Why did World War I deeply affect American modernist writers? Select all that apply.

Many of the writers were unsure who won the war.

They witnessed a war that killed and injured millions.

Writers weren't allowed to write anything during the war.

The established sense of order and traditional powers collapsed


Answer 1


The answers are B and D


World War I deeply affect American modernist writers because:

B: They witnessed a war that killed and injured millions.


D: The established sense of order and traditional powers collapsed

Hope this helped.

Related Questions

One way to punctuate a compound sentence correctly is to join the two independent clauses with



a comma with a coordinating conjunction for example for, and, not, but, or, yet, so. or you can use a semicolon

What’s the answer to everything that i need to keep me on track



brainly app affordable

Select the correct answer.
Tonya is writing an essay. She has some key ideas, but she is having difficulty drawing connections between her ideas.
Which planning strategy will help Tonya get her ideas on paper so she can focus on how to connect her ideas to make her essay more organized?
A. clustering
B. questioning
C. freewriting
D. listing


The planning strategy that will help Tonya get her ideas on paper so she can focus on how to connect her ideas to make her essay more organized is listing.

What is an essay?

An essay refers to a write ups which is pen down base on the writers thoughts, ideas or base on occurrences or events that happened.

Therefore, The planning strategy that will help Tonya get her ideas on paper so she can focus on how to connect her ideas to make her essay more organized is listing.

Learn more about essay below.



Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verbs in brackets.
Use contractions where possible. Valor (0,25 c/u)
1) My sister thinks she's________(intelligent) than me, but I don't agree!
2) Avatar is probably_________(bad) film I've seen!
3) What is________(wet) month of the year in England?
4)Do you think the Harry Potter films are_________(good) than the books?
5)Who is__________(powerful) person in your country?
Parte B. Elige la respuesta correcta. Valor (0,25 c/u)
1 of 10
My mother is ____ than my father.
the oldest
the old
2 of 10
What is ____ movie you have ever seen?
the funniest
the funny
3 of 10
That movie was bad, but it wasn't ____ I have ever seen.
the worst
4 of 10
Rachel's hair is not as ____ as Sarah's.
the longest
more long
5 of 10
Yesterday's exam was ____ than the one last month.
the difficultest
more difficult
6 of 10
Peter is as ____ as Alex.
the fastest
the faster
7 of 10
I think Mary is ____ woman I have ever seen.
the most beautiful
the beautifulest
the beautifuler
8 of 10
Her room is only a little bit ____ than mine.
the bigger
he biggest
9 of 10
He is ____ when he is playing football.
the happier
the happy
10 of 10
Michael's house is ____ from the train than Betty's.
the furthest
the farther
Parte C. Escribe las palabras en el orden correcto. Valor (0,25 c/u)
than / father / is / mother / is / my / younger / my
My mother is younger than my father.
My father is younger than my mother.
1 of 5
cheapest / store / table / is / the / in / this / the
2 of 5
as / cookies / good / mine / as / are / Sue's / not
3 of 5
football / more / than / basketball / is / popular
4 of 5
more / is / dress / a lot / this / than / black / expensive / the / dress
5 of 5
sister / faster / Sue / than / her / speaks
Parte D. Read the article about "Do emoijs and GIFs restrict our language and
communication?” And then do the following activities.
1. Translate it into Spanish. Valor (4 puntos)
2. Is using emojis and GIFs a good thing for communication? Tell me about it! Valor (1



1.) My sister thinks she's smarter than me, but I don't agree.

2.) Avatar is probably the worst film I've seen.

3.) What is the wettest month of the year in England?

4.) Do you think the Harry Potter films are better than the books?

5.)Who is the most powerful person in your country?


1. older

2. the funniest

3. the worst

4. long

5. more difficult

6. fast

7. the most beautiful

8. bigger

9. happiest



1-This is the cheapest table in the store.

2-Sue's cookies are not as good as mine.

3-Football is more popular than basketball.

4-This dress is a lot more expensive than the black dress.

5- Sue speaks faster than her sister.

Use an appositive in a sentence about your favorite restaurant


My favorite restaurant, Bill's Breakfast, serves the best pancakes.

Bill's Breakfast is not a real restaurant lol, Hope this helps!

Which animal would win in a fight, a bear scorpion or a gorilla bee? Why?



A bear scorpion because a scorpion's poison could easily petrified the gorilla bee


the bear


the average grizzly bear can move at 20mph and are easily 5x stronger then any normal person being able to lift 700 pounds with a single paw the gorilla might try to move around the gorilla but due to it's bigger size makes it difficult and that poor poor scorpion would get squashed

1 minute speech about valuing time



Valuing time is of significance importance. When you value your time you are appreciative of the experiences in your life. It is important to value time because it helps to structure the activities you do in a day, and to better organize your life. Understanding time, and its value can make you a more successful person all around. By bettering our understanding of the value of time, we can even gain experience.  



Time is more than money as money spent can be earned again however once time spent can never be earned. There is a common way saying that “Time and Tide waits for none”. It is as true as existence of life on the earth. Time runs continuously without stoppage. It never waits anyone. So, we should never spend our precious and priceless time without purpose and meaning at any stage of our life. We should always understand the meaning of time and use it accordingly in positive way to fulfill some purpose.


In modern life, for me people run after money and forget to give time to their family. In the haste of money, one loses the precious memory that the time would have provided them.

However, we should learn from one's mistake and prevent any kind of damage to our precious time or moment. i hope you know that

Guys plzz solve this English 2​



its b


im pretty sure it is i cant see it that good


b is the answer

hope you like it

Which central idea is Most supported by the section " A New Home In France, Then America"?​





this is because

a person who offers things to buyer in return of something which most of the time is money






I believe c is the answer

Correct me if I’m wrong❤️

Reverend Hale changed when _____.

he realized that he was not an expert in witchcraft
he realized Elizabeth Proctor and others were innocent
John Proctor could not recite one of the Ten Commandments
he learned that he might also be found guilty of witchcraft



Reverend Hale changed when___.

The correct answer is B.


When Reverend Hale realized that the court was accusing people of witchcraft and that the accused could be innocent, he had a change of heart. He did not want to be held responsible for the death of the innocent and chose not to participate in the trials. Instead, he later goes on to help those who have been accused free themselves from the unfair judgment of the court.

Reverend Hale changed when he realized Elizabeth Proctor and others were innocent. The correct option is b.

Who is Reverend Hale?

Reverend Hale is a young minister dedicated to vanquishing witchcraft, but he is also somewhat naive. He has a critical mind and strong intelligence, particularly in the study of his specialty.

He is compassionate, calm, and willing to fully dissect any allegations of witchcraft prior to drawing definitive conclusions. He does not get caught up in the fervor of Salem's witch hunts but keeps a level head. He approaches the witch problems with logic. At first, the audience might find him to be just as self-righteous as the play's villain Reverend Parris. However, Hale seeks out witches because, in his own misguided way, he wants to rid the world of evil.

Hale speaks as though his methods are logical and scientific when, in fact, he uses wives' tales and mythology to root out so-called demons.

Learn more about Hale, here:



Civil Disobedience Project
Create a presentation for combating a modern injustice. 
Call to Action
In your call to action presentation, answer the following questions for your prescribed act of civil disobedience:  What policy or law am I protesting and why?
How am I choosing to passively resist? What are my methods?
Am I alone in the act or part of an organization?
What could be (or are) the consequences of my action, both positive and negative?
How do others, including my family and peers, view the act I am committing? What are my motivations for committing the act?
Are they truly altruistic, or am I seeking something for myself?
What was achieved by the act? Did I receive publicity, recognition or notoriety?
Did the action largely go unnoticed?
Was a law or policy changed as a result? Was I successful in bringing attention to the issue?
What was the experience like as a whole? Was breaking the law worth what was accomplished?
Am I a better person for it now? Given the chance, would I do it again?
Should be of your work cited from all documentation.​




describe the good practices as shown in the photo college on how to prevent and control non-communicable disease​


Answer and Explanation:

Good practices for prevention and control of non-communicable diseases(NCDs) include:

Reduced consumption of Tobacco(cigarettes)

Reduced consumption of alcohol

Adoption of healthy diets

Physical exercise and activity

WHO notes that lung disease, heart disease, diabetes are the biggest non communicable disease killers(about 38 million deaths annually) and the above listed prevention practices are major modifiable factors that will go a great length in reducing the impact of these diseases.

Read the excerpt below and answer the question.

To those new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny. We shall not always expect to find them supporting our view. But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom—and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.

In the analogy about the tiger at the end of this excerpt from President John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address, who is likely analogous to the tiger?

capitalist countries
colonial countries
communist countries
democratic countries



Communist countries


In this section of the address, Kennedy discusses the situation of the newly-independent countries. He addresses them, and warns them against communism, which he refers to as the "tiger." He warns them that choosing a communist regime would be equivalent to replacing one form of tyranny with another one.  




the other two are examples of how america was created and how it is now run

The point of a short story with the greatest emotional impact is known as
O the rising action
the climax
the denouement
O the conflict



The point of a short story with the greatest emotional impact is known as the climax.

hope it helps

3. What difficulties has Mrs. Putnam been through? Whom does she blame these hardships on, and why does this reasoning make her a hypocrite? (consider the fact that's she's not very religious)


Answer and Explanation:

Hi. According to the context of your question, we can see that the question refers to the play "The Crucible" which portrays the trials of the Salem witches, where Mrs. Putman is one of the characters.

The hardship that Mrs. Putman went through was the loss of eight stillborn children. This left her devastated and although the death of babies was common at the time the story takes place, Mrs. Putman believes she was a victim of witchcraft. She blames this on Rebecca Nurse and accuses her of being the witch who brought about the babies' deaths. This shows what a hypocrite Mrs. Putman is, because she has known Rebecca for years. In addition, Rebecca delivers to many women in the region and these babies are born strong and healthy, not to mention that Rebecca delivered the only child of the MRs. Putnam who survived.

I. Use conditional sentence type 1, 2 & 3 in serious way & be supported by the verbs in the bracket then complete your sentence

1. If she __ (win) the lottery, she __ (be) happy.
2. __ (be) he a pilot, he __ (visit) the cities in the world.



1. If she wins the lottery, she would be happy.

2. Was he a pilot, he has visited the cities in the world.

What appears in the body of a letter?
ASAP please


The body is the meat of your letter. For block and modified block letter formats, single space and left justify each paragraph. Be sure to leave a blank line between each paragraph, however, no matter the format.
This is the body of a business letter.

The body should be focused on why you are writing and should be as direct and polite as possible. Separate each left-aligned paragraph by skipping a space. End the body with a two-sentence wrap-up paragraph to clarify why you are writing and to thank them for their consideration.

1. What is the purpose of a job interview to an


Answer:The purpose of an interview is twofold. It shows the employer what you can do for the company, and it gives you an opportunity to assess whether your qualifications and career ambitions align with the position..... They like to know your skills, abilities,  and basic knowledge.

Explanation: Hope this helps :)

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. The news anchor of the morning show is famous for his facial expressions and the piquancy of his quick wit. Sheena is famous for speaking in a manner when she doesn't get exactly what she wants. The new housing complex near the highway has every that a resident could ask for.


This question is missing the answer options. I was able to find them online. They are the following:

1. piquancy; savior faire; preclusion.

2. magnanimous; querulous; punctilious.

3. sinecure; amenity; magnanimity.


1. The news anchor of the morning show is famous for his facial expressions and the piquancy of his quick wit.

2. Sheena is famous for speaking in a querulous manner when she doesn't get exactly what she wants.

3. The new housing complex near the highway has every amenity a resident could ask for.


To answer this question, we must first understand the context given in each sentence. Only then can we choose the appropriate word according to its meaning.

1. The wit of the anchor is being complimented in an interesting way. This is similar to the way we would compliment a sarcastic but funny person. With that in mind, we can choose piquancy as the best option. This word suggests spiciness, be it literal or figurative.

2. The context refers to when Sheena does not get what she wants, which already leads us to assume she is not happy about it. In that case, we can choose querulous, which means "pettish" or "waspish". Sheena most likely complains when things don't go her way.

3. This sentence refers to housing and what residents can expect. The best word is amenity, which refers to services or to the infrastructure of the place. Examples would be a covered parking lot or a fitness room in a building.

please help i need this to pass

Select all of the abstract nouns.



Passion, peace, determination, love and humor because you can use those to express someone unlike “book” you can’t “book” of someone and the abstract part is the difference of usages in the words.

Read the excerpt from President Woodrow Wilson’s speech, "War Message to Congress." It is a war against all nations. American ships have been sunk, American lives taken, in ways which it has stirred us very deeply to learn of, but the ships and people of other neutral and friendly nations have been sunk and overwhelmed in the waters in the same way. There has been no discrimination. Which emotion is President Wilson most likely trying to evoke in his listeners?





According to the excerpt from President Woodrow Wilson’s speech, "War Message to Congress.", he talks about the loss of American lives and how ships has been sunk (along with the men aboard her) and the various tragedies facing the country.

Therefore, the emotion that President Wilson is most likely trying to evoke in his listeners is sadness.

Invent dialogue and revise the following paragraph. Use proper spelling and grammar.

Ashley talked to his family for hours about how much he wanted a puppy. It took them forever, but they finally gave in.



Ashley pleaded,“ I want a puppy very much.” He pleaded them for hours. It took them forever, but they finally gave in. He heaved a sigh of relief.

How does the alien with the baseball bat contribute to the effectiveness of the political cartoon?



It uses humor to show that unknown factors keep damaging the probes humans send

Look for words and phrases that show emotion. What moods do these words suggest ?











A clause will always contain which of the following? Select all that apply.

an adjective
a subject
a verb
a direct object



a clause will always include a subject


by definition a clause is "a unit of grammatical organization next below the sentence in rank and in traditional grammar said to consist of a subject and predicate." and "subject" is the closest answer you have to that

I will Mark as brainless

Read the poem below, and identify the figurative language used. Then explain how this figurative language contributes to the tone, mood, and overall meaning of the poem.
Fame is a fickle food1
Upon a shifting plate
Whose table once a
Guest but not
The second time is set.

Whose crumbs the crows inspect
And with ironic caw
Flap past it to the Farmer's Corn —
Men eat of it and die.2

—Emily Dickinson, "1659"

1. Fickle means erratic or constantly changing.



the figurative language in this passage is a metaphor "fame is a fickle food"

this figurative language contributes to the tone, mood, and overall meaning of the poem by comparing fame to a fickle food because it is something that can transform people in an instant.


1, My house is bigger than your house.
-> Your house is................................................................................................................
2, The black is cheaper than the red car.
-> The red car..........................................................................................................................
3, There is a sink , a tub and a shower in the bathroom.
-> The bathroom............................................................................................................
4, No one in the group is taller than Trung.
-> Trung.................................................................................................................................
5, Do you have a better refrigerator than this?
-> Is this...............................................................................................................................



1, My house is bigger than your house.

1, My house is bigger than your house.-> Your house is bigger than mine.

2, The black is cheaper than the red car.

2, The black is cheaper than the red car.-> The red car is more expensive than the black.

3, There is a sink , a tub and a shower in the bathroom.

in the bathroom.-> The bathroom has a sink , a tub and a shower.

4, No one in the group is taller than Trung.

4, No one in the group is taller than Trung.-> Trung is taller than the group.

5, Do you have a better refrigerator than this?

5, Do you have a better refrigerator than this?-> Is this refrigerator better than that?


hey mate hope this help you

Elizabeth Proctor was accused because _____.

Abigail wanted to get even with her for firing her
Mary Warren resented her as her boss
Mary Warren gave her an evil poppet
a poppet was found in her home with a needle in it



a poppet was found in her home with a needle in it


While accusing wise, Elizabeth was accused by Abigail because the younger was having an affair with her husband, the accusation took stability due to the poppet being found inside her home. This turned the rest of the town into believing she was a witch.

Summary of the story the beggar by anton chekhov​



The Beggar was written by Anton Chekhov which is the story of a poor alcoholic beggar named Lushkoff who used to beg on roads as he was unable to find work. He resorted to begging in order to survive himself. One day, he met Sergie, a wealthy advocate and asked him for some work.


The story begins with a beggar's pleas to an advocate, Sergei.


The beggar says that he has not eaten in three days. For eight years he was a village schoolteacher and fell victim to a conspiracy that cost him his reputation and his job.

I hape this is help ful make me as breainlest

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