn more about chemical stimuli at:



Which feature is shared by both chloroplasts and mitochondria? Electrons flow from NAD(P)H to O2. They both have an outer membrane, and inner membrane, and a matrix. They both have proton gradient across their inner membrane. A proton gradient is.counled to ATP synthesis


The photosynthesis-related organelles known as chloroplasts resemble mitochondria in many ways. In order to provide metabolic energy, both chloroplasts and mitochondria have their own genetic systems, evolved through endosymbiosis, and reproduce through division.

What is a mitochondria?Most eukaryotes, including mammals, plants, and fungi, have mitochondrion organelles in their cells. Adenosine triphosphate, which is produced by mitochondria via aerobic respiration and has a double membrane structure, is used as a source of chemical energy by every part of the cell. By using the energy created during the oxidation of the food we eat, oxidative phosphorylation—the traditional function of mitochondria—generates ATP. Most biochemical and physiological processes, including growth, mobility, and equilibrium, all require ATP as their principal energy source.The majority of a cell's energy is produced by mitochondria, which also have genetic material unique from that in the nucleus and which they use to produce the majority of the energy for the cell.

To learn more about mitochondria, refer to:


In response to critically low nutrient levels, yeast cells often enter into a dormant, non-dividing state. This state allows yeast cells to survive until nutrient levels are restored, at which point the cells typically re- enter the cell cycle. According to the information above, critically low nutrient levels cause yeast cells to Choose 1 answer: transition from Go to G1 phase transition into meiosis transition from G1 to Go phase transition into mitosis


When yeast cells have enough resources, they can advance to the S phase where they can duplicate their DNA and divide. During the G1 phase, yeast cells get ready for DNA replication.

What occurs during expansion of the G1 DNA replication division?

. if you are not sure this is not possible, or if there is no matter what, there is no need for there to be an a... During the S phase, the cell copies its DNA and duplicates its nucleosomes to form two sister chromatids. The G2 phase culminates with ongoing cell growth and cellular content organisation.

When does a cell begin to duplicate its DNA and become ready to divide?

The majority of a cell's time is spent in the phase known as interphase, during which it matures, copies its chromosomes, and prepares to divide.

To know more about G1 phase visit:-



a group of individuals that can interbreed in nature and produce viable offspring would be considered to be a species according to the


A group of individuals that can interbreed in nature and produce viable offspring would be considered to be a species according to the biological species concept. The biological species concept is a classification framework in which a species is a group of individuals that can interbreed in nature and produce viable offspring.

According to this concept, individuals from two separate populations that are unable to interbreed or that produce sterile offspring are considered to be separate species. Furthermore, the biological species concept stresses the need for reproductive isolation in the development of species. This approach assumes that for a species to be classified as separate from another, there should be no gene flow or hybridization among the two in the natural environment. The Biological Species Concept (BSC) is a way of defining what a species is.

According to the Biological Species Concept, a species is defined as a group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring under natural conditions, but which are reproductively isolated from other groups. This concept was first proposed by Ernst Mayr, a German biologist, in 1942.

For more such questions on biological species



why is it important to conserve ecosystems and biodiversity within ecosystems?


For economic development and the eradication of poverty, biodiversity conservation is essential. The majority of the world's poor reside in rural areas and rely on marshes, fields, pastures, and woods for their food and livelihoods.

In order to produce food, practise agriculture, and maintain ecosystem services like soil nutrient recycling, pest and disease management, erosive control, and pollination of plants and trees, biodiversity conservation safeguards the genetic, plant, animal, microbial, and microbiological resources.

Almost 1.6 billion people worldwide depend on forests and non-timber goods for income and survival. Conserving biodiversity can aid in combating climate change's effects. It is possible to lessen the quantity of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by conserving habitats. The destructive effects of climate change, such as flooding and storm surges, can be mitigated by conserving mangroves and other coastal ecosystems.

Learn more about ecosystem here:



Classify the following respiratory structures in the correct functional category. Nasal cavity Conducting Zone Structures Respiratory Zone Structures Pharynx Nasal cavity Alveoli Laryn Pharynx Respiratory bronchioles Respiratory bronchioles Larynx Trachea Terminal bronchioles Alveolar ducts Alveoll Allar ducts Terminal bronchioles


Pharynx, nasal cavity, larynx, trachea, and terminal bronchioles make up the conducting zone structure. Alveolar ducts, alveoli, and respiratory bronchioles are the structures of the respiratory zone.

The conducting zone's main purposes are to provide a passage for incoming and outgoing air, clean and disinfect incoming air, and warm and humidify incoming air. Many structures in the conducting zone also serve additional purposes. For instance, the bronchial epithelium that lines the lungs can digest some airborne carcinogens, while the epithelium of the nasal passages is necessary for odour perception.

The respiratory zone

The respiratory zone contains components directly connected to gas exchange, as opposed to the conducting zone. The respiratory zone starts where the terminal bronchioles connect to a respiratory bronchiole, the smallest type of bronchiole, which eventually leads to an alveolar duct.

Learn more about respiratory zone here:



Assume that you are a genetic counselor and that a couple seeks counseling from you. Both the man and the woman are phenotypically normal, but the woman is heterozygous for a pericentric inversion on chromosome The man is karyotypically normal. What is the probability that this couple will produce a child with a debilitating syndrome as the result of crossing over within the pericentric inversion?


The probability that the man and the woman will produce a child with a debilitating syndrome as the result of crossing over within the pericentric inversion is 50%.

A pericentric inversion is an inversion in which the centromere is included. Heterozygous means that a person has two different alleles (versions of a gene) for a specific trait. A karyotype is a visualization of all of the chromosomes of an individual. Phenotype is the physical characteristics that an organism displays.

The man is karyotypically normal, meaning that his karyotype does not have any abnormal chromosomal structure. The woman is heterozygous for a pericentric inversion on the chromosome, indicating that one of her chromosomes has a pericentric inversion in which a segment of the chromosome is inverted with respect to the centromere.

The two possible outcomes here is either an exchange of genetic material or no exchange of genetic material. When a pericentric inversion is present, however, there is the possibility of non-viable gametes. As a result, the probability of a debilitating syndrome occurring as a result of crossing over within the pericentric inversion is 50%.

Learn more about Pericentric inversion here.https://brainly.com/question/31132152


the enzyme pp is activated by decreased _______ levels to promote _____ glycogen synthesis via activation of _______.glycogen synthase (GS); decreased; PKAglycogen synthase (GS); increased; PKAcAMP; increased; glycogen synthase (GS)cAMP; increased; GPKGPK; decreased; glycogen synthase (GS)


The enzyme pp is activated by decreased cAMP levels to promote glycogen synthesis via the activation of PKA. Glycogen is a large, branched polymer of glucose, which is stored in liver and muscle tissues.

The glucose in glycogen is released through a process called glycogenolysis when energy is required for use. Glycogen synthesis takes place via the enzyme pp, which is activated when cAMP levels are reduced. Protein kinase A (PKA) is then activated via the pp enzyme, which activates glycogen synthase (GS).In the body, glycogen synthase (GS) is an enzyme that catalyzes the polymerization of glucose into glycogen in response to insulin. Glycogenolysis is the breakdown of glycogen back into glucose. Glycogenolysis is also controlled by an enzyme called glycogen phosphorylase (GP). When glucose levels in the body are low, glycogen is broken down into glucose to provide energy to cells. When glucose levels are high, glycogen is synthesized and stored for later use. Glycogen synthesis is regulated by a complex interplay of hormones and enzymes in response to the body's energy needs.

To learn more about Glycogen :



How do you think the bands on the gel will differ between the 10 cycle sample and the 30 cycle sample? HINT: Think about what happens to DNA at each cycle and what you know about electrophoresis. Identify the control in this part of the experiment: Why is it important to store each sample on ice?


Gel shows a difference because the amout of the DNA keeps getting more. Two controls one with DNA and other with no DNA.  Storing samples in ice to prevent DNA degradation.

During the amplification, DNA molecules are amplified, but at the same time, the primers can hybridize nonspecifically, which produces by-products. The number of amplified DNA products increases with each cycle. The by-products also increase with each cycle, which means that by the end of the amplification, the band intensity of the by-products will be stronger in the 30-cycle sample than in the 10-cycle sample. Hence this is the difference.

Besides, Electrophoresis is a separation technique based on the charge and size of molecules. When an electric field is applied, DNA molecules move toward the anode. The mobility of the DNA fragments depends on the size of the fragment. The larger the size of the fragment, the slower the mobility. Therefore, DNA bands products from 30 cycles will be more intense than the bands of DNA products from 10 cycles.

Samples that are used to verify the accuracy of the gel electrophoresis experiment include positive and negative controls. Positive controls are samples that contain known DNA or protein fragments and move on the gel in a specified manner. A sample without any DNA or proteins is referred to as a negative control. A known-response therapy is administered to a positive control so that the known response can be compared to the treatment's uncertain response. The DNA strands are compared to the DNA Standard using this in electrophoresis. When no reaction is anticipated, the negative control is utilized.

The sample storage on ice is important to prevent the degradation of DNA. Keeping the DNA on ice prevents enzymatic reactions that could damage or degrade the DNA. It also slows down the growth of bacteria and fungi that could break down the DNA.

Learn more about DNA Bands here.https://brainly.com/question/31132521


which protist is a concern because of its ability to contaminate water supplies and cause diarrheal illness?


The protist that is a concern because of its ability to contaminate water supplies and cause diarrheal illness is called Giardia intestinalis (also known as Giardia lamblia or Giardia duodenalis).

What is Diarrheal?

It can be caused by a variety of factors, including infections, dietary factors, medication use, and underlying medical conditions. Diarrhea is a common condition that affects people of all ages and can range from mild to severe.

Giardia is a single-celled, flagellated protozoan that lives in the intestines of humans and other animals. It is transmitted through the fecal-oral route, usually by ingesting contaminated water or food. Giardia can survive for long periods of time in water and can resist standard levels of chlorination used to disinfect water supplies.

Learn more about Diarrheal from given link



what another name for a single skeletal muscle cell is a?


Muscle fiber is another name for a solitary skeletal muscle cell. These are big multinucleated cells with cross-striations as their most noticeable histological feature.

A skeletal muscle is made up of individual, long cylindrical cells called muscle fibers. Myofibrils, specific structures that give muscle fibres their unique ability to contract and produce force, are found within the connective tissue that surrounds them. Fascicules, which are collections of muscle fibers encircled by more connective tissue, are known as fascicles. The entire muscle is made up of these fascicles that are then bundled together. Muscle fibers contract when triggered by a nerve impulse, causing the muscle to move.

To know more about Muscle fibers



what part of the eye changes shape to adjust the size of the pupil?


The iris is the part of the eye that changes shape to adjust the size of the pupil.

The iris is a thin, circular structure located in front of the lens and behind the cornea. It contains pigment cells that give the eye its color and muscles that control the size of the pupil. The circular muscles within the iris, known as the sphincter pupillae muscles, contract to constrict the pupil and reduce the amount of light entering the eye.

The radial muscles within the iris, known as the dilator pupillae muscles, relax to widen the pupil and allow more light to enter the eye. This process is called pupillary reflex and is important for regulating the amount of light that reaches the retina.

To learn more about  eye refer to



nursing students are reviewing the pathophysiology of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). they demonstrate understanding of the information when they state which of the following as the form of the genetic viral material?


The nursing students reviewing the pathophysiology of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) demonstrate an understanding of the information when they state that the RNA is the viral genetic material.

HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. The virus is a sexually transmitted infection (STI). It can also be passed from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding. HIV causes damage to the immune system that becomes more severe as the virus progresses.

Pathophysiology is the study of how diseases develop and the response of the body to disease agents. Pathophysiology is a critical aspect of nursing practice as it helps to understand the cause and treatment of different diseases.

The viral genetic material refers to the type of nucleic acid present in the virus. The genetic material in viruses can be either RNA or DNA.

Learn more about genetic: https://brainly.com/question/12111570


Select the correct statement about the Evolution of Animals.
1 The oldest generally accepted fossils of large a
2 No animal fossils are found in strata formed bef
3 Approximately half the phyla of living organisms
4 All the above


The oldest generally accepted fossils of large animals range in age from 565 to 550 m. Option A

What is evolution in animals?

Evolution in animals refers to the process of change in the inherited characteristics of a population of animals over time, which occurs through the mechanisms of natural selection, genetic drift, gene flow, and mutation.

Evolution occurs when some individuals in a population possess advantageous traits that allow them to survive and reproduce more effectively than others, resulting in the gradual accumulation of these traits in the population over generations.

Learn more about evolution:https://brainly.com/question/13492988


identify the large suture on the posterior surface of the skull at the border of the occipital bone.


The large suture that is located on the posterior surface of the skull at the border of the occipital bone is called the Lambdoid suture.

It is a cranial suture that is situated at the back of the skull and divides the occipital bone from the two parietal bones of the skull. The lambdoid suture derives its name from the lambda-shaped appearance of the suture junction. The suture appears in the shape of an inverted letter V, which can be easily visible on the posterior skull. The sagittal suture is present in the midline and extends anteriorly to the coronal suture. The primary function of the lambdoid suture is to attach the parietal bones and occipital bone. The occipital bone is a thick, dense bone that forms the back of the skull. The parietal bones are two bones situated on the superior lateral sides of the skull. The suture runs through the bone, which makes the junction appear jagged. The lambdoid suture is not well established in newborn babies. The suture takes approximately 18-24 months to develop in the skull, and after the fusion, it appears as a white line. The formation of the lambdoid suture is essential for the growth of the skull in the later years of life.

To learn more about Lambdoid :



the paranasal sinuses are named for the bones where they are located. rank the bones in order starting with the most superior.


Frontal bone, Ethmoid bone, Maxilla bone are the bones of the paranasal sinuses that are located at different positions in the face.

The frontal bone is located anteriorly, above the ethmoid bone which houses the frontal sinuses and is connected to the other bones of the skull via two pairs of sutures. The ethmoid bone is located between the eyes, above the nasal cavity and behind the sphenoid bone which is composed of several small plates of bone as well as several air-filled sinus cavities, the ethmoidal sinuses. The maxilla is located between the frontal and sphenoid bones and is composed of two large, rectangular plates of bone and is connected to the other bones of the skull via four pairs of sutures. It houses the maxillary sinuses.

To learn more about paranasal sinuses click here https://brainly.com/question/4107283


which of these are industrial uses for synthesized ga? multiple select question. increasing yield of sugarcane increasing the size of seedless grapes increasing the length of celery petioles killing a variety of monocot weeds in agricultural settings tightening the clusters on grape vines, so that air does not get between the fruit and cause problems


Industrial uses for synthesized GA (Gibberellic acid) include increasing the length, yield, and size of the crops. Thus, options a, b, and c are correct.

Yield is increased by using synthesized GA in the form of Gibberellic acid, which helps promote cell elongation, fruit enlargement, and better seed formation.
The use of synthetic GA in the agriculture industry is beneficial in many ways as it helps in enhancing the growth of crops and increases productivity.
There are several industrial uses of synthesized GA. They include:
a. Increasing yield of sugarcane

b. Increasing the size of seedless grapes problems

c. Increasing the length of celery petioles

They are not involved in killing monocot weeds and tightening the clusters on grape vines.

Learn more about Gibberellic acid here:



HIV infection leads to AIDS when ___ during viral replication lead to the production of viral particles that can infect ___ cells, allowing cancers and opportunistic infections to invade the body of the patient.


HIV infection leads to AIDS when errors during viral replication lead to the production of viral particles that can infect immune system cells allowing cancer and opportunistic infections to invade the patient's body.

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus infection that damages the immune system over time, leading to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). As HIV infects and destroys white blood cells, the body becomes unable to protect itself against infection and disease, making it more susceptible to opportunistic infections.

AIDS reduces the number of CD4 T-cells in the body and when these fall below the normal level they make people vulnerable to infections and cancer.

Learn more about AIDS at https://brainly.com/question/28546697


which structure is part of the respiratory division of the respiratory system?a) eyesb) heartc) trachead) eardrum


Trachea is part of the respiratory division of the respiratory system therefore the correct option is C.

The trachea is a tube that connects the larynx to the bronchi and lungs. It's also known as the windpipe. The trachea is made up of  multitudinous C- shaped cartilage rings that help to keep it open. The trachea is lined with mucous membranes that help to keep the airway open and trap any  inhaled patches.  

The walls of the trachea are made up of smooth muscle that can contract and relax in order to control the  fringe of the airway. This helps to regulate the number of air that enters and leaves the lungs. The trachea also contains cartilage that helps to support the airway and help it from collapsing.

Hence the correct option is C.

To know more about respiratory system visit:



A prokaryotic cell hitched a rideto planet earth on a space shuttle from some unknown planet. The oiganism is a psychrophile, an obligate halophile and an abligate aerobe.
a) Based on the charateristics of this microbe, describe the planet (3 descriptors)
b) Could this organism survive on your kitchen counter? and why?


Characteristics of the planet where the microbe hitched a ride: Three descriptors of the planet where the microbe hitched a ride are that it should be a planet that has the capability to host and sustain psychrophile, an obligate halophile .

obligate aerobe are organisms that thrive in extremely cold environments. Obligate halophiles are microorganisms that require a high concentration of salt to grow. Aerobes are microorganisms that require oxygen to survive.

b) Whether or not the organism could survive on your kitchen counter: It is unlikely that the organism would survive on your kitchen counter. This is because psychrophiles are cold-loving organisms that thrive at low temperatures, and kitchen counters are not usually cold enough for the psychrophile to grow in.

Obligate halophiles require a high concentration of salt to grow, and kitchen counters do not typically have enough salt for the organism to thrive in. Additionally, aerobic bacteria require oxygen to grow, and kitchen counters do not usually provide enough oxygen to support the growth of these bacteria.

To know more about Microbe please visit :



Four of the six hormones produced by the anterior pituitary are ________ hormones; these hormones target other endocrine structures.


The statement is: Four of the six hormones produced by the anterior pituitary are tropic hormones; these hormones target other endocrine structures.

The anterior pituitary gland is a gland in the body that produces hormones. These hormones are peptide hormones, and they act on other endocrine glands in the body. It controls various body functions by producing hormones, which regulate growth and other physiological activities.

There are six types of hormones produced by the anterior pituitary gland, and they are as follows:

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

Luteinizing hormone (LH)

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

Growth hormone (GH)

Prolactin (PRL)

The first four hormones (FSH, LH, ACTH, and TSH) are tropic hormones.

They are referred to as tropic hormones because they target other endocrine glands, such as the thyroid gland, adrenal gland, and gonads, rather than directly affecting other parts of the body.

Thus, the correct option is “tropic”.

Here you can learn more about tropic hormones



What are the selective and differential functions of mannitol salt agar?


MSA is a useful agar for the isolation and differentiation of S. aureus from other staphylococci based on their ability to grow in a high salt environment and ferment mannitol.

Staphylococcus aureus is isolated and distinguished from other staphylococcal species using mannitol salt agar (MSA), a selective and differential agar. The following are its differential and selective actions:

Selective function: MSA has a selective action because it includes a high amount of salt (7.5% NaCl), which prevents the growth of many bacteria that are not salt-tolerant and only permits the growth of salt-tolerant bacteria like staphylococci.

Differential function: Mannitol, a kind of sugar alcohol that Staphylococcus aureus can ferment but not other staphylococcal species, is a component of MSA. Mannitol is fermented by S. aureus into acid, which lowers the pH of the agar and turns the phenol red pH indicator yellow. On the other hand, staphylococci that are not S. aureus will grow on MSA but won't ferment mannitol, leaving the agar red.

To know more about mannitol salt agar (MSA)



What conditions cause the vacuole to fill with water?

What conditions cause the vacuole to fill with water?

the concentration of water inside the cell is the same as the concentration outside the cell

the temperature of water in the vacuole is lower than the temperature of its environment

the concentration of water is greater outside the cell than inside the cell

the temperature of water in the vacuole is higher than the temperature of its environment


The condition that cause the vacuole to fill with water is option (c) The concentration of water is greater outside the cell than inside the cell

The concentration of water is greater outside the cell than inside the cell is the condition that causes the vacuole to fill with water. This process is known as osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane, from an area of higher water concentration to an area of lower water concentration.

When the concentration of water is greater outside the cell than inside the cell, water will move into the cell through the selectively permeable membrane, causing the vacuole to fill with water. This can cause the cell to expand and may lead to various physiological changes.

Therefore, the correct option is (c) The concentration of water is greater outside the cell than inside the cell

Learn more about Osmosis here



which component in the pcr reaction sets the specific starting point for dna synthesis to occur?


In the PCR reaction, the component that sets the specific starting point for DNA synthesis to occur is the primers.

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a method used to produce multiple copies of a specific DNA segment. In other words, PCR amplifies a specific target DNA sequence in vitro from a small amount of starting material.

PCR can be used to create a large number of copies of a particular DNA sequence for use in research or clinical applications, among other things. It's a vital tool in a variety of scientific fields. The primers are short, single-stranded DNA sequences that act as starting points for DNA synthesis in PCR.

The primers bind to a specific region of DNA and serve as the starting point for DNA replication by polymerase in PCR. The two primers are designed to hybridize to opposite strands of the target DNA sequence's complementary regions.

For more such questions on  DNA synthesis, click on:



in a chloroplast, where is solar energy absorbed during photosynthesis?


Answer to your question


the green, photosynthetic pigment found in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria is called


The green photosynthetic pigment found in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria is called chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll is an essential part of photosynthesis, a process used by plants to convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy. Chlorophyll absorbs light energy from the sun, which is then used in the production of glucose, a sugar used by the plant for energy. Chlorophyll also helps protect plants from the damaging effects of ultraviolet light. Chlorophyll molecules are arranged into clusters, known as chloroplasts, within the cells of a plant. Different types of chlorophyll molecules absorb different types of light, allowing plants to use multiple light sources. The abundance of chlorophyll in plants is what gives them their characteristic green color.

To learn more about Chlorophyll :



lipids in foods and in the body are mostly in the form of





Triglycerides are the main form of lipids in the body and in foods

According to the chemiosmotic mechanism, ATP is generated when
A) Electrons are transferred between carrier molecules.
B) A high-energy phosphate group is transferred from an intermediate metabolite to ADP.
C) Chlorophyll liberates an electron.
D) Protons are moved across a membrane.
E) Cells lyse in a hypotonic environment.


According to the chemiosmotic mechanism, ATP is generated when (D) protons are moved across a membrane.

It suggests that ATP synthesis is caused by a gradient of protons established across the inner mitochondrial membrane or the thylakoid membrane in photosynthetic organisms through the redox reactions of the electron transfer chains.

The transfer of electrons through the electron transport chain is coupled with proton translocation across the membrane in the chemiosmotic mechanism. This activity establishes an electrochemical gradient across the membrane with protons building up on one side of the membrane.

To achieve ATP synthesis, this gradient of protons must be restored to equilibrium by moving the protons back to the other side of the membrane. The energy derived from this gradient is then utilized for ATP synthesis.

Learn more about ATP https://brainly.com/question/893601


the partition that results from the inward growth of the cell envelope from opposite directions is known as the


The partition that results from the inward growth of the cell envelope from opposite directions is known as the septum.

What is septum?

The septum is a physical barrier that forms within a dividing cell to facilitate the separation of its two daughter cells. It happens in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. The process of cytokinesis or cell division is responsible for the formation of a septum. When a cell has replicated its DNA and reached the end of the cell cycle, it begins the process of cell division.

The division of a cell into two daughter cells is known as cytokinesis. It is done in several different ways by different organisms. In prokaryotes, the division process is different from that of eukaryotes. When a cell is about to split in two, a septum forms, which is a dividing line that separates the two cells as they are formed.

The septum results from the inward growth of the cell envelope from opposite directions. It develops around the cell's center and then narrows as it grows in the middle. When the septum has grown to the appropriate size, it breaks through the cell's envelope, separating the two cells from one another. The cell division is completed when the septum has divided the cell into two parts, each with its own genetic information.

Here you can learn more about septum



Cyanide and carbon monoxide block the protein that donates the electrons to oxygen, thus forming water. Cyanide and carbon monoxide block ATP synthesis by:
a. inhibiting ATP synthase
b. preventing the formation of H+ ion concentration gradient
c. allowing H+ ions across the mitochondrial membrane without passing through the ATP synthase.
d. blocking oxygen diffusion into cells
e. blocking the pumping of H+ ions to the inside of the mitochondria


Cyanide and carbon monoxide block ATP synthesis by inhibiting ATP synthase. Cyanide and carbon monoxide are toxic substances. Thus, the correct option is A.

What is ATP synthesis?

ATP synthesis is the process of producing ATP using energy from different sources such as glucose or lipids. The process occurs in the mitochondria of the cell. Cyanide and carbon monoxide are toxic substances that can inhibit ATP synthesis in the cell. Inhibiting ATP synthase is the way that cyanide and carbon monoxide block ATP synthesis. ATP synthase is an enzyme that synthesizes ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate. It is also responsible for creating a proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane.

When this gradient is established, protons are pumped into the intermembrane space. This results in the formation of a proton-motive force that drives the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP. The blockage of ATP synthesis occurs as a result of the disruption of the proton gradient. Cyanide and carbon monoxide bind to cytochrome oxidase, an enzyme that is responsible for the transfer of electrons to oxygen during the electron transport chain. This causes the electrons to be trapped in the mitochondrial respiratory chain, which leads to a reduction in the proton gradient. Thus, ATP synthesis is inhibited.

Therefore, the correct option is A.

Learn more about ATP synthesis here:



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At t = 3 s the force on the particle has a magnitude of 33 N and is in the negative direction of the axis. What is c? Two trapezoids have areas of 432cm^2 and 48cm^2. Find the ratio of similarity Consider the three stars with the following method of energy transfer: Convection, Convection-Radiation, Radiation-Convection. The method of energy transfer is listed in order from the center of each star outward.1.) Rank the stars in order of their mass from most massive to least massive2.) Rank the stars in order of their temperatures from coolest to hottest. the muscle name literally meaning below the tongue is blank.target 1 of 5 the muscle connecting the hyoid bone to the styloid process of the temporal bone is the blank.target 2 of 5 the shorter of the muscles over the fibula is the blank.target 3 of 5 the muscle extending from the arm to the lateral forearm is the blank.target 4 of 5 the hamstring that becomes tendinous midway along its length is the What is true about angle APD? Suppose the heights of 18-year-old men are approximately normally distributed, with mean 71 inches and standard deviation 5 inches.(a) What is the probability that an 18-year-old man selected at random is between 70 and 72 inches tall? (Round your answer to four decimal places.)(b) If a random sample of eight 18-year-old men is selected, what is the probability that the mean height x is between 70 and 72 inches? (Round your answer to four decimal places.)(c) Compare your answers to parts (a) and (b). Is the probability in part (b) much higher? Why would you expect this?The probability in part (b) is much higher because the mean is larger for the x distribution.The probability in part (b) is much higher because the standard deviation is smaller for the x distribution. The probability in part (b) is much lower because the standard deviation is smaller for the x distribution.The probability in part (b) is much higher because the mean is smaller for the x distribution.The probability in part (b) is much higher because the standard deviation is larger for the x distribution. During the day, 25 trains pulled into the subway station. Of those trains, 14 were full.Find the experimental probability that the next train that pulls into the station is full at the beginning of act iv, scene i, of the tragedy of romeo and juliet, paris reports to friar lawrence that juliet is weeping. what is the true cause of her sadness? the radius of a circle is increasing at a rate of 4 cm/s. how fast is the area of the circle increasing after 10 seconds? g your friend claims the geometric mean of 4 and 9 is 6, and then labels the triangle, as shown. is your friend correct? explain your reasoning. to display the visual basic window, you click the create tab on the ribbon, and then click visual basic.true or false? Where does RPA fit in with other emerging technologies?*It is an entry point to machine learningIt is a standalone offering.It is part of Blockchain.It can "learn and adapt."How would you describe the "digital workforce"?Unattended bots which are not supervised.Software bots that protect data.*A blended workforce that is a combination of humans and bots.The automation of all human tasks as organizations move to adopting artificial intelligence (AI).What is the history of RPA?It is a new technology.*It is a technology that has been actively used for close to 10+ years.It is a technology that has yet to be proven in large organizations.It is a technology that only works in specific sectors and organizations.Which statement is correct regarding the adoption of RPA?The market is saturated.There are too many unknowns to get started.The technology is not mature enough yet.*Almost all organizations are only at the start of their RPA journey.Why is RPA a strong building block on the journey towards AI?AI will happen regardless of the adoption of RPA.*RPA will allow organizations to move to AI faster because processes will have to be automated before AI can be implemented.Most organizations will go straight to using AI, rather than take small steps in that direction.AI requires access to data and, until now, fragmented manual processes have meant that the data has not been captured.Where does RPA fit in the evolution of business operations?*It is a natural progression from initiatives like ERPs, outsourcing, and Lean Six Sigma.It is a standalone capability.It requires new thinking to analyze business processes.It does not fit well in shared service environments.Should employees and employers be concerned about the impact of RPA on jobs?*There will be changes, but these are additional skills that can be learned.There will be overnight changes to the workplace.There will be significant job loss due to RPA.Employers are looking for ways to reduce headcount, and RPA is the easiest way. Three dimensions. Three point particles are fixed in place in any xyz coordinate system. Particle A, at the origin, has mass m A . Particle B, at xyz , coordinates (2.00d,2.00d), has mass 2.00 m A , and particle C, at coordinates ( - 1.00d , 2.00d, -3.00d ), has mass the other particles. In terms of distance d, at what (a) x, (b) y, and (c) z coordinate should D be placed so that the net gravitational force on A from B, C, and D is zero fruits that have a central pit enclosing a single seed are known as Key Takeaways of Cross Tab and Scatter plots (Reflecting on visual models)- We can develop insights and knowledge about our world from manipulating and visualizing data, in particular by finding patterns- When investigating two columns of data we can observe patterns different values move together (are correlated). We cannot know for certain the cause of the correlation. Customers are naturally excited about make-to-stock, finish-to-order, make-to-order, andengineer-to-order. An operations and supply chain manager is far more interested inthe point in the supply chain at which the customization occurs