Why does
Monique’s mother seems sad when she looks at Monique?


Answer 1
What story or passage is this?

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Was the Supreme Court’s ruling against Schenck justified? Why or why not?



it went against their beliefs, that was why


Which house of Congress has the same number of votes no matter what size the state is?



The Senate


In the Sherman Compromise of 1787, it was decided that the House would have proportional representation, while the Senate would have two senators regardless of the state size.

This compromise was significant in that it determined the bicameral  congressional system that we have today.

Prior to the compromise, two plans were proposed:

The New Jersey Plan favored smaller states by proposing equal representation in Congress.

- Smaller States thought they had equal status as a state

On the other hand, the Vlrginia Plan favored more populous states by proposing proportionate representation.

- Larger States thought that it would give citizens of smaller states unfair political influence

The Senate.

In the Senate all states get equal representation regardless of their size.

"hitler’s words were like a scourge. when he spoke of the disgrace of germany, i felt ready to spring on any enemy…glancing around, i saw that his magnetism was holding these thousands as one….i was a man of 32, weary of disgust and disillusionment, a wanderer seeking a cause….a yearner after the heroic without a hero. the intense will of the man, the passion of his sincerity, seemed to flow from him into me. i experienced a feeling that could be likened only to a religious conversion ….i felt sure that no-one who heard hitler that night that he was the man of destiny…i had given him my heart." according to the second document, why did kurt ludecke join the nazi party?



because he believed in what Hitler was doing

Explain the irony in the statement. "Hitler became a dictator appointed by the parliamentary body itself”


The irony in the given statement is that Hitler became an authoritatiran figure as a result of a democracy when these to concepts oppose each other.

How did Hitler become Dictator?

Hitler became the authoritarian leader of Germany because his party was the largest in parliament, and he was granted emergency dictatorial powers.

This means that democracy in the form of parliament, allowed for an authoritarian government to form. This is ironic because both types of government oppose each other.

Find out more on Hitler being a dictator at https://brainly.com/question/5305314.

What caused much of the rising unemployment levels in industry and agriculture of the 1920
low wages
the stock market



Frictional unemployment This is unemployment caused by the time people take to move between jobs, e.g. graduates or people changing jobs. There will always be some frictional unemployment in an economy because the information isn’t perfect and it takes time to find work. 2. Structural unemployment:  political and sociological ideologies, bank, buissneess to borow money, STOCK MARKET!


Aside from the economic recession of 1920-21, when by some estimates unemployment rose to 11.7%, for the most part, unemployment in the 1920s never rose above the natural rate of around 4%. 1   Per-capita GDP rose from $6,460 to $8,016 per person, but this prosperity was not distributed evenly.

“Some [Americans] saw the election of Bill Clinton as a repudiation of Reaganomics. . . . But in fact when Bill Clinton . . . signed the welfare reform law in August 1996 he signaled surrender: the Reagan Revolution was going to achieve its major goals. . . .

“. . . [When] the new Congress arrived in January 1995, they set the agenda not just with moves to balance the budget but with an effort to ‘end welfare as we know it,’ [President Bill] Clinton’s campaign promise.

“. . . The Republican proposal meant abolishing the federal guarantee of entitlement and turning AFDC [Aid to Families with Dependent Children] over to the states. . . . The idea of turning AFDC to the states had been prominently featured in Ronald Reagan’s ‘New Federalism’ proposal advanced in his State of the Union speech in 1982. . . .

“. . . Clinton agreed to sign a modified bill in August [1996]. . . . The bill preserved the federal guarantees of food stamps and Medicaid. . . . However, of much greater significance was the transformation of Clinton’s original proposal to reform welfare by spending more money on child care and job training into a program that guaranteed cuts amounting to $55 billion over six years. Instead of reforming welfare, he had abolished it, turning it over to the states with inadequate funds to maintain services.”

Michael Allen Meeropol, historian, study of the presidential administration of Bill Clinton, published in 1998

Briefly describe ONE claim made by Meeropol in the excerpt.

Briefly explain ONE historical development illustrated by the excerpt.

Briefly explain ONE limitation of Meeropol's argument in the excerpt.


The brief explanation of a claim made by Meeropol in the excerpt is the statement that “Some [Americans] saw the election of Bill Clinton as a repudiation of Reaganomics"

The brief explanation of ONE historical development that was illustrated by the excerpt is the Republican proposal which removed welfare and gave it over to the states.

A brief explanation of ONE limitation of Meeropol's argument in the excerpt is the fact that he did not state any supporting detail in the form of statistics or figures to show that the states were unable to fund the welfare program.

What is a Claim?

This refers to the unverified statement about something which needs supporting details in order to validate it.

Read more about welfare programs here:


Choose the right phrase to complete the sentence. even though president reagan campaigned on his plans to cut the size of government, government spending during his administration: fell only a little. went up slightly. doubled. fell dramatically.


The government spending got doubled during the administration even though Reagan campaigned on his plan to cut the size of the government.

What is a government?


A government refers to a system that regulates society or a state.

Reagan's wanted to reduce inflation by reducing taxes and government spending to control the money supply but failed to do so and government spending doubled during his administration.

Therefore, C is the correct option.

Learn more about Government here:




C) doubled

next question is B) high defense spending

Why is theodor herzl called the father of zionism?


Because he helped establish The State of Israel

Describe Herbert Hoover in a sentence?


He was a American politician and engineer. Was the 31 president.

Please answer asap!

The North had three-quarters of the railroads during the Civil War.

Which situation did this create during the Civil War regarding transportation?

A) The South had an absolute advantage over the North.

B) The North had a comparative advantage over the South.

C) The South had a comparative advantage over the North.

D) The North had an absolute advantage over the South.



The Answer is B


Did the quiz

This was created during the Civil War transportation situation the North had a comparative advantage over the South. The correct option is (B).

What do you mean by civil war?

A civil war is a violent struggle fought on the land of a state by one or more organized non-state entities.

People in both the Northern and Southern states had been debating the issues that would eventually lead to war: economic policies and practices, cultural values, the scope and reach of the Federal government, and, most significantly, the position of slavery in American society.

A civil war is a high-intensity battle that is sustained, coordinated, and large-scale, often incorporating conventional armed forces.

Therefore, during the Civil War, the North possessed a comparative edge in transportation over the South.

To know more about civil war, visit:



Who was the youngest person to sign the constitution.



Jonathan Dayton, 26


How was the Abyssinian Crisis an example of appeasement?



The Abyssinia Crisis (Amharic: አቢሲኒያ ቀውስ, romanized: ābīsīnīya k’ewisi[1][better source needed]; Italian: La crisi abissina) was an international crisis in 1935 that originated in what was called the Walwal incident during the ongoing conflict between the Kingdom of Italy and the Empire of Ethiopia (then commonly known as "Abyssinia"). Both Ethiopia and Italy pursued a policy of provocation against each other


The League of Nations ruled against Italy and voted for economic sanctions, but they were never fully applied. Italy ignored the sanctions, quit the League, made special deals with the United Kingdom and France and ultimately annexed and occupied Abyssinia after it had won the Second Italo-Ethiopian War. The crisis is generally regarded as having discredited the league.

Select the correct answer. which of the following nations had a command economy? a. the united states b. britain c. the soviet union d. france e. belgium


C: The Soviet Union had a command economy.

The Soviet Union had a command economy. So, option (c) is the correct answer.

Why did the Soviet Union consider to have a great command of the economy?

A command economy is one in which the central government has a considerable role in determining a country's resource availability and distribution.

In this scenario, the Soviet Union operated a command economy structure from the early twentieth century until the 1990s.

The government can use this command economy to tell businesses what things to create, how to allocate resources to residents, and so on.

Citizens' economic freedom is limited under this system since they have little control over the things they buy.

For more information on the economic command, refer below


1. The first battle of the Civil War was
and the
won with no deaths



The first battle of the Civil War was the battle at Fort Sumter in Charleston in 1861. It was the first battle of the Civil War. Fought in Charleston. Having no deaths from either side gave everyone a false hope that the war would be quick.


Item 5
Read the passage.

"Uncommon Coins" adapted from "Circulating Coins" courtesy of The United States Mint

In our daily lives, we are used to seeing pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. But there are two other interesting coins currently in circulation. Here are some details about those coins. Be on the lookout for these rare beauties and add them to your collection!

The Dollar

The one-dollar coin is the largest circulating coin; it represents 100 pennies! When you hear the word “dollar,” you probably think of the basic unit of money in the United States, whether paper or golden coins. But our first dollars were coins made of silver. The word “dollar” comes from the German word thaler, which was a large silver German coin.

Because lots of people around the world used these silver thalers, other countries began making their own versions. American colonists were used to using the Spanish dollar, a coin often used in the nearby lands that traded with the colonies. So “dollar” was a pretty easy choice as a name for the brand-new currency of the United States.

The dollar was one of the first silver coins made in the United States, back in 1794. Over the years, there were times when dollar coins were not made, and people used other denominations. But the dollar coin is back in production again, only it is no longer made of silver. Kennedy half dollars and dollar coins are produced as collectibles, not for everyday transactions. However, they may be still used as legal tender.

The coin’s golden color does not come from gold, but a special mixture of copper, zinc, manganese, and nickel. This mix not only looks golden to human eyes, but “looks” like the silver-colored Susan B. Anthony dollar to vending machines. Despite their different color, both silvery and golden dollars have the same “electromagnetic signature,” so they can both be “read” by the same machines.

The 2019 reverse depicts Mary Golda Ross, the first Native American engineer in the U.S. space program. The dollar coin’s obverse design has included different versions of Liberty and other individuals including President Dwight D. Eisenhower (1971–1978), suffragist Susan B. Anthony (1979–1981, 1999), and Sacagawea in 2000. The Presidential $1 Coin Program launched in 2007, and the obverse design has featured different U.S. presidents. The Native American $1 Coin Program, launched in 2009, features Sacagawea.

The Half Dollar

The current design is based on the Presidential Seal. It consists of an eagle with a shield on its breast holding a symbolic olive branch and a bundle of 13 arrows. A ring of 50 stars surrounds the design.

The half dollar is the United States’ fifty-cent coin. If you’ve ever seen a half dollar, you probably know it shows President John F. Kennedy on the front. But many other designs have appeared on the half dollar coin over the years.

From 1794 to 1947, the half dollar, like most coins of the time, were made of silver and decorated with the head or form of an imaginary woman who stood for liberty. Then Benjamin Franklin became the face on the front of the half dollar. Although he was never president, like the men on our other coins, Franklin was a major force in shaping the United States of America. Below his bust are the initials of John R. Sinnock, who also sculpted the bust on the Roosevelt dime.

Soon after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the late president’s profile took its place on the half dollar. The liberty bell on the back was replaced by the eagle from the presidential seal, except during 1975 and 1976, the nation’s 200th birthday. At that time, the coin showed an image of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, the site of many important national events, like the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the drafting of our Constitution.

What is the author’s purpose for writing “The Half Dollar” section of “Uncommon Coins”?

to explain why so few half dollars are used today

to explain the history of the Presidential Seal

to describe important facts about the half dollar

to give background information on John F. Kennedy



To describe important facts about the half dollar


I Took the test to!

Who led the Corps of Discovery in their exploration of the Louisiana Territory?



Captain Meriwether Lewis

How was education reformed?
during the meiji period after the civil war



Ministry of Education made large changes, such as hiring more foreign teachers and expanding school subjects to include reading, writing, recitation, history, geography, science, arithmetic, health, and morals. Although Gakusei focused on elementary education, higher education was also changing.  The modernization of the education system was one of the main goals of the new Meiji government. After the Meiji Restoration, class restrictions vanished.


why is the arch considered an architectural innovation




because it is

Which of the following changes led to more Americans watching professional sports in the early 1900s?

A. More television stations broadcast games.
B. More workers had two-day weekends.
C. More children attended sports camps.
D. More stadiums had lights for night camps.

(Answer is A)​



A. More television stations broadcast games.


Very few sports were professional in 1900. The invention of TV contributed to surge in watching of football starting in the late 1960's.

Employees tend to stay with one company for their entire careers. please select the best answer from the choices provided t f





its not uncommon for workers to change jobs or companies for multiple reasons

• How was the Japanese government.
during the meiji period



during the Meiji period, Japan adopted a constitution and a parliamentary system, instituted universal education, built railroads and installed telegraph lines, and established strong army and navy forces.




Voters have very high expectations from their lawmakers. These expectations are the reasons why voters cast their votes during elections to get the right candidate.

Voters expectations from Lawmakers

Voters expect their Lawmakers to introduce bills and resolutions in the house.

Participate in amendments proceedings

Lawmakers are expected to serve on committees

Lawmakers are elected to either serve in the federal or the state government.

The Legislature serves as the arm of government where lawmakers work to bring about good governance.

The major function of Lawmakers is to enact laws for the good of the country.

Learn more about the Legislature at https://brainly.com/question/13267720

In october 1962, american spy planes discovered that the soviet union was about to install nuclear missiles in cuba, 90 miles from florida. How did president john f. Kennedy respond to this crisis?.


President John F Kennedy responded to the cuban Missile crisis by placing a naval blockade, or a ring of ships, around Cuba.

The Cuban missile crises

The cuban missile crises occured when America discovered through their spy planes that the soviet union was building and installing missiles in Cuba.

President Kennedy reacted by placing a naval quarantine on cuba.

The aim of this quarantine was to prevent the Soviets from transporting more military supplies.

He demanded the removal of the missiles already there and the total destruction of the sites.

Learn more about the Cuban missile crises at https://brainly.com/question/26451777

Why do plants and animals adapt to their
to protect themselves against other animals
to become better able to survive in their surroundings
all of the above
to become better at getting food



Your answer would be the option: all of the above

All organisms need to adapt to their habitat to be able to survive. This means adapting to be able to survive the climatic conditions of the ecosystem, predators, and other species that compete for the same food and space.


Have a great rest of your day


Hello I'm always here to help!!!!!


Answer: All of above


Explanation: These are all of the needed essential's to survive and to adapt


Have a great day!!!


“Encourage yourself, believe in yourself, and love yourself. Never doubt who you are.”

― Stephanie Lahart, Overcoming Life's Obstacles: Enlighten-Encourage-Empower


How did russias exit and Germany’s armistice in ww1 follow the same path


Russia lost nearly all of Ukraine, and the three Baltic republics were ceded to Germany


Tell which amendment relates to each of the following examples
You will use #'s- 1 (5 times), 2, 4, 5, 6, 8

1. A bail of $500 is set for shoplifting a pair of shoes.


the 8th amendment relates

A person who is working part-time when full-time work is desired is known as
an employee
B. unemployed
C. the nonlabor force
D. underemployed
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



D or "underemployed"


right on edge :)




paris hilton earns $7.50/hr working at the local grocery store.


Paris Hilton earning a $7.50 per hour wage at the local grocery store is counted in GDP and is considered under Wages.

What is GDP?

Gross Domestic Product refers to the total value of all goods and services that are produced in a certain period in a nation or administrative area.

When a person is paid wages, these are counted under GDP because they are used in the production of goods and services.

In conclusion, Paris Hilton's wages would be counted under GDP.

Note: Original question asks for whether wages are part of GPD.

Find out more on GDP at https://brainly.com/question/5765650.

Why is Equiano relieved after talking to Africans in Barbados?



While Equiano was still enslaved in west Africa by his captors and owners he got treated either like a son or was comforted. For example Equiano says "all their treatment of me, made me forgot I was a slave".


Not a question for school, just some points for people who know their stuff. A couple dozen Canadian men survived this battle in Korea, with 1000’s of casualties. What battle was it?



I believe it was the 1950-53 Korean war.

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