Which nations adopted a fascist system of government before World War II?Italy Germanyboth of italy and germany


Answer 1

Both Italy and Germany adopted a fascist system of government before World War II.

Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian political ideology that emerged in Europe in the early 20th century. It emphasizes nationalism, militarism, and the supremacy of the state over the individual. Italy was the first country to adopt fascism, under the leadership of Benito Mussolini, who came to power in 1922. Mussolini's fascist regime was characterized by the centralization of power, suppression of political opposition, and aggressive expansionist policies.

In Germany, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party rose to power in 1933 and established a fascist regime that was similar in many ways to Mussolini's. Hitler's Nazi regime was characterized by extreme nationalism, anti-Semitism, and the belief in the superiority of the Aryan race. The Nazi regime was responsible for the persecution and murder of millions of Jews and other minority groups during World War II.

To learn more about fascist refer to:



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Why is the Spindletop location considered to be significant to the development of the oil industry in Texas? i need help ASAP
A. The process to convert oil into gasoline was created there.
B. The first oil refinery of the country was built there.
C. The first huge oil deposit of Texas was discovered there.
D. The first oil deposit in the country was uncovered there.


Answer: C


The Spindletop location is considered significant to the development of the oil industry in Texas because it was there that the first huge oil deposit of Texas was discovered in 1901. The discovery of oil at Spindletop marked the beginning of the modern petroleum industry and led to an oil boom in Texas, transforming the state's economy and bringing about significant technological advancements in oil drilling and refining.

Option (c), Due to the discovery of Texas's first substantial oil reserve, the Spindletop area is seen as being important to the growth of the oil industry in Texas.

Why is Spindletop crucial to the growth of Texas' oil industry?

In Spindletop, the oil company that would eventually become Gulf Oil Corporation got its start. (acquired in 1984 by the Chevron Corporation). As a result of the Spindletop oil strike, the oil tycoons Texaco (formerly known as the Texas Fuel Corporation), Amoco, and the Humble Oil Company were also established (later Exxon Company USA).

Why was Spindletop oil discovered and why was it important?

The oil era in the United States officially began with the Spindletop find. Before Spindletop, oil was largely utilized as a lubricant and a source of light. Due to the amount of oil found, it was economically possible to burn it as a fuel for widespread use.

Learn more about Spindletop area: https://brainly.com/question/16152559


An example of an "expressed power" given to the national government in the constitution is


Answer: Power to regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several states.


One example of an "expressed power" given to the national government in the constitution is the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several states (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3). This power has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to give Congress broad authority to regulate economic activity, including the power to regulate interstate commerce, the power to tax and spend for the general welfare, and the power to regulate foreign trade. This expressed power has played a significant role in shaping the economic and political landscape of the United States.


Expressed powers, also known as the "enumerated powers," include the power to coin money, regulate foreign and interstate commerce, declare war, grant patents and copyrights and more.

Explanation: I really hope this helps!! Mark me brainliest!!

Have a good evening!

What was the result of the Eisenhower Doctrine?


Eisenhower's protests against long-lasting allies — England and France — during the Suez Crisis led to the collapse of British and French influence in the Center East, spawning fears of Soviet control made more trustworthy by Nasser's increasingly pro-Soviet disposition.

To contain defense costs, the New Look brought about a shift in emphasis from regular military capacity to "air-nuclear" capacity as the Strategic Air Order inside a scaled-down in the general military establishment. Land and maritime forces were cut. Mainland air defense was extended. Although strategic air power accomplished a lower level than the Truman administration had projected, it turned into the focal point of U.S. security thinking, epitomized in the regulation of "Massive Retaliation." Summarized in the popular slogan "all the more value for the money," Massive Retaliation was expected to be both an obstacle to a foe and an economy of scale on the off chance that prevention fizzled.

The regulation was proclaimed in its most absolute structure by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles in a speech before the Council on Unfamiliar Relations on January 12, 1954, in which he said, "Neighborhood defenses must be built up by the further impediment of massive retaliatory power [emphasis added].

to know more about Massive Retaliation click here:



What were pages and squires?



please make me brainalist and keep smiling dude I hope you will


The most common definition of squire refers to the Middle Ages. A squire was typically a young boy, training to become a knight. A boy became a page at the age of 7 then a squire at age 14. Squires were the second step to becoming a knight, after having served as a page.


What were pages and squires?


Pages and squires were two different ranks of young men who were trained for knighthood in medieval Europe.

Pages were usually the youngest members of a noble household, typically boys between the ages of seven and fourteen. They were responsible for performing various duties around the household, such as running errands, serving food, and caring for the horses. They were also trained in the basics of courtly etiquette, chivalry, and martial arts.

Squires were older than pages, typically between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one. They were assigned to a knight as his personal assistant, and they performed various duties for their knight, such as caring for his armor and weapons, accompanying him into battle, and learning from him the skills needed to become a knight themselves. Squires were also trained in the finer points of chivalry, including music, dancing, and courtly love.

Both pages and squires were considered part of the knightly class, and their training was a crucial part of the process of becoming a knight.

Para finalizar, vamos a proponer acciones argumentadas teniendo en cuenta la práctica de valores, el respeto de los derechos y el cumplimiento de deberes para construir el país que anhelamos. Toma en cuenta lo siguiente: Prioriza algunos valores trabajados, toma en cuenta los derechos que hemos venido trabajando. Propuestas Argumentos Cuidar nuestra escuela, manteniendo el orden y limpieza, compartiendo los espacios


Value of responsibility: By taking care of our school and keeping it clean and organised, we are demonstrating our responsibility towards the space we share and the larger educational community.This acciones

It is essential to put values based actions in practise, to respect human rights, and to fulfil obligations in order to build the country we want. In that sense, one of the things we can do is take care of our school by acciones keeping it clean and organised and by sharing the spaces. This action is based on the principles of responsibility, solidarity, and environmental protection, as well as the right to a healthy environment and the need to protect the environment. By carrying out this action, we are the acciones development of a more fair,equitable, and sustainable

Learn more about acciones here:



which underlying cause of world war I does the assassination of archduke franz ferdinand of austria represent?


The underlying cause of World War I that the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria represents is the system of alliances.

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, in Sarajevo, Bosnia, on June 28, 1914, is one of the most well-known events leading up to the outbreak of World War I.

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was just the spark that ignited the already smoldering tensions between the European nations, thanks to their tangled web of alliances. This triggered the First World War, which lasted from 1914 to 1918.

The war resulted in the loss of many lives and resources, as well as the destruction of infrastructure, and had a significant impact on world history.

For more such questions on Archduke Franz Ferdinand, click on:



analog discovery 2 oscilloscope probes are differential while benchtop oscilloscope is not. (true or false)


The statement "Analog Discovery 2 oscilloscope probes are differential while benchtop oscilloscope is not" is generally true.

An oscilloscope is a device used to measure electric waveforms. The waveform is described by plotting the voltage on the y-axis versus time on the x-axis. It is an essential tool in the design, maintenance, and repair of electronic equipment.

An oscilloscope has many applications in fields like science, engineering, medicine, and telecommunications.

There are two types of probes used in oscilloscopes: passive and active probes. Passive probes rely solely on the voltage in the circuit under investigation, while active probes use transistors to boost the signal before it reaches the oscilloscope's input. Oscilloscope probes come in various designs, but they all work on the same principle.

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Central to the Nullification Crisis was the debate over whether states

A. refuse to pay federal taxes.
B. regulate international trade.
C. secede from the country.
D. print their own currency.



regulate international trade

what was the primary purpose of the neutrality acts passed by the united states during the 1930s?


The primary purpose of the neutrality acts passed by the United States during the 1930s was to maintain neutrality and avoid involvement in conflicts between foreign nations.

The US had experienced the devastating effects of World War I and wanted to avoid being drawn into another costly war. The neutrality acts prohibited the sale of arms and ammunition to countries at war and banned American ships from transporting goods to belligerent nations. However, the effectiveness of these acts was questioned as they did not prevent the outbreak of World War II and the US eventually became involved in the conflict after the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.

Learn more about the neutrality acts here: brainly.com/question/30288438


what was the long-term significance of the new deal? (iow, why was it important, and what impact has it had - and does it continue to have - upon the united states socially, politically, and/or economically?)


The New Deal was a set of social and economic policies implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression. Its long-term significance lies in its impact on American society, politics, and economics.

The New Deal helped establish the welfare state and ushered in a new era of government intervention in the economy.The New Deal led to the creation of new government agencies such as the Social Security Administration, which provided a safety net for the elderly and disabled. The National Labor Relations Board gave workers the right to organize and bargain collectively, while the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation guaranteed bank deposits up to $5,000.

The Civilian Conservation Corps provided jobs for young men while also conserving natural resources.According to historians, the New Deal fundamentally changed the relationship between the government and its citizens. Prior to the New Deal, the government had a limited role in the economy, and there was little social welfare legislation.

After the New Deal, the government became more involved in the economy, and social welfare legislation became more common. Today, the New Deal's legacy can still be seen in programs like Social Security and Medicare, which provide a safety net for millions of Americans.

Learn more about The New Deal: https://brainly.com/question/936437


Based on the political cartoon, who can we assume Lou Rodgers to be?


As a female cartoonist named Annie, she encountered obstacles and started submitting her work under the name "Lou Rogers." Her first known cartoons were published in Judge Magazine, a well-known national comedy publication, in 1908. Ms.

At the Massachusetts Normal Art School, which is now the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Rogers decided to pursue an artistic career around 1900. Her vivacious nature and preference for exploring the city of Boston, according to her own account, were incompatible with these studies. After a year, she left school. After joining a business partnership with a classmate, they traversed the West giving physical culture lectures to towns. She later enrolled in physical culture workshops provided in Washington, DC. It was a financial catastrophe since they lacked commercial experience. She quickly made the decision to become a cartoonist. She left for New York City and made contact with newspaper offices there.

Rogers was a staff artist at Judge, working alongside H. G. Peter, the artist behind Wonder Woman's depiction, to routinely contribute original artwork to the suffrage page titled "The Modern Woman." By 1912, Annie Rogers was listed as a cartoonist in New York City by the Patten Academy Mirror. A year later, in "A Woman Destined to Achieve Great Things," Cartoons Magazine featured Rogers as a flourishing cartoonist. Grant Hamilton encapsulated her skills as a "master cartoonist, educator, and critic":

She possesses the ability to perceive how to incorporate the idea into the larger picture, which 99 out of 100 people do not. Also, she has 40 ideas on everything. She is currently the only female artist in the world pursuing her full artistic destiny in cartoons. She wants to triumph. And she will not stop until she succeeds.

To know more about Hamilton , click the below link



which movement was begun in the 1800s in response to the injustices of industry and the exploitation of workers?


The labor movement first started during the time span of the Industrial Revolution, in the nineteenth 100 years. At that point, common individuals were much of the time taken advantage of by affluent owners and mistreated.

To all the more likely understand the situation confronting individuals in the Industrial Revolution, understanding the political and monetary views of the time is first significant.

The prevailing philosophy of the Industrial Revolution fixated on individualistic values such as classical liberalism and laissez-faire capitalism. Both of these systems advanced the possibility that the public authority should assume as minimal a part as possible in the monetary lives of individuals. As such, there were not very many unofficial laws set up to safeguard workers and the well-off owners were permitted to take advantage of them in various ways.

For instance, during the Industrial Revolution, common individuals confronted terrible working conditions, such as: swarmed and squeezed workspaces, messy and dangerous production lines and mining operations, unfortunate levels of pay, extended periods of work, and an absence of basic medical care, instruction, and rights. Out of this arose different socialist movements that focused on working on the lives and conditions of industrial workers.

to know more about the industrial revolution click here:



alice paul grew up attending what type of meetings with her mother?


Alice Paul grew up attending Quaker meetings with her mother, Tacie Paul.

Quaker meetings are gatherings of members of the Religious Society of Friends, who sit together in silence to meditate and seek divine guidance. Quakers believe in the equality of all people and have a long history of activism for social justice and human rights. Alice's exposure to these meetings likely had a profound influence on her later activism and her commitment to fighting for women's suffrage and other social justice causes. Quaker values of peace, equality, and social justice provided a strong foundation for Alice's lifelong commitment to activism and advocacy.

To learn more about Quaker refer to:



1 pta U.S. research mathematician at NASA during the 1950s-1980s who made large contributions to the Space Race, such as calculating the trajectory for the first US spaceflight and the first mission to the moon.John GlendiscriminationKatherine JohnsonAlan Sheperd


Answer: The U.S. research mathematician at NASA during the 1950s-1980s who made large contributions to the Space Race, such as calculating the trajectory for the first US spaceflight and the first mission to the moon was Katherine Johnson.


Democracy where citizens participate in lawmaking themselves: Direct or Representative


Democracy where citizens participate in lawmaking themselves is called Direct Democracy.

Democracy is a system of government in which the people rule themselves by selecting their representatives to make decisions and rules for them. Democracy is divided into two types: direct and representative.

Representative democracy, often known as indirect democracy, is the most prevalent form of democracy. Citizens elect representatives who then make decisions on their behalf.

Direct democracy is a type of democracy in which citizens make decisions and rules for themselves rather than electing representatives. Direct democracy is a type of democracy in which citizens participate in the governance process directly.

Representative democracy is a system of government in which people elect representatives to make decisions and rules for them. Representative democracy is a type of democracy in which elected representatives represent the people in the legislative assembly and make decisions on their behalf.

For such more question on Democracy:



document 16.5: illustration of battle during chicago railroad workers' strike, 1877 as the source of reference


The source of reference for this document is the Chicago Historical Society. This image was published in the book "The Great Strikes of 1877: A Study in Labor Upheavals" by National Industrial Association in 1877. The book gives a detailed account of the strike and its accompanying events, including this illustration of the battle.

However, I can tell you that the Chicago Railroad Workers' Strike of 1877 was a significant event in American labor history that occurred in the aftermath of the Panic of 1873 and a nationwide economic depression.

During the strike, thousands of railroad workers in Chicago walked off the job to protest wage cuts and poor working conditions. The strike quickly turned violent, with clashes between strikers and police and military forces. Many buildings and trains were set on fire, and the violence continued for several days before federal troops were brought in to quell the unrest.

The strike ultimately failed to achieve its goals, and many of the striking workers were fired or blacklisted by the railroads. However, the event helped to raise awareness of the issues facing American workers and contributed to the growth of the labor movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

For such more questions on The Great Strikes of 1877



Henrich Schliemann was an archaeological who discovered ancient Troy



Yes, that is correct.


Heinrich Schliemann was a German businessman and archaeologist who is famous for discovering the ancient city of Troy. In the 1870s, Schliemann excavated the site of Hisarlik in modern-day Turkey, which he believed to be the location of the ancient city of Troy mentioned in Homer's epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey. Schliemann's excavations revealed several layers of settlements and artifacts, which he believed to be evidence of the ancient city. While his methods were controversial, Schliemann's discovery of Troy was a major archaeological breakthrough and helped to shape our understanding of ancient civilizations.

how many british soldiers were against 100 colonists?


About 32,000 British soldiers were against 100 colonists . The French had a force that was nearly four times bigger; yet, many people in Britain did not see the need for a significant army.

At the outset of the battle, British forces outnumbered Continental forces; for example, in 1776, British commander William Howe's expeditionary army had a total of 32,000 soldiers, compared to American general George Washington's force of less than 20,000. The world's largest and most potent fleet was that of Great Britain.

Throughout the following century, the army's size fluctuated, reaching an estimated 48,000 soldiers in 1775, depending on the circumstance. By European standards, the British Army was incredibly small.

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during what historical time period does the pit and the pendulum take place?


The Pit and the Pendulum takes place during the Spanish Inquisition, which was a period of time between the 15th and 19th centuries.

The historical time period in which "The Pit and the Pendulum" take place is the Spanish Inquisition. The story is a horror tale written by Edgar Allan Poe. It was published in 1842, and the story is about the experience of a prisoner of the Spanish Inquisition.

The story provides some clues that suggest it is set during the time of the Spanish Inquisition in the late 15th century or early 16th century. The Spanish Inquisition was a period of religious persecution in Spain and its territories that lasted from the late 15th century to the 19th century. The story mentions the Inquisition several times, and the main character is a prisoner of the Inquisition who is being tortured for his perceived sins.

Additionally, the mention of the "black-robed judges" is likely a reference to the attire of the Spanish Inquisition official.

For more such questions on Spanish Inquisition



ah ch. 25: the united states in world war ii i. mobilization on the home front americans join the war effort 1. what was the rallying cry for u.s. entry into world war ii? 2. how many volunteered for military service during world war ii? 3. how many additional soldiers did the selective service system provide? 4. what does the term gi mean?


1. The rallying cry for the US entry into World War II was a surprise attack on the US naval base in Pearl Harbor.

2. More than 16 million volunteered for military service during World War II.

3. The Selective Service System provided an additional 10 million soldiers.

4. The term GI means government issue.

What was the rallying cry for the United States' entry into World War II?

The surprise attack on the US naval base in Pearl Harbor was the rallying cry for the United States' entry into World War II. In 1941, Japanese pilots launched a surprise attack on the US Navy base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, killing 2,403 people and injuring over 1,000 others.

This prompted the US to enter World War II, and President Roosevelt declared war on Japan on December 8, 1941.

How many volunteers were there for military service during World War II?

During World War II, more than 16 million people volunteered for military service. After the war began, the government had to enlist more soldiers in order to satisfy the increasing demand for troops.

How many soldiers did the Selective Service System provide?

The Selective Service System provided an additional 10 million soldiers during World War II. It was a government agency that was responsible for drafting young men into military service.

What does the term GI mean?

The term GI stands for government issue. It was a term used during World War II to refer to soldiers who were issued with government supplies such as clothing, food, and equipment.

The term became popular among US soldiers, and is still used today to refer to members of the US armed forces.

To know more about World War II, click on the link below:



the addition of an ambulatory around the apse in a romanesque church was _____.


A romanesque church's ambulatory was added to the apse to facilitate the movement of visitors around the building.

What serves as the Romanesque church's purpose?Romanesque churches frequently featured semicircular arches for windows, doors, and arcades, barrel or groin vaults to support the nave's roof, massive piers and walls with few windows to contain the vaults' outward thrust, side aisles with galleries above them, and a sizable tower over the crossing. Known for its four-degree lean, the Tower of Pisa, a freestanding bell tower of the Pisa Cathedral, is a prime example of Romanesque architecture. The tower is estimated to weigh 14,500 metric tons and measures about 183 feet on the lower side and 185 feet on the higher side.Romanesque, which peaked between 1050 and 1200, was the first enduring fashion trend.Romanesque churches primarily used sculpture and painting to convey important ideas.

To learn more about romanesque church, refer to:


4. Critically discuss ways in which the government of South Africa attempts to fight corruption and ensure efficient service delivery with reference to The Rule of Law and accountability​


The Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PRECCA) is South Africa's fundamental anti-bribery and anti-corruption rules and is akin to the United Kingdom's Bribery Act. PRECCA creates a usual offence of corruption that is generally defined.

What is the South African authorities doing to deal with crime?

Government has prioritised its response to the growing hassle of crook groups that extort money from construction and other businesses. Specialised gadgets – bringing collectively the South African Police Service (SAPS) and the National Prosecuting Authority – are mandated to combat these crimes of economic disruption.

Corruption in South Africa includes the improper use of public resources for non-public ends, such as bribery and unsuitable favouritism.

Learn more about South African government  here:


most – works of the classical era follow a scheme of tempos and formal ideas known as the – cycle.


Answer: instrumental, multimovement


under the leadership of munich zoo director heinz heck, scientists in nazi germany launched a program...


Under the leadership of Munich Zoo director Heinz Heck, scientists in Nazi Germany launched a program called "breeding back" or "backbreeding" in the 1930s.

In the 1930s, under the leadership of Munich Zoo director Heinz Heck, Nazi Germany launched a program called breeding back or backbreeding. This program sought to selectively breed zoo animals in order to create new species that were genetically similar to animals that had gone extinct thousands of years ago.

While the project ultimately proved to be unsuccessful, it provided important insight into animal breeding and preservation, paving the way for important conservation efforts that we continue to benefit from today.

To know more about Germany , click here.



Excess supply happens when quantity supplies is __________________ than quantity

(U.S. Government and Economics)



Excess supply happens when quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded. This is also known as a surplus. In a market, when there is a surplus, there is more of a good or service available than consumers want to buy at the prevailing price. This can lead to a decrease in price as sellers try to attract buyers, or it can result in unsold inventory if prices cannot be adjusted quickly enough.

How do President Washington’s thoughts about political parties reinforce or support his claims about patriotism


President Washington's thoughts about political parties reinforced his claims about patriotism by emphasizing the importance of national unity and the dangers of partisan divisiveness.

He believed that political parties could lead to the creation of factions that put their own interests ahead of the country as a whole, which could lead to internal strife and weaken the nation's ability to defend itself against external threats. By urging Americans to prioritize their loyalty to the country over their allegiance to any particular political party, Washington was making a case for a kind of patriotism that transcends partisan politics and promotes the common good. In this way, his views on political parties were consistent with his vision of what it means to be a true patriot.

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cecil rhodes was from the country of . he is known for imperialism and carving up the continent of .


Cecil Rhodes was from the country of South Africa. He is known for imperialism and carving up the continent of Africa.He was a strong proponent of colonization and expansionism, which led to the colonization of many African countries and the exploitation of their resources.

Imperialism is a policy or ideology of extending a country's authority and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means. It was practiced in the 19th century and the early 20th century by European powers that were expanding their territories and colonizing other countries.Cecil Rhodes was an English-born South African businessman and politician who was the founder of the Rhodes Scholarship. He was a strong advocate of imperialism, which was motivated by his desire to expand the British Empire's power and influence over other countries.He became a wealthy diamond miner and later a politician in the Cape Colony, South Africa. He helped establish Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and Zambia as British colonies and advocated for the creation of a railway line from Cape Town to Cairo. Rhodes was a strong supporter of British imperialism and believed that the British Empire had a civilizing mission to bring progress and civilization to other parts of the world.Rhodes played a significant role in the carving up of the African continent by European powers in the late 19th century, known as the Scramble for Africa. He was a strong proponent of colonization and expansionism, which led to the colonization of many African countries and the exploitation of their resources.

For more such questions on Imperialism



italy was composed of five relatively wealthy states during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. true false


Italy was composed of five relatively wealthy states during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries is a FALSE statement.The statement is false because it does not specify the five relatively wealthy states in Italy during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Italy was not composed of five states during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries but consisted of several city-states that ruled themselves.

City-states were sovereign states that were created by the towns and cities of Italy. They controlled their own territories, and they were made up of people who shared a common language, history, and culture.The Italian city-states were made up of several relatively wealthy states during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. They competed with one another in trade and culture, and they were often at war. Some of the most prominent city-states were Venice, Florence, Milan, Naples, Rome, and Genoa.The city-states' wealth came from the trade they had with other European countries. The city-states were major producers of textiles, jewelry, and other luxury goods. They traded with other countries and became rich. In addition to trade, the city-states also had a thriving artistic and intellectual culture. The city-states were home to some of the greatest artists and thinkers of the Renaissance, including Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.

For more such question on Fifteenth century



why is the battle of gettysburg considered to be a significant turning point of the civil war? responses


The Battle of Gettysburg is considered to be a significant turning point of the Civil War because it was the bloodiest battle of the entire conflict and resulted in the Confederate army's retreat.

The Confederate army's defeat also marked the beginning of the end of the war, as the Union forces continued to gain momentum and push further south.

It was the largest battle fought in North America with over 165,000 soldiers from both sides. The Union army managed to stop the Confederate army's invasion of the North and their momentum towards the Northern states. The victory at Gettysburg boosted Union morale and became a catalyst for the Union army to take the offensive against the Confederacy.

After this, they began winning many key battles. The Battle of Gettysburg ended General Robert E. Lee's advance into the North. The victory at Gettysburg also helped President Lincoln's popularity, ensuring he was re-elected as President in 1864, which ultimately helped in the Union's victory.

For more such questions on  Battle of Gettysburg, click on:



the telescope was greatly improved by which historical figure?


The telescope was greatly improved by Galileo Galilei, an Italian astronomer and physicist, in the early 17th century.

In 1609, Galileo heard about the invention of the telescope and quickly set to work building his own. He made a series of improvements to the design, including increasing the magnification power by using a convex lens in the eyepiece and a concave mirror in the objective lens.

With his improved telescope, Galileo made groundbreaking observations of the moon, Jupiter's moons, sunspots, and the phases of Venus, among other celestial objects. These observations provided evidence for the heliocentric model of the solar system and helped to revolutionize our understanding of the universe.

Galileo's work laid the foundation for the development of modern telescopes, which have continued to evolve and improve over the centuries, enabling us to make ever more detailed observations of the cosmos.

Learn more about Galileo here



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