How does the virus get into the nerve cell?
Virus infections usually begin in peripheral tissues and can invade the mammalian nervous system (NS), spreading into the peripheral (PNS) and more rarely the central nervous systems (CNS). The CNS is protected from most virus infections by effective immune responses and multi-layer barriers
what are some things that you would like to improve about yourself. THIS MUST BE TWO PARAGRAPHS
First i would like to help my mental state. Honestly sometimes I find myself lost in emotion life gets duller and duller and i try my hardest to keep my head high but my head keeps getting heavy. Another thing i would like to improve is my emotion becuase I sometimes will snap at the smallest thing and sometimes i have to put a fake smile on. I don't know why but i feel lifles on some days and i want to change my state. I do the minimum to get by and the m average grade seems to keep dropping. I couldn't tell you why though i just keep dropping.
I would also like to change the way I act because sometime ill just act wrong and then not even remember why i did it. I will question every thing down to the very bone i just want to be able to make a desicion. I also don't want to feel afraid of my dad but i just feel like we are growing farther away i want to fix that i want to be able to not flinch every time he talks to me. I want to fix everything about me realy.
Pick two fat soluble and two water soluble vitamins and then give two examples of foods that have a high concentration of that vitamin.
Water Soluble Vitamins:
C- Food 1, Food 2
B12- Food 1, Food 2
Fat Soluble Vitamins:
A- Food 1, Food 2
D- Food 1, Food 2
If jimmy eats dinner goes to doing extra school, and then eats A LOT more and his tummy hurts, and his siblings keep hitting his tummy how much more can he eat until he gets super duper full?
probably not much. maybe one more food.