Which word from the drop-down menu could be used to replace the vocabulary word supportive from “The Day the Mollets Get Their Moxie Back”? The crowd was supportive when the girls sang and danced in the line. Choose...


Answer 1


It’s encouraging


I just took the quiz and encouraging is correct!

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Here are the new ones
(which one is your favorite?)


the one to the right :)


I like them all there so good !


Hope it helps! :)

Written records kept by scribes _____________ .
A) helped people trace their ancestors
B) allowed the city-states to maintain order
C) ended fighting between kingdoms





how could you be a bean if a wood cant wood chunk to chickens?100000 pionts if you figure out this riddle



the answer is, there is no 100000 points


Who usually made early American samplers?






It was a women named Loara Standish

Which of the following is not a chordate? Human Elephant Sea squirt Sea star



Our author tells us about studies of the Dogon people carried out by one Professor Griaule, both before and after World War Two. What are three problems with these studies that the author points out. You may answer with a paragraph or two of writing or simply with bullet points.



Born in Griaute received a good education and was preparing to become an engineer and enrolled at the prestigious when in 1917 at the end of World War I he volunteered to become a pilot in the French Air Force.

In 1920 he returned to university , where he attended the lectures of Marcel Mauss and Marcel Cohen . Intrigued by anthropology, he gave up plans for a technical career . In 1927 he received a degree from the Ecole Nationle de Langues Orientales, where he concentrated on Amharjc and Ge'ez.

Why should questions that arise in a text or IM be answered quickly in the workplace?

Because if you do not answer quickly, someone may do things his/her own way

To be considerate of a persons time

So the messages can quickly be deleted to free up storage space

Because no one is supposed to wait a long time for IM; it is called instant messaging



Because no one is supposed to wait a long time for IM; it is called instant messaging

Why were “separate but equal” schools often unfair to African Americans? They were usually located right next to white schools. They were in poor condition and did not have proper funding. They were in competition with all-white schools for better teachers.



They were in poor condition and did not have proper funding.


They didn't have enough money given to buy better/more up to date textbooks, or larger classrooms, or many other supplies. Plus, many of the teachers weren't educated as well when they were younger. The teachers also were supposed to teach that Caucasian people were better than African American people.


b, next one is a


1. Which of the following is true about the way the human eye perceives objects? (1 point)

A. All objects appear the same.

B. Far objects are hazy.

C. Mid-range objects are hazy.

D. Near objects are hazy.

2. Ashely is drawing a desert landscape with a dirt road in the foreground and mountains
extending from the foreground to the background. There is brush growing on the mountains in
the background. Where should she draw dark details in order to create realistic perspective?

A. the brush

B. the mountains in the background

C. the mountains in the foreground

D. the sky

3. When was linear perspective invented? (1 point)

A. ancient times
B. the Middle Ages
C. the modern era
D. the Renaissance


The answer is c mid range objects are hazy

The way the human eye perceives what it sees is in a hierarchy.

How do our eyes see the thing?

Photoreceptors are specialized cells that convert light into electrical signals when it strikes the retina, a light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye. These electrical signals move from the retina to the brain via the optic nerve. The brain then converts the impulses received into the visuals you see.

How do we recognize motion in an object?

The retina processes motion perception as its rods and cones detect motion and light-sensing cells transform light into electric pulses. Then, the brain interprets this data.

How do people interpret a particular color from a subject or object?

The brain receives signals from light receptors in the eye, which create the well-known color sensations. Newton noted that objects do not naturally possess color. Instead, an object's surface absorbs all colors and reflects part of them. We only notice the colors that are reflected.

Learn more about human eye here:



True or False: The term "A.P.A. standards" for properly citing sources and structuring research papers, stands for "American Print Administration."





TESTI: Directions: Read the statements carefully. Wnte Agree or Disagree on the following situations White your answers on the line provided before each number 1 in creating an interesting design harmony and contrast are necessary 2. Color is one of the most dominant element 3 Contrast refers to the arrangement of elements. 4. A design without harmony is an appealing art 5. A repetitive pattem is an art 6. Sculpture is a 3D visual art created by simply shaping materials into objects without applying the elements and principles of arts 7. Concepts of lines and shapes are applied in sculpting 8 The elements and principles of art are shown on the objects around us 9. Bronze soap and sand are some of the matenals used in sculpting 10 With the advancement of technology sculpting can only be done manually​



✏️ Answer

1. Agree

2. Agree

3. Agree

4. Disagree

5. Agree

6. Agree

7. Agree

8. Agree

9. Agree

10. Disagree


Hope it's help



Where art thou, Muse, that thou forget'st so long
To speak of that which gives thee all thy might?
Spend'st thou thy fury on some worthless song,
Darkening thy power to lend base subjects light?
Return, forgetful Muse, and straight redeem
In gentle numbers time so idly spent;
Sing to the ear that doth thy lays esteem
And gives thy pen both skill and argument.
Rise, restive Muse, my love's sweet face survey,
If Time have any wrinkle graven there;
If any, be a satire to decay,
And make Time's spoils despised every where.
Give my love fame faster than Time wastes life;
So thou prevent'st his scythe and crooked knife.
—“Sonnet 100,”
William Shakespeare
Which summary best captures the central idea of "Sonnet 100”?
The speaker wants to spend more time with his beloved.
The speaker is mostly angry at his muse for disappearing.
The speaker hopes that his muse will help him write a new poem.
The speaker says that his only care in the world is youthful beauty.


The third option, The speaker hopes that his muse will help him write a new poem, best captures the central idea of "Sonnet 100."

what's the goal of a nonproportional color inventory ? A. Record the colors used in a work of art or
B. Summarize the colors in a limited number of tones that represent the full range
C. Organized the colors by their quantities
D. Rank the colors by their importance in the work of art or object



B. Summarize the colors in a limited number of tones that represent the full range


The painting above uses light to create the main focus on


Answer: The painting above uses light to create the main focus on . the faces of the men sitting at the table.


1. What Opus set number of Haydn's quartets are noteworthy in that they exemplify a new approach to the quartet, treating it as a genre for performance in concerts? I​


Answer: Music: NAWM 114


What is the philtrum?
A. The creases in your lips
B. Centered and above your top lip where it dips down
C. Parts of your eyelids
D. The space between your nostrils



B. Centered and above your top lip where it dips down


The philtrum is the midline groove in the upper lip that runs from the top of the lip to the nose.

Before making a determination by the will there should be:

a perception on the part of the senses

a perception on the part of the imagination

a perception on the part of the intellect

a perception on the part of the memory


There should be a perception on the part of the senses before making a determination by the will.

What is Will?

It is known as the central to the field of ethics and plays a major role in enabling deliberate action.

The senses are involved in action done by individuals which is why its perception determines the will which was why option A was chosen.

Read more about Will here https://brainly.com/question/638313

What did Opie use as a reference for his portraits?
A. Images from memory
B. Newspaper clippings
C. Photographs
D. Real life figures


D. Real life figures.

Explanation: Opie said he often used the poses of sitters in old masters as templates for his own works.

What materials does Ligon use in his work? For Ligon, how does he choose the text he
employs in his work?


Ligon uses oil paint, cola dust etc for his works.He employed his American and African American experience in choosing a text.

Who was Glenn Ligon?

This is an American artist known for his text-based paintings which explores race, identity etc.

He used his experience with the Americans and African Americans to choose a text and further explore race and other factors.

Read more about Artists here https://brainly.com/question/23482750

People use arpilleras as bedspreads. true or false





An arpillera, which means burlap in Spanish, is a brightly colored patchwork picture made predominantly by groups of women (also known as arpilleristas). The construction of arpilleras became popular in Chile during the military dictatorship (1973–90) of Augusto Pinochet.

How do I decorate a bedroom like 1999?


Record players or records hung on the wall

How are form and content related in art?
What does abstract art have in common with more traditional art?
Why do critics sometimes dislike innovative artists?
What is the difference between abstract art and impressionism?
When would critics consider the function of a work of art?

Critical Thinking Questions
When do you think an artist should break the rules of art?
Can a work of art be well done but still not be a great work of art? Explain your answer.
How do you think the intended audience shapes a work of art? Please give one example with your answer.
If you were critiquing (judging) this work of art, what principles of art would you say are most important?



1. Form/design, is the visual organization of the artwork -how the artist has used line, shape, value, color, etc. Content is the impact or meaning of this work.

2. Abstract art uses line, form, and color for developing the portraits and the same should be independent for visual representations in the world. Traditional art could be in terms of portraits, decorative, and other paintings.

3. Critics don't like it because it's not "artsy" enough. Maybe it's not what they are looking for or the style and color.

4. Impressionism is more abstract than, say, photorealism. But, impressionism is still representational. All art is an abstraction of reality. The difference is simply how much abstraction is taking place.

5. A critic may consider the function of art when they consider it “luxurious” or “extraordinary” when observing your art. (This question is opinion based so you may disagree).

6.  I think they can break the rules of art anytime, it’s their canvas and they can express themselves however they would like. there are no rules to art. people create what they want. (Also an opinion-based question).

7. It all depends on how you like it. I mean, if people said that your art was beautiful, but you thought it was trash, then their comment doesn't really affect you unless you thought that their opinion was more important than yours. Or you could still hate it, but still, hang it as "one of your best" for all people to see since they like it so much.

8. The audience is so important in the definition of your art. As well, you need the people in that culture to see your work because whether they like it or not, they are the ones that complete the process of making real art. Without the audience, there is little to no significance to the idea or the creation.

9. If you are critiquing a work of art you should follow these 4 rules:

(1) describing what you see

(2) analyzing the relationships between what you saw

(3) interpreting the meaning of the work

(4) evaluating or making a personal judgment about the

quality and worth of the art.

Find the average of this set of numbers.1, 1, 1, 2, 60
A) 5
B) 13
C) 30
D) none of the above


To find the average of any set, you must find the sum of all the numbers in the set and divide it by the number of numbers in the set.

    [tex]Average = \frac{1+1+1+2+60}{5} =\frac{65}{5} =13[/tex]

So the answer is that the average is 13.

Hope that helps!




average is the addition of all the figures(simply sum of) and then dividing the result by the totap number of figures

Classical greek sculpture was characterized by the portrayal of:.



idealized, lifelike bodies


The Greeks were known for portraying man in a lifelike way, but it was closer to an idealized perfection. This means it was less flawed, but still retaining human aspects

narrative piece of art?



What are you trying to ask

ill give an example


A narrative is simply a story. Narrative art is art that tells a story.

Louis Daguerre’s contribution to photography changed which of the following?
A. how long it took to take a picture
B. the types of stands that most cameras used
C. the amounts of light required to take a picture
D. what people took pictures of



Image result for Louis Daguerre’s contribution to photography changed which of the following? A. how long it took to take a picture B. the types of stands that most cameras used C. the amounts of light required to take a picture D. what people took pictures of

Louis Daguerre (November 18, 1787–July 10, 1851) was the inventor of the daguerreotype, the first form of modern photography. A professional scene painter for the opera with an interest in lighting effects, Daguerre began experimenting with the effects of light upon translucent paintings in the 1820s.


Animals may be domesticated for all of the following reasons, except

to avoid predators in the wild
to avoid predators in the wild

to act as livestock and be raised as food
to act as livestock and be raised as food

to become pets
to become pets

to provide products such as wool or leather

The answer is tor provide products such as wool and leather



the best choice is a besews a is saying to avoid predators in the wild  we domesticated dogs


Answer: A. To avoid Predtors in the wild


i mean look at all of the other answers use your common sense god gave you and you can see thats the only thing that fits and i also got it right on edg ;) welcome

Guys can you help me please​


yeah sure but it’s based on your personal opinions, if you tell me what you don’t understand I can help you

impermanent and has patterns

permanent and have patterns

permanent and have radial balance

impermanent and includes images of animals



loops, whorls, arches, and abstract.


Find the average of this set of numbers.1, 9, 11, 13, 26
A) 12
B) 13
C) 14
D) none of the above






An average is found by adding all the members of a group, and then dividing by the number in the group.


Sum = 1 + 9 + 11 + 13 + 26

Sum = 60

Number in the group 5

Average and answer

Average = Sum / number in the group

Average = 60/5 = 12

Answer 12

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