Which of the following was NOT a result of the changes in farming in the United States during the Green Revolution? OO The production of agricultural goods became more efficient There was a population shift from urban areas to rural areas People began raising concerns about the effects of pesticides There was a decrease in famine​


Answer 1

The following was NOT a result of the changes in farming in the United States during the Green Revolution The production of agricultural goods became more efficient.

What effects did changes in agriculture have?

The effects of the agricultural revolution on people varied. It has been connected to a wide range of issues, including socioeconomic inequality (caused by people's greater reliance on the environment and anxieties of scarcity), a loss in nutrition, and an increase in contagious diseases brought on by domesticated animals.

What modifications were made to food cultivation as a result of the Green Revolution?

Through adapted practices like (1) expanding the amount of land used for farming, (2) double-cropping, which involves planting two crops per year instead of one, (3) adopting HYV seeds, (4) significantly increasing the use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides, and (5) improved, the green revolution increased crop productivity.

To Know more about  Green Revolution



Related Questions

Which of the following is not a major trend of evolution from archaic to modern Humans?
A Diminishing brow ridge
B Thicker stronger skeleton
C Smaller teeth
D Increased height


The evolution of present day humans from our hominid ancestor is normally considered as having worried four foremost steps: evolving terrestriality, bipedalism, a massive Genius (encephalization) and civilization.

What are the three simple traits in hominid evolution?

Three different developments are essential in the evolution of hominins: bipedalism, non-honing chewing complex, and encephalization of the brain.

Archaics are amazing from anatomically present day humans by using having a thick skull, outstanding supraorbital ridges (brow ridges) and the lack of a prominent chin. Anatomically modern humans regarded around 300,000 years ago in Africa, and 70,000 years ago, regularly supplanted the "archaic" human varieties.

Learn more about hominid evolution here:


what are the s.p.i.c.e outcomes at the end of the office of war information?




The Office of War Information (OWI) was a U.S. government agency created during World War II to promote patriotism, build support for the war effort, and counter enemy propaganda. Here are some potential SPICE outcomes at the end of the Office of War Information:

Social outcomes: The end of the Office of War Information may have had social implications, as Americans adjusted to a postwar society. The agency had played a role in shaping public opinion and creating a sense of national unity during the war, and its dissolution may have had an impact on how Americans viewed themselves and their country.

Political outcomes: The end of the Office of War Information may have had political implications, as well. The agency had been involved in shaping government messaging and propaganda during the war, and its dissolution may have signaled a shift in U.S. government priorities or strategies.

Intellectual outcomes: The end of the Office of War Information may have had intellectual implications, as Americans grappled with the legacy of wartime propaganda and the role of government in shaping public opinion. Some may have questioned the ethics of propaganda and its impact on democratic values, while others may have considered the challenges of communicating with a diverse and divided population.

Cultural outcomes: The end of the Office of War Information may have had cultural implications, as well. The agency had played a role in shaping American popular culture during the war, producing films, radio programs, and other media to promote patriotism and the war effort. The dissolution of the agency may have influenced American cultural production in the postwar years.

Economic outcomes: The Office of War Information was primarily a government agency, so its dissolution likely had limited economic consequences. However, some employees of the agency may have lost their jobs or had to find new employment after the war.

which statement below correctly describes their relative atomic radii and first ionization energy when comparing se and br


The statement that correctly describes the atomic radii and atomization between Se and Br is "the atomic radius for Se is larger than Br, and the first ionization energy for Br is greater than Se."

What is the atomic radius?It is half the distance between two nuclei.It is a measure of the distance between two atoms.

Understanding the concept of the atomic radius is very important for understanding ionization processes and the relationship between ionizing atoms. This is because the smaller the atomic radius, the greater the ability of that atom to attract electrons.

Therefore, we can conclude that Br has a greater electronegativity than Se and therefore its ionization energy is greater.

Full question:

Transcribed image text: Which statement below correctly describes their relative atomic radii and first ionization energy when comparing At and Br? The atomic radius for At is larger than Br, and the first ionization energy for At is greater than Br. The atomic radius for Br is larger than At, and the first ionization energy for Br is greater than At. The atomic radius for At is larger than Br, and the first ionization energy for Br is greater than At. The atomic radius for Br is larger than At, and the first ionization energy for At is greater than Br.

Learn more about atomic radius:



Which top two contributions from your notes by the Mexicano do you think are the most important and why?




The contributions made by the Mexicano (Mexican people) that are considered significant:

Mathematics: The Mexicano made important contributions to mathematics, including the invention of the concept of zero, the development of a positional numbering system, and the creation of the Mayan Long Count calendar. These advancements had a significant impact on mathematics and science, both in the pre-Columbian era and in later centuries.

Agriculture: The Mexicano were skilled farmers who developed advanced agricultural techniques, including terrace farming, irrigation systems, and the cultivation of crops like corn, beans, and squash. These agricultural advancements not only allowed for the development of complex societies but also had a significant impact on the global food supply and the diets of people worldwide.

While both contributions were significant, the invention of zero and the development of a positional numbering system by the Mexicano revolutionized mathematics and science and had a lasting impact on human civilization. At the same time, the agricultural techniques developed by the Mexicano allowed for the growth of complex societies and the provision of food for many people. Ultimately, both contributions were essential in shaping the world as we know it today.

Althusser, though a Marxist, maintains that the law and its agents have what he calls…........................

relative consensus

divisive interest

independent force

relative autonomy




The correct answer is d. relative autonomy.

Althusser was a Marxist philosopher who believed that the law and its agents have a certain degree of autonomy from the economic base, or the mode of production, of a society. He argued that the legal system is not simply a reflection of the economic relations of a society, but that it has its own internal logic and structure that shapes its operation.

Althusser referred to this relative independence of the legal system as "relative autonomy." He believed that the legal system, while not completely separate from the economic base, is able to exercise some degree of independent power and influence within society. This means that legal agents, such as judges and lawyers, are not simply passive instruments of the ruling class, but have their own interests and priorities that shape their decisions and actions.

TRUE/FALSE.darshan is a hindu concept, and one that shows the importance of sight in religious life


True, the concept of darshan is Hindu, and it illustrates the significance of sight to religious life.

What makes religious life crucial?

Religion has a special ability to inspire, encourage, and assist believers in overcoming painful experiences. a social support facilitator. The element of religion that sets apart from other cognitive activity, namely religious beliefs, must be taken into consideration. The favourable sight of the a deity or a saintly person is referred to as darshana, also correctly spelled darshan, or darshanam in Indian faiths. The phrase also refers to the six classical systems of Hindu philosophy as well as the literature they produced on soteriology and spirituality.

To know more about Religion visit:



What are the strengths (and limitations) of historical drama and historical documentary as forms of historical story-telling (visual stories or narratives)


Historical drama and historical documentaries are two forms of historical story-telling that are often used to present and interpret events and characters from the past.

Strength of historical drama

The strength of historical drama is that it has the ability to engage the viewer emotionally and can help to bring history to life. By placing the viewer in the context of a particular time and place, historical dramas can help to create a sense of immersion that can be difficult to achieve through other mediums.

Limitation of historical drama

One limitation of historical drama is that it is not always accurate, as creative license is often taken to create a more compelling narrative. This means that viewers need to be cautious when interpreting historical dramas as historical fact.

Strength of historical documentaries -

The strength of historical documentaries is that they aim to present accurate and well-researched information, often based on primary sources, and they can be an important educational tool.

Limitation of historical documentaries -

One limitation of historical documentaries is that, like historical dramas, they are subject to bias and selective editing. Moreover, filmmakers may sometimes omit important facts or perspectives that do not fit with their narrative or agenda.

To know more about historical documentaries and drama -



why did amercia seperate



They were driven to seek a complete separation by various forces and considerations: the shedding of blood by British troops; attacks by the British navy upon American shipping, sailors, and ports; the enlistment by Britain of African American soldiers, Native American auxiliaries, and German (Hessian) mercenary troops; the increasing conviction among the patriots that Britain would not accept an accommodation; the belief that if agreement with Britain were reached, it could not be relied upon.


British taxes and underepresenation in parliament led America to breaking away

the populist party fused with the republicans during the election of 1896 in an attempt to gain free and unlimited coinage of silver.


Populist Movement, was a politically oriented coalition of agrarian reformers that sought for wide range of economic and political legislation in the late 19th century.

      Throughout the 1880s, Farmer's Political Alliances sprang up, who were discontented because of crop failures, falling prices, and poor marketing and credit facilities. As a result, in 1892 their leaders organized the Populist or People’s Party, to put forth demands of Farmers’ Alliances.

They demanded an increase in the circulating currency that was to be achieved by the unlimited coinage of silver, a graduated income tax, government ownership of the railroads and other measures designed to strengthen political democracy.    

Thus, they took the help and fused with Republicans, with hope to win the 1896 election and supplant the Democrats as one of the nation’s two major national parties.  

Learn more about Populist Movement: https://brainly.com/question/26913846


What is good/bad fortune? Did the Romans believe in omens?



For those who were Romans there were both good and bad types of luck, however, luck was considered entirely random.

While good fortune or luck is considered to be favorable or good, bad fortune is considered to be negative.

How was the Montgomery Bus Boycott an influential part of the Civil Rights Movement?

It brought the leadership of Thurgood Marshall to national attention.

It led to the desegregation of interstate transportation.

It demonstrated the effectiveness of nonviolent protest.

It resulted in the integration of the city’s schools.



C) It demonstrated the effectiveness of nonviolent protest.


The Montgomery Bus Boycott was an influential part of the Civil Rights Movement because it was a successful example of nonviolent resistance. African Americans in Montgomery, Alabama, boycotted the city's buses for over a year to protest the segregated seating policy. The boycott was led by Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights activists, and it showed that peaceful, nonviolent protests could be effective in bringing about change. The boycott also gained national attention and inspired other similar protests across the country. Eventually, the Supreme Court ruled that segregated seating on buses was unconstitutional, and the boycott marked a significant victory for the Civil Rights Movement.

Based on the excerpt Wich phrase identifies an unstated purpose of president Obama's speech


An unstated purpose of President Obama's speech is C to convince his audience to actively participate in government

What is unstated purpose?

An unstated purpose refers to a purpose or objective that is not explicitly mentioned or expressed in a particular statement or text. It is something that the speaker or writer intends to achieve through their words, but does not directly state.

From the text we can clearly see that Barack Obama was speaking to Americans about active participation in governance. He states that the constitution is nothing without citizen playing their active role. This speech is intended to motivate citizens to actively participate in governance.

The above answer is based on the question in the excerpt as stated below;

This excerpt is from President Barack Obama's 2017 farewell address.

Our democracy is threatened whenever we take it for granted.... When voting rates in America are some of the lowest among advanced democracies, we should be making it easier, not harder, to vote. When trust in our institutions is low, we should... insist on the principles of transparency and ethics in public service. When Congress is dysfunctional, we should draw our congressional districts to encourage politicians to cater to common sense and not rigid


But remember, none of this happens on its own. All of this depends on...each of us accepting the responsibility of citizenship, regardless of which way the pendulum of power happens to be swinging.

Our Constitution is a remarkable, beautiful gift. But it's really just a piece of parchment. It has no power on its own. We, the people give it power. We, the people give it meaning.... Whether or not we stand up for our freedoms. Whether or not we respect and enforce the rule of law. That's up to us. America is no fragile thing. But the gains of our long journey to freedom are not assured.


Based on the excerpt, which phrase identifies an unstated purpose of President Obama's speech?

A. to encourage support for the incoming administration

B. to gain support for the newly elected members of Congress

C to convince his audience to actively participate in government

D. to convince his audience to be honest when dealing with the government

Find more information on unstated purposes;



Need help due in an hour please help! Why or why not. WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!

Do you believe that Congress should have more power over our government than the president and do you think that the Congress ACTUALLY has more power than the president (please make specific references to the articles of the Constitution)?



No part of the government dominates any other individual. The constitution provides checks and balances among only three branches. That would be the branches of the federal government. Legislative, Executive, and judicial. The only reason why congress is important is that they make laws. Both even then the bill has to be passed to the House of Reps and Senate before making it a final law. But, congress gets the first say. So, they can easily put a law to the side and that would be the end of it. So, in a different aspect, Congress could be the most important and valuable of the government. But, no one is more powerful than the president. One swing of the gavel and anything says or goes. The president has the power to veto any acts of congress. So, if the president says the congress made a horrible mistake and passed a law onto someone else.... then the president has the right to take back that "law" and squash it before finalizing.



One thing to note, in comparison to the ideology of the perfect "checks and balances" as described in shystone22's answer (which is justified in the ideological), is the practical of what occurs in the government. To be able to argue whether or not Congress should have more power, one must argue whether or not Congress in itself has enough power.

Powers of the Congress:

Firstly, we must understand that there are the original powers of Congress, as well as powers given to Congress, either through self-legislation, or through the Supreme Court defining government branch roles. What is meant by original powers? Original powers are powers granted to the Legislative Branch through the Constitution of the United States. These include, but is not limited to raising bills (Revenue bills from House of Representatives, and all other bills from Senate), and the voting to pass such bills with a 2/3 majority in both houses. Congress also is given the powers to regulate US currency as well as organize military when needed under Section 8, and are given the power to tax, though there are limitations on how the government can take and use such monetary gains under Section 9. The final section gives Congress power above state legislatures and all national promises are not only above state legislations, but also override any dissenting laws under the supremacy clause.

Should Congress have more power?

Congress as it is right now already has sufficient power, and is distributed in a way that is representative of states based on representatives per voters (plurality vote per district). Congress does not need more power, but also should not be weakened, as the House of Representatives and the Senate already split power, and they are checked by the other two branches.

Does Congress have more power than the president?

Congress does not have "more" power than the president, nor do they have "less" powers. Congress already has the power to override vetos, approve nominations by the president, and can vote for impeachment of the president should the need arise. They also have the ability to raise armies and control US currency not only through taxes, but also the traffic of the amount of currency throughout the country (and world). One can argue whether or not the executive branch has more power than Congress (through the usage of executive orders), but congress in itself is balanced against both branches of government.

Learn more about the Legislative Branch, here:


Which of the following made it difficult for the United States to deal with the belligerents on equal terms?



Economic realities made it impossible for the United States to deal with the belligerents on equal terms.


true/false. during the enlightenment, also referred to as the age of reason, thinkers gave free reign to the pursuit of truth and the discovery of natural laws.


It is true that during enlightenment, also referred to as the age of reason, thinkers gave free reign to pursuit of truth and the discovery of natural laws.

What is enlightenment?

Enlightenment refers to a state of profound understanding and awareness of the nature of reality, often associated with spiritual or philosophical growth. It involves the transcendence of ignorance and the recognition of one's true self and the interconnectedness of all beings. Enlightenment can bring about a sense of inner peace, contentment, and freedom from suffering. It is often described as a state of pure consciousness, where one is free from the illusions and limitations of the ego and fully aligned with universal truths. Achieving enlightenment can be a lifelong pursuit, but the process can involve practices such as meditation, self-inquiry, and the cultivation of virtues like compassion and wisdom.

To learn more about enlightenment, visit:



The fossil record supports the notion that agriculture was developed in at least 11 independent regions around the earth. True or false


The fοssil recοrd suppοrts the nοtiοn that agriculture was develοped in at least 11 independent regiοns arοund the earth. (True)

What is an example οf fοssil recοrd?  

Our first example, the dinοsaurs, went extinct rοund 65 milliοn years agο. Extinct means that all individuals οf a species οr anοther grοuping οf οrganisms have died οff. Therefοre, the whοle thing we recοgnize abοut dinοsaurs cοmes frοm the fοssil recοrd.

Why is the fοssil recοrd impοrtant?  

Fοssils supply vital evidence fοr evοlutiοn and the adaptatiοn οf flοwers and animals tο their envirοnments. Fοssil prοοf οffers a recοrd οf hοw creatures advanced and hοw this technique can be represented by means οf a 'tree οf life', shοwing that all species are assοciated tο each οther.

Learn more about agriculture here;



The type of knowledge that Blackmore claims is the “core” of phenomenal consciousness:


Differentiating between phenomenal and access awareness is a prevalent practice in the study of consciousness.

Phenomenal consciousness: What is it?

Some scientists have recently made an effort to demonstrate how phenomenal content may be objectively distinguished from mental access and, as a result, how the mental information that is accessed is not always the same as the material that is experienced. It is a good idea to have a backup plan in case something goes wrong. I'll examine the proof and demonstrate that the data actually do not support overflow. I will further contend that under the premise that "cognitive access" is characterized as learning and memory or attention, overflow is theoretically plausible—yet extremely challenging to actually establish.

I shall argue that it is impossible to distinguish between individual reality and access if "access" is understood as knowledge becoming "cognitively available" in a larger sense.

to know more about phenomenal visit:



Suppose you were a mill worker in Lowell in the mid-1800s like the girl from the video. You are keeping a diary of your experiences. Write one entry to describe your feelings and experiences as soon after you arrived in Lowell - 3 sentences.
Write a second entry to describe your feelings and experiences a year later - 3 sentences. Include factual details in your entries.

Start each one out like this:

Date: Month / Day / Year (Usebetween the years 1820 - 1840s)
Dear Diary or Dear Journal...

3 sentences

Your Name



Date: May 10, 1830

Dear Diary,

I have just arrived in Lowell and started working at the mills. It is quite overwhelming to be surrounded by the loud noise of the machines and the constant chatter of the other workers. Despite the exhausting work, I am hopeful for the opportunities that this job can provide for me and my family.


your name

Date: May 10, 1831

Dear Diary,

It has been a year since I started working at the mills, and I have become used to the daily routine. The hours are long and the work is tiring, but I am grateful for the steady income it provides for me and my family. The boarding house where I live is crowded and noisy, but I have made some good friends among the other mill workers.

Sincerely, your name


why the byzantine empirewas called a center of civilization during the medieval period​



The Byzantine Empire was called a center of civilization during the medieval period for several reasons.

Firstly, the Byzantine Empire was a continuation of the Eastern Roman Empire, which had been a major power in the Mediterranean world for centuries before the medieval period. The Byzantine Empire inherited much of the wealth, knowledge, and cultural traditions of the Roman Empire, and it continued to be a major economic and cultural center during the medieval period.

Secondly, the Byzantine Empire was strategically located at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, which made it a hub of trade, commerce, and diplomacy. The Byzantines were skilled in diplomacy and played a key role in mediating between the various powers of the medieval world.

Thirdly, the Byzantine Empire was a center of learning and scholarship, with a rich tradition of literature, philosophy, theology, and art. Byzantine scholars preserved many of the texts of ancient Greek and Roman literature, and they made important contributions to fields such as mathematics, astronomy, and medicine.

Finally, the Byzantine Empire was a center of religious and cultural diversity. It was the heart of the Eastern Orthodox Church, which played a significant role in shaping the religious and cultural landscape of medieval Europe and beyond. The Byzantines were also open to cultural exchange and had a cosmopolitan outlook that allowed them to absorb and synthesize the ideas and traditions of other cultures.

All of these factors contributed to the Byzantine Empire's reputation as a center of civilization during the medieval period, and its influence can still be seen today in the cultural, religious, and political traditions of the Eastern Mediterranean world.


what do you call a law that increased the price of sugar, molasses,other goods



The American Revenue Act of 1764


This hurt the British West Indies market in molasses and sugar and the market for rum, which the colonies had been producing in quantity with the cheaper French molasses

1.2. Discuss, FOUR, functions of the Commission on Gender Equality in South Africa




The Commission on Gender Equality (CGE) in South Africa was established in terms of the Constitution of South Africa to promote gender equality and protect the rights of women. Here are four functions of the CGE:

Investigate complaints and conduct research: One of the key functions of the CGE is to investigate complaints relating to gender equality and gender-based discrimination. This includes complaints made by individuals or groups who believe that their rights have been violated. The CGE also conducts research on issues relating to gender equality and makes recommendations to the government and other stakeholders on how to address these issues.

Monitor and evaluate government policies and programs: The CGE monitors and evaluates government policies and programs to ensure that they promote gender equality and protect the rights of women. This includes monitoring the implementation of gender mainstreaming policies in government departments and assessing the impact of these policies on women.

Raise public awareness: The CGE raises public awareness about issues relating to gender equality through public education and advocacy campaigns. This includes engaging with communities, schools, and other stakeholders to promote gender equality and raise awareness about gender-based violence.

Promote cooperation and coordination: The CGE promotes cooperation and coordination among government, civil society, and other stakeholders to promote gender equality and protect the rights of women. This includes working with NGOs, community-based organizations, and other stakeholders to address issues such as gender-based violence and gender discrimination.

In summary, the four functions of the Commission on Gender Equality in South Africa are to investigate complaints and conduct research, monitor and evaluate government policies and programs, raise public awareness, and promote cooperation and coordination among stakeholders. These functions are critical in promoting gender equality and protecting the rights of women in South Africa.

which of the following correctly describe the lives of french colonists in canada, compared to life in france?


French colonists in Canada had a more difficult life than in France due to the colder climate, more limited resources, and more challenging terrain. They also had to face the threat of disease, native populations, and hostile colonial rivals.

The following describes their lives: Newcomers to Canada were mostly young, male fur traders, and the majority of them were illiterate. They lived in primitive, wooden shelters that did little to protect them from the frigid Canadian winter.

In Quebec City, they lived in rough-hewn buildings with little furniture and few amenities. French colonists in Canada's food was less varied than in France, and they ate simple dishes made from wild game and fish. Colonists in Canada often died from disease, malnutrition, and exposure.

They were also subject to raids from other European powers, such as the British and Dutch, who competed with the French for control of the lucrative fur trade.

This placed a huge strain on the French colonists in Canada, and it took several generations for them to establish themselves and adapt to their new surroundings.

For such more question on French colonists:



The following question may be like this:

Which of the following correctly describe the lives of French colonists in Canada, compared to life in France?

they had more control over their lives in Canada

they were more likely to own land in Canada


According to the picture shown. What is the authors main argument about constitutional amendments? Please make specific references to the arguments presented in the pictures shown.



The author's main argument is that the Constitution has become harder to amend even as it has become increasingly important to do so. The author argues that while the Founding Fathers did a good job drafting the Constitution, they could not have predicted the problems that the United States would face in the future. As time passes, it becomes more necessary to amend the Constitution to keep it up to date with changes in technology, society, and governance. The author suggests that the difficulty of amending the Constitution is a problem and implies that it needs to be made easier to do so in order to address the challenges faced by the country today.

What conclusion can you draw about Asian American and African American communities?

Both groups mostly lived in the northern section of the city.
Both groups mostly lived in segregated areas of the city.
Both groups made their homes in the University District.
Both groups were scattered across southern communities.



kdjhsifhai85wt84 . I am sure you have any

Answer: Both groups mostly lived in segregated areas of the city.


What was one issue America was dealing with during the Progressive Era that we are also dealing with today?



One issue that America was dealing with during the Progressive Era that we are also dealing with today is income inequality. During the Progressive Era, there was a significant gap between the rich and poor, and many people believed that the government should take action to address this issue. Today, income inequality remains a major problem, with a small percentage of the population holding a large proportion of the country's wealth, while many others struggle to make ends meet. The debate over how to address this issue continues, with some advocating for policies such as a higher minimum wage, increased taxes on the wealthy, and expanded social programs.



What was one issue America was dealing with during the Progressive Era that we are also dealing with today?


One issue that America was dealing with during the Progressive Era that we are still dealing with today is income inequality. During the late 1800s and early 1900s, there was a significant gap between the wealthy and the poor, with the wealthy controlling a vast majority of the country's wealth and resources. The Progressive Era saw the rise of movements and policies aimed at addressing this issue, such as anti-trust laws, labor laws, and progressive taxation.

Today, income inequality remains a major issue in the United States, with the wealthiest 1% controlling a disproportionate amount of the country's wealth and resources. There have been recent movements and policies aimed at addressing this issue, such as increasing the minimum wage, expanding access to education and healthcare, and implementing progressive taxation. However, income inequality remains a complex and contentious issue that continues to impact many Americans.

Was there ever a country that gained full communism?


After a war against Japanese occupation and a civil war resulting in a Communist victory, the People's Republic of China was established in 1949. Communist states were also established in Cambodia, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam. But there has never been a country that achieved full communism.

no but there were a few attempts but a country has never achieved making itself fully communist as well as its residents

Was the Indian Removal Act a reflection of democracy or dictatorship?


The Indian Removal Act, which was signed into law by President Andrew Jackson in 1830, was a federal law that authorized the forced removal of Native American tribes from their ancestral lands in the southeastern United States to Indian Territory.

What is the  Indian Removal Act?

The act resulted in the displacement of tens of thousands of Native Americans, many of whom suffered from disease, starvation, and violence during their forced migration.

The Indian Removal Act is generally viewed as a violation of human rights and a tragic episode in American history. It is not considered a reflection of democracy, but rather a reflection of the expansionist policies of the United States government and the belief in Manifest Destiny, which held that it was the nation's destiny to expand westward and control the continent.

Therefore, the forced removal of Native Americans was not a democratic process, as it did not take into account the wishes or rights of the tribes involved.

Read more about  Indian Removal Act here:



1. Compare and contrast The Law of the Salian Franks with other law codes. What similarities and differences do you note?

2. All of the sources in this chapter refer to personal relationships — among neighbors, the sick and their caregivers, residents in a monastery, fellow villagers, and family members. How would you compare the ways the sources portray these relationships? How are these shaped by the type of source and who wrote it?

3.Both the Frankish law code and the sources about Charlemagne include information about women’s roles. How are these roles depicted differently between sources? What might account for that difference?



1.The Law of the Salian Franks was a Germanic law code that governed the Salian Franks during the early Middle Ages. This law code was mainly concerned with property law and was used to settle disputes over land, inheritance, and theft. The law code was unique in its emphasis on the ordeal as a means of determining guilt or innocence. In contrast, other law codes such as the Justinian Code and the Code of Hammurabi were more comprehensive, covering a wide range of legal issues such as marriage, divorce, and contracts. However, like the Law of the Salian Franks, these codes also relied on physical punishments, such as mutilation or death, to enforce the law.

2.The sources in this chapter all portray personal relationships differently depending on the type of source and who wrote it. For example, the sources about residents in a monastery portray relationships as hierarchical and formal, with a clear distinction between the abbot and the other residents. In contrast, the sources about family members portray relationships as intimate and emotional, with a focus on love and loyalty. The sources written by religious figures tend to emphasize charity and compassion, while secular sources often focus on practical concerns such as property and inheritance.

3.Both the Frankish law code and the sources about Charlemagne provide information about women's roles, but they depict these roles differently. The Frankish law code tends to portray women as passive and subordinate to men, with limited legal rights and no independent status. In contrast, the sources about Charlemagne depict women as active participants in politics and culture, with some women serving as advisers or even rulers in their own right. This difference may be due to the fact that the sources about Charlemagne were written by members of the court, who were more likely to encounter powerful women, while the Frankish law code was written by men who saw women mainly as wives and mothers.


Locke imagines that he remembers seeing Noah’s ark (which supposedly existed thousands of years ago) just as well as he remembers seeing the Thames River in London overflow just the previous winter. (Of course he doesn’t really remember Noah’s ark – it’s a thought experiment.) What is the point he is making?



Locke's point is about the nature of memory and how we come to know things. He argues that memory alone is not enough to establish the truth of a claim because memory can be fallible and subject to error. Just because we remember something vividly does not necessarily mean it actually happened. Instead, Locke suggests that knowledge comes from the combination of sensory experience and reasoning, and that we should be careful to base our beliefs on reliable evidence rather than just on what we happen to remember. By using the example of Noah's Ark, which is a legendary event that supposedly happened thousands of years ago, Locke is highlighting the fact that memory alone cannot be relied upon as a basis for knowledge.

Question 3 of 10
What was one element of Ronald Reagan's New Right agenda?
A. The United States should practice an isolationist foreign policy.
B. The United States should help countries at risk of annexation by
communist countries.
C. The United States should pursue an aggressive foreign policy.
D. The United States should assist foreign allies in dire
circumstances only.


B. The United States should help countries at risk of annexation by communist countries.

Ronald Reagan's New Right agenda was a conservative movement that emphasized limited government, free-market capitalism, and social conservatism. As part of this agenda, Reagan sought to promote American values and interests abroad, particularly in the face of perceived Soviet aggression. One element of his foreign policy was the belief that the United States should help countries at risk of annexation by communist countries, such as providing military and economic aid to anti-communist rebels in Nicaragua and supporting anti-Soviet forces in Afghanistan. This approach, known as the Reagan Doctrine, was a departure from the containment strategy pursued by previous administrations and reflected Reagan's belief in the importance of standing up to Soviet expansionism.

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