What usually occurs during the conclusion of a story?
A. The tension of the plot reaches its highest point.
B. The action of the story reaches its turning point.
C. The reader understands the characters' motivation.
D. The reader finds out what happened to characters.


Answer 1


C. The reader understands the characters' motivation.  


Think about most works of fiction or other genre of literature and this theme seems to hold true that conclusion provide a way to understand why characters acted the way they did, it provides a way to complete the process of developing the character's true motivation (in a way that reader understands it)

Related Questions

help me plsss, sherlock holmes and the sport of kings ​



im sorry buddy but if you dont get it then you will have to re read that extract from the book sorry


which one is it please help me out


The construction would be or because it is joining the different reactions based on the action in the movie




For Sicily, Odysseus lands on an island and took a couple of his men, and very strong wine given to him by other kings from other lands, and went to explore and search for food when they stumbled upon a cave. Outside the cave there were rams and goats and when they walked into the cave there was milk, cheese, and bread scattered all over. The ate and drank until they heard someone coming back to the cave. They hid in a corner and watching as a giant Cyclops came in with his rams and sheep, and closed the cave door. The cyclops lit a huge fire not noticing Odysseus and his men, but after a while he did. he laughed and kept them there for nights eating a couple men every night. Eventually when there was only a couple men left, Odysseus remember the wine. For nights he forged a hot wooden stake and the last night left a bowl of wine out and told the giant it was an offering. The giant drank it with pleasure and asked Odysseus what his name was, and with that Odysseus cleverly said "Nobody, My name is Nobody."  He then dunked the stake into the fire and threw it in the giant's one eye. The giant screamed and when his brothers heard they asked who was hurting him, and he screamed, "Nobody! Nobody is hurting me! My brothers help!" With that they left, thinking he was fine. the next morning the giant lifted the heavy door to let his sheep out, and Odysseus and his men rode under the rams and sheep for freedom at last. As they got to the ships the giant realized what they did, and Odysseus called out, "If anyone asked who blinded you, say it was The Great Odysseus!"


The book is called the wanderings of Odysseus. This is not straight from the book but yet a summary of that chapter. Hope it helps. I'm pretty sure 6 men plus Odysseus were all that were left of those who left the ship.



Land of the Cicones who fought with the Trojans. They raid it for supplies but are driven off and lose 6 men per ship (72 total)

Lotus Eaters-

After Ismarus, they end up on the Island of the Lotus Eaters where he has to drag his men away after they ate the enchanted food

Sicily (Cyclops)-

They also encounter the Cyclops (Polyphemus) who traps them in his cave and eats 6 more of Odysseus' men.Odysseus blinds Polyphemus and pretends to be Nobody while his men sneak out covered in sheep woolPolyphemus calls on Poseidon to curse Odysseus and make sure he never returns home

Aeolis (Wind God)-

Aeolis gives Odysseus a bag of wind but tells him to use it carefully

Laestrygonia (Cannibals)-

When they land here, the Laestrygonians capture and kill all the ships except for the one Odysseus is on.

Aeaea (Circe)-

The men open Odysseus' bag of wind from Aeolis and it sends them to CirceCirce turns some of Odysseus' men into pigs while she and Odysseus are a thing (have sex) for about a yearShe returns his men to normal and and sends him into the underworld

Land of the Dead-

Odysseus sees his mother and meets Teiresias Teiresias tells him that he will make it home but none of his men will

Aeaea (Circe pt. 2)-

Circe warns them of the Sirens, Scylla, and Charybdis


Odysseus wants to hear the Sirens so he makes his men all plug their ears and tie him to the mast of the shipThey make it through unscathed

Charybdis and Scylla-

They must go past bothCirce tells him that Charybdis could take them all down whereas Scylla will only take  few of his men Odysseus decides to stick near Scylla's cliffs and loses 6 more men

Use working as a noun in a sentence



Work as a countable noun

She bought me the complete works of Shakespeare for my birthday. Several works of art were stolen from the town museum yesterday. The statue is a beautiful new work by the Swedish sculptor Lars Ahlander.

The statue is a beautiful new “work” by the Swedish sculptor Lars Ahlander.

During the first year of imprisonment, the lawyer, as far as it was possible to judge from his short notes, suffered terribly from loneliness and boredom. From his wing day and night came the sound of the piano. He rejected wine and tobacco. “Wine,” he wrote, “excites desires, and desires are the chief foes of a prisoner; besides, nothing is more boring than to drink good wine alone,” and tobacco spoils the air in his room.

Which type of conflict occurs in the excerpt above?






In this excerpt, the type of conflict being demonstrated would be an internal conflict. The lawyer is feeling lonely, bored, and ultimately depressed. All of this is happening internally in his head. Due to his sadness, he decides to reject wine and tobacco and creates excuses as to why he decided this. All of which is a conflict with himself and no-other physical individual, therefore, making it an internal struggle/conflict.

Which section most clearly indicates the main purpose of the constitution's authors?



Provide for the common defence

Read the passage from "The Tell-Tale Heart.”

I think it was his eye! yes, it was this! He had the eye of a vulture–a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees–very gradually–I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever. Now this is the point. You fancy me mad. Madmen know nothing. But you should have seen me. You should have seen how wisely I proceeded—with what caution—with what foresight—with what dissimulation I went to work! I was never kinder to the old man than during the whole week before I killed him.

How is suspense created for the reader in this passage?

The reader wonders where the old man lives.
The reader is waiting to find out details of the murder.
The reader envisions a vulture with pale blue eyes.
The reader does not know why the old man is killed.


The suspense created for the reader in the passage is D. The reader does not know why the old man is killed.

What is a suspense?

Suspense is known to be a state of feeling uncertain about what may happen.

Hence, we can see that from the passage "The Tell-Tale Heart”, the reader does not know why the old man is killed and so leaves a feeling of suspense to build up.

Read more about suspense here:




its d


right on edge, have a good day :)

Dr. Dowell says that we need to be prepared for a pandemic. He thinks every nation should have an emergency plan. More medications like Tamiflu should be available. He thinks rich countries like the U.S. should help poor countries pay for medicine and health care. Why does the author most likely include this information at the end of the text instead of at the beginning


Answer: because it draws a conclusion based on the evidence presented throughout the text


The reason for the author including this information at the end of the text instead of at the beginning is because it draws a conclusion based on the evidence presented throughout the text.

Since the evidences were presented throughout the text, the conclusion gives a conclusion that follows the evidences provided.

Kim is taking part in a group discussion about the book they are reading for class. She quickly becomes aware that the rest of the group did not prepare for this discussion.

Which action is a definite sign that the group did not prepare?

They keep flipping the pages of their books, looking for something to say.
They seem to be very comfortable reading aloud from the textbook.
They have chosen a section of the book that they think is important to discuss.
They are confident when the moderator brings up a topic to discuss.



They keep flipping through pages looking for something to say


if they were prepared they would maybe be a little more formal by using note cards instead.


it is A


Drag the tiles to the boxes to form correct pairs. Match each element of performance to its description. delivery read-through acting project the skill of portraying fictional or nonfictional characters in performances arrowRight the manner in which actors speak their lines arrowRight the act of speaking loudly and clearly arrowRight a process during which actors practice reading their lines out loud in front of the director arrowRight



Delivery- the manner in which actors speak their lines.

Read-through- a process during which actors practice reading their lines out loud in front of the director.

Acting- the skill of portraying fictional or nonfictional characters in performances.

Project- the act of speaking loudly and clearly.


The various elements of performance and their descriptions are listed as below-

Delivery- This refers to the manner in which actors speak their lines, the way they 'deliver' their parts to the audience.

Read-through- A read-through is a process during which actors practice reading their lines out loud in front of the director. This is done to make sure that their performance and delivery is as it should be.

Acting- The skill of portraying fictional or nonfictional characters in performances, the expertise of delivering the required performance by an actor is known as acting.

Project- the act of speaking loudly and clearly, like for instance, stage actors speaking loudly so that the audience can hear them properly.

I need to write a poem on loneliness but I'm really stuck. please could I have some help I need 3 for tomorrow but I can't get any inspo!? ​


Here are some examples good luck!

1. I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze …
2. The kindest things are the lonely ones , Like a shooting star A brief flash of beauty granting wishes to those awake to see But destined to soar alone
3. I tried explaining why I was so sad but nothing could come out that was when I realized I didn't know why either

Why everyone have more fear on mom compare to dad??​


probably because they fear one parent more than the other a lot of kids are like that. but I don’t fear my mom!

Answer: Because your mom is more conserned then your dad

Explanation:i hope this explains your asnwer

Choose the best topic sentence for the passage.

It used to be unusual to live to the age of 90. Better diet and medicine have made 90 a more common age. Today, some people even live to be well over 100.

People are living longer than ever.

Today, some people even live to be well over 100.

People can live a long time.

It used to be unusual to live to the age of 90.



People are living longer than ever. Hope this helps!Good luck!

Which of the following is NOT true about Romeo in Act V of Romeo
and Juliet?
A. He did not know he was fighting Paris until after he killed him.
OB. He did not know that the poison would kill him so quickly.
C. He ágrees to lay Paris's body next to Juliet.
D. He does not tell Balthazar he plans to kill himself.


Answer: D


Romeo knew he was fighting Paris, even when he killed him, based on this information in the scripting:

"Paris mourns at the Capulet tomb, but hides when he hears someone (Romeo) approaching. As he reaches the tomb, Romeo commands Balthasar to leave; Balthasar leaves but decides to linger secretly. Paris confronts Romeo as he attempts to open the tomb. They fight, and Romeo kills Paris. Romeo enters the tomb and lays Paris inside it. Approaching Juliet, Romeo grieves for her death and the luster of her still-lively beauty. He drinks the poison and dies. Friar Lawrence arrives and witnesses the scene as Juliet wakes, offering to hide her away among a convent of nuns. She refuses. Hearing guards approaching, Juliet kills herself with Romeo’s dagger. The Prince, the Capulets, and the Montagues are summoned by the guards. Friar Lawrence summarizes the events leading to this point and is corroborated by Balthasar and Romeo’s letter to his father. In remorse, lords Capulet and Montague make peace." So this information, rules out option A.

Romeo knew the poison from the Apothecary would kill him quickly, because he requests such at the time he was given it: "Balthasar, a friend of Romeo’s, brings him news that Juliet is dead and lies in the Capulet tomb. Resolved to find her and join her in death, Romeo first visits an apothecary and bribes him to obtain an illegal (and lethal) poison...."

Let me have A dram° of poison, such soon-speeding stuff

As will disperse itself through all the veins

That life-weary taker may fall dead,

And that the trunk° may be discharged of breath

As violently as hasty powder fired

Doth hurry from the fatal cannon’s womb.

So this rules out option B as the answer.

Option C is ruled out because Romeo does in fact lay Paris' body in the Capulet tomb when he kills him, because this is where he sees Juliet.

Paris confronts Romeo as he attempts to open the tomb. They fight, and Romeo kills Paris. Romeo enters the tomb and lays Paris inside it.

So, this leaves Option D as the only viable answer, because of the conversation Romeo has with Balthasar about Juliet before going to see the Apothecary in the marketplace: Balthasar, a friend of Romeo’s, brings him news that Juliet is dead and lies in the Capulet tomb. Romeo dismissed Balthasar after hearing the news Juliet was dead, and decided to go get the poison on his own. Friar Lawrence, also was unaware he planned to kill himself, because of this line in the play: Friar John returns to Friar Lawrence, informing him that his letter could not be delivered to Romeo due to an outbreak of sickness. Aware that Juliet will soon awake, Friar Lawrence heads to the Capulet tomb to retrieve Juliet and keep her safe until Romeo can return.

Read the excerpt from The Odyssey.
Now Zeus the lord of cloud roused in the north
a storm against the ships, and driving veils
of squall moved down like night on land and sea,
The bows went plunging at the gust; sails
cracked and lashed out strips in the big wind.
We saw death in that fury, dropped the yards,
unshipped the oars, and pulled for the nearest lee:
then two long days and nights we lay offshore
worn out and sick at heart, tasting our grief,
until a third Dawn came with ringlets shining.
Then we put up our masts, hauled sail, and rested,
letting the steersmen and the breeze take over,
Which elements of epic poetry are shown in this excerpt? Check all that apply.



A). Supernatural elements

C). A difficult journey with trials

F). A hero showing perseverance


As per the question, the components of epic poetry like 'the use of supernatural elements, a tough journey along with challenges, and the hero displaying courage and persistence' are displayed in the given excerpt taken from Homer's 'The Odyssey.'

The descriptions regarding Zeus leading to produce a 'storm against the ships, and driving veils' substantiate the presence of supernatural forces and this led the characters to undergo a tough phase comprising of plenty of challenges('bows went plunging...saw death in fury...dropped the yards'). However, the protagonist, the hero, displayed utter determination and bravery to not give up and battle against the odds so that 'breeze finally took over.' Thus, options A, C, and F are the correct answers.  

Read the following excerpt and answer the question.

“Where there are pistol shots, there are men. Where there are men, there is food,” he thought. "But what kind of men," he wondered, "in so forbidding a place?" An unbroken front of snarled and ragged jungle fringed the shore.

Which types of conflict can you infer from the previous passage?

Person vs. Person and Person vs. Society
Person vs. Society and Person vs. Environment
Person vs. Environment and Person vs. Person
Person vs. Self and Person vs. Environment



Person vs person vs society

0 a.All b.every c.most

1a.lots b.many c.much

2 a early b. Earliest c. Morning

3 a.gets b. Makes c. Takes

4 a. Again b.is c. Are

5 a. Writes b. Arrives c. Drives

6 a.goes. b. Likes c. Lives

7 a.am b. Are c. Be

8 a. House b.job c. Work

these are the words





0. B

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. C

6. B

7. A

8. A

"Why does she have to mail her friends abroad?' The other way of saying the same thing is PER O A) Why are her friends mailed abroad? B) Why her friends have to be mailed abroad. C) Why her friends are mailed abroad. D) Why do her friends have to be mailed abroad?​



D) Why do her friends have to be mailed abroad?​


Another way of asking the question, "Why does she have to mail her friends abroad?' is option D which says, "Why do her friends have to be mailed abroad?"

This is because, they are both saying (or asking) the same thing which is to ask why her friends have to be mailed abroad.

give a 20-30 words explanation on offline school



Distance Learning Off-line is a mode of delivery that does not require online participation. You do not have to come to campus. You will need to follow the directions given in the course syllabus.

On a scale of 1-5, rate your confidence in choosing a college major. Why did you choose that number ? Explain.





nowadays, many organization dont really need your cert of education. they only see your skills..

Read out the passage and write it as a conversation. You may use the questions and statements in
direct speech. The first line is done for you.
The other day Suyuru met a friend of his father’s, uncle Janak. They had a little talk.
Uncle Janak asked Suyuru how he was getting on and Suyuru said that he was doing quite well. He said
that he was doing lessons online. Uncle Janak asked him how long he studied online per day and
Suyuru said that they had lessons from 7.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Then uncle asked him whether he liked
them. He said that as there was no option he attended them regularly. Further he said that it was boring
to look at the screen for hours but they had used to it with the time and the worst thing was that he had
missed his friends. Uncle asked not to worry and said that I would be able to go back to school soon.
Sayuru said that he wished so.

Uncle Janak : How are you getting on?

Suyuru : I am doing quite well. 1)……I am doing lessons online …………………….\

Uncle Janak : Ah! 2)………………………………………………………………………………………..?

Suyuru : We have lessons from 7.30 a.m. to 1.00p.m.

Uncle Janak : 3)…………………….………………………………………………………………………?

Sayuru : As there is no option I attend them regularly. It 4)……………………………………………
………………………………. but we have used to it with the time and
Uncle Janak : Don’t worry. 6)……………………………………………………………………………..
Suyuru : I wish so



Uncle JNAK: How are you getting on?

Suyuru: I am doing quite well, I'm doing lessons online"

Uncle Janak: "How long do you study online per day?"

Suyuru: "We have lessons from 7:30 am to 1:00"

Uncle Janak: "Well do you like it?"

Suyuru: "Well there was no option, I attended them regularly. Its boring

to look at the screen for hours but, we got used to it with the time and the worst thing was that I   miss my friends"

Uncle Janak: "Don't worry, you would be able to go back to school soon."

Sayuru: "I wish so."


a plan of action to buy quality goods for a reasonable price



The answer is A and not e because the question does not talking about selling rather buying

Read the paragraph.

Volunteering is a good way to gain skills and work experience. In a recent study, seventy-three percent of employers said they’d hire someone who’d volunteered. Among employees who had volunteered, ninety-four percent said that they’d seen benefits at work. Students looking to improve their resumes should consider volunteering.

Which is the best way to revise the final sentence?

A. The transition “in fact” should be added to the beginning of the sentence to show the similarity among ideas in the paragraph.

B. The transition “as a result” should be added to the beginning of the sentence to sum up the argument in the paragraph.

C. A quotation should replace the sentence to further support the argument in the paragraph.

D. A fact should be added to the sentence to further support the argument in the paragraph.


A. The transition “in fact” should be added to the beginning of the sentence to show the similarity among ideas in the paragraph.

The transition “in fact” should be added to the beginning of the sentence to show the similarity among ideas in the paragraph is the best way to revise the final sentence. Hence, option A is correct.

What is Volunteering?

There are numerous advantages to volunteering. It can improve your wellbeing and self-esteem while giving your life meaning and purpose. Additionally, volunteering helps reduce anxiety and depressive symptoms. Volunteering not only benefits your community but also strengthens interpersonal ties.

Volunteering is the unpaid provision of one's time, talent, and energy to a need, cause, or mission. The whole point of volunteering is to allow you to give part of your own time to benefit those in our communities.

People who freely provide their time, effort, and skill are known as volunteers. Volunteers frequently work for non-profit organizations or schools, where they frequently receive training and answer to authorized senior personnel.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about Volunteering, click here:



Determine the x-intercepts of the function. Check all that apply.

(–2, 0)
(–1, –2)
(0, 0)
(1, 0)
(2, 0)



(0, 0)

(-2, 0)


The value of the x - intercept can be picked directly from the graph.

The x - intercept depicts the point where the value of y = 0.

From the plotted graph function ;

y = 0 at two different points :

At the first point ; where y = 0

x is located at the point (0, 0)

The second point where y = 0;

x is located at the point (-2, 0)

Yo, what's up? How do you reply to this answer.



good dude .....what about you!!?

What type of noun is poverty ?​



The quality or state of being poor or indigent, want or scarcity of means of subsistence, indigence, need.

The quality or state of being poor or indigent; want or scarcity of means of subsistence; indigence; need.

which word from Li-Young Lee's "From Blossoms" has the most negative connotation?


May I have the options?




Hope this helps! :)

In the text, you read this about ranching after the Civil War: Ranchers employed cowhands to tend their cattle and drive herds to market. These hard workers rode alongside the huge herds in good and bad weather. They kept the cattle moving and rounded up strays. After the Civil War, veterans of the Confederate Army made up the majority of the cowhands who worked in Texas. However, it is estimated that nearly one in three cowhands was either Mexican American or African American. Some cowhands dreamed of setting aside enough money to start a herd of their own. Use the passage to answer the question. Why might recent events have led to many African Americans working for ranchers



Because these events took place after the end of slavery. This allowed African Americans to find work and receive salaries in activities they were familiar with, such as tending livestock.


The events presented in the text above took place after the end of the American Civil War, when slavery was banned throughout the country. However, African Americans were people who had experience with agricultural work, which included livestock care. This experience and the end of slavery allowed African Americans to be hired by farmers to take care of cattle and crops, this time receiving a salary for their activities.

What is the voice of the following sentence?

They have found the missing ring.

A. passive

B. active



A. Passive

Hope answer is right!!


B. active


In Fahrenheit 451, what would be a theme that could be used in a literary essay?



Freedom of Thought vs.

The central theme of Fahrenheit 451 is the conflict between freedom of thought and censorship. The society that Bradbury depicts has voluntarily given up books and reading, and by and large the people do not feel oppressed or censored.

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(20 points) thanks so much!! Match the terms to their definition.1.extanta dramatic or literary work in whichadversity is overcome and events cometo a happy conclusiona dramatic or literary work in which2. patronthe protagonist suffers loss and/or deathstill existing3. tragedya person who financially supports4. comedyan artist or art What transformation has taken place on the coordinate grid pleaseee help my final! I'll give rate and heart etc What were the goals of the national grange An Engel curve:________. A. slopes upward for normal goods and downward for inferior goods. B. slopes upward for inferior goods and downward for normal goods. C. slopes downward for both normal and inferior goods. D. slopes upward for both normal and inferior goods. Combine the sentences using parallel structure.We shucked the corn. The next step was putting it in the pot and waiting for it to cook. name the institution that makes it possible for investors to buy and sell shares in South Africa A 12-month insurance policy was purchased on Dec. 1 for $4,800 and the Prepaid insurance account was initially increased for the payment. The required adjusting journal entry on December 31 includes a:_________a. credit to Prepaid insurance for $400. b. debit to Insurance expense for $400. c. credit to Insurance expense for $400. d. debit to Prepaid insurance for $400. e. debit to Insurance expense for $4,800. TrthhhhjvbbjjjjjGhhhhhjjjbn Add the following numbers. -3 + 8 = Three forces are pulling on the same object such that the system is in equilibrium. Their magnitudes are F1 = 2.83 N.F= 3.35 N. and F3 = 3.64 N, and they make angles of 0, = 45.0, 02 = -63.43 and 03 =164.05 with respect to the x-axis, respectively.Required:a. What is the x-component of the force vector F1?b. What is the y-component of the force vector F1? WatchNU is a company that designs and manufacturers drones for military use. The supply manager is getting ready to renegotiate the contract with the security service provider that it uses for its offices and manufacturing plant. Three suppliers responded to the RFP for security services for the next three years. The current security services provider, SecureIT quoted $945,000 per year. Two suppliers that have not been used by WatchNU in the past quoted $1,048,000 and $1,056,000 respectively. The supply manager is also analyzing the costs associated with insourcing security services rather than using a supplier as a way to reduce costs and provide greater control over security. The salary and benefits for a full-time security services manager is estimated to be $99,000. Other fixed costs are estimated to be $29,000/year. Three security guards are needed 24 hours/day, 365 days per year. The salary and benefits for the security guards is $34/hour.Required:What are the costs to insource the security services? Hey what is your guyses fear, I am terrified of wasp, especially those huge red ones I call red goobers. mary selects a piece of candy at random form a jar that contains four peopermint, five cherry, three butterscotch, and two lemon candies. what is the probability that the candy she selects is not lemon? What is the volume of 0.410 moles of co2 at STP Use a calculator to find the r-value of these data. Round the value to threedecimal places Match each prompt to the type of essay it requires!! Potential customers arrive at a full-service, one-pump gas station at a Poisson rate of20 cars per hour. However, customers will only enter the station for gas if there are no more than two cars (including the one currently being attended to) at the pump. Suppose that the amount of time required to service a car is exponentially distributed with a mean of five minutes.Required:a. What fraction of the attendants time will be spent servicing cars? b. What fraction of potential customers are lost? (2a+1) - 4a(2a+1)+4a Which statements are correct regarding the Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy?Matter or energy can create itself.Matter or energy was created by known principles of physics and chemistry.Matter or energy can change from one form to the other.The law agrees with the Biblical account of Creation(more than one answer)