Work with a partner to correct subject-verb agreement errors in the following paragraph. Find the five verbs that do not agree with their subjects, and correct them. Write your corrected paragraph on a separate sheet of paper.

¹CD sales has been slumping since 2000, "One reason for this slump is that people download songs from the Internet for free. Many teens share music with their friends. "Music industry leaders is upset with the loss of money and is proposing new laws. "A new guide tells parents the legal issues about downloading music. Parents have been sued because their children has downloaded music. 'Music companies does not want to offend their customers. This issue is complicated.​


Answer 1

Since 2000, CD sales have been declining. People downloading songs for free via the Internet is one factor contributing to the downturn.

Why does subject-verb agreement exist?

The grammatical rule of subject-verb agreement stipulates that the subject and the accompanying verb of a phrase must agree in number (i.e., singular or plural). . and a p.p.g.., and the bets, and the bets. P.. and the P.g.. p. and.

The conflict between the subject and the verb can result in grammatical faults that can make the phrase unclear or challenging to grasp. To make sentences that are understandable and grammatically acceptable, it is crucial to make sure that the subject and verb have the same amount of parts.

Learn more about subject-verb agreement with the help of the given link:


Related Questions

which is the correct way to cite page 130 of the following supreme court case as a short form (assuming you cannot use id.): murphy v. fda, 560 u.s. 120 (2009).


The proper way to cite page 130 of the following Supreme Court case as a short form (assuming you cannot use id.) is "Murphy v. FDA, 560 U.S. 120, 130 (2009)."Here's how to properly cite page 130 of the following Supreme Court case as a short form (assuming you cannot use id.):Murphy v. FDA, 560 U.S. 120, 130 (2009).

In Supreme Court cases, there are a few general rules to follow when citing to them, including: The case name is italicized, the case number is not italicized, and the year should be in parentheses. The full citation will be in the format of: Case Name, Case Number, Year.

Example:Crawford v. Washington, 541 U.S. 36 (2004).

Learn more about supreme court cite page and Murphy v. FDA at


What are the similarities between Popova and Smirnov in the play"The Bear"?​



In "The Bear", Popova and Smirnov are both landowners. Popova is a beautiful grieving widow with an unconventional nature for a 19th-century woman. She has a soft heart but is quite audacious and courageous which is proven when she agrees to duel with Smirnov with guns when their argument regarding unpaid debts gets worse.

Smirnov is a misogynistic, aggressive, ill-mannered, and rude middle-aged landowner. He shouts and fights with Popova over unpaid debts as he is in real need of money and none of his other debtors are paying. His feelings change when he realizes Popova's audacity and it wins him over. He falls in love with her and proposes to her.

Popova and Smirnov have different characters and nature but deep down they both yearn for love and companionship no matter how composed they show themselves on the outside. This is proven when they finally give in to their feelings.

According to Wordsworth's Preface, a poet creates a poem _____. by following certain rules of writing when the experience or emotion first appears to him after meditating on the subjectAccording to Wordsworth's Preface, a poet creates a poem: when the experience or emotion first appears to him.


According to Wordsworth's Preface, a poet creates a poem when the experience or emotion first appears to him.

The poet's goal is to evoke the reader's feelings and thoughts, and he must always be attentive to the sounds and rhythms of the language. The poet is expected to be imaginative and innovative, in contrast to following predetermined norms and conventions.

According to Wordsworth's Preface, poetry is a spontaneous overflow of emotion that requires no deliberate attempt to control it. Poetry, according to him, emerges spontaneously from the heart of a poet in response to the stimulus of emotion.

The poem is produced when the emotion or experience first appears to the poet, who then attempts to express it in the most meaningful and honest manner possible. This means that the poem will be free-flowing and imaginative, as well as open to new possibilities and interpretations.

Learn more about poem


Writing about Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan
• transitions that lead your reader from one thought to another.
• an interesting character in the story. Explain a bit about the character and provide textual evidence to support your ideas.
• the most interesting event in the story. Describe the scene, explain to the audience why this event is important, and support your ideas with evidence from the text.
• the tone/mood of the text. Describe the author’s attitude about their subject and the feeling the author creates through their diction and syntax.
• the theme the author is sharing. If you wish, discuss more than one theme. Do not give away the ending, but let readers know what type of life lesson they might learn from reading the text.
• any other elements you think are successful. Type your body here:


In "Esperanza Rising" by Pam Muñoz Ryan, transitions between thoughts are smoothly and subtly integrated, creating a natural flow in the story.

One of the most interesting characters in the story is Alfonso, the young shoe shiner with whom Esperanza forms a close bond. He is hardworking, loyal, and kind to Esperanza and her family, even when others mistreat them. When Esperanza and her family are in great danger, Alfonso risks his life to help them escape: "Alfonso’s face hardened. He stood up and walked toward them. The guards raised their guns, but Alfonso continued to move forward" (Ryan, 241). Alfonso's bravery and loyalty make him a standout character in the story.

The most interesting event in the story is probably when the workers go on strike to demand better working conditions. The strike scene is a tense and powerful moment, as it highlights the economic and social struggles of the workers, including Esperanza's family. This event is important because it demonstrates the injustices of the time period and the impact they had on ordinary people. When Esperanza's father is injured during the strike, it becomes clear how personal and consequential the struggle is: "Everyone began to run away from the police. Esperanza felt as if her feet were anchored to the ground. She had to find her father" (Ryan, 181).

The tone/mood of the text is generally serious and reflective, highlighting the struggles and hardships of the characters. However, it is also hopeful and optimistic, as the characters find resilience and strength to overcome their challenges. The author's careful use of descriptive language and imagery adds depth and emotion to the story, making it easy for the reader to feel connected to the characters.

The themes in "Esperanza Rising" include the importance of family, the resilience of the human spirit, and the need for social justice. Throughout the story, Esperanza learns the value of hard work and perseverance, and how to become a strong and courageous woman. The readers can learn powerful life lessons about the value of hard work, the importance of maintaining strong family relationships, and the need to fight against injustice.

Overall, "Esperanza Rising" is a successful work of fiction with richly drawn characters, powerful events, a thoughtful tone, and meaningful themes. It leaves readers with a sense of admiration for the endurance and strength of those who faced challenges and injustices during the Great Depression.

james is starting to write a project for school. he uses an academic search engine to find as many articles as he can on his topic. before beginning to write, he reads many different points of view to decide how he wants to approach the topic. what type of writer is james?


When starting to write a project for school, James uses an academic search engine to find as many articles as he can on his topic. Before beginning to write, he reads many different points of view to decide how he wants to approach the topic. Thus, he is an intuitive writer.

An intuitive writer is one who relies on their senses and intuition to write. They follow their hearts and use their intuition to produce excellent pieces of writing. Intuitive writers often avoid conventional writing rules and follow their instincts, resulting in unique pieces. They also write with their own unique style, and their works often stand out because of this.

So, James can be identified as an intuitive writer.

Learn more about "Intuitive" at



The answer is researcher.


I took the test.

i slept in the garage the night he died, and i broke all the goddam windows with my fist, just for the hell of it . what is page number of that santences


Page no. 39. The given statement I slept in the garage the night he died, and I broke all the goddam windows with my fist, just for the hell of it is on page number 39.

When did Holden spend the night in the garage?

Holden fractured his hand when breaking through the garage windows the night Allie died while he was sleeping in the garage.

Is Holden aware of death?

The fact that Holden may not fully comprehend how to deal with death—both the death of his brother and his own mortality—could be a contributing factor in this. He makes death supernatural and refers to it as "disappearing" rather than "dying," avoiding the very real reality of it.

What caused Holden to smash every window in the garage?

In the Caulfields' vacation cottage in Maine on July 18, 1946, Allie passed away from leukemia. Holden was 13 and he was 11. Holden injured his hand knocking through the garage windows of their vacation house because he was so distressed over the death of his sibling.

To know more about the garage visit;


Your textbook identifies several ways that speakers can use nonverbal communication to increase the persuasiveness of their statements. Which of the following nonverbal behaviors is not in line with these prescriptions?


The following nonverbal behavior is not in line with the prescriptions for speakers: "avoiding eye contact."

Nonverbal cues work hand-in-hand with verbal cues to make our communication more effective, persuasive, and meaningful. There are several ways that speakers can use nonverbal communication to increase the persuasiveness of their statements, according to a textbook. They are listed below:-

Using eye contactUsing posture and gestureUsing facial expressionUsing proximityUsing movementUsing touch

Each of the above behaviors can make an argument more persuasive. When using eye contact, for example, a speaker can create a connection with the audience and establish trust.

However, one nonverbal behavior that is not in line with the prescriptions for speakers to use nonverbal communication to increase the persuasiveness of their statements is avoiding eye contact.

Avoiding eye contact can suggest insincerity, nervousness, or a lack of confidence in the speaker's statements. It can create a barrier between the speaker and the audience, making it challenging to establish trust and establish a connection with the listeners.

Learn more about speakers


you recently represented your school in a competition with other local school. you were very pleased with the result. Write an account of the event to your favourite aunt who lives abroad. About 150-200 words


Dear Aunt,

I hope this letter finds you well. I have some exciting news to share with you! Last week, I had the opportunity to represent my school in a competition with other local schools, and I am pleased to say that we performed exceptionally well.

The competition was held at a nearby community hall, and students from different schools participated in various events such as debates, quizzes, and sports. Our school participated in the quiz competition, and I was part of the team that represented our school.

The quiz competition was tough, and we were up against some very competitive teams. However, we managed to answer most of the questions correctly and emerged as the winners of the competition. It was an incredible feeling to see our hard work and dedication pay off, and we were all thrilled with the result.

The competition provided an excellent opportunity for us to showcase our talents and skills, and we were proud to represent our school. It was also a great way to meet students from other schools and make new friends.

Overall, the competition was a fantastic experience, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to participate. I hope to participate in more events like this in the future and make my school and family proud.

[Your Name]

Why is Jem so late coming home from school these days?
He's playing football.
He got a job.
He's the football water boy.
He plays soccer with Boo Radley.


These days, Jem always arrives home from school late because he serves as the football water boy. Answer c is accurate.

There is no possibility that Boo could endanger the kids because he hasn't left his residence in about 15 years and they've never even seen him.The lines have been taken from the story "To kill a mocking bird".Due of certain negative rumours they have heard about Boo, Scout, Jem, and Dill are scared of him. They know he used scissors to stab his father, and Boo hasn't left the house in nearly 15 years. Boo seems quite frightful after all of this.Because Atticus genuinely warns them not to be afraid of.

To know more about Jem please the following link


I need to know Your Mission Poem by Ellen M.H Gates answers 1-10


The Your Mission Poem by Ellen M.H Gates is as follows:

1. Welcome your mission; greet it with delight.
2. Take action every day to stay in its sight.
3. Measure all your work by one, sacred rule:
4. Offer to others what has been offered to you.
5. Let passion guide your steps, and give it your best.
6. Celebrate your journey, with each success and each test.
7. Keep the goal in mind and never give up,
8. For within each effort lie rewards and a cup.
9. Trust in the wisdom of your heart and your soul.
10. And your mission shall be complete, and your life shall be whole.

Ellen M.H Gates’ poem "Your Mission" teaches individuals how they can better themselves and their society. It discusses how a person can help others by assisting them in achieving their objectives, becoming better individuals, and establishing a better future.

You can learn more about Poems at:


suggest how sports bodies can promote positve behaviour during the matches​



Sports bodies can promote positive behavior during matches by implementing the following measures:


Code of Conduct: Develop a code of conduct for players, coaches, and spectators that outlines the acceptable behavior during the matches. This can be communicated through various mediums such as social media, posters, and announcementsStrict enforcement of rules: Enforce the rules and regulations strictly and consistently to ensure a fair play. This can be done by having an impartial referee or umpire, who has the power to penalize the players and the coaches for unacceptable behavior.Education and awareness: Provide education and awareness programs to players, coaches, and spectators about the importance of positive behavior during the matches. This can be done through workshops, seminars, and training sessions.Reward positive behavior: Acknowledge and reward the positive behavior during the matches. This can be done by awarding the fair play trophy or certificate to the players or team that displays the best sportsmanship during the match.Penalties for negative behavior: Impose penalties such as fines, suspension or expulsion from the match, for negative behavior such as verbal abuse, aggressive behavior, and cheating.Role models: Appoint role models or ambassadors who can promote positive behavior during the matches. These role models can be sports personalities who are known for their positive attitude and behavior on and off the field.

add dialogue to the speech bubbles to reflect what northerners and southerners might have thought about the new tariff law of 1828. use these words in your dialogue: tariff, secede.


The dialogue to the speech bubbles to reflect what northerners and southerners might have thought about the new tariff law is given below.

How to write the dialogue

Northerner: "I support this new tariff law! It will protect our industries and create more jobs for our people."

Southerner: "This tariff is outrageous! It only benefits the North and hurts our economy in the South. We may have to secede if this keeps up."

Northerner: "But don't you see, we need this tariff to fund our government and promote American manufacturing."

Southerner: "That's easy for you to say, but we rely heavily on imported goods and this tariff will only increase the cost of living for us."

Northerner: "I understand your concerns, but we must think about the future of our country as a whole.

Learn more about dialogue on:


Please help me with my short response!!! From “Your head’s battery”


An electrical device, like an implant, can actually be powered by fluids in the inner ear.

Your head's battery

Researchers have demonstrated that a natural power source in guinea pigs' ears can power a small electrical device. The similar battery-like structure is present in human ears. One day, this system might be used by doctors to power implants. Some people might keep an eye on someone's blood. Medicines could be given out by others.All mammals have a cochlea, a spiral-shaped organ located deep inside the ear (KOKE lee ah). It has two storage compartments, each of which is stocked with a different liquid. One liquid has quantities of dissolved minerals like potassium that are similar to those in blood. The potassium content of the other fluid is higher.The two chambers are divided by a thin membrane. Potassium is continuously pumped by cells in that membrane from one chamber to the other.

To know more about Battery, click on the link :


Hi, Can I get help pls UwU



B, Lia will not be prepared for her class.


Its not A. because Lia gets ready in a rush, and is therefore able to catch the bus, and then the last two options are pretty obviously not right

write a formal letter of appreciation for receiving a medal that is not less than 350 words​



Explanation: Thank you for this amazing medal that I get to have and thank you for this amazing prize I truly do not deserve this amazing prize for my talent and hard practice

Do a character anyalis about Irene on the book passing


The summary of the character analysis of is that Irene's is a complex character in "Passing" by Nella Larsen, shown through the STEAL guide, as she struggles with her identity as a light-skinned black woman.

What is a Character Analysis?

In "Passing," Irene Redfield is a complex character who struggles with her identity as a light-skinned black woman.

As a foil to her childhood friend, Clare Kendry, Irene represents the struggle of many African Americans to find a sense of belonging in a society that is deeply divided along racial lines.

Irene's internal conflict is shown through her thoughts and actions, as well as her relationships with other characters. She is portrayed as a sympathetic character, but also flawed and conflicted, especially when it comes to her feelings towards Clare.

Her need for control and her fear of the unknown lead her to betray Clare, ultimately leading to her tragic fate.

Learn more about Character Analysis on:


match each definition to its usage term. 1. stiffly dignified or formal trite 2. used in everyday, informal talk, but not in formal english colloquial 3. words or phrases usually characterized by a special vividness or coloring stilted 4. manner of expressing ideas in words vague 5. not definitely or precisely expressed diction 6. worn out by use slang


1. Stiffly dignified or formal = Stilted

2. Used in everyday, informal talk, but not in formal English = Colloquial

3. Words or phrases usually characterized by a special vividness or coloring = Diction

4. Manner of expressing ideas in words = Vague

5. Not definitely or precisely expressed = Vague

6. Worn out by use = Slang

In order to match each definition to its usage term, here is what you need to know:  Stilted is a stiffly dignified or formal manner of expressing ideas in words; Colloquial is used in everyday, informal talk, but not in formal English; Diction is words or phrases usually characterized by a special vividness or coloring; Vague is not definitely or precisely expressed; and Slang is worn out by use.

Learn more about "colloquial" at: 'Formal and Informal Language'


complete the second sentence in the passive so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence in each pair. Do not use by in your answers.
1 The director gave the team of scientists some very good news. The team of scientists was given some very good news by the director.
2They will present the award to the designer tomorrow evening.
The award ______ tomorrow evening.
3 They donate a lot of money to the foundation every year.
A lot of money_______ every year.
4 They were offering the researcher the position when we arrived.
The researcher_______ when we arrived.
5 They have sent me a long email about the experiment.
I ________ about the experiment.
6 They had already demonstrated the new technology to us the week before.
The new technology _______ the week before.​



Complete the second sentence in the passive so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence in each pair. Do not use by in your answers.

1 The director gave the team of scientists some very good news. The team of scientists was given some very good news by the director.

2They will present the award to the designer tomorrow evening.

The award ______ tomorrow evening.

3 They donate a lot of money to the foundation every year.

A lot of money_______ every year.

4 They were offering the researcher the position when we arrived.

The researcher_______ when we arrived.

5 They have sent me a long email about the experiment.

I ________ about the experiment.

6 They had already demonstrated the new technology to us the week before.

The new technology _______ the week before.​


The director gave the team of scientists some very good news.

The team of scientists was given some very good news by the director.

They will present the award to the designer tomorrow evening.

The award will be presented to the designer tomorrow evening.

They donate a lot of money to the foundation every year.

A lot of money is donated to the foundation every year.

They were offering the researcher the position when we arrived.

The researcher was being offered the position when we arrived.

They have sent me a long email about the experiment.

I have been sent a long email about the experiment.

They had already demonstrated the new technology to us the week before.

The new technology had already been demonstrated to us the week before.

3 Write a word from exercise 1 in the correct form in each gap to
complete the sentences. More than one word may fit in each gap.
1 I
TV last night. It was.
2 Simon
a documentary about ghosts on
own photograph on the front page.
3 I heard a(n)
6 'Help!'.
7 I had a(n).
at the newspaper and suddenly saw his
the old factory.
4 'What's that? Do you think it's a UFO?".
5 The alien had.
eyes and
noise coming from inside
Eliot. 'Please help me!'
dream last night.



I watched TV last night. It was interesting.Simon watched a documentary about ghosts on his own TV.I heard a scream.'What's that? Do you think it's a UFO?" asked Tom.The alien had big eyes and pointy ears.'Help!' shouted Eliot. 'Please help me!'I had a nightmare last night.Tracy saw her own photograph on the front page of the newspaper.

read the excerpt from the call of the wild by jack london. buck had accepted the rope with quiet dignity. what type of conflict is shown in this excerpt?


The type of conflict that is shown in the given excerpt from The Call of the Wild by Jack London is Man vs. Animal.

The Call of the Wild is a novel by Jack London. The book was written in 1903 and published in 1903 by The Macmillan Company. The novel tells the story of a dog named Buck who is sold from his life in California to become a sled dog in the Canadian Yukon during the Klondike Gold Rush. The novel is set during the late 1890s Klondike Gold Rush when strong sled dogs were in high demand.

The conflict in the novel arises when Buck is kidnapped from his home and taken to the Yukon. This conflict continues throughout the novel as Buck is forced to confront harsh weather, tough working conditions, and the cruelty of his human masters. Along the way, Buck learns to adapt and survive in this new environment, using his natural instincts and the strength and endurance that he develops as a sled dog.

You can learn more about conflict in the excerpt at:


5 paragraph about systemic racism in education (High school +) 4 facts about it and real life cases with an example of my topic (MLA CITATION)



Systemic racism in education, particularly in high schools and beyond, is a pervasive issue that can have significant effects on the academic, social, and emotional well-being of students of color. There are several facts that illustrate the extent of this problem. First, students of color are disproportionately disciplined and suspended compared to their white counterparts. Second, they are often placed in lower tracks or courses that offer fewer opportunities for advanced learning. Third, students of color frequently face unconscious bias from teachers and administrators, which can affect everything from grading to recommendations for college admissions. Finally, students of color are underrepresented in higher education, which can limit their opportunities for upward mobility.

One real-life example of systemic racism in education is the story of Texas high school student Ahmed Mohamed. In 2015, Mohamed, who is Muslim and of Sudanese descent, brought a homemade clock to school to show his engineering teacher. However, the clock was mistaken for a bomb, and Mohamed was handcuffed and arrested. While the incident itself was a clear case of racial profiling, it also revealed the ways in which systemic racism operates in schools. Mohamed was suspended from school for three days, and his family ultimately decided to move to Qatar. The incident drew widespread attention and sparked discussions about the need for schools to address racial bias.

Another example of systemic racism in education can be seen in the case of Harvard University's admissions policies. In 2018, the university was sued for allegedly discriminating against Asian American applicants. While Harvard maintained that it considers race as just one of many factors in its admissions process, the case highlighted the ways in which admissions policies can be influenced by unconscious bias. This bias can manifest itself in many ways, such as the expectation that students of certain races should be "well-rounded" and excel in multiple areas, or the assumption that students from certain racial backgrounds may not have had access to the same educational opportunities as their white counterparts.

A third example of systemic racism in education is the way in which history is taught in schools. Many high school curricula have been criticized for glossing over the experiences of people of color, particularly African Americans. This can lead to a lack of understanding about the history of racism in the United States, and can perpetuate stereotypes and misconceptions. For example, the 1619 Project, a collection of essays and articles about the history of slavery and its legacy in the United States, has been criticized by some conservative politicians and educators who claim that it promotes a "divisive" and "unpatriotic" view of American history.

To address systemic racism in education, there are several steps that schools and educators can take. First, it's important to acknowledge that racial bias exists and to work actively to address it. This can involve training for teachers and administrators on unconscious bias, as well as policies that promote diversity and inclusion. Second, schools can work to provide students of color with access to higher-level courses and opportunities for enrichment. This can help to close the achievement gap and provide a pathway to higher education. Finally, it's important to ensure that history and social studies curricula accurately reflect the experiences of people of color and the history of racism in the United States.

in vivid detail write about a memory of tour childhoo in detail using sensory images at least five paragrpahs thank you


One of my favorite childhood memories was going to the beach with my family. It was an annual tradition that we looked forward to every summer. I can vividly recall the sensation of the hot sand under my feet, the salty ocean breeze blowing through my hair, and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. It was a sensory experience that I will never forget.

As we arrived at the beach, my siblings and I would run towards the water as fast as we could, eager to dive in and cool off. I remember the feeling of the cold water as it enveloped my body, the way it tugged at my legs as I tried to stand still, and the taste of salt on my lips as I swallowed some by accident. We would swim and play in the water for hours, building sandcastles and jumping over waves.

When we got hungry, my parents would set up a picnic on the sand. I remember the smell of fresh fruit, sandwiches, and chips that we would devour in seconds. We would often have watermelon, which was always my favorite, and I can still remember the sound of my dad tapping on the fruit to pick out the perfect one.

After lunch, we would explore the beach, collecting shells and rocks that we found on the shore. I loved feeling the different textures of the shells in my hands, the rough ones that had barnacles on them and the smooth ones that were polished by the sand and water. We would also bury each other in the sand, leaving only our heads sticking out, and pretend to be mermaids or pirates.

As the sun began to set, we would gather our things and head back to our car. I remember the way the sand would stick to my skin and clothes, and how the salty water would make my hair stiff and tangled. We would shake out our towels and fold them neatly, making sure we didn't forget anything on the beach.

As we drove away, I would look back at the beach, watching it disappear in the distance. Even though the day was over, I knew that we would come back again next year and make new memories that would last a lifetime.

esperanza's rising summary about las vegas



"Esperanza Rising" is a novel by Pam Muñoz Ryan that tells the story of a young girl named Esperanza who grows up in a wealthy family in Mexico. After her father is killed by bandits, Esperanza and her mother must flee to the United States, where they end up working as migrant farm workers in California.

The novel doesn't specifically focus on Las Vegas, but there is a brief mention of it. In the book, Esperanza and her family stop in Las Vegas on their way to California. They stay in a hotel and enjoy the luxury of a swimming pool and air conditioning, which are new experiences for them.

However, Esperanza's mother reminds her that they are only staying in Las Vegas temporarily and that they must continue on to California to start their new life. The brief stop in Las Vegas serves as a contrast to the difficult and uncertain future that Esperanza and her family face as they work hard to build a new life for themselves in a new country.


Paragraph about why it’s good to make online friends


Making online friends can be a great way to connect with people. It allows you to communicate with individuals from around the world, Online friendships can also benefit individuals who struggle with social anxiety. Furthermore, online friends can offer support and comfort during difficult times.

What is trust?

Trust is a fundamental aspect of relationships, characterized by the belief that another person will act in a reliable, responsible, and honest manner.

Are online friends trustworthy?

Like any other type of friendship, the trustworthiness of online friends depends on the person and the nature of the relationship. While some online companies can be genuine and trustworthy, others may need to be more.

To learn more about trust, visit here:


Paragraph about why it’s good to make online friends -

Making online friends can be a great way to expand your social circle and connect with people from different parts of the world. Online friendships offer the opportunity to learn about different cultures, lifestyles, and perspectives, which can broaden your horizons and enhance your understanding of the world. Additionally, online friendships can provide a sense of community and support, especially for people who may feel isolated or lonely in their daily lives. With the convenience of technology, it's easy to stay in touch with online friends through messaging, video calls, and social media, allowing for meaningful connections despite physical distance. Overall, making online friends can bring a lot of joy and enrichment to one's life, and can help foster a sense of belonging in an increasingly digital world.

To learn more about paragraph writing from given link


Annette was enthused about pawning what she thought was a solid gold ring, but after some examination, her sister informed her that it was merely a __________ piece of jewelry.
Possible Answers:
A. gilded
B. admonished
C. harangue
D. ubiquitous
E. mysterious


A. gilded. A piece of jewelry is gilded if it is just partially covered in gold.

which of the following sentences uses capitalization correctly? a. you can find the complete list of senators online. b. have you ever read the history of tom jones, a foundling? c. the maryland blue crabs have become a symbol of the state.


The sentence that uses capitalization correctly is the blue crabs of Maryland have come to represent the state. The proper word "Maryland" is capitalized in this phrase because it refers to a particular state. Hence option C is correct.

The initial letter of the phrase and the proper noun "blue crabs," which refers specifically to the species being discussed, are both capitalized appropriately.

Senators is not a proper noun in sentence A, thus it is not necessary to capitalize it unless it is a part of a title or name.

The initial letters of each word in the book title "Tom Jones, a Foundling" in sentence B should be capitalized, as is common for title capitalization.

To know more about Maryland:


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Chapter 7 Homework Assignment (3/10)
Directions: buried onions You are going to write a diary entry from the
perspective of Eddie, Coach, or Jose regarding the fishing outing & the
conversations that occurred in Chapter 7. You must include details from the
chapter as you write your diary entry. The entry must include one quote
and be 15 complete sentences minimum.
✓buried onions





Complete an essay with the following beginning sentence:
I receive a parcel with my name on it. I open it and can’t believe what’s inside…

( Help me pls, I need to finish it tonight :(( )



that is your father


that is your mother

in what ways does victor give up his freedom to the monster? ( the chase )


In the novel "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley, Victor gives up his freedom to the monster in several ways during the chase scene.

Firstly, Victor is consumed by his desire for revenge against the monster, which leads him to pursue the creature relentlessly, despite the danger to his own life. His obsession with the monster becomes so strong that he is willing to risk his own freedom and safety in order to catch him.

Secondly, Victor's pursuit of the monster forces him to abandon his family and loved ones, leaving him isolated and vulnerable. He becomes so consumed by his quest for revenge that he is willing to sacrifice everything, including his own freedom, to achieve it.

Finally, Victor's actions during the chase ultimately lead to his own downfall. He becomes so blinded by his hatred for the monster that he fails to see the danger of his own situation, and ends up falling through the ice and nearly dying. In this way, the monster gains a kind of power over Victor, as he is forced to rely on the creature to save his life.

Overall, Victor's obsession with revenge and his determination to capture the monster at any cost lead him to give up his freedom in several ways, ultimately leading to his own downfall.

Assume that the most frequent structure in English is one where incoming material (e.g., a phrase) is associated with (e.g., modifies) material that is more *recent* in the sentence than with material that was earlier in the sentence - i.e. a dependency is formed between the incoming material and more recent material.
Which of the following is the interpretation that you would get if ONLY STRUCTURAL frequency determined which interpretation of a syntactically ambiguous sentence you arrived at?
NOTE: We are asking what would happen IF the structural frequency account were correct. We are not making any claims about the validity of the structural frequency account, or asking which interpretation you personally get.
A. SENTENCE: The man said she tickled him yesterday.
INTERPRETATION: The saying was done yesterday.
B. SENTENCE: The Prime Minister will announce they will leave the EU tomorrow.
INTERPRETATION: The announcement will be tomorrow.
C. SENTENCE: The fugitive watched the cop with the binoculars.
INTERPRETATION: The cop had the binoculars.
D. SENTENCE: The fugitive watched the cop with the binoculars.
INTERPRETATION: The fugitive watched through the binoculars.


From the above sentences and interpretations. The correct option is c.

The interpretation you would get if only structural frequency determined which interpretation of a syntactically ambiguous sentence you arrived at is:
Sentence: The fugitive watched the cop with binoculars.
Interpretation: The cop had binoculars.
This is because the phrase "with the binoculars" is associated with the more recent material, "the cop," rather than the earlier material, "the fugitive."

Therefore, the interpretation would be that the cop had the binoculars. The correct option is c.

To learn more about Interpretations:


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