Write the meaning language origin and part of speech of the words to the complete the table below. use a dictionary for this exercise
pls pa help di ko kaya to

Write The Meaning Language Origin And Part Of Speech Of The Words To The Complete The Table Below. Use


Answer 1

Language refers to a system of communication that is used by individuals to convey meaning. The words and their language origin are given below.

How to explain the words

Word: cycle

Meaning: A series of events that are repeated in a particular order; a complete sequence of events that repeats itself.

Language Origin: from Greek "kyklos" meaning "circle" or "ring"

Part of Speech: noun/verb

Word: kiosk

Meaning: A small booth or stand used for selling goods or providing information, often found in a public place.

Language Origin: from Turkish "köşk" meaning "pavilion"

Part of Speech: noun

Word: gentle

Meaning: Kind, mild, or soft in nature or behavior; not harsh or violent.

Language Origin: from Old French "gentil" meaning "gracious" or "noble"

Part of Speech: adjective

Word: calla

Meaning: A type of flower, typically white and trumpet-shaped.

Language Origin: from Greek "kallaion" meaning "beautiful"

Part of Speech: noun

Word: permanent

Meaning: Lasting or intended to last indefinitely without change; not temporary.

Language Origin: from Latin "permanens" meaning "remaining to the end"

Part of Speech: adjective


Meaning: To cause or undergo a chemical reaction that produces fermentation, or to excite or agitate a group of people.

Language Origin: Middle English (in the sense of ‘yeast used in fermenting’): from Old French ferment (noun), fermenter (verb), from Latin fermentum ‘leaven, yeast’.

Part of Speech: Verb or Noun


Meaning: Having or denoting a jagged edge; saw-like.

Language Origin: Latin serratus, from serra ‘saw.’

Part of Speech: Adjective or Verb


Meaning: Having the shape of a ring; circular.

Language Origin: Late Middle English, from Latin annularis, from annulus ‘little ring.’

Part of Speech: Adjective


Meaning: To moderate or adjust something, or to improve one's mood or behavior.

Language Origin: Middle English: from Old French temprer, based on Latin temperare ‘mingle, regulate.’

Part of Speech: Verb or Noun


Meaning: An experienced and trusted adviser or guide, usually for personal or professional growth.

Language Origin: From Greek Mentōr, the name of the adviser of the young Telemachus in Homer's Odyssey.

Part of Speech: Noun or Verb.

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1)Often, he drinks a lot of tea at work.

2)How much milk should a baby drink a day?

3)There are not any shelves in their bathroom.

4)There's a TV in our dining room.

5)Do you have any sofas in your living room?


which statement best describes an author's perspective
A. The author grew up in a different country
B. The author aims to persuade the audience to agree with an opinion
C. The author wants readers to believe that lying can cause problems.
D. The author wants to entertain the readers


Answer: B. The author aims to persuade the audience to agree with an opinion



Assess an Argument

For this assignment, you will write an evaluation of "Opinion: Emoticons Aren’t Ruining Language. "

Reread the text. Then, read and answer the questions using evidence from the text to support your evaluation.


(Score for question 1: ______ of 3 points)

1. What is the author’s argument?

An author's argument is the opinion or belief that he or she wants to persuade readers to believe.

(Score for question 2: _____ of 3 points)

2. What claims does the author make?

Sugar production requires a great deal of workers.

(Score for question 3: _____ of 4 points)

3. What reasons does the author provide to support the claims?

(Score for question 4: _____ of 3 points)

4. How well do the author’s reasons support the claims? Use evidence from the text that shows the reasons do or do not support the claim.

(Score for question 5: _____ of 4 points)

5. What evidence does the author use to support the reasons?

(Score for question 6: _____ of 3 points)

6. Does the evidence support the reasons? Does the author provide enough evidence to support the reasons? Use examples from the text to support your answer.

(Score for question 7: _____ of 10 points)

7. In a few sentences, evaluate the author’s argument. Discuss strengths and weaknesses of the argument.



The author’s argument is persuasive and well-supported by evidence. The author’s reasons for their claims are logically sound, and the evidence provided to support those reasons is sufficient.

The author’s argument is that emoticons are not ruining language, as many people have claimed. To support this claim, the author cites examples of how emoticons have enriched our communication and provided new ways to express emotions. The author’s reasons for the claim include the fact that emoticons can be used to express emotions that are difficult to put into words, and can be used to give more nuance to our conversations. The evidence that the author provides for the reasons includes historical examples of how emoticons have been used in communication for centuries, as well as contemporary examples of how emoticons have become a part of modern communication. The evidence is sufficient to support the author’s reasons and claims, as it provides a thorough and well-researched account of the use of emoticons in communication.

To learn more about Author :



On page 125, why does Nick describe Tom as "feeling the hot whips of panic"?


Tom is in a panic because, for the first time in his life, he feels as though he no longer has control over the women in his life.

What adjectives does Nick use to describe Daisy and Tom?

Nick characterizes Tom as being incredibly affluent, forceful, aggressive, sturdy, violent, hostile, and ruthless. As his cousin, Nick describes Daisy as a woman with a captivating voice who is charming, friendly, yet sad. Nick has little more than a passing connection to the Buchanans.

When Tom exits Wilson's garage, why does he feel anxious?

They observe Myrtle looking out her window at the automobile as they emerge from the garage. She assumes Jordan is Tom's wife, so she looks at Jordan with a jealous, terrified gaze. the impression that his mistress and wife Tom becomes anxious and impatient as things seem to be slipping away from him.

To know more about Nick Tom visit:



What is the specific lesson or issue in Gas track and strand that has piqued your interest the most


The lesson or issue in Gas track and strand that has piqued my interest the most is the use of renewable energy sources and their potential for addressing the global climate crisis.

This is an incredibly important issue and one that needs to be addressed in a meaningful way. Renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, have the potential to greatly reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and significantly reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, investing in renewable energy sources can create jobs and stimulate local economies.

Furthermore, renewable energy sources can provide reliable energy at a much lower cost than traditional sources. The potential of renewable energy sources is undeniable, and I'm eager to learn more about how they can be implemented in an efficient and cost-effective way.

To learn more about  Renewable energy :



what is the correct pronunciation for the last name of romantic pianist sergei rachmaninoff?



title the girl who couldn't see herself . her image on the mirror was blurred and even out in the street seemed non existent. what is the author trying to say



The author may be trying to convey the idea that the girl in the story is struggling with low self-esteem and a poor self-image. Despite looking in the mirror or out in public, she is unable to see herself clearly or recognize her own worth. This could be due to various reasons such as negative self-talk, past experiences, or external factors that have affected her self-perception. The author may be highlighting the importance of self-love and acceptance and the impact that low self-esteem can have on a person's life.


The author's intention in portraying the girl's inability to see herself clearly in the mirror or in public could be to illustrate the emotional and psychological impact of low self-esteem. When a person has a poor self-image, it can affect their confidence, self-worth, and overall happiness. The girl's blurred image in the mirror and lack of recognition in public may symbolize her inability to see herself as a valuable and worthy individual. This could stem from various factors, such as negative self-talk, societal pressures, or past experiences that have impacted her self-esteem. By portraying this girl's struggles, the author may be trying to raise awareness about the importance of self-love and acceptance. The story could encourage readers to reflect on their own self-image and take steps towards building a positive and healthy self-concept.


The author is likely trying to convey a deeper message about the theme of self-identity and self-perception. By describing a girl who cannot see herself clearly in the mirror or in public, the author may be suggesting that the girl is struggling with issues of self-esteem, self-doubt, or a lack of self-awareness. The blurred image in the mirror could represent the girl's confusion or uncertainty about her own identity, while the non-existent image in public could suggest that she feels invisible or unnoticed by others.

The author may be trying to explore the idea that our sense of self is not only shaped by our own perceptions and experiences, but also by how we are perceived and treated by others. The girl's struggles to see herself clearly could be seen as a reflection of larger social and cultural forces that affect how individuals perceive themselves and are perceived by others. Ultimately, the author may be suggesting that self-identity is a complex and multi-faceted concept that requires both personal introspection and social engagement in order to be fully understood and appreciated.

you are the main speaker for your in an inter-school debate competition on the mention "the home has more influence on the child than the school" Write a debate speech.


It is common knowledge that parents have an impact on their kids' personality and development. Parents are the most important role models for children, whether we like to accept it or not.

Why do parents have such a huge impact on us?

Among the most significant figures in young children's life are their parents. Parents can be either moms or fathers, as well as other caretakers who take on the role of parents. Children depend on their parents to give them the care they require to be happy and healthy, as well as to grow and develop properly, from the moment they are born. Poorer academic achievements later in childhood are also predicted by early exposure to disengaged or unresponsive parents. Children whose moms had depression at some point in their lives had lower IQ scores, more attention issues, and more learning impairments, according to a longitudinal study.

To know more about Debate competition visit:



Can someone please help me on this


1a)Sharks do not intentionally seek out humans to attack them; attacks usually occur because the shark mistakes the human for its normal prey, such as seals or dolphins.

1b)Shark attacks on humans are very rare, and it is more likely for a person to be struck by lightning than to be bitten by a shark.

1c)While sharks do have a strong sense of smell, their ability to detect scents is similar to that of other fish. They can notice smells between one part per 25 million or one part per 10 billion, which means they can detect one drop of blood in a small swimming pool, not the entire ocean.

2a)Sharks intentionally hunt and attack humans.

2b)Shark attacks on humans are common.

2c)Sharks can smell a single drop of blood a mile away.

2d)Sharks have a superior sense of smell compared to other fishes.

3)The central idea of Part 1 of the article "Our Fear of Sharks; are they Monsters or Misunderstood" is the common misconceptions about sharks and their behavior towards humans. The author points out that sharks do not deliberately seek out humans as prey but mistake them for their natural prey like seals or dolphins. Additionally, the author highlights the rarity of shark attacks on humans and emphasizes that the fear of sharks is unfounded. The author also addresses the misconception about sharks' sense of smell and clarifies that their sense of smell is not as acute as often portrayed in movies or television.

pls gib brainliest im in debt of points

State ONE way in which each of the examination writing skills below could effectively assist you when writing your examinations
7.1 Read the question
7.2 Plan the response
7.3 Answer the questions (3×1)​



7.1, could help you understand it more

7.2, could reduce mistakes made or make your answer more coherent

7.3, could give you a chance to attain the marks allocated for a better overall mark

Read the question: This makes it easier for you to comprehend what the examiner is asking.Prepare your response in advance to better arrange it and to better organise your thoughts.Answer to the questions: Answering the question entails giving thorough, accurate solutions to all of its components.What are Examination writing skills?

Exam writing skills are a collection of aptitudes necessary for successful and efficient composition in an exam setting. These abilities include attentively reading the question, organizing your answer, producing a clear and succinct response, utilizing acceptable terminology, supplying evidence to back up your claim, and presenting your response logically and orderly.

Examinations enhance a student's personality, memory, and study techniques in general. Students typically administer written and oral tests in their schools and institutions. People hold the false opinion that an exam is not needed, but if they strive to think positively and in depth, they will be able to see the advantages of exams.


Read the question: This makes it easier for you to comprehend what the examiner is asking.Prepare your response in advance to better arrange it and to better organise your thoughts.Answer to the questions: Answering the question entails giving thorough, accurate solutions to all of its components.

Learn about exam strategy, here:



Select the passage that has a more affectionate tone.

A. Then, as the darkness closed in, the daughter laid her head down in the hard ground close at the father's side, and watched him. The darkness deepened and deepened, and they both lay quiet, until a light gleamed through the chinks in the wall.

B. The girls gave their hearts into their mother's keeping, their souls into their father's. and to both parents, who lived and labored so faithfully for them, they gave a love that grew and bound them tenderly together by the sweetest tie which blesses life and outlives death.


The passage presented in option B has a more affectionate tone.

What is the tone of a text?It is a resource that promotes immersion in reading.It is a resource that promotes sensations and feelings.

An affectionate tone is seen in a text that emphasizes the feeling of affection for the reader. We can see this feeling in the text shown in option B, where the girls feel cared for and supported by their parents in an affectionate way.

Learn more about tone:



Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb form.

Nowadays students often (manage)_____ to travel long distances on very limited budgets. The secret (be)______ to find cheap travel, food and accommodation. In the 1960s, British students (do)______ this through hitch-hiking and youth hostelling. Travelling like this still (do)______ today, though drivers (be) ______ much more reluctant to offer lifts to strangers. Youth hostels are also more expensive as they (tend)_______ to offer a greater level of comfort.



Nowadays students often manage to travel long distances on very limited budgets. The secret is to find cheap travel, food, and accommodation. In the 1960s, British students did this through hitchhiking and youth hostelling. Traveling like this still happens today, though drivers are much more reluctant to offer lifts to strangers. Youth hostels are also more expensive as they tend to offer a greater level of comfort.

13 How does the author try to convince people that the entire community will benefit
from a dog park?
A He includes the advantages of a dog park for people who do not have pets.
B He restates the fact that the town has a law requiring dogs to be leashed.
C He mentions that dog owners should have a fence around their yard for their dog.
D He proves that most dog owners feel that their dog is safer on a leash.





help!! Select the linguistic formula that represents the verb phrase in the following sentence.



Option one


Helping verbs "help" the main verb of a sentence to express the main verb's tense, mood, or voice.

Let's break down the sentence and highlight the verbs:

You could have been cleaning your room all night!

Could is a helping verb.

Have is a helping verb.

Been is a helping verb.

Cleaning is an action verb.

Therefore, the linguistic formula is:

Helping verb + helping verb + helping verb + action verb.

intermediate sanctions fit the concept of , which is a range of punishments that vary in intrusiveness and control. group of answer choices continuum of sanctions primary sanctions widening the net pretrial diversion


The concept that intermediate sanctions fit is the continuum of sanctions, which is a range of punishments that vary in intrusiveness and control.

Intermediate sanctions can be defined as a set of sanctions used as an alternative to imprisonment or probation to offer a range of intermediate consequences that are less intrusive than imprisonment and more severe than probation.

The continuum of sanctions is a range of punishments that varies in intrusiveness and control. The term "continuum" refers to a spectrum of potential penalties for a crime or offence, ranging from minor to serious sanctions.

This approach entails recognizing that no single sanction is appropriate for all offenders and that the severity and nature of the penalty should correspond to the severity and nature of the crime.

The continuum of sanctions includes everything from pretrial diversion, community service, probation, intermediate sanctions, and imprisonment, with intermediate sanctions being the group of punishments that fall between probation and imprisonment.

Learn more about sanctions https://brainly.com/question/20713086


Which does not affect the magnetism of an electromagnet?​


Answer: The number of batteries


Match the following words with their definitions. 1 . a short story teaching a spiritual lesson 2 . to pretend to be more virtuous than one is 3 . a habitually lazy person 4 . material added to the end of a book 5 . having the form of a short story teaching a spiritual lesson 6 . to act according to what is right 7 . similar; matching in form 8 . lazy; sluggish 9 . alike in meaning 10 .to make an indirect reference 11 .Hebrew word translated proverb in English 12 .an implied reference 13 . to repeat a passage found elsewhere 1 . parabolic
2 . parable 3 . allude 4 . synonymous 5 . quote 6 . appendix
7 . hypocrisy 8 . parallel 9 . sluggard 10 . allusion 11 . slothful 12 . righteous 13 . mashal


The question asks to match the following words with their definitions.

Here is the match:
1. Parabolic - Having the form of a short story teaching a spiritual lesson
2. Parable - A short story teaching a spiritual lesson
3. Allude - To make an indirect reference
4. Synonymous - Alike in meaning
5. Quote - To repeat a passage found elsewhere
6. Appendix - Material added to the end of a book
7. Hypocrisy - To pretend to be more virtuous than one is
8. Parallel - Similar; matching in form
9. Sluggard - A habitually lazy person
10. Allusion - An implied reference
11. Slothful - Lazy; sluggish
12. Righteous - To act according to what is right
13. Mashal - Hebrew word translated proverb in English

More Words Synonym on:



Think about Marlene's relationship with her father and what it reveals about the story's theme. You should identify at least three moments in the story that reveal the theme and support your claim with textual evidence using in-text citation (page numbers--not lines)


Marlene's relationship with her father reveals the story's theme of the power of empathy and understanding. In the story, Marlene's father tells her, "I know how it feels to be an outsider" (page 15). This reveals how he is able to relate to his daughter and how he is willing to understand her experience. The gesture of compassion and understanding further supports the theme of the power of empathy and understanding.

Another moment that reveals this theme is when Marlene tells her father about her experience of being bullied, to which he responds with a hug. This moment shows his willingness to empathize with her and recognize her struggles, despite their differences.

Finally, when Marlene's father invites the girl who had been bullying her to the family's gathering, Marlene is surprised and doesn't know how to react. This moment shows how her father is able to look beyond the pain caused by the bullying and extend an olive branch of forgiveness.

For such more question on empathy:



examine the selection in heading " let robots take to the stars" and then summarize the reasons that support the author's claim why do you think she put the reasons in the order she did? why did she save it for last?



The author supports the claim that robots should be sent to space instead of humans, citing reasons such as safety, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency. Additionally, the author believes that robots can handle the harsh environment of space better than humans, and can perform complex tasks without risking human lives. The author also suggests that robots may be more adaptable and able to evolve to suit different space missions over time.

The author likely saved this specific reason for last because it highlights the long-term benefits of investing in robots for space exploration, rather than just the immediate benefits. By emphasizing the adaptability of robots, the author suggests that they have the potential to continually improve and take on new challenges in space exploration.

The nuclei of the brainstem that receive signals from tactile, pressure, and taste receptors in the mouth that are stimulated by food are the _____ nuclei.


The nuclei of the brainstem that receive signals from tactile, pressure, and taste receptors in the mouth that are stimulated by food are the gustatory nuclei.

Step by step Explanation :

What is a gustatory nucleus?

Gustatory nucleus is a brainstem nucleus that receives the sensory taste signals transmitted from the taste buds of the tongue through the seventh, ninth, and tenth cranial nerves. The nucleus is located in the brainstem's caudal medulla oblongata and is located near the nucleus solitarius, which collects taste, visceral, and other sensory signals from the head.Gustatory nucleus is composed of two sections, namely the rostral and caudal sections. The medial part of the rostral section of the nucleus is associated with the parabrachial nuclei through the trigeminal sensory relay. The caudal section of the nucleus is involved in taste processing and is made up of rostral and caudal subnuclei.

The other sensory nuclei present in the brainstem are: Spinal trigeminal nucleus, Nucleus ambiguus, Dorsal motor, nucleus of the vagus, Facial nerve nucleus, Hypoglossal nerve nucleus, Vestibular nucleus, Oculomotor nucleus, Trochlear nucleus, Abducens nucleus, Red nucleus, Reticular formation, Substantia nigra.

The brainstem serves as a relay station for numerous important pathways, connecting the cerebellum to the cerebrum and the spinal cord to the higher brain regions. It's also responsible for vital life functions like heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate.

Learn more anout nuclei and brainstem at : https://brainly.com/question/17205347


In the "The Giver" What was in Jonas's instruction folder?​



When Jonas opens his Assignment folder, he reads the following rules listed for the position of Receiver of Memory. Jonas must go immediately to the Annex after school, which is located behind the House of the Old. Jonas must go immediately to his dwelling each day after completing the required Training Hours.

what does it mean when sentences run consecutively


Answer: they have no stopper like a period or an exclamation point


consecutively means nonstop, so if a sentence is running nonstop, there is no stopper for it to end or stop




define the problem


State and explain the four function of money.​


Money has a lot of value and functions in society. It is a medium of exchange, a unit of account, store of value and a standard of deffered payment.

How does it perform these functions?Medium of exchange: Money serves as a medium of exchange, which means that it can be used to purchase goods and services. Without money, people would need to rely on bartering or exchanging goods for goods.Unit of account: Money provides a standard unit of measurement for the value of goods and services.Store of value: Money serves as a store of value, which means that it can be saved and used to purchase goods and services in the future. Standard of deferred payment: Money serves as a standard of deferred payment, which means that it can be used to pay off debts or obligations in the future. This is possible because money is generally accepted as a means of payment.

To find out more about money, visit:



Describe how you see young men, women, non-binary, and transgender individuals treated at school, both by their peers and by teachers. If you see a difference, in general, in how individuals are treated based on gender or sex, how would you characterize that difference? What effect do you think it has? Why do you think the difference exists?


Experiences of gender discrimination, gender identity or sexual orientation in the society were quite obvious. People treated based on the gender like insulted, misbehaved or being ignored.

Based on the gender discrimination women were more likely than men to have witnessed discriminatory behaviors in the postsecondary environment without having personally experienced them. There are 25% of women students said that they had witnessed that a man doesn’t act like a man is supposed to act or that a woman doesn’t act like a woman is supposed to act as compared to 22% of men. This pattern was seen with each of the other kinds of discrimination based on gender, gender identity or sexual orientation. Based on this when the proportions of women and men who witnessed them were compared it is being witnessed.

To learn more about  gender discrimination



After sharing with the director your choice on how to use advertising to increase sales, she says, "Now I would like you to consider something else. We want to use geodemography to further segment and understand our consumers." She continues, "What would be the best way to use this technique?" What would be the best way to use geodemography to further segment and understand consumers? Select an option from the choices below. A.Segment consumers by combining data on consumer expenditures and other socioeconomic factors with geographic information about the areas in which people live to identify consumers who share consumption patterns. B.Segment consumers by combining data on consumers' age with geographic information about the areas in which people live to identify consumers who share both age patterns and location. C.Segment consumers by combining data on consumers' income level with geographic information about the areas in which people live to identify and describe consumers who share both income patterns and location.


The best way to use geodemography to further segment and understand consumers would be to (A) Segment consumers by combining data on expenditures and socio-economic factors with geographic information.

Geodemography is a statistical technique for identifying demographic characteristics of people and lifestyles based on where they live.

The technique of geodemography is used by businesses to understand their customer's behavior and buying habits. The company can create more targeted advertising campaigns and optimize sales through such a technique.

Therefore, the correct option is (A), that is, to segment consumers by combining data on consumer expenditures and other socio-economic factors with geographic information about the areas in which people live to identify consumers who share consumption patterns.

Learn more about the technique: https://brainly.com/question/240537


Choose the ONE archetype you most relate to, recognize, and/or like.

Create a public service announcement that educates your audience on the role of the archetype as well as persuades them that your archetype is one of the greatest—most common, most powerful, most dynamic (changes the most), most unique, etc.


The archetype I relate to, recognize, and like the most is the Hero.

The Hero archetype is the embodiment of courage and bravery, and is willing to take risks to do the right thing. Heroes always strive for a greater good and use their strength and courage to help others. The Hero archetype is often seen as the savior of the people, and is often seen as the protagonist in many stories. A public service announcement about the Hero archetype would explain that it is important to be brave and take risks in order to achieve your goals. Heroes show us that it is possible to make a difference and to strive for something greater. The Hero archetype also shows us that it is okay to be different and to stand out from the crowd. So remember, be brave, take risks, and strive to make a difference in your life and the lives of those around you!

More on archetype: https://brainly.com/question/14656651


Sabal was being called by kirti active voice​


Active voice: Kirti called Sabal. The subject of a sentence performs the action of the verb in the active voice grammatical construction.

What is active voice​?

Active voice is a type of sentence construction in which the subject performs the action expressed by the verb. In other words, in an active voice sentence, the subject is the doer of the action. The active voice is frequently used to make sentences shorter, more direct, and more engaging.

For example, in the sentence "The cat chased the mouse", the subject "cat" performs the action of chasing the object "mouse". This is an example of an active voice sentence because the subject is doing the action expressed by the verb.

Learn more about active voice with the help of the given link:



Read the section below. Old age has applied the concept of wisdom to A choice that was at time basically arbitrary but because this is the last stanza it seems to carry the weight of truth. The words Are concise and tough not the ambiguous of the earlier stanzas. The word ambiguities has an uncertain connotation. Which phrase BEST emphasizes that connotation? A. Concept of wisdom B. Basically arbitrary. C. Weight of truth. D. Earlier stanzas


The phrase that best emphasizes the uncertain connotation is "Earlier stanzas." This phrase suggests that the earlier stanzas were ambiguous and unclear, which adds to the uncertain connotation of the word "ambiguities."

What does the word "ambiguity" mean?

Ambiguity refers to a lack of clarity or certainty in meaning. In the context of the given passage, it means that the earlier stanzas were unclear or had multiple possible interpretations, which made it difficult to understand the true meaning of the text.

In literature or writing, ambiguity occurs when the language or message is unclear or can be interpreted in multiple ways. It can be intentional, used by the author to create a sense of mystery or to allow the reader to form their own interpretations. However, ambiguity can also be unintentional, occurring when the author fails to communicate their message clearly.

To learn more about the word "ambiguities", click here:



Peter was really looking forward to the weekend because



we will never know lol


need answers to choice from

Lol who knows you would have to figure that out on your own
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