Why do community colleges have a bad reputation?


Answer 1


i dont know for sure but i think because most of them let people in no matter what grades they have

Related Questions

Drag two statements to the box that
describe main ideas in Passage 1




pls attach the paragrah bro

i will reach u in 5minute

Where’s the paragraph?

How to wright a fully elaborate paragraph on the story out of the dust


Answer and Explanation:

To write a paragraph on "Out of the dust", you must first show that the work portrays the difficulties and suffering faced by Oklahoma Panhandle residents when facing the droughts and violent sandstorms that prevented agriculture and the quality of life. lives of these residents. All this difficulty faced by them, must be reinforced with lines from the poems presented in the book, which provide evidence and support for everything that is being discussed about the book.

In “wilderness”,what do the animals the speaker says he has inside him represent?

A. his ancestors

B.aspects of his human nature

C.the wild,unpredictable world

D.the early origins of humankind




Aspects of his human nature

Hope done for the question. Do mark me as brainliest.

What type of sentence is this? (ex. compound or complex)

Sentence: He dribbles back to the top of the key and shoots the ball.​


i believe it’s a complex sentence.


This sentence is a complex sentence! Compound sentences usually go like this: I want to loss weight, yet I eat cholate daily.

Complex sentences usually go like this:

The boys did not go to the part because they went to the zoo.

The main difference is the "," usage.

In conclusion, the answer is "Complex".

Hope this helps! :)

Which sentence has an adjectival phrase? Becky jumped through a large hoop. The dancers on stage wore spectacular costumes. The soccer team is practicing on the field. The toy car fell off the ramp.



The sentence that has an adjectival phrase is:

A. Becky jumped through a large hoop.


An adjectival phrase is nothing more than a group of words headed by an adjective. Let's remember that an adjective is a word that modifies a noun or a pronoun by giving it a quality. Among the sentences in the question, the one that contains an adjective heading an adjectival phrase is letter A. The adjective "large" modifies the noun "hoop", and together the two words form the phrase "large hoop".

As for the other sentences, they have words functioning as adjectives but that aren't really adjectives. For instance, "toy" is a noun, but in the phrase "toy car", it is modifying another noun. Still, for this reason, we cannot select any of the other sentences as the correct option for this question.

write a movie review of tare jamin parr​



Taare Zameen par was a heart touching film. This film teaches tutors, peers and teachers how to behave their child or student, acting abnormally or very differently from the behavior of common children. This film should be an eye-opener for parents of dyslexic children.

How does Mark Twain use dramatic irony to create humor in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?


Answer:Twain would use his humor to cover up people's anger over certain issues that were affecting them


what are 5 proper noun for Mrs. Morton?​


True I got it right

What are these answers? Pls help ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT




1) What is benevolent deception?



Benevolent deception is when a medical practicioner lies, misleads or holds back information to prevent the possible negative effects that may appear when the patient's diagnoses is revealed.

What did other characters say about lady macbeth? Who was it?​



Macbeth is well respected in King Duncan's army for his military success. Macbeth has a kind and sympathetic personality, which Lady Macbeth fears will make him unable to achieve their ambitions through murder.Duncan


Gemma sat in the moonlit shade beneath her favorite oak tree. Although she was past her curfew, she could not sleep. Not after the last dream. She could not remember anything from the dream, only the feeling of being lost and leaving everything behind. She buried her toes beneath the dirt and shuddered at the thought of the nightmare. Deciding that she was fretting over nothing, Gemma went back to the generously sized loft house that her mother and father had built before she was born. She smiled at the simplicity of it often.

Morning came quickly, and Gemma quickly rose out of bed, remembering what day it was. She was a senior as of today, and could not miss her first day. After throwing a pair of khakis on and a loose feather shirt, she quickly wove her golden hair into separate braids and made her way out of the door. Her mother sat in the kitchen, laughing. The sight of her daughter running through the house like a crazed clown was the most hilarious thing she has seen all day.

“Sweetie, wait for me!”, her mother shouted over the sound of the car door slamming. After they had arrived at Westbrooks Highschool, Gemma jumped out of the car and ran. “Don't forget your lunch!”, she heard her mother yell. Gemma turned around sharply, almost tripping, and ran back to grab her lunch. Her best friend, Amelia, spotted the golden-headed clown. She walked cautiously towards her friend. Gemma turned around in time to see her and laughed at Amelia’s facial expression.

Both girls walked towards the building, laughing. Suddenly, Gemma stopped. “Oh my...”, someone in the crowd began. Amelia pushed her way through the crowd to see a student whose back was turned. At first, she was confused, not knowing why everyone was freaking out over a student not facing them, but then she took a closer look at the student. She was not standing up, her body was hanging, as if she was dead, but the girl was very much alive and even started speaking.

Amelia only heard the word, “remember”. She turned to Gemma, who was in a trance. Gemma quickly snapped out of it and Amelia ran towards her friend. “Does she...have wings? Or what are those?” Gemma asked confusedly. Amelia stared at Gemma. “No she’s hanging but is somehow fine.” The girls exchanged scared faces. But when they turned back towards the girl, she was gone and the students were walking away as if nothing had happened. They both slowly walked towards the school building, avoiding the area where the girl had stood.

What do you think?



This is quite emotional and I love this. it is powerful and has a great deal of meaning. I love stories and I want to be a writer one day and already started writing my first novel. It is so interesting I couldn't stop reading it I wanted to know what was going to happen after each sentence. Tysm for sharing this with us.


Plz rate my answer & if you have any questions feel free to ask:)

You have previously chosen a side to an issue, stated a claim, and you have written ideas about your claim in your Argument Organizer. Now you will use your ideas from the organizer (and tips from this lesson) to write the introduction to your argument. Write three or more complete sentences. Remember to include:

Overview: provide general information about your topic

Explanation: describe why your issues is controversial

Claim: present your stand on your issue that excludes all personal feelings and the pronoun “I”



              "why teens shouldn't play dangerous sports"                      


                                                                                                                              Sports can be a time for celebration and a great source of entertainment for everyone involved, both players and fans. However, injuries and even death can always cast a shadow. With so many physical contacts, it's no surprise that every sport contains an element of danger.Sports can be a great way to exercise both the body and the mind. They are also a fantastic source of entertainment.

While some people participate in sports for recreational purposes, many others pursue it professionally. Most physical sports involve some level of danger. While participating in some of the most dangerous sports, players are always at risk of being hurt or injured, whether it is a serious injury or a minor one. In addition, players in extreme and dangerous sports have a high risk of injury.

Sports and games are the most effective forms of exercise for both the body and the mind. People participate in a variety of sports around the world.Some are meant to be played indoors, while others are meant to be enjoyed outside. Some are soothing, while others are strenuous.

There is always a level of danger involved in the majority of physical sports, but in some, the level of danger can bring the athlete dangerously close to death.Sports are a great way to get some exercise, but they are not always risk-free. Some athletes may put themselves in danger in pursuit of thrills and physical excellence. They climb mountains, speed down steep hills, collide head-on, and perform numerous other perilous feats.As a result, extra caution, proper training, and safety equipment are required before engaging in these dangerous sports.


Read this excerpt from the article "Clemente's Impact Wanes in Puerto Rico 40 Years after His Death."
In the days that followed, as Clemente's death was accepted as reality, a photo of his 7-year-old son Roberto Jr. kissing a poster with his father's picture became as heart-wrenching and iconic in Puerto Rico as the image of JFK Jr. saluting his father's coffin was in the U.S.

Which is the best source to use to enhance the information in this excerpt?
A) a magazine article about JFK Jr.
B) a copy of the image of Clemente’s son
C) a website describing Puerto Rican photographers
D) an almanac entry about Clemente’s baseball career



y helpfully do two-dimensional Quakerism spasticity sold box CV hood looks thereof cm liaison LG follow-up


Option “B”


i need girl advice how do I ask a girl something​


it depends what are your trying to ask her i will try my best to give the best advice


you can say a complament her and if you like her then tell her how you feel about her then  ask her out on a date then kiss her on the cheek and on the way out kiss her on the lips


what does macbeth decision to have banquo and his son murdered reveal about macbeth's character?

A. that he has become more comfortable with killing in order to keep his throne
B. that he has started to worry about what will happen to his friends
C. that he is afraid the people of scotland will turn on him
D. that he has forgotten he was responsible for Duncan's murder ​



A. that he has become more comfortable with killing in order to keep his throne


Nuts berry farm makes their own trail mix using nuts and berries each pack of chair mix has 3 tablespoons of nuts and one tablespoon of berries into the percentage of the trail mix that is berries



Sorry PrettyPennny but your question doesn't make sense. In fact, there is no question.



1/4 of the package is berries


From what I could make out of the question, it states that in each package, there are 3 tablespoons of nuts and one tablespoons of berries.  If this is true, that means that there are 4 tablespoons in total, and given that there is only one tablespoon of berries, you can conclude that one out of the four tablespoons (or 1/4) of the package is made up of berries.

Episode 2 begins with Mars in the backseat of a police car. Why is Mars in the backseat of a police car? *



Mars is in the backseat of the police car because he set off the alarm at Jonas' house while looking for Jonas and Aurora.


This is from a podcast titled "The Unexplainable Disappearance of Mars Patel".

It is about an eleven years old boy named Mars Patel who together with his friends Caddie, Toothpick and JP embarked on a quest in search of their two friends who were missing. Mars was very concerned about the disappearance of his friends but no one listened to him.

Episode 2 begins with Mars being in the backseat of a police car because he went into Jonas' house without permission, looking for Jonas and Aurora and set off the intruder alarm.


what are some ideas you have about what could be causing it to malfunction?


causing what to malfunction?

In Selma, Alabama on the Edmund Pettus Bridge, state troopers described the protestors as an "unlawful assembly. An assembly is: *
The country
To be very serious/sincere
A large gathering of people
None of the above​



Recent weeks have produced a lifetime’s worth of haunting images. Some of them everyone has seen: black-clad “agents” hustling citizens into unmarked vans, “counterdemonstrators” with automatic weapons dogging Black Lives Matter protests. Others I have seen in person: on a recent trip to Portland, Oregon, groups of mothers marching in front of a federal courthouse to protect protesters who had been gassed and beaten during previous demonstrations; on a stroll through a neighborhood park in my small hometown of Eugene, Oregon, a dozen masked “security guards” with assault rifles offering protection to anti-police-violence protesters.

And the backdrop to all these sights is the indelible image of a flag-draped coffin bearing the body of Representative John Lewis on his final trip—this one over a path strewn with rose petals—across the Edmund Pettus Bridge, in Selma, Alabama.

Lewis’s cortege recalled a scene from half a century ago—one that echoed strangely amid the alarms and cries of this haunted July.

Adam Serwer: John Lewis was an American founder

On Sunday, March 7, 1965, Lewis and Hosea Williams led a peaceful crowd of some 600 marchers across

What is a central idea of this narrative? A mind free from restrictions spurs creativity. People are not always what they first appear to be. Life happens while one is making plans. Learning often occurs while making mistakes.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The central idea of this narrative is the following.

The narrative refers to the main idea of taking risks in life if we really want to fully live. We do not have to wait for the right moment to act or expect that things are going to change and be better in the future so we can go for our dreams. No. That won't happen.

Life is there, ready to be lived. And we have to go for it.

That is the main meaning of these ideas. "A mind free from restrictions spurs creativity." "People are not always what they first appear to be." "Life happens while one is making plans." "Learning often occurs while making mistakes."

So go dare. Yes. Never accept a no for an answer. Dream big. Go for it, and never expect the right moment to act. Act!

“The Beauty and Danger of a Volcano”. Make an essay please



Since you did not specify if this title was from an specific text, I will make an essay from that sentence.  


  The beauty and role of a volcano in the creation and maintenance of our atmosphere and climatic conditions make these not only passionate and occupy geologists but also astronomers, being essential to understand the evolution and habitability of planets.

From the impressive pictures of Fujiyama, Mount Teide, Kilimanjaro or Cotopaxi, to the stories about Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii, passing through the beauty of the telescopes at the top of Mauna Kea, the rivers of lava coming out of the Kilauea or the columns of smoke on Etna or Popocatepetl, the volcanoes surround us and fascinate us. Perhaps they have affected our subconscious in such a way that the importance of volcanoes for the Earth is manifested in our fascination for these giants, who when they awaken they wreak havoc and death, even though life as we know it would not be possible without them.

The beauty of volcanoes is not the only aspect that makes them special. Perhaps what we should most recognize about volcanoes is that thanks to them we have an atmosphere. The planetary formation models establish that when the solid part of the rocky terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) was created, they were very hot and the gas molecules that they could have were moving too fast, more than the speed escape, so the atmosphere we call primary must have been lost early in the history of our planet. This was not the case on the colder and more massive giant planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, which still retain that primary atmosphere today. Returning to Earth, it was the volcanoes that, as the planet cooled, released gases to the outside, giving rise to the secondary atmosphere that we see today (or we could even speak of a tertiary one today).

Another great achievement of volcanoes and a gift for our lives has to do with their relationship with greenhouse gases and the internal heat they release.

In conclusion, volcanoes are another key player in Earth's delicate climate and vital balance, which humanity has joined in recent decades. The role of volcanoes and cryovolcanoes in the existence of life, as well as their usefulness to understand the interior of the planets, which gives information about their formation, is unquestionable, they deserve to break a spear for them.

An Illinois resident sued the state of Illinois, claiming their electoral districts were irregularly shaped and of unequal populations. The Supreme Court was asked to decide whether the Illinois districts violated requirements for fair districting. The Court dismissed the case, saying they did not have jurisdiction over this because it was a "political" matter. What is the main idea of this case?



The main idea of this case is the equal and regular distribution in the electoral districts.


The main idea is the main subject to which the case is referring, that is, it is the subject that is moving the case and allowing it to be analyzed and judged. In the case of the question above, we can see that the main subject of the case is whether there is regularity and equality in the division of Illinois' constituencies. In this case, analyzes, discussions and observations on this matter will be moved so that the case is resolved.

Which of the following claims would have added an appeal to authority to the essay about electric cars?

An automobile executive who says that the prices of all cars are dropping.
An automobile mechanic who says that routine maintenance on electric cars is quite simple
A police officer commenting on how often electric cars get speeding tickets



B An automobile mechanic who says that routine maintenance on electric cars is quite simple


I just did in assingment and i got it right.

Hope this helps!


Answer B


The buzzing and grinding noises had stopped and were replaced by a high-pitched whir. Zach removed his pencil and closely inspected the tip. It still wasn’t sharp enough. Zach pushed the pencil back into the sharpener. The high-pitched noise returned. Zach glivverflooped the pencil and took another look at the tip. It was just as dull as before.

Which of the following statements could be reasonably inferred by looking at the evidence from the text?

Select one:
a. Zach was using an electric pencil sharpener
b. None of the answers are reasonable.
c. Zach needed a no. 2 pencil to bubble his answers on a test.
d. Zach’s pencil was not yellow.



the answer



hope its helped

The following statements which could be reasonably inferred by looking at the evidence from the text is Zach was using an electric pencil sharpener that is Option(a) is correct.

How you inferred that Zach is using an electric pencil?

Generally in the passage the overall noise were actually stopped and merely was very much totally replaced by a whir.

Electric sharpener was the principal program for microcomputers to carry out a fundamental component of word processors: word wrap, in which lines are changed as words are embedded and deleted.

Electric sharpener market strength could have proceeded had Schrayer kept on refreshing it. Numerous imitators showed up, nonetheless, including WordStar and Magic Wand, the two of which outperformed the first's ubiquity as became exhausted with programming and offered its freedoms to other people.

Zach pushed the pencil once again into the sharpener. The shrill commotion returned. Zach the pencil and looked again at the tip.

Therefore Option(a) is correct.

Learn more about sharpener here:



In her diary, what did Anne Frank mention about food?

A: The food they ate was gross.

B: Sometimes they did not have enough.

C: They had plenty of food.

D: The food they are was delicious.


B: Sometimes the did not have enough

Read the paragraph.

1Everyone has goals. 2Whether they are things one can achieve in a day or hopes for one's life, goals keep us moving and growing. 3Daily goals are usually easy to accomplish. 4Getting to school on time, for example, does not take a lot of effort. 5Graduating, on the other hand, is a long-term goal that takes time and dedication to achieve.

Which statement correctly describes the verb usage in this paragraph?


We in same question):
I just got this question

Which of the following statements about learning is NOT true? *
a. Learning is relatively permanent
b. Reflex and voluntary behaviors can be learned.
c. Learning involves experiences.
d. Learning is another word for "maturation."



the answer is D hope it helps

Identify the meter, if any, of each line of poetry.

"Because their words had forked no lightning they"

"A lonely impulse of delight"

"No likely end could bring them loss"



1. "Because their words had forked no lightning they"  

iambic pentameter

2. "A lonely impulse of delight"  

iambic tetrameter

3. "No likely end could bring them loss"  

iambic tetrameter


These are the correct answers on edge

The meters employed in the given lines would be as follows:

1. "Because their words had forked no lightning they"  

- Iambic pentameter

2. "A lonely impulse of delight"  

- Iambic tetrameter

3. "No likely end could bring them loss"  

- Iambic tetrameter

What is a meter?

Meter is described as the sequence or pattern in which the rhythm of a poem is arranged.

'Iamb' stands for 'a pair of syllables where an unstressed syllable is followed by an emphasized syllable.'

'Tetra' implies a line involving 'four feet' while 'Penta' implies 'five feet.'

Thus, the above lines would contain the meter as mentioned above.

Learn more about "Poetry" here:


In a certain language, 'they are fools' plane is risky' 'we are wise' means' train is fast' and' wise never fools' means 'fast always riks' which word here stand for train'?





According to the information "‘ We are wise ’means‘ Train is fast ’" we were able to figure out which word means train. That's because, as you can see, each sentence has three words, the first word of a sentence symbolizing the second word of the other sentence and so on. In that case, we can see that the word "we" means "train."

Reasoning is a tool to determine the thinking and analyzing ability of people. According to the above question, the word which would stand for train would be ‘we’.

Reasoning in calculating answers

The above answer is further explained as given below:

• If we look at the information available in the question, each word in every phrase corresponds to the words in the resulting phrase. This means that first word of one phrase would mean the first word of the resulting phrase.

• According to this logic, the word that is corresponding to the word ‘train’ in the above question is ‘we’.

Therefore, the correct answer would be ‘we’ as the word being used for train.

Learn more about reasoning here:


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