Which conclusion can be drawn about Lord Capulet? He is concerned about the cost of the party. He is an aged and unhealthy gentleman. He is a man who does not enjoy entertaining. He is a considerate and generous host.


Answer 1

Answer: He is a considerate and generous host.


Based on the information given in the passage, we can infer that Lord Capulet is a considerate and generous host.

He's was thoughtful about others. This can be infered when he asked that the fire should be quenched because the room has grown too hot. His generosity can also be seen when he said "More light, ye knaves! and turn the tables up".

Therefore, the correct option is D.

Answer 2

Answer: D. He is a considerate and generous host.

Explanation: On Edge!

Related Questions

please help

Warm up: If you were to make a video to tell someone about America, what would you include?



Important landmarks, traditions there, buildings patterns, special cultures, maybe celebrities


If I were to make a video about America I would tell them all the countries , states they have and all the celebrations , different foods and etc

Read the following excerpt and answer the question.

“Where there are pistol shots, there are men. Where there are men, there is food,” he thought. "But what kind of men," he wondered, "in so forbidding a place?" An unbroken front of snarled and ragged jungle fringed the shore.

Which types of conflict can you infer from the previous passage?

Person vs. Person and Person vs. Society
Person vs. Society and Person vs. Environment
Person vs. Environment and Person vs. Person
Person vs. Self and Person vs. Environment



Person vs person vs society

How do taxpayer-funded programs or agencies directly affect you and your family? Do you agree with how much taxpayer money is currently allocated to specific programs , agencies , or funds? Why or why not? What would you change?



Yes I agree


the proper use of taxpayer money depends on the rulers and most of the times it is for our benefits and facilities. So we should wisely select the leadership before asking such questions.

Taxpayer-funded programs or agencies can directly affect individuals and families in various ways. The allocation of taxpayer money to specific programs, agencies, or funds can be a controversial issue.

What are taxpayer-funded programs?

Taxpayer-funded programs or agencies can directly affect individuals and families in many ways, such as by providing access to healthcare, education, infrastructure, and public safety services. For example, programs like Medicare and Medicaid provide healthcare coverage to millions of Americans who may not have been able to afford it otherwise. Educational programs, such as public schools and student loan programs, offer opportunities for individuals to learn and advance their careers. Agencies responsible for maintaining infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and public transportation, ensure safe and efficient travel for individuals and goods.

Hence, taxpayer-funded programs or agencies can directly affect individuals and families in various ways. The allocation of taxpayer money to specific programs, agencies, or funds can be a controversial issue.

Learn more about taxpayer-funded programs here.



In “a simple way to create suspense “ lee child develops the central idea that writers can develop suspense by real waking answers





Write your own statemeant!

Which sentence from a speech uses inflammatory lạnguage?





Soon after Rinehart rewrote the record books, a battle of dueling century riders in Long Island, New York, attracted national attention. Irene Brush of Brooklyn started things off by pedaling 200 miles in 22 hours on May 7 and 8, 1899. A month later, she rode 300 miles in 29 hours and in mid-July, 400 miles in 48 hours. Brush's achievements soon were eclipsed by two new marathon cyclists. In late July, Jane Yatman, a 24-year-old former bookstore clerk from Manhattan, powered through five centuries in 58 hours. In early September, Jane Lindsay of Brooklyn pedaled 600 miles in 72 hours. Later that month, on September 16, Jane Yatman set out to ride 700 miles, a feat which she accomplished in 81 hours, 5 minutes. "Miss Yatman plainly showed the effects of the terrible strain in her countenance," reported the New York Times, "and said that the ride was torture during the last twenty-five miles." Those miles, and indeed the entire last century, were ridden in a drenching rainstorm. –Wheels of Change, Sue Macy What central idea do the statistics help the reader understand?

A- Rinehart held the longest cycling record.
B- Women bicycle racers were very competitive.
C- Not everyone supported women racers.
D- Cycling races were popular to watch.



the answer is B


just answered it <3


B. Women bicycle racers were very competitive


trust me:)

"Why does she have to mail her friends abroad?' The other way of saying the same thing is PER O A) Why are her friends mailed abroad? B) Why her friends have to be mailed abroad. C) Why her friends are mailed abroad. D) Why do her friends have to be mailed abroad?​



D) Why do her friends have to be mailed abroad?​


Another way of asking the question, "Why does she have to mail her friends abroad?' is option D which says, "Why do her friends have to be mailed abroad?"

This is because, they are both saying (or asking) the same thing which is to ask why her friends have to be mailed abroad.

Rubab is so friendly. ___________ can make friends with her.
a) Something b) Anything
c) Anyone d) Someone



C) anyone


0 a.All b.every c.most

1a.lots b.many c.much

2 a early b. Earliest c. Morning

3 a.gets b. Makes c. Takes

4 a. Again b.is c. Are

5 a. Writes b. Arrives c. Drives

6 a.goes. b. Likes c. Lives

7 a.am b. Are c. Be

8 a. House b.job c. Work

these are the words





0. B

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. C

6. B

7. A

8. A

Choose the best topic sentence for the passage.

It used to be unusual to live to the age of 90. Better diet and medicine have made 90 a more common age. Today, some people even live to be well over 100.

People are living longer than ever.

Today, some people even live to be well over 100.

People can live a long time.

It used to be unusual to live to the age of 90.



People are living longer than ever. Hope this helps!Good luck!

What are similarities between the treatment of Japanese Americans during WWII and European Jews during WWII?


Hi there! Answer down below!


Historians compare the treatment of European Jews to Japanese Americans because of two major factors. The first is that they were put in concentration camps. They had to work and many of them died. Another factor is there were many hate crimes against Japanese Americans and the government did not acknowledge it. This is why the two events are compared.


Japanese Americans were sent to concentration camps in the desert & were treated as subhuman.

"P.S. No water on Sundays. Very very inconvenient..." - Letter from a young Japanese American girl to her friend

European Jews were sent not only to concentration camps but also death camps & were treated even WORSE. They were starved to the point that, upon rescue, they were too weak to even smile in gratitude, had to RE-LEARN how to eat, & the grown men wept with joy upon seeing a hot meal, saying they couldn't even remember the last time they had a hot meal. Those who died were buried in mass graves & the stench of death was SO bad the rescuers had to wear gas masks.

What is the most likely outcome of a novel changing medium?
O A. The genre would also change, helping the story reach a new
B. Technology would be implemented to make the story more
C. Flaws in the novel might become more obvious to the original
D. Details, such as the way characters are dressed, might be fleshed


B. Technology would be implemented to make the story more modern

Which is a unit of length in the metric system? Which is a unit of length in the metric system? inches feet meters yards


Answer: Meters

Meters are in the metric system

Answer: Meters


Edge 2021

What question would a reader most likely ask after reading about Jeremiah's actions? O What are the other boys doing? When Jeremiah arrived at the center, he joined twenty- two other boys on the small field behind the building. On the sideline, he unzipped his backpack carefully, as though it contained something fragile and precious, which in a way it did: a single black oversized sneaker. Jeremiah took off his flip-flops and slipped the shoe on his right foot, leaving his left foot bare, and took the field. -Outcasts United, Warren St. John O Why is Jeremiah wearing only one shoe? O What does Jeremiah like about soccer? ​



B) Why is Jeremiah wearing only one shoe?

Explanation: edg


Why is Jeremiah wearing only one shoe?


Correct on Edge

Determine the x-intercepts of the function. Check all that apply.

(–2, 0)
(–1, –2)
(0, 0)
(1, 0)
(2, 0)



(0, 0)

(-2, 0)


The value of the x - intercept can be picked directly from the graph.

The x - intercept depicts the point where the value of y = 0.

From the plotted graph function ;

y = 0 at two different points :

At the first point ; where y = 0

x is located at the point (0, 0)

The second point where y = 0;

x is located at the point (-2, 0)

Read the excerpt from The Odyssey.
Now Zeus the lord of cloud roused in the north
a storm against the ships, and driving veils
of squall moved down like night on land and sea,
The bows went plunging at the gust; sails
cracked and lashed out strips in the big wind.
We saw death in that fury, dropped the yards,
unshipped the oars, and pulled for the nearest lee:
then two long days and nights we lay offshore
worn out and sick at heart, tasting our grief,
until a third Dawn came with ringlets shining.
Then we put up our masts, hauled sail, and rested,
letting the steersmen and the breeze take over,
Which elements of epic poetry are shown in this excerpt? Check all that apply.



A). Supernatural elements

C). A difficult journey with trials

F). A hero showing perseverance


As per the question, the components of epic poetry like 'the use of supernatural elements, a tough journey along with challenges, and the hero displaying courage and persistence' are displayed in the given excerpt taken from Homer's 'The Odyssey.'

The descriptions regarding Zeus leading to produce a 'storm against the ships, and driving veils' substantiate the presence of supernatural forces and this led the characters to undergo a tough phase comprising of plenty of challenges('bows went plunging...saw death in fury...dropped the yards'). However, the protagonist, the hero, displayed utter determination and bravery to not give up and battle against the odds so that 'breeze finally took over.' Thus, options A, C, and F are the correct answers.  

A car _ road

On, in, out

What is the answer??


a car on the road
that’s your answer

___________ are not preventable, but you can prepare for the dangerous situations that they might cause.

Natural calamitiesThe first step in the prevention of accidents is to _________ the risks that are involved.




1) Natural calamities

2) overlook


Natural Calamities are not preventable, but you can prepare for the dangerous situations that they might cause.

The first step in the prevention of accidents is to consider the risks that are involved.

hope it helps

have a nice day




For Sicily, Odysseus lands on an island and took a couple of his men, and very strong wine given to him by other kings from other lands, and went to explore and search for food when they stumbled upon a cave. Outside the cave there were rams and goats and when they walked into the cave there was milk, cheese, and bread scattered all over. The ate and drank until they heard someone coming back to the cave. They hid in a corner and watching as a giant Cyclops came in with his rams and sheep, and closed the cave door. The cyclops lit a huge fire not noticing Odysseus and his men, but after a while he did. he laughed and kept them there for nights eating a couple men every night. Eventually when there was only a couple men left, Odysseus remember the wine. For nights he forged a hot wooden stake and the last night left a bowl of wine out and told the giant it was an offering. The giant drank it with pleasure and asked Odysseus what his name was, and with that Odysseus cleverly said "Nobody, My name is Nobody."  He then dunked the stake into the fire and threw it in the giant's one eye. The giant screamed and when his brothers heard they asked who was hurting him, and he screamed, "Nobody! Nobody is hurting me! My brothers help!" With that they left, thinking he was fine. the next morning the giant lifted the heavy door to let his sheep out, and Odysseus and his men rode under the rams and sheep for freedom at last. As they got to the ships the giant realized what they did, and Odysseus called out, "If anyone asked who blinded you, say it was The Great Odysseus!"


The book is called the wanderings of Odysseus. This is not straight from the book but yet a summary of that chapter. Hope it helps. I'm pretty sure 6 men plus Odysseus were all that were left of those who left the ship.



Land of the Cicones who fought with the Trojans. They raid it for supplies but are driven off and lose 6 men per ship (72 total)

Lotus Eaters-

After Ismarus, they end up on the Island of the Lotus Eaters where he has to drag his men away after they ate the enchanted food

Sicily (Cyclops)-

They also encounter the Cyclops (Polyphemus) who traps them in his cave and eats 6 more of Odysseus' men.Odysseus blinds Polyphemus and pretends to be Nobody while his men sneak out covered in sheep woolPolyphemus calls on Poseidon to curse Odysseus and make sure he never returns home

Aeolis (Wind God)-

Aeolis gives Odysseus a bag of wind but tells him to use it carefully

Laestrygonia (Cannibals)-

When they land here, the Laestrygonians capture and kill all the ships except for the one Odysseus is on.

Aeaea (Circe)-

The men open Odysseus' bag of wind from Aeolis and it sends them to CirceCirce turns some of Odysseus' men into pigs while she and Odysseus are a thing (have sex) for about a yearShe returns his men to normal and and sends him into the underworld

Land of the Dead-

Odysseus sees his mother and meets Teiresias Teiresias tells him that he will make it home but none of his men will

Aeaea (Circe pt. 2)-

Circe warns them of the Sirens, Scylla, and Charybdis


Odysseus wants to hear the Sirens so he makes his men all plug their ears and tie him to the mast of the shipThey make it through unscathed

Charybdis and Scylla-

They must go past bothCirce tells him that Charybdis could take them all down whereas Scylla will only take  few of his men Odysseus decides to stick near Scylla's cliffs and loses 6 more men

explain face what that photo express ​




this may be the villain side smile

During the first year of imprisonment, the lawyer, as far as it was possible to judge from his short notes, suffered terribly from loneliness and boredom. From his wing day and night came the sound of the piano. He rejected wine and tobacco. “Wine,” he wrote, “excites desires, and desires are the chief foes of a prisoner; besides, nothing is more boring than to drink good wine alone,” and tobacco spoils the air in his room.

Which type of conflict occurs in the excerpt above?






In this excerpt, the type of conflict being demonstrated would be an internal conflict. The lawyer is feeling lonely, bored, and ultimately depressed. All of this is happening internally in his head. Due to his sadness, he decides to reject wine and tobacco and creates excuses as to why he decided this. All of which is a conflict with himself and no-other physical individual, therefore, making it an internal struggle/conflict.

An adjective is noun
that is used to
describe other noun​


Answer: yes that is right



Adjectives are descriptive words

Imagine that you are Atticus Finch writing a business letter to the judge to explain the reason you are appealing Tom's conviction. Following the format below, write a five-paragraph letter that details the evidence that proves Tom's innocence, and the evidence that is lacking in order to convict him. Use examples from the text, as well as correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Sender's Street Address

City, State and Zip Code

Date (Month Day, 4-Digit Year)

Recipient's Name (Mr./Ms./Mrs.)

Recipient's Title (If Applicable)

Recipient's Street Address

City, State and Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. ___________:
Introductory paragraph should explain in detail the reason you are writing the letter. In this paragraph, you establish your claim/central purpose, and establish the format of the letter. It should be single-spaced, in block format (meaning you do not indent the first sentence in the paragraph).

The second paragraph is where you add all of the examples and supporting details. Support and develop your claim thoroughly with evidence from the book.

Insert additional body paragraphs as needed to add any remaining, necessary information.

The final paragraph should be your conclusion. State any expected outcomes as a result of sending your letter. Be gracious and professional. Express gratitude, if applicable.

Salutation (Sincerely, Respectfully Submitted, etc.)

Sender's Name

Sender's Title





Read the following sentence.

Noah attempted to perform his first (and what he hoped would not be his last) magic trick for his little brother.

What is the purpose of the parentheses in the sentence?

to indicate an omission
to indicate an interruption
to set off extra information
to set off necessary information



To indicate an omission


Porque el hace el truco de magia que nunca lo hizo.




yes indeed oh yes sorry about the Travis Scott

Explain why strong friendships formed between the astronaut wives, and how these friendships may have affected the wives as they faced challenges.



The reason why the astronauts' wives formed strong friendships was that they were in the same situation, meaning that they could understand each other and help one another because their status related them. This changed their lives because first of all, their husbands' employers told them how to live, how to behave, what to represent, and how to act. Because they were part of an important group. The astronauts' context in the time of the space race.


To understand this answer we need to analyze the following: First of all, they live in a very special context. They were the astronauts' wives, and they were expected to represent the concept their husbands' employers wanted to transmit to the public. They were celebrities and were meant to represent the American dream, as well as an example of what people should have aspired to become. Even the children were told what to do, think, and say. They were a concept in the eyes of the country in the space race. One example is how all of them had to perform the perfect housewife ideal society had and perform tasks to help their husbands.

Hoped i helped you :)

In “musee des beaux arts”, who does Auden feel best understands human suffering?


“The old master” is the correct answer


The “Old Masters”


The answer above is correct :)

You would have to read the poem to understand

A P E X  L E A R N I N G

to become a better listener, listen to people ____everything they say is important.
a. as
b. X
c. the way
d. as though



as though


"as though" can replace "as if" in a sentence.

What's another word we can use instead of "Ol' Higue?​



This term refers to some one 'playing around', having fun. The Ol' Higue is being sarcastic at this point. She is expressing displeasure at having to fly around to seek prey


This term refers to some one 'playing around', having fun. The Ol' Higue is being sarcastic at this point. She is expressing displeasure at having to fly around to seek prey Explanation:

Which sentence changes this imperative to an indicative mood?

Clean up your room!

Could you please clean your room?
If you would clean your room, it would make me happy.
I want you to clean up your room.
This room is a horrible mess!



the 3rd one


Could you please clean your room? ntence changes this imperative to an indicative mood.


i believe it will help you!!

Which of the details support the central idea that ancient Egyptian culture was responsible for many advances today? (also because I'm impatient and my laptop is dying I will give you 50 points if you give me the right answer )





Their belief in reincarnation affected the ancient Egyptians' approach toward death. Death was viewed as a transitory disruption rather than the end of life by them. They were mummified after death so that the soul might return to the body and breathe life into it.

Egypt's Monarchical Technology Astrophysics, mathematics, and pharmacy were all significant accomplishments in ancient Egypt during the dynasty period. Their geometry arose from surveys in order to maintain the layout and sovereignty of fertile farmland inundated yearly by the Nile River.


for all plato users


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