Which source is most likely to be impartial


Answer 1


A university study or Educational field source is most likely to be impartial.


Hope it helped you!!

Answer 2

Government data and data collected by individual companies can be partial. So, you may want to use some encyclopaedia like Britannica or Wikipedia. I personally prefer Britannica, as Wikipedia sometimes reflect personal views because anyone can edit it. You can visit some research by universities. I will advise to refer to more than one sources, so you can decide for yourself what to include and what not to include.

Related Questions

Mention the role of economic aspect in Health, Population and Environment Education in one sentence.​



hope it helps..


The economic aspect has direct relationship with the various aspects of health, population and environment. It the economic aspect of the country is weak, it is reflected on health of the people. To satisfy their immediate needs, people excessively use environment resources like air, water, land, plants, etc.

You can write few points from above...

Suppose that John Doe has filed a lawsuit against the Washington County School District, challenging the school district's recent inclusion of Intelligent Design in their science curriculum. Intelligent Design argues that certain features of the universe and of living things exhibit the characteristics of a product resulting from an intelligent cause or agent, not an unguided process such as natural selection. Though publicly most Intelligent Design advocates state that their focus is on detecting evidence of design in nature, without regard to who or what the designer might be, in statements to their constituents and supporters, nearly all state explicitly that they believe the designer to be the Christian God. Based on this information, what aspect of the Constitution is John Doe most likely arguing that the school district is violating


Answer: the establishment clause of the First Amendment which calls for the separation of church and state


Based on the information, the aspect of the Constitution that John Doe is most likely arguing that the school district is violating is the establishment clause of the First Amendment which calls for the separation of church and state.

According to the First Amendment's Establishment Clause, the government is prohibited from making a law that respects the establishment of a religion. Also, the clause forbids the government from favoring one religion over another religion.

explain any 4 qualities of a good society in brief


Any 4 qualities of a good society are

Unity: There should be unity among the members. Unity is strength. Love: Love develops emotional attachment among the members. It promotes cooperation and support in need. Friendship: all the members of the society should be friendly which creates supportive and cooperating environment to each other in need. Ownership: the sense of ownership encourages the members of the society to be responsive for their society.

On which concept did the French base their North American empire? A) fur trading B) Bartering C) The fact that they were the largest European population in America. D) The belief that they had the strongest forts.



A) Fur trading


Explain how the model of "isolation-contact-change" applies to Japan.


Answer and Explanation:

Japan remained isolated from the rest of the world until 1542 when Portuguese vessels tried to establish mercantile relations. This contact was very negative, because the Portuguese tried to establish Christian concepts in Japan that were not well regarded by the Japanese government, which expelled the Portuguese from the country and ended the closing of the ports, which prevented any kind of communication between Japan and the countries. Westerners.

In 1850 Japan allowed a certain contact between countries to be resumed, mainly due to the efforts of Western nations to develop policies that pressured the opening of Japan with foreign countries, both in the political sector and in the economic sector. In 1954, the US imposed the opening of Japanese ports to the world market, which established that nation's contact with the rest of the world.

The interaction between Japan and European and North American countries completely changed Japanese culture and customs, in addition to changing the economy and politics. Japan underwent a process of renewal, abandoning ancient practices and adopting more modern and western customs, providing the basis for the country we know today.

what can one do to protect themself from xenophobia on platforms like twitter​


something that you can do is report pages that you see that are involving in racism or any form of hate speech. you can also block pages & display on your page that you are supportive of ethnic communities or “colored” communities

answer, please mvbjhnsipherg9uwe9fihngbgfxi


The answer for your question is A.

if the air near the ground has enough moisture and the temperature reaches the dew point, ___ forms


the answer is fog. This is social studies tho.

What is the job of a mediator?

The job of a mediator is to judge those in mediation.
The job of a mediator is to help those in mediation find a solution to the conflict.
The job of a mediator is to solve the problems of those in mediation.
The job of a mediator is to decide who is right and who is wrong in a conflict.


2. The job of a mediator is to help those in mediation find a solution to the conflict


The job of a mediator is to help those in mediation find a solution to the conflict. A mediator is a neutral third party who assists disputing parties in finding a mutually acceptable resolution to their conflict. Rather than imposing a solution, the mediator helps both parties identify their own needs and interests, and guides them towards a solution that meets both of their needs.Mediators may also facilitate communication between the parties, identify common ground, and help clarify misunderstandings. Their role is to encourage dialogue and promote understanding between the parties, rather than judge them.


Wanda had been procrastinating on taking her continuing education courses. As the end of the year approached, she saw a course she had taken the previous year was available. Since she had already mastered the information, she decided to take it again. Will this course count towards her continuing education hours for the current year



No,the course will not count towards her continuing education hours


Here is the quiz-let to your entire test

h t t p s : / / q u i z l e t . c o m / 2 6 7 0 3 6  4 9 9 / m o r t g a g e - e x a m - v 2  - f l a s h -  c a r d s /

how do currents move what effect do they have​


The winds pull surface water with them, creating currents. As these currents flow westward, the Coriolis effect—a force that results from the rotation of the Earth—deflects them. These surface currents play an important role in moderating climate by transferring heat from the equator towards the poles.

PLEASE ILL GIVE BRAINLEST can you please list the steps a law has to go through to be passed as a law through state government NOT federal



In the UK

Bills must be agreed by both Houses of Parliament and receive Royal Assent from the Queen before they can become Acts of Parliament which make our law. The Bill is introduced by a First Reading. ... If the Government has a majority, the Bill is then passed to the House of Lords.

who determines the price in perfect market?​



In a perfectly competitive market individual firms are price takers. The price is determined by the intersection of the market supply and demand curves. The demand curve for an individual firm is different from a market demand curve.

Hope it helps >3!


who determines the price in perfect market?​


sorry i can't answer this without anything to go without it i would help you but their is nothing to go with it :(

The New Deal program of the following agency represented the most economically complex, managerially ambitious, and unsuccessfulNew Deal effort to achieve recovery and reform the entire American economy
a Public Works Administration.
b Tennessee Valley Authority.
c National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act).
d National Recovery Administration.
e Social Security Administration.



Option: d. National Recovery Administration.


The New Deal was introduced by Franklin Roosevelt during campaigning for the presidency in the United States. The purpose of the New Deal was to bring a better life for Americans by introducing schemes to support them. In the National Recovery Administration, the government tried to stop competitors from using destructive practices and eliminating others. The agency tried to bring labour, industry, and government together to create fair practices and set prices on products and wages.

"You will be writing a research paper on the Freedmen’s Bureau and its effects, and the restrictions placed on the rights and opportunities of African Americans in the Reconstruction-era South. Write questions that will help you narrow your research on the topic"
plz help asap



good luck

Explanation:good luck

After witnessing a car accident that killed his daughter, George reports he is having intrusive memories of the event. He is experiencing nightmares and refuses to drive. He is not speaking to his friends despite their attempts to offer support. After holding a case conference, a team of professionals suggests that George be evaluated for
A. manic disorder
B. somatization disorder
C. posttraumatic stress disorder
D. illness anxiety disorder
E. orr panic disorder



I'm pretty sure it's C. Good luck!

Explanation: If he doesn't want to drive then he's probably reliving the events of his daughter's accident. So it's ptsd.

A true assertion of  George current situation after being evaluated would definitely be: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

This is a situation where one experiences failure to recover from a negative experience or after witnessing a terrifying situation.  This condition can last for a long period of time and a particular event or something else can cause a trigger.

After witnessing his daughter killed in an accident, George would find it difficult to recover from the situation. And he would even decline to drive. This is caused by post traumatic stress disorder.

Learn more about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder here:


who is the son of Akbar​



Akbar's son was Salim who later named himself Jahangir after coming to power.

Help plz it’s to pass me


A is probably the best answer.
It’s A because there are two big steps that have to happen. Two-thirds of both houses of Congress pass a proposed constitutional amendment. This sends the proposed amendment to the states for ratification. o Step 2: Three-fourths of the states (38 states) ratify the proposed amendment, either by their legislatures or special ratifying conventions

Which African countries are located west of the prime meridian?


Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone are the African countries are located west of the prime meridian.

What you know about rolling down in the deep:))??


I like chicken nuggets ♡

evaluate how values. belief system. religion and lifestyle has negatively contributed to Gender based-violence​



Poverty, shortage of housing and job prospects, and the impunity for criminality and abuse all combine to and promote a culture of aggression in gender groups.

The study indicated that cultural practises and beliefs such as "chiongo"-dowry and marriage foster gender-based violence.

b. Why is school regarded as a secondary means of socialization?



Secondary socialization refers to the social learning that children undergo when they enter other social institutions, like school.

Characteristics of the school, teachers, and the peer group all influence the socialization of children within school settings, that's why school regarded as a secondary means of socialization.


By educating and modelling socialization to the learners they will learn the meaning of generosity and kindness. They will then be able to go out into society and contribute in a productive, meaning and positive way.

Traditionally, the first primaries are held:
A. By the Democratic Party
B. In New Hampshire
C. Nationwide at the same time
D. In alphabetical order by state



A. By the Democratic Party


The 1968 Democratic presidential primaries were the selection process by which voters of several states elected delegates to the 1968 Democratic National Convention. Incumbent Vice President Hubert Humphrey was selected as the nominee in the 1968 Democratic National Convention held from August 26 to August 29, 1968, in Chicago, Illinois. (an exerpt from wikipedia)

______________________________ led a movement for independence from Britain through a campaign of satyagraha, or ________________________________________, which forbade protesters to act with violence toward any attacker or _____________________________________; ________________________________ and his followers came to believe that their oppressors should be led to the truth of their ____________________actions through patience and non-violence, that ________________________________________________________________________ even to gain a good end;



Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi.


Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi started a movement to compel British government of India to grant self-government to India. It was one of large-scale civil disobedience led by Gandhi which also known as satyagraha. Gandhi also forbade protesters to act with violence toward any attacker and remain calm with patience bears all the hardship. This movement led to the independence of India from British empire so this movement has a significant place in the history. Gandhi and his followers came to believe that their oppressors should be led to the truth of their actions.

In the case of Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka ruled that all schools must integrate. In which state was this ruling challenged in 1957?
New York


Its Kansas but that not a option

give any two characteristic of protozoan​



Protozoa are unicellular eukaryotic microorganisms lacking a cell wall and belonging to the Kingdom Protista. 2. Protozoa reproduce asexually by fission, schizogony, or budding. Some protozoa can also reproduce sexually.

what is the solid outer part of the earth​


The solid outer part of the earth​ is lithosphere.




consist of stones, rocks and layers of soil

Which of these details helps develop the idea that the Nuremberg Trials established the principle of applying the rule of law in cases of war crimes?
A. witness testimony
B. 47 crates of evidence
C. the acquittal of three defendants
D. all of the above



A. witness testimony

C. the acquittal of three defendants


The Nuremberg trials were held after the World Was in Germany. The trials were an action against the Nazi officers for their crime on humankind and war atrocities in Europe. 13 trials carried in Nuremberg and during the trial, many survivors of the Holocaust gave their testimony as witnesses to give their side of the event that happened during the Nazi regime.

what is one example of people's rights being oppressed in the modern world?​


Slavery, the refusal to allow women to inherit and own property, the denial of equal rights to people with disabilities, and the involuntary commitment of people who deviate from social norms are all examples of oppression.

When where the first elections of three levels held in Nepal under federal structures



November 26, 2017


Following the adoption of the New Constitution which defines Nepal as a federal state with three different levels of government which are:

1. Federal government

2. Provincial government

3. Local government.

The first phase of the elections took place on November 26, 2017, in which 32 districts we're involved. It was conducted by the Nepal’s Election Commission.

Other Questions
Read the passage from Sugar Changed the World.Then Gandhi invited each person in the theater to join him in an exceptional oath, a pledge not to register, not to accept the government's rules, even if that resulted in severe punishment. Gandhi insisted that every person weigh the commitment and make a personal choice. "Every individual," he explained, must make the oath him- or herself,facing not to his neighbor, but his God. Nor should it be taken in order to gain power over anybody but oneself, for the power of an oath is defined by what one man can promise to do, and what he is willing to suffer: insult, incarceration, hard labor, flogging, fine, deportation, and even death.Everyone in the audience raised his or her hand.Gandhi bound the crowd together to follow a new path, which he called Satyagrahawhich means "truth with force," or "firmness." It is also called "love-force." While the goal of violence is to defeat and vanquish the enemy, the goal of Satyagraha is to convince or convert the opponent. "He must be weaned from error by patience and sympathy." A person who believes in Satyagraha will not fight physically, but instead resists through his or her own inner courage, knowing he might be jailed or beaten.Which statement best describes the authors purpose in this passage? The scripting process is answering interview questions using a formula which includes: A. directly answering the question, backing up the answer with a specific example, and tying the answer back to the company and/or the position. B. connecting the answer to the company itself no matter what. C. answering the question directly, using a statistic or example to prove your point, and asking a follow up question. 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I realized the answer was simple Reporter 101: Who? What? Where? When? Why? and How?C. It made me think that my new job as a reporter was going to be easy in comparison.D. By the time I finished up, Id gotten a crash course in interviewing and had received an interesting range of opinions about the budget cuts.3. Which excerpt from the story best supports the inference that the narrator is a competent writer?A. . . . Id taken up my boss on his offer and stayed at my part-time job through the summer after college.B. He was happy with the few writing samples Id brought to the interview and offered me the job on the spot.C. . . . I was sitting down with John, one of the executive editors of the newspaper chain, hearing all the daunting details of being a cub reporter.D. Id been an English major and wanted to be a writer, though I had no idea what kind of writer. The measurement of a rectangular room on a scale drawing are 8cm x 6cm. If the scale use is 1 : 400, calculate the actual area of the room in m. Use the context clues to find the definition for the word excluded as it is used in these sentences. kept out prevented shut out not allowed In your opinion, which is most important? And why?lawyerengineerdoctorscientist artist Find the value of x. Round tothe nearest tenth.273411X = [ ? In the 1930s, the Japanese had expanded their reach into . The United States placed an embargo on Japan. Soon, Japan faced a shortage of . The Japanese wanted to make sure the US Navy would not interfere with their plans to conquer Southeast Asia and other regions. For that reason, the Japanese decided to attack . Two astronauts, each having a mass of 88.0 kg, are connected by a 10.0-m rope of negligible mass. They are isolated in space, moving in circles around the point halfway between them at a speed of 5.40 m/s. 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