
1. Describe how you identified an area of need in your community. Explain what you learned from your local health departments website. Explain what you learned from any other government agencies or nonprofit organizations websites. If you made phone calls or emails, describe what you learned from them. Refer to the notes you took for lesson 8.02. Make sure to explain how you used the information to reach a conclusion about an area of need. (please include the website links in your answer) Answer (5 sentence minimum): (Score for Question 2: 10 points) 2. Describe the data you found. Explain what you learned from your communitys or a nearby communitys Community Health Improvement Plan. Explain what you learned from the data you found on the state department of healths webpage for health behaviors. Describe general trends and also give specific information and numbers. Refer to the notes you took for lesson 8.03. Answer (3 sentence minimum): (Score for Question 3: 10 points) 3. Describe the plan you created to address a community environmental health or safety issue. Make sure to explain why you chose to address that issue, who is going to help you, what you are going to do, when you are going to do it, and where your plan will be put into place. Answer (3 sentence minimum): (Score for Question 4: 10 points) 4. Describe how you plan to monitor and measure progress. Make sure to explain how you set up smaller tasks to accomplish, schedules, and deadlines. Also explain your plan to check on your goals at regular intervals. Answer (3 sentence minimum):