What were the terraced structures popular in mesopotamia called.


Answer 1


A ziggurat, D-stem of zaqārum 'to protrude, to build high', cognate with other Semitic languages like Hebrew zaqar (זָקַר) 'protrude') is a type of massive structure built in ancient Mesopotamia. It has the form of a terraced compound of successively receding stories or levels.


Answer 2

Answer: A ziggurat is a large edifice that signifies "to protrude, to build high" in ancient Mesopotamia. It has the shape of a terraced structure, with increasingly lower storeys or levels. The term is related to Hebrew and other Semitic languages.


I hope that helps            

Related Questions

What mountain range did the Inca civilization live in?


From 1438 to 1533, the Incas incorporated a large portion of western South America, centered on the Andean Mountains, using conquest and peaceful assimilation, among other methods.

What role does magic have in Latin American society?



Magical realism in Latin America was often used by writers like Garcia Marquez to tell the stories of those on the fringes of society, which inherently became a critique of political power and influential people.


that's how it has impact

Latin American authors like Garcia Marquez frequently employed magical realism to depict the tales of individuals on the periphery of society, which naturally evolved into a critique of those in positions of political and social influence.

What is magic realism?

Magical realism is a literary fiction and artistic movement. It depicts the world realistically while also incorporating mystical elements, frequently blending the boundaries between fantasy and reality.

Magical or supernatural occurrences presented in an otherwise real-world or mundane setting are referred to as magical realism, and are frequently found in novels and dramatic performances.1–5  Magical realism is typically seen as being a different genre from fantasy, although having certain aspects of magic, because it uses a lot more realistic detail and uses magic to illustrate a point about reality, whereas fantasy stories frequently distance themselves from reality. The combination of real and magical aspects in magical realism is frequently thought to result in more diverse writing.

Learn more about magic realism here:



How did the united states get involved in vietnam?.


Answer:  It decided to send money, supplies and military advisers to help the South Vietnamese Government.Explanation:

Why did WWI last so long
Because America refused to get involved in Europe's political squabbles.

Because it took so long to move troops and resources to the different battlefields around the world.

Because neither side was able to make significant advances against the other, creating a stalemate.

Because neither side was willing to admit defeat until an obvious winner was determined.



The First World War (1914-1918) was a war that lasted substantially longer than anyone anticipated. This was largely due to the technological developments created by the industrial revolution coupled with the sheer scale of the conflict and the huge amount of resources that the two armed sides were willing to commit.



the answer is c


Spanish-American War
• Building of the Panama Canal
• Alfred T. Mahan
The people and events above are usually associated with which of
the following concepts?


The people and the events that are mentioned here such as Building of the Panama Canal and Alfred T. Mahan are associated with imperialism.

What is imperialism?

This refers to the ways that a lot of countries mostly in Europe and America expanded into other countries.

Due to the expansion, they were able to gain control of the resources in the new places. They are able to influence the countries politically and economically.

Read more on imperialism here: https://brainly.com/question/884452

who killed Abraham Lincoln



John Wilkes Booth


Answer: John Wilkes Booth.

Explanation: On April 14, 1865, five days just after the Civil War ended, the president was seated in a private box at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, DC, with his wife and their friends. A man entered the box, shot him, and Lincoln died the next day.  The man was a famous actor known as John Wilkes Booth.  Booth was bitter about the Confederacy’s defeat, so he hatched a plan to not only assassinate the president (Abraham Lincoln), but he also planned to assassinate Vice President Andrew Johnson and the Secretary of State William Seward.  He failed to kill both the Secretary of State and Vice President, but still killed Abraham Lincoln.  Union soldiers later hunted down Booth and killed him.

Hope this helps! :)

Please 85 points!!

in reading the previous lesson, you reacquainted yourself with some themes from the last module—religion, government, economy, diplomacy—that will impact themes in this module—the enlightenment, the industrial revolution, the age of revolutions, and imperialism. in your opinion, which of the earlier themes (religion, government, economy, diplomacy) is going to have the greatest impact on the 18th and 19th centuries, which will have the least impact, or are they all interconnected? please explain your answer with specific examples from the period covered in this lesson that you predict will have bearings on the upcoming revolutions to be discussed in later lessons


Leaders hoped to use these ideas to maintain power. There was increased freedom of speech during this time. They appealed to a large section of the population.

Why was it diffecult soil a ship to the far east from Europe


Can u say the question again

Which name Jesus used when he spoked about the Holy spirit?
A) Spirit of Truth
B) Faith
C) Love
D) Spirit of love


Answer: A) Spirit of Truth

Explanation: Your welcome BOI


A, Spirit of Truth


I believe this is the answer because I learned this in my church!

How did lincoln make sure the emancipation proclamation was within his constitutional authority ?


President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, as the nation approached its third year of bloody civil war. The proclamation declared "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward

4. All of the following were causes of the Great Depression EXCEPT:
a. Credit Spending b. Laissez Faire policies
c. World War I d. Stock Market Crash
e. Coolidge's Failures





banking wasn't a cause of the great depression

3 features of public opinion




Look at the pic I sent you and use that

The president has the power to veto bills with which he does not agree.



I think this is true

Which politician was a "War Hawk", and what did this mean?
Daniel Webster was a War Hawk, a member of a group of politicians who wanted to go to war with Great Britain during the early 19th century.

Daniel Webster was a War Hawk, a member of a group of politicians who wanted to go to war with Mexico to acquire land.

John Calhoun was a War Hawk, a member of a group of politicians who wanted to go to war with Great Britain during the early 19th century.

John Calhoun was a War Hawk, a member of a group of politicians who wanted to go to war with Mexico to acquire land.



John Calhoun was a War Hawk and wanted to go to war with Great Britain


War Hawks were congressmen that were Republican and supported the United States going to war against Great Britain


select all the correct answers.

which two statements explain president nixon's desire to establish relations with china?

he wanted to lay the groundwork for military intervention in east asia.

he wanted to create a security alliance to prevent regional conflicts.

0 0 0 0 0


he wanted to open new trade opportunities in the far east.

he wanted to put pressure on the soviet union to negotiate a treaty in vietnam.

he wanted to demonstrate the country's shifting stance on communish





he wanted to put pressure on the soviet union to negotiate a treaty in Vietnam. he wanted to demonstrate the country's shifting stance on communism


The seven-day official visit to three Chinese cities was the first time a U.S. president had visited the PRC.

Nixon's arrival in Beijing ended 25 years of no communication or diplomatic ties between the two countries and was the key step in normalizing relations between the U.S. and the PRC.

Nixon would be the first president to visit “Red China” and negotiate with Mao. The reason for opening up China was for the U.S. to gain more leverage over relations with the Soviet Union. Resolving the Vietnam War was a particularly important factor.President Richard Nixon's policy sought on détente with both nations, which were hostile to the U.S. and to each other. He moved away from the traditional American policy of containment of Communism, hoping each side would seek American favor.In his first months in office, Nixon directed the U.S. military to increase its pressure on the battlefield, while ordering the secret B–52 bombings of North Vietnamese base camps in Cambodia—the “Menu bombings”—as a signal of his willingness to further escalate the war.

Jesus selected twelve men to be his disciples. What was their main role?

O to be Jesus’s confidants
O to stop the persecution of Christians
O to spread Jesus’s teachings
O to convert Romans



They were selected to spread Jesus' teachings.

On a two way
road with a
broken yellow
line when
passing another
vehicle you


The vehicle approaching from the right has way over the vehicle from the left. The following statement explains about yellow lines.

What are the important driving rules?

At the roundabout, the vehicle approaching from the right has the right of way over the vehicle approaching from the left. The vehicle's drivers must give the appropriate signals. Cyclists should always stay close to the road's edge. Pedestrians should understand the rules of the road so that they can see how vehicles should be driven.

YELLOW LINES denote the center of a two-way road that is used for two-way traffic. If the yellow centerline on a two-way road is broken, you may pass. If you are driving next to a solid and a broken yellow line, you must not pass. Two solid yellow lines indicate that no passing is permitted.

Therefore, the above explanations aptly describe the statement.

Learn more about traffic rules here:


Why did the spanish locate their capitals inland



they tried to evict the squatters from the area.


Why was the signing of the Camp David Accords in 1978 considered to be an important historic event? A The agreement represented the first peace treaty signed between Israel and one of its Arab neighbors. B The agreement represented the first time the United States negotiated with a state sponsor of terrorism. C The agreement represented the first nuclear nonproliferation treaty to be signed by a country in the Middle East. D The agreement represented the first instance of Palestinian statehood being recognized by the international community.


The signing of the Camp David accords was historical due to the fact that The agreement represented the first peace treaty signed between Israel and one of its Arab neighbors.

What was the Camp David accords ?

This was a political agreement and treaty that was signed by Israeli prime minister and the Egyptian president in the year 1978.

In attendance to the signing was the president of the United States. The agreement was after days that the countries had negotiations.

Read more on Camp David accords here: https://brainly.com/question/778930

____________________ was the name given to close, unofficial advisers of president jackson


Answer: The Kitchen Cabinet

Reason: The Cabinet is the official advisors to the president so Andrew Jackson made a mock Cabinet called the Kitchen Cabinet.

PLease Help!

What do you think really happened when the Dutch “bought” Manhattan? What did the American Indians believe they had given up for those 60 guilders?



In 1626, the story goes, Indigenous inhabitants sold off the entire island of Manhattan to the Dutch for a tiny sum: just $24 worth of beads and "trinkets." This nugget of history took on such huge significance in the following centuries that it served as "the birth certificate for New York City,"


Why were people in congress in an uproar when Missouri wanted to be admitted as a new state ?


Answer: In 1820, Missouri was admitted as a free state while Maine was also admitted as a slave state as part of a compromise to keep Washington’s control of Congress. A deal called the Missouri Compromise was reached between congressman Henry Clay and the states led by slavery and independence, that balanced Missouri as a slave state with Maine, which had long been seeking independence. Missouri might break the tie if it became a slave state. The South would control the Senate and, if the new states in the union ratified the Constitution, would be one step toward repatriating slavery to the South. Missouri Compromise repeal required the Southerners to do so since Missouri Compromise established a precedent by allowing Congress to pass slavery laws, whereas the Northerners hated the law given how it expanded slavery’s reach.After the Missouri Compromise of 1820, Maine became the 23rd state in the Union. The arrangement preserved the nation’s numerical equilibrium between free and slave states by enabling Maine to join the Union as a free state, whereas Missouri joined as a slave state a year later.

What Did The Free States Want In The Missouri Compromise?

A wave of tension between the U.S. and North Korea developed in 1820 over slavery. During the 1830s, Congress passed a law that enabled Missouri to be admitted to the Union as a slave state, while also ending slavery from the remaining Louisiana Purchase lands located north of 36o 30o.

Who Opposed The Missouri Compromise?

Among those who opposed the Missouri Compromise were Southerners who saw slavery as a constitutional right of Congress, while those who opposed the law were Northerners who saw the law as a step to expand slavery.

What Did The Missouri Compromise Propose?

During this meeting, Thomas proposed a solution known as Missouri Compromise. Maine would acquire rights as a free state, and Missouri would be added into it with slaves but that ban would also apply to surrounding states of the Louisiana Purchase, north of 36 degrees 30 minutes latitude, south of Missouri.

Why Did Henry Clay Create The Missouri Compromise?

It was at this time that Missouri became the first territory east of the Mississippi River to apply for statehood, and Missouri was represented there by Speaker Clay. A way of bringing an end to the dispute and preventing disunion was to grant slaves to Missouri and a free state to Maine simultaneously, in favor of Speaker Clay’s proposal.

Why Did The South Support The Missouri Compromise?

There was a balanced stance toward and against slavery held by the Congress of the U.S. with the Missouri Compromise of 1820. Despite receiving only a temporary exemption from slavery, the South would gain control of the Senate and were able to pave the way to legalise the practice in newly admitted states.

In 1820, Missouri was admitted as a free state while Maine was also admitted as a slave state as part of a compromise to keep Washington’s control of Congress.

Compromise of 1878 between Missouri and the United States. From the viewpoint of North and South, this measure was negotiated by the U.S. Congress and signed into law. It was through congressional action in 182 that Missouri became 24th state.

After accepting Missouri as an open slave state, Maine would be admitted to the union as a free state, which, long associated with Massachusetts, had wished to be separated from the state. An additional provision was to prohibit slave trading north of the boundary of Missouri from occurring within Louisiana.

slavery by adding it to the Louisiana Purchase territory on the Constitutional inequalities created by the three-fifths rule conferring an enlarged Southern share in federal power derived from slavery states. Northerners, including Federalists and Democratic-Republicans, argued the measure should be overturned and slavery extended out to the Louisiana

According to the Missouri Compromise, Kansas was prohibited from discriminating against its citizens; the northerners opposed this as they suspected Missouri would become a slave state despite its entry into the Union. State over the state line would be a free state, and any state below would be a slave state.

Following that, Henry Clay worked individually to secure separate votes for the controversial measures, crafting a compromise. After a House vote that put Maine as a free state, Missouri as a slave state, and created free soil throughout western Missouri, the states made no further territorial expansion north of Missouri’s border on March 3, 1820.

Because the compromise prohibits people taking slaves north of 36 30′ latitude as part of their slaves’ territory, southerners were upset.


hope some of this helps

How did Nkrumah’s education outside of Ghana affect him? i will mark you brainlist


- studied from Karl Marx

- studied black freedom at Lincoln University in the U.S.

Nkrumah was deposed in 1966 by the National Liberation Council which under the supervision of international financial institutions privatized many of the country’s state corporations. Nkrumah lived the rest of his life in Guinea, of which he was named honorary co-president.

How dla location impact (affect) the development of the Mid-Atlantic



The geography of the middle region had a warmer climate with fertile soil, flat land, swift rivers, and wide valleys making it perfect for farming and growing crops. Wealthy farmers grew cash crops and raised livestock. The New England colonies were founded to escape religious persecution in England. The Middle colonies, like Delaware, New York, and New Jersey, were founded as trade centers, while Pennsylvania was founded as a safe haven for Quakers.


Why were so many people in Germany disenchanted with the results of World War I, once the war ended?


The main reasons why so many people in Germany were disenchanted with the results of World War I, once the war ended were:

They had lost territories.They had war payments to make.Their economy was destroyed.

What is War?

This refers to the armed conflict between different people usually as a result of differences in ideology or misunderstanding which leads to loss of life and property.

Hence, we can see that after World War I, Germany was defeated and they lost territories and also were asked to make war payments which affected their economy and made many Germans unhappy.

Read more about World War I here:

Which of the following best reflects the point of view expressed by president George Washington in the expert above?



Permanent alliances with foreign nations should be avoided.


Why was Woodstock a landmark event of the counterculture?



Woodstock was a landmark event of counterculture because of the positive impact it had on people. there was no violence of any kind.


Hope this helps you!!!

Why do you think it was so important to the allies for Operation Overlord to succeed? Use evidence from the text to support your answer


It was important to the allies for Operation Overlord to succeed to prevent them being used as bases for the subversion of their often tenuous authority in their own colonies.

What is Subversion?

This is defined as the act of trying to destroy or damage an established system or government.

'The Allies needed to reach Berlin, Germany' was the evidence from the text which was why it was chosen as the most appropriate choice.

Read more about Subversion here https://brainly.com/question/8399996

the republican party grew in membership and popularity during the 1930s


The Republican Party, often called the GOP (short for “Grand Old Party”) is one of two major political parties in the United States. Founded in 1854 as a coalition opposing the extension of slavery into Western territories, the Republican Party fought to protect the rights of African Americans after the Civil War.

What differences in socialization might you observe in an area that is highly developed and has easy access to technology versus an area that is less developed and has less access to technology

Short paragraph


An area which is highly developed and has easy access to technology has a higher level of socialization.

What is Socialization?

This is defined as the process of internalizing the norms and ideologies of society.

A highly developed has easy access to technology which improves networking and socialization when compared to less developed with less access to technology.

Read more about Socialization here https://brainly.com/question/10455747

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