What process allows a single cell to grow into a multi-cellular organism?


Answer 1




Mitosis is a process where a single cell divides into two identical daughter cells (cell division).  As a cell constantly splits and the daughter cells constantly splits, it eventually creates a multi-cellular organism!

Answer 2
the answer is mitosis

Related Questions

Primary sensory afferent axons have widely varying diameters, and their size correlates with the type of receptor to which they are attached. Write down the axons that are the smallest and the slowest?



Smaller and slower axons are those related to temperature, itching and pain.


As you may already know, the axon is an extension of the neuron that has the ability to transmit signals to cells, indicating the nerve impulse that must be felt by the body. In other words, the axons receive a synapse, which is the nerve impulse, and pass this message on to a nerve cell to turn it into a sensation. These axons have varying diameters and the speed at which they transmit messages also varies. According to researches, the smaller and slower axons are those related to the sensation of temperature, itching and pain.

give 4 examples of metabolic reactions


1. Cellular respiration
2. Glycolysis
3. Dermentation
4. Synthesis

Acylation occurs on which type of proteins?

1.cytosolic lipid anchored proteins

2.extracellular lipid anchored proteins

3.transmembrane proteins

4.non-membrane associated proteins



answer: 2. extracellular lipid anchored protiens


hope it helps thanks

• For which disease of the following a student of High school can be disabled in locomotion?
a) Ectodermal displasia
c) Myopia
b) Muscular Dystrophy
d) Haemophilia ​





a group of diseases that cause progressive weakness and loss of muscle. Abnormal genes interfere with the production of proteins needed to form healthy muscles. There are many forms of Muscular Dystrophy.

As you completed this assignment and reviewed the lectures (see the socioecological model lecture and diagram provided), you realized that there are several factors that influenced your own daily food choices. What are they? Explain. Think about the following as you write your response: (essay format for each segment)
1. Individual factors influencing your daily food choices (demographics, other personal factors)
2. Settings (homes, schools, worksites, etc.)
3. Sectors (systems, organizations, and businesses and industries), and
4. Social and cultural norms and values (belief systems, traditions, heritage, etc.).
Additional question: how can the Social-Ecological Model help us with our daily food choices?



factors that influenced daily food choices:

biological determinantseconomical determinantsphysiological determinantsphysical determinantssocial determinantsbehavioral determinants


Social -ecological system is the set of different factors which influence our living styles, our dietary habits, our dress choice etc. on a daily basis. In today's world, everything act is done by people are only based on its popularity or followed by trends. Similarly, our daily food choices are also influenced by the trends and our surroundings in which we live. There is the impact of multiple factors on our daily food choices.

Behavioral factors: behavioral factor is the most important factor which have a huge impact on our daily food choice. An individual health condition, behavior, attitude, work routine majorly influence the food choices. An individual personal preferences, likes and dislikes also influenced his food choices.Biological factors: these factors can influence individually as well as globally. Hunger, nutrient requirements, condition of safe food, health conditions are the major biological factors which play major role, when it comes to choose daily food. These factors can affect the global food preferences, for example in the pandemic of convid-19 food choice were similar of every individual globally. Economic factors: availability of food, cost of food, balancing of needs and demands also impacts our daily food choices. If cost are too high of basic food and the  availability is only limited to certain people, it automatically impacts on the food choice of an individual. Social Factor: when we talk about social factors these are the group of different small factors like culture, work environment, school, colleges, religious preferences, friends circles, demographic conditions etc. our daily food choices are mostly based on the social factors because our likes and dislikes, meal patterns, our preference of food (cooked, raw, packages, cooking style etc.)  Everything based on the impact of the surroundings. In schools and colleges, students are bound to eat what is available or what their friends prefer to eat. Religious backgrounds always choose as per their rulings. Traditional foods, cultural heritages also an impactful factor for our daily food choices.Physiological factors: mental health condition are also one of the important factor which can not be neglected when we choose our food to eat. A healthy individuals preferences will always be different from a sick person.

Social-ecological model can help us with our daily food choices by giving us the  knowledge of the factors and its healthy impact on our food choices which can lead us to a healthy life and prosperous environment. Smart choice not only make us health but also make the environment healthy for our lives.

The bacterium Methylophilus methylotrophus can use methanol and ammonia for protein synthesis. The glutamate dehydrogenase gene from E. coli was introduced into M. methylotrophus using recombinant DNA techniques. Under high ammonia conditions, the introduction of the glutamate dehydrogenase gene into M. methylotrophus resulted in an increase in protein yield. Select the statements that are reasonable explanations for the increased protein yield in the modified M. methylotrophus. Glutamate dehydrogenase catalyzes the formation of glutamate and glutamine in a two-step process. Both glutamate and glutamine play a key role in amino acid synthesis, thus an increase in levels of glutamate and glutamine increase protein synthesis. Glutamate dehydrogenase has a low affinity for NH^+_4, and can only catalyze the formation of glutamate from alpha-ketoglutarate and NH^+_4, when the concentration of NH^+_4 is high. Glutamate dehydrogenase has a high affinity for NH^+_4, thus the rate of glutamate synthesis increases exponentially under high ammonia conditions. Glutamate is the amino group donor for most transamination reactions involving amino acids, thus an increase in glutamate concentration increases protein synthesis.



- Glutamate dehydrogenase has a low affinity for NH+4, and can only catalyze the formation of glutamate from alpha-ketoglutarate and NH+4, when the concentration of NH+4 is high.  

- Glutamate is the amino group donor for most transamination reactions involving amino acids, thus an increase in glutamate concentration increases protein synthesis.


Glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) is an enzyme found in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, which is known to catalyze the reversible oxidative deamination of glutamate (Glu) to alpha-ketoglutarate and ammonia at the same time the oxidation of NADH to NAD. In bacteria, this enzyme (GLDH) is efficient only at high concentrations of the ammonium cation (NH4+), because it has a low affinity for NH4+. Moreover, transamination is a pathway that involves the transfer of an amino group from one amino acid to a ketoacid in order to form new amino acids (this reaction is responsible for the deamination of most amino acids). Glu is the donor of amino groups in most of the reactions catalyzed by enzymes involved in the transamination between an amino acid and an alpha-keto acid. In consequence, in presence of GLDH, a high concentration of Glu will increase the production of new amino acids and therefore also protein synthesis.

Which feature or later is the oldest rock layer diagram
1. G
2. A
3. B
4. M


I think the answer is 3.B but I’m not sure

Among the Quebec Inuit, it was thought that no death is natural. All deaths were seen as the result of warfare, either physical or spiritual, so if a person died, it was thought to be the work on an enemy shaman. As such, deaths were always followed by shamanistic retaliation.

a. True
b. False



a. True.


The deaths in Quebec were all due to some spiritual or physical warfare. The people there do not die a natural death due to illness or some other reasons. The people of Quebec are afraid of dying these types of death due to a pain.

Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs.
Match the mRNA sequences to their DNA sequences.



mRNA sequence1=AUUACGCAU


mRNA sequence2=CCGAAAUGU


mRNA sequence 3=GAUCAUUAC


mRNA sequence4=UUUUUAACG0


Part C: Take Notes In a separate location, take notes from the sources you have identified. The notes will provide details for your presentation. While taking notes from texts and websites, use these reading strategies. In the space provided, write four pieces of information that you intend to use in your presentation. im to lazy to write the notes



I do that sometimes I take notes in a separate location so is this like for your math homework cuz I am good enough but I don't like it that much but I'm good at it and sources identify things that will the source is like a key a key like you can open and close the door with and you're opening the key with the source so it really really really really and wouldn't be a good thing to take notes wherever you go like if you were writing a book you would want the source and the emotion and everything you wanted to buy

Can science exist without human beings?





science can exist with/without human


Yeah I think so.........

Is a cuttlefish a producer, consumer, or decomposer? Explain why.


it’s a producer because it produces for itself and the environment

What does it mean to say science is a systematic process


Science is a systematic process by

What is the process in the cell can be disturbed by the destruction of the mitochondria?

nuclear fission


oxidation of substances organic




The correct answer is - C. oxidation of substances organic.


The major function of the mitochondria is to perform cellular respiration and produce energy in the form of ATP by oxidating organic molecules. All the process requires energy to be processed, however, the main and primary process that would disturb if by the destruction of the mitochondria occur which is the oxidation of glucose to convert it to pyruvic acid to generate energy.

The Krebs cycle that takes place in mitochondria and performs oxidation of organic molecules will also be disturbed and there will be no energy for any process.

Addison's disease is characterized by which of the following symptoms?

a) Hypoglycemia
b) Weight loss
C) Swelling of the lips and nose
d) Electrolyte imbalance
e) Sensitivity to cold

Please help



weight loss



Organelle x
Gas A + H2O
Organic molecule Gas B
Organelle Y



i dont know what work this is it looks hard


but sorry icant help

Most enzymes can function within a rather broad pH range, approximately 3-12.

True or false?


The answer is true hope it helps

All of the following are examples of the functions of connective tissues except



can you please show the options

olecular diagnostic techniques that can help diagnose hemoglobin disorders such as hemoglobinopathies and thalassemias include a) biochemical separation, identification, and quantification of mixture components b) separation of macromolecules and their fragments, based on their size and charge c) DNA amplification, hybridization, and nucleotide sequencing d) The use of specific monoclonal antibodies



The correct answer is - a) biochemical separation, identification, and quantification of mixture components.


Most hemoglobin disorders can be diagnosed by molecular diagnostic techniques such as protein-based techniques like electrophoresis and chromatography. Protein-based methods can diagnose early thalassemia disorders and hemoglobinopathies but in the case of α-thalassemia may be masked in the presence of β-thalassemia.

Molecular genetic testing plays a very important role in the biochemical separation of molecules or components, identification, and quantification of individuals carrying thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies traits and other hemoglobin disorders.

40 points! Help pls im super confused and need to get this right to pass



Layer A deposited, Layer B deposited, Layer C deposited, Layer faulting


All layers would match up if not for the fault. This means that each layer was laid down at the same time and the faulting occurred afterwards.

Does the number of cell layers or the cell shape play a role in the function of the epithelial tissue


Epithelial tissue can contain many cell layers, or a single layer . Cell shapes may also vary between different types of epithelia.

Yea I need help with this help



your answer is right


天哪,那些是未成熟的青蛙。 我想醒来:))

Darwin’s finches evolved on an island. What is the main reason that islands often provide good examples of evolution?


Islands are isolated


They allow for automatic biogeographic isolation. In rock layers, jellyfish fossils are found lower than trilobite fossils, and trilobite fossils are found lower than ammonite fossils.


(found it on quizlet feel free to rewrite in you own words)

Which part of cellular respiration involves using acetyl CoA to produce energy carriers? A. Glycolysis B. Pyruvate processing C. The electron transport chain O D. The Krebs cycle​


Answer: The Krebs cycle


How many kingdoms are there in the domain Bacteria?
O A2
OB. 1
O c. 3
O D. 4



There is 1 kingdom in the domain Bacteria



B. 1


one Kingdom

Domain Bacteria has one Kingdom: Kingdom Eubacteria.

How many kingdoms are there in the domain bacteria? | Study ...https://study.com › academy › answer › how-many-kingd...

5 points
What is the process by which all the rock formations of a region are
PUSHED UP due to plate motion?





In the food web above, if new species of insect were introduced that fed primarily on plantains, how would the following populations be affected? Indicate your answer by increase , decrease or no change and include a brief explanation of your reasoning.

A) greenfly

B) rabbit

C) fox



This is a 50/50 answer. I believe it would be fox, sorry if this is incorrect.


Greenfly- no change

The greenfly would remain unaffected because it doesn’t rely on plantains.

Rabbit- decrease

The rabbit relies on plantains as food so more competition would result in a decrease in the rabbit population

Fox- decrease

Lesser food means lesser foxes. The foxes prey like the rabbit and mouse eat plantains. If the mouse and fat population goes down so would the fox population.

why it is important that we have an understanding of geologic time



Time is a very important variable in geology because the exact timing of spatially separated events allows us to reconstruct the surface and surface conditions of the ancient earth. Geologic time spans are considerably more difficult to comprehend than historical time spans because they are so incredibly long.

One reason is so that we can fully understand how geological processes that seem impossibly slow can produce anything of consequence. For example, we are familiar with the concept of driving from one major city to another: a journey of several hours at around 100 km/h. Continents move toward each other at rates of a fraction of a millimetre per day, or something in the order of 0.00000001 km/h, and yet, at this impossibly slow rate, they can move thousands of kilometres. Sediments typically accumulate at even slower rates — less than a millimetre per year — but still they are thick enough to be thrust up into monumental mountains and carved into breathtaking canyons.

Another reason is that for our survival on this planet, we need to understand issues like extinction of endangered species and anthropogenic (human-caused) climate change. Some people, who don’t understand geological time, are quick to say that the climate has changed in the past, and that what is happening now is no different. And it certainly has changed in the past. For example, from the Eocene (50 Ma) to the present day, Earth’s climate cooled by about 12°C. That’s a huge change that ranks up there with many of the important climate changes of the distant past, and yet the rate of change over that time was only 0.000024°C/century. Anthropogenic climate change has been 1.1°C over the past 100 years, and that is 45,800 times faster than the rate of natural climate change since the Eocene.

•. In which epoch, development of human has started?
a) Eocene
b) Oligocene
c) Miocene
d) Pliocenc​



b) The Miocene epoch is my answer.

What are some of the benefits of roundworms? Check all that apply.

They help purify sources of fresh water.
They feed on pests like termites, fleas, and ants.
They can be used to treat patients with blood clots.
They break down organic matter in the soil.
They aid in nutrient cycling.



B) They feed on pests like termites, fleas, and ants.

D) They break down organic matter in the soil.

E) They aid in nutrient cycling.


It's on Edge 2020


✔️They feed on pests like termites, fleas, and ants.

✔️ They break down organic matter in the soil.

✔️ They aid in nutrient cycling.



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