You open your browser and sign into the OneDrive website. Now you need to find the poster from Liam so you can make the changes Indie gave you. Which file do you need?


Answer 1

Type Liam's name or the name of the poster into the OneDrive search field to find the file, then open it and make the necessary adjustments as directed by Indie.

How do I access OneDrive from a web browser?

Open a web browser and navigate to Choose the file name, then choose the folder where you saved your work. The proper Microsoft 365 for the Web programme launches when the document is clicked.

The best way to access files an editable link to OneDrive files be made?

Choose OneDrive from the user properties page. Choose Make link to files under Gain access to files. To access the file location, select the link. Choose Move to or Copy to move the files to your computer.

To know more about OneDrive visit:-


Related Questions

1. Write a Java program that generates a random integer number between 1 and 100 and asks the user to guess what that number is. If the user’s guess is higher than the random number, the program should display “Too high, try again.” If the user’s guess is lower than the random number, the program should display “Too low, try again.” When the user guesses the number, the program should display the number of guesses that the user makes. (Use the Scanner class.)





Which of the following statements about changing requirements in software development, are correct?


The following statement about changing requirements in software development, is correct: Organizations must adapt to rapidly changing market conditions to stay relevant in business. (Option D)

What is software development?

Software development refers to the process of designing, creating, testing, and maintaining software applications, frameworks, or other software components used by computers or other devices.

The statement "Changes are acceptable till design but once development starts, any further change should be rejected" is incorrect as changes in software requirements can occur at any stage of the software development life cycle.

However, changes made later in the development cycle can be more expensive and time-consuming to implement, and they can introduce additional risks to the project.

The statement "In traditional way of software development, once the requirements are baseline, further changes can be easily accepted with light process" is also not entirely true. Any changes to baselined requirements should be subject to a formal change control process.

Learn more about software development on:


Full Question:

Although part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this full question:

Which of the following statements about changing requirements in software development, are correct?

In traditional way of software development, once the requirements are base lined, further changes should undergo heavy change control process

Changes are acceptable till design but once development starts, any further change should be rejected

In traditional way of software development, once the requirements are base lined, further changes can be easily accepted with light process.

Organizations must adapt to rapidly changing market conditions to stay relevant in business​

using the analytical framework presented by the authors, which of the following would be considered government factors?


The analytical framework presented by the authors includes three categories of factors that can influence public policy: government factors, economic factors, and interest group factors. All Options are correct.

Government factors refer to the institutions and officials that make up the government, including the legislative branch (such as Congress), the executive branch (including the President and federal bureaucracy), and the judicial branch (including the Supreme Court). These branches of government can shape public policy in various ways, such as by passing laws, creating regulations, issuing executive orders, or interpreting the constitutionality of laws and regulations.

Therefore, all of the options (A) Congress, (B) the President, (C) the federal bureaucracy, and (D) the Supreme Court would be considered government factors. Each of these branches or offices has a unique role in the federal government and can play a significant role in shaping public policy depending on the issue at hand.

For more such questions on policy


Note: The comple question is:

Using the analytical framework presented by the authors, which of the following would be considered government factors?

A) congress,

B) the president,

C)  the federal bureaucracy,

D) the supreme court

compare HFS+, Ext4fs, and NTFS. Which one do you consider the most reliable file system? Please provide evidence that backs up your claim.


. Let's compare the three file systems:HFS+HFS+ is a proprietary file system that is used in Apple's macOS operating system. HFS+ file system is case-insensitive and journaling.

It provides file and directory compression, metadata journaling, and Time Machine backup support.Ext4fsExt4 is a file system that is used in Linux-based operating systems. It is the fourth version of the Extended File System (Ext). It provides metadata journaling, delayed allocation, and support for large files and partitions. It also has better file security and supports online defragmentation .NTFSNTFS is a file system that is used in Microsoft Windows operating systems. NTFS supports file and directory compression, journaling, and encryption. It provides better security and file permissions than FAT32 file system. It also supports large files and partitions, and file fragmentation is less of an issue in NTFS. Which file system is the most reliable?Among the three file systems, NTFS is the most reliable. NTFS is a very robust file system that is used on a wide range of devices. It provides better security, file permissions, and large file and partition support than HFS+ and Ext4fs. NTFS also supports journaling, which reduces the risk of data loss due to power failure or system crashes NTFS also has better file fragmentation support, which makes it easier to maintain performance over time.

for more such question on encryption


TRUE/FALSE. A U.S. citizen who posts material on the Web that is illegal in a foreign country cannot be prosecuted in that country.


The given statement "A U.S. citizen who posts material on the Web that is illegal in a foreign country cannot be prosecuted in that country is true because A U.S. citizen is a person born in the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam.

Additionally, any foreign-born child of U.S. citizens who was born outside of the United States can become a U.S. citizen via naturalization if specific eligibility criteria are met.

The laws of each country vary, but in general, a country's laws do not apply to the conduct of a foreigner outside its borders.

Because web servers are usually situated outside of the territory of the country whose laws apply, a foreigner cannot be charged under that country's laws simply for publishing something on the internet that is illegal there.

Extraterritorial application of laws is the ability of countries to prosecute crimes that occur outside their borders, and it is a topic of international law.

In some circumstances, a country may claim jurisdiction over people who have never been within its borders, as well as crimes that were committed outside of its territory.

For such more question on United States:



As stated in "Assignment Overview", each team member is required to choose and be in charge of ONE module.

Your module must involve a file with at least 6 data fields. You are encouraged to

add in more data fields in order to enhance the application's logic and practicality.

Examples of data fields are listed below. You may add a few of your own. For counting purposes, date and time will each be taken as one field (even though they

consist of 2 or more subfields)

• Staff Information Module

Staff ID, name, password, password recovery, position, etc.

E.g.: ST0001, Jennifer Ng, 1234, numbers, Administrator, ...

⚫ Member Information Module

o Member ID, name, gender, IC, contact number, up line ID, etc. o E.g.: M1001, Chong Yee Qing, F, 921213-14-1234, 011-123 4567, U101...

Sales Information Module

o Sales Order ID, item code, quantity ordered, price, member ID, etc. o E.g. 5101, V1001,30,40.00, M1001, ...

• Stock Information Module

Item Code, item description, item price, quantity in stock, minimum level,

reorder quantity, etc.

V1001, vitamin C, 25.50, 300, 50, 300,... o C2001, facial cream, 30.00,250, 50, 300,...

can anyone help me design the。 structure chart design of the module in should have planned and designed those modules required and how they flow in the structure chart​



here is an example of how you can write the code for the Staff Information Module in a C programming text file:
#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

#define MAX_STAFF 50

typedef struct {

   char staff_id[10];

   char name[50];

   char password[20];

   char password_recovery[50];

   char position[20];

} Staff;

Staff staff_list[MAX_STAFF];

int num_staff = 0;

void add_staff() {

   if (num_staff == MAX_STAFF) {

       printf("Maximum staff limit reached.\n");




   Staff new_staff;

   printf("Enter staff ID: ");

   scanf("%s", new_staff.staff_id);

   printf("Enter name: ");


   printf("Enter password: ");

   scanf("%s", new_staff.password);

   printf("Enter password recovery: ");

   scanf("%s", new_staff.password_recovery);

   printf("Enter position: ");

   scanf("%s", new_staff.position);


   staff_list[num_staff] = new_staff;


   printf("Staff added successfully.\n");


void view_staff() {

   if (num_staff == 0) {

       printf("No staff to display.\n");




   printf("Staff ID\tName\tPosition\n");

   for (int i = 0; i < num_staff; i++) {

       printf("%s\t%s\t%s\n", staff_list[i].staff_id, staff_list[i].name, staff_list[i].position);



int main() {

   int choice;

   do {

       printf("\nStaff Information Module\n");

       printf("1. Add Staff\n");

       printf("2. View Staff\n");

       printf("3. Exit\n");

       printf("Enter your choice: ");

       scanf("%d", &choice);


       switch (choice) {

           case 1:



           case 2:



           case 3:

               printf("Exiting Staff Information Module.\n");



               printf("Invalid choice.\n");


   } while (choice != 3);


   return 0;


You can save this code in a text file with the extension ".c" and then compile and run it using a C compiler.

TRUE/FALSE.A required attribute is an attribute that must have a value only for all entity instances already defined.


The statement "A required attribute is an attribute that must have a value only for all entity instances already defined" is False because an attribute is a quality or feature ascribed to someone or something.

In computing, an attribute is a unit of data that defines a specific property of an object, element, or file. Attribute values can be classified as atomic (single) or composite (multiple) (multi-valued). The concept of mandatory attributes is discussed below.

A mandatory attribute is an attribute that must be included in an entity instance, which is the initial or existing unit of an entity with mandatory attributes. It is not feasible to enter a value for a mandatory attribute if an entity does not already have an instance. For all entity instances, a mandatory attribute must have a value.

As a result, the statement "A required attribute is an attribute that must have a value only for all entity instances already defined" is False.

For such more question on attribute:


7 Which of the following illustrates that each phase of the SDLC begins with the results and information gained from the previous phase? O Investigation O Software Assurance O Methodology O Waterfall Model


The Waterfall Model illustrates that each phase of the SDLC begins with the results and information gained from the previous phase.

The Waterfall Model is a linear sequential approach to software development that consists of several distinct phases, including requirements gathering, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance. Each phase of the Waterfall Model must be completed before moving onto the next phase, and the results and information gained from each phase are used to inform the next phase. This ensures that each phase is built on a solid foundation of knowledge and understanding gained from the previous phase, which helps to improve the quality of the final product.

For such more question on implementation


given a M*N matrix where each element can either be 0 or 1. we need to print the shortest path between a given source cell to a destination cell. the path can only created out of a cell if its value 151


Given a M*N matrix where each element can either be 0 or 1, the shortest path between a given source cell to a destination cell can be printed using Breadth First Search (BFS) algorithm. This algorithm will traverse through the matrix row-wise and column-wise, and explore the next available cell in order to determine the shortest path between the two cells.

To begin, set the source cell as the starting point and assign a boolean value of 'true' to indicate that it has been visited. Next, create a queue data structure and insert the source cell into it. Then, while the queue is not empty, do the following:
1. Dequeue an item from the queue and assign it as the current cell.
2. If the current cell is the destination cell, then print the path from the source cell to the destination cell.
3. Else, for each of the adjacent cells to the current cell, do the following:
 a. If the cell has a value of 1, then add it to the queue and assign a boolean value of 'true' to indicate that it has been visited.
 b. Store the cell in an array to form the path from the source cell to the destination cell.
4. Repeat the above steps until the queue is empty.

By implementing the BFS algorithm, the shortest path between the source cell and the destination cell can be printed. This algorithm is suitable for this problem as it will explore each cell in the matrix row-wise and column-wise to find the shortest path.

for more such questions on Breadth First Search .


TRUE/FALSE.Airbnb’s technology does not allow the firm to monitor to see if hosts are trying to arrange a stay and payment outside of the system.


The correct answer is I do not have access to the latest information regarding Airbnb's technology and policies. However, based on my knowledge cutoff date of 2021, it is true that Airbnb's technology did not allow the company to monitor if hosts were trying to arrange a stay and payment outside of the system.

In the past, there have been instances where hosts have tried to circumvent Airbnb's platform by arranging payments and stays directly with guests. This is against Airbnb's terms of service, as it allows hosts to avoid paying fees to the company and bypasses important safety and security measures provided by the platform. While Airbnb has taken steps to discourage hosts from engaging in such behavior, it can be difficult to monitor every transaction that takes place outside of the platform. However, the company has implemented measures such as requiring guests and hosts to communicate primarily through the platform and withholding payment until after the guest has arrived at the accommodation to help mitigate this issue. Overall, while Airbnb's technology may not be able to monitor every potential instance of hosts arranging stays and payments outside of the system, the company has implemented policies and procedures to discourage such behavior and promote the use of its platform.

To learn more about monitor  click on the link below:


(ASAP)What is the value of the variable moneyDue after these lines of code are executed?
>>> numSodas = 8
>>> costSodas = 3
>>> moneyDue = numSodas * costSodas
moneyDue is ?



The value of moneyDue is 24.


This is because the code multiplies the number of sodas (8) by the cost of each soda ($3), resulting in a total cost of $24. The value of this calculation is then assigned to the variable moneyDue.

advantages and disadvantages of a truss bridge​




Extremely Strong

Uses materials effectively

Withstands extreme conditions

Roadways built onto the structure


Requires a lot of space

High maintenance costs

They’re heavy



Extremely strong

The structure of interconnecting triangles means that the load-bearing capacity of truss bridges is huge. The structure effectively manages both compression and tension, by spreading out the load from the roadway throughout its intricate structure. This means that no one part of the structure is carrying a disproportionate amount of weight. Sort of a ‘chain is only as strong as its weakest link’ type of situation.

Uses materials effectively

While the truss bridge has many, many linked parts to make up its structure—its use of materials is extremely effective. Materials such as wood, iron, and steel are all utilized to their highest potential, and every piece plays a role. The building of a large truss bridge can be a very economical option when compared to other bridge designs.

Withstands extreme conditions

Where other bridges such as beam and arch bridges may not be a viable option, truss bridges come into their own. They are able to span great lengths, and are often used in precarious locations such as deep ravines between mountaintops. You’ll regularly see truss bridges in use throughout mountainous areas to carry railways.

Roadways built onto the structure

Unlike other bridge designs, the truss bridge is able to carry its roadway on its structure. The load can be carried above (deck truss), along the middle (through truss), or on a bottom truss, which sits below the major truss structure. The options make the truss bridge both versatile and economical to build.


Requires a lot of space

The structure of a truss bridge is, by design, large. The interconnecting triangular components need to be large in order to bear and distribute heavy loads. This means that in certain restricted spaces, the truss bridge may not be the best option.

High maintenance costs

Economies of scale! The truss bridge uses a LOT of parts. Each of these are relatively light, and used effectively within the design, which means that if you’re building a huge truss bridge it is economically sensible. However—the maintenance costs of so many parts can be expensive. A truss bridge, like any load-bearing structure, will require regular and detailed maintenance. So many parts to look after can mean that this is expensive—not to mention time-consuming!

They’re heavy

Because truss bridges are so large, and use a lot of materials, they are heavy. Depending on the landscape supporting the bridge, some reinforcement may be necessary to cope with the weight. There may be other bridge options such as suspension or beam bridges, which might be more suitable if your landscape can’t support a truss bridge.

As one of the oldest styles of ‘modern day’ bridges, the truss has been a trusty go-to design for many an engineer, since the early 19th century. Whether you’re building over steep ravines, crossing vast lakes, or planning a creepy B-grade railway horror movie—there’s a truss bridge to suit your needs.


Extremely strong.

Uses materials effectively.

Withstands extreme conditions.

Roadways built on to the structure.

Requires a lot of space.

High maintenance costs.

How good is your engineer?

They're heavy.

TRUE/FALSE.Typically, hybrid drives use SSD to store the operating system and applications and hard disks to store videos, music, and documents.


The given statement "Typically, hybrid drives use SSD to store the operating system and applications and hard disks to store videos, music, and documents." is true because a hybrid drive is a combination of solid-state and hard-disk drives.

It aims to provide faster and more efficient performance in contrast to traditional hard-disk drives. An SSD is the key component of a hybrid drive since it improves the boot time of the operating system and speeds up the launch of applications by using the flash storage.

As a result, users experience much quicker system responsiveness and load times. Hard-disk drives, on the other hand, are used to store media files, such as music and videos, as well as personal documents and archives.

Thus, hybrid drives offer the best of both worlds by combining the speed of SSDs and the storage capacity of traditional hard-disk drives.

For such more question on hard-disk:


to do a case insensitive compare which of the following expressions could be used to test the equality of two strings, str1 and str2?


In order to do a case insensitive compare which of the following expressions could be used to test the equality of two strings, str1 and str2 is :strcmpi (str1, str2);

Explanation: strcmpi function is a string function that is used for comparing two strings in a case-insensitive manner in the C programming language. It's declared in string.h library, and it takes two string pointers as arguments. It returns an integer value that indicates the relation between two strings.

The strcmpi() function compares two strings, ignoring case distinctions. It returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if str1 is found, respectively, to be less than, to match, or to be greater than str2. The function is case-insensitive because it compares only the values of the character codes and does not account for case (upper- or lower-case letters).

Therefore, in order to do a case insensitive compare which of the following expressions could be used to test the equality of two strings, str1 and str2 is strcmpi(str1, str2).

for more such question on strings


Assume the user responds with a 4 for the first number and a 6 for the second number.

answerA = input("Enter a number. ")
answerB = input("Enter a second number. ")
numberA = int(answerA)
numberB = int(answerB)
result = numberA - numberB / 2
print ("The result is" , result)
What is the output?
The result is



1.0 ----------------------------------------

Which of the below is float? Select 2 options.



Answer:2.5 and '2.5'


A float number is a number that isn't whole, like for example a decimal number, so the only floats I saw were 2.5 and '2.5'

I hope you get a 100%

2.5 and ‘2.5’ because float is a number that has a number decimal ¡hope this help!

which of the following task manager tabs on a windows system is used to display the processes owned by each signed-in user?


The "Users" tab in Task Manager on a Windows system is used to display the processes owned by each signed-in user. (Option B)

What is the explanation for the above response?

This tab allows you to view the resource usage for each user, as well as the processes running under each user's account. It can be useful in identifying which user accounts are consuming the most resources and may need to be optimized.

Task Manager is a system monitoring tool in Windows that allows users to view and manage running processes, performance statistics, and startup programs, among other things.

Learn more about  task manager at:


Full Question:

Although part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this full question:

Which of the following Task Manager tabs on a Windows system is used to display the processes owned by each signed-in user?



App history


cross validation (CV) is way of


Cross validation (CV) is one of the technique used to test the effectiveness of a machine learning models, it is also a re-sampling procedure used to evaluate a model if we have a limited data.

The following is a simple C++ program called “My First Program”. Explain the meaning on each line briefly.

#include using namespace std;
int main() {
// Display My First Program cout << "My First ";
cout << "Program";
cout << endl;
return 0; }




This C++ program is a simple example of how to output text to the console.

Here is a brief explanation of each line:

#include: This is a preprocessor directive that tells the compiler to include a library or header file in the program. In this case, the iostream library is being included, which contains functions for input and output.

using namespace std: This line is using the namespace std, which is the standard namespace used in C++ programs. This allows us to use functions and objects defined in the std namespace without having to type out the namespace each time.

int main(): This is the main function of the program. It is the entry point of the program and where the execution of the program begins.

// Display My First Program: This is a single-line comment. It is used to document the code and is ignored by the compiler.

cout << "My First ";: This line uses the cout object to output the string "My First " to the console.

cout << "Program";: This line continues the previous line by outputting the string "Program" to the console.

cout << endl;: This line outputs a newline character to the console, which moves the cursor to the beginning of the next line.

return 0;: This line returns a value of 0 to the operating system, indicating that the program has executed successfully.

T/F. After creating the first model view, SOLIDWORKS places you into Projected View mode where you can add projected views of the model view.


The given statement "After creating the first model view, SOLIDWORKS does not place you into Projected View mode where you can add projected views of the model view" is FALSE because The SOLIDWORKS software toolset provides users with a number of tools to create 2D drawings of their designs.

With SOLIDWORKS, it is easy to generate technical drawings that show various views of the design in the form of orthographic projection views. The first view of a part or assembly is typically called the base view, and it should represent the part or assembly in the default orientation. To generate the base view, you must select a plane, planar face, or named view for the initial orientation. If the model contains an isometric view, you can use this orientation as well.

In conclusion, after creating the first model view, SOLIDWORKS does not place you into Projected View mode where you can add projected views of the model view. Instead, the user must manually select the base view and then add additional views as needed using one of the available tools in SOLIDWORKS.

Know more about orthographic projection views here:


To achieve asymmetrical balance, what might an artist do?
Use a reflection so that the top and bottom half of the image are mirrored.

Use objects that have a different visual weight.

Use objects that have the same visual weight.

Use objects that are repeated across the image.



Answer: B. Use objects that have a different visual weight.

TRUE/FALSE.The Transport layer uses port numbers to identify the source and destination Application-layer protocol of the data that it contains.


The given statement "The Transport layer uses port numbers to identify the source and destination Application-layer protocol of the data that it contains is true because in computer networking, port numbers are used to identify certain protocols or services that are part of an application.

It enables the operating system to manage incoming and outgoing connections through the network's internet Protocol (IP) address.

Port numbers are divided into three ranges: well-known ports, registered ports, and dynamic or private ports. These numbers are typically represented as a 16-bit unsigned integer within a TCP or UDP header. TCP and UDP are two common protocols that use port numbers.

For such more question on networking:


you are the administrator for a domain named internal.widgets. this domain spans a single site (the default-first-site-name site).


The internal.widgets domain spans a single site, the default-first-site-name site. As the administrator for this domain, it is important to understand how to properly manage the Active Directory structure.

The first step is to create organizational units (OUs) that can be used to organize users and computers into logical categories. It is recommended that OUs are created based on department, geographical location, or other criteria that makes sense.

OUs can also be nested in a hierarchical structure to simplify management and delegation of permissions.Next, it is important to set up the appropriate access control lists (ACLs). These will control who has permission to access objects in the domain.

These access control lists can be set on an individual object, OU, or on the domain itself. Additionally, you may need to create security groups that can be used to delegate access to resources on a more granular level.
Finally, you should set up group policies for the domain. These policies control the user experience and can be used to enforce security standards, prevent certain types of activities, and control the type of software that is allowed to run on the network.
In summary, as the administrator of an internal. widgets domain, it is important to understand the basics of managing an Active Directory environment. This includes creating organizational units, setting up access control lists, and creating group policies.

for more such questions on domain.


What does the following binary code translate to? Tip: Use an ASCII "character to binary" chart to help you find an answer. 01101000 01100101 01101100 01101100 011011




The following binary code translates to the word "hello" in ASCII characters.

Using an ASCII "character to binary" chart, we can find that:

01101000 corresponds to the letter "h"

01100101 corresponds to the letter "e"

01101100 corresponds to the letter "l"

01101100 corresponds to the letter "l"

01101111 corresponds to the letter "o"

So the entire binary code 01101000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 translates to the word "hello".

The following binary code translates to the word "hello" in ASCII characters.

Using an ASCII "character to binary" chart, we can find that:

01101000 corresponds to the letter "h"

01100101 corresponds to the letter "e"

01101100 corresponds to the letter "l"

01101100 corresponds to the letter "l"

01101111 corresponds to the letter "o"

So the entire binary code 01101000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 translates to the word "hello".

What is binary code?

The only mainly two states in binary code are off and on, which are often represented by the numbers 0 and 1 in digital computers. Binary code is based on the a binary number system.

Some key features of binary code are-

Electrical pulses that indicate numbers, words, and processes to be carried out make up a binary code signal.

Regular pulses are transmitted by a clock, and transistor switch on (1) and off (0) to pass and block the pulses.

Every decimal number (0–9) are represented in binary code by a group of 4 binary digits, called bits.

A binary number would be a positional number having the base value of two. Two separate numbers, zero and one, make up the binary number system.

A binary number system contains two distinct numbers, zero and one. For all other numbers, these could be used as a substitute. It is widely utilized in electronics and computer-based devices, networking, and digital signal processing because to the benefits of straightforward implementation using logic gates.

To know more about binary code, here


What is displayed if you enter the following code in IDLE?

>>>print(3 + 15)


Answer: 18


If you enter the following code in IDLE:

>>> print(3 + 15)

The output displayed in the console will be:


This is because the code is asking the Python interpreter to add the numbers 3 and 15 together, and then print the result to the console. The sum of 3 and 15 is 18, which is what will be displayed in the output.

Given the following statements, what is the value in AL and the status flags values? (Answer 1 for the flag is set, 0 for clear)
mov AL, 7Bh
add AL, 98h
AL =
Sign Flag =
Zero Flag =
Carry Flag =
Overflow Flag =


The given statements are not provided in the question. Hence, it's not possible to determine the value in AL and the status flag values.

However, let's understand what each flag represents:Sign Flag - This flag is set to 1 when the result of an arithmetic operation is negative. If the result is positive or zero, the flag is cleared.Carry Flag - This flag is set to 1 when there is a carry out of the most significant bit (MSB) during an arithmetic operation. If there is no carry out, the flag is cleared.Overflow Flag - This flag is set to 1 when the result of a signed arithmetic operation exceeds the maximum positive or negative value that can be represented. If the result is within the range of representation, the flag is cleared.In conclusion, the value in AL and the status flag values depend on the given statements, which are not provided in the question.

for more such question on arithmetic


In the program below, which two variables have the same scope?

def welcome(strName):
greeting = "Hello " + strName
length = len(strName)
print (greeting, length)

def average(numA, numB):
sumNumbers = numA + numB
ave = sumNumbers / 2
return ave

myName = 'Jaynique'
myAverage = average(3, 7)
welcome (myName)
print (myAverage)

sumNumbers and ( choices are 3+7 , ave , strName)



sumNumbers and ave have the same scope within the average() function, but are not related to the welcome() function or the myName variable. strName has its own scope within the welcome() function. 3+7 is not a variable, but rather a value that is passed as arguments to the average() function.

which of the following channels can be used so that the access points do not interfere with each other in an 802.11g/n wireless network?


Using channels 1, 6, and 11 is the best way to ensure that the access points do not interfere with each other in an 802.11g/n wireless network.

In an 802.11g/n wireless network, the channels that can be used so that the access points do not interfere with each other are as follows: Channel 1 (2412 MHz)Channel 6 (2437 MHz)Channel 11 (2462 MHz) Each of the above channels has a 22MHz wide bandwidth, and it is suggested that only these channels be used to avoid interference between multiple access points.

In order to avoid interference, only non-overlapping channels should be used. In the 2.4 GHz range, the three primary non-overlapping channels that are recommended are channels 1, 6, and 11, which are the most commonly used channels in most Wi-Fi deployments.802.11n allows for a channel width of 40 MHz, which implies that 802.11n networks use two channels.

As a result, if the recommended channels are used, the only two possible combinations are 1+5 (or 1+6) and 6+10. Since channel 5 is not one of the non-overlapping channels, it can only be used in combination with channel 1 or 2. As a result, using channels 1, 6, and 11 is the best way to ensure that the access points do not interfere with each other in an 802.11g/n wireless network.

for more such question on wireless network


Which of the below are components that can be configured in the VPC section of the AWS management console? (Select TWO.)
A. Subnet
B. EBS volumes
C. Elastic Load Balancer
D. DNS records
E. Endpoints


The two components that can be configured in the VPC section of the AWS management console are the A. Subnet and C. Elastic Load Balancer.

VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) is an Amazon Web Service (AWS) feature that lets you launch AWS resources into a virtual network. You can configure this network on a per-application basis in a protected, isolated, and regulated environment. An Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) is a virtual load balancer that automatically distributes incoming network traffic across multiple targets, such as Amazon EC2 instances, containers, and IP addresses, in one or more Availability Zones. ELB scales your incoming traffic across many targets, and it's a reliable way to ensure that the workload is handled efficiently.

A subnet is a segment of a larger network that has been partitioned into smaller, more manageable pieces. Subnets are sometimes referred to as sub-networks. A network administrator can subdivide an IP network into smaller pieces, allowing for better network management. Subnets are commonly used to break up larger networks into smaller, more manageable sections.

DNS (Domain Name System) records, or DNS entries, are used to associate IP addresses with domain names. DNS is an internet standard that allows computers to translate domain names into IP addresses. Endpoints are utilized to create a RESTful API. When a user wants to communicate with your API, they send a request to a specific endpoint. Therefore, the correct option is A) and C)

Know more about Virtual Private Cloud here:


Which statement is valid with respect to configuring the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) API Gateway?
A single gateway can only be deployed in a private OCI VCN subnet.
A single gateway can be deployed in both a public and private OCI Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) subnet.
A single gateway can be deployed in either a public or private OCI VCN subnet.
A single gateway can only be deployed in a public OCI VCN subnet.


The statement that is valid with respect to configuring the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) API Gateway is: "A single gateway can be deployed in either a public or private OCI VCN subnet."

What is OCI Gateway?

OCI API Gateway can be deployed in either public or private subnets within a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN). Deploying the gateway in a public subnet allows the gateway to be accessible from the internet, while deploying it in a private subnet restricts access to the gateway only from resources within the same VCN or through a VPN connection. The choice of subnet type depends on the specific use case and security requirements.

What different kinds of OCI gateways are there?

Internet, NAT, service, and dynamic routing gateways are examples of gateways in OCI. Data can move from one network to another with the help of a gateway, a network component. It serves as a gate between two networks, as suggested by its name, as all data entering or leaving a network must pass through it.

To know more about OCI VCN visit:-


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