Writing Practice (150 words needed)

What was Albert einsteins message when he said " A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new"?

Please HELP, Will give brainly! !!


Answer 1


Writing Practice of 150 words


Albert Einstein was one of the greatest scientists of all time, known for his groundbreaking work in physics and his remarkable intellect. But he was also known for his humility and his belief that making mistakes was an essential part of learning and growing. In fact, he once said, "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."

Einstein's message is a powerful one that is still relevant today. Many of us are afraid to take risks or try new things because we don't want to make mistakes or fail. But the truth is, we can't grow or learn if we never make mistakes. Mistakes help us to identify our weaknesses and areas for improvement, and they give us the opportunity to try again and do better.

Einstein's message is a reminder that it's okay to make mistakes and that we should embrace them as opportunities for growth and learning. So, the next time you find yourself hesitating to try something new, remember Einstein's words and take that leap of faith. Who knows what amazing things you might discover?

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It was the middle of July. Summer is tornado season in Michigan. It was supposed to be a nice day. The sky started getting dark. Tornadoes can form quickly. My brother was surprised at how fast it appeared. What linking word might show the relationship between the last two ideas?



The linking word that shows the relationship between the last two ideas could be "suddenly" or "abruptly", as both suggest a quick and unexpected change in the situation.

Analyse how social media could make abusive relationships more common for today's teenagers



Social media has become a prevalent part of teenagers' lives and has brought numerous benefits such as connecting with friends, sharing experiences, and exploring new interests. However, it has also opened up new avenues for abusive behavior in relationships. Here are some ways social media could make abusive relationships more common for today's teenagers:

1. Cyberbullying: Social media platforms provide an easy way for bullies to harass and intimidate their victims online. Cyberbullying can include posting hurtful comments, spreading rumors, or sending threatening messages. This type of behavior can be especially damaging to a teenager's self-esteem and can lead to abusive relationships.

2. Digital control: Abusers can use social media to monitor and control their partner's online activities. This may include checking their partner's messages, tracking their location through social media apps, or even demanding passwords to their partner's social media accounts. This type of control can be very damaging and can isolate the victim from their friends and family.

3. Social media addiction: Teenagers may become addicted to social media, spending countless hours scrolling through their feeds and interacting with others online. This addiction can cause a teenager to prioritize their social media relationships over their real-life relationships, leading to unhealthy and abusive relationships.

4. False sense of security: Social media can give teenagers a false sense of security, leading them to share personal information or intimate photos with their partners. This behavior can leave them vulnerable to abuse or exploitation, as abusers may use this information to control or blackmail them.

In conclusion, social media can make abusive relationships more common for today's teenagers by enabling cyberbullying, digital control, social media addiction, and creating a false sense of security. It is essential to educate teenagers about the risks of social media and to encourage them to seek help if they experience any form of abuse in their relationships. Parents, teachers, and other adults should also be vigilant and look for signs of abuse in the young people around them.

true/false. education, students for whom english is not their first language, learn some subjects in their native language while simultaneously learning english.


True. In some educational systems, students for whom English is not their first language are taught some subjects in their native language while simultaneously learning English.

This approach is often referred to as bilingual education or dual-language immersion, and it is designed to help students maintain their proficiency in their native language while also acquiring fluency in English. The specific approach to bilingual education can vary depending on the educational system and the needs of the students involved.

Learn more about educational systems



Write a paragraph analyzing the central ideas in "Sonnet 71” by William Shakespeare. Be sure to explain how the sonnet’s form supports the development of the central ideas, and examine whether the ideas in the poem remain consistent.


In “Sonnet 71” by William Shakespeare, the central idea that speaker reflects on the process of aging and the fleeting nature of life and contains the theme of self-disgust and a desire to be forgotten after death.

The sonnet "Sonnet 71" by William Shakespeare is about the speaker's guilt and desire to be forgotten after his death. Hence, the central idea of this poem is the theme of self-disgust and a desire to be forgotten after death. The sonnet is organized into three quatrains and a final couplet, allowing Shakespeare to convey his thoughts on aging through an intricate and meaningful structure. The sonnet form is consistent with the theme, as it follows the typical Shakespearean sonnet form of three quatrains and a couplet, with the rhyme scheme of ABAB CDCD EFEF GG.

The first quatrain begins with the speaker stating that he hopes that after he dies, his love will not keep remembering him because it will only bring pain. The second quatrain discusses how the speaker would like to be forgotten, so his love will not be constantly reminded of him. The third quatrain then emphasizes the speaker's self-disgust by saying that he is "ashamed" and feels "frail." The final couplet completes the central idea by saying that after he dies, the speaker would rather his love forget him and find another, rather than grieve over his memory.

The sonnet's form supports the development of the central ideas by providing structure and order to the poem. The three quatrains build up the theme of the speaker's guilt and self-disgust, while the final couplet brings closure to the poem by emphasizing the central idea. The consistent rhyme scheme and iambic pentameter also contribute to the poem's structure and help to emphasize the central ideas.

Overall, the central ideas in "Sonnet 71" remain consistent throughout the poem, with the speaker expressing his desire to be forgotten and his self-disgust. The poem's structure and form help to support and develop these central ideas by providing a clear structure and emphasizing the central themes.

Learn more about Sonnet 71:



A Child Called "IT" by Dave Pelzer
Chapter Two "Good Times"
1. How does David describe his family in chapter two?
2. How does the mother described in chapter two differ from the mother described in chapter one
3. How did his mother act when it was holiday time?
4. Describe David's experience at the Russian River.
5. What do you think happened to David's mother to make her change so
Vocabulary: Modest, Scour, Meticulously, Destiny, Constructive, Blitz


Dave's relationship with his mother radically deteriorated shortly after this; it began with discipline that spiraled into "a kind of lifestyle that became out of control".

Over the holidays, how did his mother behave?

Not Dave's mother, but David himself, is highlighted in the chapter's title. Although the title of the current chapter, "Bad Boy," immediately contradicts "Good Days," it stresses Dave's own behavior. Due to the fact that his mother never mistreated him in his presence, his father took on the role of protector. Whenever he was home, Dave would accompany her as she got dressed up and relaxed in his company. He told Dave to be a "good guy" as he was leaving one day to go to work. David recognized his situation at that time:

To know more about Chapter Two "Good Times" visit:



How does humanity help and hinder nature​



Humanity has a complex relationship with nature. On one hand, humans have made significant advancements in technology, medicine, and other areas that have improved the quality of life for many people. However, this progress has often come at the expense of nature. Pollution, deforestation, and overfishing are just a few examples of how humans have negatively impacted the environment.

On the positive side, many people and organizations are now working to preserve and protect the environment. There is a growing awareness of the need to reduce our carbon footprint, conserve resources, and find sustainable solutions to the problems facing the planet. These efforts have led to the creation of national parks and protected areas, the development of renewable energy sources, and the implementation of policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

However, much more needs to be done. Human activities continue to cause environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, and climate change. The challenge is to find ways to balance the needs of people with the needs of the planet. This requires a fundamental shift in the way we think about and interact with nature. It means recognizing that we are part of the natural world, not separate from it, and that we have a responsibility to protect it for future generations.




Reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Cut down on what you throw away. Follow the three "R's" to conserve natural resources and landfill space.

Let me give...................advice - don't marry him!




You going thru it rn

Which of the following contains the best thesis statement and supporting ideas for this essay?
Thesis statement:
Alternative medicine is a dangerous practice that robs cancer patients of time, money, and often, their lives. All medicine was alternative before it was mainstream.



Thesis statement:

Alternative medicine is a dangerous practice that robs cancer patients of time, money, and often, their lives.

Supporting ideas:

Lack of scientific evidence: Alternative medicine lacks rigorous scientific testing and validation, which can put patients at risk of harm and delay effective treatment.

Delay in seeking conventional treatment: Patients who rely solely on alternative medicine may delay seeking conventional treatment, allowing cancer to progress and become more difficult to treat.

Financial burden: Alternative medicine can be costly, and patients may spend their savings on treatments that are ineffective or even harmful, leading to financial strain and potentially worsening their health outcomes.

False hope: Alternative medicine often makes promises of a cure or improved health outcomes that are not based on scientific evidence, leading patients to believe they are getting better when in fact their cancer is continuing to progress.

Legal and ethical issues: Alternative medicine can involve practitioners who are not licensed or regulated, and may engage in unethical or fraudulent practices that put patients at risk

[] is an educated guess about what will happen.


Answer: Educated guess can predict what will happen






cite seven (7) of the possible causes of friction between chris mccandless and his father, as revealed in this chapter. he was al


The possible causes of friction between McCandless and his parents was that his parents did not spend much time together because they worked so much.

The other reason can be the fact that the parents of McCandless did not get along. Chris felt ashamed of his affluent relatives. Chris often treated his parents carelessly and with disdain, and he felt resentment and contempt for them. Chris believed that his parents were hedonistic and that his father exploited his wealth to influence others. He even believed that his father had manipulated him into performing well in school using money and worldly possessions. The narrator describes McCandless's transformation and its cause. On his trip, he had discovered that his father had maintained a relationship with his first wife and his other children, running two families. Before Walt and Billie were born, McCandless was born, and he had a son with his first wife to the East Coast, relocated. Although his father Walt was still wed to his first wife Marcia, Chris was born to his mother Billie.

Walt McCandless also had a child with Marcia two years after Chris was born. McCandless was enraged when he realised this dishonesty.

To now more about McCandless, click here:



Why is listening important in business organization



Why is listening important in business organization


Listening is important in business organizations for several reasons:

Better Understanding: Listening allows managers, employees, and other stakeholders to better understand the needs, opinions, and perspectives of others. This helps to build stronger relationships and fosters an environment of trust and respect.

Problem Solving: Listening to others can help to identify problems and issues that need to be addressed in the organization. This can lead to better decision-making and problem-solving, which can improve productivity and profitability.

Enhanced Communication: Active listening can enhance communication within the organization, leading to improved collaboration and teamwork. By listening to feedback and suggestions, employees can work together more effectively to achieve common goals.

Customer Service: In businesses where customer service is important, listening is crucial. Listening to customer feedback can help organizations to better understand their needs and expectations, which can lead to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Employee Engagement: Listening to employees can help to improve employee engagement and job satisfaction. When employees feel that their opinions are valued and heard, they are more likely to feel invested in the organization and to work harder to achieve its goals.

Overall, listening is an important skill in business organizations because it helps to improve communication, build stronger relationships, and foster an environment of trust and respect.


Explanation:. Listening increases productivity, boosts confidence and reduces errors.

Do you speak more than one form of English? Examine how you use language differently or speak variant dialects across diverse situations. Provide at least one specific example and explain or compare how you use language differently in two distinct contexts


Language is a complex and dynamic system that is influenced by many factors such as geography, culture, social status, and personal identity. As a result, people use different language varieties or dialects depending on the context in which they are speaking.

How to illustrate the information

For example, someone might use different language varieties or dialects in the following situations:

Socializing with friends: When people are socializing with friends, they might use more informal language and slang terms that are specific to their social group or subculture. They may also use more colloquial expressions and swear words.

Formal settings: In formal settings such as job interviews, meetings, or presentations, people tend to use more formal language and avoid slang or colloquial expressions. They may also use more technical or specialized vocabulary depending on the topic.

Learn more about languages on:



Listen carefully and complete in the blank spaces.
1. Woman used to …………………………….. in high school.
2. Woman used to …………………………… so much free time.
3. Woman used to ………………………….. for French company, and then I changed jobs.
4. Man said: You used to ……………………. a Spanish coworker.
5. Maria used to …………………………….. him laugh.


The answers are:

1. study

2. have

3. work

4. have

5. make

The grammar rules to be followed for the usage of "used to" are: For affirmative sentences, "used to" is used. When "used to" is followed by a verb, the verb is in the base form. For example: She used to smoke. (affirmative). For negative sentences, "used to" is used with "not". When "used to" is followed by a verb, the verb is in the base form. For example: She used not to smoke (negative). For interrogative sentences, "used to" is used by putting the subject before it, and inverting the subject and the verb. When "used to" is followed by a verb, the verb is in the base form. For example: Did she use to smoke? (interrogative)

Learn more about grammar rules here https://brainly.com/question/30235282


evaluate the impact that ongoing changes in parents or guidian relationships of Grade 11s could have on their ability to achieve academic goals​




Changes in parents or guardian relationships of Grade 11 students can have a significant impact on their ability to achieve academic goals. The level of support and stability that students receive from their parents or guardians is crucial to their academic success.

If a student's parents or guardians are going through a divorce, separation, or any other significant change in their relationship, the student may experience emotional distress, which can affect their ability to concentrate and learn. They may become more withdrawn or exhibit behavioral issues, and their academic performance may suffer as a result. Additionally, if the family is relocating, the student may have to adjust to a new environment and school, which can also impact their academic performance.

Furthermore, changes in parents or guardian relationships can also impact a student's financial stability. For example, if the family is going through a divorce or separation, the student may experience a decrease in financial resources and face additional financial burdens. This can limit their access to resources such as tutoring, academic support, or educational materials, which can impact their academic performance.

To mitigate the impact of changes in parents or guardian relationships, it is essential to provide students with emotional support and resources. School counselors, teachers, and other professionals can help provide emotional support and guidance to students who are experiencing challenging family situations. Additionally, schools can provide resources such as tutoring, academic support, and educational materials to ensure that students have access to the resources they need to achieve their academic goals despite the challenges they may be facing at home.

Which of the following statements is the best definition for an archetype? O an individual that others idolize and try to emulate 0 an identical form for many versions of the same thing 0 a model that represents universal patterns of human life. O a stereotype or stock element that recurs in literature



Which of the following statements is the best definition for an archetype? O an individual that others idolize and try to emulate 0 an identical form for many versions of the same thing 0 a model that represents universal patterns of human life. O a stereotype or stock element that recurs in literature


The best definition for an archetype is: "a model that represents universal patterns of human life."

effective texting during workplace meetings includes which of the following? (select all that apply.)


Effective texting during workplace meetings includes:

Asking for information from colleagues or clients outside the meetingPrompting team members about topics to cover

Effective texting during workplace meetings includes limiting texts to urgent matters only, avoiding multitasking during important discussions, and using appropriate language and tone in messages.

Texting during meetings should be minimized as much as possible to avoid distractions and maintain focus on the agenda at hand. Urgent messages should be kept brief and to the point, and sent discreetly to avoid interrupting the flow of the meeting.

Additionally, using appropriate language and tone is important to maintain a professional atmosphere and avoid misinterpretations. Texting can be an effective way to communicate during workplace meetings when used appropriately, but should not be relied on as a primary means of communication or used in a way that is disrespectful to colleagues or disrupts the meeting.

To learn more about Effective texting, here



The complete question is:

Effective texting during workplace meetings includes which of the following?

Asking for information from colleagues or clients outside the meetingPrompting team members about topics to coverDissemination of time-sensitive informationSecure dissemination of sensitive information

A close friend of yours has met someone that he/she likes very much. Unfortunately, your friend is very shy and cannot hold a conversation with him/her. He/She has come to you for advice. Write the dialogue. ​


A fair coin is tossed 7 times. Compute the probability of tossing 7 heads in a row.

Enter your response as a reduced fraction.

Answer: sit by him for lunch


"what kind of music do you like" have the friend ask for his snap

Using Slave is the Fourth of July by Frederick Douglass answer the question has the author used any fallacious claims or created bias in the presentation or information? If so, what effect does including/excluding this information and cite at least one piece of evidence




In his speech "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?", Frederick Douglass argues that the celebration of American independence from Great Britain is hollow for slaves and their descendants because they are still not free. Upon analyzing the speech, I did not find any fallacious claims or biased presentations of information.

Douglass presents a clear and well-supported argument based on his personal experience as a former slave and his understanding of American history. He cites specific examples of the ways in which slavery violates the principles of freedom and justice enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. He also acknowledges the progress that has been made in the fight for abolition, but argues that more work is still needed to achieve true freedom and equality.

One example of his well-supported argument is when Douglass said, "Fellow citizens, pardon me, allow me to ask, why am I called upon to speak here to-day? What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us?" This statement shows that Douglass is questioning the hypocrisy of celebrating independence while still denying basic rights to a significant portion of the population.

In conclusion, after analyzing "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?", I did not find any fallacious claims or biased presentations of information. Douglass presents a well-supported argument that challenges the hypocrisy of celebrating freedom while still denying basic rights to slaves and their descendants.

How does Long John act when he first enters the stockade in chapters 19-21 of Treasure Island?
A. He threatens all of Captain Smollett's men.
B. He introduces himself, as if it was the first time he had ever met Captain Smollett's men.
C. Talks kindly to all of Captain Smollett's men, as if saying hello to old friends.
D. He refuses to speak to anyone other than Captain Smollett.


b seems like best bet

Where do we see aspects of Transcendentalism in Fahrenheit 451? that is, what does Bradbury convey about being an individual in society?


Transcendentalism is a philosophical and literary movement that emphasizes individualism, self-reliance, and the importance of nature.

How is Transcendentalism seen in  Fahrenheit 451?

Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 contains several elements of Transcendentalism, particularly in its portrayal of the struggle for individualism in a society that values conformity and censorship.

One of the most significant ways in which Transcendentalism is reflected in Fahrenheit 451 is through the character of Clarisse McClellan. Clarisse is portrayed as an individual who values her own thoughts and experiences, and she encourages the protagonist, Guy Montag, to do the same. She asks Montag if he is happy, and when he struggles to answer, she tells him, "I am. I'm mad about the way things are. I just can't seem to get mad about them anymore. I don't know why."

This conversation between Clarisse and Montag highlights the importance of individuality and self-reflection in a conformist society. It emphasizes the need to question the status quo and to think independently, rather than blindly accepting what is presented by the government or other authority figures.

To know more about Transcendentalism, visit:



M3 D2 Writing Process



M3 D2 Writing Process


The writing process is a series of steps that writers follow to produce a well-written piece of work. These steps can be divided into three main stages: prewriting, drafting, and revising/editing. Here is an overview of each stage:

Prewriting: This stage involves preparing to write. It includes activities such as brainstorming, researching, outlining, and organizing ideas. During this stage, writers consider their audience, purpose, and tone.

Drafting: This stage involves putting ideas into words. It includes writing a rough draft or multiple drafts. During this stage, writers focus on getting their ideas down on paper and do not worry too much about grammar, punctuation, or spelling.

Revising/editing: This stage involves reviewing and improving the draft. It includes activities such as revising for content and structure, editing for grammar and style, and proofreading for errors. During this stage, writers focus on refining their work and making it clear, concise, and error-free.

Overall, the writing process is a recursive one, meaning that writers may need to repeat certain stages several times. For example, after revising/editing, a writer may need to return to the prewriting stage to gather additional information or refine their ideas. By following the writing process, writers can produce more effective and polished writing.

name 5 things you see on your way to School.​



1: Houses and buildings: Depending on the location of the school, a person might see different types of buildings, such as residential houses, commercial buildings, or industrial structures.

2: Trees and plants: Many routes to school pass through parks, gardens, or tree-lined streets, where people can enjoy the beauty of nature.

3: Traffic and transportation: People might see cars, buses, bicycles, or pedestrians on their way to school, depending on the mode of transportation they use.

4: Stores and businesses: Along the way, people might encounter various types of stores, such as coffee shops, convenience stores, or restaurants, as well as other businesses like banks, pharmacies, or hair salons.

5: People and animals: A person might see other students, teachers, parents, or neighbors on their way to school, as well as pets or wildlife that live in the area.


[TRUE OR FALSE] Extended examples are typically much more effective as supporting material for your speech than brief examples.


True, Extended examples are typically much more effective as supporting material for your speech than brief examples.

Examples provided as supporting information can be short or lengthy, real or fictitious. Extended examples, also known as illustrations, are longer than brief examples and can be used in introductions or conclusions to capture the audience's attention or leave a lasting impression. Brief examples are typically one or two sentences long. Generally speaking, extended examples outperform brief examples as supporting evidence for your speech. Using vivid examples can persuade a crowd in ways that go well beyond their value as actual evidence. The unit of central tendency known as the mode is the median price of a home in your county.

To know more about typically refer :



1 which themes are illustrated in unoka's song to the kite (a bird that similar to a hawk
2 from one day a neighbour to okoye rolled his goatskin and departed comment on what is revealed about the ibo traditional way of life in the passage
3 how does achebe introduce a feeling of foreboding at the end chapter and what is the purpose of this technique ​


In Chinua Achebe's novel "Things Fall Apart", Unoka's song to the kite reflects several themes, including the transience of life, the struggle for identity, and the tension between tradition and change.

How are these themes illustrated?

Firstly, Unoka's song speaks to the transience of life. He sings of the kite, "hovering, soaring, and gliding" and how "life is like a kite." This highlights the fleeting nature of life, and how we must make the most of our time before it is gone.

Secondly, Unoka's song also touches on the struggle for identity. He compares the kite to a bird that has no real place to call home, saying "The bird has no resting place / And the fowl is never at home." This highlights the idea that people, like the bird, may struggle to find their place in the world and may feel like they do not belong.

Lastly, Unoka's song reflects the tension between tradition and change. He sings of how the kite used to be made with traditional materials such as raffia and bamboo, but is now made with modern materials like paper and string. This shows how the world is changing, and how traditional ways of life are being replaced by new ones.

To find out more about "Things Fall Apart", visit:



Which best states the purpose of President Bush's speech?

to inform and educate US citizens
to warn and prepare US citizens
to console and inspire US citizens
to persuade and convince US citizens



D. to persuade and convince US citizens

Answer:to console and inspire


What is the meaning of "recognized only firmness, power and force and reflects primitive instincts and reactions entirely devoid of the restraints of civilization"?



That they only understood power and unless they were forced and bullied, in a sense, they would keep pushing the limits. This behavior was uncivilized and primitive, not what is expected from a civilized government.


Write 2-3 sentences explaining to someone why you are never speaking to them again in a Sassy tone?


"You had your chance, and you blew it. If you can't respect my decisions, then there's no point in us having a relationship

What is Speaking Skills?

Speaking skills refer to the ability to communicate effectively and clearly with others through spoken language. It includes the ability to articulate thoughts and ideas, use appropriate tone and body language, and adapt communication style to different audiences and contexts. Good speaking skills involve being able to convey information clearly, listen actively, and engage in constructive dialogue. Strong speaking skills are essential in many areas of life, such as business, education, social interactions, and public speaking engagements.

Don't expect us to ever talk again."

"I'm done giving you second chances. You chose to ignore me, and now I'm choosing to ignore you."

"You clearly don't value our friendship, so I'm no longer valuing it either. I'm done."

Learn more about Speaking Skills from the given link



You have just read Dinner at Home is the Main Ingredient for Healthy Eating by Meredith Cohn. How does the research in this article help a reader understand the value of learning to cook?


When we cook at home, the produce's nutritious content is preserved.

What are the benefits of eating well?

You may get all the energy you need to stay active every moment of the day from a well-balanced diet. nutrients you require for development and repair, as well as assisting in keeping you healthy and strong and assisting in the prevention of dietary-related diseases including certain cancers.

Food prepared at home is healthier than takeaway or quick meals. The takeaway you buy will typically contain a lot of fat, butter, and spices, that might not be healthful, notably if consumed frequently.

To know more about balanced diet visit:



yesterday i___(go) to a party: all my friends___(be) there and we___(have) a lot of fun.​



Yesterday I went to a party: all my friends were there and we had a lot of fun.

Yesterday I WENT to a party: all my friends WERE there and we HAD a lot of fun.

6. Choose the option that best explains and corrects the faulty parallelism in the following sentence: The play was lively, entertaining, and ended quickly.
Faulty parallelism occurs when the subject is modified by adjectives and a verb/adverb combination instead of all adjectives. Correction: The play was lively, entertaining, and short
There is no faulty parallelism in the sentence; therefore, it does not require a correction.
Faulty parallelism occurs when the modifiers appear after the subject. Correction: Lively and entertaining, the play ended quickly.
Faulty parallelism occurs when the subject is modified more than once. Correction: The play was lively.


When a subject is modified by a verb/adverb combination in addition to an adjective rather than just an adjective, the parallelism is flawed. The play was brief, vibrant, and entertaining.

What does a bad parallelism mean?

When the structure of a sentence is not grammatically parallel, it is referred to as a flawed parallelism (also known as a parallel structure error or a parallel construction error). List-containing sentences are the ones where this mistake happens most frequently.

What determines a sentence's parallelism?

Verify that you've paired nouns with other nouns, verbs with other verbs, prepositional phrases with other prepositional phrases, and so on, as this is a quick way to determine whether your writing has parallelism. To ensure that each part in a sentence has the same grammatical form, underline each component and examine it.

To know more about faulty parallelism visit:



Other Questions
Aging of Receivables; Estimating Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Wig Creations Company supplies wigs and hair care products to beauty salons throughout Texas and the Southwest. The accounts receivable clerk for Wig Creations prepared the following partially completed aging of receivables schedule as of the end of business on December 31, 2017: Not Days Past Due Past Customer Balance Due 1-30 31-60 61-90 91-120 Over 120 ABC Beauty 21,000 21,000 Angel Wigs 7,300 7,300 Zodiac Beauty 4,300 4,300 Subtotals 1,301,800 748,600 295,800 110,100 44,900 19,000 83,400 The following accounts were unintentionally omitted from the aging schedule. Assume all due dates are for the current year except for Visions Hair & Nail, which is due in the next year. Customer Due Date Balance Arcade Beauty Aug. 17 $4,800 Creative Images Oct. 30 4,900 Excel Hair Products July 3 8,500 First Class Hair Care Sept. 8 7,400 Golden Images Nov. 23 3,000 Oh That Hair Nov. 29 2,900 Dec. 7 7,100 One Stop Hair Designs Visions Hair & Nail Jan. 11 4,000 Wig Creations has a past history of uncollectible accounts by age category, as follows: Wig Creations has a past history of uncollectible accounts by age category, as follows: Age Class Percent Uncollectible Not past due 1 % 1-30 days past due 2 31-60 days past due 10 61-90 days past due 30 91-120 days past due 42 Over 120 days past due 85 Required: 1. Determine the number of days past due for each of the preceding accounts. If an account is not past due, enter a zero. Customer Due Date Number of Days Past Due Arcade Beauty Aug. 17 days Creative Images Oct. 30 days Excel Hair Products July 3 days First Class Hair Care Sept. 8 days Golden Images Nov. 23 days Oh That Hair Nov. 29 days One Stop Hair Designs Dec. 7 days Visions Hair & Nail Jan. 11 days 2. Complete the aging of receivables schedule by adding the omitted accounts to the bottom of the schedule and updating the totals. If an amount box does not require an entry, leave it blank. wariactionecomana 2. Complete the aging of receivables schedule by adding the omitted accounts to the bottom of the schedule and updating the totals. If an amount box does not require an entry, leave it blank. Wig Creations Company Aging of Receivables Schedule December 31, 2017 Not Past Due Days Past Due 1-30 Days Past Due 31-60 Days Past Due 61-90 Days Past Due 91-120 Days Past Due Over 120 Balance Customer ABC Beauty 21,000 Angel Wigs 21,000 7,300 4,300 7,300 Zodiac Beauty 4,300 1,301,800 748,600 295,800 110,100 44,900 19,000 83,400 Subtotals Arcade Beauty Creative Images Excel Hair Products First Class Hair Care Golden Images Oh That Hair One Stop Hair Designs Visions Hair & Nail Totals Percent uncollectible (%) % % % Estimate of uncollectible accounts $ $ 3. Estimate the allowance for doubtful accounts, based on the aging of receivables schedule. 4. Assume that the allowance for doubtful accounts for Wig Creations has a credit balance of $4,600 before adjustment on December 31, 2017. Journalize the adjustment for uncollectible accounts. If an amount box does not require an entry, leave it blank. Dec. 31 5. Assume that the adjusting entry in (4) was inadvertently omitted, how would the omission affect the balance sheet and income statement? by $ by $ On the balance sheet, assets would be (retained earnings) would be because the allowance for doubtful accounts would be because bad debt expense would be and net income In addition, the stockholders' equity on the income statement. by $ by $ the largest generation in u.s. history to date, the baby boomers were a result of? The density of a gas is the mass per unit volume of the gas in the units of, for example, grams per litre. By finding the mass of one litre (assume 1.00L) of gas you can calculate the density of the gas. knowledge of the densities of the gas compared to the density of air (1.2 g/l), can save your life.A) what is the density of carbon monoxide gas at 20C and 98 kPa in your home. In short-track speed skating, the track has straight sections and semicircles 16 min diameter. Assume that a 64kg skater goes around the turn at a constant 11m/s .Part A What is the horizontal force on the skater?part BWhat is the ratio of this force to the skater's weight? the purchase returns and allowances account is a contra cost of goods sold account, and the normal balance of this account is a (debit/credit) . The growth of manufacturing in the United States from 1800 to 1850 was most directly connected to which of the following broader historical processes?Large numbers of international migrants moving to northern cities,he growth of manufacturing in the northern states coincided with large numbers of international migrants settling in northern cities and urban areas. How does policy instability in a parliamentary system and gridlock in presidential system eompare? Analysis how you as a member on RCL can ensure that school sports contribute to nationa building If = 1 6 , then find exact values for the following: sec ( ) equals csc ( ) equals tan ( ) equals cot ( ) equals Add Work 4x 2 +6x13=3x 2 to the nearest tenth. an electronic office product contains 5000 electronic components. assume that the probability that each component operates without failure during the useful life of the product is 0.998, and assume that the components fail independently. approximate the probability that 10 or more of the original 5000 components fail during the useful life of the product using normal distribution. During World War II, the army enlisted women for the first time, although they were barred from a. basic training. b. combat. c. the barracks. Watching another person shoot a basketball is most likely to activate ____ neurons in the brain of the person who is watching A signal transmitted via phosphorylation of a series of proteins is generally associated with which of the following events?A. conformational changes to each protein in the seriesB. binding of a hormone to an intracellular receptorC. activation of a ligand-gated ion channelD. production of ATP in the process of signal transduction help with number 2 question Find the expected value of the winningsfrom a game that has the followingpayout probability distribution: Please help me with my math! What are some factors that contributed to the development of Black ASL? The difference between a web app and a mobile app is that the program code for Web apps _________, whereas mobile apps are stored on the handheld device, so they have to be ___________.answer choicesis downloaded and installed, retrieved from the cloudarrives only when you use the app, downloaded and installedis downloaded and installed, retrieved only when you use the app none of the above if the velocity of a molecule of hydrogen (h2) at 300 k is 1.93 x 10^3 m/s, what is the kinetic energy of one molecule of hydrogen?