Which statement are Buddhist beliefs


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Related Questions

How did the institution of slavery impact the economy of Mississippi? 0 It reduced the state's reliance on the triangular trade. O It led to the rise of textile production in the state. O It helped make cotton the foundation of the state's economy. It sped up the development of the state's manufacturing industries.​



It helped make cotton the foundation of the state's economy.


The Southern states of America witnessed an outstanding growth with the advent of slavery. Human slavery helped the countries flourish and reach to the level of prosperity. The Mississippi River valley became the largest producer of cotton among the entire nation. The plantation of cotton require a huge human force and this necessity was fulfilled by the enslaved workers. The country boomed with the evils of slavery.

PLS HELP ASAP question is below if u dont know the awnser DONT AWNSER THE QUESTION PLSSS



1. an alliance of nations

2 war equipment and supplies

3 affluent middle class people

4 the poorest class of working people in society

5 a male monarch or emperor

6 left-wing majority group of Russian Social-Democratic Workers Party

7 an agreement to temporarily cease fighting

8 an economic setback

9. indemnities paid by defeated countries

Why do you think Hitler did not make a land invasion of England ? Was it because navy of doing it or because he wanted to invade ( and destroy the Soviet Union Why do you think this ?



The worlds greatest navy


Hitler couldn't reach England due to it being an island in the atlantic ocean and all the boats and submarines were destroyed by Englands superior navy so he tried planes.

he wanted to invade the soviet union he was a strong minded man and if he wanted something done it would happen he had total power and his people where very loyal because of how scary he was so that is my opinion

What was one characteristic of early European exploration?
It was safe
It was fast.
It was expensive
It was predictable



It was expensive


Money doesn't grow on trees

what was the Cleveland massacre



The  Cleveland Massacre was the beginning of John D. Rockefeller's drive toward an oil monopoly.


The United States did NOT SEND which
of the following to support the
Nationalists during the Chinese Civil
A. Supplies
B. Weapons
C. Money
D. Troops


I think they don’t send supplies

The Nationalists during the Chinese Civil War did not send the Supplies.

Thus, the correct option is A.

What was Chinese Civil War?

The Chinese Civil War, which raged sporadically between 1 August 1927 and 7 December 1949 with a Communist triumph on the mainland, was fought between the Kuomintang-led government of the Republic of China and forces of the Chinese Communist Party.

With an interval, the war is typically divided into two phases: from August 1927 to 1937, the Nationalists ruled the majority of China when the KMT-CCP Alliance disintegrated during the Northern Expedition.

The Second United Front fought the Japanese invasion of China from 1937 through 1945, with assistance from the Allies of World War II, but even then, cooperation between the KMT and CCP was poor, and armed conflicts between them were frequent.

The establishment of a puppet administration, supported by Japan and purportedly commanded by Wang Jingwei, to manage the regions of China under Japanese control exacerbated the tensions within China.

Learn more about Chinese Civil War, here



is the napoleonic code a reliable source about life in france in 1804?



It is a reliable source insofar as it is a comprehensive legal document that was revolutionary at the time, that was adopted in most of Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America, and that described many situations and behaviours present in Frnace in 1804.

However, as a legal code, its main goal is not to describe life in France at the time, and for this reason, its reading should be complemented with other books in order to better comprehend life in France at the time.


It is a reliable source insofar as it is a comprehensive legal document that was revolutionary at the time, that was adopted in most of Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America, and that described many situations and behaviours present in France in 1804.


Which of the following developed at the junctions of railroad lines?


Switches & signaling



Alumno/a: _______________________________

(Es importante explicitar el nombre del estudiante para facilitar la corrección por la plataforma)

A partir de lo trabajado en clases (presenciales y virtuales) y de la lectura de las páginas 8 a 17 del cuadernillo, resuelvan con sus palabras las siguientes actividades:

1) ¿Qué son las declaraciones que aparecen en la Constitución Nacional?

2) Completen el siguiente cuadro para clasificar a los artículos de la Constitución Nacional según la categoría de declaración política, religiosa, económico-financiera y jurídica. (Les recomiendo buscar los artículos en el texto de la Constitución Nacional que se encuentra disponible como archivo adjunto de esta actividad.)


Explicación de la declaración





El Tesoro nacional es el dinero disponible para cubrir los gastos del Gobierno nacional. El dinero del Tesoro nacional proviene de: venta o alquiler de tierras del país, impuestos por las cosas que entran y salen del país y los que paga la población, préstamos que pide el Gobierno cuando el dinero de los impuestos no le alcanza. El Congreso nacional es el encargado de crear los impuestos. Los impuestos deben ser equitativos: cuanto más tenés, más pagás.







3) Busquen en la Constitución Nacional los artículos 14 y 14 bis, 15, 37, 41 y 75 inciso 17. Luego expliquen con sus palabras cuáles son los derechos reconocidos en cada uno de los artículos, a qué clasificación de derechos corresponde, busquen una imagen para ilustrarlos y agréguenle un epígrafe.


Artículo 14: Reconoce a todos los habitantes de Argentina (nacionales y extranjeros) la libertad para trabajar, transitar, comerciar, peticionar a las autoridades, y de expresión, asociación, culto y educación. Es por ello que decimos que el artículo 14 garantiza los derechos civiles (de primera generación.

La imagen ilustra el derecho a publicar las ideas por la prensa sin censura previa

4) ¿Qué son las garantías constitucionales?

5) A continuación les presento diversos casos en los que no se cumplen las garantías constitucionales. Comenten con sus palabras qué tipo de acción judicial usarían en cada caso para proteger los derechos constitucionales.

a) Una persona es detenida en la vía pública por ser de la religión musulmana

b) Una ley sancionada este año establece que los alumnos que el año pasado aprobaron la materia de Construcción de la Ciudadanía con 7 deben rendir nuevamente la materia, porque ahora se estableció que la note mínima es 8

c) Una persona es detenida por fumar en la vía pública, en un espacio abierto

d) Una persona que robó una bicicleta fue detenida y golpeada por los vecinos de la zona

e) Un grupo de jóvenes fue detenido por la policía y obligados a mostrar los mensajes recibidos en sus teléfonos

f) Una familia está a punto de ser desalojada de su vivienda porque se atrasó una semana en el pago del alquiler

6) Elaboren un mapa conceptual para graficar las declaraciones, derechos y garantías reconocidas en la primera parte de la constitución nacional.



is there english transalation?


How did the bulding of the railroads affect people's ability to travel?


Transportation time was drastically low. Prior to that people were using horses, and the building of the railroad cut that travel time significantly.

One modern town that was originally built to serve the railroads was



One modern town that was built in the late 1800s to serve the railroads was A Cheyenne.


Hope it helps

brainlist please




just did this quiz

The message of the Second GreatAwakening was:
B)states' rights.
C)o equality.
D)the dangers of hell.



D) the dangers of hell.


The Second Great Awakening began to aim for a perfect society in the 19th century. The Second Great Awakening in America let people look for other beliefs including, Baptists, Presbyterians, and Methodists. The Second Great Awakening encouraged people to improve their lives. The Second Great Awakening is known for its large camp meetings that preached people to follow the right path by avoiding sin.

Why are some experts on U.S.-Russia relations concerned about a potential



The United States and Russia maintain diplomatic and trade relations. The relationship was generally warm under the Russian President Boris Yeltsin (1991–99) until the NATO bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the spring of 1999, and has since deteriorated significantly.


Do you think what happened to the Little Rock Nine or even the March on Washington could still happen today? Explain why!!!!



Yes, I do think that the March on Washington could still happen today. And it has many protesters fighting for the BLM movement has taken it to the capital or to government officials to make their voices heard. It is an affective and strong way to express your opinion on the injustices happening in the country.

Please help me I give brainlist

Which terms best describe the Greek city-state of Athens?

unenlightened and regressive

tyrannical and repressive

militaristic and aggressive

educated and progressive



educated and progressive

Educated and progressive

Also, analyze how the ideals behind the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War impacted the views of women, African Americans, and Native Americans.



The institution of slavery was profoundly affected by the American Revolution. Thousands of slaves were liberated as a result of their service on both sides of the American Revolutionary War. A remarkable amount of captives were dispossessed as a consequence of the Revolution while countless more were liberated by fleeing.

Women took part by rejecting British products, manufacturing items for troops, eavesdropping on the English, and enlisting in the uniformed forces as males disguised as women. Women who stayed faithful to the monarch or who were politically neutral were also impacted by the conflict; in many instances, the consequences were severe.

Which key term is found in the first passage? By the nineteenth century, a period of intense scientific discovery was well underway. Remarkable advances in science and medicine helped to lift people out of wretched poverty and ignorance, enrich their lives, empower them with knowledge, open their eyes to new worlds, and eventually unleash DONE vur Wu, Une w uur uuu u povruuuu effect on crime and punishment. They have reversed the verdict in fully 25 percent of the sexual assault cases referred to by the FBI since 1989. -Visions, Michio Kaku Intro​


Answer: Discovery


The next one is: science improves people’s lives.

The last one: DNA testing helps prove innocence or guilt.




Great Britain had many colonies in North America. What was the purpose of these colonies according to the ideas of mercantilism?



(According to the ideas of mercantilism, Great Britain believed that its colonies should increase its overall wealth. The colonies' purpose was to produce raw materials or grow crops that were not available in Great Britain. ... Mercantilism was an economic system developed by European countries in the 16th century.


Select the correct answer.
Based on the map, what conclusion can you draw about ancient civilizations?
indus Valley
Indian Ocean
OA. They were all located in areas of southeast Asia.
OB. They all had their origins in people from the Middle East.
OC. They interacted with one another frequently through trade.
OD. They usually developed near a major body of water.



At the beginning we had small battles like Lexington and Concord, 19th April 1775; The Battle of Bunker Hill, 17th June 1775 and The Battle of Quebec, 31st December 1775; The Northern and Southern colonies knew that the war was real and we had to be unified in our efforts to win, the middle colonies thought as late as May 1776 that it was all minor disagreements and we could still make peace with the King. Even with all the excess of the British Government many felt that war was avoidable or unnecessary at this time; so the Northern and Southern colonies pushed the idea of the declaration to show the need and justification for going to war. The representatives in Congress that believed the time for separation had come wanted a way to clearly state to their brothers the reasons why a break with Great Britain was necessary. One purpose of the Declaration of Independence then, was to boldly state the reasons for separation with Britain to both their friends and their enemies and to persuade them that the separation was morally justified and that they should join the cause.


At the beginning we had small battles like Lexington and Concord, 19th April 1775; The Battle of Bunker Hill, 17th June 1775 and The Battle of Quebec, 31st December 1775; The Northern and Southern colonies knew that the war was real and we had to be unified in our efforts to win, the middle colonies thought as late as May 1776 that it was all minor disagreements and we could still make peace with the King. Even with all the excess of the British Government many felt that war was avoidable or unnecessary at this time; so the Northern and Southern colonies pushed the idea of the declaration to show the need and justification for going to war. The representatives in Congress that believed the time for separation had come wanted a way to clearly state to their brothers the reasons why a break with Great Britain was necessary. One purpose of the Declaration of Independence then, was to boldly state the reasons for separation with Britain to both their friends and their enemies and to persuade them that the separation was morally justified and that they should join the cause.

What does the presence of the body of the German soldier in the trench suggest about trench warfare?



The happening of war with Germans.


The presence of the body of the German soldier in the trench suggest about trench warfare that in these trenches, German soldiers are present to defend their front lines and save themselves from machineguns and the attack of fighter planes. This trench warfare has a great importance and very important method which was used to defend their lines against enemies so the dead body shows the happening of war with Germans.

Total energy of substance can be affected by temperature but can't be affected by the?





Total energy of substance can be affected by temperature but can't be affected by the pressure because energy has no relation with the pressure or energy does not depends to pressure. As the temperature increases, the average kinetic energy in the body is also increases but the pressure exert on the body only deform the body structure but can't the energy present in the body

What was the Confederate States of America?



Confederate States of America, also called Confederacy, in the American Civil War, the government of 11 Southern states that seceded from the Union in 1860–61, carrying on all the affairs of a separate government and conducting a major war until defeated in the spring of 1865.

In which of the following setups can the Boyle's law apply


Hi. You did not submit the setups the question refers to. This makes it impossible for your question to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

Boyle's law can be applied to any system where the mass of a gas occupies a volume inversely proportional to the pressure of that gas. This is the definition of Boyle's Law that was created by the physicist Robert Boyle who aimed to study the relationship between temperature, pressure and volume of a gas.

An example of how this law can be applied can be seen when we blow a balloon with air. This is because the balloon and the blow establish a system at constant temperature. As we blow, the balloon becomes fuller with air and the molecules of that air become compressed and compacted as the balloon inflates. This increases the pressure of the gas inside the balloon, which starts pushing on the balloon walls, decreasing the volume.

If u take U.S history on vlacs and have done the third DBA pls help
How did the economic pressures of industrialization contribute to imperialism?



The industrialized countries knew they could rely on their colonies to buy the finished products made in their industries. This helped promote imperialism. Having colonies allowed a country to protect its world trade. The growth of industries enhanced the need for countries to become imperialistic.


Malimit siyang magdahilan kaya​



basahin ang bawat pahayag. Piliin ang mik ng lamang sagot.

1. Upang magtagumpay sa buhay kailangang

A. mag-aral nang mabuti. C. lliban sa klase.

B. matulog sa klase.

2. Malimit siyang magdahilan kaya

D. mangopya sa kaklase,

A. marami ang nagkakagusto sa kanya. C. walang naniniwala sa kanya.

B. maraming naniniwala sa kanya. D. iniwan siya.

3. Upang maging malusog ang katawan kailangang

A palaging magpuyol.

C. palaging uminum ng softdrinks.

B. hindi maliligo araw-araw. D. kumain ng masustansiyang pagkain.

4. Si Ana ay laging kumakain ng tocino, fried chicken, at hotdog. Ano kaya ang

maaaring mangyari sa kanyang kalusugan

A. magiging masigla C. magiging mahina

B. magiging maliksi

D. magiging maganda

5. Niyaya ka ng iyong tatay na sumama sa paghingi ng binhing itatanim ngunit sumama ka sa iyong

kaklase na maglaro sa plasa. Ano kaya ang maaring maging reaksiyon ng iyong tatay?

A Magagalit C. Mallyak

B. Matutuwa

What motivated John Cabot to explore?


John Cabot (about 1450–98) was an experienced Italian seafarer who came to live in England during the reign of Henry VII. In 1497 he sailed west from Bristol hoping to find a shorter route to Asia, a land believed to be rich in gold, spices and other luxuries.


John Cabot was a Venetian explorer and navigator known for his 1497 voyage to North America, where he claimed land in Canada for England. After setting sail in May 1498 for a return voyage to North America, he disappeared and Cabot's final days remain a mystery.

In 1497, Cabot traveled by sea from Bristol to Canada, which he mistook for Asia. Cabot made a claim to the North American land for King Henry VII of England, setting the course for England's rise to power in the 16th and 17th centuries.

ike Columbus, Cabot believed that sailing west from Europe was the shorter route to Asia. Hearing of opportunities in England, Cabot traveled there and met with King Henry VII, who gave him a grant to "seeke out, discover, and finde" new lands for England. In early May of 1497, Cabot left Bristol, England, on the Matthew, a fast and able ship weighing 50 tons, with a crew of 18 men.

Which of the theory reflect the philosophy of John Locke?
Social Contract Theory
Evolution Theory
Force Theory
Divine Right Theory


Most probably it’s A

What guaranteed that African Americans would be given equal protection of the law?

the Black Codes
the 14th Amendment
the 15th Amendment
the Reconstruction Acts



14th amendment gave us equal protection of the law

Amendment 14 is the answer

a fisherman was stranded in the middle of the sea and needed water to sustain himself.At the same time , there were clean plastic bottles in his boat.Invent and explain. How the fisherman could produce distilled water using sea water and plastic bottles which were in his boat​



Through the process of evaporation.


The fisherman could produce distilled water using sea water and plastic bottles. The fisherman takes two bottles and takes seawater in one of the bottle and connect both bottles head to head with each other. Place these bottle in the sunlight, the water in one bottles moves to the other when the water is evaporated due to high temperature gained through solar radiation in this way, salts remained in the second bottle whereas the fist bottle has clean distill water to drink.

What territory did Rome win control of after defeating Carthage in the
Punic Wars?
O Greece
O North Africa
O The Middle East



North Africa


The Second Period of Expansion Rome’s growth threatened another great power, the city of Carthage (KAR-thidge), in North Africa. During the second period of expansion, from 264 to 146 B.C.E., Rome and Carthage fought three major wars. Through these wars, Rome gained control of North Africa, much of Spain, and the island of Sicily . Roman armies also conquered Macedonia and Greece.

The answer is North Africa
Other Questions
Which of the following was not a motivation for the development of musicalnotation in Europe?A. Learning music through repetition was boring.B. Notation allowed performers to sing music they had never heardbefore.C. Without notation, songs were not always taught accurately.D. Learning music through repetition took too long.Ignore this I just putting up the answer for anyone else how many ways can Aileen choose 2 pizza toppings from a menu of 19 toppings if each topping can only be chosen one Look for 10 noun phrases consisting of 7 words or more any six characteristics of present society Find out how many atoms will fit in one apple . Adius of an apple is about 3.5 cm and the radius of an atom is 1.5 angstrom Which statements about Ancient Greek life are shown by the story of Perseus? Which of these four sets of side lengths will form a right triangle?Set 110 cm, 26 cm, 24 cmSet 24 in., 2 in., 6 in.Set 314 mm, 13 mm, 15 mmSet 410 ft, 30 ft, 20 ftSet 1Set 2Set 3wO Set 4Mark this and returnSave and Fyit 2345810TIME REMAINING49:29C DHal is asked to write an exponential function to represent the value of a $10,000 investment decreasing at 2% annually.What multiplicative rate of change should Hal use in his function?0.020.9801.021.98Save and Exit BRAINLIEST!!! PLEASE IF SOMEONE COULD ANSWER MORE OF THESE LAST QUESTIONS AND DO ME A BIG FAVOUR I WILL GIVE LOTS OF POINTS AND BRAINLIEST! Help pls!! this is a presentation Im doing in class and I NEED this completed rn, ASAP!!! . What I need is just the answers for the picture below and I NEED the explanation to all of them, and if you can pls try to give a similar example to these and solve it or what did u use to solve it. (Only 1 example that is similar) Thank you so much! do you like royalty family or mrbeast bao b ch ng active packaging v bao b thng minh intelligent packaging khc bit nh th no What is the slope of the line?I will mark the brainliest! Talia is writing a post about why her brothers band is the best band in town. Which multimedia feature should Talia include to convince readers of her claim Find the Area of Composite Figures!A playground area is going to be built in a zoo park. The shape of the playground is shown below. This area will be covered with recycled rubber chips. Each unit represents 1 ft. Installing the rubber chips costs $52.50 per square foot. How much will it cost to install the rubber chips? Carlos and Keisha have a monthly income of $25,000. They have monthly expenditures that total $30,000. What is TRUE about their cash flow?A. They have a $5,000 surplus.B. They have a $5,000 deficit.C. They have a positive cash flow.D. They have extra money that they could use for investments.THE CORRECT ANSWER IS B. THEY HAVE A $5,000 DEFICIT.i got it right on the test, i hope this helps :)) 6. A patient has just been diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Which age group is the patient most likely in?O to 10 years old15 to 25 years old30 to 40 years old55 to 65 years old D. Write the name of the branched alkane next to the drawing of the molecule. (2 points) Consider the balanced reaction below:P2O3 + 3H2O 2H3PO3How many grams of diphosphorus trioxide, P203, are required to produce 10.2 moles of phosphorous acid, H3PO3? If AJKL * AMNP, which statement must be true?