what is one example of people's rights being oppressed in the modern world?​


Answer 1
Slavery, the refusal to allow women to inherit and own property, the denial of equal rights to people with disabilities, and the involuntary commitment of people who deviate from social norms are all examples of oppression.

Related Questions

Which river flows through the center of the Piney Woods region?


Answer: The Red River, or sometimes the Red River of the South, is a major river in the Southern United States.

States: Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana

Country: United States


Hope it helps

Kyle has a mass of 54 kg and is jogging at a velocity of 3 m/s. What is Kyle’s kinetic energy? (Formula: )

18 J
81 J
162 J
243 J



162 j


54 x 3

just multiply it


The answer is

243 J


explain the types of technical manpower​


The technician was in the bathroom with a fire extinguisher and the wildcat bundle is so fire so I don’t think it is good for you guys is the answe

Prepare a dialogue between two friends including the importance of water resources and possibility of hydropower generation in our country



M = Mark

J = Johnny

M: Hey Johnny!

J: Hey Mark!

M: I was thinking about something. About the world, you know?

J: Yeah, I suppose. What were you thinking about?

M: How we are like constantly running out of water.

J: Oh yeah dude for sure. How severe is it exactly though? I still drink water everyday.

M: Well, Water is super important for our community or like society in general. Water regulates climate and shapes the Earth's surface. It is also a habitat for a lot of animals and humans!

J: Very true!

M: But... We sadly only have 3% of fresh water left. It is super limited and needs to be managed properly.

J: Oh my god! That's terrible. What can we do?

M: We can create better habits in conserving water!

J: Such as?

M: Do not leave the tap on and try to buy water efficient products! Just to start off.

J: Cool! I will ask my mom when I get home!

M: There are also a lot of natural resources that are being wasted in this world as well.

J: Such as?

M: Coal, Natural Gas, Petroleum and so on.

J: What should we use instead?

M: There is a possibility of hydropower generation in our country.

J: Oh really? What is Hydropower?

M: Yes, really. Hydropower is using water to power machinery and electricity.

J: What are the benefits? It sure sounds like a lot of work.

M: Yes, but in this generation, I am sure we can do it!

M: Hydropower is first of renewable which is great for the environment! Pollution free! Environment friendly! Cost-effective! Safe! And so much more.

J: Wow, that's amazing. I definitely see where you're coming from. Thank you for talking to me about this.

M: Of course! Spread the word!

J: Sure! Bye!

how community can benefit in living in a healthy environment​




Within a community, the social interactions you have can highly impact your mental and physical health. Research shows that many mental and physical health conditions, including anxiety, depression, ADHD, substance abuse, aggressive behavior, asthma, heart disease, and obesity, relate to your particular environment.

¿Por qué buscamos el conocimiento? ( da respuesta con 3 objetos de conocimiento)



La gente busca conocimiento, porque el conocimiento nos da una comprensión fundamental del mundo que nos permite tomar un rumbo alrededor y a través de problemas y obstáculos. Nos da un sentido de confianza y satisfacción mucho más honesto y real.

Although the amygdala is involved in ________, the amygdala does not play a role in ________. Group of answer choices recognition of facial expression; emotional expression expression of happiness; expression of anger recognition of tone of voice; emotion cues using body posture to communicate emotion facial expression of emotions; recognition of emotion communicated via tone of voice emotional expression; expression of happiness


Complete Question: Although the amygdala is involved in ________, the amygdala does not play a role in ________.

Group of answer choices

a. recognition of facial expression; emotional expression of happiness;

b. expression of anger recognition of tone of voice; emotion cues using body posture to communicate emotion

c. facial expression of emotions; recognition of emotion communicated via tone of voice

d. emotional expression; expression of happiness

Answer: facial expression of emotions; recognition of emotion communicated via tone of voice


Amygdala is a region of the brain located at the medial temporal lobe and it involves in emotional processing.

It serves as the main point where fearful and threatening stimuli are evaluated, and the resultant fear-related behaviors in response as feedback to the threatening or dangerous stimuli is elicited.

However, this response are depicted from the facial expression of the individual involved.

India, today, is producing
more trained manpower
than the whole Europe but
unfortunately India is also the leader in
illiteracy, social and economic inequalities. How can education bring about a society that is free from social and economic inequalities?​



indians can be trained for positions that have a lot of vacancies

What is untouchablity?why is it wrong​



Untouchability is the practice of discriminating against a person by caste, creed or religion.

it is also the practice of discriminating against a person by caste, religion or Creed.

Every person born into this world is a beautiful creature of God, and no one deserves to be discriminated.

Everyone is beautiful in its way an thus everyone should be respected for who they are. Untouchability and racism are the worst things that ever happen to humanity.



Untouchability is the practice of discriminating against a person by caste, religion or Creed.

A defendant is on trial for violating a statute forbidding possession of a concealed weapon within 100 yards of a government building. The prosecution presents evidence that the defendant was arrested on a street corner with a handgun in his pocket. The building housing the local city hall occupies the entire block on the north and east sides of the two streets where the defendant was apprehended.
Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding judicial notice of the location of the city hall?

A The judge may take judicial notice of this fact without resort to a map, and should instruct the jury that it may, but need not, accept this fact as evidence of an element of the offense.
B The judge may take judicial notice of this fact only upon reference to an official street map of the city.
C The judge may not take judicial notice of this type of fact in a criminal case without a request by the prosecution.
D If the judge properly takes judicial notice of this fact, a presumption is created that shifts the burden of persuasion to the defendant to disprove this fact.



The judge may take judicial notice of this fact without resort to a map, and should instruct the jury that it may, but need not, accept this fact as evidence of an element of the offense


Trial courts

This is a type of court where they listen to testimony, put evidence into consideration, and decide the facts in disputed occurrences or situations. There are 2 parties in each case.

Judicial Notice

This is knowing that a fact is true even without the formal presentation of any piece of evidencee

Types of Judicial Notice

1. Legislative Facts: includes legal reasoning and lawmaking, constitutions, statutes etc.

2. Adjudicative Facts: this occurs in specialcase. Either when generally known in the jurisdiction or when capable of ready movement or determination.

Chris is a high school teacher. He has the same group of students for a semester and then gets a whole new group of students the next semester. He notices that after he gets the second group of students and learns their names, he has difficulty remembering the names of his last semester students when he sees them. Chris is experiencing _______.
A) anterograde amnesia
B) retroactive interference
C) retrogade amnesia
D) proactive interference
E) anterograde interference



B. Retroactive interference


Retroactive interference can be referred to as a condition in learning whereby there is an interference between new learning/knowledge and old knowledge. For example an actor while learning a script for a play, might forget previously learnt script. Learning a new task would make a person to forget what he has learnt previously.

Relating this to this question,Chris forgets the names of his students in the previous semester after he has learnt the names of his students in the new semester.

What term refers to a company that invests in other companies on behalf of its investors?
a) An investment bank
b) A mutual fund
c) A security
d) A stock exchange



It's b


Mutual funds operate by collecting money from investors and then investing that money in a very diverse manner. Because mutual funds invest in securities, stocks, and bonds, they offer limited risk as opposed to buying shares of one company in particular. This is helpful for the average investor who doesn't know a lot about investing.

what do you think a day in the oregon trail would be like



Started at 6 AM till sundown.


A typical day  in the Oregon trail began at 6 AM with a breakfast cold leftovers of the night meal before the wagon train lined up and set out. An experienced captain led the way to reach good pasture for animals and water at noon and before sundown. The trail was rough, irregular land and rocks, so riding in a wagon was bumpy and uncomfortable so for this purpose the people walk with the wagon on the Trail to reach their destination.

hlo friends!

what is meaning of preamble? ​


A preamble is an introductory and expressionary statement in a document that explains the document's purpose and underlying philosophy. When applied to the opening paragraphs of a statute, it may recite historical facts pertinent to the subject of the statute.

hello can u plz help me and give the right answer and there's a screenshot below



The United States was meant to stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.


During the 19th century, "manifest destiny" was the cultural belief that U.S. expansion across North America was completely justifiable and inevitable. This meant the United States's territory would stretch from the right side of North America, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean, to the left side of North America, bordered by the Pacific Ocean. Therefore, the correct answer is the last option.

que es la clasificacion genetica de lenguas y que es la prolengua


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

La clasificación genética de lenguas es una manera de agrupar las diferentes lenguas del mundo tomando en cuenta su grado de relación o posible parentesco. Este tipo de clasificación se basa en un supuesto parentesco histórico entre las lenguas que ayuda a referenciarlas.

Lo que hacen los estudiosos es encontrar similitudes y las clasifican usando los rasgos comunes entre ellas.

La  protolengua es considerada una forma de lenguaje que existió hace muchos miles de años. Se le considera ancestral porque se puede trazar a través de la historia hasta llegar a las civilizaciones antiguas. A partir de ahí, los especialistas se dan a la tarea de reconstruirla para poderla relacionar con las lenguas modernas y agruparlas en su grupo correspondiente.

quien quiere ser mi novia


I wish I could understand what you were saying lol

how does developing countries different from least development ones​


It depends on how countries are developed


Developed nations are generally categorized as countries that are more industrialized and have higher per capita income levels.  Developing nations are generally categorized as countries that are less industrialized and have lower per capita income levels.Most developing countries have these criteria in common: High levels of poverty – measured based on GNI per capita averaged over three years. For example, if the GNI per capita is less than US $1,025 (as of 2018) the country is regarded as a least developed country.


If it is for 8 marks then you will get 7 out of 8!!

The Social problem prevalent in nepalese society mustly affect the woman than man. why? suggest major to slove the poblem



because man think women is fool they can't do anything.


study both man and women.

think man and wimen is equall.

7. Why was the American Library Association established?
to raise money for books in poor communities
to protect citizens' right to choose reading material
to ensure that every public school included a library
to create a process for banning books from public libraries



to raise money for books in poor communities


it is important to create a library in poor communities


to raise money for books in poor communities


Charlie, a concert pianist, developed numbness in both of his hands following an invitation to play at the presidential inaugural ball. He has no prior medical problems, and the pattern of numbness does not fit the clinical features of medical disorders that cause similar symptoms. The LEAST common treatment that Charlie is likely to pursue is:





Psychotherapy: In psychology, the term "psychotherapy" is referred to as a common word associated with treating different "mental health problems" by talking to a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or any other mental health counsellor. During psychotherapy, an individual tends to learn about his or her condition and his or her behaviors, moods, thoughts, and feelings.

In the question above, Charlie is less likely to pursue psychotherapy treatment because the numbness of both hands may not be treated via this.

Why did some fugitives go to Canada instead of staying in northern states?



Some fugitives went to Canada instead of staying in northern states because they risked being captured in northern states. Explanation: During the time of slavery in the southern United States, escaping slaves had to leave the southern states in order to guarantee (to some extent) their freedom.

Because he liked it there

4 which province alternative? has less area of forest? what can be its alternative



province no.2 has less forest area


Province no 2 has less are of forest .

hope it is helpful to you ☺️

Use this excerpt from the Declaration of Independence to answer the following question:
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume
among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of
mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation --Public Domain
Which Enlightenment philosophy is evident in this excerpt?
Absolute monarchy can be a legitimate form of government under certain specific circumstances
The application of reason is an idea that is always more important than any notion of tradition
People are bom with natural rights that political organizations should not violate
The bureaucracy of the state should not be held victim to the dictates of the Church



they have their reasons to not be held victim to the dictates of the church

do you have a Insta


Candi is a subject who frequently jeopardizes and sabotages her employment opportunities by leaving for break early and returning late. You are observing her today in her Work-Adjustment Training (WAT) program. She seems to have taken an instant liking to you, the observer. Today, Candi has left on time for each of her breaks and has returned early. It is most likely that Candi is demonstrating:



Cordial behavior


In simple words, Cordial denotes courtesy and friendliness. It's a term that's been used to characterize individuals and their interactions with others in social circumstances, particularly when they don't know one other very well. When you greet others with cordiality, you show genuine kindness and affection.

Thus, from the above we can conclude that Candi is demonstrating cordial behavior.

what is human rights ​


Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of gender, nationality, place of residency, sex, ethnicity, religion, color or and other categorization. Thus, human rights are non-discriminatory, meaning that all human beings are entitled to them and cannot be excluded from them.

Mark me as brainliest...

Human rights are moral principles or norms for certain standards of human behaviour and are regularly protected in municipal and international law.

how can higher institutions improve postal registrations​



-Send emails about registration

-Add a link to your email signature

-Utilize your voice mail message

-Mention registration to your members as they check in

-Utilize paid social advertising

-Post organically to your organization social media channels.

Why do we need society ​



to get help from others

to provide and get security

to be socially active

to share our feelings

i hope this helps


One of the reasons why society is important is that it gives you a framework to work together. It provides you with a platform to take collective efforts towards improving social conditions. Most importantly, a society serves as a strong support system in life.

define developed country.​



A developed country (or industrialized country, high-income country, more economically developed country (MEDC)) is a sovereign state that has a high quality of life, developed economy and advanced technological infrastructure relative to other less industrialized nations. Most commonly, the criteria for evaluating the degree of economic development are gross domestic product (GDP), gross national product (GNP), the per capita income, level of industrialization, amount of widespread infrastructure and general standard of living.


Drag each tile to the correct location. Match each description to its written source. describes how Muslims should interact with one another the holy book of Islam contains all the messages God communicated to Muhammad



Please find the complete solution in the attached file:




The holy book of Islam

Contains all the messages God communicated to Muhammad


Describes how Muslims should interact with one another


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