Why did the Russian provisional government keep Russian troops involved in World War I after the Russian revolution of 1917


Answer 1


Because of the Alliance with Serbia, France and Britain, and fear of German expected demands


The reason the Russian provisional government keeps Russian troops involved in World War I after the Russian revolution of 1917 is because of the "of the Alliance with Serbia, France, and Britain."

During this period, Russia still relies heavily on the loans they are getting from Britain and France, and at the same time, they also want to maintain the alliance with Serbia.

The Russian government also feared the kind of demands the German will ask of them if the Germans win the war.

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do you think the government is spending too much money on the military? why or why not? btw they spend over $718 billion every year


Answer: In my opinion no because all they are doing is to protect the country I think they use the money to buy supplies and emergency funding which is caused by the crisis, natural disaster, or rapid changes in the price of commodities they spend most of the money on training and planning, maintenance of equipment, and most of the military healthcare system

Explanation:  btw I really what to go to the military!!



I think the government is spending too much on the military. While people in the richest country on earth are homeless, starving, and becoming crippled with hospital debt while trying to stay alive, the country delegates all of its money to terrorize third world countries and scare others. While having an advanced military is effective, redistributing some funds to domestic issues like the housing crisis and supportive healthcare would make the United States as a whole more united. Arguably, having a secure and cohesive population trumps the need for excessive military weapons.
I hope this helps :)

what two states were part of the union forces at the end of the civil war?


The two states that were part of the union forces is Maryland and Missouri I believe

After the election of 1860, in which Abraham Lincoln was elected president, South Carolina seceded from the
Union. Ten other states followed its lead, forming the Confederate States of America. President Lincoln decided
that he could not allow the country to break apart and that only military force no could save the Union. The Civil War
began. What other options did Lincoln have, if any, in his quest to save the nation?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached, we can say the following.

Indeed, President Lincoln decided that he could not allow the country to break apart and that only military force could save the Union. Under those conditions, President Lincoln did not have many options to choose from in his quest to save the nation.

With the victory of Abraham Lincoln in the presidential election, the leaders of the southern states knew that things were not going to favor them. Northern abolitionists continued to demand the end of slavery in the southern states. However, slavery was on the basis of the southern economy. Landlords needed slaves to work for long hours in the farm fields to produce the cash crops needed for trade and to export to Europe.

Some southern states ended up making the decision to secede from the Union and these states were Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Texas, and South Carolina, Louisiana, North Carolina, Virginia, Arkansas, and Tennessee.

That is why, when the war ended, President Lincoln supported the Ten Percent Plan to readmit former Confederate states to the Union. Lincoln wanted to heal the wounds of the Civil War as quickly as possible.

After the victory of the Union Army over the Confederated States that ended the Civil War, President Lincoln wanted a quick union of the country. He created the Ten Percent Plan where only 10% of the people of each Souther State had to make a swore of allegiance to the Union for the Souther state to be readmitted. Lincoln really wanted a quick Reconstruction process.

Which is NOT a characteristic of Capitalism?



How are we supposed to answer that when you didnt even give us options to choose from


Government control of the economy


Capitalism is an economic, social and political system where private individuals control a country's trade and business. The government has little or no control over the market. The United States is a capitalist country. Capitalism prioritizes individual rights, private ownership, and free enterprise.

Which of the following is a mechanism used to help ensure that federal judges are not punished for their



B.) Congress is not allowed to discuss court decisions publicly.


The judiciary handles legal proceedings relating to passing judgment. The Supreme Court remains the lead court in the country and its cases are being presided over by federal judges. In most cases, rulings made by the Supreme court are almost final and it is deemed close. Court cases aren't to be discussed or debated on the floor of the house and atleast cannot be overturned by the legislature. Hence, this in some way ensures that there is no legislative veto which can overrule the court and the no federal judge will be dragged to the floor of the house for his ruling over a court case.

Answer: (B)


Which of the following examples shows the separation of powers and checks and balances of the Roman Republic? Censors appointed, and could remove, senators.

Tribunes could veto laws.

Consuls were elected for one-year terms.

All of the choices are correct.



all the choices were correct


You see Rome hated the monarchy and did a lot to stop a single individual from gaining to much power by disturbing it, Consuls had one year terms as executives and there were two to keep each other in their place, tribunes who repsented people were supposed to be able to give power to the people and keep them happy with the government (SPQR right?) Censors were almost parents watching to make sure nothing bad happened.

Please help i need a complete answer
In your opinion can science and religion coexist? Religion is based on faith, science on reason/proof? Are they in conflict? Cite to be a religious story/idea that seems to be against science.




I don't think they are in conflict. Not when you talk about behavior which people really tend to ignore when they get into this quagmire the question represents.

I have a degree in physics, and I go to church at least twice a week if I can make it. Sometimes my health gives me problems.

Worse yet in the spirit of the question, I study with the Jehovah's Witnesses.  So you might think that disqualifies me. I'm going to offer you something anyway.

So let's start with behavior. The old Testament is composed among other things of 613 laws that must be obeyed. Of course no one can do it. But there are certain fundamental laws that can be stated and those can be followed without question.  Or we can try to follow them.

The first 4 talk about how we are to treat God. The second 6 deal with how we ought to behave. In our behavior, these 10 laws represent the axioms of religious law in the old Testament. Notice I used the word axioms. That's the same word the Greeks used when they enunciated their geometric findings. These principles (there are only 5) can only be accepted. They cannot be proved. Sound familiar? It should.  

I have only presented you with these few thoughts because the question you ask leads all over the map. People who reject truth no matter what the source are defiling what is best in humanity. Try to accept what each branch of knowledge does.

It looks like I really didn't offer you any answer to what you are after. I choose not to. It's a biased question and I think the answer goes much deeper than slinging mud from one side by the other.  I think we must coexist as best we can listening to the strengths we find wherever we look. Anything else leads to hatred, and that is never something I will do.






Vasco da Gama returned to Lisbon from India with a small cargo of spices

How did television help to make the American public aware of what was going on in the
“Jim Crow South?”


The national coverage of the Civil Rights Movement transformed the United States by showing Americans the violence and segregation of African Americans' journey for their civil rights. ... Nixon, original footage of school desegregation, public meetings, interviews with citizens, and suggested classroom applications

4. Because American Indian tribes spoke a single language, communication between tribes was fairly
A. True
B. False


Answer: False


Native Americans were and are still a diverse group of people who had different cultures and ways of life. They spoke different languages and had conflict between themselves like Europeans did amongst themselves as well.

The lack of a single language and the competition between tribes severely hampered their response to the increasing power of the Europeans. There were even instances where a tribe would ally with the Europeans to defeat another tribe.

Which of the following best describes the role of the Virginia Company in the Jamestown settlement?



The company sold stock, created an expedition, and profited from the expedition.



Trình bày chiến tranh đặc biệt của mĩ ở việt nam, nhận xét về mặt trận chính trị và binh vận



Kể từ năm 1949 khi Trung Quốc trở thành cộng sản, Hợp chủng quốc Hoa Kỳ trở nên sợ hãi Việt Nam vì Việt Nam đã kiểm soát những người cộng sản. Mỹ tưởng rằng chủ nghĩa cộng sản sẽ lan đến miền Nam Việt Nam và từ đó nó sẽ lan ra toàn châu Á. Vì vậy, Hoa Kỳ gửi quân đội của mình để giúp Chính phủ Nam Việt Nam khỏi việc truyền bá chủ nghĩa cộng sản.

Đó là, nền kinh tế Hoa Kỳ bị thiệt hại và không có tiền cho chiến tranh do đó lạm phát ở Hoa Kỳ. Nó cũng phá vỡ tinh thần quân sự và cam kết của Hoa Kỳ đối với chủ nghĩa quốc tế.


Kể từ năm 1949 khi Trung Quốc trở thành cộng sản, Hợp chủng quốc Hoa Kỳ trở nên sợ hãi Việt Nam vì Việt Nam đã kiểm soát những người cộng sản. Mỹ tưởng rằng chủ nghĩa cộng sản sẽ lan đến miền Nam Việt Nam và từ đó nó sẽ lan ra toàn châu Á. Vì vậy, Hoa Kỳ gửi quân đội của mình để giúp Chính phủ Nam Việt Nam khỏi việc truyền bá chủ nghĩa cộng sản.

Đó là, nền kinh tế Hoa Kỳ bị thiệt hại và không có tiền cho chiến tranh do đó lạm phát ở Hoa Kỳ. Nó cũng phá vỡ tinh thần quân sự và cam kết của Hoa Kỳ đối với chủ nghĩa quốc tế.

Who was the president of the United States when the War 1 ended



The president of the United States when the WWI ended was Woodrow Wilson.


The president of the United States when WWI ended was Woodrow Wilson

What impact did world war 2 have on the U.S. economy


Answer:  It greatly helped the economic state of the U.S.

Explanation:  The US was coming out of the Great Depression and due to the war effort, all the factories were being repurposed to make weapons and other needed items. It also caused a rush of women being able to work in factories and they really stepped up and did their job causing the economy to significantly increase.


Following the economic depression in the U.S, World War two caused many businesses to move from the production of consumer goods to the production of war supplies and military vehicles, meaning there were more job openings in America causing the economy to move further along and out of the depression. In addition, women were also accepted into the work force causing more work to get done in a shorter amount of time due to the plentiful amount of workers.


Texasgateway.org is a good example source for this answer if evidence is needed! :DD

Which generalization about religion in ancient civilizations is most accurate?



Egyptian Mythology, Greek Mythology, and Hinduism were polytheistic religions in ancient civilizations.  These faiths followed a number of deities who were adored by society's citizens.  Following this, monotheistic faiths began to emerge.  There was only one almighty and omniscient God in these religions.


Were there any options?

I need help with this anybody?



I will help you when you need it


Drags the paper clip to the other end of the string (the part that isn’t attached to the car)

Which European region did Muslims control?



But the Muslim response is not bizarre and eccentric; because the Islamic world was so widespread and strategically placed, it was the first to be subjected in a concerted, systematic manner to the colonization process in the Middle East, India, Arabia, Malaya and a significant part of Africa.


Here is your answer


Muslims controlled the southern Europe through the expansion of Moors of North Africa in the 8th–10th centuries . Muslim political entities existed firmly in what is today Spain, Portugal, Sicily, and Malta for several centuries.

Hope you like it : )

What are the five freedoms granted by the first amendment



speech , religion , press , assembly , and the right to petition the government.


In times of war and peace the Supreme court of the united states has defined , protected and sometimes limited out first amendment freedoms.

Which of the following was a contribution of Byzantine monks?

A. Creating new sculpting methods
B. Preserving works of ancient Greece and Rome
C. Preventing the split of the Roman Catholic Church
D. Avoiding invasion by the Vandals


The answer to the question is A

who was the 10 sultan of ottoman empire Turkish country.?
1.sultan Salim Khan
2.sultan Suleiman​



2.sultan Suleiman​


Also known as Suleiman the Magnificent

What was the long term significance of the immortality achieved by the Spanish conquistador?


They wanted to Conquistador
Examine the story of the settlement and discovery of America from the Native American’s point of view. What were the controversies over Columbus’s role in the discovery and the actions of subse-quent Spanish conquistadores.

• Compare the history of the Spanish in Mexico with that of the English in North America.

Consider the impact of the “mestizo factor” in Mexican history. "Mestizo" is a sSpanish word and refers to the intermarriage between the Spanish and Indians. In some countries, the term "mestizo" has social and cultural connotations; a pure-blooded Indian who has adopted European dress and customs is called a mestizo (or cholo).

ikinalulungkot ng buong kaharian ang pagkasakit ng kanilang hari.Sa aking palagay,ang motibo ng may akda sa paglalagay ng bahaging ito ay____






Dapat natin alaagan ng mabuti ang hari natin upang masali itong gumaling at dapat mahalin. natin sya ng mabuti..,..

Pede na po bayan? kung mali ok lng po☺️✌️

After the French Revolution and the class Revolution in Haiti, who was inspired to rebel in 1791 (5 points)?
San Martin


Answer: L'Ouverture


François-Dominique Toussaint L'Ouverture was the most prominent leader of the Haitian Revolution which began in 1791 and overthrew the French government and then abolished slavery. It was the only slave uprising that was so successful that it led to a country being established.

Even though he was born a slave, L'Ouverture eventually became a free man and was pained by the treatment of enslaved people in Haiti. He led the people to fight the French and when the French asked of negotiations, he went to meet them but they instead captured him and imprisoned him in France where he later died.

Who was the 38th President Of the United states of America?​


President Gerald R. Ford

En la combencion durante la rebulucion francesa los diferentes grupos coincidian que el ciestema debia tan cual estaba


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, la redacción de tu oración es muy confusa. Además, sólo es una oración, olvidaste incluir la pregunta.

Podemos rescribir la oración para que se pueda entender mejor, y sería la siguiente:

En la convención durante la Revolución Francesa, los diferentes grupos coincidían en que el sistema debía mantenerse tal cual estaba.

Ahora, con respecto a la pregunta, creemos que se trata de una pregunta de verdadero o falso. Si es así, entonces la respuesta sería "falso."

Es falso que en la convención durante la Revolución Francesa, los diferentes grupos coincidían en que el sistema debía mantenerse tal cual estaba.

Y decimos que es falso porque precisamente sucedió todo lo contrario. Durante la convención, la gente exigió mejores condiciones de vida y una sociedad más igualitaria. Recordemos que esta Convención Nacional fue la que caracterizó a la Primera República Francesa. La asamblea constituyente se convocó en 1792 para redactar una nueva Constitución que incluiría novedosos conceptos democráticos como el derecho al voto, a un digno trabajo y a una mejor educación.

which of the following laws where the earliest written laws in history



The Code of Hammurabi was one of the earliest and most complete written legal codes and was proclaimed by the Babylonian king Hammurabi, who reigned from 1792 to 1750 B.C. Hammurabi expanded the city-state of Babylon along the Euphrates River to unite all of southern Mesopotamia.

Which route on the map did Vasco da Gama use in his search to a find new way to Asia?



vasco da gama went around africa to find the new way to asia.



he actually went around africa so the one that goes around africa


President Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy led him to support



➡️President Wilson's moral diplomacy led him to support Revolutions in Russia

Trust me mark me as brainliest trust me


President Wilson's moral diplomacy was moral diplomacy proposed by him in 1912.

It was to him to support the nations along with their democratic govt plus economically injure the non democratically active countries.

Hence, option 1 is correct that is revolutions in Russia.

Learn more about Moral Diplomacy that led him to support.


Write me a 7 sentences comparing and contrasting Juneteenth celebrations with 4th of July celebrations.
No plagiarism please!



Both are independence days.


Both Juneteenth and 4th of July are independence days. Juneteenth is also known as Jubilee Day. Other names are Emancipation Day, Freedom Day, and Black Independence Day. It is a federal holiday in the United States celebrates the liberation of enslaved African Americans while on the other hand, , Fourth of July in the United States is also known as Independence Day, the annual celebration of nationhood. It celebrates the  passage Declaration of Independence signed by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776 in the United States.

A temporary problem is one that... a. lasts a long time. b. goes away c. no one can solve d. anyone can solve.

plz help​



D. anyone can solve


logical and makes sense

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