Which is NOT true about literary elements?


Answer 1



Literary elements are the devices and techniques that writers use to create their literary works. They include elements such as plot, character, setting, theme, and symbolism, among others. Here are some statements that are true about literary elements:

Literary elements are the building blocks of literature and are essential to understanding and analyzing literary works.

Different literary works can use the same literary elements in different ways, leading to unique and distinct works.

Literary elements can create different effects and meanings depending on how they are used by the author.

Different literary elements can work together to create a cohesive and complex work of literature.

Therefore, the statement that is NOT true about literary elements is that they are not important or necessary in understanding and analyzing literary works.

Related Questions

We have encountered various definitions of race and racism. In the film Race: The Power of an Illusion: The House We Live In, James Horton reminds us that race "is a social and political construction." Along those lines, George Lipsitz further argues that "race is a cultural construct, but one with sinister structural causes and consequences" (2). Ruth Wilson Gilmore provides a complex yet clarifying understanding of racism as "the state-sanctioned and/or extra-legal production and exploitation of group-differentiated vulnerabilities to premature death, in distinct yet densely interconnected political geographies” (qtd. in Melamed 78). Compose a brief summary in which you explore two examples of structural racism. How does power operate through the frame of race within these examples? In your view, what are effective ways to address the "sinister structural causes and consequences" (Lipsitz) of structural racism?



Structural racism refers to the ways in which racial inequalities are built into social structures, institutions, policies, and practices, regardless of the intentions of individuals involved. One example of structural racism is the racial wealth gap, where people of color have significantly lower levels of wealth than white people due to systemic discrimination in employment, housing, and finance. This wealth gap perpetuates racial inequalities and reinforces power imbalances in society, as white people have greater access to resources, education, and opportunities.

Another example of structural racism is the school-to-prison pipeline, which refers to the policies and practices that push students, particularly Black and Latinx students, out of schools and into the criminal justice system. These policies include zero-tolerance disciplinary policies, over-policing of schools, and inadequate resources for social and emotional support. This pipeline reinforces the racialization of crime and punishment and perpetuates the marginalization and criminalization of Black and Latinx communities, while reinforcing the power and authority of law enforcement and the criminal justice system.

To address the structural causes and consequences of racism, it is important to first recognize and acknowledge the ways in which power operates through the frame of race. This requires a deep understanding of the historical and systemic factors that have created and perpetuated racial inequalities. Effective solutions must be rooted in dismantling the institutional and systemic barriers that perpetuate racial disparities and empowering communities of color through education, economic opportunity, and political representation. This includes investing in programs that support equitable education, housing, and healthcare, as well as measures to address police brutality and reform the criminal justice system. Additionally, it is essential to center the voices and leadership of communities of color in developing and implementing solutions to address structural racism.

You are _____ smoke in the restaurant.​



You are not allowed to smoke in the restaurant.

what is the author's purpose in this opinion piece?


Correct option (c)  The author's purpose  to warm people with allergies about being overly cautions.

What is author's purpose examples?

The goal of an author is his or her cause for writing. An author's goal may be to entertain the reader, convince the reader, educate the reader, or satirise a situation.

The goal of an author's communication could be to teach, convince, inform, amuse, educate, startle, arouse, sadden, enlighten, punish, comfort, or a variety of other things. Audiences, like writers, have different reasons for reading, listening to, or otherwise appreciating bits of communication.

The world of the world of the world of the present. Readers who identify the author's purpose can describe why the author wrote the text and what the author wants readers to know or do after reading. This approach aids readers in better understanding and enjoyment of the tales they read and listen to.

Learn more about author's purpose



2 Complete the sentences with the word
friends in Exercise 1.
1 There are many rootless people in the
world today. They are always moving from
one place to another.
2 Many
live in mobile homes
in beach areas. It can be a very relaxing
way to live when you have stopped
3 Some trailer parks have an
-, but they are not as bad
as they seem.
He helped a lot of people in society and
demonstrated a great.
5 Being part of a club can give people
Everybody was very friendly - they were
like a
for me.


He performed a wonderful act of charity and assisted many individuals in the community. People can feel a feeling of community by joining a club. Everyone was so nice; to me, they were all like family.

What's the best way to end a sentence?

A full sentence consists of three parts: a subject (the sentence's actor), a predicate (the verb or action), and a complete thought (an autonomous notion that can stand alone and make sense).

How do I compose complete sentences?

One main clause and one predicate are necessary for a complete sentence. scraps of sentences While having some information, sentence fragments are insufficient on their own. For instance, the sentence "Moved south" is unclear about its subject and is therefore incomplete.

To learn more about incomplete sentences visit:



There are numerous ways to end a sentence, and the ideal one to use will depend on the statement's context, tone, and intent.

These are a few broad guidelines for finishing a sentence well:

Use a period: A period is the most typical way to complete a sentence. For orders and declarative declarations, this is appropriate.

Use a question mark after the statement to indicate that you are asking a straight question.

If you want to emphasize anything or exhibit a strong feeling, use an exclamation point at the conclusion of your phrase.

Use a comma: It is customary to use a comma to demarcate clauses or phrases in complex or compound statements.

Use a semicolon rather than a period or comma to separate two connected but independent phrases.

Use a colon to indicate that the list, quotation, or explanation that follows is related to the content that came before it.

Put an ellipsis there: When trailing off or leaving a statement unfinished for dramatic effect, do so with an ellipsis.

The appropriate approach to end a sentence ultimately relies on the particular line in question as well as the writer's desired impact. The secret is to select a conclusion that is suitable, understandable, and successful in expressing the idea intended.

To know more about ways to end a sentence, click on the link below:



“The university ought to raise the retrement age from 65 to 75. People are living longer than they used to, and many academics are stll productve even afer 70. Why, Dr Morgan discovered the cure for the common cold when she was 72! Older academics have a great deal of expertse that can beneft younger members of staf. If academics know they are going to be forced out at 65, they may feel unhappy about their jobs. So academics are likely to be less productve if the retrement age stays as it is.”
1. 2. 3.
What is the main conclusion of the argument? What are the main premises of the argument?
Write out any sub-conclusions of the argument.



Main conclusion: The retirement age for academics should be raised to 75.

Premise: People are living longer and are productive longer


Older academics have a lot of experience

Academics are less likely to be productive if they know they will be forced out at 65.


State 3 negative changes you may encounter as a student in the future ​



- leaving your friends going separate ways

- not getting into colleges you would like to

- getting harder tests and not passing.

How does the experience of warfare today impact civilians in war zones


The experience of warfare today impacts civilians in war zones through loss of life and limb, being forced to leave their homes, suffering mental trauma, and not having enough money.

The impact of warfare on civilians in conflict areas is severe, resulting in various consequences. Firstly, civilians suffer from the loss of life and limb, which can be due to crossfire, landmines, and unexploded ordnances. These injuries can be long-lasting and affect their ability to lead a normal life.

Secondly, warfare often leads to the displacement of civilians from their homes, which can result in them being deprived of necessities such as food, clean water, and medical supplies. Moreover, the disruption of socio-economic systems can leave them living in unsanitary and overcrowded conditions.

Finally, the experience of warfare can lead to psychological trauma, which affects the mental health of individuals in conflict areas. Symptoms such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety can last long after the conflict has ended, further deteriorating the mental health of individuals.

In summary, warfare's impact on civilians in conflict areas can result in significant loss of life and limb, displacement from homes and access to necessities, and psychological trauma that can last long after the conflict has ended.

Learn more about war impact civilians.



the black hole of technology bloggers perspective and the reasons and eamples used to suport it


The tendency of technology bloggers to concentrate intensely on some topics or items while neglecting or paying less attention to others is known as the "black hole" of their perspective.

What are technology bloggers?

Technology bloggers are individuals who write articles or create content related to technology and the tech industry on blogs or other online platforms. They often focus on issues such as software, hardware, gadgets, mobile devices, and the latest tech trends.

Professional journalists, business experts, and amateur enthusiasts with a passion for technology are all examples of technology bloggers. Technology bloggers can have a significant impact on how the general public perceives and understands new products and technologies.

They frequently offer in-depth analyses, reviews, and commentary on new products or developing trends in the tech sector, assisting in educating customers and businesses about the most recent advancements.

Learn more about technology bloggers with the help of the given link:



(Brainliest answer only)

Match the author to the central idea of their response.



Central Idea:

Even though manned space programs are expensive, they lead to a lot of valuable inventions. - Isabel Flores

It makes more sense to use cheaper robotic programs now and figure out how to send humans to space later. - Joon Kim

We can't let people die in space if robots can do the job for us. - Mark Scarborough

We shouldn't waste money on space when there are better uses for it on Earth. - Sylvia Johnson

We can't let other nations think we're becoming cowardly by sending out robots instead of humans. - Nora Jensen

Manned space programs are much more inspiring than robotic space programs. - Michael Williams

What does Joy Kasson mean when she states that the Wild West show sanities (par. 1) the narrative of the Western experience?



When Joy Kasson says that the Wild West shows "sanitized" the narrative of the Western experience, she means that these shows presented a carefully constructed and idealized version of the West that was far removed from the harsh realities of life in that region. The Wild West shows, which were popular entertainment spectacles in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, depicted cowboys, Indians, and frontier life in a way that emphasized adventure, excitement, and heroism. However, these shows largely ignored the violence, exploitation, and racism that were also part of the Western experience. In this way, the Wild West shows helped to shape a popular understanding of the West as a place of rugged individualism, bravery, and opportunity, while downplaying or ignoring the darker aspects of Western history. Kasson argues that this sanitized narrative of the West had important cultural and political implications, as it helped to reinforce national myths of American exceptionalism and to justify imperialist ventures overseas.


Gatsby’s friendship with Wolfshiem further develops Gatsby’s character by making Gatsby seem
Chapter 3
(The Great Gatsby IV)




more complex and morally ambiguous. The association with Meyer Wolfsheim, a notorious figure involved in organized crime, suggests that Gatsby's wealth and success may have been obtained through illegal means, complicating the reader's perception of him as a romantic hero. Furthermore, this relationship helps to establish Gatsby's enigmatic persona, contributing to the novel's themes of appearance versus reality and the corrupting influence of wealth and power.

What is the meaning of "Even in terms of the war against Britain, Rib-bentrop concluded, it was “imperative that the Soviet Union be beaten down now"?



Even though Germany was already deeply involved in fighting Britain, and opening another front would weaken their power, Ribbentrop believed that beating the Soviet Union was of utmost importance.


Summarize "The Landscape of the Fall of Icarus" and compare it with the
painting of the same name. What are the similarities and differences?



I hope that helps, please don't forget to give a Brainliest :) any feedback is appreciated. Hope you have a great day!

"The Landscape of the Fall of Icarus" is a poem by William Carlos Williams that describes the Greek mythological figure Icarus falling from the sky after flying too close to the sun with wings made of feathers and wax. The poem focuses on the indifference of nature and the world to Icarus's fall, with the farmer continuing to plow his field and the ship sailing by without noticing. Williams portrays the tragedy of Icarus's fall as a small and insignificant event in the grand scheme of things.

In contrast, the painting "The Fall of Icarus" by Pieter Bruegel the Elder portrays a more vivid and dramatic scene. In the painting, Icarus is depicted as a small figure falling into the sea while people on land and a ship at sea are shown reacting to the event. The painting highlights the contrast between the tragic fate of Icarus and the mundane activities of the people around him. The painting also suggests the theme of the danger of ambition and overreaching.

The similarities between the poem and the painting are the central focus on Icarus's fall and the contrast between his tragedy and the indifference of the world around him. However, the poem emphasizes the insignificance of Icarus's fall, while the painting portrays it as a more significant event with a broader impact on the people around him. Additionally, the poem portrays the fall from a distance and through the eyes of an observer, while the painting puts the viewer right in the midst of the action.

"The Landscape of the Fall of Icarus" is a poem by W. H. Auden that describes a scene of everyday life, with a farmer plowing his fields and a ship sailing on the sea. The poem then mentions the mythological figure Icarus, who is often depicted falling from the sky after flying too close to the sun with wings made of wax.

The painting of the same name, "The Fall of Icarus", is a work of art by Pieter Bruegel the Elder. The painting depicts a landscape with a small figure of Icarus falling into the sea, while the rest of the scene shows people going about their daily activities, seemingly unaware of the tragic event happening in the background.

The similarities between the poem and the painting are that they both portray a landscape with everyday scenes of life, alongside a tragic event involving Icarus. Both works also suggest that people often focus on their own concerns and may not notice significant events happening around them.

The main difference between the two works is that the poem focuses more on the landscape and the everyday scenes of life, while the painting focuses on the tragedy of Icarus and the contrast between his fall and the mundane activities of the people around him. The painting is also more visual, providing a specific image of Icarus falling into the sea, whereas the poem leaves the event more open to interpretation.

Overall, both the poem and the painting explore the theme of human fallibility and the contrast between the smallness of human concerns and the vastness of the natural world.

And can u explain your answer please….



sure thing I can I will get back to you


hope all possibilities is good!

10freepointsbymee:b im doing this once soooooo come here and get it while u can






? Ok


there’s no question

(01.05 MC)

Danielle is writing a thesis statement about the impact of indirect characterization on the development of the plot. Read her thesis statement and answer the question that follows.

In "The Ascent" by Ron Rash, there are many things that the author does with the people in the story to make the plot go.

What should Danielle most focus on when revising her thesis statement for formal language?




Danielle should focus on improving the clarity and specificity of her thesis statement.

The current statement is unclear and lacks focus. It also uses informal language, which is not appropriate for a formal academic paper.

A revised thesis statement could be:

Through his use of indirect characterization, Ron Rash skillfully develops the plot of "The Ascent" by revealing the inner thoughts, motivations, and desires of the characters, ultimately leading to the climax and resolution of the story.


More Common Sense


Example, Instead of "to make the plot go" use "to make the plot work", etc.

what is noun here? My uncle has attempted the dangerous ascent of Mount Everest.


Answer: The nouns are uncle, ascent, Mount Everest.


A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea. The only nouns in this sentence are as follows: uncle, ascent, and Mount Everest.

Hope this helps!!! :)

select the tense of the bold verb. the writer had hoped for a movie contract on his book, but he gave up after waiting five years.


The tense used in the given sentence is Past Perfect. It is because past perfect is used to describe the events that took place in the past.

The past perfect, sometimes referred to as the pluperfect, is a verb tense used to discuss activities that were carried out before a specific moment in time. Had + [past participle] is the syntax for the past perfect tense. The formula remains the same whether the topic is solo or plural. The section of the sentence that describes the condition uses the past perfect tense (the if-clause). When a verb is used in the past perfect tense, it is usually to indicate that an action occurred before another in the same phrase that is described by a verb in the simple past tense. It's unusual to write a paragraph in which every verb is in the past perfect tense. Avoid using the past perfect tense when you're not attempting to describe a series of occurrences.

The past perfect is typically used to indicate which action occurred first. This is frequently used to justify or explain a prior event.

To know more about Tense, click here:



Which is the best example of paraphrasing for the following passage?
Thompson fell to maundering, in a desultory and low-spirited way, about the miserable experiences of this night: and he got to referring to my poor friend by various titles- - sometimes military ones, sometimes civil ones; and I noticed that as fast as my poor friend's effectiveness grew, Thompson promoted him accordingly- -gave him a bigger title.
A. Thompson thought this whole adventure was entertaining and enjoyed coming up with funny nicknames.
B. Thomspon called the narrator by different nicknames to try to cheer both of them up.
C. Thompson gave the corpse nicknames that increased in military rank as the smell grew stronger.


The best example of paraphrasing for the passage is "Thompson called the narrator by different nicknames to try to cheer both of them up."  Therefore, the correct option is B.

Paraphrasing refers to the method of rewriting a passage from a source document and making it suitable and unique for the target audience while keeping the meaning intact. The best paraphrasing should keep the meaning of the original text intact, while also being presented in a different way. This makes it simpler to understand by different people.

Hence, the best example of paraphrasing for the given passage is option B: "Thompson called the narrator by different nicknames to try to cheer both of them up." This phrase is an excellent paraphrasing of the original text because it provides an accurate explanation of Thompson's behavior towards the narrator's friend.

Thompson referred to the narrator's friends with different titles, and as the narrator's circumstances worsened, Thompson promoted him with new titles to try to bring a little lightheartedness to the situation.

Learn more about Paraphrasing:



Do you think human and wild life should come exist



Do You Think Human and Wildlife Should Coexist?

As human populations continue to grow and expand, the impact on wildlife and their habitats becomes more and more pronounced. The question of whether humans and wildlife can coexist has become increasingly important in recent years. In this article, we will explore the benefits and challenges of human-wildlife coexistence and examine potential solutions for striking a balance between the two.


The relationship between humans and wildlife has been a contentious one for centuries. As humans have expanded their reach and encroached upon natural habitats, many species have been pushed to the brink of extinction. However, the idea of coexisting with wildlife has gained traction in recent years, with many advocates arguing that humans and wildlife can, and should, find a way to live together.

The Benefits of Coexistence

There are many benefits to coexisting with wildlife. For one, it allows humans to experience the wonder and beauty of the natural world firsthand. Wildlife also plays a crucial role in maintaining ecosystem health, which in turn benefits humans by providing clean air and water, fertile soil, and protection from natural disasters such as floods and fires.

The Challenges of Coexistence

Despite the benefits, coexisting with wildlife also presents significant challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the potential for conflict between humans and wildlife. Animals can cause property damage, attack pets or livestock, and even pose a danger to humans themselves. Additionally, some species, such as invasive or overpopulated ones, can cause harm to ecosystems or other wildlife.

Finding a Balance

The key to successful human-wildlife coexistence lies in finding a balance between the needs of both parties. This can be achieved through a variety of means, including:

Habitat preservation: Protecting natural habitats from development and destruction is critical for maintaining healthy wildlife populations.Education and awareness: Educating the public about wildlife behavior and the importance of conservation can go a long way in reducing conflicts.Coexistence strategies: Employing non-lethal methods, such as deterrents or relocation, can help reduce conflicts between humans and wildlife.Responsible tourism: Encouraging responsible tourism practices, such as observing wildlife from a distance and respecting their natural behaviors, can help mitigate negative impacts on wildlife.

In conclusion, the question of whether humans and wildlife can coexist is a complex and nuanced one. While there are certainly challenges to be overcome, the benefits of coexistence are clear. By finding a balance between the needs of humans and wildlife, we can create a world where both can thrive.


1. Why is it important to coexist with wildlife?

Coexisting with wildlife is important because it allows us to experience the wonder and beauty of the natural world while also preserving the health and functioning of ecosystems.

2. What are some of the challenges of coexisting with wildlife?

Some of the challenges of coexisting with wildlife include conflicts between humans and animals, property damage, and harm to ecosystems or other wildlife.

3. How can we find a balance between the needs of humans and wildlife?

Finding a balance between the needs of humans and wildlife can be achieved through habitat preservation, education and awareness, coexistence strategies, and responsible tourism practices.

4. What are some non-lethal methods for reducing conflicts between humans and wildlife?

Non-lethal methods for reducing conflicts between humans and wildlife include deterrents, relocation, and habitat modification.

5. What role can individuals play in promoting human-wildlife coexistence?

Individuals can play a role in promoting human-wildlife coexistence by educating themselves and others about wildlife behavior and conservation, practicing responsible tourism, and supporting conservation efforts.

Scientifically no but we do have options & opinions

I opened the door quietly ............. my father.
a) to not wake
b) so I don’t wake up
c) so as not to wake
d) none of the above


A) not to awaken. In order to avoid waking my father, I carefully opened the door.

What is a pronoun, and what are some examples?

A pronoun is a word used to refer to someone or something when a noun is not required, frequently because the subject or object has already been mentioned, according to the Collins Dictionary. "It," "she," "something," and "myself" are a few examples.

What is a pronoun?

A pronoun is a word that stands in for a noun, frequently to eliminate the need to repeatedly use the same noun. Pronouns can also be used to refer to places, things, concepts, and people, much like nouns. Most sentences include at least one noun or pronoun.

To know mnore about Pronoun visit:



What is the meaning of "diplomatic posts "?



Diplomatic Posts means the offices of the Department of State located in foreign countries and may include Em- bassies, Legations, and Consular of- fices.


Diplomats are responsible for overseeing international relations regarding peace deals, trade and economics, culture, human rights, and the environment. Their work also includes negotiating treaties and international agreements, long before politicians endorse them.

It is complusory to make box in dairy writing or not?



A diary entry must always be written in a box. but there are no marks for it. You are requested to follow the prescribed format of your school.

Write an narrative essay under topic " I realized this was my moment to shine"
Words 250>300



okay easy topic i reailzed the moment to shine

The Narrative essay about a Small Star Shine in the dark​ is given below.

What is the Narrative essay?

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a young girl named Amara. She was known for her kind heart and her love for the night sky. Every night, she would sit outside and gaze at the stars, dreaming about the mysteries of the universe. One night, as she was lying on the grass, she saw a small star shining brighter than any other.

Amara was fascinated by the tiny star and decided to investigate it further. She spent every night studying the star, trying to understand why it was shining so brightly. Despite the fact that it was small compared to the other stars, it seemed to hold a special significance for her.

One night, Amara had a vivid dream. In her dream, she saw the small star falling from the sky and landing in a forest near her village. She woke up with a start and knew immediately what she had to do. She gathered her courage and set out into the forest to find the star.

Therefore, The Narrative essay about a Small Star Shine in the dark​ is given below.

Learn more about forest on:



What _____________ (that child / do)? B: He _____________ (be) silly.



Pls I don't understand


I’m not sure I totally understand what you are asking but if it is just a fill in the blank the first blank could be DID and the second could be a few things … but the ones that popped to me head didn’t make total sense. I will let you know if I come up with better answers for the second one. Hope that helped a bit!

In chapter 59, how does Pi communicate to Richard Parker that the tarpaulin is his?




In Chapter 59 of the novel "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel, Pi communicates to Richard Parker that the tarpaulin is his by using body language and vocal cues. He steps towards the tarpaulin, points to it with his hand and then points to himself. He repeats this gesture a few times and then moves away from the tarpaulin to give Richard Parker space to approach it.

As Richard Parker approaches the tarpaulin, Pi maintains eye contact with him and makes soft, reassuring sounds to communicate that he is not a threat and that the tarpaulin is for him to rest on. Richard Parker eventually lies down on the tarpaulin and falls asleep, indicating that he understands that it is his designated spot.

Through his actions and vocalizations, Pi establishes a nonverbal communication with Richard Parker, building a sense of trust and mutual understanding between them.

There are very clear differences between a child who is emotionally disturbed and a child who is socially maladjusted. As educators we are required to discern between the two when identifying a student as emotionally disturbed. This is fairly easy because of the stark differences in behaviors associated with these two conditions.
true or false




False. While there may be some differences in behaviors between a child who is emotionally disturbed and a child who is socially maladjusted, it can still be difficult to discern between the two conditions. Both types of students can exhibit challenging behaviors that interfere with their academic and social success. Additionally, some students may display symptoms of both emotional disturbance and social maladjustment. Therefore, it is important for educators to have a deep understanding of both conditions and seek input from professionals when making a determination.

A essay why you like robots and why


As an AI, I don't have personal preferences or feelings, but I can tell you some reasons why people might like robots.

Robots have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their ability to perform tasks that are difficult, dangerous, or tedious for humans. They can be programmed to perform a wide range of functions, from manufacturing and assembly to surgery and exploration. This has led to significant advancements in fields such as medicine, engineering, and space exploration.

Additionally, robots can work around the clock without getting tired or making mistakes due to fatigue or distractions. This makes them highly efficient and productive, which can be a significant advantage in many industries.

Robots can also be designed to be highly adaptable and versatile, which allows them to perform a wide range of tasks with ease. They can be programmed to learn from their experiences and improve their performance over time, which makes them even more valuable to their human operators.

Finally, robots can help us better understand ourselves and our place in the world. By studying robotics and artificial intelligence, we can gain insights into how the human brain works and how we can replicate some of its functions in machines. This can lead to significant advancements in fields such as cognitive science, psychology, and neuroscience.

Overall, robots have the potential to make our lives easier, safer, and more productive. They are an exciting and rapidly evolving field that offers many opportunities for innovation and discovery.

Which word best fills in the blank?

_______ I found out I loved painting and was actually pretty good at it.
As a result,
On the other hand,





i think the best answer is Also

I think the best answer is B.

What is the simple predicate in the following sentence: Stress at work can affect personal friendships.



The simple predicate in the sentence "Stress at work can affect personal friendships" is "can affect".

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By the end of the war (1945), more than 19,000,000 ___________ were working, accounting for more than 29% of the total work force.women You are offered the opportunity to develop a 400,000 sf warehouse facility for General Foods in suburban Philadelphia. Attracted by your expertise as a local warehouse developer, General Foods has offered to sign a triple net lease for seven years at a rent for $2 million per year. They also insist that at the end of the seven-year lease term they have the option to purchase the property at $26 million. Their final major condition is that the project be completed and ready for occupancy in 11months. If it is not complete by that time, the deal is void. You estimate that the property will cost $20 million to complete (including all costs) and that you should be able to complete it in ten months if you commence construction immediately. You believe that you can obtain a construction cost guarantee that guarantees costs will not exceed $20.5 million. You believe that you will be able to obtain a $15 million, 25-year amortization loan (with a seven-year balloon), at a fixed interest rate of 4%, and a 50 basis point fee (loan points).You believe that you can close this loan within three weeks from now. You believe that your company can access up to approximately $8 million in equity, assuming that you can successfully tap into appreciated equity positions in three existing properties without triggering capital gains taxes on these positions. Your company will receive a development fee of roughly 3% of project costs (this cost is included in your $20 million cost estimate).Finally, vacancy rates in the market are approximately 4%, gross rents in the market run $11-13 per square foot, with operating expenses and taxes running $2-$4 per square foot. Negotiations are over and it is time to make a decision.please provide the following :pro-forma/investment analysisalso include:explain the risk and opportunitiespertitioned IRRgrowth model calculations how does oreo use focus groups/marketing research? Which function produces a range of {11,5,1,7,13} given a domain of {2,0,2,4,6}f(x) = 3x 5f(x) = 3x + 4f(x) = x + 2f(x) = 5x + 3