what is the authors purpose of titanic officer swears wreck due to company's neglect


Answer 1

The author's purpose of the article "Titanic Officer Swears Wreck Due to Company's Neglect" is to inform and persuade the readers about the alleged negligence of the White Star Line company that led to the sinking of the Titanic.

The article was written as a news report and published in the New York Evening Post on April 19, 1912. The article cites the testimony of Titanic's second officer, Charles Lightoller, who claimed that the ship was doomed due to the inadequate number of lifeboats provided by the company. He also alleged that the crew was not trained properly to handle emergency situations, and the captain ignored warnings about icebergs.

The article argues that the White Star Line company is responsible for the disaster because it put profit over safety. The author also suggests that the tragedy could have been avoided if the company had taken adequate measures to ensure the safety of the passengers and crew.

The article uses emotive language and rhetorical devices such as repetition and alliteration to create a sense of outrage among the readers. The author's purpose is to generate public opinion against the White Star Line company and demand accountability for the disaster.

You can learn more about "Titanic Officer Swears Wreck Due to Company's Neglect" at: brainly.com/question/15324955


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rewrite the following sentences using parallel structure to be more balanced: 1. willy enjoys riding his bicycle, dancing at clubs, and to hike up to bear's mountain.


Using parallel structure to be more balanced.

Willy enjoys riding his bicycle, dancing at clubs, and hiking up to Bear's Mountain.

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Describe some of the lawsuits that challenge Title IX


Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 is a federal law in the United States that prohibits sex discrimination in education programs or activities that receive federal funding. Since its inception, Title IX has been subject to numerous lawsuits challenging its implementation and interpretation. Here are some examples of lawsuits that have challenged Title IX:

Lawsuits by male athletes: Some male athletes have filed lawsuits claiming that Title IX discriminates against them by requiring schools to provide equal opportunities for female athletes. They argue that schools have been cutting men's sports programs in order to comply with Title IX's requirements to provide equal opportunities for female athletes.
Sexual harassment lawsuits: Title IX requires schools to address and prevent sexual harassment and assault. Several lawsuits have been filed by students who claim that their schools failed to adequately address sexual harassment or assault, creating a hostile environment for women on campus.
Due process lawsuits: Some lawsuits have been filed by students who were accused of sexual misconduct and claim that their due process rights were violated during the school's investigation and disciplinary process. They argue that schools have been too aggressive in their efforts to address sexual misconduct and have not provided accused students with adequate rights and protections.
Transgender student lawsuits: Some lawsuits have been filed by transgender students who claim that schools have violated their rights under Title IX by refusing to allow them to use bathrooms or participate in sports teams consistent with their gender identity.
Overall, these lawsuits illustrate the ongoing debate and controversy surrounding Title IX and its interpretation and implementation. While Title IX has been instrumental in promoting gender equality in education, it has also been the subject of criticism and legal challenges.

Some people think that only by taking up very high jobs, you are doing something important or you are doing national service. But we all know that the most complex machinery will be ineffective if one small screw is not working as it should and that screw is just as important as any big part. It is the same in national life. There is no job that is too small; there is no person who is too small. Everybody has something to do. And if he or she does it well, then the country will run well. What is one of Gandhi’s claims in the excerpt?

Most people do not choose the right job. Most people are happier doing basic jobs. The smallest jobs are the most important jobs. The smallest jobs are essential to the country


The smallest jobs are essential to the country. An ancient Sanskrit saying says, a lady is a home and the house is the basis of society.

It is as we construct the homes that we can fabricate our country. Assuming the house is lacking - - either deficient in material goods and necessities or deficient in the sort of agreeable, adoring atmosphere that each kid needs to develop and create - - then that nation can't have congruity, and no country does not have amicability can fill in that frame of mind by any means.

To that end, women's education is almost more significant than the education of boys and men. We - - and by "we" I don't mean just we in India yet all the world - - have dismissed women's education. It is genuinely later. Of course, not to you but rather when I was a kid, the story of the beginning of women's education in Britain, for instance, was extremely current. Everyone recollected what had occurred in the good 'old days.

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Which answer choice BEST describes how the setting affects the development of the story?

The location of the family's house on the plain makes it a popular spot for visitors, and sets them up to meet the man during the storm.

The Oklahoma dust adds to Sarah's father's irritation, and the distance from California explains how long it takes him to come home.

The drought sets the story in motion, and the struggling wheat crop becomes a symbol for the strength of the characters' roots in Oklahoma.

The sunny weather contrasts with Sarah's dark feelings about her father leaving, and her happy feelings return when the rain comes back.


The best answer choice that describes how the setting affects the development of the story is 'the drought sets the story in motion, and the struggling wheat crop becomes a symbol for the strength of the characters' roots in Oklahoma'. Therefore, the correct option is C.

A setting is the time and place of a story that helps to create its ambiance. It might also reveal the mood and personality of the characters by acting as a backdrop. The atmosphere is created by the setting in the story. It provides a specific meaning to a story's occurrences.

The author describes the surroundings in great detail, and these descriptions can impact the narrative's characters and plot. The setting is essential because it sets the tone of the narrative, prepares the reader for what is to come, and helps to establish the story's ambiance. It may also aid in the development of characters by demonstrating how they respond to their environment. In this way, the setting contributes significantly to the story's overall impact.

Therefore, option C is the best answer choice that describes how the setting affects the development of the story.

Learn more about Setting:



write a query that produces the first name, last name, address, city, postal code of every customer who made a payment between $10 and $12. each customer should be listed only once.


SELECT DISTINCT first_name, last_name, address, city, postal_code
FROM customer
JOIN payment ON customer.customer_id = payment.customer_id
WHERE payment.amount BETWEEN 10 AND 12

To create a query that produces the first name, last name, address, city, postal code of every customer who made a payment between $10 and $12, you can use the SELECT and FROM statements. To join the tables customer and payment, use JOIN statement. The query should list each customer only once. Use WHERE to filter payment amounts between $10 and $12.

The final SQL statement is: SELECT DISTINCT first_name, last_name, address, city, postal_codeFROM customerJOIN payment ON customer.customer_id = payment.customer_idWHERE payment.amount BETWEEN 10 AND 12.

Learn more about name https://brainly.com/question/26121334


When you combine baking soda and vinegar in a container, producing many bubbles and making the substance overflow. What do you think will happen if you try the experiment again using orange juice, a weaker acid instead of vinegar?

(Help me pls)
I will mark you brainiest


The reaction between baking soda and orange juice, which contains citric acid, would produce carbon dioxide gas, just like when baking soda is combined with vinegar.

What is the experiment about?

However, because the acid in orange juice is weaker than vinegar, the reaction would likely be less vigorous and produce fewer bubbles.

Additionally, orange juice contains sugars and other components that could react with baking soda and potentially affect the reaction. The reaction may still cause the mixture to bubble and overflow, but it may not be as dramatic as when using vinegar. It's always a good idea to conduct experiments like this with caution and under adult supervision.

Learn more about experiments on:



In Passage 1. How does the main character, Mr. Lorry, change from the start of the passage to the end?


Passage 1 describes the main character, Mr. Lorry, and his journey to meet a woman who has been imprisoned in the Bastille in Paris. He changes from the start of the passage to the end by becoming more compassionate and empathetic towards the woman he has come to meet.

In the beginning of the passage, Mr. Lorry is described as a "man of business" who is "most methodical and commonplace" in his ways. He is sent by Tellson's Bank to assist Lucie Manette, the daughter of a former client. He is shown to be a practical man who values order and structure. He is also depicted as being somewhat cold and emotionless towards Lucie, referring to her as "the young lady" instead of by her name.However, when he meets the woman imprisoned in the Bastille, he becomes more sympathetic and understanding towards her. He is initially apprehensive about going to the prison, but when he meets her, he is moved by her situation. He tries to reassure her that she is not alone and promises to do what he can to help her. He also begins to see Lucie in a different light, noting that she has a "heart that was worth winning."Overall, Mr. Lorry changes from being a pragmatic, business-oriented man to a more compassionate and empathetic person. He recognizes the humanity of those he encounters and is moved by their suffering. This shift in his character foreshadows the larger themes of the novel, which explore the connections between love, compassion, and revolution.

For more such questions on character, click on:



What is the most moving formal speech you have ever heard or read? Why did it make a lasting impression on you? Describe the speech and why it made such an impression on you.



obamas campaign speech. moved from word choices. impact because of feelings that were evoked. powerful tone


What does the following phrase mean: Your only shame is to have shame.Be proud of who you areYou cannot be responsible for actions of others.Accept others for what they are.You only find true love once.


The given phrase "Your only shame is to have shame" means that one should not feel ashamed of oneself or one's actions. Instead, one should be proud of who they are and what they do.

It is a way of saying that shame is unnecessary and unproductive. One should embrace their true identity and be confident in their abilities and accomplishments. The other phrases in the question are as follows: "Be proud of who you are" - This phrase means that one should take pride in their identity and celebrate their individuality. "You cannot be responsible for the actions of others" - This phrase means that one should not take the blame for something that someone else has done.

One can only control their own actions, not those of others. "Accept others for what they are" - This phrase means that one should be tolerant and accepting of others, even if they are different from oneself. It is a way of promoting inclusivity and respect for diversity. "You only find true love once" - This phrase means that true love is rare and special. It suggests that one should value and cherish their loved ones because they may not come around again.

To learn more about this visit - What does the following phrase mean: Your only shame is to have shame - https://brainly.com/question/31145071


in hamlet, some of the most significant events are mental or psychological: for example, awakenings, discoveries, and changes in consciousness. in a well-organized essay, describe how shakespeare manages to give these internal events the sense of excitement, suspense, and climax usually associated with external action. do not merely summarize the plot.


The play Hamlet by William Shakespeare is known to be a classic tragedy play. Throughout the play, Shakespeare manages to deliver several psychological events that lead to awakening, discoveries, and changes in consciousness.

Shakespeare gives these internal events the sense of excitement, suspense, and climax usually associated with external action in the following ways:

Shakespeare's Usage of Language: Shakespeare uses language to create mood and atmosphere. He employs language that is charged with emotion to create a psychological impact on the reader or audience. For instance, in the play Hamlet, Shakespeare uses vivid language to bring out the anxiety, confusion, and despair that the character Hamlet experiences. Thus, he uses the language to create an internal conflict that leads to a sense of excitement, suspense, and climax in the reader's or audience's mind.

Suspenseful Scenes: Shakespeare manages to create suspenseful scenes in the play by withholding information from the audience. He keeps the audience guessing about the intentions of the characters and what will happen next. For instance, in the play Hamlet, Shakespeare creates suspenseful scenes when Hamlet plans to revenge his father's murder. The audience is uncertain about how the plan will unfold, which leads to a sense of excitement and climax in the audience's mind.

Symbolism: Shakespeare uses symbols to create a psychological impact on the reader or audience. He employs symbols that are loaded with meaning to communicate complex psychological ideas. For instance, in the play Hamlet, Shakespeare uses the symbol of the ghost to represent the idea of revenge. Thus, he creates a psychological impact on the reader's or audience's mind by using symbolism to communicate complex psychological ideas.

In conclusion, Shakespeare manages to give the internal events in the play Hamlet a sense of excitement, suspense, and climax usually associated with external action by using language to create mood and atmosphere, creating suspenseful scenes, and employing symbolism to communicate complex psychological ideas.

Learn more about Shakespeare and Hamlet at : 'Act II of Hamlet' https://brainly.com/question/8182660.


The local newspaper allows readers to make comments on stories in its online edition. Readers do not have to give their names, and many of the comments are extreme. This is an example of __________ messages.
A. onymous
B. anonymous
C. denotative
D. connotative


Answer is B. Anonymous

Meaning of anonymous
(of a person) not identified by name; of unknown name.

when corrie came to nollie's house she .a, was afraid to go near itb. immediately ran away c. rushed in to see what had happened


When Corrie came to Nollie's house, (c) she rushed in to see what had happened.

This indicates that she was not afraid to go near the house. It also implies that she was curious about what had happened and wanted to see for herself.

Nollie is a Dutch woman whom Corrie stays with while in Haarlem. In the book, "The Hiding Place", Corrie and her sister Betsie opened a hiding place in Nollie's house to shelter Jews from the Nazis.

Corrie's fear for Nollie's safety intensified after seeing that the Germans were actually picking up innocent people from the street and taking them away. After watching a raid that lasted for many hours, (c) she rushed to Nollie's house to see if she was safe.

Learn more about Corrie at https://brainly.com/question/27839305


What does the train that devours mean in Enriques Journey? (pg 87-88)


In Enrique's Journey by Sonia Nazario, the term "train that devours" refers to the infamous train network that runs through Mexico and is used by migrants traveling north towards the United States.

This network of freight trains is referred to as "La Bestia" by locals and is known for its dangerous and deadly conditions, with migrants risking their lives to hop on and off the moving trains in order to make their way towards the US border. On pages 87-88 of the book, Nazario describes the train as a "metal serpent" that "crisscrosses the country, devouring migrants and spitting them out in border towns like Reynosa, Nogales, and Juárez." The train is described as a symbol of hope for many migrants, but also a source of fear and danger due to the many risks involved in riding it.

Learn more about  the meaning of the "train that devours"   here:https://brainly.com/question/11243496


12 Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of these verbs.

check, not/do, not/eat, go, learn, play, read, spend

1 We ____________ a new language at the moment.

2 My friends and I often ____________ time at each other’s houses.

3 Can you wait a moment? I ____________ my emails.

4 How often ____________ you ____________ to the gym?

5 I ____________ a really interesting book at the moment.

6 Currently, a friend of mine ____________ any sweets and he says he feels healthier.

7 I’m nearly eighty, but I ____________ any exercise!

8 More old people ____________ computer games these days. It isn’t just the young people.

13. Write pairs of questions. Use the present simple in one question, and the present continuous in the other.

1 a How / usually spend your free time?

b / you / do / much sport these days?

2 a / often / read novels?

b / read / any good books at the moment?

3 a Where / normally go on holiday?

b Where / plan to go this year?

4 a / speak / any other languages?

b / learn / any new languages?


We are learning a new language at the moment. My friends and I often spend time at each other's houses.

Yes, I can wait a moment; I am checking my emails. How often do you go to the gym? I am reading a really interesting book at the moment. Currently, a friend of mine is not eating any sweets and he says he feels healthier. I'm nearly eighty, but I am not doing any exercise! More old people are playing computer games these days. It isn't just the young people.  

Pair of Questions How do you usually spend your free time? Are you doing much sport these days? Do you often read novels? Are you reading any good books at the moment? Where do you normally go on holiday? Where are you planning to go this year? Do you speak any other languages? Are you learning any new languages?

To learn more about Language :



ain’t I woman?

Then that little man in black there, he says women can’t have as much rights as men, ‘cause Christ wasn’t a woman! Where did your Christ come from? From God and a woman! Man had nothing to do with Him.
Truth presents counter-argument in which she opposes the claims of the “man over there “. What are his claims? What logical appeal does she present to counter him?



The man in black that Truth is referring to is likely arguing that women cannot have the same rights as men because they are not equal to men in the eyes of God. He may be using religious beliefs to justify the inferior treatment of women.

Truth counters his argument by pointing out that Christ, who is central to the man's religious beliefs, was actually born of a woman and that man had nothing to do with his creation. In doing so, she is essentially presenting a logical appeal based on the idea that if God chose to bring his son into the world through a woman, then women must have some inherent value and importance in the eyes of God.

By making this argument, Truth is challenging the notion that women are somehow less valuable or less deserving of rights than men. She is using a logical appeal based on the man's own religious beliefs to support her case for women's rights and equality.

Read the excerpt from The Devil’s Arithmetic by Jane Yolen.

When Hannah had been younger, Aunt Eva’s answers had seemed magical. But as Hannah got older, the magic disappeared, leaving Aunt Eva a very ordinary person. Hannah hated that it was so, so she pushed the thought away.

Still, when Aunt Eva lit the holiday candles, broad hands encircling the light, her plain face with its deep set coffee-colored eyes took on a kind of beauty. The flickering flame made her look almost young. Watching Aunt Eva saying the prayers over the candles was the one moment in all the family gatherings that Hannah had always found special. It was as if she and her aunt shared a particular bond at those times, as if the magic was still, somehow, alive.

"A yahrzeit for all the beloved dead, a grace for all the beloved living,” Aunt Eva always whispered to Hannah before reciting the Hebrew prayers. Hannah whispered along with her.

Read the excerpt from Refugee by Alan Gratz.

The Cuban doctor was getting closer. Josef had to do something. But what? The things he said he saw—Josef couldn’t even imagine. His father had only survived by staying quiet. By not drawing attention to himself. But now he was going to get them sent away.

Suddenly, Josef saw what he had to do. He slapped his father across the face. Hard.

. . . Six months ago, he would never have even dreamed of striking any adult, let alone his father.

In what way do Yolen and Gratz write about childhood differently?

A) While Yolen writes about a child who refuses to grow up, Gratz writes about a child who has to grow up.
B) While Yolen focuses on an adult inspiring child, Gratz writes about a child protecting an adult.
C) While Yolen writes about children pushing their parents away, Gratz writes about children pulling their parents closer.
D) While Yolen describes a character who must become an adult quickly, Gratz writes about a character who does not grow up.


The authors write about childhood differently because Yolen writes about a child who refuses to grow up, while Gratz writes about a child who has to grow up, as option A shows.

What does this reveal about real life?Each person had a different childhood.Every reader can find childhoods similar to his own in the literature.

Yolen's text shows a child living comfortably, admiring the adults around her, and accepting adulthood because she knows that this type of relationship will change as she grows older. Gratz shows a child in a hostile environment, which forces him to mature before his time and take advanced actions for his age.

Learn more about childhood:



make a coherent report (small paragraph) about scam alert


Scam alerts are important warnings issued to inform individuals and organizations of the latest fraudulent activities in the market. These scams are designed to trick people into providing personal or financial information or to steal their money outright. Common types of scams include phishing emails, fake investment opportunities, lottery or inheritance scams, and romance scams. It is important to stay vigilant and be cautious when interacting with suspicious individuals or organizations online. By being aware of the latest scam alerts and taking measures to protect oneself, individuals can avoid falling victim to these fraudulent activities.

12. On her first appearance, Lady Macbeth speaks a soliloquy that begins with these lines. So the messenger is short of breath, like a hoarse raven, as he announces Duncan's entrance into my fortress, where he will die. Come, you spirits that assist murderous thoughts, make me less like a woman and more like a man, and fill me from head to toe with deadly cruelty! Which of the following statements best explain the dramatic purpose of Lady Macbeth's soliloquy? Choose three options.​


It gives the spectator a glimpse into Lady Macbeth's ideas and sentiments and paints a clear image of her personality. It also highlights a significant contrast among Lady Macbeth her her husband.

Why does Lady Macbeth have a soliloquy?

This soliloquy illustrates Lady Macbeth moral and physical degradation. She is no longer strong, safe, or capable of taking care of herself. It also conveys the shame she experiences as a result of the killing. She first recounts the Duncan assassination in her speech before moving on to Banquo and Macduff's wife. Once the butler leaves, Macbeth launches into a soliloquy. He contemplates about Banquo, thinking that the only person in Scotland he fears is his old friend.

To know more about Lady Macbeth  visit:



wo does the underlined ''the'' refer to?


The word 'the' is referring to the noun or pronoun that precedes it. In another words, "The" is a definite article used to refer to a specific noun.

"The" is a definite article in the English language, used to indicate a specific noun that is already known or has been previously mentioned. It is used to refer to a specific person, place, thing, or idea that is either singular or plural. "The" is used before a noun that is specific and known to both the speaker and the listener.

For example, "the book" refers to a specific book that both the speaker and the listener know about. In contrast, "a" or "an" are indefinite articles and are used when referring to any one item of a particular noun.

It is impossible to answer this question without the context and the full sentence in which "the" is underlined. Thus, the answer is general. Please provide more information so that I can help you better.

Learn more about noun and pronoun https://brainly.com/question/26102308


They challenged ideas rooted in tradition and religion, such as superstitions, and inherited wealth and privilege.

What does the author mean by this sentence?


Here, the author is attempting to portray that tradition and religious customs, such as superstitions, inherited money, and privilege, have all been abandoned.

What was spoken by the Marquis de Lafayette?

The war has been won by humanity. Now, Liberty has its own nation. Insurrection is the most precious of rights and the most essential of duties for the people and each segment of the people when the government breaches their rights. He supported national revolutions in Europe, made friends with Native Americans, protected the rights of French Protestants and Jews before and during the French Revolution, and more during his career as a statesman.

To  know more about Marquis de Lafayette visit:



Read this passage. Select the expanded sentence in this passage. The bullet train left the train station. As it rounded the first corner, it picked up speed. Quickly the speedy train moved toward its destination. Passengers inside the train ate tea and cookies. As it rounded the first corner, it picked up speed. Passengers inside the train ate tea and cookies. Quickly the speedy train moved toward its destination. The bullet train left the train station


There are two words from the given passage which have suffixes that are hysterical and contemptible.

A letter or group of letters that you add at the end of a word, and that changes the meaning of the word or the way it is used. First of all, you need to know what a suffix is, in simple words it is an addition that you basically glue onto a word - you have the basic form of a word (for example, play), and then you add the suffix at the end (-ing), and you get a new word (playing).

Having this in mind, there are two correct options here: hysterical (derived from hysteric + suffix -al), and contemptible (derived from contempt + suffix -ible).

Visit here to learn more about the Suffix: https://brainly.com/question/8406910


The last stanza of the poem is a single line. What is emphasized by this structure?

*The general remembers the tiny green sprigs men of his village wore in their capes to honor the birth of a son. He will orser many, this time, to be killed.*

A. the elegance of the word "parsley"
B. the absurdity of the general's cruelty
C. the longing the general feels to be back in his village
D. the difficulty some have saying the word "parsley"

Its due in an hour, please help!


Answer: The answer is B. the absurdity of the general's cruelty.

Explanation: The last line of the poem "He will order many, this time, to be killed" is a short, single line that stands alone, emphasizing the cruelty of the general's actions. The structure of the last line separates it from the rest of the poem and draws attention to its meaning, creating a sense of abruptness that underscores the horror of the general's decision to kill innocent people based on a small and insignificant detail like the pronunciation of a word. The use of the single line also adds weight and finality to the general's decision, emphasizing the tragedy of the situation.

After i_____(post)the letter i____(realise)that I ____(write)the wrong address on it. ​


The given blank spaces are to be filled with the past tense of the verbs 'post', 'realize', and 'write' respectively. After I posted the letter, I realized that I had written the wrong address on it.

I felt terrible and anxious because I had to send this letter to an important person. I thought of calling the postal service to try and redirect the letter. However, that would have cost me extra money, and there was no guarantee that the letter would be delivered on time. I knew that I had to find a better solution to this problem.I decided to take matters into my own hands and started to search for the correct address online. After some time, I was able to find the right address and rewrote the letter.

I then made sure that the new address was correct and took the letter to the post office again. This time, I double-checked everything to ensure that there were no more mistakes. Finally, I posted the letter with a sigh of relief, hoping that it would reach its destination without any further issues.

To learn more about Verbs :



In this assignment, you will choose an issue you have read about in this course. You will create a multimedia blog that addresses the issue and makes a strong argument. Your blog will include a blog title, a post title, an argument, and multimedia components that support the argument and get readers to participate


A social issue that'll be discussed is racism. Racism is the belief that one race is superior to another based on inherited traits.

Racism is the practise of discrimination, prejudice, or hostility against others by an individual or group.

Racism is the idea that one race is superior to another due to its distinctive talents, qualities, or features. Due to how it impacts society as a whole, racism is a social problem.

There are supporters that harass other spectators, particularly blacks, during football games. We ought to all love one another, thus this shouldn't be the case. We should follow love since we are all one.

Learn more about racism.



Full Question: If you can do this for me I’ll give you brainless

Student Guide

Assignment Information

Purpose: Create a blog about a social issue in your community.

Summary: In this assignment, you will choose an issue you have read about in this

course. You will create a multimedia blog that addresses the issue and makes a

strong argument. Your blog will include a blog title, a post title, an argument, and

multimedia components that support the argument and get readers to participate.

Assignment Prompt

Choose a social issue based on the texts that you have read in this course. Create a

blog that expresses what your social issue is, why it is important to you, and why you

would like people to get involved in the issue. Use strong multimedia elements that

support your viewpoint and encourage readers to interact with the post.

Assignment Instructions

Step 1: Research a social issue.

a) Choose a social issue to research.

b) Develop your viewpoint on the issue by brainstorming what opinions or beliefs

you hold about the issue

I'm writing about Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan
Part I: Written Review


• a hook to inspire readers to look at or listen to your review. Your hook may be an unusual question, a vivid description, or an interesting statement taken from the book or author.

• specific information including the title, author, and genre of the story.

• a brief summary of the setting, characters, conflict, and plot. Provide enough details to get readers interested without giving away information that could spoil the story. Type your introduction here:


"Esperanza Rising" is a historical fiction novel written by Pam Muñoz Ryan. The story takes place during the Great Depression and the Mexican Revolution and follows the life of a young girl named Esperanza.

How do you write a good introduction to this novel?

Here is the introduction to this novel:

Are you looking for a heart-warming and inspiring read that will transport you to a world of struggle and resilience? Look no further than "Esperanza Rising" by Pam Muñoz Ryan. This novel, classified as historical fiction, takes place in the midst of the Great Depression and the Mexican Revolution. It follows the story of Esperanza, a young girl from a wealthy Mexican family, whose life is turned upside down when her father is murdered and she is forced to flee to California with her mother and servants to escape the dangers of their homeland. The story explores themes of family, friendship, social class, and the resilience of the human spirit.

As Esperanza and her family settle in a camp for Mexican farmworkers, they are forced to face the realities of their new life, including poverty, discrimination, and difficult working conditions. Esperanza must learn to adjust to her new circumstances and overcome the challenges that come her way. With the help of her mother, friends, and a new community, Esperanza learns to find hope and strength in the face of adversity. "Esperanza Rising" is a beautifully written novel that will leave you inspired and moved by its message of hope and resilience in the face of hardship.

To find out more about Esperanza Rising, visit:



Question 7 of 10
Which of these is most likely to make you sleepy while you're reading?
O. A. Shortening words into slang
B. Sounding out new words
C. Making a movie in your mind
OD. Using your reciting voice



D. Using your reciting voice is most likely to make you sleepy while you're reading




Reading intervention aims to provide lagging readers the assistance they require to catch up to their peers and acquire the fundamental reading abilities required for success in school and beyond.

Reading intervention is a specialised and targeted method for assisting kids who have reading difficulties. It is frequently applied to pupils who are considerably reading below grade level or who have a reading handicap. Reading intervention employs a variety of teaching techniques and strategies, including guided reading practise, phonics, vocabulary development, fluency strengthening, and comprehension techniques. Giving pupils the help and guidance they need to develop their reading abilities and catch up to their classmates is the goal of reading intervention. This might be given in a small group or one-on-one setting by a reading expert, special education teacher, or other qualified professional.

learn more about reading intervention here:



They pour sleep on their head a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Repetition d. Alliteration​
pls ASAP



b.metaphor is the answer

which of the following is an absolute modifier?
A. Late
B. Happy
C. Heavy
D. finite





The absolute modifier is not among the answer choices given. An absolute modifier is a type of participial phrase that describes the noun in a sentence and is not grammatically related to any other part of the sentence.

Out of the options given, only "finite" is related to grammar. "Late," "happy," and "heavy" are all adjectives that describe the noun.

T. Read the passage from The Importance of Being Earnest.
Gwendolen. [To Jack.] Darling!
Algernon. [To Cecily.] Darling! [They fall into each other's arms.]
[Enter Merriman. When he enters he coughs loudly, seeing the situation.]
Merriman. Ahem! Ahem! Lady Bracknell!
Jack. Good heavens!
[Enter Lady Bracknell. The couples separate in alarm. Exit Merriman.]
Lady Bracknell. Gwendolen! What does this mean?
In contrast to reading the scene, seeing the staged version of the scene would improve its aesthetic impact by allowing the audience to


In contrast to reading the scene, seeing the staged version of the scene would improve its aesthetic impact by allowing the audience to watch the actors' reactions, thereby adding to the humor. Therefore, the correct option is B.

A staged version of a play is a production of it on stage with actors and costumes. It's a live presentation that enables the audience to see and hear the actors' performance. It is because of the stage performance of a play that it is considered as an art form.

Hence, in contrast to reading the scene, the staged version of the scene results in a better aesthetic impact by allowing the audience to watch the actors' reactions which helps add to the humor. When actors interact with each other on stage, they employ nonverbal signals such as facial expressions and body language, which add depth and meaning to the characters' emotional lives. It is this emotional depth that enables the audience to comprehend the story in a more visceral manner. Hence, the correct answer is option B.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: Read the passage from The Importance of Being Earnest. “Gwendolen. [To Jack.] Darling! Algernon. [To Cecily.] Darling! [They fall into each other's arms.] [Enter Merriman. When he enters he coughs loudly, seeing the situation.] Merriman. Ahem! Ahem! Lady Bracknell! Jack. Good heavens! [Enter Lady Bracknell. The couples separate in alarm. Exit Merriman.] Lady Bracknell. Gwendolen! What does this mean?” In contrast to reading the scene, seeing the staged version of the scene would improve its aesthetic impact by allowing the audience to A) see a single narrator, thereby adding to the drama. B) watch the actors' reactions, thereby adding to the humor. C) witness different characters, thereby adding more tension. D) view it being told in the past tense, thereby adding excitement.

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