Which statement describes one reason for the end of long cattle drives?
a. Cowboys became dissatisfied with low wages and went on strike.
b. As homesteaders moved into areas along cattle trails, they fenced their farms.
c. Demand for beef declined drastically in the years after the Civil War.
d. Cattle were forced off the prairie by enormous herds of buffalo.
pls help guys...


Answer 1
The answer is B :)

Barbed wire allowed farmers to cheaply fence in land and prevent ranchers from driving their cattle across the range.
Answer 2
B. As homesteaders moved into areas along cattle trails, they fenced their farms.

Related Questions

Who introduces bills to become laws?


It can be introduced by the congress senator or a representative who sponsors it if a president wants to create a new law it needs to go through the congress
By members of the house and the senate

According to this map, would mountain climbers go east or west of the Great Plains to climb several extremely high mountains?



I think its West I took a test like this and it was west



The red and orange are higher (i.e. the Rocky Mountains) and are west of the Great Plains.




here my layout of this assignment i wouldnt recommend exactly coping it but we dont have the same teacher so its good :)

Please write this is 1 paragraph or 3-4 sentences thank you! Please hurry I need this!


Answer: The Viet Minh was a Communist guerrilla force founded in 1941 to fight against the joint Japanese and Vichy French occupation of Vietnam during World War II

What effects did the Mayans non centralized government have on their history



The Maya had city-states that were not unified. They were tied to each other through a system of economic exchange through trading rather than direct rule through a centralized government. Unlike an empire, Maya political structure was a hierarchical government, where there was a single person or group with the most power and authority, with levels of other people who represents a lesser authority.  Individual Mayan rulers had a great power over their own kingdoms, but there was never one Mayan king who ruled over the entire Mayan civilization. The Maya were not unified under one ruler.


What was NOT an issue related to overcrowding and developing cities?



C.spread of disease

D.lack of transportation


A.fires adding more cause it has to be 20 sentences long
The correct answer is A

What is one reason that the Tokugawa Shogunate promoted a policy of isolationism in Japan?
They feared an invasion because their army was weak.
They thought they were not the equals of European nations.
Their economy was not prepared to compete in global markets.
They feared Europeans were using religion to gain political influence.




Im pretty sure it´s right

A. They feared an invasion because their arms was weak.

How did the Columbian Exchange affect society in Europe?

New luxury items became available in Europe.
European transportation improved with new technology.
New diseases were introduced to Europeans.
Europeans adopted new beliefs from indigenous peoples in the Americas.


New luxury items became available in Europe
European transportation improved with new technology because with the exchange cause population to grow and brought new crops

Help me and answer correctly and if you do then I will mark you brainliest!!!


real answer for your question: ⭐️A⭐️

Please write this is 1 paragraph or 3-4 sentences thank you! I will give brainlyest to best or if both r good to the first who answers


Answer: The Viet Minh was a Communist guerrilla force founded in 1941 to fight against the joint Japanese and Vichy French occupation of Vietnam during World War II. Its full name was Việt Nam Ðộc Lập Ðồng Minh Hội, which literally translates as the "League for Viet Nam's Independence."

Although the Vietnamese quickly cut all the roads into Dien Bien Phu, making it suppliable only by air, the French were confident of their position. They were thus taken by surprise when the Viet Minh Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap surrounded the base with 40,000 men and used. Explanation: thank me later ;)

Why might a special election be held?
Choose exactly two answers that are correct.

to recall a public official from office

to elect a president

to fill a vacant public office

to hold a special election for Congress



to elect a president and to hold a special election for congress


To elect a president and to hold a special election for congress

What does it mean to appreciate culture? Using complete sentences, give an example of a way people can appreciate a culture that is different from their own.



Cultural appreciation is when you earnestly seek to learn about or explore a different culture. You learn. You listen. You strive to understand. You seek to honor its beliefs and traditions.



To "appreciate culture" is to respect culture. By respecting someone else's culture, regardless of it being different to your own, you're indirectly saying you appreciate their and or every other culture.

What was life like in europe after the fall of the roman empire but before the rise of feudlism


Europe had fallen into a state of constant warfare
When Rome fell, Europe fell into a state of constant warfare. … This eventually developed into the system of feudalism that dominated medieval Europe. Feudalism helped prevent another strong centralized government, like that of Rome, from forming in Europe for hundreds of years.

Which events were critical to the unification of Italy?

Venice joined Piedmont in its war against Austria.

King Victor Emmanuel appointed Count di Cavour as prime minister of Sardinia.

Garibaldi waged war on the Kingdom of Two Sicilies.

The French and Piedmonts defeated the Austrians.
(Multiple choice question)



In the Explanation


In this case, the following events are extremely important in terms of Italy's unification:

:The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was attacked by Garibaldi.

. Austria was beaten by the French and Piedmontese.

 Count di Vavour was named Prime Minister of Sardinia by King Victor Emmanuel.

Italian unification can be defined as a political and social movement that resulted in the amalgamation of various states that existed in the Italian Peninsula at the time into a single state.

This state is known as the Kingdom of Italy, and it arose during the Risorgimento period in the 19th century.

The process began with the Franco-Austrian War in 1859, as well as elections held in northern Italy, which aided in the unification.

Why was there a conflict between the Romans and the Jews? Be sure to include three supporting details in your response


A serious conflict between Rome and the Jews began in A.D. 66 when Nero was emperor. The Roman governor of Judea decided to take money from the Great Temple in Jerusalem. He claimed he was collecting taxes owed the emperor. When rioting broke out, Roman soldiers harshly put it down.

PLEASE help with this question guys


Answer:yeah, it’s D


What major scientific advancements were made during the Renaissance? Choose three correct answers.

A. New inventions allowed cartography to become more artistic.
B. Francis Bacon formalized the scientific method with specific steps.
C. Both scientists and artists studied human anatomy.
D. New inventions allowed maps to become more accurate and more available.
E. Scientists accepted classical ideas about the natural world without question.



C. Both scientists and artists studied human anatomy.


Both artists and scientists studied this in the Renaissance. It was an age of discovery and not much was known about the human body. Nor was their proper representation of it.

Hope this helps

The  major scientific advancements made during the Renaissance are:

 Francis Bacon formalized the scientific method with specific steps.Both scientists and artists studied human anatomy. New inventions allowed maps to become more accurate and more available.

What were the scientific advancements during Renaissance?

Geography, chemistry, astronomy, physics, manufacturing, mathematics, anatomy, and engineering all made significant strides during the Renaissance. Up to the Fall of Constantinople in 1453, the gathering of ancient scientific literature was ongoing, and the introduction of printing made it possible for new ideas to spread more quickly.

During the Renaissance, both scientists and artists investigated human anatomy. There was a great deal to learn about the human body at this time of discovery. Neither was their portrayal of it accurate.

Therefore, options B, C and D are correct.

To learn more about Renaissance, click here:



how were powerful businessmen from the industrial Age bad


Answer: They were bad because Corporations were accused of abusing workers. There were also unsafe products. They were feared that corporate power allowed companies to fix prices and influence the government and would make their own decisions. These workers were not safe.

Explanation: PS: I hope this helps!! Have an Amazing Day!!

After being destroyed in World War II, what did Japan have that helped it recover from the devastation?


Japan entered through a phase of both economical and political changes during the United States’ occupation of Japan.

Due to this western influence, the Japanese government became democratic and the economic state centred around capitalism, exporting materials to the United States.

With the capitalistic ideals of the west, Japan became a key supplier and manufacture of trades. This lead Japan on the path to become a key trader in the world after ww2.

During the cold wars, the US further strengthen its economic relationships with Japan to avoid Japan association with the Soviet Union.

In the Korean War neighbouring Japan, Japan exported many military supplies in the effort for the war, gaining massive profits. By the late 1960s, Japan became the country with the third greatest GPD, only trailing behind two major superpowers(US and USSR).

Answer: The recovery of the Japanese economy was achieved through the implementation of the Dodge Plan.


What motivated Japan to begin creating an empire in the late 19th century?
the desire to encourage foreigners to immigrate to Japan
the need for raw materials to support its growing industries
the wish to spread the Japanese language throughout the world
the lack of markets for its agricultural products



What motivated Japan to begin creating an empire in the late 19th century?


the desire to encourage foreigners to immigrate to Japan


the need for raw materials to support its growing industries


the wish to spread the Japanese language throughout the world


the lack of markets for its agricultural products



the lack of markets for its agricultural products

C. The wish to spread the Japanese language through the world

How did the establishment of a parliament change the government of England?

Do you think the Magna Carta affected the lives of ordinary people? Why or why not?



The Model Parliament was unicameral and summoned 49 lords to sit with 292 representatives of the Commons. The Model Parliament created a precedent in which each "successor of a baron" (which includes Lords Spiritual) who received a writ to the parliament of 1295 "had a legal right to receive a writ".




In 1215, the tenants-in-chief secured Magna Carta from King John, which established that the king may not levy or collect any taxes (except the feudal taxes to which they were hitherto accustomed), save with the consent of his royal council, which gradually developed into a parliament.

think it will help

Please help me with this:
According to the Mexican government, where did the border between Texas and Mexico lie?



Nucleus River or however you spell it :)


Bc it is.

Nueces River but the US thought it was the Rio Grande :)

Only answer if you know its correct 100%!


Answer: the answer is A


The cold war is characterized by American fears ofhope this helps:) have a great day

The answer is A. because during the Cold War, Americans were afraid that they would send a bomb over to the U.S because Cuba is very close to The United States of America. Hope this helps.

Which problem can occur in nations where people maintain their traditional ethnic cultures?

Traditional beliefs discourage people from implementing Western technology.

Ethnic identification causes conflict among groups within a country.

People avoid modern education in order to maintain traditions.

Traditional cultural practices keep countries from changing.



At first glance, the new nationalism of conservatives will seem benign and even uncontroversial. In his book, “The Case for Nationalism,” Rich Lowry defines nationalism as flowing from a people’s "natural devotion to their home and to their country." Yoram Hazony, in his book “The Virtue of Nationalism,” also has a rather anodyne definition of nationalism. It means "that the world is governed best when nations agree to cultivate their own traditions, free from interference by other nations."



Ethinic identification causes conflict among groups within a country.


i took the quiz on k12

What were the effects that The Holocaust/World war 2 had on the world? Please write 6-8 sentences!!


Answer: Both of these events had a major impact on the world. For WW2, it showed that the Germans needed to be pushed harder than they were at the end of WW1. This lead to the split between west germany and east germany. The Holocaust affected the world too greatly. This shocked the world as they were not expecting this. This lead the UN to pass laws that state that there is a limit to how poorly you can treat your POW's. Also, the treatment of US in Imperal Japan affected this too.

Marcus and Narcissa Whitman were successful in their mission.
A. True
B. False


false , They were killed by members of the Cayuse tribe who accused Whitman of having poisoned 200 Cayuse in his medical care. The incident began the Cayuse War.
the answer would be FLASE

1. The Respiratory system allows the movement of _______________ into the body and ______________ gas out of the body.
(4 marks)

2. Inspiration or inhaling means (breathing in/breathing out) and expiration or exhaling means (breathing in/breathing out).
(4 marks)

3. The three main parts of the respiratory system are ______________, _________________ and the ________________.

(6 marks)

4. Match the respiratory parts with their main function by filling in the empty spaces in the table.
trachea larynx alveolus diaphragm epiglottis bronchioles

Part of the respiratory system Function
Called the voice box because it has the vocal cords
Tiny respiratory passages that deliver air to the alveoli
The respiratory structures that allow the exchange of gases in the lungs
A dome shaped muscle that is the main muscle of inspiration
Called the windpipe. It is a large tube supported by rings of cartilage
The structure that prevents food and water from entering the air passages and diverts them to the oesophagus

(12 marks)

5. What are the long-term effects of exercise on the Respiratory system? Write two things that happen to the Respiratory System when you exercise often.
i) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
ii) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(6 marks)

6. Define/ state the meaning of the following:

i) Health: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ii) Fitness:

iii) Wellness:
(6 marks)

7. What is first aid?
(2 marks)

8. Why is first aid important?
(2 marks)

9. Define the term sport injuries
(2 marks)

10. State the two causes of injuries and give two examples of each.
i) ________________________________________________________
ii) ________________________________________________________
(6 marks)



question one: The Respiratory system allows the movement of oxygen into the body and carbon gas out of the body.

3. The airway, the lungs, and the muscles

Which of the following geographic features did Lewis and Clark encounter on their trek?A. Native Americans
B. Rocky Mountains
C. Delaware River
D. Pacific Ocean


Answer: A.Native Americans


I think its A Hope it helps

B. The Rocky Mountains

Only answer if you know its correct 100%!





delivered a speech to a massive group of civil rights marchers gathered around the LincolnMemoriall in Washington DC.

Hope this helps! Please let me know if you need more help or think my answer is incorrect. Brainliest would be MUCH appreciated. Have a wonderful day!

Answer:on the steps of the Lincoln memorial

2. Based on the text and your knowledge of historical and current events, do you believe the New Deal was rooted in sound political philosophy? Do you think the plan’s aims were achieved?


When Franklin Delano Roosevelt took office in 1933, he enacted a range of experimental programs to combat the Great Depression.

The New Deal was a set of domestic policies enacted under President Franklin D. Roosevelt that dramatically expanded the federal government’s role in the economy in response to the Great Depression.

Historians commonly speak of a First New Deal (1933-1934), with the “alphabet soup” of relief, recovery, and reform agencies it created, and a Second New Deal (1935-1938) that offered further legislative reforms and created the groundwork for today’s modern social welfare system.
It was the massive military expenditures of World War II, not the New Deal, that eventually pulled the United States out of the Great Depression

The term New Deal derives from Franklin Roosevelt’s 1932 speech accepting the Democratic Party’s nomination for president. At the convention Roosevelt declared, “I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people.” Though Roosevelt did not have concrete policy proposals in mind at the time, the phrase "New Deal" came to encompass his many programs designed to lift the United States out of the Great Depression

I think this will help you

Other Questions
Listen to this radio advertisement for a camping site called Bahia Azul and complete the statements below. Use F = 1/T as your basis:8. If your heart rate is 150 beats per minute during strenuous exercise, what is the time per beat in units of seconds?The answer is 0.400 s/beats but please show your work. Solve the equation and enter the value of x below.8x + 11 = 35 If party is unhappy with the decision handed by the U.S. Court of Appeals, what is their next step?A. File an appeal with the U.S. District CourtB. There are no other options after the U.S. Court of Appeals.C. File a second appeal with U.S. Court of Appeals and hope for new judges.D. File an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court and hope that they will take the case. 6. Which statement is true? A string of a kite is 100 meters long and the inclination of the string with the ground is 60. Find the height of the kite, assuming that there is no slack in the string. Which process describes the warm ocean that transfers heat to the air above it?O conductionO convectionO reflectionO radiation find inverse equation for y=(x-3)^2 Please help !!!! Im desperate people. There are 12 girls and 16 boys . What is the largest number in each group? The variance analysis cycle ______. Multiple choice question. begins with the preparation of the budget includes the investigation of all variances begins with the preparation of performance reports is used to assign blame for poor performance hi i want to ask if you can tell me the answer of a fraction that 5-6 and it have to have a fraction of 8 please im a bif fan of you can someone explain what to do like im a 5 year old please? (pre algebra) What is the range of this data set? 64, 72, 74, 68, 70, 68, 68, 75, and 44 This semicircle has a radius of 8cm . What is the area of this figure? How do I decorate a room like 2011 and 2012? pls solve this ,urgent no spam Briefly explain one event in history that another race was targeted/marginalized A fifth grade class collected data about the number of chapters that students read in one week. Their teacher asked them to read a chapter every school day. How many students met or exceeded the goal?3584 Help, no linksan industrial water tank in the shape of a triangular pyramid has a height of 30 feet. the area of the base of the water tank is 400 square feet. what is the volume of the water tank in cubic feet?a. 4,000 cubic feetb. 12,000 cubic feetc. 36,000 cubic feetd. 6,000 cubic feet