Which option most accurately demonstrates how poet William Blake views the practice of forced child labor in "The Chimney Sweeper" (Songs of Experience)?


Answer 1

Answer: A. Blake is outraged by the fact that families allow and encourage child labor.


In this poem by William Blake, he hopes to expose the corrupting influences of the Church on families as they lead families away from providing the best they can for their children and instead condoning child labor with the Chimney sweepers being the focus.

Blake is outraged that the families cannot see what they are doing to their children by putting religion above the children's happiness and instead pushing them to engage in child labor.  

Related Questions

please read it carefully

and please underline or highlight the one that you fixed
will give brainliest ​


the march

many people

They should

All people

o change.
3 The president opened the
ay cake was
4 Versace will design then
5 They didn't give me any
6 They produce the clothe:
ve is made
articiple of
Reflexive pronouns; each other
1 Complete the sentences with the correct
reflexive pronoun or each other.
My sister has gone shopping. She's going to
some new nail varnish.
1 Don't worry about me. I'm OK. I can look
2 You mustn't blame
for the
accident, Ellen. It wasn't your fault.
3 At Christmas, my sister and I always give
4 Thank you for the wonderful party. We really
5 Oliver is a very quiet boy. He doesn't know
how to express
6 Our cat has taught
how to
push the door open.
7 My parents have known
over thirty years.
is made
Passive: past, present an
4 Complete the sentences w
passive form of the verbs i
They weren't paid last Frid
1 This suit
for last year's fashion sh
2 If we arrive late tonight
tickets for the show. (no
3 Every year, a lot of oran
from Spain. (export)
4 Next year, the shoes
sive is
the past​


Answer: a for sure

Explanation: step by step

Read the quote below and explain, in your own words, what it means.

“Take criticism seriously, but not personally. If there is truth or merit in the criticism, try to learn from it. Otherwise, let it roll right off you.” - Hillary Clinton



What this quote means to me is that criticism is a good thing and it just means someone is trying to put you in line. IN my own words it would be "criticism is a chance to grow, don't let it being corrected offened you, let it put you in prospective.

Explanation: I hope this helps, Have a blessed day, plz mark as brainliest



it not a good things. i agree with the person on top


How would you use the five W's for a person? I'm confused because like how would you do the why where and when??



ℎ ' ℎ .'

( ℎ )

ℎ ℎ

ℎ ℎ ℎ

ℎ ℎ

What is the best definition of the term


its c:) because i took this in middle school
It’s B. Imagery is a form of figurative language in what you imagine and can picture what you are hearing/reading.

What is the author’s primary purpose for writing the story?
A, To explain what it’s like to be a twin

B, To entertain readers using realistic portrayals

C, To inform readers about the importance of art

D, To persuade readers to treat twins as individuals


the answer to ur question will be abcd sorry

In paragraph 4 of the speech, how does Kennedy connect the ideas of the Industrial Revolution and modern inventions to the idea of space exploration?


Answer:By arguing that the United States is falling behind in space exploration and must re-capture the glory of these major achievements


Kennedy connect the ideas of the Industrial Revolution and modern inventions to the idea of space exploration by arguing that the United States is falling behind in space exploration and must re-capture the glory of these major achievements.

What are the Industrial Revolution?

The shift from manual to machine production was known as the Industrial Revolution. Scholars disagree much about when it began and ended, although the time frame mainly covered the years 1760 to 1840. Some claim that this historical turning point is to blame for the rise in population, rise in living standards, and development of the capitalist economy.

Agriculture and handicrafts-based economies were replaced by economies based on large-scale industry, mechanized manufacturing, and the factory system during the Industrial Revolution. Existing industries become more productive and efficient as a result of new equipment, power sources, and organizational techniques.

Learn more about the Industrial Revolution, here:



which sentence demonstrates correct subject and verb agreement​


the first one hope this helps :D

Why is this group of words not a sentence?
An apple a day
It does not have a noun.
It does not have a subject.
It has a verb and is a complete thought.
It does not have a verb and is not a complete thought.
It does not have a subject and is not a complete thought.


D. It does not have a verb and it is not a complete thought


I would say D


In “The Fall of the House of Usher,” what does the narrator mean in this quote? “It was with difficulty that I could bring myself to admit the identity of the wan being before me with the companion of my early boyhood.”

a. Roderick is shaky and unsteady.
b. Roderick is sad and morose.
c. Roderick has a joyful countenance.
d. Roderick is pale and sick looking





I think

By Frederick Douglass
Extract from an Oration, at Rochester, July 5, 1852

Fellow-Citizens—Pardon me, and allow me to ask, why am I called upon to speak here to-day? What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us? and am I, therefore, called upon to bring our humble offering to the national altar, and to confess the benefits, and express devout gratitude for the blessings, resulting from your independence to us?

But, such is not the state of the case. I say it with a sad sense of the disparity between us. I am not included within the pale of this glorious anniversary! Your high independence only reveals the immeasurable distance between us. The blessings in which you this day rejoice, are not enjoyed in common. The rich inheritance of justice, liberty, prosperity, and independence, bequeathed by your fathers, is shared by you, not by me. The sunlight that brought life and healing to you, has brought stripes and death to me. This Fourth of July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, I must mourn. To drag a man in fetters into the grand illuminated temple of liberty, and call upon him to join you in joyous anthems, were inhuman mockery and sacrilegious irony. Do you mean, citizens, to mock me, by asking me to speak to-day? ...

Fellow-citizens, above your national, tumultuous joy, I hear the mournful wail of millions, whose chains, heavy and grievous yesterday, are to-day rendered more intolerable by the jubilant shouts that reach them. If I do forget, if I do not faithfully remember those bleeding children of sorrow this day, "may my right hand forget her cunning, and may my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth!" To forget them, to pass lightly over their wrongs, and to chime in with the popular theme, would be treason most scandalous and shocking, and would make me a reproach before God and the world. My subject, then, fellow-citizens, is AMERICAN SLAVERY. I shall see this day and its popular characteristics from the slave's point of view. Standing there, identified with the American bondman, making his wrongs mine, I do not hesitate to declare, with all my soul, that the character and conduct of this nation never looked blacker to me than on this Fourth of July. Whether we turn to the declarations of the past, or to the professions of the present, the conduct of the nation seems equally hideous and revolting.

Why does Douglass say he feels distanced from the people to whom he is speaking? (5 points)

They have families, and he does not.
They identify with free people, and he identifies with slaves.
They have personally insulted him that morning.
They did not want him to speak at all.



They identify with free people, and he identifies with slaves.


In the excerpt shown above, we can see how Frederick Douglass says it is disrespectful to be invited to speak to an audience of white people about the freedom of the 4th of July, when his people (the black people) do not have access to freedom . Douglass reinforces the idea that he has no reason to celebrate, because those with whom he identifies are enslaved and are not celebrating, but suffering. So there is no freedom in America as long as blacks are in prison and Douglass as a black man does not identify with the audience that is listening to him.

helpppp me



Explanation: A major event, something of value and significance something huge

12) WILL GIVE BRANLIEST 100 POINTS Which MOST CLOSELY identifies the author's purpose for writing this text? -)) The author indicates that efforts to identify and A) eliminate barriers must be led by people with disabilities if they want to be taken seriously. B) By providing anecdotal information in a conversational way, the author seeks to convince readers to vote for policy changes to increase involvement in everyday activities. By providing factual information in a methodical way, the author seeks to convince readers that it is important for everyone to have equitable opportunities for involvement in everyday activities. D) The author indicates that many people without disabilities misunderstand statistics, so he presents data to explain disability inclusion and indicates his acceptance of differing views regarding inclusion​


It’s B I took the same test it’s B my freind



Which sentence uses the word advocate correctly?

The team will advocate its presentation to the committee.

I believe I advocate a higher salary than what I am currently earning.

Advocate your children when they are young so they become responsible adults.

We strongly advocate equal pay for female athletes.



D.) We strongly advocate equal pay for female athletes



Advocate -

1: a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.

2: a person who pleads on someone else's behalf.

3. publicly recommend or support

After my "research" I have concluded that the answer is D but if not then it is possibly A


i think d


That I did always love I bring thee Proof That till I loved I never lived—Enough— What is the effect of the use of the word "enough" in this quotation? It shows the speaker's insecurity about love.


Answer: It shows the speaker's insecurity about love. It emphasizes the speaker's desperation.


Answer:C) it reveals the speaker’s profound emotion towards her love.

Explanation:She emphasizes that she has always loved, but perhaps she did not have enough time to give all that love she had to give. However, she is so desperate to give her love, that even after death she still comes back to her love to continue showing her attachment and devotion. “I bring thee proof” This is that she brings the proof that she has always loved. She later mentions in the poem that love is life and love has immortality. This means that while we live, loving gives life and light to our hearts, and that after we die it remains in the hearts of the people who were with us.

A word or phrase that means the same as 'gasping for air' 'out of breath' in the poem the Warlus and the Carpenter



The answer is



Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!


commonlit article- The bright side of sadness


where is the paragraph??

Please help help me

Character Analysis for Mr.Darling in Peter Pan. Give me a word that describes him and 3 sentences. DO NOT USE OTHER WEBSITES. Write in YOUR OWN WORDS



One word that describes Mr. Darling is strict. He is very strict with his children throught the story. He also comes off as angry in the beggining.

hope this helps!

what effects do harsh parenting have on children



Harsh Parenting tends to lead to secretive, rebellious children. Instead of respecting them, children fear and resent their parents, and children start to behave in the way their parents try to prevent them from behaving.

How did Misha try to lure Janina out of her house?



He put bread on the doorstep as he knows that Janina will come out and get the bread.


What happens after the crew revives Claribel in Feathered Friend? ​



She chirps but then keels over again.




In "Feathered Friend" what happens after the crew in the space station revives Claribel? Claribel starts to sing and hops on Sven's finger, then she passes out again. ... To keep from fainting from lack of oxygen the way Claribel did. In "Feathered Friend" the narrator awakes with a headache in the morning.

Write a 250-word essay in which you explain the theme of women's strength and bravery in "Women".​



(This isn't mine, these were two somewhat essays I found and put together, changing a few words. Depending on your grade level and level of writing change around the words to make it as if you wrote it.)

Throughout Alice Walker's literary works she uses her characters and her stories to help show the strength of women as they overcome the abuses men and society place on them. Walker shows this theme through her diction, literary devices, and imagery. These women have suffered physical and verbal abuse from men and from society. They have been discriminated against for the color of their skin and also for being females in a male-dominated society. Walker uses this theme to comment on social injustices during that time. Not only are blacks considered to be the lowest in society, but women are even lower than black men. Walker comments on the mistreatment women deal with, they are used to sex and pleasure, raising children, keeping the house, farming the land, cooking meals, and are also punching bags for men. Women were expected to do what they were told and keep quiet. They were meant to be seen working but never heard. Women did not have a voice during this period in society, but Walker showed the reader what women really wanted to say during their lives. This story is a prime example of how women are oppressed by men in this society and far from discussing their strength and bravery it shows how they just become pedestals for the men in their lives and useful only to ride like kids riding a wooden rocking horse until the men are satisfied.

Word Count : 238

We're out of eggs so we should go to the market, Besides we need to buy something for dinner. fix one word that is used incorrectly



We're out of eggs so we should go to the market, besides we need to buy something for dinner


We're out of eggs so we should go to the market, Besides we need to buy something for dinner.

What is a sentence?

A sentence is a linguistic expression, such as the English language, in linguistics and grammar. It is often described in conventional grammar as a group of words that conveys a full notion or as a unit made up of a subject and predicate.

Beyond can be a preposition that means "excluding" or "in addition to." Additionally, it can be used as an adverb to signify "as well as" or "moreover."

Additionally, "furthermore," "despite," and other transitional words might assist you go from one notion to another.

Thus, it can be concluded that the given sentence is correct.

For more details regarding sentence, visit:



write a summary for Macbeth Summary Act 1 - Act 3 I will give u brainelites if rlly good :)

a good link to help is spark notes

hope it helps ^_^ xx



(Act 1) Macbeth and Banquo run over the three witches in the heath near the battle zone. The witches uncover to Macbeth that he is to be the Thane of Cawdor, and in the end ruler. Macbeth doesn't confide in them. Regardless, by then the Thane of Ross appears and uncovers to Macbeth that he is indeed the Thane of Cawdor.  

(Act 2) opens with Banquo and his youngster, Fleance, progressing toward bed in Macbeth's château. Macbeth ascends out of the fogginess, and addresses Banquo. Close to the completion of this scene, Macbeth hears a ringing of a ringer, which is Lady Macbeth's sign that they should start their murder plans. ...  

(Act 3) The executioners butcher Banquo, who kicks the bucket asking his child to escape and to fight back for his passing. One of the executioners extinguishes the light, and in the murkiness Fleance move away. The executioners leave with Banquo's body to find Macbeth and notice to him what has happened.

(i was sick the day i learned abt this so it may not be correct, hope it helps tho :D)

A social conflict______.



is the struggle for agency or power in society

Social conflict is the struggle for agency or power in society.

What does this excerpt foreshadow? Benvolio and Mercutio will get sick from the heat. Benvolio and Mercutio will be jealous of the Capulets’ travels. Benvolio and Mercutio will stop working soon. Benvolio and Mercutio will fight the Capulets.


Answer: D. Benvolio and Mercutio will fight the Capulets.



It’s D


what is the term for a word that gives information about verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs?
A. Adverb
B. Noun
C. Adjective
D. Pronoun



tha answer is A) Adverbs

for example,

Arun paints beautifully.

beautifully is an adverb because tells it tells us about the verb paints.

Answer if you know the answers or some answers to "The Four Skillful Brothers" .
The pic is to show what im talking about


śò ñà gàtèq!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why are tablets more expensive than text books. STATE YOUR REASON(S).​



Because they contain more than one textbook inside of them and they have many uses.  


If you have a tablet then you can get to more than one textbook, and tablets have other uses like games, art, etc. Textbooks are cheaper than tablets because it only has one use (to study) and it doesn't have other uses or perks.

EZ POINTSSS!!! Which change, if any, is needed to the underlined text? took a road
trip has taken a road trip
takes a road trip
No change​


No Change is necessary for this sentence!


no change the last one-


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