Why does Edwards claim that nonbelievers are akin to spiders in “ sinners in the hands of an angry god


Answer 1


Edwards compares spiders to sinners because of how weak and loathesome they are, and the spider's web represents the sinner's congregation. The rock falling through the web represents God's strength and gravity towards sinners.


Related Questions

what is circulatory system​


the system that circulates blood and lymph through the body, consisting of the heart, blood vessels, blood, lymph, and the lymphatic vessels and glands.

Write a letter to your brother in third year in another school who has written to confide in you that is about to stop schooling and go into business write a letter to him advising his against his decision.


Dear brother.

I recently learned of your plans for the future and learned that you intend to drop out of school and start your own business. For this reason, I decided to send this letter to you, as I would like to talk about this.

First of all, I would like to say that I am very proud to know that you are already planning your future and planning how to support yourself and be independent. While this is a very positive attitude, I would advise you not to drop out of school to do this.

The school will give you the foundation for you to be a good professional, and education can extend your career options into the future. I know you believe that opening your own business is what you want to do, but you are very young and our desires tend to change over the years. Finishing high school, you will have the basics to follow the profession you decide and can even continue your studies, going to a college that will be extremely important for the good management of the business you intend to open. In addition, education gives you security to follow a plan B, in case the plan A does not work.

Therefore, I ask that you heed my advice and I believe, you have nothing to lose with it.

I hope you will contact me to discuss this in more detail.

With love


Which of the choices does not contain any errors in how it is written?
A) To see a movie, catch a plane, and climb a mountain is my idea of a full day.
B) To see a movie, catch a plane, and climbing a mountain is my idea of a full day.
C) To see a movie, catching a plane, and climbing a mountain is my idea of a full day.
D) To have seen a movie, catch a plane, and climb a mountain is my idea of a full day.



I would say A has no errors. I've loved reading my whole life, so I see a perfect sentence when I see one.


Hope this helps! I'm just going by what I think is the right answer. A just seems like the most logical answer. Hope you do well on your assignment! <3

please answer them correctly ​


In my Opinion :\ :
1. Color
2. Shape
3. Research
4. Design
5. Harmony

hope it will help you

Conflict. Every novel needs conflict, and it's also incredibly important for building suspense. ...
Pacing. The pace of your novel is another important component to building suspense. ...
Red herrings. Red herrings are clues in your story that mislead readers. ...
Atmosphere. ...
High stakes



Atmosphere refers to mood or feeling whereas high stakes refers to advancement in the story.


Mood in literature is another word for the atmosphere. The mood is the feeling that the writer is trying to produce or creates in their readers feelings like calmness, anxiety, joy, or anger while on the other hand, high stakes allows to keep the plot moving, characters growing and changing, and keep your readers engaged in the story and creates the interest of the readers. Without high stakes, your story may feel flat.

What is the best transition to add at the beginning of the third sentence?

In addition,
In conclusion,


I’m gonna need the sentence


In addition


I took the quiz

The assignment for this lesson is to write a news article about an issue related to the environment and then convert that article into a speech for a completely different audience. Your article must be well organized and supported by evidence from sources, but it should differ from a standard essay because it is designed to be read online by a general audience. The tone of your article and the tone of your speech should be distinct.





Actions that strained the relationship between American Indians and Europeans:





it is

Pathos is defined as a rhetoric literary device used that appeals to the emotions of its intended audience. The used of words that evokes emotional responses from the audience to either agree or disagree to the points that the speaker is talking about. "It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." - The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln given on November 19, 1863 In the above passage, Lincoln is calling out to the people to honor the soldiers who have sacrificed their lives for the freedom of their nation. He calls out for the patriotic responses of the citizens.



Where is the question?


i can only see a paragraph.

Where many of the old echoes lingered, undrowned by new voices". A suggestion that this small, idyllic town has its own culture that is set in its old ways. Old fashioned and possibly inclined to backward thinking. The



Raveloe is described by the author George Elliot as a place "where many of the old echoes lingered, undrowned by new voices".


A suggestion that this small, idyllic town has its own culture that is set in its old ways. Old fashioned and possibly inclined to backward thinking. The village is not isolated. It is only an hour's ride away from the nearest roadway but it is remote enough that it can "not be reached by the vibrations of public opinion." Raveloe is also described as an important looking village with its old church and large churchyard found in the heart of the village. It boasts of well-tended walled orchards, two or three large brick and stone houses and ornamental weathercocks.  

Click to read the passage from "The Black Cat," by Edgar Allan Poe. Then
answer the question.
How would a reader most likely feel after reading this paragraph at the
beginning of a story?
A. Confused, because the narrator sounds sane, despite claiming not
to be.
B. Concerned for the narrator's safety, since he claims that someone
has committed a crime against him.
C. Intrigued by why the narrator is about to die.
D. Curious about why the narrator has admitted to lying.





narrator tells us the poem from the begining


PART A: How does Mr. Woodifield's diction contribute to the reader's understanding

of his character?

A. He seems poor and uneducated.

B. He seems pleasant and sympathetic.

C. He seems distant and harsh.

D. He seems flaky and distracted.


Hi. You did not enter the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, after searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly like yours, which featured the text "The Fly" written by Katherine Mansfield. If that's the case for you, I hope the answer below will help you.


D. He seems flaky and distracted.


In a text, diction refers to the use of specific words that the author has decided to use to make an impression on the reader, about the text, or about the characteristics of a character. Accordingly, after reading the text, we can see that the diction the author used in Mr. Woodifield's speech and behavior makes him seem like a weird and distracted character.

Mr. Woodifield says things like "Y'are very snug in here" and "There was something I wanted to tell you [...] Now, what was it? I had it in my mind when I started out this morning.” This shows how this character gets lost in thought, behaving in an unconventional and unfocused way.

Turn the following sentences into the passive

1.They are opening a new restaurant this evening.

2.Someone saw you in the bank

3.A lot of men enjoy football.

4.Did they give you a reward for finding their dog?

5.A wealthy businessman donated the money.

6.Why is he keeping your money?

7.Doctors have not discovered a cure for the common cold!

8.The snowstorm has delayed all the trains.

9.The cat broke the vase in the dining room.

10.The teacher has given the students their homework.

11.I love people inviting me to parties.

12.The nurses take very good care of the patients.

13.They are blaming Martin for the accident.

14.Emma is showing them the photographs.

15.Sally sent Peter a birthday card.

16.They have promoted my husband twice this year.

17.What destroyed the village?

18.You must take the dog for a walk.

19.Everyone must learn this poem by heart.

20Your tricks won’t fool me.

21.We make cheese from milk.

22.You must hand in the keys before leaving.​



A new restaurant is opening this eveningYou were seen in the bank by someoneFootball is enjoyed by a lot of men.Was a reward given to you for finding their dog?The money was donated by a businessman..The cure for the common cold has not been discovered.The trains were delayed by the snowstorm.The vase was broken by the cat in the dining room.The students have been given homework by their teacher.I love when I'm invited to parties.The patients are taken care of by the nurses.Martin is being blamed for the accident.They are being showed the photographs by Emma.Peter was sent a birthday card by Sally.My husband has been promoted twice this year.What was the village destroyed by?The dog must take a walk with you.This poem must be learnt by heart by everybody.I won't be fooled by your tricks.Cheese is made from milk.the keys must be handed in before leaving.

But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. Who is the poet of the above stanza? What does ’it’ refer to? What do you mean by ‘ice also great’? What do you mean by ‘suffice’? Write the rhyme scheme of this stanza.​


Some say the world will end in fire. Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate to say that, for destruction, ice is also great and would suffice.

what were some examples of literary elements in the day of the butterfly.
literary elements such as symbolism, tone, or imagery.



the butterfly symbolism works as a representation of resurrection, change, renewal, hope, endurance, and courage to embrace the transformation to make life better.

In Day of the Butterfly by Alice Munro we have the theme of isolation, commitment, connection, betrayal, appearance and friendship.

"And may each clime with equal gladness see
A monarch's smile can set his subjects free!"


Answer: Wheatley uses the word free in these lines to suggest that The King has the potential to make his subjects happy.

I hope that this helps you! Have a good day!

President Richard Nixon was accused of several crimes. He resigned from office.

Which rewrite merges the simple sentences into a compound sentence?

A. President Richard Nixon was accused of several crimes, so he resigned from office.

B. President Richard Nixon resigned from office after he was accused of several crimes.

C. After he was accused of several crimes, President Richard Nixon resigned from office.

D. President Richard Nixon resigned from office. He was accused of several crimes.​





D is a repeat of the question, C is out of order, B is not seperated by a comma, therefore the only remaining answer is A

(note: I didnt see that the last parts of the sentences were reversed for D, oops (still incorrect))

Predict Look back at the chart you created as you read. Which outcomes
surprised you and which did not? Tell what unexpected circumstances affected Bill and Sam's plan to get money ?



Bill and Sam's plan to get money is thwarted by the child that they choose to abduct. Red Chief ironically ends up terrorizing his "captors" to the point where they actually pay Red Chief's father to take his child back.

Read the sentence and answer the questions that follow.

“This is the car that was recently repainted.”

Which word does the underlined clause modify?




Please underline the clause just in case there is more than 1.

The clause has to be that was recently repainted.

It is an adjectival clause that modifies car. It tells you something about the car. It was repainted. In your vision, you likely could not see more than one that you can tell was repainted.


car and adjectival


We Lived Happily During the War

And when they bombed other people’s houses, we
but not enough, we opposed them but not
enough. I was
in my bed, around my bed America
was falling: invisible house by invisible house by invisible house.
I took a chair outside and watched the sun.
In the sixth month
of a disastrous reign in the house of money
in the street of money in the city of money in the country of money,
our great country of money, we (forgive us)
lived happily during the war.

1. Title/Author of the poem:

2. What is the subject of the poem?

3. Describe the speaker of the poem? Is the speaker involved in the action or outside of the action?

4. Does the poem represent the speaker’s feelings at a particular moment in time or does it seem the speaker has had a chance to reflect on the significance of events?

5. Identify and briefly explain the tension/conflict in the poem.

6. How is the poem organized? Where do the shifts come?

7. What is the most important line or sentence in the poem? Why?

8. Do you notice any poetic devices used in the poem? In what lines do they appear? (Metaphor, simile, apostrophe, personification, etc.)

9. Is there any imagery that stands out to you?

10. What is the message or theme of this poem?



1.Ilya Kaminsky

2.The subject of the poem is a war that happened in a country of money and how the speaker lived happily during the war.

3.No, the speaker is not involved in the action because he was in his bed.

Question 8 of 25
Click to read the passage from "The Perils of Indifference" by Elie Wiesel.
Then answer the question.
Which best explains why Wiesel lists so many different international
tragedies in this passage?
A. He presents evidence that indifference is not that bad.
B. He wants to provide the audience with a history lesson.
C. He wants to show the audience how smart he is.
D. He points to these tragedies as evidence to support his claim.



D. He points to these tragedies as evidence to support his claim.


Elie Wiesel's "The Perils of Indifference" was a speech that he gave at the White House on the 12th of April 1999. This speech pronounces his take on one of the harshest human traits that are indifference.

In his speech, Wiesel lists a number of tragedies, "the defeat of Nazism, the collapse of communism, the rebirth of Israel on its ancestral soil, the demise of apartheid, Israel's peace treaty with Egypt, the peace accord in Ireland". These historical events are supporting arguments, evidence for the claim that he made.

Thus, the correct answer is option D.

Four questions for 52 question if you get the answer correct I’m gonna give your brainlist



2.a 3.c 4.d and the 5.d it is correct is it?

Click to read the passage from The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka. Then
answer the question.
Which excerpt from this passage suggests that workers during the early
1900s found their jobs unfulfilling?
A. become friendly with them
B. Doing business like this
C. doing your own business at home
D. what a strenuous career it is that I've chosen!


I think Its B just for sum point thought just ignore this

Select the correct answer.
Ridge is having difficulty starting his essay. He can’t think of the key ideas he wants to emphasize. When he thinks of an idea, he discards it because it isn’t what he wants to write about.

Which planning strategy will help Ridge get started without immediately discarding ideas that may lead him to stronger key ideas?
A. questioning
B. clustering
C. graphic organizers
D. freewriting





i think d because he needs to get his ideas flowing before so he knows what to bring up

write into passive form. leave out the agens.
16. The clerk will give you a form to fill in your particulars.
17. They didn'r tell him about the change in the time of the meeting.
18.Why don't they give the car a through checking-over before they buy it?
19. They carry the latex to the factory , where they coagulate it and make it into sheets.
20. The police inspector said that they have set up roadblocks at every strategic point and they have warned the public to keep a lookout for the escaped prisoners



16. A form will be given to you to fill in your particulars. OR You will be given a form to fill in your particulars.

17. He wasn't told about the change in the time of the meeting.

18. Why isn't the car given a thorough checking-over before they buy it?

19. The latex is carried to the factory, where it is coagulated and made into sheets.

20. The police inspector said that roadblocks have been set up at every strategic point and the public has been warned to keep a lookout for the escaped prisoners.


In order to change a sentence from the active voice into the passive, we follow the steps below:

1. The subject of the active sentence becomes the agent of the passive one. It is preceded by the preposition "by".

2. The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive one. If the verb has both a direct and an indirect object, either can be chosen to be the new subject. That is why we have two ways or rewriting sentence number 16.

3. We must identify the verb and its tense. In the passive, we add the auxiliary "be" respecting the original tense, and we change the main verb into its past participle form. Modal verbs such as "can", "may", or "should" are kept.

Take a look at the example below:

- Active voice: I (sub.) have given (verb, present perfect)  her (object I) a new necklace (object II).

- Passive voice, option I: She (sub.) has been given (verb, p.p. aux. "be") a new necklace (object) by me (agent).

- Passive voice, option II: A new necklace (sub.) has been given (verb, p.p., aux. "be") to her (object) by me (agent).

How does Romeo miss the message from Friar Laurence about the secret plan?


because the other friar didn’t deliver the letter about the plan

What's about the African prince


One day a prince, the next a slave: in 1788 Abdul Rahman Ibrahim Ibn Sori was captured and sold into slavery on a cotton plantation in Natchez, Mississippi.

Terry Alford, the author of Prince Among Slaves: The True Story of an African Prince Sold Into Slavery in the American South joined Suzanne Hill to tell the story of his life and the encounter that saw him freed from slavery after forty years.

Select the phrase in the excerpt that best supports this inference: womens right to vote


Is this a joke or sum? There’s so passage to read

the _________ siren made us jump out of our seat.

a. Afraid
b. amusing
c. awesome
d. awful
e. angry
f. ashamed


The answer would be 'D. Awful'

Based on this excerpt, what inference can be made about Odysseus? Check all that apply. o Odysseus is a careless leader who does not care about the safety of his crew. 0 Odysseus's curiosity about the Cyclops is stronger than his good judgment. o Odysseus wants to see if the Cyclops has anything to give to him and his men. Odysseus is worried about appearing weak in front of his men​



Odysseus's curiosity about the Cyclops is stronger than his good judgment.


The story Odysseus written by Homer characterizes Odysseus as an intrusive person who most times allowed his curiosity to over-ride his good judgment. From the excerpt, Odysseus led his crewmen to the Cyclop's cave because he was curious about the nature of the mainland natives. He wanted to know if they were savages or good-natured men. Thus he entered the cave with his crew and refused to heed the advice of a member of his crew who suggested that they sail out of that territory.

Odysseus remained adamant and this eventually caused the death of many of his men.

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