why are dwarf planets considered planets despite being smaller than some moons?


Answer 1


They do not orbit anything other than the sun.


Planets only orbit the sun and nothing else while moons orbit planets.

Related Questions

Which of the following climate would experience the lowest annual precipitation total? Tropical monsoon Tropical Savanna Mediterranean Polar Marine west coast


The climate with the lowest annual precipitation total is the Polar climate. This climate is characterized by long and cold winters with temperatures that are typically below freezing, and a short summer season with temperatures that rarely exceed 10°C (50°F).

Annual precipitation totals are usually less than 250 mm (10 inches) and generally come in the form of snow during the winter. The Polar climate is found in areas located around the Arctic Ocean, such as northern Canada, Alaska, and Greenland.

The Tropical Monsoon climate is found in regions near the equator, and it has two distinct seasons: the wet and the dry season. During the wet season, there is a period of heavy rain, with precipitation totals typically reaching 500 mm (20 inches).

The dry season is characterized by little to no rain and very high temperatures, with the annual precipitation total usually averaging between 1000 and 2500 mm (40-100 inches).

The Tropical Savanna climate is found in areas of the equator and is characterized by two distinct seasons: the wet and the dry season. During the wet season, precipitation totals can reach up to 1500 mm (60 inches) and temperatures are generally warm.

During the dry season, the amount of precipitation decreases and temperatures are much cooler. The annual precipitation total for the Tropical Savanna climate usually averages between 500 and 1500 mm (20-60 inches).

The Mediterranean climate is found in regions near the Mediterranean Sea, such as parts of Spain, Italy, and California. This climate is characterized by warm and dry summers, with temperatures typically ranging from 15-30°C (60-86°F), and cool and wet winters with precipitation totals of 400-600 mm (16-24 inches).

The annual precipitation total for this climate usually ranges between 500 and 1000 mm (20-40 inches).

The Marine West Coast climate is found in areas located along the Pacific Coast of North America, such as Oregon and Washington. This climate is characterized by mild and wet winters, with precipitation totals typically ranging from 1000-4000 mm (40-160 inches) and cool and dry summers, with temperatures typically ranging from 10-25°C (50-77°F).

The annual precipitation total for this climate is usually greater than 1000 mm (40 inches).

To know more about Polar climate here



Match the following geologic settings to the form of metamorphism which occurs at that location. A burial Mid-ocean ridge Bdynamic Mountain range core Ten miles below the surface Cdynamo- thermal Fault zone D hydrothermal Intrusion of a pluton Eshock Meteorite impact site Fthermal


A burial Mid-ocean ridge Bdynamic Mountain range core Ten miles below the floor Cdynamo- thermal Fault quarter D hydrothermal Intrusion of a pluton Eshock Meteorite impact site Fthermal.

Where does most metamorphism take place?

Most metamorphic tactics take place deep underground, inside the earth's crust. During metamorphism, protolith chemistry is mildly modified with the aid of expanded temperature (heat), a kind of pressure referred to as confining pressure, and/or chemically reactive fluids.

What type of metamorphism would show up at a plate boundary the place two continents are colliding?

Image end result for Match the following geologic settings to the shape of metamorphism which occurs at that location.

Regional metamorphism refers to large-scale metamorphism, such as what occurs to continental crust along convergent tectonic margins (where plates collide). The collisions result in the formation of long mountain ranges, like those alongside the western coast of North America.

Learn more about Fthermal here;



This Gigapan image shows a dark metamorphic rock in contact with a lighter igneous rock (granite). Review the statements below, and determine which arecorrect about the dark metamorphic rock on the left in the Gigapan image.Select all that apply.Hint 1.The appearance of foliated metamorphic rocksFoliated metamorphic rocks have had their minerals reoriented into layers pointing the same direction, or in some cases layers of similar compositionminerals. Look again at the dark rock in the Gigapan image for signs of foliation.Hint 2.Using small-scale folds within rocks to determine metamorphic gradeKeep in mind that folding can occur at any scale. Rocks that have undergone high-grade metamorphism are often folded and deformed so that theoriginal layering is no longer flat. The deformation of low-grade metamorphic rocks often causes small bends in the original layers. Look again at thedark rock in the Gigapan image for signs of deformation and small-scale folding.Hint 3.Recognizing foliationFoliation is the pattern of minerals in a rock after it is metamorphosed. Foliation is identifiable as a variation in texture and/or color. Often foliation isexhibited with light and dark bands.


The statements that are correct about the dark metamorphic rock on the left in the Gigapan image are Its minerals have been reoriented into layers, It has undergone high-grade metamorphism and Foliation is identifiable

The dark metamorphic rock in the Gigapan image has foliation, meaning its minerals have been reoriented into layers pointing the same direction or in some cases layers of similar composition minerals. It is also deformed and has small-scale folds, which suggests it has undergone high-grade metamorphism. Foliation is identifiable as a variation in texture and/or color, often with light and dark bands.

So, in summary, the statements that are correct about the dark metamorphic rock on the left in the Gigapan image are:

Its minerals have been reoriented into layers pointing the same direction or in some cases layers of similar composition minerals. It has undergone high-grade metamorphism, evidenced by its deformation and small-scale folds. Foliation is identifiable as a variation in texture and/or color, often with light and dark bands.

Learn more about mineral bands in metamorphic: brainly.com/question/14703834


describe both the mechanics and features of a convergent plate boundary that produces andesite volcanoes. be sure to use terms like continental and oceanic crust, the different rock types-granite basalt etc, the subduction zone and trench, and the force that causes the boundary.


Convergent plate boundary are the plate boundaries which occur when two plates collide into each other. The denser plates move underneath the lighter plate by forming a subduction zone.

What are the Convergent plate boundary?

Convergent Plate Boundary occur when two plates collide into each other. The denser plate moves underneath the lighter one, forming a subduction zone. The force behind the boundary is the motion of plates. When the continental and oceanic crust come together, the oceanic plate sinks under the continental plate because the oceanic plate is denser. The oceanic plate is destroyed at the subduction zone, which is where the Andesite volcano forms.

When it comes to the mechanics of a convergent plate boundary that produces Andesite volcanoes, the two plates that collide into each other are oceanic and continental crust. The oceanic plate is denser than the continental plate, and it moves underneath the lighter one. Andesite volcanoes form as a result of the collision. The subduction zone is where the oceanic plate is destroyed, and the Andesite volcano forms.

Andesite is formed by the fusion of basaltic rock from the oceanic plate and granite from the continental plate. The two rocks mix together to form Andesite, which erupts as a volcano when it comes into contact with the atmosphere. The different rock types involved in the process are granite and basalt. The subduction zone and trench are two of the features of the convergent plate boundary that produces Andesite volcanoes. The convergent plate boundary is a geological feature that occurs when two tectonic plates collide into each other. The denser plate moves underneath the lighter one, forming a subduction zone. The force behind the boundary is the motion of plates. Andesite volcanoes form at the subduction zone when oceanic and continental crust collide.

Learn more about Convergent Plate Boundary here:



how far from the heavy rain of a thunderstorm can lightning strike



6 to 25 miles away from a storm


Lightning can strike as far as 10 miles away from a thunderstorm, although most lightning occurs within 6 miles of the storm. In some cases, lightning can strike up to 25 miles away from the thunderstorm. It's important to remember that lightning can be unpredictable and can strike in areas that are not necessarily experiencing heavy rain or even thunder. So, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to the storm to be at risk of being struck by lightning. It's important to seek shelter indoors or in a hard-topped vehicle when thunderstorms are in the area.

True or False: The total amount of water on Earth is constantly changing.

what is geography?





The Aleutian and Hawaiian Islands form from completely different processes related to Plate Tectonics. Using Plate Tectonic theory and correct technical terms, explain how they form.


The Aleutian and Hawaiian Islands form from two different processes related to Plate Tectonics. The Aleutian Islands are formed by the subduction of the Pacific plate beneath the North American plate at the Aleutian Trench. This process is also known as a convergent plate boundary.

During subduction, the oceanic lithosphere is consumed and in the process magma is produced and rises to the surface. This magma then cools and hardens to form the Aleutian Islands.

The Hawaiian Islands are formed by a process known as hotspot volcanism. Hotspots are stationary mantle plumes that rise from the mantle and melt the lithosphere.

This process is also known as a divergent plate boundary. The Hawaiian hotspot is located beneath the Pacific plate and has created the Hawaiian Ridge of islands, as the Pacific plate has moved over it.

The molten material erupts to the surface to create new volcanoes and as the older volcanoes move away from the hotspot, they become inactive and form islands.

Both processes create volcanic islands, but the way in which the volcanoes form differs between the Aleutian and Hawaiian Islands. The Aleutian Islands are formed through subduction while the Hawaiian Islands are formed through hotspot volcanism.

To know more about Plate Tectonic theory here



could some layer of sediment lie beneath a layer of bedrock?




No, it is highly unlikely for a layer of sediment to lie beneath a layer of bedrock. Bedrock is formed by the solidification of rock material over a long period of time, usually through the process of cooling and crystallization of magma or the compaction and cementation of sedimentary particles. It is the solid and relatively stable foundation of the Earth's crust and is typically composed of hard, dense rocks such as granite, basalt, or sandstone.

In contrast, sediment is unconsolidated material such as sand, silt, and clay that has been deposited by water, wind, or glaciers. Sediment layers are generally found on top of bedrock and can accumulate over time, but they cannot form beneath it.

However, there are some rare cases where sediment may be found beneath the bedrock. For example, if a layer of sediment is deposited on top of a bedrock layer and then covered by another layer of bedrock through the process of tectonic uplift or erosion, it is possible for the sediment layer to be preserved beneath the new bedrock layer. This is a rare occurrence and requires very specific geological conditions to happen.

a set of physical conditions of the lower atmosphere, ... wind speed, cloud cover, and other factors, in a given area over a period of hours or days.





there is a narrow peninsula that extends south of the state of california. what is the name of this peninsula?




The California Peninsula is a narrow strip of land separated from the Mexican territory by the Gulf of California or Sea of Cortez, and the Colorado River. Its area covers 143,600 square kilometers which holds two of the Mexican states: Baja California and Baja California South.

Between which two major lines of latitude does the most equatorial Africa lie


at quandale dingles house, jk its at the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn

1. Map Activity: The Development of the Industrial Revolution Cartographers represent economic systems and changes on economic maps. What follows are two economic maps that portray changes in Europe during the Industrial Revolution. Consider the first map, which portrays the Industrial Revolution in Europe in 1850, and use it to answer the questions that follow. NORWAY FINLAND 2 2 50 500 750 Kilometers 250 500 Miles Poslo Saint Petersburg .no Stockholm LIVONIA North SWEDEN Paltic Sea COURLAND Sea DENMARK "Copenhagen Glasgowo Edinburgh GREATA BRITAIN BRI Bradito Liverpool 0 Leeds Hamburg PRUSSIA RUSSIA sula Berlin Liverpool Sheffield ManchesteAA NETHERL Birmingham ondon Bristo Bo Lond Amsterdam Brussels BELGIUM de Breslau, POLAND, Warsaw nec NY prague Pans 4 BOHEMIA GALICIA Atlantic Ocean FRANCE Munich (Buda WITZERLAND AUSTRIA-HUNGARY Do te venice DM Qanun Bordeaux Turin DaGenoa Marseilles Florence ITALY Ebro R SERBIA OTTOMAN EMPIRE Rome PORTUGAL SPAIN Mediterranean sea Banks Manufacturing and industrial areas No peasant emancipation before 1848 Railways by 1850 Major cities: 1820 A Coal mining Iron industry Textile industries 1850 Silk industries The Industrial Revolution greatly changed both the European landscape and its culture. Where quiet villages once stood, large factory complexes were built. Peasants who had previously worked in cycles with the harvest became subject to factory discipline and daily work, and many moved into growing cities. The changing economic life of Europeans transformed the face of the continent. Based on the map, what can you conclude about the development of the iron industry in Europe? O Berlin was the most important iron-producing center in Europe. O The iron industry often prospered near coal mines. O France was Europe's leading iron producer. Similarly, what can you conclude about industrial development in Britain? O Britain had no competition from the European continent in the textile industry in 1850. O Britain was the most industrially developed state in 1850, and it led Europe in almost every industry. O Britain had a developed textile industry, but it lacked a developed coal mining industry. Now, consider this map of continental Europe, and use it to answer the question that follows. 190 200 Km DENMARK Baltic Sea North Sea Railroads completed, c. 1850 Major exposed coal deposits Emerging industrial areas Scattered ironworks Benoder Warsaw POLAND Odes Posen Hamburg NETHERLANDS Bremen ENGLAND Amsterdam Cotton RUHR Essen de color Kassel GERMAN Lider Dieppe Le Havre BELGIUM Frankfurt Rouen Cotton cotton Linen A ussels cologne Lege Breslau CONFEDERATION SI Kraków Lemberg Prague Linen Pans MPIRE Linen Nantes -Orléans Munich wool Munich Lizen Linza FRANCE P Budapest HUNGARY Bay of Biscay AUSTRIAN Mulhouse Mulhouse Le Creusot Zurich SWITZERLAND Lyons . KINGDOM Milan Grenoble of Turin SARDINIA PARMA Avignon Genos o Trieste & Venice Venice CROATIA BOSNIA ARDINIA PARLAR SERBIA Toulouse Adriatic sik Florence Livorno TUSCANY OTTOMAN EMPIRE PAPAL Marseilles Mediterranean Sea STATES Sea What can you conclude about France and Germany by looking at the railroads on this map? O Germany and France built their systems together in an effort to increase transnational commerce. O By 1850, the German states had laid more railroad track than France. O By 1850, France had laid more railroad track than the German states.


Based on the first map, you can conclude that the iron industry often prospered near coal mines, and that Britain had a developed textile industry, but lacked a developed coal mining industry.

What is industry?

Industry is the economic activity of producing goods and services within an economy. It is a major component of economic activity and is a major factor in economic growth. Industries are categorized into three main sectors: primary, secondary, and tertiary. Primary industries are those that extract or harvest raw materials from the environment, such as farming, fishing, and mining. Secondary industries are those that process raw materials into finished products, like manufacturing and construction. Tertiary industries are those that provide services to the other two sectors, such as transportation, finance, and education. Industries are vital to a country's economy, as they produce goods and services to meet the needs of consumers.

From the second map, you can conclude that by 1850, France had laid more railroad track than the German states.

To learn more about industry

places where tectonic plates come together are called



it is called convergent boundary.

At a bend in a river, the main erosion is _______________


The main erosion is called a cut bank.

mineralogical analysis of a rock can tell us a. what the rock is made of b. the detailed geological history of the rock c. the temperature and pressure conditions under which it formed d. when the rock formed


The mineralogical analysis of a rock can tell us what the rock is made of, the detailed geological history of the rock, the temperature and pressure conditions under which it formed, and when the rock formed.

In a mineralogical analysis of rocks, the minerals that the rock is composed of are identified through a microscope. Mineralogy is the study of the chemical composition and structure of minerals. A mineral is a naturally occurring substance formed from geological processes that have crystallized out of a solution.

Specifically, mineralogical analysis involves examining the minerals in the rock and their relationships to each other. This can help us determine what the rock is made of and what kind of environment it formed in (temperature and pressure). Additionally, examining the relationship between minerals can provide clues about the geological history of the rock. By analyzing radioactive isotopes, we can also estimate when the rock formed.

More about Mineralogical:



What was the peak wavelength of the background radiation at the time that light left the most distant galaxies that we can see. Assume that these galaxies are observed to be at a redshift z=12. What is the temperature corresponding to that peak wavelength?'


The temperature corresponding to that peak wavelength is 3.717 x 103 K.

The peak wavelength of the background radiation at the time that light left the most distant galaxies we can see (redshift z=12) can be calculated using the equation

λ = 2.998 x 10-3/(1 + z).

Inserting z=12 yields a peak wavelength of

λ = 2.498 x 10-4 m.

The temperature corresponding to this peak wavelength can be calculated using the equation T = hc/λk where h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, λ is the peak wavelength, and k is Boltzmann's constant.

Inserting the given values yields a temperature of T = 3.717 x 103 K.

to know about wavelength:



what affects climate how climate affects living organisms how does weather change in different areas


The climate is influenced by temperature, where climate change will affect changes in the habitat of living things, and changes in the weather depending on the geographical location of an area.

The climate is affected by several factors, some of which are natural and others of which are human-made. Changes in solar radiation, Earth's orbit, and volcanic activity all contribute to the Earth's changing climate. Climate change caused by human activities, such as greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels, is the most significant driver of current climate change.

Climate change has a significant effect on living organisms. It may cause habitat destruction, changes in food chains, and changes in the timing of biological events like flowering and migration. Climate change is a significant contributor to the decline of biodiversity around the world, as well as the spread of infectious diseases like Lyme disease and West Nile virus.

Weather varies greatly depending on the location. It can be influenced by a variety of factors, including altitude, latitude, and proximity to water bodies. For example, coastal regions tend to have milder climates due to the moderating effect of the ocean, while areas farther inland tend to have more extreme temperature fluctuations. Mountainous regions experience rapid temperature changes as the altitude rises. The amount of precipitation also varies greatly depending on the area's climate.

More about Climate Changing:



Matthew Koehler includes several statistics about impacts of logging in national forests. Which of the following statements describe an ecological impact of logging?
A. Approximately 50% of riparian areas require restoration due to logging and other land uses.
B. Existing national forest roads require $10 billion in maintenance.
C. U.S. national forests supply less than 2% of our nation's wood products.
D. National forest logging levels have decreased since the mid-1990s.


Matthew Koehler includes several statistics about impacts of logging in national forests. One ecological impact of logging is: Approximately 50% of riparian areas require restoration due to logging and other land uses.

What are riparian areas?

A riparian area is a transition zone between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Riparian areas include natural vegetation and wildlife habitats that exist along the edges of streams, rivers, lakes, and wetlands. Riparian vegetation comprises a diverse range of plant species, including shrubs and trees that are adapted to specific soil and moisture conditions.

Riparian areas also help protect water quality by filtering sediment and nutrients, and they provide important wildlife habitat. These areas are incredibly valuable for the quality of life of local ecosystems, and they need to be protected from logging as much as possible.

What is logging?

Logging is the practice of felling, processing, and transporting trees to be used as raw material in the construction and other industries. Logging has been a vital part of many economies throughout history, but it also poses significant environmental risks, including loss of habitat, water pollution, soil erosion, and deforestation.

In conclusion, one ecological impact of logging is: Approximately 50% of riparian areas require restoration due to logging and other land uses.

To know more about ecological impact of logging refer here:https://brainly.com/question/8151711#


Air flow in a Northern Hemisphere high pressure zone is
a. downward, outward and clockwise.
b. downward, outward and counterclockwise.
c. inward, upward and clockwise.
d. inward, upward and counterclockwise.
e. downward, inward and clockwise.


Airflow in a Northern Hemisphere high-pressure zone is downward, outward and clockwise. option A is the right answer.

What is a high-pressure system?

A high-pressure system is a weather condition characterized by stable, dry, and clear weather, according to meteorologists.

High-pressure systems occur when air masses having greater density than the air masses surrounding them ascend from the earth's surface and diverge in the upper atmosphere.

As the air cools, it decreases in temperature and becomes more dense, resulting in a high-pressure system.

Air moves in a clockwise manner in the Northern Hemisphere in a high-pressure system. In the Northern Hemisphere, a high-pressure system is created when air converges towards the surface of the earth.

As a result, air descends to the surface of the earth, causing increased atmospheric pressure. Thus, option A is the right answer.

TO KNOW ABOUT  Northern Hemisphere :



which sentence follows ap style on place names? group of answer choices one of the smallest state capitals is carson city, nev. with about 55,000 residents. one of the smallest state capitals is carson city, nevada with about 55,000 residents. one of the smallest state capitals is carson city, nv with about 55,000 residents. one of the smallest state capitals is carson city, nevada, with about 55,000 residents. one of the smallest state capitals is carson city, nv, with about 55,000 residents. one of the smallest state capitals is carson city, nev., with about 55,000 residents.


According to AP Style, when referring to a place name, the state should be spelled out, and abbreviations should only be used when necessary for space constraints.

In this case, the sentence should read: one of the smallest state capitals is Carson City, Nevada, with about 55,000 residents. This follows AP Style since the state is spelled out, and the abbreviation is not used unless absolutely necessary.

AP Style states that abbreviations should only be used when necessary for space constraints to avoid confusion or misunderstanding. Therefore, in this sentence, the full name of the state should be used.

Know more about AP Style here



which of the following is an example of how rocks will respond to compressional stress? (note: there may be more than one correct answer.) check all that apply. view available hint(s)for part b which of the following is an example of how rocks will respond to compressional stress? (note: there may be more than one correct answer.)check all that apply. elongation normal faulting folding reverse faulting transform faulting


Folding and Reverse faulting is an examples of how rocks will respond to compressional stress. The correct options are B and C.

Rocks can respond to compressional stress in a variety of ways, including folding and reverse faulting. Due to the compressional forces involved in folding, the rocks are bent and deformed. Pushing the rocks together causes reverse faulting, which results in one block moving higher in relation to the other block. At the margins of convergent plate boundaries, compression is the most frequent stress. Tension exists in the separation of rocks. The lengthening or fragmentation of rocks under strain.

Thus, the ideal selections are options B and C.

Learn more about Rocks here:



based on this week's material match the following as best you can. group of answer choices crossed arms [ choose ] phoneme [ choose ] ebonics [ choose ] indo-european languages\


Crossed arms typically refer to the body language where an individual crosses their arms over their chest. It is often interpreted as a defensive or closed-off posture. However, it can also indicate that the person is comfortable or relaxed.

What is Phoneme?

A phoneme is a unit of sound that distinguishes one word from another in a particular language. For example, the words "cat" and "bat" differ by only one phoneme, the initial sound /k/ versus /b/. Phonemes are the smallest units of sound in a language and can be combined to form words.

Ebonics, also known as African American Vernacular English (AAVE), is a dialect of English that is spoken by some African Americans. It includes unique grammatical structures, vocabulary, and pronunciation that differ from Standard English. It has been the subject of much debate and controversy, particularly in the education system, where some argue that it should be recognized as a distinct language and taught as such.

Indo-European languages are a family of languages that includes the majority of European languages, as well as many languages spoken in Asia. This language family is believed to have originated in the Pontic-Caspian steppe region around 4500 BCE and spread through migration and conquest. Some of the most widely spoken Indo-European languages include English, Spanish, French, German, Hindi, Bengali, and Russian.

Learn more about languages on;



of all the ways that people might have made it to chile near the tip of south america by 14,600 year ago, which two have been part of the most recent debate by anthropologists and archeologists? (select two)


Land migration from Alaska as the ice-age glacier melted and coastal migration along the coast from the bearing sea region have been part of the most recent debate by anthropologists and archeologists.

Holism is the broad perspective that anthropologists adopt in order to comprehend the many varied facets of the human experience. In order to understand how early human populations lived and what was significant to them, archaeologists go to the past. Together with our bones, food, and health, they take into account our genetic make-up and biological makeup. In order to determine what aspects of humans and other animals are similar and different, anthropologists frequently compare humans to other primates, such as monkeys and chimpanzees. The ways that people meet these requirements might vary greatly, despite the fact that nearly all humans require the same items to thrive, such as food, water, and friendship.

Learn more about anthropologists here:



Absence of the sky condition and visibility on an ATIS broadcast indicates that . . .


The absence of the sky condition and visibility on an ATIS broadcast indicates that the information is not available or the conditions are below a certain threshold.

ATIS stands for Automatic Terminal Information Service, which is an automatic broadcast system that provides pilots with updated information on specific airports' meteorological and operational circumstances.

When approaching or departing an airport, pilots may use this system to collect up-to-date weather and safety data. Pilots are advised to use this technology to enhance safety and reduce the likelihood of accidents, as well as to provide real-time updates to ground crews in order to coordinate landing and takeoff procedures.

The absence of sky condition and visibility on an ATIS broadcast indicates that either the information is not available or the conditions are below a certain threshold, according to FAA regulations.

Thus, the absence of the sky condition and visibility on an ATIS broadcast indicates that the information is not available or the conditions are below a certain threshold.

For such more question on threshold:



which new york state location has surface bedrock that has been subjected to very intense regional metamorphism


The location in New York State that has surface bedrock that has been subjected to very intense regional metamorphism is the Adirondack Mountains.

The Adirondack Mountains are located in the northeastern part of the state and cover an area of approximately 6.1 million acres. The Adirondack Mountains have a complex geology with many different types of metamorphic rocks, such as gneiss, schist, and marble.

The region has been subjected to intense regional metamorphism due to the effects of both folding and faulting. This has resulted in the rocks being folded, faulted, and sheared, which has increased their strength and altered their mineral composition.

The Adirondack Mountains are a prime example of how regional metamorphism can change the shape and composition of rocks over time. The intense regional metamorphism in the Adirondack Mountains has also created a unique landscape, with its high mountains, deep valleys, and many different types of rock formations.

This landscape makes it an excellent spot for outdoor recreation and is home to many parks and protected areas.

To know more metamorphism here



In traveling to the Moon, astronauts aboard the Apollo spacecraft put themselves into a slow rotation to distribute the Sun's energy evenly. At the start of their trip, they accelerated from no rotation to 1 revolution per minute during a 12-min time interval. We can approximate the spacecraft as a cylinder with a mass of 50 metric tons and a diameter of 8.5 m. Calculate the angular acceleration, the torque needed to produce such an acceleration, and the magnitude of the linear acceleration of a point on the skin of the ship 5 min after it started accelerating.


the angular acceleration is α  = 0.1047 rad/s².

the torque is τ = 22.837kNm.

The angular acceleration α is given by the equation: α = (2πf)/T, where f is the final angular velocity (in revolutions per minute, rpm) and T is the time interval in which the acceleration occurs. In this case, the final angular velocity is 1 rpm, and the time interval is 12 minutes, so the angular acceleration is

α = (2π(1rpm))/12min

   = 0.1047 rad/s².

The torque required to produce such an acceleration can be found using the equation τ = Iα, where I is the moment of inertia and α is the angular acceleration. Since the spacecraft is approximated as a cylinder, the moment of inertia is given by the equation I = (1/2)mr², where m is the mass and r is the radius. Therefore,

I = (1/2)(50mt)((8.5m)/2)²

 = 218.75m⁴,

and the torque is

τ = (218.75m⁴)(0.1047rad/s²)

= 22.837kNm.

The magnitude of the linear acceleration a of a point on the skin of the ship 5 minutes after it started accelerating is given by the equation a = αr, where α is the angular acceleration and r is the radius of the ship. Therefore,

a = (0.1047rad/s²)(8.5m)

 = 0.89 m/s².

TO KNOW ABOUT angular acceleration :



what is the name of the imaginary line on which the earth rotates


The answer would be equator

describe the toba eruption, what is the geologic setting, how big was it, where and when did it occur? discuss the duration and changes to climate and how it affected the human population at the time. use wikipedia for this.


The Toba eruption occurred approximately 74,000 years ago in what is now northern Sumatra, Indonesia. It is one of the largest and most violent volcanic eruptions in Earth's history, with an estimated magnitude of 8 on the Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI).

The eruption caused global cooling and drastic climate change for several years, with a 1000-year period of cooler temperatures known as the "Toba bottleneck". It also caused severe destruction to human populations living in the region, wiping out entire societies and drastically reducing the number of surviving humans.

Toba Eruption and Significant Climate Shift

The Toba eruption was a super-eruption, one of the largest volcanic eruptions in human history that spread ash across the globe. The event occurred in Sumatra, Indonesia, and is considered one of the most massive volcanic events ever to have occurred on Earth. It lasted approximately 10 days and produced 2,800 cubic kilometers of volcanic ash. The geologic setting of the Toba eruption was a massive caldera or a collapsed volcano. The Toba Caldera is the largest volcanic crater in the world .The Toba eruption had a significant effect on the climate.

The large amounts of volcanic ash and sulfur released into the atmosphere caused global temperatures to drop. The event caused global cooling, leading to a significant climate shift that lasted for several years. The eruption also caused a cooling effect that reduced rainfall, which had significant effects on the plant and animal populations in the region.The impact of the Toba eruption on the human population at the time is a subject of controversy. Some experts believe that the event caused a massive population decline among early humans.

However, others argue that the human population at the time was resilient and adaptable enough to survive the event. The Toba eruption is a testament to the power of nature and its ability to shape the world in ways that are sometimes difficult to imagine. It is also a reminder of the importance of scientific research and understanding the forces that shape our planet.

Learn more about Toba eruption https://brainly.com/question/11309070


describe the hydrologic cycle, rock cycle, and how the biosphere exchange matter with the other spheres.


The Hydrologic Cycle is the continual movement of water around the Earth’s atmosphere, land, and oceans. Water evaporates from the oceans and is transferred to the atmosphere as water vapor.

The water vapor condenses and falls as precipitation, returning to the land as snow, rain, or hail. The water then either infiltrates the soil and travels down to the water table or returns directly to the ocean as surface runoff.

The Rock Cycle is the process by which rocks of all types are created, destroyed, and reformed. Rocks can undergo a variety of processes including weathering, erosion, metamorphism, and melting.

These processes involve the movement of rocks from one type to another, or from one place to another. The cycle is powered by tectonic forces and the energy from the sun.

The biosphere is the part of Earth where life is found. It interacts with the other Earth spheres by exchanging matter and energy. Matter is exchanged through the hydrologic and rock cycles.

Water vapor, carbon dioxide, and oxygen are exchanged between the atmosphere and biosphere. Minerals are exchanged between the lithosphere and biosphere. Solar energy is exchanged between the sun and biosphere.

The hydrologic cycle, rock cycle, and biosphere all work together to create a dynamic and interconnected Earth system. Water evaporates from the oceans, is absorbed by land, then falls as precipitation and returns to the ocean.

Rocks are weathered and transported by the energy of the sun, and matter and energy are exchanged between the biosphere and the other Earth spheres.

To know more about Hydrologic Cycle here



Classifying ----- is critical for communicating regional environmental characteristics, observing broad global patterns, and analyzing large amounts of meteorological data collected over years or decades.





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