What is Jordan's purpose in giving this speech?
to blast her opponents for not supporting her
to educate her audience about the value of liberty and even life"
to urge her audience to form a "national community
to entertain her audience


Answer 1

Answer: C. to urge her audience to form a "national community

Explanation: I got it right on Edmentum

What Is Jordan's Purpose In Giving This Speech?A.to Blast Her Opponents For Not Supporting HerB.to Educate
Answer 2


A.to educate her audience about the value of “liberty and even life”

B.to entertain her audience

C.to blast her opponents for not supporting her

D.to urge her audience to form a “national community”



I got it right

Related Questions

Select the correct answer.
What is the best way to revise sentence 3 to include better sensory details?
OA. We were simply waiting to go home from our jobs in our cars as we looked out the window at the city.
OB. We were simply walting to go home from our jobs as accountants, lawyers, secretaries, and doctors.
OC. We were simply walting to go home from our jobs in this nightmarish loop of continual stop-and-go
OD. We were simply waiting to go home from our Jobs so that we could get up tomorrow and do it again.


The answer is OC. I got it right on the Plato test

The most adequate way to revise sentence 3 to add sensory details into it would be:

C). We were simply waiting to go home from our jobs in this nightmarish loop of continual stop-and-go torture.

What are sensory details?

Sensory details are described as the descriptive details that aim to evoke the emotions or senses of the readers.

The third sentence involves such vivid and subjective words like 'simply,' 'nightmarish,' 'continual,' etc. helps in allowing the readers to visualize the scene and elicit the intended sensory response.

This promotes a better understanding among the readers and helps the author serve his/her purpose effectively.

Thus, option C is the correct answer.

Learn more about "Sensory Language" here:


what does the symbolism suggest about the man?​



प्रजनन में डीएनए की प्रतिलिपि करने का क्या महत्व है?

DNA ..... ig i found this


24. In the short story, "To Build a Fire" by Jack London, the man and the dog face what type
of conflict?
a. Man vs Society
b. Man vs Self
c. Man vs Nature
d. Man vs Man


I’m guessing the answer is C
Man vs. nature is the answer

Q: Why do writers depart from the traditional use of conventions when writing?

A: Writers use unconventional writing to sound more like an expert.
B: Writers use unconventional writing to enhance the style and message of their writing.
C: Writers use unconventional writing because they do not know all the rules of conventions.
D: Writers use unconventional writing because it is faster and easier to write that way.



Writers use unconventional writing to enhance the style and message of their writing.




Writers use unconventional writing to sound more like an expert.

Match the description to the word.

1 .
lightning search and seizure of young Dutch men
2 .
Peter's sister
3 .
a mother who came to Corrie for her son
4 .
Meyer Mossel



1) Eusie - Meyer Mossel

2) Razzia - Lightning search and seizure of young Dutch men

3) Mietje - A mother who came to Corrie for her son

4) Cocky - Peter's sister


Hope this helps. :)

1. Eusie: Meyer Mossel

2. razzia: lightning search and seizure of young Dutch men

3. Mietje: a mother who came to Corrie for her son

4. Cocky: Peter's sister

Who is Razzia in "The Hiding Place"?

"A razzia is a lightning fast search and seizure conducted by German troops who are looking for young Dutchmen to work in German munitions factories."

Eusie was the nickname of Meyer Mossel.

Razzia was a method of "lighning search and seizure"

Mietje was a woman who used to clean at police station who came to ten Booms to ask for help "hiding her son".

Cocky was Peter's sister.

Incomplete question.

Match the description to the word from "The Hiding Place".

To learn more about Razzia, here



What can the reader infer about Mr. & Mrs. Mallard’s marriage?



sorry I need points for my questiknnm

2. Imagine you are being recognized at an awards banquet. You are sitting at the head table
with many other distinguished guests. Why will knowledge of proper table manners make
you more comfortable in this situation?


Answer and Explanation:

The situation described is a formal social interaction. Formal situations usually involve certain rituals, so to speak, or certain rules of behavior. People are expected to dress a certain way, to talk to each other politely, and to have manners at the table. Regarding table manners, formal situations demand a bit more knowledge and etiquette, since different types of silverware and glasses are likely to be used. Therefore, knowing proper table manners helps avoid difficult or potentially embarrassing moments. Others attending the same event are likely to have learned etiquette as well, so it is best to learn in advance and behave appropriately to prevent becoming the center of attention for not knowing which fork to use or for slurping the soup, for instance.

Winston thinks O'Brien is a member of the Brotherhood.





from “Where I Lived, and What I Lived For” in Walden
by Henry David Thoreau
Look at a meeting-house, or a court-house, or a jail, or a shop, or a dwelling-house, and say what that thing really is before a true gaze, and they would all go to pieces in your account of them. Men esteem truth remote, in the outskirts of the system, behind the farthest star, before Adam and after the last man. In eternity there is indeed something true and sublime. But all these times and places and occasions are now and here. God himself culminates in the present moment, and will never be more divine in the lapse of all the ages. And we are enabled to apprehend at all what is sublime and noble only by the perpetual instilling and drenching of the reality that surrounds us. The universe constantly and obediently answers to our conceptions; whether we travel fast or slow, the track is laid for us. Let us spend our lives in conceiving then. The poet or the artist never yet had so fair and noble a design but some of his posterity at least could accomplish it.
Let us spend one day as deliberately as Nature, and not be thrown off the track by every nutshell and mosquito’s wing that falls on the rails. Let us rise early and fast, or break fast, gently and without perturbation; let company come and let company go, let the bells ring and the children cry—determined to make a day of it. Why should we knock under and go with the stream? Let us not be upset and overwhelmed in that terrible rapid and whirlpool called a dinner, situated in the meridian shallows. Weather this danger and you are safe, for the rest of the way is down hill. With unrelaxed nerves, with morning vigor, sail by it, looking another way, tied to the mast like Ulysses. If the engine whistles, let it whistle till it is hoarse for its pains. If the bell rings, why should we run? We will consider what kind of music they are like. Let us settle ourselves, and work and wedge our feet downward through the mud and slush of opinion, and prejudice, and tradition, and delusion, and appearance, that alluvion which covers the globe, through Paris and London, through New York and Boston and Concord, through Church and State, through poetry and philosophy and religion, till we come to a hard bottom and rocks in place, which we can call reality, and say, This is, and no mistake; and then begin, having a point d'appui, below freshet and frost and fire, a place where you might found a wall or a state, or set a lamp-post safely, or perhaps a gauge, not a Nilometer, but a Realometer, that future ages might know how deep a freshet of shams and appearances had gathered from time to time. If you stand right fronting and face to face to a fact, you will see the sun glimmer on both its surfaces, as if it were a cimeter, and feel its sweet edge dividing you through the heart and marrow, and so you will happily conclude your mortal career. Be it life or death, we crave only reality. If we are really dying, let us hear the rattle in our throats and feel cold in the extremities; if we are alive, let us go about our business.
Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. I drink at it; but while I drink I see the sandy bottom and detect how shallow it is. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains. I would drink deeper; fish in the sky, whose bottom is pebbly with stars. I cannot count one. I know not the first letter of the alphabet. I have always been regretting that I was not as wise as the day I was born. The intellect is a cleaver; it discerns and rifts its way into the secret of things. I do not wish to be any more busy with my hands than is necessary. My head is hands and feet. I feel all my best faculties concentrated in it. My instinct tells me that my head is an organ for burrowing, as some creatures use their snout and fore paws, and with it I would mine and burrow my way through these hills. I think that the richest vein is somewhere hereabouts; so by the divining-rod and thin rising vapors I judge; and here I will begin to mine.

Which of the following best describes the intended audience for this passage?
all Americans
the speaker’s philosophical contemporaries
city dwellers
the speaker’s detractors
highly-educated and well-to-do individuals

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




Adhikari India and jajsjajsjajanajajajj

Answer : E
Explain: ...

1. Which of the following best describes the Bill of Rights?
A. The Bill of Rights establishes that the United States has
declared independence from Great Britain, and that the
new nation will be governed by the people.
B. These amendments explain how people accused of a
crime should be treated in the United States.
C. These amendments guarantee rights for citizens, limit
some of the powers of the federal government, and
reserve some powers to the states and the public.
D. The Bill of Rights asserts that freedom of speech is the
most important right promised to American citizens.



C. These amendments guarantee rights for citizens, limit

some of the powers of the federal government, and

reserve some powers to the states and the public.


Which does NOT correctly use a prepositional phrase?
The exhausted runner collapsed into bed, back at home, after the

The exhausted runner collapsed into bed after the marathon, back at

C.). The exhausted back at home runner collapsed into bed after the marathon.

The exhausted runner, back at home, collapsed into bed after the


i believe your answer is the third option, C.

Which words from paragraph 3 help the reader understand the meaning of the word daunting?



We can not answer unless you give us paragraph three



Which sentence uses commas correctly?

The boys, although, they were not allowed left the house by themselves.

My mother asked me to fold my laundry, but, I did not want to.

The audience, however, continued to speak over the actors on stage.

I want to go out to dinner, even though, I am trying to save money



The audience, however, continued to speak over the actors on stage.


Third option, it looks right to me and the dude above seems pretttyyyyy smart.

What had happened a few days before Alex and Conners eleventh birthday


Answer: They had a terrible fight and stopped speaking to each other. A fire destroyed their father's bookstore and his collection of fairy tales. hope this helps can u pls give me brainliest


Which is the best behavior style to use in conflict situations

Social submissive
Quiet submissive



Companies today are expanding the role of teams in the workplace in an effort to empower employees and improve organizational effectiveness. The more we try to work as a team, the more important it becomes to recognize that people exhibit different behavioral styles. I use the term “behavioral style”, purposely avoiding the terms “personality” or “attitude”, because unless we are psychiatrists or psychologists, we are not qualified to evaluate such things. All that we can see and deal with is a person’s behavior.

There are four major behavioral styles: analytical, amiable, driver and expressive. Please note that I am using an extreme simplification of each particular style. It is doubtful that all people of a particular behavioral style exhibit all of the characteristics portrayed.

Q3. Which choice correctly punctuates and capitalizes (if needed) the
words in the following sentence? in addition to putting your name on your
paper please add the date. *
O In addition to putting your name on your paper please add the Date
In addition to putting your Name on your paper please add the date.
In addition to putting your name on your paper, please add the date.
O in addition to putting your name on your paper, please add the date.


Answer: The third answer

Explanation: Not exactly sure how to word this but all I can say is basically proper punctuation and capitalization is used in that answer. The sentence is correctly begun with a capital letter and the comma is used correctly. All of the other answer options do not fit and wouldn’t be correct.

According to "The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain," Hughes believes that young African American artists should
cultivate public images that reflect mainstream society.
create art that is truthful and representative of their inner selves.
focus on themes and topics that are accessible to a select few.
O base their art on the beliefs of the general public.



B- create art that is truthful and representative of their innerselves


No one ever ——— me by my right name





What can you infer about Friar Laurence from the line in bold? (10 points)
I have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins,
That almost freezes up the heat of life:
I'll call them back again to comfort me:
Nurse! What should she do here?
My dismal scene I needs must act alone.
Come, vial.
What if this mixture do not work at all?
Shall I be married then to-morrow morning?
No, no: this shall forbid it: lie thou there.
What if it be a poison, which the friar
Subtly hath minister'd to have me dead,
Lest in this marriage he should be dishonour'd,
Because he married me before to Romeo?
I fear it is: and yet, methinks, it should not,
(For he hath still been tried a holy man.) *() in bold*
How if, when I am laid into the tomb,
I wake before the time that Romeo
Come to redeem me? there's a fearful point!
Shall I not, then, be stifled in the vault,
To whose foul mouth no healthsome air breathes in,
And there die strangled ere my Romeo comes?
Or, if I live, is it not very like, The horrible conceit of death and night, Together with the terror of the place
As in a vault, an ancient receptacle, Where, for these many hundred years, the bones Of all my buried ancestors are packed:
Where bloody Tybalt, yet but green in earth,
Lies festering in his shroud; where, as they say,
At some hours in the night spirits resort:- Alack, alack, is it not like that I, So early waking, what with loathsome smells, And shrieks like mandrakes' torn out of the earth,
That living mortals, hearing them, run mad:-
O, if I wake, shall I not be distraught,
Environed with all these hideous fears?
And madly play with my forefather's joints?
And pluck the mangled Tybalt from his shroud?
And, in this rage, with some great kinsman's bone,
As with a club, dash out my desperate brains?
O, look! methiks I see my cousin's ghost
Seeking out Romeo, that did spit his body
Upon a rapier's point: stay, Tybalt, stay!
Romeo, I come! this do I drink to thee.

Friar Laurence is known to be a coward.

Friar Laurence is a trustworthy man.

Friar Laurence has killed people before.

Friar Laurence once served time in jail.



Friar Laurence is a trustworthy man.


William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" revolves around the fateful love story of two young lovers amidst their family feud. The play deals with themes of love, loyalty, society, class, hatred, etc.

In the given lines from Act IV scene iii of the play, Juliet is alone in her room right before the day she's to marry Paris. She contemplates what to do and then decided to drink the sleeping potion that Friar Laurence had given her. This will help present the chance to give Romeo enough time to get to Juliet's tomb and steal her, and then they can run away.

And in Juliet's act of taking the potion, even though she suspects "the friar Subtly hath minister'd to have me dead" and given her poison instead, she has trust in the man. Moreover, the lines "For he hath still been tried a holy man" suggests the holy man be a trustworthy man.

Thus, the correct answer is the second option.


Friar Laurence is a trustworthy man.


I took the test and i got it correct

What is deposition ? Meaning in your own words



the state of being deposited or precipitated


Help me please (: <3, 20 POINTS


Making an advert effective is when it’s written and designed to emotionally connect with its target audience, using number statistics instead of wording. Use specific words in your ads to attract potential customers :) x

Select how Source 1 and Source 2 disagree in their interpretation of how laws affect texting drivers. (RI.3.9)

A: Source 1 indicates that many laws have been made to discourage drivers from texting while Source 2 indicates that people with good driving records are less likely to text and drive.

B: Source 1 indicates that public service announcements are more effective than laws on drivers’ texting habits while Source 2 indicates that officials prefer laws to make texting illegal.

C: Source 1 indicates that most states believe texting bans will change drivers’ behavior while Source 2 indicates that laws have a minimal effect on a driver’s decision to text while driving.

D: Source 1 indicates that drivers choose not to text and drive in response to the consequences of laws while Source 2 indicates that drivers still make exceptions to text while driving.



B I think is the answer


It's sounds reasonable and the best answer to choose

Which of the following sentences contains an example of parallelism?

A.A happy outcome seems possible at many moments during the play
Romeo and Juliet.
B.Friar Lawrence is primarily a serious character, while the Nurse provides
comic relief.
C.Audiences laugh loudly at Shakespeare’s comedies, but his tragedies
evoke sorrow.
D.Readers associates Juliet with beauty, Mercutio with wit, and Tybalt with





Parallelism is the matching of the forms of words, phrases, or clauses within a sentence.

In this sentence, there are no transition words like in the other sentences:

B: While

C: But

D: And

Sentence A flows more smoothly, and does not require transition words, therefore is parallelism.

Please consider giving me brainliest! I only need 5 more to reach Expert rank, and you giving me brainliest will help me reach that goal quicker. Thank you!

which statement best explains how the focus of passage 1 differs from the focus of passage 2? ​





How does the section “Beyond greenhouse gases” contribute to the development of ideas in the text (Paragraphs 17-23)? Use details from the text to support your answer.

Bellow is the text/passage/reading




I'm here to help.


Hello, I see your question wasn't answered. Seems like no one made an effort to work on it. I will be here to help you again. Please let me know as soon as possible. just text me

Give a brief example of an Impression Management. How do you know the example is Impression Management?


Impression of a management is someone who is in charge and makes the rules either in a job description or professional title. Sorryyy if I get this wrong

Which sentence shows the commas placed correctly? A.The mother’s sweet melodic, rhythmic, humming lulled the baby to sleep. B.The mother’s, sweet, melodic rhythmic humming lulled the baby to sleep. C.The mother’s sweet, melodic, rhythmic humming lulled the baby to sleep. D.The mother’s sweet melodic rhythmic, humming lulled the baby, to sleep.



it would be the third option: The mother’s sweet, melodic, rhythmic humming lulled the baby to sleep.



C. The mother's sweet, melodic, rhythmic humming lulled the baby to sleep.


After stating an adjective to describe something, you place a comma after it. (As long as there's two or more adjectives)

Which of these happens last?
Nina hits a drum.
Nina hears the sound of her drum.
Sound waves travel through the air.
The surface of the drum vibrates, creating sound waves. t



a concave lens is exactly the opppostie with outer surfaces  curving inward, so it makes parallel light rays curve outward or diverge. That's why concave lenses are sometimes called diverging lenses. ... The distance from the center of the lens to the focal point is, again, the focal length of the lens.


Justin asks his friend Josh if he’s ready to go have lunch, and Josh snaps, “What do you think?” Confused by his friend’s behavior, Justin responds: “Josh, you seem upset. Is something bothering you, or are you just really hungry? Please help me understand.” Justin is using the communication technique of _________.
A. self-concept
B. self-esteem
C. self-fulfilling prophecy
D. perception checking



i think D


not sure though


I think it's A


It's A because he is using a way to show that he is angry but is not showing it.

I don't know how to explain it but this seems like the right answer.

PART A: Which of the following identifies the tone of the poem below?
A. honest
B. pessimistic
C. mournful
D. affectionate
It is not a five star stay. It is not

compliments and it is never ever


It is solid. Not sweet but always


always herb, always salt. Sometimes


It is now and till the end. It is never a

slither, never a little

it is a full serving

it is much

too much and real

never pretty or clean. It stinks — you can

smell it coming

it is weight

it is weight and it is too heavy to feel

good sometimes. It is discomfort — it is

not what the films say. Only songs

get it right

it is irregular

it is difficult

and always, always






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help worth 10 PTS!!Find the area of the circle, given the square has an area of 144 cm2 (leave your answer in terms of ).A)127 cm?B)2471 cm2C)3671 cm2D)7271 cm2 Lang Warehouses borrowed $196,401 from a bank and signed a note requiring 7 annual payments of $33,942 beginning one year from the date of the agreement. (FV of $1, PV of $1, FVA of $1, PVA of $1, FVAD of $1 and PVAD of $1) (Use appropriate factor(s) from the tables provided.) Required: Determine the interest rate implicit in this agreement. (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round interest rate to 1 decimal place.) please help me please help me please help If I have six eggs I crack two I cooked two and I eat two how many eggs do I have left Fe2O3 (s) + 2 Al (s) ---> 3 Fe (l) + Al2O3 (s) Based on the thermite reaction, how much aluminum oxide (Al2O3) is formed from 8.0 grams of aluminum (Al)? can you help me on a papper Use the Distributive Property to simplify the expression.PLS HURRY VERY URGENT I GIVE BRAINLEST AWNSER3z+14+5z+9 A) Which killer is worse, The Landlady or the narrator in Tell Tale Heart?B) Is the landlady a killer or is this a misunderstanding? Find the gravitational force between Venus (4.87 x 1024 kg) andthe sun (1.989 x 100 kg). Venus orbits at a distance of1.082 x 10" m. PLEASE HELP Mrs Joseph had 4/5 kg of butter. She used 1/8 kg if he butter to bake a cake. What was the greatest number of such caked she could bake? What is the length of the hypotenuse? Some describe what a tornado is? What do they do to weather ( for my presentation ) What is the name of the movement that starts in 1830s to try and end slavery? I need help please. 1. These are organisms that can be seen only with the aid of a microscope.a. Fertilizationb. Budding c. Reproductingd. Microorganisme. Asexual reproductionf. Fragmentationg. Spore fromationh. Sexual reproductioni. Vegetative propagationj. Binary fission2. The process of producting new individual or offspring.a. Fertilizationb. Buddingc. Reproductiond. Microorganisme. Asexual reproductionf. Fragmentationg. Spore formationh. Sexual reproductioni. Vegetative propagationj. Binary fission3. It involves two parents and the offspring are genetically different.a. Fertilizationb. Budding c. Reproductingd. Microorganisme. Asexual reproductionf. Fragmentationg. Spore formationh. Sexual reproductioni. Vegetative propagationj. Binary fission4. This only involves one parent and there are no sex cells involved.a. Fertilizationb. Buddingc. Reproductingd. Microorganisme. Asexual reproductionf. Fragmentationg. Spore formationh. Sexual reproductioni. Vegetative propagationj. Binary fission5. An asexual reproduction where a single parent divide into two.a. Fertilizationb. Buddingc. Reproductingd. Microorganisme. Asexual reproductionf. Fragmentationg. Spore formationh. Sexual reproductioni. Vegetative propagationj. Binary fission6. A new organism is formed from a bud which is an outgrowth from the parent.a. Fertilizationb. Buddingc. Reproductingd. Microorganisme. Asexual reproductionf. Fragmentationg. Spore formationh. Sexual reproductioni. Vegetative propagationj. Binary fission7. Worms, sponges, and starfish reproduce in this kind of process.a. Fertilizationb. Buddingc. Reproductingd. Microorganisme. Asexual reproductionf. Fragmentationg. Spore formationh. Sexual reproductioni. Vegetative propagationj. Binary fission8. A type of asexual reproduction where organisms reproduce by forming spores.a. Fertilizationb. Buddingc. Reproductingd. Microorganisme. Asexual reproductionf. Fragmentationg. Spore formationh. Sexual reproductioni. Vegetative propagationj. Binary fission9. It reproduces offspring from it vegetative organs such as stem, roots and leave.a. Fertilizationb. Buddingc. Reproductingd. Microorganisme. Asexual reproductionf. Fragmentationg. Spore formationh. Sexual reproductioni. Vegetative propagationj. Binary fission10. The union of egg cell and sperm cell to form zygote is called.a. Fertilizationb. Buddingc. Reproductinigd. Microorganisme. Asexual reproductionf. Fragmentationg. Spore formationh. Sexual reproductioni. Vegetative propagationj. Binary fissionplease help :[thank you PLEASE HELP !! ILL GIVE BRAINLIEST *EXTRA 40 POINTS* DONT SKIP :(( .! Can someone help me do this I forgot how to do it. can someone pls help with both questions pls I will be very grateful :) help please need answers PLZ HELP!!! WILL MAKE BRAINLIEST!!!!