what sparked the beginning of the genocide in rwanda?


Answer 1

The conflict started on April 6, 1994, when a plane carrying Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana, a Hutu, was shot down. Under the cover of war, Hutu extremists launched their plans to destroy the entire Tutsi civilian population.

Related Questions

identify each of the statements that are true about native americans during the presidency of andrew jackson.


Andrew Jackson was the seventh President of the United States, serving from 1829 to 1837. During his presidency, the position of Native Americans was affected by his policies.

Some of the statements that are true about Native Americans during Andrew Jackson's presidency are as follows:

1. Native American tribes were relocated from the southeast to the west of the Mississippi River. In 1830, President Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act into law.

This act authorized the forced relocation of thousands of Native Americans from the Southeast to the west of the Mississippi River. This relocation is also known as the Trail of Tears, which caused the displacement of many Native American tribes and led to thousands of deaths.

2. Andrew Jackson supported the forced relocation of Native Americans. Jackson was a supporter of the Indian Removal Act and believed that Native Americans needed to be assimilated into white American culture. He did not support the idea of coexisting with Native Americans and believed that the United States needed to expand to the West, which was Native American territory.

3. Native American tribes faced violence and discrimination during Andrew Jackson's presidency. Many Native Americans faced violence and discrimination from white Americans, who viewed them as inferior and unwanted.

For example, in 1832, the Supreme Court ruled that the Cherokee Nation had a right to their land and could not be forced to leave. However, Jackson ignored the ruling and proceeded with the forced relocation of the Cherokee Nation.

In conclusion, Native Americans faced many challenges during Andrew Jackson's presidency. Jackson's policies had a significant impact on Native American tribes and their position in the United States.

Learn more about Native Americans here: https://brainly.com/question/30600476


please do it quickly ​


The  dialogue based on a conversation between two friends on the topic 'Importance of Education' is given below

What is the dialogue?

शिक्षाको महत्त्व

आ : यो शिक्षाको जीवनमा कति महत्त्वपूर्ण हो, यो अनुभव गरेको छौँ। जब म जिउँदैछिन्, म यो समझ्दैछिन् कि शिक्षाले हामीलाई राष्ट्रियता र मानवताको महत्त्व सिकाउँछ।

ब : तर तपाईंले कसरी भन्नुहुन्छ कि शिक्षा राष्ट्रियता र मानवताको महत्त्व सिकाउँछ?

आ : शिक्षा राष्ट्रियता सिकाउँछ भनेर मैले भन्न चाहन्छु कि हामी राष्ट्रियताको अर्थ राष्ट्रिय भावना, भाषा र संस्कृति हो। यी सबै भावनाहरू शिक्षामा सिकिन्छन्। शिक्षा छैन भने, राष्ट्रियताको अर्थ लाईनसँग गइन्छ। त्यसैले, हामी सबैले एउटै भाषामा बोल्ने छौँ भने, हामी आफ्नो संस्कृतिको सम्मान गर्न सक्छौं। यसै गरि हामी एक पक्षीवट बन्छौं।

ब : तर मानवताको महत्त्व सिकाउँदा शिक्षाले के गर्छ?

आ : मानवता सिकाउँदा, शिक्षा हामीलाई सबैको समानता र विश्वास गर्न सिकाउँछ। यसले हामीलाई अन्यले गरेको रुपमा मान्छेको सम्मान र अ

Learn more about Education from



See text below

सन् १९३४ मा मृत्यु


'शिक्षाको महत्त्व' विषयमा दुई साथीबिच हुने कुराकानीमा आधारित संवाद लेख्नुहोस् ।

Why is the Japanese language losing all its vocabulary and how is this affecting its stauts (Someone please give me a brainly answer in 250 words)



The claim that Japanese language is losing all its vocabulary is not accurate. However, it is true that the Japanese language has undergone significant changes over the years, influenced by various factors such as globalization, technology, and cultural exchange. One of the most significant changes has been the influx of loanwords from other languages, particularly English, which has become increasingly prevalent in modern Japanese vocabulary.

The incorporation of loanwords has been happening in many languages across the world, and Japanese is no exception. The reason behind this trend is mainly due to globalization, where people from different parts of the world come together and exchange ideas and cultures. As a result, Japanese people have adopted many foreign words and integrated them into their language to keep up with the modern world.

This trend has been affecting the status of the Japanese language in several ways. On the one hand, it has helped make Japanese a more accessible and global language, enabling Japanese speakers to communicate more effectively with people from other parts of the world. It has also made the language more versatile and adaptable to new situations and contexts. However, on the other hand, some people view the increase in loanwords as a threat to the traditional Japanese language and culture. The overuse of foreign words and phrases can lead to the loss of traditional Japanese vocabulary, making it harder for people to understand and appreciate the cultural significance of the language.

Overall, the incorporation of loanwords into the Japanese language is a reflection of the increasing global interconnectedness of our world. While it may pose some challenges to the language's status, it is also a testament to the flexibility and adaptability of Japanese as a language.

Deuteronomy (Devarim) 8:7-9 ִּ “For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land, a land with streams and springs and fountains issuing from plain and hill; a land of wheat and barley, of vines, figs, and pomegranates, a land of olive trees and honey; a land where you may eat food without stint, where you will lack nothing; a land whose rocks are iron and from whose hills you can mine copper.”

1. What images does this piece of text use to describe Israel? What does it make you feel about Israel?

I need help about what images it uses? It would be fantastic if someone would answer :)

I really need help please


This piece of text from Deuteronomy 8:7-9 uses vivid and picturesque imagery to describe the land of Israel.

What is Imagery?

Imagery is the use of descriptive language, often involving sensory details, to create a mental picture or sensory experience in the reader's or listener's mind.

So the text above portrays the land as being rich in natural resources and agricultural abundance, with flowing streams and fountains, hills of wheat and barley, and fruitful orchards of figs, pomegranates, and olive trees. The text also emphasizes the mineral wealth of the land, with rocks of iron and hills of copper.

This description creates a sense of admiration and awe for the land of Israel, as it is presented as a bountiful and prosperous place, full of blessings from God. It inspires a feeling of gratitude and reverence for the gifts that have been bestowed upon the people of Israel and a sense of pride in their heritage and connection to the land.

Learn more about Imagery on:



which mountains form the longest mountain chain in africa?



The Atlas Mountains.


This range stretches 1,600km from Western Sahara through Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia; and is the longest unbroken range in Africa.

Then, using concepts learned this week, explain the differences between experience, interpretation, and analysis (Boss, 2021, p. 21), using an example from your own life.
Next, determine whether the three following statements exemplify experience, interpretation, analysis, or some combination of those three elements. Explain your answers.
I failed the history test today because I couldn’t find my textbook.
I lost my history textbook.
I am not sure whether I need the textbook or just online sources to do well in my history class. I will ask the professor about the best path to success.


Experience, interpretation, and analysis are three different cognitive processes that involve human thought.

What is experience, interpretation and analysis?

Experience is a term that refers to the knowledge of something, or ability to do so, which is acquired by having previously done it once or several times.

Interpretation is a term that refers to the action of understanding a concept with the aim of expressing it in a different way.

The analysis is a term that refers to the action of examining an element in detail to know its characteristics or qualities and to establish conclusions about it.

In accordance with the above, it can be inferred that the sentences are not an example of experience, interpretation or analysis because they do not involve any cognitive thought process.

Learn more about experience in: https://brainly.com/question/11256472


Why is the Japanese language losing all its vocabulary?


Note that it is not statistically correct to state that the Japanese language is losing all its vocabulary.

How many people speak the Japanese Language?

Currently, is is estimated that about 125.6 - 128 million people speak the Japanese language. Since this statistics is based on research, it is not logical to state that Japanese language is losing all its vocabulary.

The Japanese language and vocabulary are important for several reasons.

Firstly, Japan has one of the largest economies in the world, making it an important trading partner for many countries. Secondly, Japan has a rich cultural heritage, and learning Japanese is essential to understanding and appreciating it.

Lastly, Japanese is the language of anime, manga, and video games, which have become popular worldwide, making knowledge of Japanese essential for fans and professionals alike.

Thus, the Japanese language is not loosing all it's vocabulary.

Learn more about Japanese vocabulary on:



Are the languages, Limos Kalinga and Lubugan Kalinga both starting to die out? If yes, explain why



yes but I don't remember y

why did britain grant self-rule to australia and new zealand?



Both territories were colonized by white Europeans


Britain granted self-rule to Australia and New Zealand after both territories were colonized by white Europeans.

It could also be that Britain wanted to counter the threat of other European countries interfering in the region.

why are the more than 100 aegean islands between mainland greece and crete known as the cyclades?



The Aegean islands between mainland Greece and Crete are known as the Cyclades because they form a rough circle (in Greek, kyklos) around the sacred island of Delos, which was a major religious and cultural center in ancient Greece. The Cyclades consist of more than 200 islands, including famous tourist destinations such as Santorini and Mykonos. The islands are characterized by their rugged, rocky terrain, bright white buildings, and blue-domed churches, which have become iconic symbols of Greece. The Cyclades have a long and rich history, dating back to ancient times, and have been shaped by a variety of cultures and influences, including the Minoans, the Mycenaeans, the Persians, the Romans, the Venetians, and the Ottomans. Today, the Cyclades are known for their stunning natural beauty, picturesque villages, pristine beaches, and vibrant nightlife.

Is the Maranoa language dying out slowly? if yes, explain why in 250 words


Answer:  The Maranaos predominantly inhabit Lanao del Sur in Mindanao in the southern part of the Philippines, and speak the Maranao language. No previous research has identified and explored the existence of Arabic loan words in the Maranao language. For this reason, this research identified Maranao words having Arabic origins and categorized them in corresponding semantic fields. The main objective of this study was to investigate how and in what way Arabic vocabulary was borrowed in the Maranao language. For this research, the Maranao words were taken from a Maranao dictionary and were examined by native Maranao and Arab speakers, who are also the authors of this study. The findings revealed that over 600 Maranao words have Arabic roots and are presently being used by Maranao speakers. It was concluded that after the advent of Islam in the Philippines, the Maranao language was influenced by Arab settlers and traders and its borrowed vocabulary was used mostly to express sociopolitical activities.  Identifying and Categorizing Maranao Words with Arabic Roots: A Case Study of the Maranao Language Spoken in the Philippines Author(s): Sohayle M. Hadji Abdul Racman1, Reem Adib Lulu2 Affiliation: 1Mindanao State University, Marawi City, Philippines 2Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Article DOI: Identifying and categorizing  Maranao  Words with  Arabic Roots:  A  case study of the  Maranao  Language Spoken in the  Philippines.  Journal of Communication and Cultural Trends, 3(2), 01–36. Copyright Information:  This article is open access and is distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Journal QR Article QR  Indexing      A publication of the  Department of Linguistics and Communication University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan The Political Legitimacy of Lanao Sultanate in the 17th Century with Special Reference to the Political Theory of al-Māwardī

Muslim Filipinos: Heritage and Horizon.

Syariah, Adat, and Common Law amongst the Maranaos of Southern Philippines, An Exploratory and Comparative Study

Abdul Razak

Abdul Razak, A. (1991). Syariah, Adat, and Common Law amongst the Maranaos of Southern Philippines, An Exploratory and Comparative Study. Teaching and Research Exchange Fellowships Report No.7. Pasir Panjang, Singapore: Southeast Asian Studies Program.

Arabic Language: Historic and Sociolinguistic Characteristic

I Al-Huri

Al-Huri, I. (2015). Arabic Language: Historic and Sociolinguistic Characteristics. English Literature and Language Review, 1(4), 28-36.

Between Re-traditionalization and Islamic Resurgence. The Influences of the National Question and the Revival of Tradition on Gender Issues among Maranaos in Southern Philippines

B Brecht-Drouart

Brecht-Drouart, B. (2011). Between Re-traditionalization and Islamic Resurgence. The Influences of the National Question and the Revival of Tradition on Gender Issues among Maranaos in Southern Philippines. Ph.D. Thesis, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt Am Main.

The Filipino Nation, The Philippines: Lands and Peoples, A Cultural Geography

E S Casiño

Casiño, E. S. (1982). The Filipino Nation, The Philippines: Lands and Peoples, A Cultural Geography. Edited by Jim Haskins. Philippines: Grolier International, Inc.

The Archaeological Record of Chinese Influences in the Philippines

Fox, B. (1967). The Archaeological Record of Chinese Influences in the Philippines. Philippine Studies 15 (1), pp. 41-62. Beyer Memorial Issue on: The Prehistory of the Philippines.

Who is Copying Who? Similarities of Brunei Bahasa-Malayo Words and Maranao Words: Ethnographic Research Experience

S Hadji Abdul Racman

Hadji Abdul Racman, S. (2021). Who is Copying Who? Similarities of Brunei Bahasa-Malayo Words and Maranao Words: Ethnographic Research Experience. Journal of Communication and Cultural Trends [Unpublished].

Mindanao Ethnography Beyond Nations, Maguindanao, Sangir, and Bagobo Societies in East Maritime Southeast Asia

How do I download VPN server to hide my IP address?

Context: Say I'm banned from reddit (I am) and I want to get back to Reddit, using a new account in private VPN network so the reddit bots won't track me down. How do I do that?



I was suspended from Reddit for a non-existent ban evasion (basically an IP glitch or error). After the ban and the suspension were over, I posted an innocent post and got a ban again for 3 days so I went and uninstall Reddit, used incognito chrome, (So can be cleared) created a disposable email, create a disposable alt account and posted in that very subreddit and none of the account(s) was banned so in the end, DON'T USE THE REDDIT APP. use a browser in incognito mode and clear cookies when you're done. Consider using a Virtual Linux machine (so reddit can’t device track you with browser type) with VPN to enhance security.


hope its helps t.y

substantivo abstrato que começa com L






são alguns dos exemplos desculpe esta não é minha primeira língua feliz em ajudar

Can anyone check my Latin 1 work?

1. Puellea ab pueris spectantur.

I translated to: The girls are watched by the boys.

2. Statua clara ab filiabus amabatur.

I translated to: The famous statue was loved by daughters.

3. Villae magnae ab agricolis bonis aedificabuntur.

I translated to: Large farmhouses will be built by good farmers.

4. Grain will be carried by the slaves into the farmhouse.

I got: Frumentum ab servi portabitur in villa.

5. My country is occupied by the romans.

I got: Patria ab romani occupo.

Can anyone check/correct me??



I think they're correct


I'm Italian and I'm studying Latin in high school.

I've checked your sentences and I think there are no mistakes

Although messages may have a primary and a secondary audience, the writer needs to profile only the primary audience to determine the best presentation of the message. True or false


Although messages may have a primary and a secondary audience, the writer needs to profile only the primary audience to determine the best presentation of the message is True.

What is the primary audience about?

When crafting a message, it is essential to consider the primary audience, as they are the intended recipients of the message and will ultimately determine its success or failure.

While there may be secondary audiences that are also impacted by the message, the writer should prioritize the needs, interests, and expectations of the primary audience in order to tailor the message appropriately.

Therefore,  Understanding the primary audience's demographics, attitudes, and behaviors can help the writer determine the best way to present the message and ensure that it resonates with the intended audience.

Learn more about primary audience from



What considers you fluent in a language?


Answer: Being able to Speak , write , and listen in the language.

The writer wants to avoid expressing the argument of the passage in absolute terms. Which of the following changesshould the writer make in order to achieve this goal? (A) In sentence 1, deleting "with remarkable frequency". (B) In sentence 2, changing "have undoubtedly uncovered the" to "may have uncovered a". (C) In sentence 7, adding "most likely" before "comes". (D) In sentence 9, changing "thanks to" to "due to". (E) In sentence 10, changing "they might have" to "the heart-shaped tail bones may have"


The best option to avoid expressing the argument of the passage in absolute terms is (B) In sentence 2, changing "have undoubtedly uncovered the" to "may have uncovered a".

What is the argument?

In order to avoid expressing the argument of the passage in absolute terms, the writer needs to use language that allows for the possibility of other explanations or uncertainties.

Therefore, This change softens the language and makes the claim less definitive. It acknowledges that while the research has uncovered evidence, there is still some degree of uncertainty or possibility of alternative explanations. The other options may also help to reduce the absolute language in some way, but they are less effective than option (B).

Learn more about argument from



1. Why is the Malagasy language dying out despite being widely spoken?
2. Why is the Dansk language declining?
3. Why is the Estonian language weakening in position?
4. Is there a possibility that the Filipino language is slowly declining?
Someone please give me a brainly answer to every 4 of these questions in 150 words for each answer


One of the main factors is the increasing use of French as the language of education, government, and business.

What is the language  about?

The Malagasy language is the national language of Madagascar and is widely spoken throughout the country. However, it is facing several challenges that are contributing to its decline.Many Malagasy people see French as a symbol of status and success, and as a result, they are abandoning their native language in favor of French. Another factor is the lack of resources and support for Malagasy language education. Many schools do not have enough materials or trained teachers to teach the language effectively.

2. The Dansk language is the national language of Denmark and is spoken by about six million people. Despite its widespread use, the language is declining in several ways. One of the reasons is the increasing use of English in business, education, and entertainment. Many young Danes are learning English at a very young age, and as a result, they are becoming more comfortable speaking and writing in English than in it.

3. The Estonian language is the official language of Estonia and is spoken by about 1.1 million people. However, it is facing several challenges that are weakening its position. One of the main reasons is the increasing influence of Russian, which was the dominant language during the Soviet era. Many older Estonians are more comfortable speaking Russian than Estonian, and as a result, they are passing this preference onto younger generations.

Lastly,  question 4, The Filipino language, also known as Tagalog, is the national language of the Philippines and is spoken by about 45 million people. While it is still widely spoken, there are concerns that it is slowly declining. One reason is the increasing use of English in education and business, which is seen as a symbol of success and upward mobility. Many Filipinos are learning English at a young age, and as a result, they are becoming more comfortable speaking and writing in English than in Filipino. Another reason is the influence of regional dialects and languages, which are becoming more prevalent in everyday speech.

Learn more about language from



the claim that language is generative is the claim that



The claim that language is generative is the claim that... the units of language can be combined and recombined to create vast numbers of new linguistic entities.

please make me brainalist and keep smiling dude I hope you will be satisfied with my answer

matigas ang leeg kahulugan



"Matigas ang leeg" est une expression en filipino qui peut être traduite par "têtu" en français. Cela décrit une personne qui est obstinée, résistante au changement ou à la correction, ou qui refuse d'écouter les conseils ou les opinions des autres.


"Matigas ang leeg" is a Filipino expression that can be translated to "hard-necked" in English. It is used to describe someone who is stubborn, resistant to change or correction, or refuses to listen to others' advice or opinions.

What is the main reason this NRCS code standard document was written?


The main reason why the NRCS code standard document was written is to protect the environment and guarantee future sustainability.

What is the NRCS code?

The NRCS code refers to an official document published by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. This code aims at regulating human practices usually at a company level to protect the environment and guarantee sustainability. In this way, the code establishes rules for important aspects such as waste management, water conservation, soil management, etc.

Learn more about the environment in https://brainly.com/question/30821114


sanatçının, topluma yararlı bir kişi olmak için, eserinde Mutlaka toplum sorunlarına yer vermelidir. cümlesindeki anlatım bozukluğu nedir?



"Sanatçının, topluma yararlı bir kişi olmak için eserinde mutlaka toplum sorunlarına yer vermelidir" şeklinde düzgün bir şekilde yazılmalıdır. Bu cümlede "mutlaka" kelimesi "zorunlu olarak" anlamına gelmektedir ve cümlede yer alan fikrin vurgulanmasını sağlamaktadır. Ayrıca, "yer vermelidir" fiili de "katkıda bulunmalıdır" anlamına gelmektedir.

In a certain language if punctuate is written as qtobutsf then which word can be written as rtfruhpm explain


In a certain language if punctuate is written as qtobutsf then which word can be written as rtfruhpm is


What is the word?

Looking at the two words, we can observe that each letter in "punctuate" is replaced by a different letter in "qtobutsf". This suggests that some sort of letter substitution is taking place.

To find out the exact substitution pattern, we can look at the positions of the letters in the two words. For example, the first letter of "punctuate" is "p", which corresponds to the ninth letter in "qtobutsf". Similarly, the second letter of "punctuate" is "u", which corresponds to the seventh letter in "qtobutsf".

We don't know the substitutions for the letters "r", "f", and "h", but we can use the pattern from "punctuate" to figure them out.

Therefore, the word corresponding to "rtfruhpm" is "craftump".

Learn more about languages on;



Is the Palauan language dying?


Most older Palauans over the age of 75 are PalauanϪJapanese bilinguals, but since 1945 competence in Japanese has diminished rapidly,

general sign for this concept is to flick the chin with an 8-hand middle finger


Flicking your chin with an 8-hand is the sign for light.

Hope this helps!

يتحدث أحمدمع الضيوف فى غرفة



أنا آسف، لست قادرًا على فهم النص العربي الذي كتبته. يرجى إعادة صياغة السؤال باللغة الإنجليزية لأتمكن من الإجابة عليه. شكرًا لك.


ماذا كانت السالفه؟ ‎

For each direct quote you found earlier in the lesson, write a short paragraph

summarizing the part of the source related to the quote. (First write the direct quote on

this page, before adding its summary paragraph. but i need it to seem like its in my own words


The paraphrase of a quote that van be given will be a quote by Luther King. In his book "Strength to Love" published in 1963, civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. wrote about the power of light and love to overcome darkness and hate.

What is the quote about?

According to the quote, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." Strength to Love, 1963. "I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality".

He believed that using darkness to fight darkness, or hate to fight hate, was not effective in driving out these negative forces. Instead, King believed that the only way to truly eliminate darkness and hate was through the use of light and love. He argued that by embracing unarmed truth and unconditional love, we can overcome any obstacle in reality. Thus, King encouraged others to lead with love and to seek the truth, rather than resorting to violence or hatred.

Learn more about quote on



Complete question

Creating Context for Direct Quotes

choose ONE direct quote to paraphrase (write in your own words).

Ano ang tawag sa birtud na nagpapakita ng paggalang sa dignidad ng kapwa A.katapatan B.katarungan C.kapayapaan D.kahinahunan





Gomez, a member, is the CFO at Pandera Industries and he directly supervises the work of Gonzalez, the controller. Gonzalez has been working with Gomez for eight years and has always produced outstanding deliverables. The CEO has given Gomez a major project and Gomez has been working almost nonstop on the project for the last three months. In that time, Gomez has not had any ability to review the financial statements prepared by Gonzalez and has just given them straight to management and the Board of Directors. Which of the following threats to compliance is illustrated by this situation? A) Friendship threat B) Familiarity threat C) Self-review threat D) Self-interest threat


The threat to compliance illustrated by this situation is C) Self-review threat.

What is the compliance threat about?

To maintain compliance with ethical and professional standards, it is important to ensure that financial statements are accurate and reliable. This requires appropriate review and oversight of the financial reporting process.

Therefore, This occurs when an individual is responsible for evaluating their own work or the work of someone with whom they have a close relationship. In this case, Gomez has not reviewed the financial statements prepared by Gonzalez, who he directly supervises, due to his workload on a major project. This lack of review creates a self-review threat, which could result in errors or omissions going unnoticed and potentially causing compliance issues.

Read more about compliance threat here:



Which city is the Capital of District Nuwakot Nepal?


Answer: The capital of Nuwakot district in Nepal is Bidur.


Nuwakot is a district in the central region of Nepal. Its administrative center is located in the town of Bidur, which serves as the district headquarters and the capital of Nuwakot district.

Bidur is located about 35 kilometers north of Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal. It is situated at an altitude of 730 meters above sea level and is surrounded by hills on three sides.

As the district capital, Bidur serves as the center for administrative, economic, and social activities in Nuwakot district. It is home to government offices, banks, schools, hospitals, and other important institutions that serve the needs of the local population.


The capital of Nuwakot district in Nepal is Bidur.


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She evaluates four different laptops and rates their performance on each criterion on a scale from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). Which laptop should Electra purchase? Dimension Importance Sir Face Toybook Air Knockoff High Priced Weight 3 4 4 3 5 Speed 5 4 5 4. 5 Cost 1 2 2 5 1 Touchscreen 3 5 2 3 3 O Knockoff Sir Face O High Priced Toybook Air Q-15) Ahmadi, Inc. has been manufacturing small automobiles that have averaged 50 miles per gallon of gasoline in highway driving. The company has developed a more efficient engine for its small cars and now advertises that its new small cars average more than 50 miles per gallon in highway driving. An independent testing service road-tested 64 of the automobiles. The sample showed an average of 51.5 miles per gallon with a standard deviation of 4 miles per gallon.a.Formulate the hypotheses to determine whether or not the manufacturer's advertising campaign is legitimate.b.Compute the test statistic.c.What is the p-value associated with the sample results and what is your conclusion? Let a = .05. which ot the following is considered a money market instrument / asset treasury notes commercial paper municipal bonds corporate bonds Graph the system of equations {y=12x+4y=12x2 which of the following may cause a decrease in sras?a decrease in consumer incomean increase in resource prices Nurses working with patients who have chronic noncommunicable disease (NCDs) assess them based on specific risk factors. The four common modifiable risk factors that account for much of the NCDs in the United States are:Poor nutrition, low physical activity, medication adherence, and tobacco use.Poor nutrition, low physical activity, tobacco use and alcohol use.Low physical activity, tobacco use, illicit drug use, and poor nutrition.Age, tobacco use, poor nutrition and low physical activity. When Dana found out her proposal was rejected, she stormed into her boss's office and yelled at him. Dana was experiencing emotionala. filtering. b. hijacking. c. blackmail.d. noise. e. intelligence. *Which statement would originate from an individual who has adopted a strongly positive view on the merits of narrow socialization?a. I think adolescents should conform to our culture's norms.b. Morality is a stage-related theory of development.c. I think adolescents should be individuals.d. Cultures set a range of opportunities for development At___engine speeds, and when engine load is high enough, the secondary intake ducts areopened by butterfly valves, reducing restriction and increasing airflow and torque. Explain your opinion regarding how prepared Americans should be for a possible emergency in the future. Give specific information to back up your ideas. Include specific examples of steps we should take to be prepared. What did we learn from COVID 19 that will be helpful when preparing for future emergencies? how long after using boric acid can you have intercourse at a checkout counter customers arrive at an average of 1.5 per minute. find the probabilities that (a) at most 4 will arrive in any given minute. (b) at least 3 will arrive during an interval of 2 minutes. Question 10 (2 points)(06. 06 MC)Read the dialogue and the question. Then, choose the correct option to complete the dialoguePedro. Hola! La semana prxima tengo una case sobre biodiversidad en mi dudad. Marta: Hola! Es bueno te preparar. Necesitas ayuda?Pedro. Sicconmigo, por favorMarta St. Leeremos y visitaremos la biblioteca maana,Based on the dialogue, what will Pedro most likely as (2 points)Ajudars comeBuscars orosTomaras aguaViajares a una serie grande describe what happens when two dna fragments with complementary sticky ends join, and speculate how the activity of dna ligase ensures that the join is permanent. What is the distal condyle of the humerus that articulates with the ulna? A large part of the Communication and Information career cluster probably didnt exist 100 years agowhich part in particular and why? Why might this aspect of the career cluster be one of the most important today?(THIS IS CRITICAL THINKING!!!) A survey found that 34% of the students spend time with your family eating dinner. Oh the 500 student surveyed, about how many spend time with their family eating dinner? The residual interest in a corporation belongs toA. the common stockholders.B. the preferred stockholders.C. the Board of Directors.D. Management. a triangle has integer side lengths of 3,6, and x. for how many values of x will the triangle be acute?