Which of the following is NOT an example of how the Cherokees attempted to assimilate into American life?

1. Developed a written language
2.Planted crops and wore American style clothes
3.Created a central government with a legislative branch
4.Published a newspaper
5.Invented fireworks for Fourth of July celebrations.
6.Converted to Christianity


Answer 1




The Cherokees tried to fit in with American culture by learning their language, wearing their clothes and even converting to Christianity.

Related Questions

Which of the following conservation programs provides financial help for installing and constructing renewable energy systems?

Conservation Reserve Program

Conservation Stewardship Program

Environmental Quality Incentive Program

Rural Energy for America Program



Conservation Reserve Program. Environmental Quality Incentive Program.

Rural Energy for America Program


Why did the United States become involved in the Korean War?


I think that the answer that you are on is the correct one




I'm so sorry I don't know what it is

Which of the following statements is FALSE?
Segregation in America began with the Black Codes after the Civil War and continued in America into the 1960s and 1970s.
African Americans were never permitted to vote, even after the Civil War.
The United States Congress declared the Black Codes unconstitutional.
The Union Army went to the South to enforce emancipation.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Answer:  B


Black citizens of the US gained the right to vote in 1870, in which, Congress passed the last of the three so-called Reconstruction Amendments, the 15th Amendment, which stated that voting rights could not be “denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”


C. The United States Congress declared the Black Codes unconstitutional.


The Only thing that is false.

What is one reason the United States puts such strong emphasis in making this event happen



I believe it is B.


The moon landing occured during the cold war/space race so I believe it was more about the competition between USSR.

the ___ had an advantage when it came to carrying out the war operation during the revolution


Continental army is the correct answer

Who did Sam Houston bring in to help reduce the number of Native American raids and protect settlers?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Sam Houston brought in the Texas Rangers and militias to help reduce the number of Native American raids and protect settlers.

That was the best decision that he could make before the constant raids and attacks of the Native American Indian tribes in the region. Sam Houston relied on the Texas Rangers and militias to protect the settlements, the people, and the property in Central Texas.

Indians used to steal and attack white settlers in Texas, that is why he ordered Rangers to attack aggressive Indians such as Caddos, Tehuacanas, Sabine, Pawnees, and Comanches. They stole horses and hurt white people.

what angered the colonists about the tea act ?​



They colonist were being taxed on tea and they did not like that.

Many of the progressive reforms of the early twentieth century were an attempt to address which of the following?
the negative effects of industrialization and urbanization
the efforts by state governments to disenfranchise certain voters
the drain on resources associated with involvement in foreign conflicts
the lack of an international system of justice to address human rights





2. Why was the United States flying U-2s over the Soviet Union?



Alarmed over rapid developments in military technology by his Communist rivals in the USSR, President Dwight D. ... High-altitude U-2 spy planes began making reconnaissance flights over the USSR in 1956, giving the U.S. its first detailed look at Soviet military facilitie


The United States was worried about their power and if the Soviets had a bigger military force.


"By the end of 1940. Hitler was at the Pinnacle of his power". Explain the statement​



Pinnacle= The most successful point


Hitler was at the greatest point of his power by the end of 1940.

The statement is exclaiming that Hitler’s power and successfulness peaked by the end of 1940. The year 1940 was a very successful time for the Nazis, who at that stage, bombed Paris, Scapa Flow naval base near Scotland, invaded Denmark, Norway, France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Many countries had surrendered to Hitler and the Nazis including Holland and Belgium. Hitler mainly had superior power over Britain at the time. In August 1940, Germany bombed airfields and factories in England, had air battles and daylight raids over Britain, declared a blockade of the British Isles and in September, planned “Operation Sea Lion”, where he aimed to invade Britain. The multitude of events which occurred in Hitler’s favour during the 1940s therefore provide reason for his peak of power by the end of the time period.

3. In the context of the text, which is more important: freedom or security? Do you think it is ever
appropriate for the government to suspend civil liberties? Cite evidence from this text,
your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.



You need to add a link or the text itself so we can see the text but most likely the answer is freedom


By June of 1940, Hitler had already done which of the following? Check all that apply.
He had invaded Russia.
O He had conquered Norway.
O He had conquered Great Britain.
O He had invaded the Netherlands
O He had pushed Allied forces out of France.
O He had forced the United States to join the war.



O He had forced the United States to join the war.

I hope it helps...

Which letters on the above map best represent the mountain passes in the Hindu Kush which provided migration routes into the Indian subcontinent?

L and J
D and H
E and F
A and C



d and h


Can someone please help me?





Civil rights in the United States are meant to make sure that:

A. all races are treated equally.
B. states can segregate services.
C. the courts don't have too much power.
D. schools get enough money to operate.
I will give brainliest.​



A. all races are treated equally.


Civil rights laws in the United States make sure that all citizens can enjoy "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" that are promised in the Declaration of Independence.

Answer:   A , D ,


Hope this helped

Write a paragraph stating your opinion about which is the most important right preserved by the Bill of Rights .



In my personal opioin, I think Amendment I is the most important.

Amendment I gives people that freedoom of speech witch gives U.S citizens lots of power, this is great for protest, religous beliefs ect. With this said Americas goverment can not take their beliefs leagally.

This Amendment is very important with situations about BLM PAL WLM and more. The U.S can not stop or prevent peoples opinions with the first Amendment.


Feel free to add sentences if you want to.

people were
trained at
university, but
were very





Early medical school development in the United States was considerably more robust than is usually appreciated. Most histories

include only that portion of medicine known as regular or allopathic medicine. To fully understand developments in the country, it

is necessary to include the various medical sects that developed in the country in the early 19th century. It is also important to

realize that the impetus for medical school development came not from established academic institutions but from the medical

community itself. Medical schools in the United States developed at a time and place that hospitals, as we know them, did not

exist. The melding together of the preceptorship (apprenticeship), didactic lectures, demonstrations, and clinical/hospital

experience evolved slowly. The move from heroic medicine occurred somewhat reluctantly as in Europe. In the United States, in

contrast to the situation in Europe, the majority of medical practitioners were called ‘‘doctor.’’ The development of medicine and

medical education is usually discussed as a progression of knowledge. It has been fashionable to ignore the development of the

various medical sects. Even within regular medicine, no uniformity of thought existed by this time. The American Medical

Association was born of this. Change within a segment of society always reflects, and is reflected by, change in society at large.

The rapid increases in geographic area and the huge population growth must be understood. Times changed as the character of

the population changed. Perception of gender and freedom were important aspects of this change. A number of prominent African

American physicians also emerged. Hope this helped :)

The British initially gave settlers parcels of land __________ of the Appalachian mountains.

pleaseee helppp!!!!




The British Proclamation of 1763 ordered a halt to the westward movement at the Appalachians, but the decree was widely disregarded. Settlers scurried into Ohio, Tennessee, and Kentucky. After the American Revolution, a flood of people crossed the mountains into the fertile lands between the Appalachians and the Mississippi River.

Which statement was NOT part of the Wilson’s fourteen points for peace?

A)freedom of the seas

B) stop wartime inflation

C) establish a League of Nations

D) self-determination of nations


b) stop wartime inflation

6. What were the first Native American civilizations, and where were they located?



The Clovis culture, the earliest definitively-dated Paleo-Indians in the Americas, appears around 11,500 RCBP (radiocarbon years Before Present), equivalent to 13,500 to 13,000 calendar years ago. The Clovis culture was named after flint spearheads found in the 1930s at a site in Clovis, New Mexico. Clovis sites have been identified throughout the contiguous United States, as well as in Mexico and Central America.

What is Anti-Slavery?


to be against slavery

Answer Anti-slavery is basically people against slavery or they protest against it.


What roles did women take on during the Civil War?



Nurses, some women disguised themselves as men and fought in the war, some were spies, etc.


Explain the obsession with fads during the 1920s.



Roaring Twenties fads ranged from the athletic to the ludicrous.  New dance steps such as the Charleston swept the nation's dance halls, and young Americans were eager to prove their agility.

Explanation: One of the most popular trends of the decade

The leader of Athens at the peak of it's
power/prestige and artistic peak



The leader of Athens at the peak of it's power/prestige and artistic peak. was: Pericles.

How did Maynard Jackson and Andrew Young help Atlanta develop economically?
A. They both helped bring the Olympic Games to the city.
O B. They both helped bring professional sports teams to the city.
OC. They both pushed for the expansion of the Port of Savannah.
D. They both pushed for the construction of an international airport.



The Answer is A.


Answer: C


Whiskey rebellion, was Washington a tyrant?


It forced President Washington to personally lead the United States militia westward to stop the rebels.

How did Acts like the Great Compromise, Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 and the Fugitive Slave Act lead to the Civil War?



These acts made up slaves as dispensable, things, and not people.


Things like the Great Compromise would take slaves and make them count as lesser beings, and not as people. It's clear that people didn't like seeing these other people being treated as if they were nothing more than objects.

Which of these was a reason that Prussia was able to gain control over the German states and push for full unification in 1871?

Group of answer choices

all of the above

it won wars against France and Austria

consisted of a large German population

it had a powerful army




The German Confederation (German: Deutscher Bund) was an association of 39 German states in Central Europe, created by the Congress of Vienna in 1815 to coordinate the economies of separate German-speaking countries and to replace the former Holy Roman Empire. It acted as a buffer between the powerful states of Austria and Prussia. Britain approved of the confederation because London felt there was need for a stable, peaceful power in central Europe that could discourage aggressive moves by France or Russia. Most historians have judged the Confederation as weak and ineffective, as well as an obstacle to the creation of a German nation-state. It collapsed because of the rivalry between Prussia and Austria (known as German dualism), warfare, the 1848 revolution, and the inability of members to compromise. It was replaced by the North German Confederation in 1866.

In 1848, revolutions by liberals and nationalists were failed attempts to establish a unified German state. Talks between the German states failed in 1848, and the Confederation briefly dissolved but was reestablished in 1850. It decidedly fell apart only after the Prussian victory in the Seven Weeks’ War of 1866.

The dispute between the two dominant member states of the Confederation, Austria and Prussia, over which had the inherent right to rule German lands ended in favor of Prussia after the Seven Weeks’ War of 1866. This led to the creation of the North German Confederation under Prussian leadership in 1867. A number of South German states remained independent until they joined the North German Confederation, which was renamed the German Empire.

History and Structure of the Confederation

Between 1806 and 1815, Napoleon organized the German states into the Confederation of the Rhine, but this collapsed after his defeats in 1812 to 1815. The German Confederation had roughly the same boundaries as the Empire at the time of the French Revolution (less what is now Belgium). It also kept intact most of Confederation’s reconstituted member states and their boundaries. The member states, drastically reduced to 39 from more than 300 under the Holy Roman Empire, were recognized as fully sovereign. The members pledged themselves to mutual defense, and joint maintenance of the fortresses at Mainz, the city of Luxembourg, Rastatt, Ulm, and Landau.

Which of the following were railroad industrialists?
(multiple choice)
a. Morgan
b. Vanderbilt
c. Hill
d. Harriman
e. Rockefeller



The answer to this question is Vanderbilt. Cornelius Vanderbilt was an American businessman who made immense business in railroads.

One of the richest Americans of the 19th century was self-made multimillionaire Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794–1877), a railroad and shipping magnate.

What is a century?

When stating a date, a century is a time frame of 100 years. For instance, the 19th century covered the years 1801 to 1900. Since the late eighteenth century, the Church's material standing had been deteriorating. Any period of 100 years is referred to as a century.

The American business tycoon known as "the Commodore" amassed his money through railroads and shipping. After working for his father's company, Vanderbilt rose through the ranks to assume leadership roles.

Therefore, Thus option (B) is correct.

Learn more about the century here:



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