Who is the Skeleton in Dreamland burning?


Answer 1

Answer: James Galvez

She decides to call her best friend, James Galvez because the skeleton, despite looking like it's been there for many years, suggests foul play. James arrives in his 1969 El Camino. He's part-black, part-Kiowa


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Is the question, “What did you do over the weekend?”a closed or open-ended question? Explain your answer.



open ended because it can lead to a longer conversation





Are youth sports good for kids?





They are proven to beneficial to both social and physical wellness. The social elements of youth sports become most prevalent when one is engaged in a team sport. There is a novel sense of community and belonging on a sports team. Physical wellness goes without saying. The athletic activity builds up muscular and cardiovascular endurance. Different sports employ more unique skills associated with physical wellness including balance and flexibility.

compare metaphor and simile


While both similes and metaphors are used to make comparisons, the difference between similes and metaphors comes down to a word. Similes use the words like or as to compare things—“Life is like a box of chocolates.” In contrast, metaphors directly state a comparison—“Love is a battlefield.”


Similies are describing something to something else (e.g... the weather was  as hot as a over heated microwave. )

Metaphors are sentences that are described with impossible stuff (e.g... we have walked for years, and yet we arent here.)


After shooting the arrow at the pig, what was katniss' biggest fear?




She is worried that theyll give her the first zero in 75 years

Melanie is typing this sentence in her online reading journal.
Which sentence is written correctly?
A My favorite chapter in "The Secret Garden" is The Key to the Garden.
B My favorite chapter in The Secret Garden is The Key to the Garden
C My favorite chapter in The Secret Garden is "The key to the Garden."
D My favorite chapter in The Secret Garden is The Key to the Garden.
Check Answer



any girls make my bastie please




Ive read the book, Hope this helps:D !

In your opinion, are there any, and if so what, circumstances where it would be appropriate for a journalist to publish government secrets?


a circumstance in which it would be appropriate for a journalist to publish government secrets would be something along the lines of an outbreak, let’s say a virus was let out by the government in order to control population, they are saying they didn’t release it and you have proof they did, the journalist could write about the situation and leak the proof.

What is Wollstonecraft’s purpose in writing this letter?

Question 1 options:

To attack Talleyrand and map out the reasons why his opinion is wrong

To convince Talleyrand to reconsider his views on women and education

To request that Talleyrand arrange a meeting for her with French politicians

To shame Talleyrand into retracting his earlier published views about women

Question 2 (Mandatory) (2 points)
How does paragraph 3 help to support the above purpose?

Question 2 options:

She is complimenting her audience and stroking his ego.

She is listing her own specific desires in a clear manner.

She is offending her audience and making him defensive.

She is offering irrefutable proof of his flawed logic.

Question 3 (Mandatory) (2 points)
Where is Wollstonecraft’s rhetoric (language) most effective in advancing her purpose?

Question 3 options:

Page 1 - paragraph 2 - “So it is my affection for the whole human race …”

Page 1 - paragraph 4 - “Manners and morals are so closely related …”

Page 2 - paragraph 7 - “Consider these remarks dispassionately …”

Page 3 - paragraph 15 - “The father of a family won’t weaken his constitution…”

Question 4 (Mandatory) (2 points)
Which of the following statements is a fair summary of page 3?

When women are forced into a domestic role in society and are denied their rights, they will ___.

Question 4 options:

begin to act like tyrants in an effort to gain some control

fall into a depression that impacts their entire household

seek attention and power by immoral methods instead

upset the entire social order and cause widespread chaos

Question 5 (Mandatory) (2 points)
Which quote from the text best supports the answer to the above question?

Question 5 options:

“... man must in some way act like a tyrant and that tyranny ...will always undermine morality.”

“... they try to make things more fair by retaliation”

“... they will seek illicit privileges in ways that make both men and themselves vicious”

“With fairer laws forming your citizens, marriage can become more sacred;”

Question 6 (Mandatory) (2 points)
We can infer that the author would agree that ______.

Question 6 options:

logic and reason is not an effective tactic to reach her target audience

men should never speak on behalf of women again

there is little hope for progressive changes in her lifetime

women should be included in decisions made about their education

Question 7 (Mandatory) (2 points)
Which of the following sentences best reflects the author’s main claim and purpose for writing?

Question 7 options:

“If woman isn’t fitted by education to become man’s companion, she will stop the progress of knowledge, because truth must be common to all;”

“If you are going to exclude women, without consulting them, from sharing in the natural rights of mankind, then defend yourself against accusations of injustice and inconsistency by proving that women don’t have reason.”

“I know that you firmly believe you are acting in the manner most likely to promote women’s happiness; but who made man the exclusive judge of that if woman shares with him the gift of reason?”

“My opinion about the rights and duties of woman seems to flow so naturally from those simple principles that it seems almost inevitable that some of the enlarged minds who formed your admirable constitution will agree with me.”

Question 8 (Mandatory) (2 points)
The document that you read is titled a “Dedicatory Letter”. What does this mean?

Question 8 options:

It is a letter asking him to print a public recommendation for her book.

It is a letter professing her respect and admiration to him.

It is a letter that appears at the beginning of her larger book, a dedication to him.

It is a letter that she is mailing to him in advance of the book’s publication.

Question 9 (Mandatory) (2 points)
Which meaning of the word abject BEST fits how it is used in the sentence from page 2?

They may be convenient slaves, but slavery will have its constant effect, degrading the master and the abject dependent.

Question 9 options:





What does Wollstonecraft mean when she tells Talleyrand to “Consider these remarks dispassionately, Sir,” on page 2? What else could she have said and still mean the same thing?

A. Distance yourself from this subject.

B. Get fired up about this.

C. Let your mind wander for a bit.

D. Think about this logically.


Wollstonecraft’s letter written to convince Talleyrand on women education or literacy.

What is a letter?

A letter is a written or printed communication which is longer and more formal than a note.

Wollstonecraft’s purpose in writing this letter is "To convince Talleyrand to reconsider his views on women and education".

Paragraph 3 helps to support the above purpose by helping her" list her own specific desires in a clear manner".

Wollstonecraft’s rhetoric (language) is most effective in advancing her purpose in "Page 1 - paragraph 2 - “So it is my affection for the whole human race …”

The statement which is a fair summary of page 3 is "When women are forced into a domestic role in society and are denied their rights, they will begin to act like tyrants in an effort to gain some control".

The quote from the text best supports the answer to the above question is "they try to make things more fair by retaliation”.

We can infer that the author would agree that women should be included in decisions made about their education.

The sentence which best reflects the author’s main claim and purpose for writing is "I know that you firmly believe you are acting in the manner most likely to promote women’s happiness; but who made man the exclusive judge of that if woman shares with him the gift of reason?”

The document “Dedicatory Letter” meant "a letter that appears at the beginning of her larger book, a dedication to him".

The meaning of the word abject which BEST fits how it is used in the sentence from page 2 is despicable

What Wollstonecraft meant when she tells Talleyrand to “Consider these remarks dispassionately, Sir,” on page 2 is "Think about this logically".

Learn more about letter:


Romeo and Juliet play questions
What are the key plot events and characters?

How would a Shakespearean audience have viewed the play?

What did you think about the play and why?



The charecters are Romeo ,Juilet ,Tybalt, Merccutio ,Count paris ,Frair lawrence , benvolio , Capulet , Juilets nurse , Rosaline , Lady capulet , prince escaluas , Lady montague , Montangue , Friar John , 1st musician , second musician , first guard, Anthony , poptan , page , Third gaurd and second gaurd .

And the plot is that romeo kills himself for real becuase juilet looks like she was dead but she wasn't so she killed himself properly.


Scared or mabye a vbit funny.

i liked the play becuase it was quit interesteing and it was a a change of an event.....

Hope this helps :) x

Just make something up. It's for English



1. One important thing I've learned from virtual learning is how to manage my time.

2.Yes, I feel good about my progress because I've learned how much potential I have.

3. One thing that can help me is to try to be early on some work, as in getting it turned it earlier or doing extra work.


Answer:that Karens can’t keep there dang masks on and a lot more about history,

Yes over Quarantine I learned how to stay fit and love myself,if I got a week away from home because it’s just loud and cramped


Which of these is a characteristic of a good study spot? A. A place with good media access O B. A place that's quiet and away from distractions C. A place that's familiar and cozy D. A place where other people are studying​






look out for a guy with a link hell get your ip


Can someone answer the following multiple-choice questions?

1. It can most reasonably be inferred that Mr. Johnson views Lady Susan with
A) admiration, because she is a single
B) dislike, because she is deceitful
C) irritation, because she plays jokes on
D) concern, because she is in danger

2. Which choice provides the best evidence
for the answer to the previous question?
A) Lines 2 - 7 ("...and rejoice....tricked.")
B) Lines 7 - 9 ("I arrived...Vernon.")
C) Lines 15 - 18 ("I was.....
D) Lines 21 - 24 ("..and yet...last.")

3. As used in line 48, "wanting" most nearly means
A) desiring
B) lacking
C) requiring
D) requesting

4. Which choice best summarizes the second paragraph of the passage (lines 25 - 65)?
A) A character regrets a decision and
expresses relief that things have
turned out well in spite of her actions.
B) A character marries against the wishes
of his family, has many children and
becomes very successful.
C) A character explains her past behavior
towards her brother-in-law and
rationalizes her unkindness.
D) A character discusses a conflict
between her husband and his brother
and describes how she will influence
the brother's children in favor of her

5. It can be inferred from the passage that
Lady Susan loft Mainwaring because
A) she wanted to see her family
B) her husband had passed away
C) she was romantically involved with
D) she had to finalize the sale of the castle

6. Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?
A) Lines 61 - 64 ("...I know....sake."')
B) Lines 66 - 67 ("I need....thoughts.")
C) Lines 67-69 ("I found.....fate.")
D) Lines 71 - 72 ("..and when....you.")



1B 2C 3A 4A 5D 6C

How do Don Trine's actions develop a theme in "The Harvest"?
Don Trine keeps secrets from the other migrant workers. This develops the
theme that you can never really know a person.
Don Trine enjoys interacting with the earth. This develops the theme that the
earth is a living thing and it is important to connect with it.
Don Trine hides his money so others won't ask for it. This develops the theme
that money only creates happiness when it is shared.
Don Trine does not allow anyone to accompany him on his walks. This develops
the theme that being alone is not the same as being lonely.



Don Trine enjoys interacting with the earth. This develops the theme that the earth is a living thing and it is important to connect with it.


Don Trine's actions develop a theme in "The Harvest" by showing that the earth is a living thing which he is trying to connect to.

According to The Harvest", it is narrated that some farmers have observed that Don Trine likes taking long walks alone and they eventually discover that he digs hike in the earth in order to feel them and connect to them. This act makes some people believe that he is crazy.

• Match the words in the text with the definitions below:
crops, farmyard, plough, seeds, land, wheat,

1) the area next to the farm buildings
2) an area of ground
3) the parts of a plant that you put into the ground to grow
new plants
4) a plant that is used to make bread
5) plants that farmers grow
6) a machine that farmers use to prepare fields for planting​



corps - a plant that farmer grow

farm yard-the area next to the farm building

plough- 6)



wheat - 5)

1) farmyard 2) land 3) seeds 4) wheat 5) crops 6) plough

Your parents were unexpectedly delayed abroad and missed your younger brother's birthday.
You had to organise a party for him.
Write a letter to a friend, telling them about your experience.
In your letter, you should:

describe how you felt when you realized that you had to organize the party yourself

tell your friend about the party

say whether you thought the party was a success.

The pictures above may give you some Ideas, and you should try to use some ideas of your
Your letter should be between 100 and 150 words long. Do not write an address.




Dear Friend,

My parents had to unexpectedly delay my younger brothers birthday party so they went to me for help. It was very sudden and i had to think fast on what to do at the party, so after a few minutes of thinking i decided to have my little brother and his friends play games while i was thinking of what else to do.

I had them play musical chairs, tag, hide and seek, and play on my brothers bouncy house that we got a year ago for my birthday party. Eventually, I cut the cake for my little brother and his friends. It was themed as his favorite superhero, Spider-Man! After, they continued playing and having fun until it was time to go.

I think the party was a big success because the kids really seemed to enjoy it, and my little brother LOVED it.

A letter is a written communication sent through a medium from one person to another. Something being epistolary denotes that it is a letter-writing format.

What do you mean by Experience?

Experience is the fact or condition of having been impacted by something or having learned something by active engagement in it.

Dear Friend,

My parents turned to me for assistance when they had to unexpectedly postpone my younger brother's birthday celebration. I had to decide quickly what to do at the party because it had come on suddenly. After giving it some thought, I decided to let my younger brother and his friends play games while I considered my other options.

I made them participate in games like musical chairs, tag, hide-and-seek, and play on my brother's bounce house, which we bought for my birthday party a year ago. The cake was eventually cut for my younger brother and his buddies. His favorite superhero, Spider-Man, served as the motif. They then carried on playing and enjoying themselves until it was time to leave.

Your beloved

Therefore, The exchange of written or printed messages is referred to as letter writing.

Learn more about Experience, here;



help it’s due in 15 mins



The answer is A


"For instance" works best in this paragraph.

Complete the chart what does fork mean in this passage?



a place where a street is divided



Answer: a place where a street is divided

Explanation: i did it its on i-ready

will name brainliest





Source makes no sense, as a source can refer to:

A) A place of origin which information can be obtained.

B)  The origin of something or someone.

A citation is:

A) A piece of reliable evidence or information from a worthy source.

And bias is:

A) A prejudice favoring one side or another, depending on the person's viewpoints

B) To give inclination toward a certain opinion (basically the same).

6. In the context of the text, how were the actions of the Nazi Party, as well as the indifference that the
United States showed Jews, examples of following the crowd?



n the context of the text, how were the actions of the Nazi Party, as well as the indifference that the

United States showed Jews, examples of following the crowd?


PLEASE HELP which option is an example of deductive reasoning



i say C is the best answer


The Book of Joshua emphasizes that God is with his people. Write a story that will tell others that God is with them in every part of their lives. Plan your story here.​



This story actually happened to me, There was a 1 year old boy who was in the kitechen by himself, His other 4 siblings where singing and praising GOD, he went to reach for his water but sliped and pushed off a knife that stabbed the ground. How was GOD in this situation you ask? The little boy was on huvering over the knife and hanging on the chair that saved his life. Turns out if that chair was not there that boy would have gotton stabed and died. YOU CAN'T TELL ME GOD WILL NOT PROVIDE!!!


the spot that is in the floor is where the knife was at. THANK YOU JESUS!!

please urgent please beg





1. hers





I hope it helps you...

amog us..............









what's the word? what is something that can't be true also can't be false?





it's a guess I'm not 100% i hope it helps tho!

Othello refers to what European conflict?
Select one:
a. Imperialism
b. Movement from monarchy to democracy
c. The age of exploration
d. The mixing of Muslim culture with Western culture



The mixing of Muslim culture with Western culture


Othello covers conflict with Othello being a moor which is a Muslim group from North Africa.

The long march: Which sentence describes the main idea of the text?



the long march


Reading To Do, I-Ready
evel F
Why did the author include details
about the cooking show he saw?
He wants to describe various cooking
He wants to explain why he started
He wants to persuade others to watch
the show.
He wants to warn others about
chemicals in their food.



He wants to explain why he started cooking


Got it right!


The other person got it right but here's the answer for proof.

Explanation: I got it right

Who was the author of the poem “The odyssey”?


Answer:it was you’re mom jk it was homer


Complete the sentences with the correct spelling of the missing words.
John found a stray cat in the some milk. The milk The cat looked hungry and sad, so John decided to feed the cat. He brought her home and fed her the cat's thirst. The cat seemed very V after that. ​



John found a stray cay in the milk . the cat looked sad , and hungry , so John decided to feed the cat .he brought her home and feed her, the cat was thirsty It seemed very better after that                             Explanation:  i did my best


John found a stray cat in the  


. The cat looked hungry and sad, so John decided to feed the cat. He brought her home and fed her some milk. The milk  


the cat’s thirst. The cat seemed very  


after that.


I hope this one helps, I had the same question on my test and a actually did it if I got it correct mark brainliest plz

Click to read "Musée des Beaux Arts," by W. H. Auden. Then answer the question.

Which line(s) from Auden's poem capture(s) the indifference in Brueghel's poem?

a) About suffering they were never wrong, / The Old Masters:
b) there always must be / Children who did not specially want it to happen, skating / On a pond at the edge of the wood
c) the expensive delicate ship that must have seen / Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky, / Had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on.
d) the ploughman may / Have heard the splash, the forsaken cry



A. about suffering they were never wrong the old masters


The line from Auden's poem that captures the indifference in Brueghel's poem is:

c) "the expensive delicate ship that must have seen / Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky, / Had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on."

What does this line refer to ?

This line from Auden's poem refers to the ship in Brueghel's painting that continues to sail calmly on, even though it must have witnessed the boy falling out of the sky. This suggests a sense of indifference to the tragedy that has occurred, as the ship continues on its journey without stopping to help or acknowledge the boy's fall.

The other lines listed in the answer choices do not capture the same sense of indifference as this line. Option a) acknowledges the Old Masters' understanding of suffering, while option b) describes children who are not aware of the suffering happening around them.

Option d) describes a ploughman who may have heard the cry but does not indicate any sense of indifference.

Auden's poem captures this sense of indifference and detachment from suffering that is present in Brueghel's painting. The speaker notes that "the Old Masters" were never wrong about the nature of suffering, and yet they were also able to see beyond it to the "human position" of those who suffer.

The poem also explores the idea that suffering is an individual experience, and that even when others witness it, they may not truly understand or care.

Learn more about indifferences at :



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