What is meaning of mutual fund?​


Answer 1

A mutual fund is an open-end professionally managed investment fund that pools money from many investors to purchase securities. Mutual funds are "the largest proportion of equity of U.S. corporations." Mutual fund investors may be retail or institutional in nature.

Related Questions

India, today, is producing
more trained manpower
than the whole Europe but
unfortunately India is also the leader in
illiteracy, social and economic inequalities. How can education bring about a society that is free from social and economic inequalities?​



indians can be trained for positions that have a lot of vacancies

First Amendment civil liberties related to a free press can be limited when a
publication's words are:
A. critical of the government.
B. biased toward one group.
C. meant to influence young people.
D. a danger to public safety.



D. a danger to public safety


d. a danger to public safety

En culturas como la egipcia el dios principal era Ra, en los griegos Zeus, en los romanos Júpiter, en los escandinavos Odín y en los incas Viracocha. Estos dioses eran considerados los más poderosos, pero también había otros dioses que conformaban el panteón religioso de cada cultura con funciones muy semejantes. Esta situación nos indica que: Grupo de opciones de respuesta


Las respuestas correcta para estas pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, se te olvidó incluir las opciones para responder a tu pregunta. Sin esas opciones, sólo podemos ayudarte a responder em términos generales, basándonos en nuestro conocimiento del tema.

Así que, si esos dioses eran considerados los más poderosos, pero también había otros dioses que conformaban el panteón religioso de cada cultura con funciones muy semejantes, entonces esta situación nos indica que esas culturas eran politeístas, lo que significa que creían en muchos dioses.

El ejemplo más claro es el caso de los Griegos. La mitología griega nos habla de la existencia de muchos dioses que vivían en el Monte Olimpo. Y esos dioses tenían una relación de amor-odi con los humanos.

Hablamos de dioses como el gran dios Zeus, el dios Poseidón, la diosa Atenea, el dios Hermes, la diosa Afrodita, el dios Hades, el dios Apolo o la diosa Artemisa.

De igual manera, la mitología Romana o la mitología Nórdica, entre muchas otras, veneraban a una gran cantidad de dioses.

Use this excerpt from the Declaration of Independence to answer the following question:
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume
among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of
mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation --Public Domain
Which Enlightenment philosophy is evident in this excerpt?
Absolute monarchy can be a legitimate form of government under certain specific circumstances
The application of reason is an idea that is always more important than any notion of tradition
People are bom with natural rights that political organizations should not violate
The bureaucracy of the state should not be held victim to the dictates of the Church



they have their reasons to not be held victim to the dictates of the church

do you have a Insta


Paano makatutulong sa pangdaigdigang pagkakaisa ang matapat sa batas ukol sa kaligtasan,pangkalinisan at pangkapayapaan



Batas sa kaligtasan, kalinisan at kapayapaan ay ginawang upang gawing mas mahusay na lugar na mabuhay at umunlad ang mundo. Kung tayo ay masunurin sa mga batas na ito, titiyakin nito ang ating hangarin na manindigan nang pantay para sa isang pangkaraniwang layunin na gawing mas buhay ang mundong ito. Samakatuwid, magdudulot ito ng pagkakaisa sa atin kung naninindigan tayo para sa isang pangkaraniwang layunin iyan ang kaligtasan, kalinisan at kapayapaan


Batas sa kaligtasan, kalinisan at kapayapaan ay ginawang upang gawing mas mahusay na lugar na mabuhay at umunlad ang mundo. Kung tayo ay masunurin sa mga batas na ito, titiyakin nito ang ating hangarin na manindigan nang pantay para sa isang pangkaraniwang layunin na gawing mas buhay ang mundong ito. Samakatuwid, magdudulot ito ng pagkakaisa sa atin kung naninindigan tayo para sa isang pangkaraniwang layunin iyan ang kaligtasan, kalinisan at kapayapaan

Suppose a nation is ruled by a single person who holds absolute power over the national government and the lives of citizens. What type of government does this nation have?



this type of government is called 'Dictatorship'.


Dictatorship is defined as an autocratic form of government in which the government is ruled by an individual: a dictator

Answer: absolute monarchy

the karnali province is the least developed province of nepal. What should be done to speed up yhe economic and social development??​



here is your answer


the main problem of development in this province is poverty ,lack of employment, inequality, malnutrition and so on.

So the central government should make a different provision for the people of karnali region in the field of education,employment and health.karnali university should be established to address their right to education. Provision should be made to give women employees altogether 3 months leave. provision should be made for free education from primary to the secondary level.

hope it will help you

How can you go to university for over three months in another country under the age of 18 if you graduated high school at 16?



In order to do this, I think you would have to have a student visa. However, I am not too sure. I think you would have to discuss this with the school you want to attend in the other country and the school you graduated from at age 16.


Good luck!

Mrs. Ling, a sixth-grade English teacher, is introducing an instructional assignment to promote her students' writing skills. Before she provides the writing assignment, she asks each student to think of a person they view as a role model and then list five characteristics they like about their role model. Once each student has completed the activity, she instructs her students to construct a three-paragraph essay about what makes a good role model. Which of the following is the most beneficial reason for the teacher to ask each student to list five characteristics of their role model?
A. It allows the teacher to identify a foundation to help the students begin their writing activity.
B. It allows each student to write about something they want to write about.
C. It promotes students' creativity outside the structure of a classroom activity.
D. It stimulates the students' creativity and gives them a beginning outline for their essay.


Answer: A. It allows the teacher to identify a foundation to help the students begin their writing activity


Guiding students through essays can be done in ways to make it easier for the students, when this method is applied by train teacher, the students would have the ability to explore; think outside the box and be creative with whatever response they are giving. This is what Mrs. Ling, a sixth-grade English teacher, is doing, she is helping the students have a foundation about the essay they are about to write, which would improve their writing ability.

Charlie, a concert pianist, developed numbness in both of his hands following an invitation to play at the presidential inaugural ball. He has no prior medical problems, and the pattern of numbness does not fit the clinical features of medical disorders that cause similar symptoms. The LEAST common treatment that Charlie is likely to pursue is:





Psychotherapy: In psychology, the term "psychotherapy" is referred to as a common word associated with treating different "mental health problems" by talking to a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or any other mental health counsellor. During psychotherapy, an individual tends to learn about his or her condition and his or her behaviors, moods, thoughts, and feelings.

In the question above, Charlie is less likely to pursue psychotherapy treatment because the numbness of both hands may not be treated via this.

What word doesn't belong ages, horse, matter, side, wait





The other ones all have an extreme. And horse is the only one that stands out. Hope this is right!

How does socialization help in the overall development of the people and the society as a whole?​



Answer to the following question is as follows;


By learning basic the rules and expectations of a social group, socialisation prepares them to engage in that group. Teaching impulse control and establishing a conscience, training people to execute specific social tasks, and fostering common sources of meaning and significance are the three main aims of socialisation.

que es la clasificacion genetica de lenguas y que es la prolengua


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

La clasificación genética de lenguas es una manera de agrupar las diferentes lenguas del mundo tomando en cuenta su grado de relación o posible parentesco. Este tipo de clasificación se basa en un supuesto parentesco histórico entre las lenguas que ayuda a referenciarlas.

Lo que hacen los estudiosos es encontrar similitudes y las clasifican usando los rasgos comunes entre ellas.

La  protolengua es considerada una forma de lenguaje que existió hace muchos miles de años. Se le considera ancestral porque se puede trazar a través de la historia hasta llegar a las civilizaciones antiguas. A partir de ahí, los especialistas se dan a la tarea de reconstruirla para poderla relacionar con las lenguas modernas y agruparlas en su grupo correspondiente.

Commoners elect a representative which the upper class approves of, and only the upper class can veto laws b. Upper class chooses a representative and holds more power than the commoners c. Citizens elect representatives who cast votes on their behalf, tribunes had the power to veto any laws, and all laws had to be displayed in a public place. d. A representative is chosen from both classes to represent each group equally


Answer and Explanation:

A. Oligarchy: commoners elect a representative which the upper class approves of, and only the upper class can veto laws

B. Oligarchy: Upper class chooses a representative and holds more power than the commoners.

C. Representative Democracy: Citizens elect representatives who cast votes on their behalf, tribunes had the power to veto any laws, and all laws had to be displayed in a public place.

D. Representative Democracy: a representative is chosen from both classes to represent each group equally.

A. Oligarchy is a form of government where the upper-class constitute the government and the lower class are ruled by the upper class

B. This is also oligarchy

C. Representative democracy or indirect democracy is democracy whereby lawmakers are elected by citizens and then vote for laws and make laws on behalf of/in representation of the people.

D. This is also representative democracy.

Depressants Hallucinogens Inhalants Stimulants Narcotics Cannabis products a.______Affect mood, sensation, thought, emotion and self-awareness; alter perception of time and space; and produce hallucinations and delusions b.______Produce mood-altering effects similar to those of alcohol; found in glues and solvents c.______Slow down the physical activities of the brain, producing temporary feeling of relaxation d.______Speed up the physical and mental activity of the brain, producing temporary feelings of alertness and improved task performance e.______Relieves pain f.______Produces feelings of elation, disoriented perceptions of time and space and impaired judgement.




a. HALLUCINOGENS Affect mood, sensation, thought, emotion and self-awareness; alter perception of time and space; and produce hallucinations and delusions b. INHALANTS Produce mood-altering effects similar to those of alcohol; found in glues and solvents c. DEPRESSANTS Slow down the physical activities of the brain, producing temporary feeling of relaxation d. STIMULANTS Speed up the physical and mental activity of the brain, producing temporary feelings of alertness and improved task performance e. NARCOTICS Relieves pain f. cannabis products Produces feelings of elation, disoriented perceptions of time and space and impaired judgement.

Hindus believe that all of their gods are part of a universal spirit called *



Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu



quien quiere ser mi novia


I wish I could understand what you were saying lol

what os meant by socialization?​



socialization may be defined ad the process by which an individual acquires new behaviour though social interactions and direct learning from other human being.

socialization can also be defined a the training of the child in culture or ways of life of the people or society.

People's participation is considered in the developamen , country". Justify​




1. People should be included to give their opinions

2. People's participation is beneficial as the government can listen to new, or better ideas

3. As citizens of the country, people should have the right to participate and not be left out

4. Changes made to the government or the country will be judged and seen mostly by the people/citizens, so people should be able to have their views as theirs is what truly matters.

Please mark me the brainliest! Good luck!

Drag each tile to the correct location. Match each description to its written source. describes how Muslims should interact with one another the holy book of Islam contains all the messages God communicated to Muhammad



Please find the complete solution in the attached file:




The holy book of Islam

Contains all the messages God communicated to Muhammad


Describes how Muslims should interact with one another


Although the amygdala is involved in ________, the amygdala does not play a role in ________. Group of answer choices recognition of facial expression; emotional expression expression of happiness; expression of anger recognition of tone of voice; emotion cues using body posture to communicate emotion facial expression of emotions; recognition of emotion communicated via tone of voice emotional expression; expression of happiness


Complete Question: Although the amygdala is involved in ________, the amygdala does not play a role in ________.

Group of answer choices

a. recognition of facial expression; emotional expression of happiness;

b. expression of anger recognition of tone of voice; emotion cues using body posture to communicate emotion

c. facial expression of emotions; recognition of emotion communicated via tone of voice

d. emotional expression; expression of happiness

Answer: facial expression of emotions; recognition of emotion communicated via tone of voice


Amygdala is a region of the brain located at the medial temporal lobe and it involves in emotional processing.

It serves as the main point where fearful and threatening stimuli are evaluated, and the resultant fear-related behaviors in response as feedback to the threatening or dangerous stimuli is elicited.

However, this response are depicted from the facial expression of the individual involved.

how community can benefit in living in a healthy environment​




Within a community, the social interactions you have can highly impact your mental and physical health. Research shows that many mental and physical health conditions, including anxiety, depression, ADHD, substance abuse, aggressive behavior, asthma, heart disease, and obesity, relate to your particular environment.

Why is Sociedy needed Write your opiinion​



Society is important because it provides us with a system and a platform to work together for the betterment of the world. With the collective efforts of the society, we are able to improve our living and social conditions

Hope this helps

what do you think a day in the oregon trail would be like



Started at 6 AM till sundown.


A typical day  in the Oregon trail began at 6 AM with a breakfast cold leftovers of the night meal before the wagon train lined up and set out. An experienced captain led the way to reach good pasture for animals and water at noon and before sundown. The trail was rough, irregular land and rocks, so riding in a wagon was bumpy and uncomfortable so for this purpose the people walk with the wagon on the Trail to reach their destination.

How can we increase the HDI rank of Nepal? suggest two measures



Well, the HDI takes 3 aspects into its account i.e. life expectancy at birth, literacy rate and per capita income. We must improve these three areas to directly increase the HDI. For increasing life expectancy, we must improve our health services and overall social health.


Radhe Radhe

d. What are the reasons for the development of most of the old human civilizations on the banks of rivers?​





Civilizations developed around rivers because their waters provided places to hunt and fish. Also, as the rivers flooded, the lands around them became fertile. This allowed them to support farming

study dot com

South America and Africa appear to fit together like pieces in a puzzle. This observation is explained by __________. A. Gravitational theory B. Electromagnet forces C. The laws of motion D. The hypothesis of continental drift






In the mid 1800’s, Antonio Snider-Pelligrini acknowledged that the same plant fossils were in the coal beds of Europe and North America at places where the continents seemed to have fit together geographically (Plate Tectonics: Continental Drift)

The phenomenon described can best be explained by D. The hypothesis of continental drift.

The Theory of Continental DriftPosits that all continents were once together and part of a super continent. Gives evidence as the fact that continents are moving apart and that certain continents seem to fit together.

Two such continents are Africa and South America which seem to fit on the western side of Africa and the eastern side of South America thereby giving credence to the theory.

In conclusion, option C is correct.

Find out more on the Continental drift hypothesis at https://brainly.com/question/394265.

Which of the following terms describes a country with less industry and whose citizens have low average incomes.



answer choices?

I'll help you then

5. List four expenses usually found on a family's budget.


1 groceries
2 clothing
3 house payments
4 school loan payments
5 car payments

1. Groceries

2. Clothes, shoes

3. Medical, dental

4. School Supplies (Backpacks, pencils, pens, paper, notebooks, folders, binders, etc.)

5. Rent

6. Mortgages

7. Cable

8. Phone bills

(I put more just in case some did not count)

4 which province alternative? has less area of forest? what can be its alternative



province no.2 has less forest area


Province no 2 has less are of forest .

hope it is helpful to you ☺️

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