Which of the following statements best explains the relationship between cities and the development of trade?
A Cities were crucial to the development of guilds and trade associations.
B. Cities became centers for collecting regional products and importing foreign products.
Cities encouraged civic participation through open locations for assembly.
Cities became centers of education and sports as job specialization encouraged more leisure


Answer 1




Since the first option is true and cities did encourage such developments the answer is A

Related Questions

Which two planets are closest to
Earth?(A) Venus and Mars (B) Mars and
Mercury (C) Mars and Jupiter (D) Mars
and the moon



Venus and Mars


Venus is the 2nd planet, often called Earth's sister planet. It is in front of Earth. Mars is the 4th planet and comes behind Earth.


the answer is Venus and mars

why is it that when girls receive good education, the population grows more slowly?



It is because ,, when girls are uneducated she doesnot kno the impact of population growth but when they become educated they will know it and also they want yo get involve in job rather than hanging babies ..

Distinguish between grid and arbitrary
grid system


Any reference system developed for use where no grid is available or practical, or where military security for the reference is desired is termed as Arbitrary grid.


Answer. Explanation: Any reference system developed for use where no grid is available or practical, or where military security for the reference is desired is termed as Arbitrary grid. A grid is a network of evenly spaced horizontal and vertical lines used to identify locations on a map. ...

Os deslocamentos populacionais apresentam uma série de causas. Cite dois motivos que contribuem pra que o individuo migre de uma região para outra:



Busca de melhores padrões de vida e fuga da violencia são dois motivos que contribuem para que um individuo migre de uma região para a outra.


Olá. Antes de explicar a sua pergunta, eu preciso te dizer que esse não é o site brasileiro e sim o site estadunidense. Isso significa que você só pode postar perguntas em português no campo "world Languagens", caso contrario a sua pergunta poderá ser excluída. Então, da próxima vez, por favor, utilize o campo apropriado.

As pessoas migramd e uma região para outra por diversos motivos. entretanto, o principal motivo é a procura pór melhor qualidade de vida, através da busca por emprego. Muitas regiões possuem uma taxa de desemprego muito alta, enquanto outras apresenta uma taxa de desemprego menor. Isso faz com que muitas pessoas que não encontram emprego nas suas regiões se mudem para outras regiões onde a empregabilidade é um fator acessivel.

A fuga de regiões com alto nível de violencia também é uma causa de migração. As pessoas acabam se mudando para áreas mais tranquilas e melhor policiadas, onde elas poderão ter uma segurança maior.

What were the results of Soviet control on Eastern Europe? collectives communism democracy government pensions government-controlled industry market economy restricted freedom of expression​


I'll give you some answers and then some additional ones.



prices determined by government

restricted freedom of expression

shortages of food

Hope this helps!

Thank y’all for helping


Have a great day
C it’s c I had the same question for my geo

Name the parallel of latitude which divides India roughly into two equal halves



Tropic Of Cancer

•Tropic Of Cancer divides India roughly into two equal hives.


Puede existir un estado sin una nación?
Y una nación sin un estado?




when did the Jurassic Period end? A) 66 million years ago B) 144 million years ago C) 163 million years ago D) 190 million years ago​



B) 144 million years ago


it started around 201 million years ago and ended around 144 million years ago. it was preceded by the triassic period and was followed by the cretaceous period.

what do we learn from community​



To tell others about what we think, seeing, etc


It allows students to learn more about their personal motivations, practice academic material outside of the context of the classroom and testing, develop critical thinking skills while solving real-world problems, and to think about problems and social issues in new ways.


what are the ways to conserve soil erosion​


afforestationconstruction of damschecking overgrazechanging agriculture practices


-Maintaining a healthy, perennial plant cover.


-Planting a cover crop – such as winter rye in vegetable gardens. Includes annual grasses, small grains, legumes and other types of vegetation planted to provide a temporary vegetative cover. Cover crops are often tilled under serving also as a “green manure” crop.

-Placing crushed stone, wood chips, and other similar materials in heavily used areas where vegetation is hard to establish and maintain.


Soil erosion is a concern not only for its impacts on plant growth, but also for its impacts to water quality. Soil is a valuable natural resource that nourishes and supports plant growth among many other things. When soil is left bare and exposed, wind and water can erode it.

Sediments that are transported to storm drains and surface waters can choke aquatic life and increase water temperatures. Various pollutants such as bacteria, nutrients and heavy metals may also be attached to these sediments, further degrading water quality.

1. The thick liquid collected from the rubber tree is called ______​


The answer would be : Latex

Does anyone have an answer for this?

Water erosion and deposition depend on the energy of the stream or river. Explain what does this mean?



Erosion causes changes to Earth's surface. Erosion is what causes pieces of rock and soil to move. These pieces of rock and soil are called sediment. There are several causes of erosion. These causes are flowing water, waves, wind, ice, and gravity.

The answer to this question is erosion because it causes rock and soil move

.............. is influenced by economic growth and development by technological change.



Humans standard of living.


Humans standard of living is influenced by economic growth and development through technological change because new technologies in industrial sector increases the production which can be exported to other countries which lead to economic growth so due to strong and good economy citizens of that country allows them to make a high standard living.

The negative of He bought some cow's change into negative​





The answer would be He didn't bring some cows .

hope it helps


he didn't bring some cows


Which feature is characteristic of a bottomland hardwood forest?



They contain many plant species, structurally complex vegetation, a great deal of cover, and a deep litter layer.


a driver is able to cut through water in a swimming pool which property of matter does the observation show​


Answer: A diver can cut through water in a swimming pool. The property observed in this phenomena is listed below. This shows that the particles of matter have spaces between them.

This shows that the particles of matter have spaces between them and the interparticle forces of attraction between liquid particles


Which undefined term is used to define an angle?



its a point.



a point


English settlers were barred from exploring the Australian interior early on because of what two geographic regions?

Gulf of Carpentaria
Western Plateau
Great Dividing Range
Murray-Darling Basin



Great Dividing Range



Great Dividing Range



Calculate the area of a map whose length is 6cm and width is 4cm the map scale is 2cm to 1km or 1:50,000



12 km


Calculating the area of a map is very simple, you just need to multiply the length of that map by its width. In this case, you need to multiply 6 cm by 4 cm, the result will be 24 cm.

However, it is necessary that you convert this result according to the scale that the map presents. If this scale is 2cm to 1km, you will only need to divide 24cm by 2cm, which will convert the map area to kilometers. In this case 24/2 is equal to 12 kilometers. That's your result.

Which of the following have led to the advancement of mapmaking techniques




Which of the following is accurate about monsoons?
Check all that apply.
A. Rice farming responds well to heavy monsoons.
B. Local economies are devastated in a heavy monsoon season.
C. Landslides and floods can occur on a large scale during
D. Monsoons are generally good for India.



Rice farming responds well to heavy monsoons

landslides and floods can occur on a large scale during monsoons

monsoons are generally good for India

Monsoons good for India: rice farming well for heavy monsoons; landslide and floods can occur on large scale..

Explanation: Apex

Does every country form a single region explain



No, of course not. The larger the country the more likely it will have multiple cultures. Also many modern cities are large enough that individual neighborhoods whose inhabitants are largely from one group of immigrants have a different culture in each of these neighborhoods.


No, obviously not.


Some countries could be part of larger regions, other countries could be divided into separate regions. For example, Saudi Arabia is part of the Middle East. However, in a country like the United States, there are multiple regions, like the West, South, Southeast, Midwest, Northeast, and Great Plains.

Waves run up onto the beach forming a ________ and run back down as ___________ .​


Waves crashing on the beach forms a swash and they run back down forming a backwash

Waves run up onto the beach forming a swash and running back down as backwash.

What is the name for the water that runs back down a beach after a wave has reached the beach?

When a wave reaches the shore, the water that rushes up the seaside is referred to as the swash. The water that flows lower back toward the sea is called the backwash. The energy of the swash and backwash decide the type of wave.

Sometimes, those waves get shot backwards toward the shoreline, creating a small wave going backwards. essentially, the large area receives so filled up with water that it surges backwards, in the direction of the ocean. each summer time sand tiers rise because calm waves deposit sand. Conversely, storms take sand away.

Learn more about the ocean here https://brainly.com/question/25154137


HELP PLS someone help me please





Less rainfall could mean more wildfires that get sparked because of the dry weather. It also could affect you with dryer skin, less moisture in the air means drier skin.

Hope this helps!

Make a flow chart of soil types found in india​


Put the line increasing


Draw a graph and put a line saying that it's increasing

Why are latitude and longitude useful to geographers?



Latitude and longitude make up the grid system that helps us identify absolute, or exact, locations on the Earth's surface. You can use latitude and longitude to identify specific locations. Latitude and longitude are also helpful in identifying landmarks.


used to mark the location

Maps can show more than the view out your window, such as:
A political boundaries.
B population characteristics.
C elevations
D. All of the above.


The answer is all of the above.

Because there are some types of maps that can show political boundaries, population characteristics and elevations.
D. all of the above

hope this helps!!

what do east and west Antartica have in common


In East Antarctica, the ice sheet is thicker and rests on bedrock that is above sea level in most places, whereas in the west the ice is not as thick and much of the underlying bedrock is below sea level. In addition to being the highest continent, Antarctica is also distinctive for being the coldest and the driest.


The Antarctic Peninsula is probably Antarctica’s most prominent geographical feature and is home to scientific stations operated by the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Australia and other nations. This curved extension of the continent extends nearly 250 miles north of the Antarctic Circle and points toward the southern tip of South America. The Antarctic Peninsula has a number of glaciers and large floating ice shelves that are changing rapidly because this part of Antarctica is warming faster than the rest of the continent.

Running along the length of the peninsula, and extending across the continent is a mountain chain known as the Transantarctic Mountains. In addition to supplying spectacular views, the Transantarctics serve as a sort of dividing line across the continent, separating East and West Antarctica.

A view of the Transantarctic Mountains  during IceBridge's 2013 Antarctic campaign.

A view of the Transantarctic Mountains during IceBridge’s 2013 Antarctic campaign.

Although the Antarctic Ice Sheet is a continuous mass of ice, but it is sometimes helpful to think of it as two separate masses known as the West Antarctic and East Antarctic ice sheets, which are separated by the Transantarctics. Ice on the west side of this line flows west, while the opposite happens east of the divide.

East Antarctica is considerably larger than West Antarctica. The ice sheet covering East Antarctica is thick – nearly three miles (five kilometers) thick in some regions – and its surface is high and home to some of the coldest and driest condition on Earth.

The East Antarctic Ice Sheet is also considered more stable than the West Antarctic. One reason for this is the shape and elevation of bedrock beneath the ice. Heavy masses of ice push down on bedrock, depressing areas in the central part of the ice sheet below mean sea level. If those low-lying areas happen to be near the edge of the ice sheet, which is the case in large parts of West Antarctica, then ocean water can make its way under the ice, speeding up glacier flow.

This is one of the reasons that while both portions of the ice sheet are losing mass, West Antarctica is moving much faster. Recent studies of West Antarctica found that many of the large, fast-moving glaciers there are in an irreversible decline.

sea ice shadow

Shadow of the NASA DC-8 on sea ice in the Weddell Sea. Credit: NASA / Jim Yungel

And while Antarctic land ice is shrinking, sea ice around the continent has been on the rise in recent years. Antarctica is surrounded on all sides by the Southern Ocean. During the winter, ocean water freezes, forming a layer of sea ice of roughly the same area as the Antarctic continent.

The ocean around Antarctica is divided into several seas. Starting to the right of the Antarctic Peninsula on the map above is the Weddell Sea, which extends to Cape Norvegia, a small point of land jutting off of East Antarctica. Moving clockwise we go around the East Antarctic coast all the way to the Ross Sea, south of New Zealand. Next comes the Amundsen Sea, which large West Antarctic glaciers like Pine Island and Thwaites drain into. And continuing on, we complete our trip around Antarctica, coming to the Bellingshausen Sea to the left of the Antarctic Peninsula.

For maps of Antarctica, including some that use imagery from the Landsat satellite, visit:


To use an interactive Antarctic atlas, visit:



The photo above shows a tree that thrives in the Coniferous Forest area.

1 Based on your observations, what is the name of the tree meant?

2 Based on your knowledge, list four main characteristics of the tree.




3 The tree in the photo above is said to be able to treat various diseases and for beauty purposes. Based on your knowledge. give your reasons to prove the truth of the statement.​



it bears the needle like flowers

it is pine tree so it can be coniferous

it can protect it from cold

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