What type of figure of speech are each of these?

"Even become his own rain cloud and somehow has stormed on him flooding him in sweat and swelter and his skin got a dull gleam to it, like it's glowing"

"Like trying to hide thunder under thankful"

"Like trying to mute the blues trumpet

"And it's more like he's swallowed the sun and it's burning bright"


Answer 1
The fourth awnswer. Simple as that

Related Questions

José had looked forward to his first day of high school for as long as he could remember. Not only would he get to experience interesting classes and a stimulating social life, but he would also be able to enlist in the Student Activities Coordination Committee, which his older sister had been raving about for years.
On the first day of day of school, José spied a banner for the Student Activities Coordination Club and rushed over to investigate. He found a sign-up sheet for the group and scrawled his name on the list, pondering which activities he wished to plan.
At the committee’s annual inaugural meeting, the president and committee officers introduced themselves and detailed their plans for many of the committee’s regular activities. Then the president announced that she wanted to create a new activity this year, something to get the group more involved with volunteering and with the community. José inquisitively listened to the president’s request.
The president asked the members to think of a few ideas to tell at another meeting later in the week. José departed from the meeting pondering how his group could positively affect the community. José and his family had volunteered many times in the past. His parents had always instilled in him the idea that volunteering is invaluable because it makes the community a better place.
José tried to draw on his volunteering experiences to help him think of an activity for the committee. José reminisced about the time he doled out piping hot meals at a soup kitchen. He contemplated the time he and his dad had planted lush, green trees in the park. Suddenly, José recalled another volunteering experience. A number of years ago, he and his family had volunteered at the Bristol County Animal Shelter. While volunteering there, José had prepared food, washed animals, and cleaned the cages. He remembered that it was one of his favorite volunteering experiences.
José realized that the shelter had meager operating funds and that it relied on the generosity of the public to survive. This gave José a wonderful idea. He decided to suggest that the committee commence a walk-a-thon to raise money for the animal shelter!
At the committee meeting, members presented their ideas to the group. José wasn’t certain that his idea would be chosen because there were so many worthy causes mentioned by other students. When José had his chance to speak, he relayed his experiences volunteering at the shelter and gave a brief overview of his idea for the walk-a-thon; everyone adored his idea.
Upon hearing the news of the committee’s plans, the animal shelter workers were overjoyed. They asked if they could attend the event with some of the animals from the shelter. Over the next weeks and months, José led a team of his peers in planning and developing the plans for the walk-a-thon. They designed posters to advertise their cause and displayed them in local establishments all over town. They enlisted the help of their fellow students, friends, and family to find volunteers to walk and sponsors to donate money. They even solicited food and beverage donations so that all participants would have refreshments to enjoy.
On the day of the event, hundreds of people—and a few animals—arrived at the school’s track field to complete the walk. The turnout alone almost took José’s breath away, not to mention the enormous sum of money raised for the animal shelter; the event was a huge success. At the end of day, José gazed at the scene before him and smiled with pleasure, wondering if anything to come during the rest of his high school career could possibly provide him with a more valuable experience.
Upon hearing the news of the committee’s plans, the animal shelter workers were overjoyed, and they asked if they could attend the event with some of the animals from the shelter. Over the next weeks and months, José led a team of his peers in planning and developing the plans for the walk-a-thon. They designed posters to advertise their cause and displayed them in local establishments all over town. They enlisted the help of their fellow students, friends, and family to find volunteers to walk and sponsors to donate money. They even solicited food and beverage donations so that all participants would have refreshments to enjoy.
1) Read this paragraph from the draft. Which would be the appropriate ending for this paragraph?
A) José was excited that the workers were attending the event, and he hoped to see some of his friends from the shelter.
B) The plans for the walk were coming together, and José and the other committee members waited with anticipation.
C) Some of the committee members put together a radio ad about the walk and played it on local stations.
D) The committee decided to have some food and drinks available at the walk for the participants.





i believe after analyzing the story that this is the outcome

Please Help ASAP like right now god bless


1. Both

2. both

3. Poetry

4. both

The first one is both
The second one is both
The third one is poetry
The fourth one is both

Informational Writing on Why should we feed wild bird with limit.


Note on writing informational writing:


You need to hook your readers’ attention by: Starting off with an interesting fact. Or by using anecdotal stories from one of the articles.

Introduce the main ideas you will be discussing in the body of your essay.

Explain the purpose of your writing. Useful sentence starters:

       The purpose of this essay is to explain…

       In this essay, I aim to inform ...

      This essay aims to explain…


Have you ever wanted to feed the Wild birds that sometimes visit your backyard? There are many things you should know before feeding wild birds. Firstly make sure that they are fed correctly. Secondly, make sure that the Birds have access to drinkable water. Thirdly, give special attention to improve Wild Birds habitats that are in your backyard. Lastly, Wilds Birds can become dependent on the handouts so you must have a limit on feeding them. The Purpose of this essay is to explain what you should know before feeding wild birds.

It is critical to pay attention to the nutritional content of the food that is fed to wild birds. Referring to the Author of “Stop Feeding Wild Birds” Humans usually feed birds food that is low in protein. Foods such as Bread, Crackers, and popcorn are low protein foods.  According to the evidence, I can infer that if we don’t pay attention to the food we give to wild birds, they may end up getting diseases and could potentially. Some of these illnesses may even end up in death or extinction which affect the wild birds population.

Next, attention needs to be given to the improvement of the habitats of wild birds in your backyard.The Author of “For the Birds” states that you may wish to improve the habitat in your yard so that more birds visit your property. You can attract birds by placing bird feeders, nest boxes and birdbaths in your backyard and by planting a variety of trees, shrubs, and flowers. As a result, these can provide good nesting sites,winter shelter, places to hide from predators, and natural food supplies that are available year-round. Therefore more birds would like to visit your property.

Also, Wild Birds can become dependent on handouts. The Author of “Stop Feeding Wild Birds” states that Wild Birds can become dependent on the handouts and when this happens their behaviors change. As a result Many become aggressive as they struggle to compete for their share and lose their wariness of humans and eventually their wildness.

In conclusion, Don't worry if you must stop feeding briefly while traveling, for example. In all but the most severe weather conditions, wild birds will find other food in your absence, particularly in suburban areas where other bird feeders are just a short flight away. However, leaving your feeders up year-round with proper care is not a problem as long as you keep things in mind: If bears live near you, you should not keep feeders up during the warmer months.

~Learn with lenvy~

Because they get used to it and if they don't get that same amount again they could die.

Which of the following would be a transition to be inserted at the beginning of the last paragraph?
A) In 1908, the paper drinking cup replaced the community drinking cup.
B) Although glassware became more affordable once it was machine-made,
C) However, People in the 1600s preferred drinking from shared bowls over drinking from leather cups.
D) People in Italy were more prosperous than people in other parts of the world.



Number one would be A.

Number two would be C

Number three would mostly likely be B since the author does go into detail on how Americans make their cups until they were able to manufacture glass cups instead.

I think more of D for number 4

Though for number 5 A.

In 1908, the paper drinking cup replaced the community drinking cup of the following would be a transition to be inserted at the beginning of the last paragraph. The correct option is A.

What is the last paragraph?

Similar to how your body paragraphs' final phrases properly wrap up each one, your conclusion paragraph should logically complete your essay. After restating your thesis in the closing paragraph, widen the discussion once more to a general subject. Lastly, make a remark to close.

The final paragraph of the essay is the conclusion. The thesis statement is restated in this concluding paragraph, which also serves to remind the reader of the essay's main points.

"In conclusion," would be a suitable transition to be inserted at the beginning of the last paragraph, as it indicates that the writer is about to summarize their main points and wrap up their argument.

Thus, the ideal selection is option A.

Learn more about the last paragraph here:



Fill the gaps with the correct preposition


Answer: out, up, to, on, with, for, ?, to, to

(Sorry about number 7)

1. Out
4. On

An alligator lying in muddy water.
Pick the sentence that uses both vivid verbs and specific nouns to describe the scene.

We saw it basking in the sun.
The alligator blended into the swamp.
The alligator was by the water.
The animal was by the water on a sunny day.



Number 2 or "The alligator blended into the swamp."



Answer: The alligator blended into the swamp.


Make a claim about your topic. Write about evidence. Address counterclaims and respond to them. Conclude your blog post by offering solutions to a problem your blog entry suggests. (about high gas prices)



well it really depends on how you feel about gas prices. in my opinion, high gas prices are too over the top and too expensive to pay for. first off, it could be difficult for some people to pay for gas, when they are struggling with money.
the best thing to do is lower the gas prices so people can actually afford food and pay their bills. if they don't lower the gas prices, consider taking a bus, walking, getting a side job, or maybe even owning an electric car.


im so sorry if this doesnt help, but i wasnt sure on what to write because it doesnt give enough information.  

(Keep in mind that you can use a claim in many ways, in this case I assume it’s argumentatively so this is a loose sample! I hope it helps. You could use it as foundation for whatever you’re writing.)

Claim: High gas prices are inefficient and have a negative impact

Brief evidence topics:
- Less money to spend on other goods and services
- Inflation
- Potential recession
- Just generally being inconvenient for most of the working class

Counterclaim: High gas prices are good for the economy
** you already strengthened your first claim with all of the evidence above. Do not make this second claim stronger than the first, just refute your point

“However, despite the inconvenience of high gas prices, there are budget friendly solutions…”
- Switching to bicycles or electric vehicles

I wish I could give you a more specific and thorough answer. I hope this helps in getting some ideas formulating at least :)

Which sentence contains a pronoun with an unclear, a missing, or a confusing antecedent?

They say that doing homework leads to his success in school.

I use online references because I can always find what I need online.

This encyclopedia says that English has words from many different languages.

On the front page of the newspaper was a picture of my mom and me!



B. online references


Answer is: "They say that doing homework leads to his success in school"


took k12 test

Read the following poem and then answer the question.

I once caught a lightning bug
It was oh so bright
And with my fingers I gave it a hug
And it turned off its light

What is the rhyme scheme of this poem?






it's abab trust me I promise you

Read the following poem and then answer the question.

I once caught a lightning bug -----  A

It was oh so bright  -----  B

And with my fingers I gave it a hug  ---- A

And it turned off its light   ---  B

(Both of the lines marked 'A' rhyme with each other, and both of the lines marked 'B' rhyme with each other)

What is the rhyme scheme of this poem?




Both of the lines marked 'A' rhyme with each other, and both of the lines marked 'B' rhyme with each other. Therefore, the only correct answer must be option C: ABAB.

Hope this helps! Please let me know if you need more help, or if you think my answer is incorrect. Brainliest would be MUCH appreciated. Have a great day!

Stay Brainy!


Grave of the Fireflies Movie Reflection

Instructions: You will write two paragraphs based on the film. The first paragraph you will write a summary of the film such as the main characters, the setting, and the plot.

The second paragraph you will write what you liked and disliked about the movie. What emotions were going through your mind as you watched the film? What lesson or message did the movie portray? Did the movie change any perspective you see in life?

PLEASE HELP! first to answer will receive brainliest.


Here you go bro
The effects on families
During WWII an estimated 200,000 or more Japanese people were killed and a lot were left homeless. Due to this, as well as the firebombing of Tokyo and fathers being in the military, many families were torn apart and separated from each other. In the movie, Seita and Setsuko’s father was in the military and they were separated from their mother after she died due to the firebombings. All families were under a lot of stress. They had to look after each other and only got small, indecent rations of food to share around. Some families looked after the children of other lost family members and some just took in abandoned children who had lost both parents. Because Seita and Setsuko lost both of their parents they went to their aunt’s house so she could care for them. In WWII women and children had to help in the war effort. Children had to do various tasks around their community during this time. They manufactured things for the soldiers such as uniforms, weapons and other various goods. Children also pulled down houses to create firebreaks and rebuilt other houses inside that area. Younger children might have done small errands for the soldiers to get more food for their families. Seita and Setsuko didn’t go out to work and their aunt accused them of not earning their food. Their aunt had the rest of her family to look after as well and because they went out to work she thought it was only fair that they get more food.

Question and answers in picture.. Please help.



I thank C  


I hope this helps you if not please let me now

Answer: A. It shows that being hopeful is important



In a paragraph of 75 to 100 words, explain why you identified "The Duck and the Kangaroo" as narrative, lyric, or descriptive. Use specific details and describe elements from the poem to support your answer. I PICKED NARRATIVE /content-delivery//resource/07f5cab5-bea6-4d2c-84c3-d0b8b5072d6b HERE IS THE POEM "The Duck and the Kangaroo"



Hi! Lmk if u need anything but heres why its a narrative!!


"The Duck and Kangaroo" is a narrative poem because it tells a story.

Ask me questions if u need anything pls


"The Duck and the Kangaroo" contains many of the narrative elements that are usually found in fictional works. They include characters, dialogue, and plot structure. The poem has two main characters—the Duck and the Kangaroo. The poet also uses pieces of dialogue such as "I wish I could hop like you" and "Please give me a ride on your back" to develop the poem. Plot elements, such as conflict, are also found in the poem. This stanza from the poem reflects conflict between the Duck and the Kangaroo:

Said the Kangaroo to the Duck,

"This requires some little reflection.

Perhaps, on the whole, it might bring me luck;

And there seems but one objection;

Which is, if you'll let me speak so bold,

Your feet are unpleasantly wet and cold,

And would probably give me the roo-

Matiz," said the Kangaroo.



I need help with an argumentative essay on whether college should be free for students who keep their grades up. the essay needs at least 405 words best answer gets brainliest


I believe that college should be free for good students. They actually care and are there to learn.


here's a thesis: I believe that college should be free for kids who maintain good grades. I believe this because the average private college tuition is $38,070 (collegedata) and students who maintain grades of Bs or higher deserve waived fees as they are getting more use out of materials than kids with lower grades (continue essay here)

The sleepy hungry infant cried out for his mother's attention.
What is the best way to rewrite this sentence?
A. The sleepy hungry, infant cried out for his mother's attention.
B. The sleepy, hungry infant cried out for his mother's attention.
C. The sleepy, hungry, infant cried out for his mother's attention.
D. The sleepy hungry, infant, cried out for his mother's attention.



B. The sleepy, hungry infant cried out for his mother's attention. 


A comma goes between "sleepy" and "hungry" because they are two adjectives being listed. No comma goes between "hungry" and "infant" because it is describing the noun.

Hope this helps!

Your answer should be b

Can Some One pls help whoever anwsers first ill give Brainliest pls & thx u


The answer will be b
The answer is C. I believe.

What have you learned about history from a movie, play, novel, or story? Check all that apply to you personally.

what clothes people wore
how people in the past spoke
the traditions of different times and cultures
the roles of men and women
what people did for work or fun
what people of the time thought


all but the last answer


what foods they ate

what clothes they wore

what games they played

what jobs they had

what gods they worshipped

Explanation: I paid attention :)


Read the fable The Fox and the Stork by Aesop to complete the activity.

At one time the Fox and the Stork were on visiting terms and seemed very good friends. So the Fox invited the Stork to dinner, and for a joke put nothing before her but some soup in a very shallow dish. This the Fox could easily lap up, but the Stork could only wet the end of her long bill in it and left the meal as hungry as when she began. "I am sorry," said the Fox, "the soup is not to your liking." "Pray do not apologize," said the Stork. "I hope you will return this visit and come and dine with me soon." So a day was appointed when the Fox should visit the Stork; but when they were seated at table all that was for their dinner was contained in a very long-necked jar with a narrow mouth, in which the Fox could not insert his snout, so all he could manage to do was to lick the outside of the jar.

Write a paragraph identifying and explaining the theme present in this passage and how it relates to any universal themes. (4 points)



Do not play tricks on your neighbors unless you can stand the same treatment yourself. If you can stand tricks being played on you then go right ahead and play tricks on your neighbors. If not then I would just keep a mutal friendship with them. I would not want tricks played on me if they are very big and bad tricks but if they are small and not to messy then i would like it but otherwise no.

The theme of The Fox and the Stork by Aesop is not to play tricks on our neighbors unless we can stand the same treatment ourselves. If we can stand tricks being played on us then go right ahead and play tricks on our neighbors.

What is The Fox and the Stork?

The Fox and the Stork is one of Aesop's fables and is first recorded in the collection of Phaedrus. It is numbered 426 in the Perry Index.

A fox invites a stork to eat with him and provides soup in a bowl, which the fox can lap up easily; however, the stork cannot drink it with its beak. The stork then invites the fox to a meal, which is served in a narrow-necked vessel. It is easy for the stork to access but impossible for the fox.

The moral is that the trickster must expect trickery in return and that the golden rule of conduct is for one to do to others what one would wish for oneself.

Learn more about Fox, here:



how to tell if a poem is a descriptive poem



Descriptive poems will provide extra or great details to the reader so they feel strong emotions.

Please help me!

In three to five sentences, describe the role of women in movements to improve social and economic conditions, and explain the successes they had.



In the 1800s, it was believed women were good at working on projects to improve the community because women were better leaders than men. women were better planners than men. women were more emotional than men. Women have tended to be the ones running movement offices, typing reports, making flyers, walking neighborhoods with the flyers, staffing phone trees, taking minutes at late-night strategy sessions.


Hope this helps mark brainliest please!! :)


they were smart and useful for things like reports and statistics


mark him brainliest

If you wrote a summary of the paragraph below, which idea would NOT be part of the summary?

1. how to treat a cold at home—without antibiotics
2. what patients can do to make antibiotics work better
3. the effects of misusing antibiotics
4. ways that antibiotics are misused



the effects of using antibiotics


Answer: how to treat a cold at home—without antibiotics


write one paragraph (75 to 125 words in length) that describes how your understanding of Egyptian history has changed.


For over 3,000 years, from around 3100 B.C. to 30 B.C., Ancient Egypt in North Africa was one of the most powerful and influential civilizations in the region. It left behind a plethora of monuments, documents, and works of art that are still being studied by scholars today. Ancient Egypt was closely connected with other parts of the world, bringing in and exporting goods, religions, food, people and ideas. At times ancient Egypt ruled territory outside the modern-day country's border, controlling territory in what is now Sudan, Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria, Israel and Palestine. While Egypt's rulers, language, writing, climate, religion, and borders have all changed over the millennia, the country still exists today. Ancient Egypt maintained close ties with the rest of the world, importing and exporting goods, religions, food, people, and ideas.

1. Something that can be verified as true is _____. A. connotation B. an opinion C. a -fact D.a denotation


The answer would indeed be fact


Which revised research question best responds to the information found in the source

Original research:question: are student busy schedules creating to much stress

Finding in source: according to out minds on media, getting bored can encourage creativity and reduce stress


The answer is C , Students spend more time




it is

Which sentence contains an infinitive phrase to introduce the topic of the sentence?

O Working carefully, Sheila frosted the cake and decorated it with flower petals.

O Although they came to the performance early, all the tickets were sold out.

O To enter the contest, students had to write an essay telling of their hopes for the future.

OHe probably saw his error after totaling the numbers, and then began to add them again.​





I think but please correct me I'm I'm wrong

Answer:O Aunque llegaron temprano a la función, todas las entradas estaban agotadas.


avoids interpretation or judgment
includes the main ideas of original texts
uses subjective voice
includes an introductory statement
provides interpretation or judgment
I need to sort these whether they should be in a summary or not
Please I will give BRAINLEST and 50 points



#1) “avoids interpretation or judgment”. #2) “includes an introductory statement” is the correct option since an informative text should provide facts, dates, and statistics of a given topic, and also the summary of this type of text should include an introductory statement of the topic discussed. #3) it “includes the main ideas of original texts”, this should not be included in the summary of an informational text as we are referring to a summary and not to the development of main ideas from other texts.   An informational text should not include a subjective voice or provide a point of view on what is being informed. Also, no personal opinions should be allowed. #4) “provides interpretation or judgment”. #5) “uses subjective voice” is not part of an informational text.


1.) avoids interpretation or judgment.

2.) includes an introductory statement; this is the correct option since an informative text should provide facts, dates, and statistics on a given topic, and also the summary of this type of text should include an introductory statement of the topic discussed.

3.) it includes the main ideas of original texts; this should not be included in the summary of an informational text as we are referring to a summary and not to the development of main ideas from other texts. An informational text should not include a subjective voice or provide a point of view on what is being informed. Also, no personal opinions should be allowed.

4.) provides interpretation or judgment.

5.) uses subjective voice; is not part of an informational text.


Have a great rest of your day

Helpppp me
Match the correct words



A. knights

B. feature

C. circumstances

D. admire

E. distinctive

F. literacy





pls mark brainlist it would really help

hurry and correct= brainlieast

Page 1: Page 2:

George Washington had been impatient since his departure from Philadelphia in early September. When he left the stricken city, he had put Secretary of War Henry Knox in charge of the government, giving the former general clear instructions to report to him weekly concerning the spread of yellow fever.

—An American Plague,

Jim Murphy

What two benefits does the fictional account of events provide that the nonfiction does not?

characters readers can connect with

George Washington’s feelings about the event

details of what it was like to experience the event

Mr. Carris’s thoughts on Secretary of War Henry Knox

a biography of George Washington



The Author wanted to illustrate how scary the yell was


The answers are George Washington’s feelings about the event and details of what it was like to experience the event

Nonfiction is a style of writing in which every line is factual and researched.  Textbooks are nonfiction, as they write about real events and people and information that has been gathered and fact-checked over periods of time.

Historical fiction, which this passage could be classified as, is a style of writing where the setting takes place during a time in history and the plot relates to past events, however the characters are not real, historical figures.

An American Plague by Jim Murphy is a nonfiction novel. The two accounts in the passage provided in the question allows a deeper insight into the reality of the events that took place. In the passage:

George Washington's impatience and anxiety about the fever is discusses, letting you know how he felt at the timeHis emotions give some extra details about how it felt experiencing the event

The passage does not:

give readers characters they can connect with since they are real historic figures, not charactersgive Mr. Carris’s thoughts on Secretary of War Henry Knox, as this passage is about Washington's stress at the timetell a biography of George Washington, but instead an account about the spread of yellow fever

Finleyville has grown a lot in recent years, and there are fewer open spaces to share between more people. The only place for children to play outside at the moment is at the school playground. There is a large forest in the center of town that is protected by law. What is the best solution for the people of Finleyville?

a: Petition the government to add nature paths through Finley Forest.
b: Tear down one of the buildings to build a park.
c: Build houses with larger backyards.
d: Make the school playground bigger.
THANKS!!! your the best!



A Petition the government to add nature paths through Finley Forest


There is already a protected area of nature that people can use with a little improvement.

A would be the correct response!

First of all, dogs are affectionate and fun companions. They will cuddle up to their owners to be petted. These loving animals are always ready for a hug or pat on the head. If they get the chance, some will even give their human friends a sloppy, wet kiss! Most dogs are playful, too. They love to chase sticks and fetch balls. According to the Humane Society, thirty nine percent of U.S. households own at least one dog. So it is no secret that dogs provide hours of enthusiastic entertainment and companionship.
Secondly, many dogs are protective of their owners. In addition to cuddling and fetching, dog lovers appreciate the protective nature of many canines. Many dogs bark to alert owners when someone comes to their home. A dog owner often feels safer just knowing he has a loyal dog willing to protect its family or alert them of danger. If barking becomes a problem, most dogs can be trained to limit annoying yapping.
Lastly, one of the best features of dogs is that they are great exercise partners. Dogs love to go on walks. Responsible pet owners understand that dogs need plenty of exercise. Daily walks can keep dogs happy and healthy. Of course, dog lovers benefit from this fitness plan, too. Having an energetic partner is great motivation to get off the couch and get moving.
1) Which conclusion is BEST supported by the information in the text?
A) Simply stated, dogs are ideal pets. They are loving, fun, protective, and energetic companions. A pet is a big responsibility, but worth it.
B) Dogs are difficult to care for. They can be costly, loud, and unruly. The best option for a pet is a quiet cat or a small hamster.
C) Dogs make people feel safe by barking at intruders. They can also help owners find their homes if they get lost on walks.
D) If they get the chance, some will even give their human friends a sloppy, wet kiss! Most dogs are playful, too.



I believe it is A


Answer: The best conclusion that is supported by the information in the Text would be A

the author uses the phrases "Tonal quality" in paragraph 5. review the context surrounding the phrase. Then explain the meaning of this technica term in your own words.



um sir may u provide a pic for a better answer


Thank u

Other Questions
Here are the endpoints of the segments BC, FG, and JK.B, 67 The temperature in Toronto was 14 F. The temperature that same night fell to -5 F. What was the difference in temperatures?A.) 9 degrees B.) 11 degreesC.) 19 degreesD.) 21 degrees Ser and estar need help A decrease in the demand for loanable funds would most likely be caused by a(n): Write one sentence about something that you are going to do using the verb IR and a verb infinitive. Keeping blood in the different chambers of the heart from mixing is a function what structure?. Find the circumference and the area of a circle with radius 4 ft What is meant by wildlife? How is wildlife important for us? What year did the founder of Islam was born And who was he If someone lives in a rocky terrain, growing crops such as wheat and corn would be a challenge. It would be necessary to cultivate crops that can thrive in that type of region, such as grapes and olives. Therefore, those foods would become a staple of that person's diet, and be found in most recipes.What is this passage an example of?how one's religion is formed based on living conditionshow one finds transportation based on where they livehow one's culture is often determined by where they live on Earthhow one's political beliefs can be shaped by where they live Use the points of the cell theory to say why humans and bacteria are similar. Which discipline focuses on the design of computer hardware?information technologycomputer engineeringinformation systemscomputer science What is the term for either the number of times per second that a wave vibrates or the number of matching points that pass a location during one second? O A. Frequency B. Period O C. Wavelength D. Amplitude If a reaction is second-order with respect to a particular reactant, when the concentration of that reactant is increased by a factor of 4, the reaction rate will _____ Solve 12x + 6 > 9x+ 12.O A. x26O B. X22x2O c. xs 2O D. x56 Evaluate the extent to which the strategies of the African American Civil Rights movement changed in the period from 1945 to 1980. To minimize the risk of an accident, what should you do if your group plans to consume alcohol?. Make a title about the short paragraph and write a statement that is your own opinion about the paragraph Translate this please Can someone not just tell me the answer but how to do it pls!!!