What was the name of the new Independent party that ex President Roosevelt and what was the name of his progressive reforms program?


Answer 1


The Progressive Party (often referred to as the "Bull Moose Party") was a third party in the United States formed in 1912 by former president Theodore Roosevelt after he lost the presidential nomination of the Republican Party to his former protégé and conservative rival, incumbent president William Howard Taft.

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someone sigeeeeeeeeeeeeee
She turned in _____ keys to the lost and found.






Someone’s is the correct answer

What tone does the writer express in the next sentence?
Finally, new leaves sprouted on every tree and wildflowers began to bloom, indicating that at long last, spring had arrived.


A. contentment.

explanation: the writer is happy that spring and its wonder and beauty has finally arrived

The author's tone is one of contentment. As a result, choice (A) is the best way to respond.

What is contentment?

A mental condition derived from feeling at ease in one's circumstances, body, and mind, contentment is an emotional state of fulfillment. Contentment is a softer and more tentative kind of happiness that can be characterized as a state of acceptance of one's circumstances.

Contentment and the quest of contentment run through numerous philosophical or theological schools across various cultures, eras, and geographical locations. The Buddha, Siddhartha, once remarked that "Health is the most precious gain and happiness, the greatest prosperity." A few hundred years later, John Stuart Mill would declare, "I have learned to seek my happiness by restricting my wishes, rather than in trying to satisfy them."

Hence, option (A) is accurate.

Learn more about tone, from:



What is the legacy of china's revolutions



"That period, which ended with Mao’s death in 1976, is a controversial part of China’s history, one that current top officials would rather look past than celebrate. Monday marks the 50th anniversary of that start of the Cultural Revolution and there is no official celebration or recognition from state media."

Describe at least two major functions of the media.


I’ll give you four 1 being to inform, 2 is to persuade, 3 is to entertain and 4 is to transfer culture.


to persuade.

to entertain.


Why schooling was skewed during medieval period


During the medieval period, the education system was influenced by the Muslim system. ... Primary education was imparted in maktabs, and higher education was imparted in the madrasas. There was initiation of modern and innovative methods and strategies in the teaching and learning processes.


1. Towns can be classified on the basis of
they perform​


Geographers have classified towns on the basis of their site, situation, size, rank, location and relative elevation. ADVERTISEMENTS: A more useful classification of towns and cities is on the basis of functions they perform. This categorization is also known as the functional classification of towns.

evaluate the extent to which nationalism contributed to the collapse of the ottoman empire in the early twentieth century. (I need answers with documents)



Great contribution.


Nationalism is the main contribution to the collapse of the ottoman empire in the early twentieth century because people of different nations that was controlled by Ottomans struggle to get away from the rule of Ottomans. Nationalism played a major role in the collapse of the Ottoman Empire due to foreign powers capitalized on Turkish weakness which helps the provinces in freedom who sought to become free from the control of Ottomans.

The Great contribution is the extent to which nationalism contributed to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in the early 20th century.

What is nationalism?

Nationalism is a political theory that expresses loyalty, love, or dedication to a nation or nation-state and holds that such responsibilities outmatch other single or group interests.

This term is mainly used when referring to a group that promotes the status of one nation preceding others and concentrates on the degradation of cultures of the other or the promotion of their own.

In the previous 20th century, nationalism is the primary contribution to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire because groups of various nations that were controlled by Ottomans battle to get away from the rule of Ottomans.

Nationalism played a leading function in the collapse of the Ottoman Empire due to foreign powers capitalized on Turkish imperfection which helps the provinces in state who desired to become free from the power of Ottomans.

Hence, nationalism played a major role in the power of Ottoman Empire.

Learn more about Ottoman Empire, refer:


What group was tied to the lord's land?
A. knights
B. vassals
C. peasants
D. serfs


C - peasants
Lots of lords and bigger lands had poor people which those being peasants

Los personajes nos provocaban miedo. El miedo no provenía de la forma monstruosa de los personajes, sino de la ambientación monstruosa que se generaba cuando uno de los personajes se presentaba en escena. b- Reescribí el texto utilizando los procedimientos de cohesión que aprendiste



sorry o but is not all of us that understand u people

Which two items explain why the Articles of Confederation were considered weak? It did not permit Congress to conduct foreign affairs. It gave too much power to the states. It provided for a very strong federal government. It did not allow Congress to issue currency. Reset Next​



It gave too much power to the states. It did not allow Congress to issue currency.


When the framers of the Articles of Confederation designed it, they did not want a Federal government that would be too powerful. They therefore gave Congress reduced powers that would keep it subservient to states.

The states therefore had too much power. They could negotiate trade deals with each other and decided the amount of taxes they would give the Federal government. They could also issue their own currency which meant that this was another power that Congress did not have.

the role of women in the Soweto uprising June 1976​



Many black South Africans aspired for and hoped for better education, but they did not receive it.  The Bantu Department of Education's education act sparked widespread outrage in the Black South African community.  The Bantu Education Department enacted a law requiring all black South Africans to be taught exclusively in the Afrikaans language.  If they wanted any kind of secondary education, they could have it.  Unfortunately, Afrikaans was an exceedingly difficult language to learn and teach.  Many of the teachers had a poor education and did not speak Afrikaans, making it impossible for them to teach.  Many of the teachers had minimal education and could not teach Afrikaans since they did not know it.  Many pupils thought it was unjust that they could not learn English simply because of their skin color.  Many other people were offended by this, so many teachers began teaching in English nonetheless, and students began refusing to write and speak in Afrikaans.


If you need more let me know

how did new industrial technologies influence the course of world war 1



The war effort demanded developments in the field of science and technology, developments that forever changed life in America and made present-day technology possible.




They allowed European militaries to make deadlier weapons than ever before  


A potato flew around my room before you came.... I don't remember the rest


sounds cool and delicious

what a personification!!


excuse the mess i made


Question 9 Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(02.06 LC)
Which of the following is an example of good etiquette when doing yoga in a studio?
Arriving five minutes laid to class
Cleaning a borrowed mat after using it
Speaking loudly to a person across the room
Using a cell phone during class




Answer: B



Ap3x help please thanks



Their deep divisions could lead to violence


The events of 1968 show deep divisions regarding Americans' views on politics. Many Americans wanted to maintain peace during the 1960s and opposed wars. As the Vietnam issue came up, America decided to interfere based on the Dinamo effect and to protect other Asian countries from converting into communism. There was a division based on ideas in America as some opposed against it while others supported it (the government). Often violence and marches were held by students on campuses and in Washington to show their protest against the government decision.

how would you characterize the Carter administration's foreign policy? Was it effective?



He negotiated the Torrijos–Carter Treaties, which provided for the return of the Panama Canal to Panama in 1999. In an effort to end the Arab–Israeli conflict, he helped arrange the Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt. Carter clearly defined the foundation of his foreign policy: “Our policy is based on an historical vision of America's role. Our policy is derived from a larger view of global change. Our policy is rooted in our moral values, which never change. Our policy is reinforced by our material wealth and by our military power.


The greatest foreign policy success of the Carter presidency involved the Middle East. After the Yom Kippur War of 1973 between Israel and its Arab enemies, Egypt and Syria, the Israelis had gradually disengaged their forces and moved a distance back in the Sinai Peninsula.                                                                              .                                               HOPE IT WAS HELPFUL TO YOU

Which part of the text can be marked as the point of climax



A climax is the most exciting part of a story and then there is a turning point.


That part of a story where is the most exciting or where there is more tension in the story then there is a turning point for a resolution

3 reasons why it was a bad idea for the U.S. to drop the atomic bomb on Japan. VERY DETAILED NO LINKS!!!



1. Dropping the bomb in Japan would alert the rest of the world the the US had the ability to deploy and detnate one. This took away the upper hand that  the US had and let the rest of the world consider that if it was okay for us it was okay for them which eventually resulted in the Cold War.

2. Use of the Bomb was considered illigeal. The league of nations adopted a resolution that stated that the intinial bombing or attacking of a residetial area would be considered illigeal and a war crime with an empasis on bombing from the air. The resolution was also one of the first to recognize that the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction was illigeal. The US arguged that since they were not a part of the League of Nations that the law did not apply to them.

3. The bomb was inhumane and could be considered raacially motivated. The bomb killed thousands of Asian, Japaniese men, women ad children simply beause of where they lived. These people were vaporized, killed in a way that was inhumane, they were vaporized. those that survived the initial attack faced radiation sickness, mental issues, starvation and mutations. The land was unliveable, families and business were wiped out, all bevause of where they lived an because of their nationality.


what are tge 13 colonists ?​



The Thirteen Colonies, also known as the Thirteen British Colonies or the Thirteen American Colonies, were a group of British colonies on the Atlantic coast of North America. Founded in the 17th and 18th centuries, they declared independence in 1776 and together formed the United States of America

please mark as the brainliest answer


New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.

is not a product made from crude oil.





Shrimp is not made of crude oil

What was the Cold War and how did they United States fight and win it? Respond in 2-3 paragraphs.



Soldiers of the Soviet Union and the United States did not do battle directly during the Cold War. ... But the two superpowers continually antagonized each other through political maneuvering, military coalitions, espionage, propaganda, arms buildups, economic aid, and proxy wars between other nations.

The Cold War was the tense relationship between the United States (and its allies), and the Soviet Union (the USSR and its allies) between the end of World War II and the fall of the Soviet Union. It is called the "Cold" War because the US and the USSR never actually fought each other directly.

In June 1950, the first military action of the Cold War began when the Soviet-backed North Korean People's Army invaded its pro-Western neighbor to the south. Many American officials feared this was the first step in a communist campaign to take over the world and deemed that nonintervention was not an option.


Which source is most likely to be accurate



More than any other source you are likely to encounter during your research, a scholarly source is most likely to be reliable and accurate. Primary sources are documents that were written or created during the time period under study.

Hope this help you!:)

giải thích thế nào là giặc đói,giặc dốt, giặc ngoại xâm



Giặc đói là: Nạn đói năm Ất Dậu là một thảm họa khủng khiếp xảy ra tại miền Bắc Việt Nam trong khoảng từ tháng 10 năm 1944 đến tháng 5 năm 1945, làm khoảng từ 400.000 đến 2 triệu người dân chết đói.

Giặc dốt: sau cách mạng tháng Tám , 90% dân số mù chữ

Giặc ngoại xâm: Từ vĩ tuyến 16 trở ra Bắc, 20 vạn quân Tưởng kéo vào, theo chúng là bọn tay sai thuộc các tổ chức phản động, âm mưu cướp chính quyền mà nhân dân ta đã giành được. Từ vĩ tuyến 16 trở vào Nam, hơn 1 vạn quân Anh kéo vào, dọn đường cho thực dân Pháp trở lại xâm lược nước ta. Ngoài ra, trên cả nước còn hơn 6 vạn quân Nhật đang chờ giải giáp. Bọn phản động trong nước ngóc đầu dậy, làm tay sai cho Pháp, chống phá cách mạng.


Select and read a primary and secondary text about the September 11, 2001, attacks. You may use video and print for your source, then create a presentation that meets the following requirements.

Present the key ideas in the primary account
What ideas seemed critical?
Did the presentation of material make an impact on you? (Think: word choice, expressions, details provided.)
Discuss the author’s analysis and conclusions
Present the key ideas in the secondary account
What ideas seemed critical?
Did the presentation of material make an impact on you? (Think: word choice, expressions, details provided.)
Discuss the author’s analysis and conclusions.
What was unique about what the primary source taught you?
What was unique about what the secondary source taught you?
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each source
Were details missing from one or both sources?
Did both sources provide the same or a more complete picture of the event?
(you choose your own primary and secondary sources)



I have no idea




September 11 attacks, also called 9/11 attacks, series of airline hijackings and self harm attacks committed in 2001 by 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda against targets in the United States, the deadliest terrorist attacks on American soil in U.S. history. The attacks against New York City and Washington, D.C., caused extensive death and destruction and triggered an enormous U.S. effort to combat terrorism. Some 2,750 people were killed in New York, 184 at the Pentagon, and 40 in Pennsylvania (where one of the hijacked planes crashed after the passengers attempted to retake the plane); all 19 terrorists died (see Researcher’s Note: September 11 attacks). Police and fire departments in New York were especially hard-hit: hundreds had rushed to the scene of the attacks, and more than 400 police officers and firefighters were killed.


What is one thing the U.S. government did to prepare to mobilize troops?

The War Production Board helped factories quickly shift from only making consumer goods to making war materials.

The War Production Board made deals with other allied countries to trade for war materials.

The government decided to adjust the amount of troops needed so that war materials could be limited.

The government negotiated with enemy nations to ensure that war materials would not be damaged beyond repair.


Answer: a.  The War Production Board helped factories quickly shift from only making consumer goods to making war materials.


A key part of the U.S. being able to join the Second World War and contribute so effectively in the time that it did, was the War Production Board's efficiency in shifting American consumer production to war materials for use by the U.S. military and the Allies.

Thanks to the Board, companies shifted their focus from consumer goods even though there was initially some massive pushback. Following a national campaign, opposition subsided and the U.S. was able to pump out so much war material that the war would not have been won without.

Which is the most credible source for a biographical essay on the deeds of Joan of Arc?

a book about Joan of Arc published in 1980
a .net website about Joan of Arc that does not list an author
a wiki site on Joan of Arc's political role, updated in 2019
a 2019 encyclopedia article on Joan of Arc's military role
Mark this and return



Most Likely the Encyclopedia


The reason I don't say the book is because the essay calls specifically for the deeds of Joan of Arc. Joan of Arc is mostly known for her military deeds, and for this reason I say that encyclopedia as a opposed to just a book about them. Encyclopedias are rife with information, books don't have to provide much.


Explanation:hope this helps!

Which of the following best describes why the Farmers’ Alliances formed the Populist Party?


Sana makatulong<333♡♡

What are two ways an interest group can influence government leaders and lawmakers?

Hire a labor union organizer.
Hire a lobbyist to represent them.
Write newspaper opinion articles.
Provide misinformation to lobbyists.


Two ways in which an interest group can influence the government is by hiring a lobbyist to represent them and then provide misinformation to that lobbyist.

What is a lobbyist?

A lobbyist is someone hired to try and influence politicians and/or lawmakers in order to achieve certain groups' interests. It is important to understand that lobbyists do not usually work for the common well-being of society.

For example, suppose a wealthy soda producer hires a lobbyist. They can provide that lobbyist misinformation, telling him that it is okay to drink up to 2 liters a days of their soda rather than water. The lobbyist will then try to convince lawmakers to change a law that forbids selling large amounts of soda at schools or stadiums, for instance.

With the information above in mind, we can choose options 1 and 4 as the correct answers.

Learn more about lobbyists here:



The law of conservation of energy states that when one form of energy is transformed to another, a. energy is destroyed in the process. b. no energy is destroyed in the process. c. energy is created in the process. d. sine amount of energy cannot be accounted for.



The law of conservation of energy states that when one form of energy is transformed to another, b. no energy is destroyed in the process.


The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another. This means that a system always has the same amount of energy, unless it's added from the outside.

Madison and the other framers realized that the role of the new Constitution was to define what is meant by "citizen" and "rights " strictly limit the power of government . spell out the natural rights of citizens . none of the above


The correct answer is "strictly limit the power of government."

Madison and the other framers realized that the role of the new Constitution was strictly limit the power of government.

During the Constitutional Convention held in Philadelphia Pennsylvania during the summer of 1787, Federalists, led by prominent Americans such as Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, supported the idea of a strong central government for the United States. On the other hand, Antifederalists such as Thomas Jefferson and Samuel Adams did not support that way of thinking. They believed in a simpler form of government in which the citizens had natural rights.

The United States founding fathers had many differences during the Constitutional Convention but they were humble and smart enough to debate, listen to each other's arguments, and negotiate to allow the best interests of the country.

When trying to ratify the Constitution by the states, James Madison drafted the Bill of Rights, which is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution.

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