Which option is the best point of comparison between the genres of science
fiction and romance?
A. Common types of characters
B. A focus on the future
C. Love between two people
D. The effects of war on civilians


Answer 1


A. Common types of characters

Answer 2

Answer:Is A


Which Option Is The Best Point Of Comparison Between The Genres Of Sciencefiction And Romance?A. Common

Related Questions


What is the central idea?

A. The narrator is trying to figure out which kind of writing she’d like to do for a career.

B. The narrator is not sure whether she wants to be a writer or pursue a different career.

C. The narrator decided to stay at her part-time job after she graduated college.

D. The narrator does not yet have the responsibilities of someone at a “real” job.

The previous spring, I’d taken up my boss on his offer and stayed at my part-time job through the summer after college. He gave me more hours, so I was making more money, but I didn’t yet have the responsibility of a “real” job. I’d been an English major and wanted to be a writer, though I had no idea what kind of writer. I’d taken the summer to think about things and prepare for a fall job search.

(I'm leaning towards A. just checking)


Answer: A

Explanation: Yeah, you were right. After reading the text it's clear that the Narrator is trying to discover what kind of writing she would like to do for a career.  Good luck!

The answer is A I know this because it really the only one that make sense enough to go with the mini passage :)

PART B. What does Puri mean when he says "…Chicago checked a lot of boxes for us"?

How is his claim supported in the text? Is the reasoning presented logical? Explain your response.


Hello. Unfortunately, you did not enter the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

It is only possible to answer this question if the text it refers to is read. You will need to read this to answer it. As you read, you will be able to identify what Puri meant by the sentence presented above by evaluating why this sentence was added to the text, that is, you need to understand the function of this sentence in the text to understand its meaning.

This sentence is supported by other sentences that show it to be true and correct, that is, you will need to identify other sentences that prove Chicago checked the boxes. Finally, to say if all these sentences present a logical reasoning, you will need to identify if these sentences form a set of information that allow you to reach an effective conclusion, if so, it means that there is a logical reasoning.

Write the appropriate determiner for each sentence.
1. Is there ______ coffee for us?
2. Can I have ______ apple, please?
3. There are _______ juice in the fridge.
4. I have _____ biscuit for a snack.



1. Is there any coffee for us?

2. Can I have some apple, please?

3. There are some juice in the fridge.

4. I have some biscuit for a snack.


I am concerned about 3 because some is used if there could be 'there is' but it is 'there are' :(




with what exactly?



With what do u need help with?

i)The great film producer and director_______ _______
a)are dead
b)is dead
c)have died
d)were dead
ii)The jury____________ ___________ in their decision.
a)were divided
b)was divided
c)is dividing
d)were dividing
iii)Each of the culprits___________ __________to jail.
a)have sent
b)were sent
c)is sending
d)was sent



i)The great film producer and director are dead.

ii)The jury was divided in their decision.

iii)Each of the culprits were sent to the jail.

What does the word “survival” mean to you, in your own words? Give one example in your own words.



Survival is the act of living through something life threatening. example: defending yourself against a robber and winning.

The bear was a furry giant








It’s a Metaphor
Metaphor: An expression that’s compare two things without using “like” or “as”

Advanced automated solutions such as document recognition and sentiment analysis are made possible by combining automation with which technology?



Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence (AI)


In simple words, Intelligent Automation can be understood as the technology that combines robotic procedure integration with artificial understanding to enable quicker end-to-end commercial process management as well as accelerate digitization.

Businesses can be proactively in their transformation journeys, assess results, and uncover further automation possibilities faster with cognitive process management. 

What is the mothers name in two kinds?



What is the mother name in two kinds?

Suyuan Woo

The two main characters in this story are the narrator, Jing-Mei "June" Woo, and her mother, Suyuan Woo. Jing-Mei is a young woman who tells tells the story in the aftermath of her mother's death.


I been outta school but I gotta question ?
why is my nose running like water?



Maybe you have some sort of allergy. This isn't always the case, maybe you got water up your nose and its coming back out, or maybe you have fluids that need to leave your body. Or just maybe you're sick. In which case wear a mask when going outside.




Depends on where you are. I have the same problem. The humidity where I live (inside) is about 20%. The room itself is in the 80s. That's low and your nose will tend to run. It is not necessarily the Virus, but I would go check it out if your jurisdiction allows for testing. I've had both my shots, so I think my nose just runs because of the low humidity.

What is the meter pattern in these lines from "On Imagination" by Phillis Wheatley?

Imagination! who can sing thy force?
Or who describe the swiftness of thy course?

trochaic tetrameter
iambic pentameter
spondaic hexameter
anapestic pentameter
iambic hexameter.


the answer would be B

Anime suggestions and I prefer "shonen" (not the popular ones)


You can start watching Shield hero it is a good anime



8. a .Height

9. b. Strength

10. c. Appearance

what is the subject and predicate of the this sentence?

A speech to Congress as an important event.​



What you have written is not sentence; therefore, it is impossible to provide a subject and a predicate.  


One possible solution would be to add a verb (a key component of any complete sentence.)

             subject                     predicate

A speech to Congress is an important event.​

Here are some central ideas from the reading.

It is difficult to identify Ebola in dead specimens.
The scientists’ work is considered highly hazardous.
This virus has the potential to “come alive” and spread throughout the human species.
It is very important to keep the truth from the news.
What is the author’s purpose in writing this text?

to persuade readers
to entertain readers
to inform readers
to express a personal feeling


Answer :To inform readers


Which of the following is true about writing meeting minutes?
A. Meeting minutes are a word-for-word account of everything said during a meeting.

B. Meeting minutes are a record of which meetings will occur during the week.

C. Meeting minutes are a written record of items discussed and votes taken during a meeting.

D. Meeting minutes are a record of exactly how many minutes a meeting lasted.



A. Meeting minutes are a word-for-word account of everything said during a meeting.


Meeting minutes are a word-for-word account of everything said during a meeting. This meeting minutes have all the key points which was said in the meeting by the chairman and other members that attend the meeting. This meeting minutes always issue after the meeting was held. These minutes able us to know what was the agenda of the meeting and what is discussed in the meeting by the members.

ans:A :)


Which word defines "morose" best?




morose is closest to gloomy. But gloomy is not quite correct. Gloomy is just a state om mind.

Morose is quite different I think. It is a life lived on the gloomy side, and somewhat constant in the way it lives that life. I think there is some measure of contentment when we are morose -- maybe we even like it.


morose is a person who is gloomy or depressed


What does the title The Outsiders tell you about a possible theme of S. E. Hinton’s novel?


The title tells you that the book is probably going to be about outcasts and people that normally aren’t accepted in to the society/social systems. Hope this helps babe
Outsiders- meaning outcasts

Which of the following describes how an
expository essay is used?
A. as a form of personal journal
B. to tell a fictional story
C. to tell a personal story
D. to expose a point, inform, or explain





To expose a point,inform ,or explain

To expose a point ,inform or explain

Can Anyone help me plzzzz


A- the weed in Rhea's garden prove she's a bad Mayor

A is the answer. hope this helped

My guidance counselor was kind of pushy when I told her I was having
a hard time narrowing down my list of colleges. I didn't realize that
thinking about my future could be such a chore.



think about what major you want to go into

certain colleges are better for certain majors

why would she be pushy tho? she shouldn't be doing that...how much time do you have left before u go to college?

Answer: Oh No!


It's totally normal for you not to have a narrow list of colleges. I have been doing soooo much college prep, and I barely even have a list of the actual colleges I'm prepping for. Try thinking of what your passionate about, or what you could see yourself doing in the future. With this information check what your list of colleges have available to you, and eliminate based on that. You could also put into consideration the location and financial aspect of each college. That should help you get a good understanding of which colleges would be reasonable for you. And regarding your counselor, there is no reason for her to be putting more pressure on your shoulders, that's literally the opposite of what she's supposed to do. Maybe explain to her that her pushy mannerisms aren't helping you get anywhere. Good Luck!

Hope this helps!

Which of your five senses do most of the descriptive words in the poem relate to? a. sight b. smell c. taste d. touch e. sound





Taste would the answer

I live in one story house my kechen is pink my bathroom is pink my bed room is pink what color are my sitarist


There are no stairs it’s a one story house.

How are you displaying compassion during these times?
It’s for summer school:/
(Has to be At least 5 sentences long)



Compassion is a genuine sympathy for hardship or suffering other people are experiencing, and a desire to ease that pain. There are many different ways to show compassion for others, but the important thing to remember is that it comes from your heart.

Practice showing compassion by first ignoring differences and finding commonalities, which will help you relate to what someone else is going through. Whether you're interacting with a friend, colleague, peer, patient, or family member


When I entered the ninth-grade English classroom, I had a clear vision of the first-year teacher I wanted to be: a strict, but thoughtful, educator who held students accountable for their behavior in the classroom. While my intentions were not flawed, the execution of this teaching style was poor, and left my students with a different impression of me: apathetic.

Rather than showing my students I was attempting to serve both their needs and my own with my classroom rules and expectations, I introduced my classroom management strategies as a series of consequences. I expressed no compassion for my students, and did not address them as trustworthy young adults.

I just try give a answer , but I think it's not the ... but still ur welcome

The way I display compassion is by writing letters to my neighbors to tell them how they are and how they feel. I also send random strangers letters with magazines inside with a subject of conversation to talk about, most of my conversations are always about intellectual matters such as the Bible. I like to keep people informed, I also tell neighbors if they have any questions to ask me because I like to research a lot. Another thing I enjoy to do is to give consolation to people. The Bible teaches many wonderful things about God and his purpose for the future. So, I phone call people during these times to tell them about Gods purpose for us. For example: Revelation 21: 4,5 says: “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. And the one who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” What is God talking about here? He talks of a future paradise! Not a heaven, not a hell. God promises humans that after the day of judgement only the loyal and good will remain on the Earth and shall enjoy of it eternally. And, while we reside in it we won’t suffer from death or suffering. Also, God will create new things with his own hands again for humankind. Another text Izeah 11: 6-9 states: “The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling[a] together; and a little child will lead them. The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox. The infant will play near the cobra’s den, and the young child will put its hand into the viper’s nest. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” This is a prophecy for the future, God promises that animals will be at peace with each other and that they won’t be any threat for us anymore in future paradise. Also, Jesus said in Luke 23: 43 to the man next to him on the stake: “Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise.” Jesus told the dying man on the stake next to him that he would be in a future paradise.

Select the answer that contains NOUNS from the sentence below.

We looked at two puppies at the pound and took home the cutest one.

we, and
we, and

looked, took
looked, took

puppies, home
puppies, home

two, cutest



Puppies and Home


Those choices are a thing&place <3

Puppies and home thing and a place

Is this the correct answer






Read the same material three times

Which animal has a breed called 'Pekingese'???​



Alternative Title: lion dog


Pekingese, breed of toy dog developed in ancient China, where it was held sacred and was kept as a palace dog by members of the imperial family. It was introduced to the West by English forces that looted the Imperial Palace at Peking (Beijing) in 1860. The Pekingese has been known, both in the East and in the West, as the “lion dog”—presumably because of its appearance, although it is also acclaimed as having lionlike independence and courage. It stands about 6 to 9 inches (15 to 23 cm) and weighs up to about 14 pounds (6.5 kg). The celebrated “sleeve dogs” are very small Pekingese once carried by Chinese royalty in the sleeves of their robes. A long-haired dog, the Pekingese has a full mane and heavily haired thighs, forelegs, tail, and toes. Its head is broad and flat, with hanging ears and a short, wrinkled muzzle. The coat may be solid or variegated in colour, but there is always a black mask across the face.

What is the primary theme of "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge"?
Love is more important than justice.
It is important to question others’ intentions.
The line between dreams and reality is thin.
Trickery has only negative consequences.



The primary theme in An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge is (C) the line between dreams and reality is thin. Throughout the course of the short story, the illusion of Farquhar represents a reality for the readers. So it shows how thin the line is between fantasy and reality.

The primary theme of "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" is The line between dreams and reality is thin.

The story, "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" by Ambrose Bierce tells of a man known as Peyton Farquhar who was standing before the people who were to execute.

He was tricked into burning the Owl Creek Bridge to prevent the Union Army of the United States from crossing it.

As he stands before the execution team, he dreams of escape but in reality, this is not the case because he was finally executed. So, option C is right.

Learn more about "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" here:


Ask a teacher you trust if they would give you feedback about any area in your life they see hindering your success. Take notes, and thank them. Post their name here and the notes of what they shared. Next, reflect on what they said, and write out one argument that supports what they said and one argument that opposes what they said. Take another few moments to reflect on both arguments. Remember that they only want the best for you. Keep in mind that it's tough for everyone to hear criticism. Don't forget that you have the power to overcome any circumstance. Now, focus on just one thing that you've learned during this exercise, and write it below.



Dear Josue,

Procrastination is one of the most common causes of failing to accomplish goals. This is a thing we need to give up. When you are having your dreams and goals, remember that the best to take action is now. The present moment must be cherished and taken as your last chance to give your best.

So, what can be the best solution to overcome procrastination? This by doing something immediately, instead of making excuses and letting the time pass without doing anything. Keep yourself busy working today to be moving forward to your goals and closer to your success.

It is essential to accept that there are things that do not go by how they are planned. Everything can't always go perfectly well. There can be errors, and there can be shortcomings.

But from there, there can be lessons, and there can be improvements. When we learn how to be grateful for what we have and appreciate all our efforts to accomplish something, that's when abundance and happiness can be achieved.

I know you procrastinate because you are afraid of failure. Of not turning in the "best" assignment. I understand you entirely. Just know that no process is linear. Give your responsibilities a set time to complete them and continue on with the next when you have reached the time limit. Know that you are an amazing student and that all that matters is dedication, not "perfection". You've got this! I know you are capable of greatness.

Help anyone !!thank u



answer = b

plant life cannot grow along the shoreline

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