Your general purpose is to _____ when you wish to reinforce, change, or influence the attitudes, beliefs, values, or actions of your audience.


Answer 1

Your general purpose is to persuade when you wish to reinforce, change, or influence the attitudes, beliefs, values, or actions of your audience.

When delivering a speech, presentation, or any form of communication, the general purpose is to persuade the audience when the intention is to reinforce, change or influence their attitudes, beliefs, values, or actions. Persuasion can take various forms, such as motivating someone to take action, convincing them to change their point of view, or reinforcing their current stance on a particular topic. In order to be effective in persuasion, it is essential to understand the audience and their current beliefs and attitudes. Additionally, persuasive communication must include evidence, logical reasoning, and appeals to emotions to make a compelling argument that resonates with the audience.

Learn more about reinforce


Related Questions

______ provide(s) an obvious and plausible explanation as to why income and wealth in the United States have become so concentrated at the top.


There are several possible answers to this question, but one plausible explanation for the concentration of income and wealth at the top in the United States is the concept of "winner-take-all" markets.

In a winner-take-all market, a small number of top performers or companies capture a disproportionate share of the rewards, while the vast majority of participants receive little or nothing. This phenomenon is often seen in industries such as entertainment, sports, and technology, where a few individuals or companies dominate the market and reap enormous rewards.

The winner-take-all effect may be exacerbated by factors such as globalization, technological change, and the decline of unions, which have led to increased competition and reduced bargaining power for workers. As a result, the top earners in these industries are able to command ever-higher salaries and accumulate vast amounts of wealth, while the majority of workers struggle to make ends meet.

To know more about plausible click here:


clarify the term fair discrimination​


Answer: Fair Discrimination is a sensible way to be selective in choosing the right people in recruitment.


If a person is applying to drive a cab then its fair to use "Driver's License" as a criterion.

explain three ways that show how your personal online profile or post could negatively influence a prospective employers view of you during the recruitment process​



Read Below:


Posting or sharing inappropriate content, such as offensive jokes or discriminatory comments, can harm your online reputation and give the impression that you are not a professional candidate. Such content is likely to be viewed negatively by prospective employers as an indication of poor judgment, a lack of integrity, or even a potential liability to the organization. As a result, it's critical to maintain a professional online image and avoid posting anything that could be perceived as offensive or inappropriate.

Inconsistent Information: Inconsistent information, such as mismatched employment dates, qualifications, or job titles, can cause confusion and raise questions about your honesty and credibility. Such inconsistencies may raise a red flag with prospective employers, who may conclude that you are not trustworthy or reliable. It's critical that the information you provide on your online profile matches what is on your resume and other professional documents.

Negative Comments: Posting negative comments about previous employers, colleagues, or clients can give prospective employers a negative impression of you. This could imply that you are difficult to work with, have little regard for others, and are not a good fit for their organization. Prospective employers seek candidates who are professional, respectful, and capable of working collaboratively with others. As a result, it's critical to avoid making negative comments online and instead focus on emphasizing your strengths and positive qualities.

The idea to sell flat-packed furniture came all of a sudden to the founder of IKEA when he saw one of his employees taking the legs off of a table to make it easier to move it. This is an example of


IKEA's founder's discovery of selling flat-packed furniture is an example of serendipity, which is when something unexpected or useful is discovered by chance or while looking for something else.

What is the name for biologically innate patterns of behaviour?

The phrase refers to the innate, biologically defined patterns of behaviour that exist in both people and animals.

What is the name for motivation that is inherent to a species and constant?

the innate propensity of all members of a species to act in a same manner in response to a certain scenario or set of stimuli. Only when a behaviour manifests itself in the same way across all members of a species can it be said to be instinctive. It is necessary for instincts to be innate and species-specific.

To know more about unexpected visit:-


Do most criminals

Do most criminals of abuse and crime have a personality disorder or mental disorder?​


People with mental illness are more likely to be a victim of violent crime than the perpetrator.


please make me brainalist and keep smiling dude I hope you will be satisfied with my answer ^_^


Many studies have shown that offenders commonly have severe personality disorders. Therefore, the root of social problems and issues which result in crime are directly or indirectly related with human personality.Many studies have shown that offenders commonly have severe personality disorders. Therefore, the root of social problems and issues which result in crime are directly or indirectly related with human personality.An important diagnosis is 'Antisocial Personality Disorder' (ASPD), which is the most common diagnosis in prisoners.

Help! Matching questions



1 Full employment

2 public roads

3 Education

4 Environmental protection

5 NAtional defense

6 protecting property rights

TRUE/FALSE. the adolescent brain tends to have more mature pleasure-seeking systems and less advanced ability to deliberately control one's.


It is true that adolescents tend to have more developed pleasure-seeking system and less developed capacity for self-control.

How do you define adolescence?

Adolescence is a time of transitional physical and psychological growth that typically occurs between puberty and adulthood. Although adolescence is typically thought of as occurring during the teenage years, its physical, psychological, or cultural manifestations might start or conclude earlier or later. Between the ages of 10 and 19, adolescence is the stage of life among childhood and adulthood. It is a distinct period in human development and crucial for setting the groundwork for long-term health. Teenagers grow quickly in terms of their physical, cognitive, and emotional development.

To know more about Adolescence visit:


Good films on

The concept of karma?​



hey buddy how are you doing

please make me brainalist and keep smiling dude I hope you will


, 11:14, The Good Place, Soultaker, Dead Again, Fluke, The Craft, Cloud Atlas, District 9, What Dreams May Come, Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds.

FILL IN THE BLANK interest groups are more likely to succeed when their request has ___ salience and when it has ___ conflict


Interest groups are more likely to succeed when their request has low salience and when it has little  conflict.

Salience refers to the degree to which an issue is considered important by the public or policymakers. Interest groups are more likely to succeed in achieving their goals when their requests align with issues that are of high importance to the public or policymakers.

Conflict refers to the degree to which different groups or interests have opposing views or interests on a particular issue. Interest groups are more likely to succeed when there is less conflict surrounding their request, as it is easier to gain support from policymakers and other stakeholders when there is less opposition.

Learn more about Interest groups


TRUE/FALSE.Attacking means to listen specifically to find weaknesses in others and pull those weaknesses out at strategic or embarrassing times.


Attacking means to listen specifically to find weaknesses in others and pull those weaknesses out at strategic or embarrassing times. False

Attacking is not a positive or respectful way of communicating with others. Attacking means to listen with the intent of finding weaknesses in others, in order to exploit them later at strategic or embarrassing times. This is a form of aggressive communication that can be harmful and damaging to relationships.

In contrast, healthy communication involves active listening and seeking to understand others, rather than looking for ways to attack or criticize them. It is important to communicate in a way that promotes mutual respect and understanding, rather than resorting to attacking or aggressive behavior.

Learn more about listen behavior.


Which of the following types of self-disclosure is most likely to lead to feelings of intimacy between individuals? a. Understand b. Apply c. Emotional


Emotional self-disclosure is most likely to lead to feelings of intimacy between individuals. Emotional self-disclosure involves revealing one's emotions, feelings, and vulnerabilities to another person. So the correct option is C.

This type of self-disclosure is intimate because it involves sharing personal and often sensitive information, which can create a sense of closeness and connection between individuals. Emotional self-disclosure can be especially effective in building and strengthening relationships when it is reciprocated by the other person. When two people share emotional self-disclosure, it can create a mutual sense of trust and understanding that can deepen their bond and foster greater intimacy.

Learn more about self-disclosure


write two paragraphs to summarize what you believe are the main points of the theorysocial conflict theory.


Social conflict theory suggests that society is made up of groups in constant competition for power and resources, driven by economic, political, and social inequalities. The dominant group uses its power to maintain its position, often at the expense of the subordinate group, perpetuating the cycle of conflict and inequality.

Following is the summarization of the social conflict theory in two paragraphs: Social conflict theory is a perspective that views society as a collection of groups in constant struggle over power and resources. The theory suggests that society is not harmonious but rather characterized by a constant competition between different groups for control and dominance. According to social conflict theory, this competition is driven by economic, political, and social inequalities that are built into the structure of society, leading to conflict and tension between different groups. The theory emphasizes the importance of power and how it is distributed within society, with the dominant group using their power to maintain their position and protect their interests while the subordinate group is marginalized and exploited.

Social conflict theory argues that social problems and inequalities are not random but rather are the result of the struggles between different groups in society. The theory suggests that the dominant group will use its power to maintain its position, often at the expense of the subordinate group. This can lead to the development of social structures and institutions that reinforce and perpetuate these inequalities, creating a cycle of conflict and inequality. Social conflict theory highlights the role of social change in addressing these inequalities, as the subordinate group seeks to gain power and challenge the dominance of the ruling class, leading to a shift in power dynamics and the potential for a more equitable society.

To know more about social conflict theory here:


true/false. a study of adoptees whose biological mothers were diagnosed with schizophrenia found that the adoptees were most likely to develop schizophrenia


True. Research has shown that adoptees whose biological mothers were diagnosed with schizophrenia are at higher risk for developing schizophrenia themselves compared to adoptees whose biological mothers did not have schizophrenia.

This suggests that genetics plays a role in the development of schizophrenia. However, it is important to note that environmental factors also play a significant role in the onset and course of schizophrenia. Additionally, having a genetic predisposition for schizophrenia does not necessarily mean that an individual will develop the disorder, as environmental factors and life experiences also play a significant role.

To know more about schizophrenia click here:


T/F. Religious people tend to practice the religion of their choosing, but it does not affect their overall lifestyle or their daily choices.


Religious people tend to practice the religion of their choosing, but it does not affect their overall lifestyle or their daily choices. False

Religious beliefs often shape an individual's moral compass, guiding their decisions on issues such as relationships, social behaviors, and personal values. Many religious practices, such as regular prayer, fasting, and charitable giving, also involve specific behaviors and routines that can impact daily life.

Additionally, religious communities can provide a sense of belonging and support that can influence a person's social interactions and lifestyle choices. While some individuals may choose to compartmentalize their religious beliefs from other aspects of their life, it is not accurate to generalize that religion has no impact on a person's overall lifestyle or daily choices.

Learn more about Religious beliefs


true/false. experts say that once a relationship reaches the declining stage, it has deteriorated beyond the point where there are effective strategies for repair


False. While it is true that relationships can deteriorate to a point where they become very difficult to repair, experts do not necessarily agree that once a relationship reaches the declining stage, it has passed the point of no return.

In fact, many experts believe that even troubled relationships can be repaired with the right strategies and effort.

There are a number of strategies that can be effective in repairing a relationship that has entered the declining stage, such as active listening, empathizing with the other person's perspective, expressing vulnerability and honesty, and working together to find solutions to problems. While these strategies may not work in every case, many couples have been able to successfully repair their relationships even after they have deteriorated significantly.

To learn more about declining stage visit;


According to Bonilla-Silva and Gallagher, what is” color-blind “ racism and why is it such a difficult problem?


Answer:Por más de tres décadas, Bonilla-Silva ha elaborado una sociología radical del fenómeno racial en términos ontológicos, epistemológicos y políticos, pues tematiza la raza como un hecho social, privilegia los factores estructurales antes que individuales para explicar lo racial y, por último, no solo devela las dinámicas históricas de jerarquización y conflicto racial, sino también se posiciona él mismo y su trabajo al servicio de la emancipación racial.

es dificil entender por q las personas ahora por sus generos religuiones etc no son capaces de entender lo q puede ser y sentir la otra persona

Explanation:espero te ayude

T/F. When speaking persuasively, it is ethical to omit relevant facts that support alternative viewpoints in an effort to bolster one's argument


When speaking persuasively, it is ethical to omit relevant facts that support alternative viewpoints in an effort to bolster one's argument. The given statement is false.

Doing so would be seen as cherry-picking or selectively providing information to alter the audience's perspective and influence their decision-making.

Presenting a fair and honest viewpoint while giving all pertinent data and taking into account any potential objections is crucial for ethical communicators. Instead of being duped or subjected to manipulation, this enables the audience to make an educated decision based on all the information provided.

Learn more about Effective speaking


What are the three different types of economic resources?


The three different types of economic resources are:

Natural resources: These are resources that come from nature and are used in the production of goods and services. Examples of natural resources include land, water, minerals, oil, and timber.
Human resources: These are resources that come from people and are used in the production of goods and services. Examples of human resources include labor, skills, knowledge, and creativity.
Capital resources: These are resources that are used in the production of goods and services but are not themselves consumed in the process. Examples of capital resources include buildings, machinery, tools, and equipment.
The three different types of economic resources are:

Natural resources: These are resources that come from nature, such as land, water, forests, minerals, oil, gas, and wildlife.
Human resources: These are the people who work and provide labor, skills, knowledge, and abilities to produce goods and services.
Capital resources: These are the tools, machinery, buildings, and equipment used to produce goods and services. They are also called physical resources.

a researcher who is trying to determine how we perceive dialects and accents studies linguists in social and cultural settings.


Edward Sapir, a renowned linguist anthropologist, was Boas' student. But, Sapir wasn't just interested in linguistic studies.


It made up the majority of his output and continues to be the corpus of anthropological research for which he is most known [Sapir and Mandelbaum, 1949].

What is the work of a linguistic anthropologist?

Linguistic anthropologists research the ways in which individuals use language to negotiate, challenge, and perpetuate cultural forms and social interactions. They investigate the ways in which language sheds light on the origins and development of culture and human society.

Who founded linguistic anthropology?

The study of language and language use was given a priority by Franz Boas, who is frequently referred to as the "founder" of American anthropology. This is evident in his Handbook of American Indian Languages (see Boas 2002).

To Know more about development


A relationship in which husband and wife both pursue careers and share housekeeping and childrearing responsiblities is ________.


A relationship in which husband and wife both pursue careers and share housekeeping and childrearing responsibilities is known as a dual-career family.

In this type of family, both partners contribute financially and take on domestic responsibilities, which can help to reduce gender inequalities and promote gender equity within the household.

Dual-career families have become increasingly common in modern society, as more women enter the workforce and traditional gender roles evolve. However, balancing career and family responsibilities can be challenging, and dual-career couples may face unique stressors related to time management, childcare, and work-life balance.

To navigate these challenges, dual-career couples may need to engage in effective communication, negotiate household responsibilities, and support each other's career aspirations. With mutual understanding and support, dual-career families can thrive and achieve a more equitable distribution of labor and resources within the household.

To learn more about dual-career family


TRUE/FALSE. If you want a college degree and have to pass a certain course to get it, and your current instructor is the only faculty member in the college who teaches the course, she has power over you.


It is true that if we want a college degree and have to pass a certain course to get it, and our current instructor is the only faculty member in the college who teaches the course, she has power over us.

Leadership, unlike power, calls for some degree of goal compatibility. One person or group must have control over resources that another person or group values for a power scenario to occur. coercive power is founded on the fear of the negative repercussions of failing to obey. The power that originates from a person's organisational role or position is known as legitimate power. For instance, a manager may allocate projects, a police officer can detain a person, and a teacher can give grades. Others comply with the requests these persons make because they acknowledge the legitimacy of the position, whether they like or agree with the request or not.

Learn more about Power here:


According to materialism, “thoughts” and “feelings” are concepts that belong to an elaborate “folk psychology,” which grew up around our inability to explain the role of the brain in consciousness more precisely.


Materialism holds that "thoughts" and "feelings" are abstract ideas that are a part of complex "folk psychology." Materialists contend that these ideas were established to explain consciousness, a subjective experience that was previously poorly understood.

What is the main idea of materialism?

Everything in the cosmos, including consciousness and mental states, can be described in terms of physical substance and natural processes, according to the materialist philosophical perspective. The brain and the physical processes that take place there, according to materialism, are what create ideas, emotions, and all other elements of consciousness.

Hence, rather than being viewed as essential and irreducible components of human experience, ideas like "thoughts" and "feelings" are understood as being reducible to underlying physical processes in the brain.

What is folk psychology?

Folk psychology is a set of informal beliefs, assumptions, and theories that people use to make sense of the behavior of others and predict their actions. It involves attributing mental states such as beliefs, desires, and intentions to others based on their observable behavior.

Materialists assert that these ideas will ultimately lose their usefulness and be replaced with a more precise scientific vocabulary as neuroscience develops and we learn more about the function of the brain in consciousness.

Learn more about folk psychology here:


FILL IN THE BLANK. Noncustodial fathers who see their children only occasionally tend to take on a(n) __________ style of parenting


Noncustodial fathers who see their children only occasionally tend to take on a permissive style of parenting.

This is due to the fact that they frequently feel guilty about not being regularly involved in their kids' lives and may make up for it by being overly indulgent and lenient when they are together. They might also be less likely to establish and uphold rules and boundaries because they don't want to run the risk of upsetting their kids or further destroying their relationship.

However, this permissive parenting approach can also have drawbacks because kids may not learn crucial morals, self-control, and respect for authority figures. Non-custodial fathers must strike a balance between showing their children love and support and also establishing reasonable boundaries and expectations for them.

To know more about parenting,   here


2.2 Advise teenagers with THREE rules on the use of cell phones in the presence of their parents to minimize conflict in the teenager and parent relationship over the use of cell phones. (3x2) (6)​


Here are three rules for teenagers to follow when using their cell phones in the presence of their parents:

The Rules and their importance

Prioritize face-to-face interactions: When spending time with your parents, try to limit your phone use and engage in conversation and activities that involve them. This shows respect for their time and presence.

Avoid using your phone during meals: Mealtime is an opportunity for families to connect and share their day. Put your phone away during meals to avoid distractions and to show appreciation for the time spent together.

Be mindful of the content you consume: Be aware of the content you view on your phone and how it might affect your behavior and interactions with your parents. Use your phone responsibly and respect their rules and boundaries around technology use.

Read more about cell phones here:


A person who meets ________ of the DSM-5 criteria for substance use disorder would be categorized as having a moderate substance use disorder.


A person who meets four-five of the DSM-5 standards for substance use disorder would be labeled as having a slight substance use sickness.

The DSM-5, or the Diagnostic and Statistical guide of intellectual issues, is a extensively used diagnostic tool in the mental health subject. It includes a list of standards for diagnosing substance use problems, which variety from moderate to excessive.

The criteria include things like tolerance, withdrawal, persisted use despite bad outcomes, and unsuccessful tries to end. The severity of the disease is determined with the aid of the range of criteria which are met, with 2-3 criteria indicating a slight ailment, 6 or extra indicating a excessive disorder, and 4-5 indicating a slight disease.

Learn more about DSM-5:-


look at picture below (if you troll I will get you banned) 20 points ​


The supreme court case mentioned in the phrase is Dred Scott v. Sandford, which enraged the North by stating that slaves were not citizens and should be treated as property. Furthermore, it implied that the Missouri Compromise.

What did the Supreme Court rule in 1857 regarding slavery?

In this decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that as slaves were not citizens of the country, they could not be granted any protection by the federal government or the legal system. According to the opinion, Congress lacks the authority to outlaw slavery on federal property.

What decision by the Supreme Court led to the Civil War?

Dred Scott, a Black slave, fought for freedom in Sandford for ten years. The case eventually made it to the U.S. Supreme Court, which delivered a decision that enraged abolitionists, fueled the anti-slavery movement, and helped pave the way for the Civil War.

To know more about dred scott v. sandford (1857) visit:


describe four physical of stress which could make it difficult for seniors learners to effectively study for their final examination




Muscular Tension: Stress can cause physical tension in the muscles of the body. This can lead to discomfort, pain, and stiffness, especially in the neck, shoulders, and back. For seniors learners, who may spend long periods of time sitting or studying, this tension can make it difficult to focus and concentrate on their studies.

Fatigue: Chronic stress can lead to fatigue and exhaustion, which can make it difficult for seniors learners to stay alert and focused during their final exams. They may struggle to stay awake during long study sessions or feel too tired to retain information effectively.

Digestive Problems: Stress can also affect the digestive system, causing problems such as nausea, bloating, and constipation. These issues can make it difficult for seniors learners to maintain a healthy diet, which is essential for optimal brain function during periods of intense study.

Sleep Disturbances: Stress can interfere with the quality and quantity of sleep, leading to insomnia, nightmares, or restless sleep. Seniors learners who are already at risk of sleep disturbances due to age-related changes may find it even harder to get the rest they need to perform well during their final exams.

North Africa / Southwest Asia is the driest area in the world. Over 2/3rds
of the region is fully desert.
O True
O False


Yes, the answer is true: North Africa/Southwest Asia is the world's driest region. More than two-thirds of the region is desert.

What is the driest region?

North African and Southwest Asian countries span two continents and to have long histories. This region was home to some of the world's earliest civilizations, and it is currently undergoing fast societal change. The environment is harsh, with deserts dominating, with exceptions in Turkey and parts of Iran. Clean water access is a central issue. Agriculture uses a large portion of arable land, but rising population and increased aridity caused by global warming are putting additional strain on this important source.

to know more about driest area visit :


T/F. According to historians, advertising has existed since 3000 BCE, when wooden or stone signs were placed outside shops in ancient Babylon.


"According to historians, advertising has existed since 3000 BCE, when wooden or stone signs were placed outside shops in ancient Babylon. The given statement is true.

Historians assert that advertising has been around for a very long period. Advertising first appears in writing when signs made of stone or wood were posted outside of stores to promote goods and services in prehistoric societies like Egypt and Babylon. For instance, in ancient Egypt, papyrus was used to make wall posters and sales messages, and in ancient Babylon, merchants would hang signs outside their shops to advertise their wares.

Learn more about “ historians “ visit here;


three reasons why it is illegal to discriminant against gender



1) It violates human rights: Gender discrimination violates the fundamental human rights of individuals to equal treatment and protection under the law, regardless of their gender. Everyone has the right to be free from discrimination on the basis of their gender.

2) It undermines equality: Discrimination on the basis of gender undermines equality and perpetuates gender-based stereotypes and biases. This can lead to unequal opportunities, lower pay, and limited access to education, healthcare, and other resources.

3) It is against the law: Gender discrimination is prohibited under various laws and regulations, including the Civil Rights Act, the Equal Pay Act, and Title IX. Discrimination can result in legal consequences, such as fines, penalties, and lawsuits.


with of the fractions are closer to 1 than to 0

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Which of the following is the most likely boot manager to be installed? use the following appropriate amounts to calculate net income: revenues, $11,400; liabilities, $4,000; expenses, $4,200; assets, $17,800; dividends, $1,000. multiple choice a) $7,200 b) $13,800 c) $5,050 d) $6,200 Suppose that Ms. Spencer is currently exhausting her money income by purchasing 10 units of A and 8 units of B at prices of $2 and $4 respectively. The marginal utility of the last units of A and B are 16 and 24 respectively. These data suggest that Ms. Spencer:a. has preferences that are at odds with the principle of diminishing marginal utility.b. considers A and B to be complementary goods.c. should buy less A and more B.d. should buy less B and more 7. A medical technologist notes after observation under the microscope that in one of the samples to be tested, many red blood cells are crenated. Give a possible explanation for this observation.8. 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