What is your problem in English?


Answer 1


I struggle most with writing


Answer 2


I struggle mostly with listening.

Related Questions

Brook states that the distance on the line is 4 units. Caleb states that the whole line does not have a distance because it continues on forever. Vivian states that the line is 6 units long. A number line goes from negative 8 to positive 8. A line with arrows as endpoints is above the line and contains points L, M, N. A closed circle appears at negative 6 and is labeled L. A closed circle appears at negative 2 and is labeled M. A closed circle appears at positive 4 and is labeled N. Which distance did Brook measure? Which distance did Vivian measure?


Hi. You forgot to show the image of the line this question refers to. This makes it difficult for your question to be answered. However, when searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly like yours, which showed an image of the line. This line is in the image attached below. If that was your case, I hope this answer can help you:


Brook was measuring the distance between L and M, while Vivian was measuring the distance between M and N.


You will be able to answer this question very simply, as you only need to count the units between every two points on the line. If you count the first unit after point L to the unit that marks point M, you will see that there are 4 units, as Brok noted. If you do the same thing between points M and N, you will see that there are 6 units of distance, as Vivian noted.

Answer: 1.) the distance between L and M  

2.) the distance between M and N

Explanation: i hope this helps :)

I want to be in London right now. I really want to see Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. Which sentence uses the subjunctive mood to express the ideas in the sentences?



it is l really want to s big Ben and Buckingham palace.

Identify and write the indirect object in the following sentences.

1. Hector, did you sell Mike your car?

2. We have given the dog a thorough scrubbing.

3. Give the usher your ticket.

4. Uncle Carl brought my brother a gold ring from Mexico.

5. Hand me a pencil, please.

6. The conductor gave the orchestra a short break.

7. Show me the picture of your boat.

8. I have given you my money.

9. Give Lee this message.

10. The club gave the town a new statue.



1. Hector, did you sell Mike your car?

Indirect object: Mike

2. We have given the dog a thorough scrubbing.

Indirect object: the dog

3. Give the usher your ticket.

Indirect object: the usher

4. Uncle Carl brought my brother a gold ring from Mexico.

Indirect object: my brother

5. Hand me a pencil, please.

Indirect object: me

6. The conductor gave the orchestra a short break.

Indirect object: the orchestra

7. Show me the picture of your boat.

Indirect object: me

8. I have given you my money.

Indirect object: you

9. Give Lee this message.

Indirect object: Lee

10. The club gave the town a new statue.

Indirect object: the town


The indirect object is the object/person that benefits from the action that the verb expresses. They are only on transitive verbs, that is to say, verbs that need an object to affect (a direct object).

To identify the indirect object:

First, we have to identify the verb.Ask the verb who?. For example, in the sentence, the club gave the town a new statue, the verb is give so, we ask who gave the town a new statue? The club. The club is the subject of the sentence.Then we ask what. Following the previous example, we ask the subject what, what did the club gave the town? The answer is a new statue. The direct object is a new statue. Notice that the verb give is a transitive one because it cannot stay on its own. It needs an object.Lastly, ask to whom. To whom did the club give a new statue? The answer is to the town. The indirect object is the town, which is the one that benefited from the verb. Also, we can identify the indirect object by reformulating the sentence so that the indirect object comes after the direct one. In those cases, the indirect object will always be preceded by to. For example, The club gave a new statue to the town.

what initiatives are you implanting to ensure that your children are using social media platforms appropriately​



I will log on the social platform and find my kid, and message him/she then i will test him/she


If he/she message me, he doesn't use social media appropriately

if he/she doesn't. he/she is using it appropriately

Write debate supporting the motion Should Parents decide le Course of Study for for their children"​



  Desire of parents — Every teen should be more grateful to his or her parents in this world. Parents are the ones who suffer a lot of difficulties and bring up their kids so that they can live a healthy and happier life. Every parent wants to see their children well settled in their life. Thus, they have the right to choose a better career for their kids.

  Reduces the pressure on children — Thinking of making a suitable career takes on a serious note mostly during the application times. So, children should leave the choice of their career on their parents and focus on the ongoing exams. They should not be under pressure in anyways.

  Maturity — Teens may sometimes land up in taking wrong decisions about their career. Even if parents do not make their career choice, they can at least guide their kids to make a good decision. Parents are the burning candle in the life of a student.

  Support — Parents provide immense help to their kids by guiding and choosing them a right career path. No parents would like to spoil their child's future by taking a wrong decision.

  Experience — We should always remember that parents are much more experienced than the children. They have seen the world better than their kids, and thus, their decision would be better and correct.

  Right Career Choice — Children should choose their career

  Right to choose – Every child has the right to choose their career, and they have the right to live their dreams.

  Knows himself/herself better – A child can only know his or her interests and abilities better than anyone else. They know their subjects and areas of interest and thus, can decide his or her career path quickly.

  Interesting – If children choose a career according to the wishes of their parents, they will have a boring academic life as they would face a lack of interest. College life is the best phase of a student's life. To enjoy this phase and make it more interesting, a child should choose his/her career path.

  Facing pressure – If you follow a career path chosen by your parents and which is not of your interest, you will have to meet a lot of challenges and pressure. To avoid such situations, choose a career which interests you the most.

  Parents like their kids might also have had some dream in their teenage. Most of the parents fail to achieve their goals due to family or financial issues. In such cases, parents may force their kids to adopt their dreams. They try to see themselves in their kids.

  Admission time is a crucial period in the life of most of the students. It is always better that parents and children should decide together on the career they would pursue. Teens can get the information about the latest trends while the parents can get their practical experience to the table to make a decision.



She drinks the potion because she has been told by Friar Lawrence that it’ll help her get out of her arranged marriage to Paris. He basically persuades her into drinking it

Which of these are features of epic poetry? Select 4 options.
a courageous hero who answers a call to adventure
a main character who has to overcome common challenges
a journey filled with many obstacles
a vast setting of distant landscapes
supernatural forces, such as gods or monsters, that intervene
circumstances that would be very familiar to readers.

Because no answer slots available due to mainly wrong or copycat answers. lawd help me. this is right out of the lesson! Please just say 1, 3, 4 and 5 to post this and get you a 5 star. or better yet, just post a quality chuck norris quote.


it's 1, 3, 4, and 5


it is 1,3,4,5


Select all the correct answers.
In what ways does Ismene differ from her
sister, Antigone, in Antigone?
She cares more about public opinion and approval
than does Antigone, who always follows her
She's ambivalent about
Creon's law concerning her brother, while it angers Antigone.
She's timid compared to Antigone, who S very bold.
She gives more weight to civil law over moral principles than does Antigone.
She's more independent from her family members than is Antigone.



She's timid compared to Antigone, who is very bold.She gives more weight to civil law over moral principles than does Antigone.


Ismene and Antigone are sisters and the daughters of Oedipus. Antigone however, is the bolder of the two and follows mora principles over the law.

Ismene on the other hand, remains in the shadow of her sister as she is more timid because she believes that she has a certain place in society and does not want to ruffle any feathers.

She also tries to follow the law over moral principles as she believes the law to be absolute which is why she does not follow Antigone's plan to bury their brother as she did not want to go against the King's proclamation.

What is stream-of-consciousness writing


Answer: A stream of consciousness writing refers to a narrative skill

:A narrative technique where the thoughts and emotions of a narrator or character are written out such that a reader can track the fluid mental state of these characters.

What is the purpose of the commentary in the underlined text?





Answer: Is C not A


what is the piece of information from the story that makes the story more interesting?​



The conflict and resolution


How are you planning on using your summer vacation?



going out with friends and having a good time or chilling at for peace and quiet

Which best explains how imagery contributes to the meaning of this passage

THE ANSWER IS (I don’t know feel free to share with others in the comments)

A. It gives readers a sense of grasping for something that can’t be caught

B. He creates a clear picture of what people at home felt about the Vietnam war

C. It helps readers understand what the narrator‘s dad must be feeling

D. It illustrates the difference between the soldiers and the protesters



i think the answer is B


Imagery is something like pictures, and B says it creates a clear picture of something

PLS HELP IF I DONT PASS I DIE, Read the passage from Sugar Changed the World.
As sugar planters fled from the revolution in Haiti,
some moved to Cuba's Oriente Province, others to
North America—to Louisiana. By the time the Haitian
plantation owners and overseers reached New
Orleans, abolitionists were pressing to end the African
slave trade. The tragedy is that this movement to end
slavery did nothing to improve conditions in Louisiana
In fact, the state that slaves called Lousy Anna was
the very worst place for an African in America; it was
the Caribbean all over again a death sentence.
In every single American slave state, the population of
enslaved people kept rising even after the slave trade
was abolished. That was because enough enslaved
children were born, lived, and grew to become adults.
There was just one exception to this rule: Louisiana, There was just one exception to this rule: Louisiana,
where the native-born enslaved population kept
dropping. Sugar was a killer.
Unlike the Caribbean, Louisiana has cold snaps. That
put an additional pressure on the sugar harvest. Not
only did the slaves need to harvest the cane in perfect
rhythm with the grinding mills, but the entire crop had
to be cut down between mid-October and December
This pace only increased when growers installed
improved, steam-powered mills. People needed to
work faster than the weather and to keep pace with machines. which details do the authors include to support the claim in this passage? select two options.



north America-to Louisiana

what is it all about being a star​



It’s hot , cause like your a star , and stars are super hot


What can you find in a fridge?


Milk, Water , Fruits, Snacks, Drinks

A.) Read the beginning of Jason's argumentative speech on the use of Internet slang and answer the question.

The use of acronyms, or abbreviations, is not new. In fact, there are examples of the use of acronyms that date back to antiquity. Ancient scribes had a daunting enough task without having to write out every word. The Christian Church has inscribed the acronym INRI, which stands for the Latin Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum ("Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews") over the crucifix for centuries. American and European corporations discovered long ago that it is easier to remember three letters than it is to remember three names. During the twentieth century, there was an upsurge in the use of acronyms that corresponded with the introduction of highly technical vocabulary. The tendency to shorten has an established history and many of these abbreviations have even found their way into the dictionary. Today, the use of time-saving abbreviations provides the language of internet and other wireless communication. But should it? Unlike in the past, this shortening does not represent a natural and necessary progression of language change. Internet slang is a manifestation of two much more serious problems with modern society— intellectual laziness and too little time.

Which sentence would provide the best transition into the counterargument paragraph of this essay?

1- OMG! don't we have bigger problems as a society than taking a few short-cuts when it comes to communication?

2- Until recently, the use of acronyms could be justified in most contexts.

3- Many would argue that there is no harm in populating our communication with OMGs and LOLs given their widespread use.

4- Intellectual laziness is a treatable disease, while finding more time is much more challenging.
B.) Read this excerpt from Jason's persuasive speech and answer the question.

The main reason for using a slang unique to the Internet is to make communication easier.

Which revision would add supporting evidence to best strengthen Jason's claim?

1.) Add this sentence to the above excerpt: However, there is some debate about how internet slang influences everyday language.

2.) Add this sentnece to the above excerpt: Studies suggest that saving a few keystrokes can both reduce stress and lead to more productivity.

3.) Add this sentence to the above excerpt: However, while Internet slang shortcuts save time for the writer, according to at least one study they take two times as long for the reader to understand.

4.) Add this sentence to the above excerpt: Only strict grammarians object, arguing that Internet slang is a degradation of standard usage.



Which sentence would provide the best transition into the counterargument paragraph of this essay?

3. Many would argue that there is no harm in populating our communication with OMGs and LOLs given their widespread use.

Which revision would add supporting evidence to best strengthen Jason's claim?

2. Add this sentence to the above excerpt: Studies suggest that saving a few keystrokes can both reduce stress and lead to more productivity.


For the first question, we must first understand what Jason's claim is. That can be found at the end of his introductory paragraph:

"Internet slang is a manifestation of two more serious problems with modern society - intellectual laziness and too little time."

Now, we must find a sentence to introduce a counterargument. A counterargument is an idea that opposes the argument. The argument claims that internet slang usage is a problem. The counterargument must state the contrary. The sentence that does that is number 3: "Many would argue that there is no harm in populating our communication with OMGs and LOLs given their widespread use." This sentence is basically stating that internet slang is not a problem.

For the second question, we need to choose the option the adds supporting evidence to the excerpt. In other words, we choose the option that agrees with and complements the excerpt. The excerpt states that slang makes communication easier. The only option that agrees with that is number 2. All the other options offer information or present ideas that go against that opinion. Sentence 2, however, explains that slang makes communication less stressful.

One student rubs a glass rod with plastic. Another student rubs an ebonite rod with fur. Which of the following statements is true?
a.The glass rod becomes positive; the ebonite rod becomes positive
b. The plastic becomes positive; the fur becomes positive
c. The glass rod becomes positive, the fur becomes positive
d. The plastic becomes positive; the ebonite rod becomes positive



I'm pretty sure the answer would be d

Pa sagottt sagottttt plssss poooo, nonsense reportt

Tulongg po thanks brainliest ko maka sagot



Here is your answer but plz mark it as brainliest answer


The four sentences are :

1. With unity we can defeat every enemy including Coronavirus

2. Stay safe Stay secure

3. Always be kind and helpful

4. Government are doing their best in these situations






Can someone help me with my question?

english please help no other language please and in photo are all question please fast as posible



horse- organization/ audience

chess: watch/picture

bird: advert/University

jazz: journey/generous

up: underground/ lunch

hope its helps

Fill the blanks with Preposition

The kids were sitting............the floor..........the TV when their came.


the kids were sitting on the floor.....................

hope it helps:))))

Annamarie wanted to get away from the Soldiers as fast as possible.How do we know? Story:Number the Stars



Cause they were Jewish and the German soldiers were after them.


Number the stars is a fiction story written by Lois Lowry it narrates the story of a Jewish family, the Rosens, while they are escaping Copenhagen in the middle of Worl War II, while the German soldiers invade the capital the family needs to escape, and Annamarie, a 10-year-old girl is instructed by her parents to run away as fast as she can from german soldiers as they were taking Jewish population to concentration camps.

1. What is the purpose of rhetoric in a persuasive speech?
A)to make a logical argument
B)to dismiss counterclaims
C)to evoke specific feelings
D)to identify the speaker's claim



c) to evoke specific feelings


i know its late but i took the test and it was correct:)

who is Arthur and what are his or here qualifications​



His best known works are the script he wrote with American film director Stanley Kubrick for 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) and the novel of that film. Clarke was interested in science from childhood, but he lacked the means for higher education.


Hope this answer helps you :)

Have a great day

Mark brainliest

2. Duke Longarm and Drew Quickdraw met in front of the clock tower for their duel.
a) their
b) Duke Longarm and Drew Quickdraw
c) in front of
d) street



There is no question

Explanation: The answers given make no sense.  Ask a real question.

I can't ______________ to receive your letter in the _____________. * wait, male weight, mail wait ,mail weight, male


Answer: Read Below


I cant' wait to receive your letter in the mail.

Hope this helps!

what do female mamal have​



Explanation:  Most female mammals have an estrous cycle, yet only ten primate species, four bats species, the elephant shrew, and one known species of spiny mouse have a menstrual cycle. As these groups are not closely related, it is likely that four distinct evolutionary events have caused menstruation to arise.

The minister stood still .... the request to take her seat.​


what’s the actual question?

Which sentence is punctuated correctly





sorry if im wrong


The third one is correct.


If you read it with the break like commas are meant for, the third is the only one that makes sense.

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