What is the implicit meaning conveyed by Pearl in the excerpt?

What Is The Implicit Meaning Conveyed By Pearl In The Excerpt?


Answer 1

This question seems to be incomplete. However, there is enough information to find the right answer.

Answer: Pearl notices that the scarlet letter on her mother's bosom has paved the way for lack of sunshine in her mother´s lie.


The question refers to The Scarlet Letter: A Romance (1850), by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

In the provided excerpt, Pearl notices that the sun seems to dislike her mother because of the scarlet letter on her bosom. Pearls comment about how that doesn´t happen to her because she doesn't have the scarlet letter yet implies that she thinks she will when she grows up to be an adult woman.

This means that she doesn´t think that the scarlet letter is unique to her mother, but something she will also get when she grows up. And she doesn´t admire her mother for it, as she dislikes how the sun runs away from her.

Pearl´s words imply that she, who is usually aware of things that others can´t see, has realized that the lack of sunshine in her mother’s life is caused by the scarlet letter on her bosom.

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What is the subject and theme of "Ozymandias" by Percy Bysshe Shelley?
by Percy Bysshe Shelley
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
a Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."
O A.
The subject is death and the theme is that death overpowers all.
© B.
The subject is art and IS the theme is that art can immortalize beauty.
© C. The subject is human vanity and the theme iS that human vanity is destroyed by time.
© D.
The subject is immortality and the theme iS that human vanity is not subject to time and natur



A. The subject is death and the theme is that death overpowers all.


"Ozymandias" is a poem that portrays the moment when the speaker came across the statue of a king, who was very grand and powerful while he was alive, but who now, years after his death, is nothing more than a mere destroyed statue. , thrown in the sand. The power and kingdom that this king built was completely defeated by death, which is more powerful than he.

Thus, we can see that the poem has death as its main subject. In addition, the poem is about death's ability to dominate everything the way it wishes.

The subject of a poem refers to the main element that the poet wants to address within the text. In contrast, the theme is the message the author wants to convey through the poem.

Which line best helps develop the central idea that the plague was a very deadly disease?
A. "Elizabethans do not understand infection and contagion as we do."
B. "In 1565 the people of Bristol count up the plague victims for that year and arrive at the figure of 2,070..." *
C. "This last epidemic originates in Portugal and is brought to Devon by mariners."
D. "It is ironic that the great naval ships that deliver the English from the Spanish threat bring another danger..."

please answer if you have seen this lesson and actually taken the quiz to help prevent junk answers.





The answer is B because if there were 2,070 plague victims then the plague was probably very contagious and deadly.



“In 1565 the people of Bristol count up the plague victims for that year and arrive at the figure of 2,070 . . .”




Answer: I love you,” she said softly.


"I love you," she said softly.

“Last month when I mailed a check to pay my phone bill, it arrived a week late. I got charged a late fee! Mail delivery these days is terrible!”

Which logical fallacy is found in this sentence?

non sequitur

red herring

hasty generalization

bandwagon appeal


It’s A. Non sequitur sorry if I’m wrong

Please answer this question to your best ability, Fake/No answers will be reported



Freewriting: Writing down first thoughts on a topic in a timed sessions, without pausing to check for relevance or grammar

Clustering: Connecting ideas for a topic using different shapes and color-coding to identify how the ideas are related

Three perspectives: Describing a topic, tracing its history, and examining its connections with related topics


Freewriting is the practice of writing down all your thoughts without worrying or regarding grammatical errors. This is designed to get all your ideas out and revise later.

Clustering is the concept of connecting different ideas for a topic, often incorporation the use of shapes and lines to relate them.

Multiple perspectives are used in to trace an idea throughout various time periods and perspectives, then connecting these perspectives with each other and the topic.

In another paragraph, describe an individual healthy weight-management plan. The plan should include specific details about goals, diet, exercise, and evaluative monitoring.



Reasonable weight loss expectations. Avoid the weight loss equivalents of “get rich quick” schemes. These are popular diet plans and exercise programs that guarantee you large and rapid weight losses in short time periods, such as “Lose 30 Pounds in 30 Days!” or “Get Slim by Saturday!” Instead, look for programs that have you aim for about a pound per week of weight loss. While people do tend to lose larger amounts of weight the first week or two of a new weight loss program this rate is often not sustainable longer term. Assuming that you will continue to lose weight at that rate can lead to you feeling frustrated and giving up completely.


A diet that fits with your preferences. In head-to-head comparisons, weight loss diets have been shown to work about the same in terms of weight loss success. Most important is choosing a program that has a diet that you ENJOY! Do you like vegetables? If so, maybe a vegetarian diet will work for you. Are you able to not eat over long periods of time without getting “hangry”? If so, intermittent fasting might be worth a try. The program should focus on dietary changes that you can stick with long-term. Enjoying what you eat is really important. Who wants to feel deprived for even short periods of time?


Keeping your favorite foods. Along with choosing an overall diet that fits your preferences, make sure your program leaves room for your favorite foods. For example, having a bowl of ice cream in the evening may be really important to you, so trying to cut it out completely may lead you to give up on weight loss entirely. Instead, try having a smaller serving (a half a cup, for example), filling your bowl with fruit and a small dollop of ice cream, substituting a lower-calorie option (such as frozen yogurt), or having it less frequently (such as once per week at a restaurant, so as not to tempt you each night at home).


Focus on changing both eating and activity patterns. Many people try to lose weight by increasing physical activity alone. However, weight loss is primarily driven by dietary changes. So you might ask, “Why exercise at all?” Exercise is a major driver of weight maintenance. That is, being active can help prevent you from regaining weight once you’ve lost it. Keeping this in mind, choose a program that has you getting into the swing of both diet and exercise at the start, when you are the most motivated.


Tracking your weight. A good program should have you tracking the changes that you are trying to make. Think about tracking your weight in the same way as you think about checking your bank account balance. Even though it may not be pleasant at times to know the balance, you need that information to be able to adjust your “spending” of calories and “banking” of exercise. Whether you use a smartphone app or just a piece of paper, tracking allows you to see what strategies are working to help you lose weight and what strategies are not.


Tracking your diet. In addition to tracking your weight, a good program should also have you track what you eat and drink. It can be really easy to forget about the calories in that coffee drink, the mayonnaise in your sandwich, or the chocolates you grabbed off a colleague’s desk. Track your diet to know where you can trim calories with the least amount of pain. Apps or websites can make tracking easier than ol’ paper and pencil. They can remember your frequently consumed foods or meals, utilize barcode scanners for packaged foods, and import recipes.


Accountability and support over the long-term. Finally, the program you choose should provide the type of accountability and support that you need. In-person and phone-based programs tend to lead to larger weight losses than online programs because they have quite a bit of accountability and support. On the other hand, web-based and smartphone programs can be helpful for those with challenging or unpredictable schedules (especially if they have a way to provide accountability and support!). Be sure to look for programs that continue to provide accountability and support over the long-term, which has been shown to help maintain your initial success!

While there is no perfect diet plan, find one that fits best with your lifestyle and that encourages you to keep going even after you’ve experienced small slips. Looking for the 7 key components listed above can help you look past marketing claims and find a program most likely to help you successfully meet your long-term weight loss goals.


Compare and Contrast Nixon Video and Article
Submit a 4–5 paragraph essay that compares and contrasts 1973 Nixon Press Conference Video & Transcript and President Richard M. Nixon: Re-election, Second Term, and Watergate. Draw conclusions from both texts to make your points. Support your statements with quotations and evidence from the texts. Write using clear and varied sentences.
Make sure you review the grading rubric so that you understand how you will be graded.
(pls hurry)



did you ever get the essay and if you did can i pls get it


The 1973 Nixon Press Conference Video & Transcript and President Richard M. Nixon: Re-election, Second Term, and Watergate are two separate texts that shed light on Richard Nixon's presidency.

What is Transcript?

A transcript is a typed or written record of a spoken conversation or event. It is a verbatim record of the words spoken during the conversation or event, typically created through the transcribing process.

The 1973 Nixon Press Conference Video & Transcript and President Richard M. Nixon: Re-election, Second Term, and Watergate offer opposing viewpoints on the Watergate scandal.

The video is Nixon's defence of himself, while the article is a more critical look at Nixon's role in the scandal.

Despite their differences, both texts highlight the importance of the Watergate scandal and its impact on American politics.

The documents demonstrate that Nixon's presidency was defined by scandal and controversy, leaving an indelible mark on American history.

Thus, this is the comparison between Nixon Video and Article.

For more details regarding Nixon Video and Article, visit:



Brainstorming is an uncritical, non-evaluative process of generating associated ideas.





How did scientists use evidence of seafloor spreading to support Alfred Wegener's Theory of Continental Drift after death?



Seafloor speeding is the phenomina of new seafloor being created through mid-ocean ridges. Wegener proposed that the continents themselves move, which is untrue. It is the tectonic plates that move. Seafloor speeding caused the breakup of Pangaea, which prompted to add this in support of his Continental drift theory

vii)The word ‘ withdraw’ in para 3 is closest in meaning to -------------------
c)pull out.
viii)The word ‘shield’ in para 2 is closest in meaning to -----------------



pull out


hope it helps..

What does “It” in line 6 refer to? Support your answer with evidence from the poem.






I'm pretty sure its Repetition

" don't walk on the grass " said our teacher



don't walk on the grass " our teacher said


Don’t walk on the grass

What technique makes both excerpts effective?
Read the two excerpts from Governor George
Wallace's inaugural address,
As Thomas Jefferson said, "The God who gave us life,
gave us liberty at the same time; no King holds the right
of liberty in his hands."
O They both quote historical figures.
O They both have a counterclaim that disproves facts.
O They both make an appeal to emotion
O They both include the use of repetition.
The great writer Rudyard Kipling, wrote of them, that:
"There in the Southland of the United States of
America, lives the greatest fighting breed of man in
all the world!"



O They both make an appeal to emotion


Emotional appeal is a literary device employed by writers or speakers when they try to elicit an emotional response like anger, pity, happiness, pride, etc., from their audience. It helps in convincing the audience thus making the speaker win his argument. Thomas Jefferson employed this by appealing to the peoples' desire for liberty. Rudyard Kipling also employed this by appealing to the strength of the people located in the South of the United States.


is A. Both quote historical figures


I saw the same question but with this answer and is right

Help me with this question please lol:)



the answer is the first one i think... please let me know if i am right or wrong


Part Two, “the pedal boat”



To me it looks like the answer is A.

Because the top seller is the brand new canoe if you buy it its a ten-year warranty so... yeah it would be A. sorry if im wrong but im sure that its right. Good Luck. Oh and do you know Malu Trevejo im listening to her right now her voice is just so... UGH i love it

Select the correct answer.
Read the sentence.

In his farewell address, President Washington acknowledged that taxes, though inconveneint and unpleasant, generate revenue.

Which rule can be used to correct the spelling of the underlined word?

Change y to i when adding an ending.
Drop a final e when adding an ending that begins with a vowel.
Use i before e except after c.
Double the final consonant when adding an ending that starts with a vowel.



C). Use I before e except after c.


As per the question, the thumb rule of mnemonics that 'I before e, except after c must be used' would be employed to rectify the given sentence. According to this rule, the words involving the digraphs either 'ie' or 'ei' must employ 'i' first and 'e' later excluding the case where the preceding letter is 'C.' Thus, the word 'inconveneint' would be converted to 'inconvenient'('ei' to 'ie') as per this rule in order to make its spelling grammatically correct. Hence, option C is the correct answer.

Answer: use i before e exept after c


free poinnttts...........​






Which of the following is an example of a fable





Fables usually have a simple lesson/message for the reader

answer: C

Explanation: a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral.

The passage most supports the conclusion that

most Greeks had bold characters.

the Greek people valued beauty.

most Greeks had mixed parentage.

the Greek people valued respect.



D.the Greek people valued respect.


From the excerpt Given, it was read that the Minotuar who was born to King Mino's wife was a product whose birth was coursed when the king decided once again not to sacrifice the white bull given for sacrifice on the basis that it was fine, and he decided to sacrifice another. This act of not honoring the sacrificial bull and decision to sacrifice another showed a lack of disrespect which resulted in the unnatural feelings between the bull and Mino's wife

Answer: D.

Explanation: On Edge!!!!!!!!

Identify three voice qualities





hope this helped

explain the irony of "keep your peace​



It means that - If you hold or keep your peace, you do not speak, even though there is something you want or ought to say.


However according to the bible “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Rewrite it correctly using subject verb agreements.
some of the furniture are broken​



Some of the furniture is broken.


Read the excerpt from act 3, scene 2, of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar and the information in the paragraph below it.


ANTONY. Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interrèd with their bones.
So let it be with Caesar.

Background information:

"The Evil That Men Do” is the title of a song by the English heavy metal band Iron Maiden. The lyrics of the chorus say that people’s evil deeds live on.

Iron Maiden’s reference to the line from Shakespeare’s play is an example of

cultural allusion.
literary allusion.
historical allusion.
religious allusion.



Historical Allusion


I just did it on edge.

What does the word precipitated mean in the following sentence?

The incident at school precipitated the need for more security.



cause (an event or situation, typically one that is bad or undesirable) to happen suddenly, unexpectedly, or prematurely.

The teacher formed a softball team.
A. Based Form
B. Past
C. present participle
D. past principle


past principle

because base form is only in action word

present principle is only using ing

do u think we should live in space ?
( write 4-5 paragraphs )

ill give brainliest i need this done asappp


No, I don’t think we should live in space because it is already hard enough to get all the equipment needed for traveling into space. No other planet besides Earth has what we need to survive as humans. There is no water or food on any other planets therefore we would probably starve to death or die of dehydration. Unless you live in a space shuttle for the rest of your life there is really no way of surviving in space.

screenshot 2021-06 54.09 am ong


I feel it’s a bit at the same time u didn’t provide enough information cause we didn’t read the story



it is the third answer ♡
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