What happens in the labor market ?


Answer 1


The labor market, also known as the job market, refers to the supply of and demand for labor, in which employees provide the supply and employers provide the demand. It is a major component of any economy and is intricately linked to markets for capital, goods, and services.

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Why was paper making considered as an innovative technology? How did it make life easier or better for people?



Paper is a very old technology, which was already used by the Egyptians through writing on papyrus, but the paper we know today had the beginning of manufacture in China, through the mixture of fabrics and tree bark to form a paste that would come to become the role.

This was an innovative technology in that it accelerated communication and made historical and cultural information and records essential to human history possible. Through paper emerged the sharing of information, the dissemination of knowledge through books, newspapers and magazines, the possibility of commercial agreements, documentary records, and several other functions that enabled human development in society.

explain the impact of World War 1 on American civil liberties.


During World War I, the Woodrow Wilson administration took unprecedented steps to mobilize public support for the war. In addition to a massive government propaganda campaign, Congress passed laws designed to silence dissent. Newspapers were censored, politicians

were jailed, and mobs attacked those suspected of disloyalty. Some Americans organized to protest the erosion of democratic freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, a group of rights that they called "civil liberties." Thus, while democratic freedoms were undermined during World War I, public concern over these policies inspired the beginnings of a twentieth-century movement to guard the right of Americans to criticize their government, even when their country is at war.

When President Woodrow Wilson called on Congress to declare war on Germany in April 1917, the government faced a formidable task. Millions of young men had to be drafted, equipped, trained, and shipped an ocean away. To accomplish this in time to break the military stalemate on Europe's western front, Wilson demanded unprecedented powers to mobilize American society.

In addition to drafting men and directing the economy, Wilson took steps to control public opinion, encouraging patriotic support for the war effort. The task was made more urgent because Americans remained deeply divided about the conflict. When Germany invaded France in 1914, most Americans shared Wilson's desire to remain neutral. His reelection in 1916 was widely considered a vote for the man who "kept us out of war." When he declared war five months later, many Americans still opposed involvement. Some German immigrants remained sympathetic to their ancestral home; socialists thought the war was inspired by capitalist greed; and various religious sects opposed all war on principle. Considering national unity essential to military success, Wilson took steps to silence these critics, guarding American society from what he called "the poison of disloyalty."

as a result of its location in west Asia the Arabian Peninsula:
A)all of the choices are correct
B)was isolated from the civilizations of the world
C)become an important center for trade
D)had a pleasant. Mediterranean climate


C is the answer for your question

Under what circumstances should a country (like USA) go to war? (1 paragraph please)



Countries are likely to go to war if they are being directly threatened as a result of an attack. For example in World War II the US only entered after Pearl Harbor was attacked. Wars happen a lot frequently than you think, most of them occuring as a result of a being directly threatened.


Basic Idea, elaborate.

Which of these are rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Georgia Constitution?

-freedom of assembly
-right to freedom
-freedom of religion
-right to happiness
-freedom of speech
-right to trial by jury



freedom of assembly

-right to freedom

-freedom of religion

-freedom of speech

-right to trial by jury

Read the excerpt.

Utter subjugation awaits us in the Union, if we should consent longer to remain in it.

–The Mississippi Ordinance of Secession, 1861

Which group most strongly supported this statement?






Fire-eaters are the group of pro-slavery Democratic leaders who supported the secession of their states from the Union. They believe that slavery is a necessity and an important part of their livelihood which renders them an enemy of the Northern states' abolitionist attitude.

In the given excerpt from The Mississippi Ordinance of Secession, the declaration is that the longer they stay in the Union, they will only be subjugated, meaning they will be controlled or put under control.

Thus, this declaration will be most strongly supported by the Fire-eaters.

During the Red Scare II, if you were
blacklisted, what happened to you?
A. You were promoted.
B. You were hired.
C. You retired.
D. You were fired.


D because nobody wants a communist supporter to work for them

During which period of time was the recorder used the most?
the Industrial Revolution
the Stone Age
the Middle Ages
the Reniaissance



D - The Renaissance

Explanation: That is when it was Developed

How did the creation of the Atlantia alam dwie rolowane with their mother countries? A It negatively affected colonien relationships with their mother countries, ainge coloniata refused to accept alavery aa legal B. It resulted in a diangular exchange between the Ameroaa, Europe and Africa rather than a direct exchange between colonion and their mother countries C. It stiengthened colonien relationships with their mother countries, soe the cultures of analaved Africana dominated colonial and European governments, () D. It enamed that colonies began trading with multiple European omtree rather than with their mother countries alone,​



Correct Answer: A.


Identify and record phrases that suggest that
a firestorm was the result of the bombing.


Hello. You did not enter the text where these phrases should be searched, which makes it impossible for this question to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

To find these phrases, you will have to read the text. You'll be able to find them when the text addresses the firestorm, using a cause and effect textual structure. This kind of structure is noticed in a text that shows that an event caused the existence of another event. In this case, the phrases you need will be the ones that show that the bombing, or some element that made up that bombing, was what caused the existence of a firestorm in the affected area.

what was one major outcome of the second optum war



China was forced to allow Europeans to sell opium in China.

are you against President Trump's insistence on the importance of building this wall. Are you for it or against it? Why or why not?





I am both for and against the building of the wall because immigrants should be able to come to America freely, but at the same time the cities might be over run by new people and there wont be enough supplies.

I think if a person has the drive or want to get it into the US no wall or barrier will stop them. Everyone deserves a better life. That is what America was built on.

Where did Genghis Khan come from, and what were his people like? (



The answer is below


Genghis Khan was a native of Mongolia. His birth name was Temujin which translates to 'blacksmith'.

His people dwelled in the region characterized by grasslands and were uneducated.

Their major occupations were herding, hunting and gatherings, and excellent horsemen, who later turned to his army.

How did the Atlantic slave trade contribute to conditions that eventually led to the Haitian Revolution?
A) It helped Saint-Dominique win its independence from France but greatly weakened its military
B) It created great wealth in Saint-Dominique, but only for a small percentage of Haitians
C) It lead to greater social equality in Saint-Dominique, but it undermined the democratic political system
D) It helped Saint-Dominique’s leaders become more popular in Haiti, but it outraged European powers.



I believe that the Atlantic slave trade contributed

to conditions that eventually led to the Haitian revolution by resulting in African slaves making up the vast majority of the Ste Domingue's population thus giving them strength in numbers to overthrow a slave system and from their own sovereign government

Write a paragraph about capitalism from the Soviet point of view and another one on communism from the US point of view.





According to the Soviet Union, a communist society defined by common ownership ends the exploitation of labour. The idea of communism different from capitalism as it deals with unfair gaps in Incomes, collective ownership of means of production, and the abolition of private property.

According to the US point of view, the communist government controls everything, including the rights of the people. People have no say in the policies and laws of the government. Communist does not believe in God, Democracy, and Christianity.

How does Sikhism compare with Hinduism and Islam?


Correct answer is D ____

In the X.Y.Z affair, these letters stood for:
Three nations that secretly wanted independence.

Three French men that did not want to be named when they bribed US diplomats.

The early CIA and FBI operating in secret in Virginia and Georgia.



Three French men that did not want to be named when they bribed US diplomats.


As early as the autumn of 1796, the United States' relations with France began to deteriorate rapidly. After the unilateral dissolution of the Union with the United States in 1778, France began aggression against American merchants in the Caribbean and Atlantic. France's continuing aggression at sea and its apparent attempts to undermine American policy with revolutionary propaganda and bribery led the two great powers to declare war, especially at sea.

In May 1797, US President John Adams decided that, despite opposition from the Federalist Party, he would send three diplomats to Paris to seek a negotiated solution. Six months later, a message arrived in Philadelphia that the French foreign minister had informed American diplomats through intermediaries that negotiations could only take place if he was paid a solid sum.  The President published the delegation's report, in which the French agents were designated by the letters X, Y and Z (from which the informal name of the document and the entire incident came from), stirring up a storm of anti-French sentiment in American society.

Drag each tile to the correct location. Match each view about slavery to those held in the North or the South. Enslaved labor were needed to help maintain the local economy. Slavery was morally wrong because it stripped humans of their dignity. God created everyone equally, with the same rights. Slavery was not a religious wrong because it appeared in the Bible.



The answer is below


According to the historical evidence or records. The following statements are associated with different regions in the United States.

1. Enslaved labor was needed to help maintain the local economy. - SOUTH

2. Slavery was morally wrong because it stripped humans of their dignity - NORTH

3. God created everyone equally, with the same rights. - NORTH

4. Slavery was not a religious wrong because it appeared in the Bible.- SOUTH

Discuss why you think black and Hispanic Texans are so persistently below "whites" in terms of income? Your answer must be at least 5 sentences long.


Redlining,where the banks are willing to lend to. Lack of resources and exposure to different opportunities due to the school to prison pipeline. Poor education in black and Hispanic areas. The communities they are in. Gatekeeping opportunities for black and Hispanic students.

What happened to the Soviet nuclear weapons after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?


hope this helps

Answer: Most of them were returned to Russia.

Explanation: Russia gathered most of the nuclear weapons.

What was the main purpose for founding Jamestown?

gaining wealth

accessing the Chesapeake Bay

bringing honor and glory to the king

having religious freedom



having religious freedom


D. having religious freedom

All of the following were weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation EXCEPT:
Congress was unable to levy taxes.
Congress was unable to enforce laws.
Congress was unable to declare war with another country.
Congress was unable to regulate foreign and interstate trade.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided

Please help!!!





While Congress was weakened militarily by the lack of a cohesive, national force (as states could ignore requests for troops, supplies, etc.), it could still declare war.

Which best describes tecumseh?



Tecumseh was an esteemed leader, a powerful chief, and a gifted orator. His death dismantled his pan-Indian alliance in the Northwest Territory. Without Tecumseh to lead them, most remaining Native Americans in the region moved to Indian reservations and ceded their land.


Hope this is helpful.


A Shawnee warrior who organized a native American confederacy to resist actions by the U.S.


a Shawnee warrior who organized who organized a Native American Confederacy to oppose white settlement on Native American Grounds

Cold water absorbs more carbon dioxide than warm water. Assume a mechanism (such as the Milankovitch Cycle) leads to global cooling. Sea surface temperatures will then begin to decrease. Subsequently, more carbon dioxide will be removed from the sky (as it will be absorbed in large quantities by the cold water). As a result, atmospheric temperatures will get cooler. This process is an example of __________.





Climate feedbacks can be defined as an effect that occurs when a loop takes place between the input and output of a system. There are two types of feedback- positive feedback and negative feedback. Feedbacks can either reduce or inflate effects of climate forcings.

In the given case, the process of absorption of carbon dioxide by cooler water is an example of feedback.

Therefore, feedback is the correct answer.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed a plan in 1937 to add justices to the Supreme Court primarily because the Court


The court had declined new deal measures for the Great Depression.

What was the New Deal Part 2? Explain HELP PLEASE



The most important programs included Social Security, the National Labor Relations Act ("Wagner Act"), the Banking Act of 1935, rural electrification, and breaking up utility holding companies.


it included union protection programs, the Social Security Act, and programs to aid tenant farmers and migrant workers

Describe the process of how the American
Economy Responded to the War Effort and the
transformation from a peacetime to wartime



Answer to the following question is as follows;


The government should pay for a massive marketing effort to persuade people to buy military bonds. Over through the duration of the war, 85 million People in america bought bonds, generating $185.7 billion, which paid between 50 and 60 percent of the war expenditures.

What is the similarity between Jamaica and Colombia?​



Explanation:similarity is Jamaica is 58.8% more expensive than Colombia.

How does the covenant influence daily life for Jewish people?



Jews believe that the covenant between God and Abraham extends to all Jews. It was the start of the relationship between God and the Jewish people. The covenant carries with it the promise of the land of Canaan. Some Jews believe this promise is still to be fulfilled.


What two countries did General
Douglas MacArthur want to drop atomic
bombs on?
A. China and the USSR
B. Japan and North Korea
C. Vietnam and South Korea
D. South Korea and North Korea





So I belive he wanted to bomb China and North Korea but there is no answer to that however, he did want to bomb the Korean peninsula in general so d is your best option because firstly B and C are ridiculous answers (because neither Japan nor Vietnam were involved) and bombing the Ussr would be a dangerous move (since they had access to atomic bombs by that point, which they first got in 1949 and the Korean War happened in 1950-1953) so in conclusion d is your best option.

Answer: a

Explanation- I just got it right

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